Note 2018-11-19T10.35.14 ======================== ## Payment Institute ``` How to access the Maltese information on Payment Institutions The link in the NCA Regulatory Permissions.xls (tab 1), contains the URL ( to the NCA for Malta. Information on individual PIs can be accessed by clicking on them in the URL, as described here. Open the following General register URL - In the alternative search frop down fields select: Field 1= Financial Institutions Field 2 = Financial isntitutions licensed to undertake payment services under the 2nd Schedule to the Financial Institutions Act (Payment Institutions) The page will refresh with the query results. Note - this search will only give you the details of the PIs licensed in Malta. - See Step 3 for Companies licensed in Malta that can passport out. ``` ``` Identifying those Maltese Pis that can passport out Field 1= Financial Institutions Field 2 = Local Financial Institutions licensed to undertake activities under the 2nd Schedule to the Financial Institutions Act (Payment Institutions) exercising the freedom to provide services outside Malta Field 1= Financial Institutions Field 2 = Local Financial Institutions licensed to undertake activities under the 2nd Schedule to the Financial Institutions Act (Payment Institutions) exercising the freedom to establish a branch outside Malta The following screen dump show point 1 run and also the opening of a detail row to show the passporting information. Screen shot 1 - below - I have picked Mistral, this is also shown in Step 3a as the item returned by the query. Screen shot 2 - below - I have picked Entercash as its agent Pluspay is shown in Step 3b. ``` ``` How to access the Maltese information on Electronic Money Institutions The link in the NCA Regulatory Permissions.xls (tab 1), contains the URL ( to the NCA for Malta. Information on individual PIs can be accessed by clicking on them in the URL, as described here. Open the following General register URL - In the alternative search frop down fields select: Field 1= Financial Institutions Field 2 = Financial institutions licenced to issue electronic money under the 3rd Schedule to the Financial Institutions Act (Electronic Money Institutions) The page will refresh with the query results. Note - this search will only give you the details of the EMIs licensed in Malta. - See Step 3 for Companies licensed in Malta that can passport out. ``` ``` Field 1 = Credit Institutions Field 2 = Credit Institutions > Freedom of Services and Establishments - Exercise of the freedom to provide services outside Malta - there are 19 insititutions with the ability to provide services outside of Malta. Field 3 = Freedom of Services and Establishments - Exercise of the freedom to set up an establishment outside Malta ```