import { useState, useEffect, useRef, useContext } from 'react'; import { StoreContext } from 'context/StoreContext'; import { CardContext } from 'context/CardContext'; import { ChannelContext } from 'context/ChannelContext'; import { ProfileContext } from 'context/ProfileContext'; import moment from 'moment'; export function useConversationContext() { const [state, setState] = useState({ topic: null, subject: null, logo: null, revision: null, contacts: [], topics: new Map(), createed: null, host: null, }); const store = useContext(StoreContext); const card = useContext(CardContext); const channel = useContext(ChannelContext); const profile = useContext(ProfileContext); const topics = useRef(null); const revision = useRef(0); const force = useRef(false); const detailRevision = useRef(0); const syncing = useRef(false); const conversationId = useRef(null); const reset = useRef(false); const setView = useRef(0); const updateState = (value) => { setState((s) => ({ ...s, ...value })) } const getTopicItems = async (cardId, channelId) => { if (cardId) { return await card.actions.getChannelTopicItems(cardId, channelId); } return await channel.actions.getTopicItems(channelId); } const setTopicItem = async (cardId, channelId, topic) => { if (cardId) { return await card.actions.setChannelTopicItem(cardId, channelId, topic); } return await channel.actions.setTopicItem(channelId, topic); } const clearTopicItem = async (cardId, channelId, topicId) => { if (cardId) { return await card.actions.clearChannelTopicItem(cardId, channelId, topicId); } return await channel.actions.clearTopicItem(channelId, topicId); } const getTopic = async (cardId, channelId, topicId) => { if (cardId) { return await card.actions.getChannelTopic(cardId, channelId, topicId); } return await channel.actions.getTopic(channelId, topicId); } const getTopics = async (cardId, channelId, revision) => { if (cardId) { return await card.actions.getChannelTopics(cardId, channelId, revision); } return await channel.actions.getTopics(channelId, revision) } const getTopicAssetUrl = (cardId, channelId, assetId) => { if (cardId) { return card.actions.getChannelTopicAssetUrl(cardId, channelId, topicId, assetId); } return channel.actions.getTopicAssetUrl(channelId, assetId); } const addTopic = async (cardId, channelId, message, asssets) => { if (cardId) { return await card.actions.addChannelTopic(cardId, channelId, message, assetId); } return await channel.actions.addTopic(channelId, message, assetId); } const setTopicSubject = async (cardId, channelId, topicId, data) => { if (cardId) { return await card.actions.setChannelTopicSubject(cardId, channelId, topicId, data); } return await channel.actions.setTopicSubject(channelId, topicId, data); } const remove = async (cardId, channelId) => { if (cardId) { return await card.actions.removeChannel(cardId, channelId); } return await channel.actions.remove(channelId); } const removeTopic = async (cardId, channelId, topicId) => { if (cardId) { return await card.actions.removeChannelTopic(cardId, channelId, topicId); } return await channel.actions.remvoeTopic(channelId, topicId); } const setSyncRevision = async (cardId, channelId, revision) => { if (cardId) { return await card.actions.setSyncRevision(cardId, channelId, revision); } return await channel.actions.setSyncRevision(channelId, revision); } const sync = async () => { const curView = setView.current; if (!syncing.current) { if (reset.current) { revision.current = null; detailRevision.current = null; topics.current = null; reset.current = false; } if (conversationId.current) { const { cardId, channelId } = conversationId.current; const channelItem = getChannel(cardId, channelId); if (channelItem && (channelItem.revision !== revision.current || force.current)) { syncing.current = true; try { // set channel details if (detailRevision.current != channelItem.detailRevision) { if (curView === setView.current) { setChannel(channelItem); detailRevision.current = channelItem.detailRevision; } } // initial load from store if (!topics.current) { topics.current = new Map(); const items = await getTopicItems(cardId, channelId); items.forEach(item => { topics.current.set(item.topicId, item); }); } // sync from server if (channelItem.topicRevision != channelItem.syncRevision || force.current) { force.current = false; const res = await getTopics(cardId, channelId, channelItem.syncRevision) for (const topic of res.topics) { if (! { topics.current.delete(; await clearTopicItem(cardId, channelId,; } else { const cached = topics.current.get(; if (!cached || cached.detailRevision != { if (! { const updated = await getTopic(cardId, channelId,; =; } if (! { topics.current.delete(; await clearTopicItem(cardId, channelId,; } else { await setTopicItem(cardId, channelId, topic); const { id, revision, data } = topic; topics.current.set(id, { topicId: id, revision: revision, detailRevision:, detail: }); } } } } await setSyncRevision(cardId, channelId, res.revision); } // update revision revision.current = channelItem.revision; if (curView == setView.current) { if (cardId) { card.actions.setChannelReadRevision(cardId, channelId, revision.current); } else { channel.actions.setReadRevision(channelId, revision.current); } updateState({ topics: topics.current }); } syncing.current = false; sync(); } catch(err) { console.log(err); syncing.current = false; //TODO set to unsynced state } } } } } const getCard = (guid) => { let contact = null, cardId, map) => { if (card?.profile?.guid === guid) { contact = card; } }); return contact; } const getChannel = (cardId, channelId) => { if (cardId) { const entry =; return entry?.channels.get(channelId); } return channel.state.channels.get(channelId); } const setChannel = (item) => { let contacts = []; let logo = null; let topic = null; let subject = null; let timestamp; const date = new Date(item.detail.created * 1000); const now = new Date(); const offset = now.getTime() - date.getTime(); if(offset < 86400000) { timestamp = moment(date).format('h:mma'); } else if (offset < 31449600000) { timestamp = moment(date).format('M/DD'); } else { timestamp = moment(date).format('M/DD/YYYY'); } if (!item) { updateState({ contacts, logo, subject, topic }); return; } if (item.cardId) { contacts.push(; } if (item?.detail?.members) { const profileGuid = profile.state.profile.guid; item.detail.members.forEach(guid => { if (profileGuid !== guid) { const contact = getCard(guid); contacts.push(contact); } }) } if (contacts.length === 0) { logo = 'solution'; } else if (contacts.length === 1) { if (contacts[0]?.profile?.imageSet) { logo = card.actions.getCardLogo(contacts[0].cardId, contacts[0].profileRevision); } else { logo = 'avatar'; } } else { logo = 'appstore'; } if (item?.detail?.data) { try { topic = JSON.parse(item?.detail?.data).subject; subject = topic; } catch (err) { console.log(err); } } if (!subject) { if (contacts.length) { let names = []; for (let contact of contacts) { if (contact?.profile?.name) { names.push(; } else if (contact?.profile?.handle) { names.push(contact?.profile?.handle); } } subject = names.join(', '); } else { subject = "Notes"; } } updateState({ topic, subject, logo, contacts, host: item.cardId, created: timestamp }); } useEffect(() => { sync(); }, [card, channel]); const actions = { setChannel: (selected) => { if (selected == null) { setView.current++; conversationId.current = null; reset.current = true; updateState({ subject: null, logo: null, contacts: [], topics: new Map() }); } else if (selected.cardId !== conversationId.current?.cardId || selected.channelId !== conversationId.current?.channelId) { setView.current++; conversationId.current = selected; reset.current = true; updateState({ subject: null, logo: null, contacts: [], topics: new Map() }); sync(); const { cardId, channelId, revision } = selected; if (cardId) { card.actions.setChannelReadRevision(cardId, channelId, revision); } else { channel.actions.setReadRevision(channelId, revision); } } }, getTopicAssetUrl: (topicId, assetId) => { if (conversationId.current) { const { cardId, channelId } = conversationId.current; if (cardId) { return card.actions.getChannelTopicAssetUrl(cardId, channelId, topicId, assetId); } else { return channel.actions.getTopicAssetUrl(channelId, topicId, assetId); } } return null; }, addTopic: async (message, files) => { if (conversationId.current) { const { cardId, channelId } = conversationId.current; if (cardId) { await card.actions.addChannelTopic(cardId, channelId, message, files); } else { await channel.actions.addTopic(channelId, message, files); } force.current = true; sync(); } }, setSubject: async (subject) => { if (conversationId.current) { const { cardId, channelId } = conversationId.current; if (cardId) { throw new Error("can only set hosted channel subjects"); } await channel.actions.setSubject(channelId, subject); } }, remove: async () => { if (conversationId.current) { const { cardId, channelId } = conversationId.current; await remove(cardId, channelId); } }, removeTopic: async (topicId) => { if (conversationId.current) { const { cardId, channelId } = conversationId.current; if (cardId) { await card.actions.removeChannelTopic(cardId, channelId, topicId); } else { await channel.actions.removeTopic(channelId, topicId); } force.current = true; sync(); } }, setTopicSubject: async (topicId, data) => { if (conversationId.current) { const { cardId, channelId } = conversationId.current; if (cardId) { return await card.actions.setChannelTopicSubject(cardId, channelId, topicId, data); } else { return await channel.actions.setTopicSubject(channelId, topicId, data); } } force.current = true; sync(); }, setCard: async (id) => { if (conversationId.current) { const { cardId, channelId } = conversationId.current; if (cardId) { throw new Error("can only set members on hosted channel"); } await channel.actions.setCard(channelId, id); } }, clearCard: async (id) => { if (conversationId.current) { const { cardId, channelId } = conversationId.current; if (cardId) { throw new Error("can only clear members on hosted channel"); } await channel.actions.clearCard(channelId, id); } }, setBlocked: async () => { if (conversationId.current) { const { cardId, channelId } = conversationId.current; if (cardId) { await card.actions.setChannelBlocked(cardId, channelId); } else { await channel.actions.setBlocked(channelId); } } }, } return { state, actions } }