import { useEffect, useState, useRef, useContext } from 'react'; import SQLite from "react-native-sqlite-storage"; const DATABAG_DB = 'db_v090.db'; export function useStoreContext() { const [state, setState] = useState({}); const db = useRef(null); const updateState = (value) => { setState((s) => ({ ...s, ...value })) } const initSession = async (guid) => { await db.current.executeSql(`CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS channel_${guid} (channel_id text, revision integer, detail_revision integer, topic_revision integer, topic_marker integer, blocked integer, sync_revision integer, detail text, unsealed_detail text, summary text, unsealed_summary text, offsync integer, read_revision integer, unique(channel_id))`); await db.current.executeSql(`CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS channel_topic_${guid} (channel_id text, topic_id text, revision integer, detail_revision integer, blocked integer, detail text, unsealed_detail text, unique(channel_id, topic_id))`); await db.current.executeSql(`CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS card_${guid} (card_id text, revision integer, detail_revision integer, profile_revision integer, detail text, profile text, notified_view integer, notified_article integer, notified_profile integer, notified_channel integer, offsync integer, blocked integer, unique(card_id))`); await db.current.executeSql(`CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS card_channel_${guid} (card_id text, channel_id text, revision integer, detail_revision integer, topic_revision integer, topic_marker integer, sync_revision integer, detail text, unsealed_detail text, summary text, unsealed_summary text, offsync integer, blocked integer, read_revision integer, unique(card_id, channel_id))`); await db.current.executeSql(`CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS card_channel_topic_${guid} (card_id text, channel_id text, topic_id text, revision integer, detail_revision integer, blocked integer, detail text, unsealed_detail text, unique(card_id, channel_id, topic_id))`); } const actions = { init: async () => { SQLite.DEBUG(false); SQLite.enablePromise(true); db.current = await SQLite.openDatabase({ name: DATABAG_DB, location: "default" }); await db.current.executeSql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS app (key text, value text, unique(key));"); await db.current.executeSql("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO app (key, value) values ('session', null);"); return await getAppValue(db.current, 'session'); }, setSession: async (access) => { await initSession(access.guid); await db.current.executeSql("UPDATE app SET value=? WHERE key='session';", [encodeObject(access)]); }, clearSession: async () => { await db.current.executeSql("UPDATE app set value=? WHERE key='session';", [null]); }, getProfile: async (guid) => { const dataId = `${guid}_profile`; return await getAppValue(db.current, dataId, {}); }, setProfile: async (guid, profile) => { const dataId = `${guid}_profile`; await db.current.executeSql("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO app (key, value) values (?, ?);", [dataId, encodeObject(profile)]); }, getFirstRun: async (guid) => { const firstRun = await getAppValue(db.current, "firstrun", { set: true }); return firstRun.set; }, setFirstRun: async () => { await db.current.executeSql("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO app (key, value) values (?, ?);", ["firstrun", encodeObject({ set: false })]); }, getCardRequestStatus: async (guid) => { const dataId = `${guid}_card_status`; return await getAppValue(db.current, dataId, {}); }, setCardRequestStatus: async (guid, status) => { const dataId = `${guid}_card_status`; await db.current.executeSql("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO app (key, value) values (?, ?);", [dataId, encodeObject(status)]); }, getProfileRevision: async (guid) => { const dataId = `${guid}_profileRevision`; return await getAppValue(db.current, dataId, null); }, setProfileRevision: async (guid, revision) => { const dataId = `${guid}_profileRevision`; await db.current.executeSql("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO app (key, value) values (?, ?);", [dataId, encodeObject(revision)]); }, getAccountStatus: async (guid) => { const dataId = `${guid}_status`; return await getAppValue(db.current, dataId, {}); }, setAccountStatus: async (guid, status) => { const dataId = `${guid}_status`; await db.current.executeSql("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO app (key, value) values (?, ?);", [dataId, encodeObject(status)]); }, getAccountSealKey: async (guid) => { const dataId = `${guid}_sealkey`; return await getAppValue(db.current, dataId, {}); }, setAccountSealKey: async (guid, key) => { const dataId = `${guid}_sealkey`; await db.current.executeSql("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO app (key, value) values (?, ?);", [dataId, encodeObject(key)]); }, getAccountRevision: async (guid) => { const dataId = `${guid}_accountRevision`; return await getAppValue(db.current, dataId, null); }, setAccountRevision: async (guid, revision) => { const dataId = `${guid}_accountRevision`; await db.current.executeSql("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO app (key, value) values (?, ?);", [dataId, encodeObject(revision)]); }, getCardRevision: async (guid) => { const dataId = `${guid}_cardRevision`; return await getAppValue(db.current, dataId, null); }, setCardRevision: async (guid, revision) => { const dataId = `${guid}_cardRevision`; await db.current.executeSql("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO app (key, value) values (?, ?);", [dataId, encodeObject(revision)]); }, setCardItem: async (guid, card) => { const { id, revision, data } = card; await db.current.executeSql(`INSERT OR REPLACE INTO card_${guid} (card_id, revision, detail_revision, profile_revision, detail, profile, notified_view, notified_profile, notified_article, notified_channel) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);`, [id, revision, data.detailRevision, data.profileRevision, encodeObject(data.cardDetail), encodeObject(data.cardProfile), null, null, null, null]); }, clearCardItem: async (guid, cardId) => { await db.current.executeSql(`DELETE FROM card_${guid} WHERE card_id=?`, [cardId]); }, setCardItemRevision: async (guid, cardId, revision) => { await db.current.executeSql(`UPDATE card_${guid} set revision=? where card_id=?`, [revision, cardId]); }, setCardItemNotifiedView: async (guid, cardId, notified) => { await db.current.executeSql(`UPDATE card_${guid} set notified_view=? where card_id=?`, [notified, cardId]); }, setCardItemNotifiedArticle: async (guid, cardId, notified) => { await db.current.executeSql(`UPDATE card_${guid} set notified_article=? where card_id=?`, [notified, cardId]); }, setCardItemNotifiedProfile: async (guid, cardId, notified) => { await db.current.executeSql(`UPDATE card_${guid} set notified_profile=? where card_id=?`, [notified, cardId]); }, setCardItemNotifiedChannel: async (guid, cardId, notified) => { await db.current.executeSql(`UPDATE card_${guid} set notified_channel=? where card_id=?`, [notified, cardId]); }, setCardItemOffsync: async (guid, cardId) => { await db.current.executeSql(`UPDATE card_${guid} set offsync=? where card_id=?`, [1, cardId]); }, clearCardItemOffsync: async (guid, cardId) => { await db.current.executeSql(`UPDATE card_${guid} set offsync=? where card_id=?`, [0, cardId]); }, setCardItemBlocked: async (guid, cardId) => { await db.current.executeSql(`UPDATE card_${guid} set blocked=? where card_id=?`, [1, cardId]); }, clearCardItemBlocked: async (guid, cardId) => { await db.current.executeSql(`UPDATE card_${guid} set blocked=? where card_id=?`, [0, cardId]); }, setCardItemDetail: async (guid, cardId, revision, detail) => { await db.current.executeSql(`UPDATE card_${guid} set detail_revision=?, detail=? where card_id=?`, [revision, encodeObject(detail), cardId]); }, setCardItemProfile: async (guid, cardId, revision, profile) => { await db.current.executeSql(`UPDATE card_${guid} set profile_revision=?, profile=? where card_id=?`, [revision, encodeObject(profile), cardId]); }, getCardItemStatus: async (guid, cardId) => { const values = await getAppValues(db.current, `SELECT detail, profile, profile_revision, detail_revision, notified_view, notified_article, notified_profile, notified_channel, offsync FROM card_${guid} WHERE card_id=?`, [cardId]); if (!values.length) { return null; } return { detail: decodeObject(values[0].detail), profile: decodeObject(values[0].profile), profileRevision: values[0].profile_revision, detailRevision: values[0].detail_revision, notifiedView: values[0].notified_view, notifiedArticle: values[0].notified_article, notifiedProfile: values[0].notified_profile, notifiedChannel: values[0].notified_channel, offsync: values[0].offsync, blocked: values[0].blocked, }; }, getCardItemView: async (guid, cardId) => { const values = await getAppValues(db.current, `SELECT revision, detail_revision, profile_revision FROM card_${guid} WHERE card_id=?`, [cardId]); if (!values.length) { return null; } return { revision: values[0].revision, detailRevision: values[0].detail_revision, profileRevision: values[0].profile_revision, }; }, getCardItems: async (guid) => { const values = await getAppValues(db.current, `SELECT card_id, revision, detail_revision, profile_revision, detail, profile, offsync, blocked, notified_view, notified_profile, notified_article, notified_channel FROM card_${guid}`, []); return => ({ cardId: card.card_id, revision: card.revision, detailRevision: card.detail_revision, profileRevision: card.profile_revision, detail: decodeObject(card.detail), profile: decodeObject(card.profile), notifiedView: card.notified_view, notifiedProfile: card.notified_profile, notifiedArticle: card.notified_article, notifiedChannel: card.notified_channel, offsync: card.offsync, blocked: card.blocked, })); }, getChannelRevision: async (guid) => { const dataId = `${guid}_channelRevision`; return await getAppValue(db.current, dataId, null); }, setChannelRevision: async (guid, revision) => { const dataId = `${guid}_channelRevision`; await db.current.executeSql("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO app (key, value) values (?, ?);", [dataId, encodeObject(revision)]); }, setChannelItem: async (guid, channel) => { const { id, revision, data } = channel; await db.current.executeSql(`INSERT OR REPLACE INTO channel_${guid} (channel_id, revision, detail_revision, topic_revision, detail, summary, unsealed_detail, unsealed_summary) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, null, null);`, [id, revision, data.detailRevision, data.topicRevision, encodeObject(data.channelDetail), encodeObject(data.channelSummary)]); }, clearChannelItem: async (guid, channelId) => { await db.current.executeSql(`DELETE FROM channel_${guid} WHERE channel_id=?`, [channelId]); }, setChannelItemRevision: async (guid, channelId, revision) => { await db.current.executeSql(`UPDATE channel_${guid} set revision=? where channel_id=?`, [revision, channelId]); }, setChannelItemReadRevision: async (guid, channelId, revision) => { await db.current.executeSql(`UPDATE channel_${guid} set read_revision=? where channel_id=?`, [revision, channelId]); }, setChannelItemSyncRevision: async (guid, channelId, revision) => { await db.current.executeSql(`UPDATE channel_${guid} set sync_revision=? where channel_id=?`, [revision, channelId]); }, setChannelItemTopicMarker: async (guid, channelId, marker) => { await db.current.executeSql(`UPDATE channel_${guid} set topic_marker=? where channel_id=?`, [marker, channelId]); }, setChannelItemBlocked: async (guid, channelId) => { await db.current.executeSql(`UPDATE channel_${guid} set blocked=? where channel_id=?`, [1, channelId]); }, clearChannelItemBlocked: async (guid, channelId) => { await db.current.executeSql(`UPDATE channel_${guid} set blocked=? where channel_id=?`, [0, channelId]); }, setChannelItemDetail: async (guid, channelId, revision, detail) => { await db.current.executeSql(`UPDATE channel_${guid} set detail_revision=?, detail=?, unsealed_detail=null where channel_id=?`, [revision, encodeObject(detail), channelId]); }, setChannelItemUnsealedDetail: async (guid, channelId, revision, unsealed) => { await db.current.executeSql(`UPDATE channel_${guid} set unsealed_detail=? where detail_revision=? AND channel_id=?`, [encodeObject(unsealed), revision, channelId]); }, setChannelItemSummary: async (guid, channelId, revision, summary) => { await db.current.executeSql(`UPDATE channel_${guid} set topic_revision=?, summary=?, unsealed_summary=null where channel_id=?`, [revision, encodeObject(summary), channelId]); }, setChannelItemUnsealedSummary: async (guid, channelId, revision, unsealed) => { await db.current.executeSql(`UPDATE channel_${guid} set unsealed_summary=? where topic_revision=? AND channel_id=?`, [encodeObject(unsealed), revision, channelId]); }, getChannelItemView: async (guid, channelId) => { const values = await getAppValues(db.current, `SELECT revision, detail_revision, topic_revision FROM channel_${guid} WHERE channel_id=?`, [channelId]); if (!values.length) { return null; } return { revision: values[0].revision, detailRevision: values[0].detail_revision, topicRevision: values[0].topic_revision, }; }, getChannelItems: async (guid) => { const values = await getAppValues(db.current, `SELECT channel_id, read_revision, revision, sync_revision, blocked, detail_revision, topic_revision, topic_marker, detail, unsealed_detail, summary, unsealed_summary FROM channel_${guid}`, []); return => ({ channelId: channel.channel_id, revision: channel.revision, readRevision: channel.read_revision, detailRevision: channel.detail_revision, topicRevision: channel.topic_revision, topicMarker: channel.topic_marker, syncRevision: channel.sync_revision, blocked: channel.blocked, detail: decodeObject(channel.detail), unsealedDetail: decodeObject(channel.unsealed_detail), summary: decodeObject(channel.summary), unsealedSummary: decodeObject(channel.unsealed_summary), })); }, getChannelTopicItems: async (guid, channelId) => { const values = await getAppValues(db.current, `SELECT topic_id, revision, blocked, detail_revision, detail, unsealed_detail FROM channel_topic_${guid} WHERE channel_id=?`, [channelId]); return => ({ topicId: topic.topic_id, revision: topic.revision, blocked: topic.blocked, detailRevision: topic.detail_revision, detail: decodeObject(topic.detail), unsealedDetail: decodeObject(topic.unsealed_detail), })); }, setChannelTopicItem: async (guid, channelId, topic) => { const { id, revision, data } = topic; await db.current.executeSql(`INSERT OR REPLACE INTO channel_topic_${guid} (channel_id, topic_id, revision, detail_revision, detail, unsealed_detail) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, null);`, [channelId, id, revision, data.detailRevision, encodeObject(data.topicDetail)]); }, setChannelTopicItemUnsealedDetail: async (guid, channelId, topicId, revision, unsealed) => { await db.current.executeSql(`UPDATE channel_topic_${guid} set unsealed_detail=? where detail_revision=? AND channel_id=? AND topic_id=?`, [encodeObject(unsealed), revision, channelId, topicId]); }, clearChannelTopicItem: async (guid, channelId, topicId) => { await db.current.executeSql(`DELETE FROM channel_topic_${guid} WHERE channel_id=? and topic_id=?`, [channelId, topicId]); }, clearChannelTopicItems: async (guid, channelId) => { await db.current.executeSql(`DELETE FROM channel_topic_${guid} WHERE channel_id=?`, [channelId]); }, setChannelTopicBlocked: async (guid, channelId, topicId, blocked) => { await db.current.executeSql(`UPDATE channel_topic_${guid} set blocked=? WHERE channel_id=? and topic_id=?`, [blocked, channelId, topicId]); }, getChannelTopicBlocked: async (guid) => { const values = await getAppValues(db.current, `SELECT channel_id, topic_id, detail FROM channel_topic_${guid} WHERE blocked=?`, [1]); return => ({ channelId: topic.channel_id, topicId: topic.topic_id, detail: decodeObject(topic.detail), })); }, setCardChannelItem: async (guid, cardId, channel) => { const { id, revision, data } = channel; await db.current.executeSql(`INSERT OR REPLACE INTO card_channel_${guid} (card_id, channel_id, revision, detail_revision, topic_revision, detail, summary, unsealed_detail, unsealed_summary) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, null, null);`, [cardId, id, revision, data.detailRevision, data.topicRevision, encodeObject(data.channelDetail), encodeObject(data.channelSummary)]); }, clearCardChannelItem: async (guid, cardId, channelId) => { await db.current.executeSql(`DELETE FROM card_channel_${guid} WHERE card_id=? and channel_id=?`, [cardId, channelId]); }, setCardChannelItemRevision: async (guid, cardId, channelId, revision) => { await db.current.executeSql(`UPDATE card_channel_${guid} set revision=? where card_id=? and channel_id=?`, [revision, cardId, channelId]); }, setCardChannelItemReadRevision: async (guid, cardId, channelId, revision) => { await db.current.executeSql(`UPDATE card_channel_${guid} set read_revision=? where card_id=? and channel_id=?`, [revision, cardId, channelId]); }, setCardChannelItemSyncRevision: async (guid, cardId, channelId, revision) => { await db.current.executeSql(`UPDATE card_channel_${guid} set sync_revision=? where card_id=? and channel_id=?`, [revision, cardId, channelId]); }, setCardChannelItemTopicMarker: async (guid, cardId, channelId, marker) => { await db.current.executeSql(`UPDATE card_channel_${guid} set topic_marker=? where card_id=? and channel_id=?`, [marker, cardId, channelId]); }, setCardChannelItemDetail: async (guid, cardId, channelId, revision, detail) => { await db.current.executeSql(`UPDATE card_channel_${guid} set detail_revision=?, detail=?, unsealed_detail=null where card_id=? and channel_id=?`, [revision, encodeObject(detail), cardId, channelId]); }, setCardChannelItemUnsealedDetail: async (guid, cardId, channelId, revision, unsealed) => { await db.current.executeSql(`UPDATE card_channel_${guid} set unsealed_detail=? where detail_revision=? AND card_id=? AND channel_id=?`, [encodeObject(unsealed), revision, cardId, channelId]); }, setCardChannelItemSummary: async (guid, cardId, channelId, revision, summary) => { await db.current.executeSql(`UPDATE card_channel_${guid} set topic_revision=?, summary=?, unsealed_summary=null where card_id=? and channel_id=?`, [revision, encodeObject(summary), cardId, channelId]); }, setCardChannelItemUnsealedSummary: async (guid, cardId, channelId, revision, unsealed) => { await db.current.executeSql(`UPDATE card_channel_${guid} set unsealed_summary=? where topic_revision=? AND card_id=? AND channel_id=?`, [encodeObject(unsealed), revision, cardId, channelId]); }, getCardChannelItemView: async (guid, cardId, channelId) => { const values = await getAppValues(db.current, `SELECT revision, detail_revision, topic_revision FROM card_channel_${guid} WHERE card_id=? and channel_id=?`, [cardId, channelId]); if (!values.length) { return null; } return { revision: values[0].revision, detailRevision: values[0].detail_revision, topicRevision: values[0].topic_revision, }; }, getCardChannelItems: async (guid) => { const values = await getAppValues(db.current, `SELECT card_id, channel_id, read_revision, sync_revision, revision, blocked, detail_revision, topic_revision, topic_marker, detail, unsealed_detail, summary, unsealed_summary FROM card_channel_${guid}`, []); return => ({ cardId: channel.card_id, channelId: channel.channel_id, revision: channel.revision, readRevision: channel.read_revision, detailRevision: channel.detail_revision, topicRevision: channel.topic_revision, topicMarker: channel.topic_marker, syncRevision: channel.sync_revision, detail: decodeObject(channel.detail), unsealedDetail: decodeObject(channel.unsealed_detail), summary: decodeObject(channel.summary), unsealedSummary: decodeObject(channel.unsealed_summary), blocked: channel.blocked, })); }, clearCardChannelItems: async (guid, cardId) => { await db.current.executeSql(`DELETE FROM card_channel_${guid} WHERE card_id=?`, [cardId]); }, getCardChannelTopicItems: async (guid, cardId, channelId) => { const values = await getAppValues(db.current, `SELECT topic_id, revision, blocked, detail_revision, detail, unsealed_detail FROM card_channel_topic_${guid} WHERE card_id=? AND channel_id=?`, [cardId, channelId]); return => ({ topicId: topic.topic_id, revision: topic.revision, blocked: topic.blocked, detailRevision: topic.detail_revision, detail: decodeObject(topic.detail), unsealedDetail: decodeObject(topic.unsealed_detail), })); }, setCardChannelTopicItem: async (guid, cardId, channelId, topic) => { const { id, revision, data } = topic; await db.current.executeSql(`INSERT OR REPLACE INTO card_channel_topic_${guid} (card_id, channel_id, topic_id, revision, detail_revision, detail, unsealed_detail) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, null);`, [cardId, channelId, id, revision, data.detailRevision, encodeObject(data.topicDetail)]); }, setCardChannelTopicItemUnsealedDetail: async (guid, cardId, channelId, topicId, revision, unsealed) => { await db.current.executeSql(`UPDATE card_channel_topic_${guid} set unsealed_detail=? where detail_revision=? AND card_id=? AND channel_id=? AND topic_id=?`, [encodeObject(unsealed), revision, cardId, channelId, topicId]); }, clearCardChannelTopicItem: async (guid, cardId, channelId, topicId) => { await db.current.executeSql(`DELETE FROM card_channel_topic_${guid} WHERE card_id=? and channel_id=? and topic_id=?`, [cardId, channelId, topicId]); }, clearCardChannelTopicItems: async (guid, cardId, channelId) => { await db.current.executeSql(`DELETE FROM card_channel_topic_${guid} WHERE card_id=? and channel_id=?`, [cardId, channelId]); }, setCardChannelTopicBlocked: async (guid, cardId, channelId, topicId, blocked) => { await db.current.executeSql(`UPDATE card_channel_topic_${guid} set blocked=? WHERE card_id=? and channel_id=? and topic_id=?`, [blocked ? 1 : 0, cardId, channelId, topicId]); }, getCardChannelTopicBlocked: async (guid) => { const values = await getAppValues(db.current, `SELECT card_id, channel_id, topic_id, detail FROM card_channel_topic_${guid} WHERE blocked=?`, [1]); return => ({ cardId: topic.card_id, channelId: topic.channel_id, topicId: topic.topic_id, detail: decodeObject(topic.detail), })); }, } return { state, actions } } function decodeObject(s: string) { if(s == null) { return null; } return JSON.parse(s); } function encodeObject(o: any) { if(o == null) { return null; } return JSON.stringify(o); } function hasResult(res) { if(res === undefined || res[0] === undefined || res[0].rows === undefined || res[0].rows.length == 0) { return false; } return true; } function executeSql(sql: SQLite.SQLiteDatabase, query, params, uset) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { sql.executeSql(query, params, (tx, results) => { resolve(results); }); }); } async function getAppValue(sql: SQLite.SQLiteDatabase, id: string, unset) { const res = await sql.executeSql(`SELECT * FROM app WHERE key='${id}';`); if (hasResult(res)) { return decodeObject(res[0].rows.item(0).value); } return unset; } async function getAppValues(sql: SQLite.SQLiteDatabase, query: string, params) { const res = await sql.executeSql(query, params); if (!hasResult(res)) { return []; } const values = []; for (let i = 0; i < res[0].rows.length; i++) { values.push(res[0].rows.item(i)); } return values; }