Note 2019-05-22T10.10.51 ======================== This has been having random crashes on PPE so it has failed to complete for a while. Logging information wasn't being useful. It was returning that an error had occured bu did not display what the error was or where it was located. I have gone through the code and added some additional error catching and triggering for he restart and ran it locally yesterday. It completed with the only issue being when I was moving the laptop between rooms. I will check this in and hopefully have it moved to PPE this wek. 2019-05-23T14:46:30.012] 2019-05-23T14:48:07.532] [2019-05-23T15:07:37.821] [2019-05-23T15:09:15.341] [Level { level: 20000, levelStr: 'INFO', colour: 'green' }] (IT) - We didnt transition back correctly, forcing another click.. [2019-05-23T15:10:52.845] [Level { level: 20000, levelStr: 'INFO', colour: 'green' }] (IT) - We didnt transition back correctly, forcing another click.. [2019-