package databag import ( "databag/internal/store" "errors" "" ) //CNFPushSupported for allowing push notifications const CNFPushSupported = "push_notifications" //CNFEnableOpenAccess for allowing for public account creation const CNFEnableOpenAccess = "open_access" //CNFOpenAccessLimit for limiting number of accounts for public creation const CNFOpenAccessLimit = "account_limit" //CNFConfigured set when admin token has been set const CNFConfigured = "configured" //CNFToken identifies the admin token const CNFToken = "token" //CNFDomain identifies the configured server hostname const CNFDomain = "domain" //CNFStorage specifies the storage limit per account const CNFStorage = "storage" //CNFAssetPath specifies the path to store assets const CNFAssetPath = "asset_path" //CNFScriptPath specifies the path where transform scripts are found const CNFScriptPath = "script_path" //CNFAllowUnsealed specified if plantext channels can be created const CNFAllowUnsealed = "allow_unsealed" //CNFEnableImage specifies whether node can process image assets const CNFEnableImage = "enable_image" //CNFEnableAudio specifies whether node can process audio assets const CNFEnableAudio = "enable_audio" //CNFEnableVideo specifies whether node can process video assets const CNFEnableVideo = "enable_video" //CNFEnableBinary specifies whether node can attach binary asset const CNFEnableBinary = "enable_binary" //CNFKeyType specifies the type of key to use for identity const CNFKeyType = "key_type" //CNFEnableIce specifies whether webrtc is enabled const CNFEnableIce = "enable_ice" //CNFIceMode specifies if turn service is used const CNFIceService = "ice_service" //CNFIceUrl specifies the ice candidate url const CNFIceUrl = "ice_url" //CNFIceUrl specifies the ice candidate username const CNFIceUsername = "ice_username" //CNFIceUrl specifies the ice candidate url const CNFIcePassword = "ice_password" //CNFMFAFailedTime start of mfa failure window const CNFMFAFailedTime = "mfa_failed_time" //CNFMFAFailedCount number of failures in window const CNFMFAFailedCount = "mfa_failed_count" //CNFMFARequired specified if mfa enabled for admin const CNFMFAEnabled = "mfa_enabled" //CNFMFAConfirmed specified if mfa has been confirmed for admin const CNFMFAConfirmed = "mfa_confirmed" //CNFMFAAlgorirthm specifies internal mfa alogirhtm to use const CNFMFAAlgorithm = "mfa_algorithm" //CNFMFASecret specified the mfa secret const CNFMFASecret = "mfa_secret" //CNFAdminSession sepcifies the admin session token const CNFAdminSession = "admin_session" //CNFWebPrivateKey specifies private key for webpush notifications const CNFWebPrivateKey = "web_private_key" //CNFWebPublicKey specifies public key for webpush notifications const CNFWebPublicKey = "web_public_key" func getStrConfigValue(configID string, empty string) string { var config store.Config err := store.DB.Where("config_id = ?", configID).First(&config).Error if errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) { return empty } return config.StrValue } func getNumConfigValue(configID string, empty int64) int64 { var config store.Config err := store.DB.Where("config_id = ?", configID).First(&config).Error if errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) { return empty } return config.NumValue } func getBoolConfigValue(configID string, empty bool) bool { var config store.Config err := store.DB.Where("config_id = ?", configID).First(&config).Error if errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) { return empty } return config.BoolValue } func getBinConfigValue(configID string, empty []byte) []byte { var config store.Config err := store.DB.Where("config_id = ?", configID).First(&config).Error if errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) { return empty } return config.BinValue }