balzack 43aa246605
Some checks are pending
CI / CI (push) Waiting to run
fixing channel detail structure mismatch
2025-03-11 22:33:26 -07:00
__mocks__ fixing unit test 2025-03-09 09:22:47 -07:00
__tests__ extending ring test 2025-03-09 22:30:27 -07:00
src fixing channel detail structure mismatch 2025-03-11 22:33:26 -07:00
jest.config.js copy over sdk, will attempt incremental merge in branch 2025-03-03 22:04:16 -08:00
package.json fixing channel detail structure mismatch 2025-03-11 22:33:26 -07:00 adding helper function for contact connect, styling text inputs in mobile app 2025-03-04 21:37:33 -08:00
tsconfig.json copy over sdk, will attempt incremental merge in branch 2025-03-03 22:04:16 -08:00
tsup.config.ts copy over sdk, will attempt incremental merge in branch 2025-03-03 22:04:16 -08:00
yarn.lock copy over sdk, will attempt incremental merge in branch 2025-03-03 22:04:16 -08:00

DatabagClientSDK provides a typescript interface for communication over the decentralized Databag network.

The API is provided through a set of interfaces; each interface groups methods by their functionality and only need to be allocated as needed. The platform specific implementations of storage and cryptography are defined externally and are also provided to the SDK through interfaces.


The SDK must first be allocated

    The Params argument specifies the data to syncrhonize. The crypto, staging and log arguments are provided by implementing the Crypto, Staging and Logging interface respectively.

    new DatabagClientSDK(params: Params, crypto?: Crypto, staging?: Staging, log?: Logging)

Account communcation is provided through the Session interface

    Login provides a Session through an account login

    DatabacgClientSDK::login(handle: string, password: string, node: string, secure: boolean, mfaCode: string | null, params: SessionParams): Promise<Session>

    Access provides a Session through token access to an account when password is forgotten

    DatabacgClientSDK::access(node: string, secure: boolean, token: string, params: SessionParams): Promise<Session>

    Create provides a Session to a newly created account

    DatabacgClientSDK::create(handle: string, password: string, node: string, secure: boolean, token: string | null, params: SessionParams): Promise<Session>

    Available returns the number of accounts that can be publically created

    DatabacgClientSDK::available(node: string, secure: boolean): Promise<number>

    Username returns whether the username is available for account creation

    DatabacgClientSDK::username(name: string, token: string, node: string, secure: boolean): Promise<boolean>

    Logout releases the Session interface

    DatabacgClientSDK::logout(session: Session, all: boolean): Promise<void>

    Remove releases the Session interface and deletes the account from the server

    DatabacgClientSDK::remove(session: Session): Promise<void>

    Storage can then be provided to the SDK to persist sessions

    Mobile apps typically use the offline store where most of the relational data is saved. The sql param is provided by implementing the SqlStore interface.

    DatabacgClientSDK::initOfflineStore(sql: SqlStore): Promise<Session | null>

    Browser apps typically use the online store where minimal session data is saved. The web param is provided by implementing the WebStore interface.

    DatabacgClientSDK::initOnlineStore(web: WebStore): Promise<Session | null>

Admin communcation is provided through the Service interface

    Configure allocates the Service interface for the server

    DatabacgClientSDK::configure(node: string, secure: boolean, token: string, mfaCode: string | null): Promise<Service>

Account Communication

Session provides connectivity status and divides the account communication into separate modules

    Account Settings are managed through the Settings interface

    Session::getSettings(): Settings

    Account Profile is managed through the Identity interface

    Session::getIdentity(): Identity

    Account Contacts are managed through the Contact Inferface

    Session::getContact(): Contact

    Account and Contact channels are managed through the Content Interface

    Session::getContent(): Content

    WebRTC calling is managed through the Ring Interface

    Session::getRing(): Ring

    Management of an active content channel is provided through the Focus Interface

    Session::setFocus(cardId: string | null, channelId: string): Focus
    Session::clearFocus(focus: Focus): void

    The connectivity status is provided through a status lisenter

    Session::addStatusListener(ev: (status: string) => void): void
    Session::removeStatusListener(ev: (status: string) => void): void

Settings interface module manages the account access settings

    The login and password for the account can be changed through the setLogin method

    Settings::setLogin(username: string, password: string): Promise<void>

    Check if the specified username is available

    Settings::getUsernameStatus(username: string): Promise<boolean>

    Push notifications to the user's device can be enabled through enableNotifications

    Settings::enableNotifications(): Promise<void>

    Push notifications to the user's device can be disabled through disableNotifications

    Settings::disableNotifications(): Promise<void>

    The account will be visible in the server registry when enabled through enableRegistry

    Settings::enableRegistry(): Promise<void>

    The account will not be visible in the server registry when disabled through disableRegistry

    Settings::disableRegistry(): Promise<void>

    Multi-Factor authentication is enabled through enableMFA

    Settings::enableMFA(): Promise<{ secretImage: string, secretText: string }>

    Multi-Factor authentication is disabled with disableMFA

    Settings::disableMFA(): Promise<void>

    Once enabled the Mutli-Factor authentication must be confirmed before it will be required for login

    Settings::confirmMFA(code: string): Promise<void>

    End-to-End encryption is enabled by setting up a client key with setSeal

    Settings::setSeal(password: string): Promise<void>

    End-to-End encryption is disabled and the key deleted with clearSeal

    Settings::clearSeal(): Promise<void>

    End-to-End encryption can be enabled of other devices by unlocking the key with unlockSeal

    Settings::unlockSeal(password: string): Promise<void>

    End-to-End encryption is disabled, but the key remains locked with forgetSeal

    Settings::forgetSeal(): Promise<void>

    The current configuration can be accessed through a Config listener

    Settings::addConfigListener(ev: (config: Cofnig) => void): void
    Settings::removeConfigListener(ev: (config: Config) => void): void

Identity interface module manages the account profile

    The text details of the profile are set with setProfileData

    Identity::setProfileData(name: string, location: string, description: string): Promise<void>

    The profile image is set with setProfileImage

    Identity::setProfileImage(image: string): Promise<void>

    A direct url to retrieve the profile image is provided with getProfileImageUrl

    Identity:::getProfileImageUrl(): string

    The current profile can be access with a Profile listener

    Identity::addProfileListener(ev: (profile: Profile) => void): void
    Identity::removeProfileListener(ev: (profile: Profile) => void): void

Contact interface module manages contacts and their connected state

    The current contacts can be access with a Card listener

    Contact::addCardListener(ev: (cards: Card[]) => void): void

    Contact::removeCardListener(ev: (cards: Card[]) => void): void

    A new contact can be added to the account through the addCard method, the id of the card is returned

    Contact::addCard(server: string, guid: string): Promise<string>

    A contact is removed the the account through the removeCard method

    Contact::removeCard(cardId: string): Promise<void>

    Attempt synchronization of contact data if previously failed

    Contact::resyncCard(cardId: string): Promise<void>

    Initiate or accept a contact connection with connectCard to share data

    Contact::connectCard(cardId: string): Promise<void>

    A new contact can be added to the account and initiate connection through the addAndConnectCard method

    Contact::addAndConnectCard(server: string, guid: string): Promise<void>

    Save contact of connection request without accepting connection with confirmCard

    Contact::confirmCard(cardId: string): Promise<void>

    Disconnect or cancel from a contact with diconnectCard to stop sharing with that contact

    Contact::disconnectCard(cardId: string): Promise<void>

    Deny a connection request from a contact with denyCard

    Contact::denyCard(cardId: string): Promise<void>

    Ignore a connection request from a contact with ignoreCard

    Contact::ignoreCard(cardId: string): Promise<void>

    Cancel your connection request to a contact with cancelCard

    Contact::cancelCard(cardId: string): Promise<void>

    Get list of searchable accounts of specified server with getRegistry

    Contact::getRegistry(handle: string | null, server: string | null): Promise<Profile[]>

    Block or unblock contact to hide locally with setBlockedCard

    Contact::setBlockedCard(cardId: string, boolean: blocked): Promise<void>

    Get list of all blocked contacts with getBlockedCards

    Contact::getBlockedCards(): Promise<Card[]>

    Flag contact to node admin for review with flagCard

    Contact::flagCard(cardId: string): Promise<void>

    Request a peer-to-peer link to a contact

    Contact::callCard(cardId: string): Promise<Link>

Content interface module manages hosted and contact shared channels

    The current channels can be access with a Channel listener

    Content::addChannelListener(ev: (arg: { channels: Channel[], cardId: string | null }) => void): void

    Content::removeChannelListener(ev: (arg: { channels: Channel[], cardId: string | null }) => void): void

    Add a new channel shared with specified contacts with addChannel

    Content::addChannel(sealed: boolean, type: string, subject: any, cardIds: string[]): Promise<string>

    Remove a hosted channel with removeChannel

    Content::removeChannel(channelId: string): Promise<void>

    Leave a channel hosted by a contact with leaveChannel

    Content::leaveChannel(cardId: string, channelId: string): Promise<void>

    Update the subject on specified channel

    Content::setChannelSubject(channelId: string, type: string, subject: any): Promise<void>

    Add member to specified channel

    Content::setChannelCard(channelId: string, cardId: string): Promise<void>

    Remove member from specified channel

    Content::clearChannelCard(channelId: string, cardId: string): Promise<void>

    Enable or disable push notification associated with specified channel

    Content::setChannelNotifications(cardId: string | null, channelId: string, enabled: boolean): Promise<void>

    Get whether notifications are enabled on specified channel

    Content::getChannelNotifications(cardId: string | null, channelId: string): Promise<boolean>

    Mark channel as read or unread with setUnreadChannel

    Content::setUnreadChannel(cardId: string | null, channelId: string, unread: boolean): Promise<void>

    Block or unblock channel with setBlockedChannel

    Content::setBlockedChannel(cardId: string | null, channelId: string, boolean: blocked): Promise<void>

    Get list of all blocked channels with getBlockedChannels

    Content::getBlockedChannels(): Promise<Channel[]>

    Flag channel for review by admin with flagChannel

    Content::flagChannel(cardId: string | null, channelId: string): Promise<void>

Focus interface module manages the topics on an activated channel

    The current topics can be accessed with a Topic listener

    Focus::addTopicListener(ev: (arg: { topics: Topic[] | null }) => void): void Focus::removeTopicListener(ev: (arg: { topics: Topic[] }) => void): void

    The channel configuration can be accessed with a FocusDetail listener

    Focus::addDetailListener(ev: (focused: { cardId: string | null, channelId: string, detail: FocusDetail | null }) => void): void Focus::removeDetailListener(ev: (focused: { cardId: string | null, channelId: string, detail: FocusDetail | null }) => void): void

    The current channel id can be retrieved with the helper function getFocused

    Focus::getFocused(): {cardId: null|string, channelId: string}

    Adding a topic can be done through the addTopic method

    Focus::addTopic(sealed: boolean, type: string, subject: (assets: {assetId: string, appId: string}[])=>any, assets: AssetSource[], progress: (percent: number)=>boolean): Promise<string>

    Update a topic subject with setTopicSubject

    Focus::setTopicSubject(topicId: string, type: string, subject: (assets: {assetId: string, appId: string}[])=>any, files: AssetSource[], progress: (percent: number)=>boolean): Promise<void>

    Delete a topic with removeTopic

    Focus::removeTopic(topicId: string): Promise<void>

    Retrieve more than the initial topic back in listener with viewMoreTopics

    Focus::viewMoreTopics(): Promise<void>

    Generate URL for retrieve a topic asset, sealed assets are retrieved and decrypted locally

    Focus::getTopicAssetUrl(topicId: string, assetId: string, progress?: (percent: number) => boolean|void): Promise<string>

    Flag topic for abuse

    Focus::flagTopic(topicId: string): Promise<void>

    Set blocked flag associated with topic

    Focus::setBlockTopic(topicId: string): Promise<void>

    Clear blocked flag associated with topic

    Focus::clearBlockTopic(topicId: string): Promise<void>

Ring interface module manages incoming link requests

    The current calls can accessed with a call listener

    Ring::addRingingListener(ev: (calls: { cardId: string, callId: string }[]) => void): void Ring::removeRingingListener(ev: (calls: { cardId: string, callId: string }[]) => void): void

    Accept an incoming link request with accept

    Link::accept(cardId: string, callId: string, contactNode: string): Promise<Link>

    Decline an incoming link notifying requestor

    Link::decline(cardId: string, callId: string, contactNode: string): Promise<void>

    Ignore an incoming link request without notifying requestor

    Link::ignore(cardId: string, callId: string): Promise<void>

Link interface module manages a proxied link between contacts

    The connection status can be accessed with a status listener

    Link::setStatusListener(ev: (status: string) => Promise<void>): void Link::clearStatusListener(): void

    The messages are received through through a listener

    Link::setMessageListener(ev: (message: any) => Promise<void>): void Link::clearMessageListener(): void

    Messages are sent to contact through sendMessage

    Link::sendMessage(message: any): Promise<void>

    WebRTC ICE params are provided through a dedicated method

    Link::getIce(): { urls: string; username: string; credential: string }[]

    Close is called to close the connection

    Link::close(): Promise<void>

Admin Communication

Service interface manages accounts and server configuration

    Retrieve the list of account on the server

    Service::getMembers(): Promise<Member[]>

    Create a token allowing for the creation of an account when the server is private

    Service::createMemberAccess(): Promise<string>

    Create a token allowing for access to an account without password

    Service::resetMemberAccess(): Promise<string>

    Enable or disable specified account on the server

    Service::blockMember(memberId: number, blocked: boolean): Promise<void>

    Delete specified account from the server

    Service::removeMember(memberId: number): Promise<void>

    Retrieve current server configuration

    Service::getSetup(): Promise<Setup>

    Update the server configuration

    Service::getSetup(): Promise<Setup>

    Check if multi-factor authentication is enabled for admin access

    Service::checkMFAuth(): Promise<boolean>

    Retrieve mutli-factor authentication values to be confirmed

    Service::enableMFAuth(): Promise<{ image: string, text: string }>

    Confirm multi-factor authentication values to complete the enable process

    Service::confirmMFAuth(code: string): Promise<void>

    Disable multi-factor auth for admin access

    Service::disableMFAuth(): Promise<void>