scm: type: git repository: rev: master buildEvery: #build project every 5 minutes time: "*/5 * * * *" #but only if there is scm changes withScmChangesOnly: true #Specify environments in which project should be run. #That enironments will be satisfied be nodes (see nodes in data/config.yaml). #Different options can be passed to different environments. envs: - name: node:12-buster options: publishAll: true #uncomment to enable notifications #notify when build fails or build status changes (according to previous status) notify: on: - done - error - change to: mail: - steps: - name: Install more Puppeteer dependences cmd: > echo udev hold | dpkg --set-selections && echo initscripts hold | dpkg --set-selections && apt-get -yq update && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -yq -f --no-install-recommends build-essential dnsutils git xorg blackbox libasound2 libnss3-dev libxss1 libatk-bridge2.0-0 libgtk2.0-common libgtk-3-0 && apt-get autoremove -yq && apt-get clean -yq - name: sync deps cmd: > npm --loglevel warn install && npm --loglevel warn prune - name: Install Puppeteer cmd: npm i --save puppeteer - name: test cmd: npm test