![frontexpress](http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=frontexpress&name=Atype%201%20Light.ttf&size=90&style_color=6F6F75) Framework for managing the navigation in the browser with the same API as [express](http://expressjs.com/) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/camelaissani/frontexpress.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/camelaissani/frontexpress) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/camelaissani/frontexpress/badges/gpa.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/camelaissani/frontexpress) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/camelaissani/frontexpress/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/github/camelaissani/frontexpress?branch=master) ![Coverage Status](https://david-dm.org/camelaissani/frontexpress.svg) Let's assume having this html page: ```html
``` Now, listen user/browser navigation and manage frontend workflows with **frontexpress**: ```js import frontexpress from 'frontexpress'; // Frontend application const app = frontexpress(); // navigation raising an HTTP 401 // display an alert app.use((req, res, next) => { if (res.status === 401) { window.alert('Restricted area!!!'); } else { next(); } }); // navigation on path /pages // update the 'content' div app.get('/pages', (req, res) => { document.querySelector('.content').innerHTML = `


`; }); // start frontend application app.listen(() => { // on DOM ready // initiate buttons management // button b1 document.querySelector('#b1').addEventListener('click', () => { // make an ajax request to get page1 content from backend app.httpGet('/pages/page1'); }); // button b2 document.querySelector('#b2').addEventListener('click', () => { // make an ajax request to get page2 content from backend app.httpGet('/pages/page2'); }); // button b3 document.querySelector('#b3').addEventListener('click', () => { // make an ajax request to get restricted page content from backend app.httpGet('/pages/restricted'); }); }); ``` ## Installation ```bash $ npm install frontexpress ``` ## Quick Start The quickest way to get started with frontexpress is to clone the [frontexpress-demo](https://github.com/camelaissani/frontexpress-demo) repository. ## Tests Clone the git repository: ```bash $ git clone git@github.com:camelaissani/frontexpress.git $ cd frontexpress ``` Install the dependencies and run the test suite: ```bash $ npm install $ npm test ``` ## Navigation path and frontexpress routing ### Disclaimer > > In this first version of frontexpress, the API is not completely the mirror of the expressjs one. > > There are some missing methods. Currently, the use, get, post... methods having a middleware array as parameter are not available. > The string pattern to define route paths is not yet implemented. > > Obviously, the objective is to have the same API as expressjs when the methods make sense browser side. > ### Basic routing Listen navigation (GET request) on path /hello: ```js app.get('/hello', (req, res) => { window.alert('Hello World'); }); ``` Listen a POST request on path /item: ```js app.post('/item', (req, res) => { window.alert('Got a POST request at /item'); }); ``` ### Routing based on RegExp Listen navigation on paths which start with /api/: ```js app.get(/^api\//, (req, res) => { console.log(`api was requested ${req.uri}`); }); ``` ### Chain handlers You can provide multiple handlers functions on a navigation path. Invoking ```next()``` function allows to chain the handlers. At the opposite, when the ```next()``` method is not called the handler chain is stopped. ```js const h1 = (req, res, next) => { console.log('h1!'); next(); }; const h2 = (req, res, next) => { console.log('h2!') }; const h3 = (req, res, next) => { console.log('h3!'); next(); }; app.get('/example/a', h1); app.get('/example/a', h2); app.get('/example/a', h3); ``` On navigation on path /example/a, the browser console displays the following: ``` h1! h2! ``` h3 is ignored because ```next()``` function was not invoked. ### app.route() You can create chainable route handlers for a route path by using ```app.route()```. ```js app.route('/book') .get((req, res) => { console.log('Get a random book') }) .post((req, res) => { console.log('Add a book') }) .put((req, res) => { console.log('Update the book') }); ``` ### frontexpress.Router Use the ```frontexpress.Router``` class to create modular, mountable route handlers. Create a router file named ```birds.js```: ```js import frontexpress from 'frontexpress'; const router = frontexpress.Router(); // specific middleware for this router router.use((req, res, next) => { console.log(`Time: ${Date.now()}`); next(); }); // listen navigation on the home page router.get('/', (req, res) => { document.querySelector('.content').innerHTML = '

Birds home page

'; }); // listen navigation on the about page router.get('/about', (req, res) => { document.querySelector('.content').innerHTML = '

About birds

'; }); export default router; ``` Then, load the router module in the app: ```js import birds from './birds'; ... app.use('/birds', birds); ``` ## API | | Method | Short description | | :------------- | :--------------| :----------------- | |Frontexpress ||| ||[frontexpress()](https://github.com/camelaissani/frontexpress/blob/master/docs/frontexpress.md#frontexpress-1)|Creates an instance of application| ||[frontexpress.Router()](https://github.com/camelaissani/frontexpress/blob/master/docs/frontexpress.md#frontexpressrouter)|Creates a Router object| ||[frontexpress.Middleware()](https://github.com/camelaissani/frontexpress/blob/master/docs/frontexpress.md#frontexpressmiddleware)|Creates a Middleware object| |||| |Application ||| ||[set(setting, value)](https://github.com/camelaissani/frontexpress/blob/master/docs/application.md#applicationsetsetting-val)|Assigns a setting| ||[listen(callback)](https://github.com/camelaissani/frontexpress/blob/master/docs/application.md#applicationlistencallback)|Starts the application| ||[route(uri)](https://github.com/camelaissani/frontexpress/blob/master/docs/application.md#applicationrouteuri)|Gets a Router initialized with a root path| ||[use(uri, middleware)](https://github.com/camelaissani/frontexpress/blob/master/docs/application.md#applicationuseuri-middleware)|Sets a middleware| |||| ||[get(uri, middleware)](https://github.com/camelaissani/frontexpress/blob/master/docs/application.md#applicationgeturi-middleware-applicationposturi-middleware)|Applies a middleware on given path for a GET request| ||[post(uri, middleware)](https://github.com/camelaissani/frontexpress/blob/master/docs/application.md#applicationgeturi-middleware-applicationposturi-middleware)|Applies a middleware on given path for a POST request| ||[put(uri, middleware)](https://github.com/camelaissani/frontexpress/blob/master/docs/application.md#applicationgeturi-middleware-applicationposturi-middleware)|Applies a middleware on given path for a PUT request| ||[delete(uri, middleware)](https://github.com/camelaissani/frontexpress/blob/master/docs/application.md#applicationgeturi-middleware-applicationposturi-middleware)|Applies a middleware on given path for a DELETE request| |||| ||[httpGet(request, success, failure)](https://github.com/camelaissani/frontexpress/blob/master/docs/application.md#applicationhttpgetrequest-success-failure-applicationhttppostrequest-success-failure)|Invokes a GET ajax request| ||[httpPost(request, success, failure)](https://github.com/camelaissani/frontexpress/blob/master/docs/application.md#applicationhttpgetrequest-success-failure-applicationhttppostrequest-success-failure)|Invokes a POST ajax request| ||[httpPut(request, success, failure)](https://github.com/camelaissani/frontexpress/blob/master/docs/application.md#applicationhttpgetrequest-success-failure-applicationhttppostrequest-success-failure)|Invokes a PUT ajax request| ||[httpDelete(request, success, failure)](https://github.com/camelaissani/frontexpress/blob/master/docs/application.md#applicationhttpgetrequest-success-failure-applicationhttppostrequest-success-failure)|Invokes a DELETE ajax request| |||| |Router ||| ||[use(middleware)](https://github.com/camelaissani/frontexpress/blob/master/docs/router.md#routerusemiddleware)|Sets a middleware| ||[all(middleware)](https://github.com/camelaissani/frontexpress/blob/master/docs/router.md#routerallmiddleware)|Sets a middleware on all HTTP method requests| |||| ||[get(uri, middleware)](https://github.com/camelaissani/frontexpress/blob/master/docs/router.md#routergeturi-middleware-routerposturi-middleware)|Applies a middleware on given path for a GET request| ||[post(uri, middleware)](https://github.com/camelaissani/frontexpress/blob/master/docs/router.md#routergeturi-middleware-routerposturi-middleware)|Applies a middleware on given path for a POST request| ||[put(uri, middleware)](https://github.com/camelaissani/frontexpress/blob/master/docs/router.md#routergeturi-middleware-routerposturi-middleware)|Applies a middleware on given path for a PUT request| ||[delete(uri, middleware)](https://github.com/camelaissani/frontexpress/blob/master/docs/router.md#routergeturi-middleware-routerposturi-middleware)|Applies a middleware on given path for a DELETE request| |||| |Middleware ||| ||[entered(request)](https://github.com/camelaissani/frontexpress/blob/master/docs/middleware.md#middlewareenteredrequest)|Invoked by the app before an ajax request is sent| ||[exited(request)](https://github.com/camelaissani/frontexpress/blob/master/docs/middleware.md#middlewareexitedrequest)|Invoked by the app before a new ajax request is sent| ||[updated(request, response)](https://github.com/camelaissani/frontexpress/blob/master/docs/middleware.md#middlewareupdatedrequest-response)|Invoked by the app after an ajax request has responded| ||[failed(request, response)](https://github.com/camelaissani/frontexpress/blob/master/docs/middleware.md#middlewarefailedrequest-response)|Invoked by the app after an ajax request has failed| ||[next()](https://github.com/camelaissani/frontexpress/blob/master/docs/middleware.md#middlewarenext)|Allows to break the middleware chain execution| ### middleware function After registering a middleware function, the application invokes it with these parameters: ```js (request, response, next) => { next(); } ``` **request**: `Object`, the ajax request information sent by the app **response**: `Object`, the response of request **next**: `Function`, the `next()` function to call to not break the middleware execution chain ### request object ```js { method, uri, headers, data, history: { state, title, uri } } ``` **method**: `String`, HTTP methods 'GET', 'POST'... **uri**: `String`, path **headers**: `Object`, custom HTTP headers **data**: `Object`, data attached to the request **history**: `Object`, object with properties state, title and uri **If the history object is set, it will activate the browser history management.** See [browser pushState() method](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/History_API#The_pushState()_method) for more information about state, title, and uri (url). > uri and history.uri can be different. ### response object ```js { status, statusText, responseText, errorThrown, errors } ``` **status**: `Number`, HTTP status 200, 404, 401, 500... **statusText**: `String` **responseText**: `String` response content **errorThrown**: `Object` exception thrown (if request fails) **errors**: `String` error description (if request fails) ## License [MIT](LICENSE)