package databag import ( "time" "errors" "net/http" "" "" "databag/internal/store" ) func AddArticle(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { account, code, err := BearerAppToken(r, false) if err != nil { ErrResponse(w, code, err) return } var articleAccess ArticleAccess if err := ParseRequest(r, w, &articleAccess); err != nil { ErrResponse(w, http.StatusBadRequest, err) return } var groups []store.Label if err := store.DB.Raw("select labels.* from labels inner join label_groups on = label_groups.label_id inner join groups on label_groups.group_id = where groups.group_id in ?", articleAccess.Groups).Scan(&groups).Error; err != nil { ErrResponse(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, err) return } var labels []store.Label if err := store.DB.Where("label_id IN ?", articleAccess.Labels).Find(&labels).Error; err != nil { ErrResponse(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, err) return } // save data and apply transaction var article *store.Article err = store.DB.Transaction(func(tx *gorm.DB) error { articleData := &store.ArticleData{ DataRevision: 1, Status: APP_ARTICLEUNCONFIRMED, TagUpdated: time.Now().Unix(), TagRevision: 1, Labels: append(groups, labels...), }; if res := store.DB.Save(articleData).Error; res != nil { return res; } if res := store.DB.Where("article_data_id is null AND account_id = ?", account.ID).First(&article).Error; res != nil { if errors.Is(res, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) { article = &store.Article{ ArticleId: uuid.New().String(), AccountID: account.ID, Revision: 1, ArticleDataID: articleData.ID, ArticleData: articleData, } if ret := store.DB.Save(article).Error; ret != nil { return ret; } } else { return res } } if ret := store.DB.Model(article).Update("article_data_id", articleData.ID).Error; ret != nil { return ret; } if ret := store.DB.Preload("ArticleData.Labels.Groups").Where("id = ?", article.ID).First(article).Error; ret != nil { return ret; } return nil }) if err != nil { ErrResponse(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, err) return } SetContentNotification(account) SetStatus(account) WriteResponse(w, getArticleModel(article, 0)) }