# Acceptance Criteria # The following acceptance criteria tests were performed on DEV. ## 1. User successfully confirms and activates a rule ## Re-authorise with : ``` Bearer YTM2ZGQ1NzUtOWFmNS01MjMyLTg5MjYtM2NkZjA5ZDU2ZGU1 ``` Payee Account ``` { "description": "Silver Carpenter Inc. account.", "receivingAccountServiceKey": "T_S_7c8551db-2aa0-489d-b80e-d1a8d42e4bfb" } ``` created world pay ``` { "key": "768f07ca-5006-475f-812a-46be3cba88e8", "ID": "5afd571bfb887d13c5f32aa5" } ``` created credit card ``` { "cardUsageKey": "9ca8b121-5543-4629-b53d-087d650ad17a", "cardID": "5afd5759fb887d13c5f32aa9" } ``` UserID 79a26d981246978135edadf1 ``` { "trigger": { "stage": "paymentComplete", "type": "ruleIdInRtp" }, "rule": { "payerInstrument": { "ID": "5afd5759fb887d13c5f32aa9", "key": "9ca8b121-5543-4629-b53d-087d650ad17a" }, "payeeID": "79a26d981246978135edadf1", "percentageShare": 2 } } ``` created rule id ``` { "ID": "5afed9a360874a1caa2145a3" } ``` /receivables/rules/{objectID} Confirm a rule in our favour ObjectID: 5afed9a360874a1caa2145a3 ``` { "key": "768f07ca-5006-475f-812a-46be3cba88e8", "ID": "5afd571bfb887d13c5f32aa5" } ``` Code Details 200 ``` { "_id" : ObjectId("5afed9a360874a1caa2145a3"), "UserID" : "79a26d981246978135edadf1", "LastUpdate" : ISODate("2018-05-18T13:49:43.441Z"), "Trigger" : { "Stage" : "paymentComplete", "Type" : "ruleIdInRtp" }, "Rule" : { "PayeeID" : "79a26d981246978135edadf1", "PercentageShare" : 2, "PayerInstrument" : { "_id" : ObjectId("5afd5759fb887d13c5f32aa9"), "AccountType" : "Credit/Debit Payment Card", "ReceivingAccount" : 0, "PaymentsAccount" : 1, "CreditDebitCardInfo" : { "CardPANEncrypted" : "3::a8b8d05ec4fcb789078a1f3793fdcaf31b6e71562f6a089f9a417591ecd90c3403da080a0a88ab10c24464be469aa278d7fd7c321536412676840225641152f19aa5537718f55cd0205fa5f7024b3523", "CardExpiryEncrypted" : "3::1d946ec073fb7c5df493d1136c5b5895c562fd44cd89b28a3831c0f807f7590bd1eda7385ae19fb21baf28397ad3a3213fe0521c76a2ea5dc50c1693f6740893", "CardValidFromEncrypted" : "3::28429a6df6654a86fbd83ad7ac825c0e73ccb1d4e2c9154dd0be7d95fbc1124c88c45157c92d879b5b4514a2d1a610351e8214eb65c0b0c1698027093c510973", "IssueNumberEncrypted" : "3::4256e6227b52f6e716a64f9b2480253450685bb483e33bf6e01b1c0447c9b3fc4460e7d50edbb3cecb8b375c39697c9ad456d32dfbe089a1e1d21fe85d9da832", "NameOnAccount" : "Bob Bobbington", "CardPAN" : "4*** **** **** *111", "Email" : "a@b.com", "FirstName" : "Bob", "LastName" : "Bobbington", "address" : { "_id" : ObjectId("5afd5759fb887d13c5f32aa8"), "UserID" : "79a26d981246978135edadf1", "AddressDescription" : "", "BuildingNameFlat" : "Flat 20", "Address1" : "Victoria House", "Address2" : "15 The Street", "Town" : "Christchurch", "County" : "Dorset", "PostCode" : "BH23 6AA", "Country" : "", "PhoneNumber" : "+44 123 1110000", "ResidentTo" : "", "ResidentFrom" : "", "DateAdded" : ISODate("2018-05-17T10:20:09.531Z"), "LastUpdate" : ISODate("2018-05-17T10:20:09.531Z"), "LastVersion" : 1 } }, "UserID" : "79a26d981246978135edadf1", "VendorID" : "Visa", "VendorAccountName" : "Credit/Debit Card", "Description" : "Bobs account.", "IconLocation" : "VISA_CREDIT.png", "APIVersion" : "7.6.4-3121ed79e06cb111db8a6632564a062e633d485d", "Integrity" : null, "LastUpdate" : ISODate("2018-05-17T10:20:09.531Z"), "LastVersion" : 1 }, "PayeeInstrument" : { "_id" : ObjectId("5afd571bfb887d13c5f32aa5"), "AccountType" : "Worldpay Online Payments Account", "ReceivingAccount" : 1, "PaymentsAccount" : 0, "WorldpayOnlinePaymentsInfo" : { "ServiceKeyEncrypted" : "3::b043a0b34839e311038c4234e0212b0d910764ea6450f5f222dad65370abcd29b832d37c8928e9a1c1c4523636792c930828ceb09035149bb26dadfde0fb066120879282ab1ff900d1e3a64a5054f9c3b296298a605cdf8cdfd87d50d9e767ae", "ServiceKey" : "T_S_********-****-****-****-********4bfb" }, "UserID" : "79a26d981246978135edadf1", "VendorID" : "Worldpay", "VendorAccountName" : "Worldpay Online Payments", "Description" : "Silver Carpenter Inc. account.", "IconLocation" : "worldpay-account.png", "APIVersion" : "7.6.4-3121ed79e06cb111db8a6632564a062e633d485d", "Integrity" : null, "LastUpdate" : ISODate("2018-05-17T10:19:07.848Z"), "LastVersion" : 1 } }, "Status" : "Activated", "LastVersion" : 2 } ``` ## 2. I have supplied a saved instrument and the instrument ID is invalid ## Create a new rule ``` { "trigger": { "stage": "paymentComplete", "type": "ruleIdInRtp" }, "rule": { "payerInstrument": { "ID": "5afd5759fb887d13c5f32aa9", "key": "9ca8b121-5543-4629-b53d-087d650ad17a" }, "payeeID": "79a26d981246978135edadf1", "percentageShare": 2 } } ``` created rule id ``` { "ID": "5afeda7d60874a1caa2145a8" } ``` /receivables/rules/{objectID} Confirm a rule in our favour ObjectID: `5afeda7d60874a1caa2145a8` ``` { "key": "768f07ca-5006-475f-812a-46be3cba88e8", "ID": "5afd571bfb887d13c5f32bad" } ``` ``` Result: 400 Error: Bad Request { "code": 600, "info": "The instrument could not be found, has no access or has expired." } ``` ## 3. I have supplied a saved payment instrument and the instrument does not belong to me ## Re-authorise with : ``` Bearer YTM2ZGQ1NzUtOWFmNS01MjMyLTg5MjYtM2NkZjA5ZDU2ZGU2 ``` Create a new world pay merchant ``` { "description": "Greenock Tin Inc. account.", "receivingAccountServiceKey": "T_S_7c8551db-2aa0-489d-b80e-d1a8d42e4bfb" } ``` Created: ``` { "key": "9de916f0-70f0-4199-88ab-14fd4375d9bc", "ID": "5afd749f59ab4014b6179d55" } ``` Re-authorise with : ``` Bearer YTM2ZGQ1NzUtOWFmNS01MjMyLTg5MjYtM2NkZjA5ZDU2ZGU1 ``` Create a new rule ``` { "trigger": { "stage": "paymentComplete", "type": "ruleIdInRtp" }, "rule": { "payerInstrument": { "ID": "5afd5759fb887d13c5f32aa9", "key": "9ca8b121-5543-4629-b53d-087d650ad17a" }, "payeeID": "79a26d981246978135edadf1", "percentageShare": 2 } } ``` Results: ``` { "ID": "5afedadb60874a1caa2145ac" } ``` Try to confirm the rule with someone elses instrument details ``` ObjectID: 5afedadb60874a1caa2145ac { "key": "9de916f0-70f0-4199-88ab-14fd4375d9bc", "ID": "5afd749f59ab4014b6179d55" } ``` ``` Code 400 Error: Bad Request Response body { "code": 600, "info": "The instrument could not be found, has no access or has expired." } ``` ## 4. I have supplied a saved instrument and the encryption key is not correct ## Using rule created in step 2: Created rule id ``` { "ID": "5afeda7d60874a1caa2145a8" } ``` /receivables/rules/{objectID} Confirm a rule in our favour ``` ObjectID: 5afeda7d60874a1caa2145a8 { "key": "badbadba-dbad-badb-adba-dbadbadbadba", "ID": "5afd571bfb887d13c5f32aa5" } ``` ``` Code 401 Undocumented Error: Unauthorized Response body { "code": 602, "info": "The instrument could not be decrypted." } ``` ## 5. the Rule does not exist ## Use ``` ObjectID: 000000000000000badbadbad { "key": "768f07ca-5006-475f-812a-46be3cba88e8", "ID": "5afd571bfb887d13c5f32aa5" } ``` ``` Code 400 Error: Bad Request Response body { "code": 627, "info": "The Rule doesn't exist or you don't have permission to access it." } ``` ## 6. My UserID is not the same as the Payee Instrument's UserID ## Create new rule ``` { "trigger": { "stage": "paymentComplete", "type": "ruleIdInRtp" }, "rule": { "payerInstrument": { "ID": "5afd5759fb887d13c5f32aa9", "key": "9ca8b121-5543-4629-b53d-087d650ad17a" }, "payeeID": "79a26d981246978135edadf1", "percentageShare": 2 } } ``` ``` { "ID": "5afeddac60874a1caa2145b3" } ``` Re authorise `Bearer YTM2ZGQ1NzUtOWFmNS01MjMyLTg5MjYtM2NkZjA5ZDU2ZGU2` Use worldpay account created in step 3 Try to confirm the rule with an account associated with user 'GU2. ``` ObjectID: 5afeddac60874a1caa2145b3 { "key": "9de916f0-70f0-4199-88ab-14fd4375d9bc", "ID": "5afd749f59ab4014b6179d55" } ``` ``` Code 400 Error: Bad Request Response body { "code": 627, "info": "The Rule doesn't exist or you don't have permission to access it." } ```