So I've been looking into this and I updated get-all-atps-for-rtp.spec.js with a new response test. I pushed the following 'bad' data through as the response: ``` { data: [ { atpID: '5aeadbff0139b01a9ac983ea', rtpID: '5aeadbff0139b01a9ac983e7', payerID: '79a26d981246978135edadf1', amount: { value: 101, currency: 'GBP' }, lastUpdate: '2018-05-03T09:53:03.746Z', status: 'Failed', payerDetails: { payer: { email: '', firstName: 'Server', lastName: 'Test' }, card: { cardPAN: '4*** **** **** *111', nameOnAccount: 'Server Test' } }, payeeID: 'dc870f553840a414962875b3', payeeInstrument: { accountType: 'Worldpay Online Payments Account' }, transactionDetails: { orderDescription: 'create RTP for the user 79a26d981246978135edadf1 for List Test' }, resultDetails: { errorDetails: { statusCode: 400, code: 538, info: 'Error processing payment', processorResponse: { customCode: 'BAD_REQUEST', message: 'Expiry date [1/2000] is in past' } } }, lastVersion: 4 } ] } ``` Swagger was happy to accept this and didn't give me an error.