mirror of
synced 2025-02-14 12:39:17 +00:00
adding translations to contact component
This commit is contained in:
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ export const Colors = {
itemDivider: '#eeeeee',
unsaved: '#ffff00',
connected: '#44cc44',
connecting: '#dd88ff',
requested: '#4488ff',
@ -66,6 +67,12 @@ export const LightTheme = {
sectionBorder: '#bbbbbb',
headerBorder: '#aaaaaa',
drawerBorder: '#cccccc',
unsaved: '#ffff00',
connected: '#44cc44',
connecting: '#dd88ff',
requested: '#4488ff',
pending: '#22aaaa',
confirmed: '#aaaaaa',
export const DarkTheme = {
@ -96,5 +103,11 @@ export const DarkTheme = {
sectionBorder: '#777777',
headerBorder: '#aaaaaa',
drawerBorder: '#444444',
unsaved: '#ffff00',
connected: '#44cc44',
connecting: '#dd88ff',
requested: '#4488ff',
pending: '#22aaaa',
confirmed: '#aaaaaa',
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ export const en = {
sealedTopic: 'Sealed Topic',
start: 'Start',
communication: 'Communication for the decentralized web',
communication: 'Communication for the Decentralized Web',
setupProfile: 'Setup your profile',
connectPeople: 'Connect with people',
startConversation: 'Start a conversation',
@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ export const en = {
application: 'Application',
account: 'Account',
name: 'Name',
node: 'Node',
location: 'Location',
description: 'Description',
timeFormat: 'Time Format',
@ -64,6 +65,7 @@ export const en = {
confirmPassword: 'Confirm Password',
deleteKey: 'Type \'delete\' to remove key',
delete: 'delete',
remove: 'Delete',
username: 'Username',
updateProfile: 'Update Profile',
@ -75,6 +77,22 @@ export const en = {
connectingTip: 'Connection Requested',
pendingTip: 'Connection Requested by Unknown Contact',
confirmedTip: 'Disconnected Contact',
unsavedTip: 'Unknown Contact',
actions: 'Actions',
resync: 'Resync',
connect: 'Connect',
disconnect: 'Disconnect',
disconnectContact: 'Disconnect Contact',
deleteContact: 'Delete Contact',
saveContact: 'Save Contact',
saveAccept: 'Save and Accept Connection',
saveRequest: 'Save and Request Connection',
ignoreRequest: 'Ignore Request',
acceptConnection: 'Accept Connection',
requestConnection: 'Request Connection',
cancelRequest: 'Cancel Request',
resyncContact: 'Resync Contact',
export const fr = {
@ -101,7 +119,7 @@ export const fr = {
sealedTopic: 'Sujet Sécurisé',
start: 'Commencer',
communication: 'Communication pour le web décentralisé',
communication: 'Communication pour le Web Décentralisé',
setupProfile: 'Configurez votre profil',
connectPeople: 'Connectez avec les gens',
startConversation: 'Commencez une conversation',
@ -121,6 +139,7 @@ export const fr = {
application: 'Application',
account: 'Compte',
name: 'Nom',
node: 'Serveur',
location: 'Emplacement',
description: 'Description',
timeFormat: 'Format de l\'heure',
@ -143,16 +162,33 @@ export const fr = {
confirmPassword: 'Confirmer le Mot de Passe',
deleteKey: 'Tapez \'supprimer\' pour supprimer la clé',
delete: 'supprimer',
remove: 'Supprimer',
username: 'Nom d\'Utilisateur',
updateProfile: 'Mettre à Jour le Profil',
syncError: 'Erreur de synchronisation',
syncError: 'Erreur de Synchronisation',
callTip: 'Appeler le Contact',
messageTip: 'Envoyer un message au contact',
connectedTip: 'Contact connecté',
requestedTip: 'Demande de connexion envoyée par le contact',
connectingTip: 'Demande de connexion en cours',
pendingTip: 'Demande de connexion envoyée par un contact inconnu',
confirmedTip: 'Contact déconnecté'
messageTip: 'Envoyer un Message au Contact',
connectedTip: 'Contact Connecté',
requestedTip: 'Demande de Connexion Envoyée par le Contact',
connectingTip: 'Demande de Connexion en Cours',
pendingTip: 'Demande de Connexion Envoyée par un Contact Inconnu',
confirmedTip: 'Contact Déconnecté',
unsavedTip: 'Contact Inconnu',
actions: 'Actions',
resync: 'Resynchroniser',
connect: 'Connecter',
disconnect: 'Déconnecter',
disconnectContact: 'Déconnecter le Contact',
deleteContact: 'Supprimer le Contact',
saveContact: 'Enregistrer le Contact',
saveAccept: 'Enregistrer et Accepter la Connexion',
saveRequest: 'Enregistrer et Demander la Connexion',
ignoreRequest: 'Ignorer la Demande',
acceptConnection: 'Accepter la Connexion',
requestConnection: 'Demander une Connexion',
cancelRequest: 'Annuler la Demande',
resyncContact: 'Resynchroniser le Contact',
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { Modal, Button, Tooltip } from 'antd';
import { ContactWrapper } from './Contact.styled';
import { StatusConnected, StatusRequested, StatusConnecting, StatusPending, StatusConfirmed, StatusUnsaved, ContactWrapper } from './Contact.styled';
import { useContact } from './useContact.hook';
import { Logo } from 'logo/Logo';
import { SyncOutlined, UserAddOutlined, UserDeleteOutlined, UserSwitchOutlined, StopOutlined, DeleteOutlined, DatabaseOutlined, CloseOutlined, BookOutlined, EnvironmentOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons';
@ -9,9 +9,6 @@ export function Contact({ close, guid, listing }) {
const [ modal, modalContext ] = Modal.useModal();
const { state, actions } = useContact(guid, listing, close);
const updateContact = async (action) => {
try {
await action();
@ -54,7 +51,7 @@ console.log(state.busy);
<div className="data">{ state.name }</div>
{ !state.name && (
<div className="data notset">Name</div>
<div className="data notset">{ state.strings.name }</div>
{ state.node && (
@ -69,7 +66,7 @@ console.log(state.busy);
<div className="data">{ state.location }</div>
{ !state.location && (
<div className="data notset">Location</div>
<div className="data notset">{ state.strings.location }</div>
<div className="description">
@ -78,91 +75,124 @@ console.log(state.busy);
<div className="data">{ state.description }</div>
{ !state.description && (
<div className="data notset">Description</div>
<div className="data notset">{ state.strings.description }</div>
<div className="actions">
<div className="label">Actions</div>
<div className="label">{ state.strings.actions }</div>
<div className="controls">
{ state.status === 'connected' && (
<Tooltip placement="top" title="Disconnect Contact">
<Button className="button" type="primary" loading={state.busy} icon={<UserDeleteOutlined />} size="medium" onClick={() => updateContact(actions.disconnect)}>Disconnect</Button>
<Tooltip placement="top" title={state.strings.disconnectContact}>
<Button className="button" type="primary" loading={state.busy} icon={<UserDeleteOutlined />} size="medium" onClick={() => updateContact(actions.disconnect)}>{ state.strings.disconnect }</Button>
{ state.status === 'connected' && (
<Tooltip placement="top" title="Delete Contact">
<Button className="button" type="primary" loading={state.busy} icon={<DeleteOutlined />} size="medium" onClick={() => updateContact(actions.disconnectRemove)}>Delete</Button>
<Tooltip placement="top" title={state.strings.deleteContact}>
<Button className="button" type="primary" loading={state.busy} icon={<DeleteOutlined />} size="medium" onClick={() => updateContact(actions.disconnectRemove)}>{ state.strings.remove }</Button>
{ state.status === 'pending' && (
<Tooltip placement="top" title="Save Contact">
<Button className="button" type="primary" loading={state.busy} icon={<UserAddOutlined />} size="medium" onClick={() => updateContact(actions.confirmContact)}>Save</Button>
<Tooltip placement="top" title={state.strings.saveContact}>
<Button className="button" type="primary" loading={state.busy} icon={<UserAddOutlined />} size="medium" onClick={() => updateContact(actions.confirmContact)}>{ state.strings.save }</Button>
{ state.status === 'pending' && (
<Tooltip placement="top" title="Save and Accept">
<Button className="button" type="primary" loading={state.busy} icon={<UserSwitchOutlined />} size="medium" onClick={() => updateContact(actions.connect)}>Connect</Button>
<Tooltip placement="top" title={state.strings.saveAccept}>
<Button className="button" type="primary" loading={state.busy} icon={<UserSwitchOutlined />} size="medium" onClick={() => updateContact(actions.connect)}>{ state.strings.connect }</Button>
{ state.status === 'pending' && (
<Tooltip placement="top" title="Ignore Request">
<Button className="button" type="primary" loading={state.busy} icon={<StopOutlined />} size="medium" onClick={() => updateContact(actions.remove)}>Cancel</Button>
<Tooltip placement="top" title={state.strings.ignoreRequest}>
<Button className="button" type="primary" loading={state.busy} icon={<StopOutlined />} size="medium" onClick={() => updateContact(actions.remove)}>{ state.strings.cancel }</Button>
{ state.status === 'request received' && (
<Tooltip placement="top" title="Accept Connection">
<Button className="button" type="primary" loading={state.busy} icon={<UserSwitchOutlined />} size="medium" onClick={() => updateContact(actions.saveConnect)}>Connect</Button>
{ state.status === 'requested' && (
<Tooltip placement="top" title={state.strings.acceptConnection}>
<Button className="button" type="primary" loading={state.busy} icon={<UserSwitchOutlined />} size="medium" onClick={() => updateContact(actions.saveConnect)}>{ state.strings.cancel }</Button>
{ state.status === 'request received' && (
<Tooltip placement="top" title="Ignore Request">
<Button className="button" type="primary" loading={state.busy} icon={<StopOutlined />} size="medium" onClick={() => updateContact(actions.disconnect)}>Cancel</Button>
{ state.status === 'requested' && (
<Tooltip placement="top" title={state.strings.ignoreRequest}>
<Button className="button" type="primary" loading={state.busy} icon={<StopOutlined />} size="medium" onClick={() => updateContact(actions.disconnect)}>{ state.strings.cancel }</Button>
{ state.status === 'request sent' && (
{ state.status === 'connecting' && (
<Tooltip placement="top" title="Cancel Request">
<Button className="button" type="primary" loading={state.busy} icon={<StopOutlined />} size="medium" onClick={() => updateContact(actions.disconnect)}>Cancel</Button>
<Button className="button" type="primary" loading={state.busy} icon={<StopOutlined />} size="medium" onClick={() => updateContact(actions.disconnect)}>{ state.strings.cancel }</Button>
{ state.status === 'request sent' && (
<Tooltip placement="top" title="Delete Contact">
<Button className="button" type="primary" loading={state.busy} icon={<DeleteOutlined />} size="medium" onClick={() => updateContact(actions.disconnectRemove)}>Delete</Button>
{ state.status === 'connecting' && (
<Tooltip placement="top" title={state.strings.deleteContact}>
<Button className="button" type="primary" loading={state.busy} icon={<DeleteOutlined />} size="medium" onClick={() => updateContact(actions.disconnectRemove)}>{ state.strings.remove }</Button>
{ state.status === 'saved' && (
<Tooltip placement="top" title="Request Connection">
<Button className="button" type="primary" loading={state.busy} icon={<UserSwitchOutlined />} size="medium" onClick={() => updateContact(actions.connect)}>Connect</Button>
{ state.status === 'confirmed' && (
<Tooltip placement="top" title={state.strings.requestConnection}>
<Button className="button" type="primary" loading={state.busy} icon={<UserSwitchOutlined />} size="medium" onClick={() => updateContact(actions.connect)}>{ state.strings.connect }</Button>
{ state.status === 'saved' && (
<Tooltip placement="top" title="Delete Contact">
<Button className="button" type="primary" loading={state.busy} icon={<DeleteOutlined />} size="medium" onClick={() => updateContact(actions.remove)}>Delete</Button>
{ state.status === 'confirmed' && (
<Tooltip placement="top" title={state.strings.deleteContact}>
<Button className="button" type="primary" loading={state.busy} icon={<DeleteOutlined />} size="medium" onClick={() => updateContact(actions.remove)}>{ state.strings.remove }</Button>
{ state.status === 'unsaved' && (
<Tooltip placement="top" title="Save Contact">
<Button className="button" type="primary" loading={state.busy} icon={<UserAddOutlined />} size="medium" onClick={() => updateContact(actions.saveContact)}>Save</Button>
<Tooltip placement="top" title={state.strings.saveContact}>
<Button className="button" type="primary" loading={state.busy} icon={<UserAddOutlined />} size="medium" onClick={() => updateContact(actions.saveContact)}>{ state.strings.save }</Button>
{ state.status === 'unsaved' && (
<Tooltip placement="top" title="Save and Request">
<Button className="button" type="primary" loading={state.busy} icon={<UserSwitchOutlined />} size="medium" onClick={() => updateContact(actions.saveConnect)}>Connect</Button>
<Tooltip placement="top" title={state.strings.saveRequest}>
<Button className="button" type="primary" loading={state.busy} icon={<UserSwitchOutlined />} size="medium" onClick={() => updateContact(actions.saveConnect)}>{ state.strings.connect }</Button>
{ state.offsync && (
<Tooltip placement="top" title="Resync Contact">
<Button className="button" type="primary" loading={state.busy} icon={<SyncOutlined />} size="medium" onClick={() => updateContact(actions.resync)}>Resync</Button>
<Tooltip placement="top" title={state.strings.resyncContact}>
<Button className="button" type="primary" loading={state.busy} icon={<SyncOutlined />} size="medium" onClick={() => updateContact(actions.resync)}>{ state.strings.resync }</Button>
{ state.status === 'connected' && (
<div className="footer">
<div className="status">Status: { state.status }</div>
<StatusConnected />
<div className="status">{state.strings.connectedTip}</div>
{ state.status === 'requested' && (
<div className="footer">
<StatusRequested />
<div className="status">{state.strings.requestedTip}</div>
{ state.status === 'connecting' && (
<div className="footer">
<StatusConnecting />
<div className="status">{state.strings.connectingTip}</div>
{ state.status === 'pending' && (
<div className="footer">
<StatusPending />
<div className="status">{state.strings.pendingTip}</div>
{ state.status === 'confirmed' && (
<div className="footer">
<StatusConfirmed />
<div className="status">{state.strings.confirmedTip}</div>
{ state.status === 'unsaved' && (
<div className="footer">
<StatusUnsaved />
<div className="status">{state.strings.unsavedTip}</div>
@ -208,6 +208,8 @@ export const ContactWrapper = styled.div`
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
gap: 16px;
flex-wrap: wrap;
justify-content: space-evenly;
.button {
display: flex;
@ -241,6 +243,51 @@ export const ContactWrapper = styled.div`
justify-content: center;
padding-bottom: 16px;
color: ${props => props.theme.hintText};
align-items: center;
gap: 8px;
export const StatusConnected = styled.div`
background-color: ${props => props.theme.connected};
border-radius: 8px;
width: 8px;
height: 8px;
export const StatusConnecting = styled.div`
background-color: ${props => props.theme.connecting};
border-radius: 8px;
width: 8px;
height: 8px;
export const StatusRequested = styled.div`
background-color: ${props => props.theme.requested};
border-radius: 8px;
width: 8px;
height: 8px;
export const StatusPending = styled.div`
background-color: ${props => props.theme.pending};
border-radius: 8px;
width: 8px;
height: 8px;
export const StatusConfirmed = styled.div`
background-color: ${props => props.theme.confirmed};
border-radius: 8px;
width: 8px;
height: 8px;
export const StatusUnsaved = styled.div`
background-color: ${props => props.theme.unsaved};
border-radius: 8px;
width: 8px;
height: 8px;
@ -30,26 +30,13 @@ export function useContact(guid, listing, close) {
setState((s) => ({ ...s, ...value }));
const statusMap = (status) => {
if (status === 'confirmed') {
return 'saved';
if (status === 'requested') {
return 'request received';
if (status === 'connecting') {
return 'request sent';
return status;
useEffect(() => {
const contact = getCardByGuid(card.state.cards, guid);
if (contact) {
const profile = contact?.data?.cardProfile;
const detail = contact?.data?.cardDetail;
const { imageSet, name, location, description, handle, node } = profile;
const status = statusMap(detail.status);
const status = detail.status;
const cardId = contact.id;
const offsync = contact.offsync;
const logo = imageSet ? card.actions.getCardImageUrl(cardId) : null;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user