import { useState, useRef, useContext } from 'react'; import { StoreContext } from 'context/StoreContext'; import { getChannels } from 'api/getChannels'; import { getChannelDetail } from 'api/getChannelDetail'; import { getChannelSummary } from 'api/getChannelSummary'; import { addChannel } from 'api/addChannel'; import { removeChannel } from 'api/removeChannel'; import { removeChannelTopic } from 'api/removeChannelTopic'; import { setChannelTopicSubject } from 'api/setChannelTopicSubject'; import { addChannelTopic } from 'api/addChannelTopic'; import { getChannelTopics } from 'api/getChannelTopics'; import { getChannelTopic } from 'api/getChannelTopic'; import { getChannelTopicAssetUrl } from 'api/getChannelTopicAssetUrl'; import { setChannelSubject } from 'api/setChannelSubject'; import { setChannelCard } from 'api/setChannelCard'; import { clearChannelCard } from 'api/clearChannelCard'; export function useChannelContext() { const [state, setState] = useState({ channels: new Map(), }); const store = useContext(StoreContext); const session = useRef(null); const curRevision = useRef(null); const setRevision = useRef(null); const syncing = useRef(false); const channels = useRef(new Map()); const updateState = (value) => { setState((s) => ({ ...s, ...value })) } const setChannel = (channelId, channel) => { let update = channels.current.get(channelId); if (!update) { update = { readRevision: 0 }; } update.channelId = channel?.id; update.revision = channel?.revision; update.detail = channel?.data?.channelDetail; update.summary = channel?.data?.channelSummary; update.detailRevision = channel?.data?.detailRevision; update.topicRevision = channel?.data?.topicRevision; channels.current.set(channelId, update); } const setChannelDetails = (channelId, detail, revision) => { let channel = channels.current.get(channelId); if (channel) { channel.detail = detail; channel.detailRevision = revision; channels.current.set(channelId, channel); } } const setChannelSummary = (channelId, summary, revision) => { let channel = channels.current.get(channelId); if (channel) { channel.summary = summary; channel.topicRevision = revision; channels.current.set(channelId, channel); } } const setChannelRevision = (channelId, revision) => { let channel = channels.current.get(channelId); if (channel) { channel.revision = revision; channels.current.set(channelId, channel); } } const setChannelReadRevision = (channelId, revision) => { let channel = channels.current.get(channelId); if (channel) { channel.readRevision = revision; channels.current.set(channelId, channel); } } const setChannelSyncRevision = (channelId, revision) => { let channel = channels.current.get(channelId); if (channel) { channel.syncRevision = revision; channels.current.set(channelId, channel); } } const sync = async () => { if (!syncing.current && setRevision.current !== curRevision.current) { syncing.current = true; try { const revision = curRevision.current; const { server, appToken, guid } = session.current; const delta = await getChannels(server, appToken, setRevision.current); for (let channel of delta) { if ( { if ( && { await store.actions.setChannelItem(guid, channel); setChannel(, channel); } else { const { detailRevision, topicRevision, channelDetail, channelSummary } =; const view = await store.actions.getChannelItemView(guid,; if (view == null) { console.log('alert: expected channel not synced'); let assembled = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(channel)); = await getChannelDetail(server, appToken,; = await getChannelSummary(server, appToken,; await store.actions.setChannelItem(guid, assembled); setChannel(, assembled); } else { if (view.detailRevision != detailRevision) { const detail = await getChannelDetail(server, appToken,; await store.actions.setChannelItemDetail(guid,, detailRevision, detail); setChannelDetail(, detail, detailRevision); } if (view.topicRevision != topicRevision) { const summary = await getChannelSummary(server, appToken,; await store.actions.setChannelItemSummary(guid,, topicRevision, summary); setChannelSummary(, summary, topicRevision); } await store.actions.setChannelItemRevision(guid,, channel.revision); setChannelRevision(, channel.revision); } } } else { await store.actions.clearChannelItem(guid,; channels.current.delete(; } } setRevision.current = revision; await store.actions.setChannelRevision(guid, revision); updateState({ channels: channels.current }); } catch(err) { console.log(err); syncing.current = false; return; } syncing.current = false; sync(); } }; const actions = { setSession: async (access) => { const { guid, server, appToken } = access; channels.current = new Map(); const items = await store.actions.getChannelItems(guid); for(item of items) { channels.current.set(item.channelId, item); } const revision = await store.actions.getChannelRevision(guid); updateState({ channels: channels.current }); setRevision.current = revision; curRevision.current = revision; session.current = access; }, clearSession: () => { session.current = {}; channels.current = new Map(); updateState({ account: null, channels: channels.current }); }, setRevision: (rev) => { curRevision.current = rev; sync(); }, setReadRevision: async (channelId, rev) => { await store.actions.setChannelItemReadRevision(session.current.guid, channelId, rev); setChannelReadRevision(channelId, rev); updateState({ channels: channels.current }); }, setSyncRevision: async (channelId, revision) => { const { guid } = session.current; await store.actions.setChannelItemSyncRevision(guid, channelId, revision); setChannelSyncRevision(channelId, revision); updateState({ channels: channels.current }); }, getTopicItems: async (channelId) => { const { guid } = session.current; return await store.actions.getChannelTopicItems(guid, channelId); }, getTopicDeltaItems: async (channelId, revision) => { const { guid } = session.current; return await store.actions.getChannelTopicDeltaItems(guid, channelId, revision); }, setTopicItem: async (channelId, topicId, channelRevision, topic) => { const { guid } = session.current; return await store.actions.setChannelTopicItem(guid, channelId, topicId, channelRevision, topic); }, clearTopicItem: async (channelId, topicId) => { const { guid } = session.current; return await store.actions.clearChannelTopicItem(guid, channelId, topicId); }, clearTopicItems: async (channelId) => { const { guid } = session.current; return await store.actions.clearChannelTopicItems(guid, channelId); }, getTopic: async (channelId, topicId) => { const { server, appToken } = session.current; return await getChannelTopic(server, appToken, channelId, topicId); }, getTopics: async (channelId, revision) => { const { server, appToken } = session.current; return await getChannelTopics(server, appToken, channelId, revision); }, getTopicAssetUrl: (channelId, topicId, assetId) => { const { server, appToken } = session.current; return getChannelTopicAssetUrl(server, appToken, channelId, topicId, assetId); }, addTopic: async (channelId, message, assets) => { const { server, appToken } = session.current; return await addChannelTopic(server, appToken, channelId, message, assets); }, setTopicSubject: async (channelId, topicId, data) => { const { server, appToken } = session.current; return await setChannelTopicSubject(server, appToken, channelId, topicId, data); }, remove: async (channelId) => { const { server, appToken } = session.current; return await removeChannel(server, appToken, channelId); }, removeTopic: async (channelId, topicId) => { const { server, appToken } = session.current; return await removeChannelTopic(server, appToken, channelId, topicId); }, } return { state, actions } }