The app is available on fdroid as well as the google and apple stores. You can test out the project [here](, but don't post anything important as this server is regularly wiped. Feedback on the UI/UX, bugs or features is greatly appreciated.
Imagine an internet where the services prioritized creating value over collecting data. Currently, these services exist primarily to subject us to advertisement. Triggering our fears drives engagement, fueling their revenue engine to our detriment. On top of this, these services make us more susceptible to surveillance and censorship.
It doesn't have to be this way. A data model in which we host and are responsible for our data would force internet services to prioritize their actual value, all while protecting us from surveillance and censorship. There is hope in the growing self-hosting community, and for it to be truly transformational, it will need to reach the average non-technical person.
Databag aims to bridge that gap by supporting consumer electronics. The hope is to one day be able to buy an inexpensive device like a router from a store and start self-hosting without any other technical knowledge. While self-hosting provides the most control and legal protections, people could choose to use cloud hosting services for their data when otherwise not possible.
To use databag, you will need a DNS name pointing to your node with a certificate. You can deploy a node manually, but you will have a much easier time using a container service. Containers for arm64 and amd64 are available [here](
Databag provides audio and video calling and relies on a STUN/TURN relay server for NAT traversal. Testing was done with both [coturn]( and [pion]( and should work with any implementation. Instructions for installing a coturn server are provided [here](
If you want to enable audio and video calls, you should setup your own relay server. For testing purposes you can however use the demo relay server configuration. In the admin configuration modal, set: