plugins: - nci-docker-node - nci-projects-reloader - nci-static-server - nci-rest-api-server - nci-mail-notification - nci-scheduler #ui better be last plugin - nci-classic-ui nodes: - type: docker #utilize that node as much as possible usageStrategy: maximum #allow maximum 5 parallel builds maxExecutorsCount: 5 #declare that that node satisfies any project environment envs: - !!js/regexp .* options: #target docker daemon host host: unix:///var/run/docker.sock #default environment (used if not passed from project) defaultEnv: node:12-buster http: host: port: 3000 url: static: #this settings will be consumed by static server plugin locations: #serve static for ui plugin - url: /favicon.ico root: node_modules/nci-classic-ui/static/ - url: !!js/regexp ^/(js|css|fonts|images)/ root: node_modules/nci-classic-ui/static/ #serve project workspaces via http, remove lines #below if don`t need/want that - url: !!js/regexp ^/projects/(\w|-)+/workspace/ root: data/ storage: #use leveldown as db backend backend: leveldown # uncomment to configure mail notifications transport notify: # #configure account for sending notifications # #this settings will be consumed by mail notification plugin mail: host: port: 587 auth: user: pass: rAoln.tJEye