/*eslint-env mocha*/ import chai, {assert} from 'chai'; import sinon from 'sinon'; import frontexpress from '../lib/frontexpress'; import Requester from '../lib/requester'; describe('Test sample from README', () => { let window, requester; beforeEach(() => { global.document = {}; global.window = { location: { pathname: '/', search: '' }, addEventListener(eventType, callback) {} }; requester = new Requester(); sinon.stub(requester, 'fetch', ({uri, method, headers, data}, resolve, reject) => { resolve( {uri, method, headers, data}, {status: 200, statusText: 'OK', responseText:''} ); }); }); it('main sample', (done) => { const app = frontexpress(); // listen HTTP GET request on path (/) app.get('/', (req, res) => { done(); }); // start listening frontend application requests app.listen(); //simulate readystatechange document.readyState = 'interactive'; document.onreadystatechange(); }); it('route handlers', (done) => { const spy_log = sinon.spy(); const h1 = (req, res, next) => { spy_log('h1!'); next(); }; const h2 = (req, res, next) => { spy_log('h2!');}; const h3 = (req, res, next) => { spy_log('h3!'); next(); }; const app = frontexpress(); app.set('http requester', requester); app.get('/example/a', h1); app.get('/example/a', h2); app.get('/example/a', h3); // start listening frontend application requests app.listen(); // simulate readystatechange document.readyState = 'interactive'; document.onreadystatechange(); // make an ajax request on /example/a app.httpGet('/example/a', (req, res) => { assert(spy_log.calledTwice); assert(spy_log.withArgs('h1!').calledOnce); assert(spy_log.withArgs('h2!').calledOnce); assert(spy_log.neverCalledWith('h3!')); done(); }); }); it('app.route()', (done) => { const spy_log = sinon.spy(); const app = frontexpress(); app.set('http requester', requester); app.route('/book') .get((req, res) => { spy_log('Get a random book');}) .post((req, res) => { spy_log('Add a book');}) .put((req, res) => { spy_log('Update the book');}); // start listening frontend application requests app.listen(); // simulate readystatechange document.readyState = 'interactive'; document.onreadystatechange(); // make an ajax request on /book app.httpGet('/book', (req, res) => { app.httpPost('/book', (req, res) => { app.httpPut('/book', (req, res) => { // Yes I know Promise :-) Next evolution assert(spy_log.callCount === 3); assert(spy_log.withArgs('Get a random book').calledOnce); assert(spy_log.withArgs('Add a book').calledOnce); assert(spy_log.withArgs('Update the book').calledOnce); done(); }); }); }); }); it('frontexpress.Router', (done) => { const spy_log = sinon.spy(); const router = frontexpress.Router(); // middleware which is specific to this router router.use((req, res, next) => { spy_log(`Time: ${Date.now()}`); next(); }); // react on home page route router.get('/', (req, res) => { spy_log('

Birds home page

'); }); // react on about route router.get('/about', (req, res) => { spy_log('

About birds

'); }); const app = frontexpress(); app.set('http requester', requester); app.use('/birds', router); // make an ajax request on /birds app.httpGet('/birds/', (req, res) => { assert(spy_log.callCount === 2); assert(spy_log.withArgs('

Birds home page

').calledOnce); assert(spy_log.neverCalledWith('

About birds

')); spy_log.reset(); // make an ajax request on /birds/about app.httpGet('/birds/about', (req, res) => { assert(spy_log.callCount === 2); assert(spy_log.withArgs('

About birds

').calledOnce); assert(spy_log.neverCalledWith('

Birds home page

')); done(); }); }); }); });