diff --git a/mdot/mdot_server/mdot_server/app/css/test.css b/mdot/mdot_server/mdot_server/app/css/test.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19ca14e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mdot/mdot_server/mdot_server/app/css/test.css
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+.panel {
+ background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.95);
+ }
diff --git a/mdot/mdot_server/mdot_server/app/js/mdot.js b/mdot/mdot_server/mdot_server/app/js/mdot.js
index b1327a0..980e16d 100644
--- a/mdot/mdot_server/mdot_server/app/js/mdot.js
+++ b/mdot/mdot_server/mdot_server/app/js/mdot.js
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
(function($) {
+ var GraphView;
var mqttConfig = {
orgId: 'qz0da4',
userName: 'a-qz0da4-dfwwdkmkzr',
@@ -229,12 +230,15 @@
- var GraphView = Backbone.View.extend({
+ GraphView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: $('#graph'),
template: _.template($('#AMChart-template').html()),
initialize: function() {
this.modes = ['', 'lux', 'temp', 'co2', 'humid', 'noise'];
- this.titles = ['','Light Levels','Temperature','Co2 Levels','Humidity','Sound'];
+ this.titles = [
+ '', 'Light Levels', 'Temperature', 'Co2 Levels', 'Humidity', 'Sound'
+ ];
+ this.otherTitles = ['Co2 Levels', 'Humidity'];
this.mode = 0;
// Config AMChart
@@ -279,6 +283,139 @@
console.log('new mode:', this.mode);
+ makeAxis: function(params) {
+ let title = params.title || 'Missing title';
+ let color = params.color || '#ff0000';
+ let position = params.position || 'left';
+ var newAxis = new AmCharts.ValueAxis();
+ newAxis.tickLength = 0;
+ newAxis.axisAlpha = 0;
+ newAxis.showFirstLabel = false;
+ newAxis.showLastLabel = false;
+ newAxis.title = title;
+ newAxis.position = position;
+ newAxis.gridColor = '#FFFFFF';
+ newAxis.axisColor = '#cccccc';
+ newAxis.color = color;
+ return newAxis;
+ },
+ makeGraph: function(params) {
+ if (!params.hasOwnProperty('valueField')) {
+ console.error('MakeGraph - missing required field');
+ }
+ let lineColor = params.lineColor || 'rgba(46,255,0,1)';
+ let valueField = params.valueField;
+ let title = params.title || 'Missing title';
+ let valueAxis = params.valueAxis || null;
+ let labelPosition = params.labelPosition || 'left';
+ var graph = new AmCharts.AmGraph();
+ graph.lineColor = lineColor;
+ graph.labelColor = lineColor;
+ graph.valueField = valueField;
+ graph.balloonText = title + ':[[value]]';
+ graph.title = title;
+ if (valueAxis) {
+ graph.valueAxis = valueAxis;
+ }
+ graph.legendValueText = '[[description]]/[[value]]';
+ graph.labelPosition = labelPosition;
+ graph.showBalloon = true;
+ return graph;
+ },
+ doChart: function(mode, chartData) {
+ var chartScrollbar;
+ var chartCursor;
+ var graph;
+ var valueAxis;
+ var categoryAxis;
+ var self = this;
+ var otherAxis;
+ console.log(chartData);
+ console.log('Doing chart now');
+ //Debugger;
+ self.chart = new AmCharts.AmSerialChart();
+ //"2016-08-10T23:04:31.000Z"
+ self.chart.dataProvider = chartData;
+ self.chart.dataDateFormat = 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:NN:SS.QQQ';
+ self.chart.categoryField = 'date';
+ self.chart.color = '#ffffff';
+ self.chart.marginLeft = 0;
+ // AXES
+ // category
+ categoryAxis = self.chart.categoryAxis;
+ categoryAxis.parseDates = true; // As our data is date-based, we set parseDates to true
+ categoryAxis.minPeriod = 'mm';
+ categoryAxis.gridAlpha = 0.2;
+ categoryAxis.minorGridAlpha = 0;
+ categoryAxis.axisAlpha = 0.5;
+ categoryAxis.minorGridEnabled = true;
+ categoryAxis.gridColor = '#FFFFFF';
+ categoryAxis.axisColor = '#cccccc';
+ categoryAxis.inside = true;
+ valueAxis = self.makeAxis({
+ title: this.titles[this.mode], color: 'rgba(46,255,0,1)'
+ });
+ self.chart.addValueAxis(valueAxis);
+ if (mode > 5) {
+ otherAxis = self.makeAxis({
+ title: this.otherTitles[mode - 6],
+ color: 'rgba(0,191,255,1)',
+ position: 'right'
+ });
+ self.chart.addValueAxis(otherAxis);
+ }
+ graph = self.makeGraph({
+ valueField: 'value', title: this.titles[this.mode]
+ });
+ self.chart.addGraph(graph);
+ if (mode > 5) {
+ var otherGraph = self.makeGraph({
+ lineColor: 'rgba(0,191,255,1)',
+ valueField: 'valueB',
+ title: this.otherTitles[mode - 6],
+ valueAxis: otherAxis,
+ labelPosition: 'right'
+ });
+ self.chart.addGraph(otherGraph);
+ }
+ chartCursor = new AmCharts.ChartCursor();
+ chartCursor.valueLineEnabled = true;
+ chartCursor.valueLineBalloonEnabled = true;
+ self.chart.addChartCursor(chartCursor);
+ chartScrollbar = new AmCharts.ChartScrollbar();
+ chartScrollbar.graph = graph;
+ chartScrollbar.position = 'bottom';
+ self.chart.addChartScrollbar(chartScrollbar);
+ $('#chartdiv').empty();
+ self.chart.write('chartdiv');
+ },
updateGraph: function() {
var self = this;
let getMode = this.modes[this.mode];
@@ -297,11 +434,13 @@
var value, valueB;
if (mode < 6) {
value = i.get(getMode);
- } else {
+ }
+ else {
if (mode === 6) {
value = i.get(this.modes[1]);
valueB = i.get(this.modes[3]);
- } else {
+ }
+ else {
value = i.get(this.modes[2]);
valueB = i.get(this.modes[4]);
@@ -332,149 +471,7 @@
}, this);
- console.log(chartData);
- console.log('Doing chart now');
- //Debugger;
- self.chart = new AmCharts.AmSerialChart();
- //"2016-08-10T23:04:31.000Z"
- self.chart.dataProvider = chartData;
- self.chart.dataDateFormat = 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:NN:SS.QQQ';
- self.chart.categoryField = 'date';
- // AXES
- // category
- var categoryAxis = self.chart.categoryAxis;
- categoryAxis.parseDates = true; // As our data is date-based, we set parseDates to true
- categoryAxis.minPeriod = 'mm'; // Our data is daily, so we set minPeriod to DD
- categoryAxis.gridAlpha = 0.1;
- categoryAxis.minorGridAlpha = 0.1;
- categoryAxis.axisAlpha = 0;
- categoryAxis.minorGridEnabled = true;
- categoryAxis.inside = true;
- // Value
- var valueAxis = new AmCharts.ValueAxis();
- valueAxis.tickLength = 0;
- valueAxis.axisAlpha = 0;
- valueAxis.showFirstLabel = false;
- valueAxis.showLastLabel = false;
- valueAxis.title = this.titles[this.mode];
- valueAxis.position = 'left';
- self.chart.addValueAxis(valueAxis);
- if (mode === 6) {
- var co2Axis = new AmCharts.ValueAxis();
- co2Axis.tickLength = 0;
- co2Axis.axisAlpha = 0;
- co2Axis.showFirstLabel = false;
- co2Axis.showLastLabel = false;
- co2Axis.title = 'Co2 Levels';
- co2Axis.position = 'right';
- self.chart.addValueAxis(co2Axis);
- }
- if (mode === 7) {
- var otherAxis = new AmCharts.ValueAxis();
- otherAxis.tickLength = 0;
- otherAxis.axisAlpha = 0;
- otherAxis.showFirstLabel = false;
- otherAxis.showLastLabel = false;
- otherAxis.title = 'Humidity';
- otherAxis.position = 'right';
- self.chart.addValueAxis(otherAxis);
- }
- // GRAPH
- var graph = new AmCharts.AmGraph();
- graph.dashLength = 3;
- graph.lineColor = '#00CC00';
- graph.valueField = 'value';
- graph.dashLength = 3;
- graph.bullet = 'round';
- graph.balloonText = '[[category]]
- self.chart.addGraph(graph);
- if (mode === 6) {
- var co2graph = new AmCharts.AmGraph();
- co2graph.valueField = 'valueB';
- co2graph.title = 'Co2';
- co2graph.type = 'line';
- co2graph.valueAxis = co2Axis; // Indicate which axis should be used
- co2graph.lineColor = '#786c56';
- co2graph.lineThickness = 1;
- co2graph.legendValueText = '[[description]]/[[value]]';
- co2graph.bullet = 'round';
- co2graph.bulletSizeField = 'townSize'; // Indicate which field should be used for bullet size
- co2graph.bulletBorderColor = '#786c56';
- co2graph.bulletBorderAlpha = 1;
- co2graph.bulletBorderThickness = 2;
- co2graph.bulletColor = '#000000';
- //Co2graph.labelText = "[[townName2]]"; // not all data points has townName2 specified, that's why labels are displayed only near some of the bullets.
- co2graph.labelPosition = 'right';
- //Co2graph.balloonText = "latitude:[[value]]";
- co2graph.showBalloon = true;
- co2graph.dashLengthField = 'dashLength';
- self.chart.addGraph(co2graph);
- }
- if (mode === 7) {
- var otherGraph = new AmCharts.AmGraph();
- otherGraph.valueField = 'valueB';
- otherGraph.title = 'Humidity';
- otherGraph.type = 'line';
- otherGraph.valueAxis = otherAxis; // Indicate which axis should be used
- otherGraph.lineColor = '#786c56';
- otherGraph.lineThickness = 1;
- otherGraph.legendValueText = '[[description]]/[[value]]';
- otherGraph.bullet = 'round';
- otherGraph.bulletSizeField = 'townSize'; // Indicate which field should be used for bullet size
- otherGraph.bulletBorderColor = '#786c56';
- otherGraph.bulletBorderAlpha = 1;
- otherGraph.bulletBorderThickness = 2;
- otherGraph.bulletColor = '#000000';
- //Co2graph.labelText = "[[townName2]]"; // not all data points has townName2 specified, that's why labels are displayed only near some of the bullets.
- otherGraph.labelPosition = 'right';
- //Co2graph.balloonText = "latitude:[[value]]";
- otherGraph.showBalloon = true;
- otherGraph.dashLengthField = 'dashLength';
- self.chart.addGraph(otherGraph);
- }
- var chartCursor = new AmCharts.ChartCursor();
- chartCursor.valueLineEnabled = true;
- chartCursor.valueLineBalloonEnabled = true;
- self.chart.addChartCursor(chartCursor);
- var chartScrollbar = new AmCharts.ChartScrollbar();
- self.chart.addChartScrollbar(chartScrollbar);
- var guide = new AmCharts.Guide();
- guide.value = 525;
- guide.toValue = 575;
- guide.fillColor = '#00CC00';
- guide.inside = true;
- guide.fillAlpha = 0.2;
- guide.lineAlpha = 0;
- valueAxis.addGuide(guide);*/
- // WRITE
- $('#chartdiv').empty();
- self.chart.write('chartdiv');
+ self.doChart(mode, chartData);
diff --git a/mdot/mdot_server/mdot_server/app/test.html b/mdot/mdot_server/mdot_server/app/test.html
index ac0f38c..2f89e04 100644
--- a/mdot/mdot_server/mdot_server/app/test.html
+++ b/mdot/mdot_server/mdot_server/app/test.html
@@ -4,14 +4,15 @@