Note 2019-04-15T16.18.59 ======================== How to access the Bulgarian information on Payment Institutions There are two access points to the Bulgarian registers. The first, shown below, allows you to download Excel Files to your local drive and is the quickest riute 1) This URL takes you to register page where you may run a query on PIs for Croatia. In the "Documents" section, you have the values for; payment institutions and electronic money institutions. 2) This URL takes you to the Registers page (see STEP 2). Shown for information only. Note - The registers are provided in Bulgarian (default) you can switch this to English. I have selected the English variant (en), see url above. From the screen below perform the following: Select the EXCEL option, this will download a file to your local repository. Note - the last modified date is shown on the page. Note - there is no option to display PI information directly to screen.