This commit is contained in:
Martin Donnelly 2018-06-24 21:15:03 +01:00
commit 57bd6c8e6a
398 changed files with 84198 additions and 0 deletions

.arcconfig Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
"phabricator.uri" : "",
"load": [
"unit.engine": "TAPTestEngine",
"unit.engine.tap.command": "gulp --cwd node_server --reporter tap test",
"unit.engine.tap.eol": "\n"

.arclint Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
"linters": {
"eslint-regex-based": {
"type": "script-and-regex",
"include": "(\\.js?$)",
"exclude": [],
"script-and-regex.script": "node eslint-for-arc.js",
"script-and-regex.regex": "/^(?P<file>.*): line (?P<line>[0-9]*), col (?P<char>[0-9]*), ((?P<warning>Warning)|(?P<error>Error)) - (?P<message>.*) \\((?P<code>[a-z-\\/]+)\\)$/m"
"nsp-regex-based": {
"type": "script-and-regex",
"include": "(package.json$)",
"exclude": [],
"script-and-regex.script": "node nsp-for-arc.js",
"script-and-regex.regex": "/^ (?P<name>\\S* +\\S*) +(?P<original>\\S*) +(?P<other>(?>\\S*(?> > )?)*) +(?P<message>https:\\S*) *$/m"

.eslintrc.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
module.exports = {
"extends": [
"rules": {
// enable additional rules
// A reasonable number of these are because we are stuck on Node 4.
// Moving to later versions of node will allow things like await/async etc.
"arrow-body-style": 0,
"jsdoc/require-description-complete-sentence": 0,
"filenames/match-regex": 0,
"func-style": 0,
"id-length": [
"exceptions": [
"max": 50,
"min": 2
"id-match": [
"onlyDeclarations": true,
"properties": false
"indent": [
"SwitchCase": 1
"import/no-commonjs": 0,
"import/no-dynamic-require": 0,
"import/unambiguous": 0,
"import/order": 0,
"linebreak-style": 0,
"lines-around-directive": 0,
"line-comment-position": 0,
"newline-after-var": 0,
"newline-before-return": 0,
"no-extra-parens": 0,
"no-inline-comments": 0,
"no-multi-spaces": [
"ignoreEOLComments": true
"no-param-reassign": 0,
"no-trailing-spaces": [
"skipBlankLines": false,
"ignoreComments": false
"no-use-before-define": [
"functions": false
"object-shorthand": 1,
"promise/prefer-await-to-then": 0,
"promise/prefer-await-to-callbacks": 0,
"sort-keys": 0,
"space-before-function-paren": [
"anonymous": "never",
"named": "never",
"asyncArrow": "always"
"strict": 0
"settings": {
"jsdoc": {
"additionalTagNames": {
"customTags": ["ngInject"]

.gitattributes vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# All other files are subjected to the usual algorithm to determine
# whether a file is a binary file or a text file, respecting
# "core.eol" for all files detected as text files.
# "core.autocrlf", if set, will force the conversion to/from CRLF
# automatically as necessary for text files.
* text=auto
# package.json (from NPM) is in lf not crlf
package.json eol=lf
package-lock.json eol=lf
# shell scripts should be LF
*.sh eol=lf
# jade/pug files are lf too
# see:
*.jade eol=lf
*.pug eol=lf

.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@

.gitmodules vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
[submodule ".arcanist-extensions"]
path = .arcanist-extensions
url =
branch = tap-line-endings

Dockerfile Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
## Add the node server directory.
ADD ./node_server /node_server
## Standard updates. Note to pin a version use: package-foo=1.3.* \
RUN apt-get update -q && apt-get install -y -q \
curl \
graphicsmagick \
&& apt-get clean -q \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
## Enhance default password rules.
RUN sed -i 's/^PASS_MIN_DAYS.*/PASS_MIN_DAYS 1/' /etc/login.defs
## Enhance default password rules.
RUN echo 'Europe/London' > /etc/timezone
RUN dpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive tzdata
## Expose the appropriate ports.
## Install the node modules.
WORKDIR /node_server
RUN npm install
## Execute the code.
CMD ["node", "node_server.js"]

bitbucket-pipelines.yml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# This is based on the sample build configuration for JavaScript.
# Check our guides at for more examples.
# Only use spaces to indent your .yml configuration.
# -----
# You can specify a custom docker image from Docker Hub as your build environment.
image: node:8
- step:
# Validate swagger definitions against the swagger 2.0 JSON schema spec
# NOTE: we have to download it manually as ajv-cli only supports local
# schemas at present.
name: "Swagger schema validation"
- node
- npm install -g ajv-cli
- TEMPLATEFILE=`mktemp` || exit 1
- wget -q -O $TEMPLATEFILE
- DEREFEDSWAGGERFILE=`mktemp` || exit 1
- npm install -g json-refs
- json-refs resolve node_server/swagger_api/api_swagger_def.json > $DEREFEDSWAGGERFILE
- ajv test -s $TEMPLATEFILE -d $DEREFEDSWAGGERFILE --valid --errors=json
- ajv test -s $TEMPLATEFILE -d node_server/integration_api/integration_swagger_def.json --valid --errors=json
- step:
# Run ESLint against all the JS files that were changed in this branch.
# The linting is run using a script as its a little too complex for
# standalone commands.
# Note that this will also run on master when changes are merged in, but
# as `HEAD` and `master` will be the same revision there will be no files
# in the list of changes and ESLint won't be run.
name: "ESLint"
- node
# Install packages to get our expected version of ESLint and related configs
# pipeline runs as root, but npm doesn't like installing packages as
# root for security reasons. As this is just CI we allow it, using
# unsafe-perm to make npm accept it.
- npm install --unsafe-perm
# Run the tests
- chmod +x ./tools/bitbucket-pipeline-scripts/
- ./tools/bitbucket-pipeline-scripts/
- step:
# All unit tests are run every time in case a change has an unexpected
# effect on other areas.
name: "Unit tests"
- node
- npm install -g gulp
# pipeline runs as root, but npm doesn't like installing packages as
# root for security reasons. As this is just CI we allow it, using
# unsafe-perm to make npm accept it.
- npm install --unsafe-perm
# As described in the docs, we need to use the mccha-junit-reporter
# to output results in a format pipelines understands, plus set an
# environment variable to put them in a location that it looks in.
# See:
- MOCHA_FILE=./test-reports/[hash].xml gulp --cwd node_server test --reporter mocha-junit-reporter

eslint-for-arc.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
* @fileOverview There is a compatibility problem between eslint and arcanist.
* ESLint returns a non-zero code on exit if there are any lint errors
* in the file. But `arc` regex liniters expect to only get an
* non-zero exit code on true errors (e.g. eslint config errors).
* So we use this file and the ESLint API to build a version that
* only returns non-zero on actual errors (which will be unhandled
* exceptions, so we don't actually need to do anything to achieve)
const CLIEngine = require('eslint').CLIEngine;
const cli = new CLIEngine();
* Get the file to lint from the command line. The command line is always
* argv[0] - node exe
* argv[1] - this script
* argv[2] - the file passed on the command line
if (process.argv.length !== 3) {
throw new Error('Must pass exactly 1 file on the command line');
const filename = process.argv[2];
// Lint the file passed in
const report = cli.executeOnFiles([filename]);
// Get the compact formatter
const formatter = cli.getFormatter('compact');
// Output to stdout so it can be picked up by the arcanist regex
// Allow the program to exit normally, which will return code 0

node_server/.jscsrc Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
"excludeFiles": ["node_modules/**", "bower_components/**"],
"preset": "google",
"validateIndentation": 4,
"maximumLineLength": 140,
"maxErrors": 1000,
"requireCamelCaseOrUpperCaseIdentifiers": "ignoreProperties"

node_server/.jshintrc Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
"bitwise": true,
"camelcase": true,
"curly": true,
"eqeqeq": true,
"es3": false,
"forin": true,
"freeze": true,
"immed": true,
"indent": 4,
"latedef": "nofunc",
"newcap": true,
"noarg": true,
"noempty": true,
"nonbsp": true,
"nonew": true,
"plusplus": false,
"quotmark": "single",
"undef": true,
"unused": false,
"strict": false,
"maxparams": 10,
"maxdepth": 5,
"maxstatements": 50,
"maxcomplexity": 8,
"maxlen": 140,
"asi": false,
"boss": false,
"debug": false,
"eqnull": true,
"esnext": true,
"evil": false,
"expr": false,
"funcscope": false,
"globalstrict": false,
"iterator": false,
"lastsemic": false,
"laxbreak": false,
"laxcomma": false,
"loopfunc": true,
"maxerr": 50,
"moz": false,
"multistr": false,
"notypeof": false,
"proto": false,
"scripturl": false,
"shadow": false,
"sub": true,
"supernew": false,
"validthis": false,
"noyield": false,
"node": true,
"globals": {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
* @file This file wraps the functions in auth.js with promises for simpler
* use in promises and async/await
const Q = require('q');
const auth = require('./auth.js');
module.exports = {
validSession: (...args) => Q.nfapply(auth.validSession, args),
validateCurrentSession: (...args) => Q.nfapply(auth.validateCurrentSession, args),
checkHMAC: (...args) => Q.nfapply(auth.checkHMAC, args),
checkClientPassword: (...args) => Q.nfapply(auth.checkClientPassword, args),
* Non-promise functions for compatibility
respond: auth.respond,
checkClientStatus: auth.checkClientStatus,
checkDeviceStatus: auth.checkDeviceStatus

View File

@ -0,0 +1,941 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js Authorisation Handler for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Includes
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var utils = require(global.pathPrefix + 'utils.js');
var valid = require(global.pathPrefix + 'valid.js');
var mailer = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mailer.js');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var config = require(global.configFile);
var templates = require(global.pathPrefix + '../utils/templates.js');
var formattingUtils = require(global.pathPrefix + '../utils/formatting.js');
var crypto = require('crypto');
var async = require('async');
var moment = require('moment');
* This function checks the client status for any blocking flags. It will return an error if the following are true:
* 1) The client is not verified.
* 2) The client is barred.
* @type {function} checkClientStatus
* @param {!string} ClientStatus - The ClientStatus flag from the client document.
exports.checkClientStatus = function(ClientStatus) {
* Valid session. Check client status.
if (!utils.bitsAllSet(ClientStatus, utils.ClientEmailVerifiedMask)) {
return utils.createError(114, 'Client e-mail has not been verified - please click the link.');
if (utils.bitsAllSet(ClientStatus, utils.ClientBarredMask)) {
return utils.createError(117, 'Client barred by Comcarde.');
return null;
* This function checks the device status for any blocking flags. It will return an error if the following are true:
* 1) The device is not verified.
* 2) The device is not authorised.
* 3) The device is suspended.
* 4) The device is barred.
* @type {function} checkDeviceStatus
* @param {!string} DeviceStatus - The DeviceStatus flag from the device document.
exports.checkDeviceStatus = function(DeviceStatus) {
* Valid session. Check device status.
if (!utils.bitsAllSet(DeviceStatus, utils.DeviceRegister2Mask)) {
return utils.createError(109, 'Device not verified - SMS not confirmed.');
if (!utils.bitsAllSet(DeviceStatus, utils.DeviceRegister3Mask)) {
return utils.createError(110, 'Device not authorised - PIN not set.');
if (utils.bitsAllSet(DeviceStatus, utils.DeviceSuspendedMask)) {
return utils.createError(111, 'Device suspended by the user.');
if (utils.bitsAllSet(DeviceStatus, utils.DeviceBarredMask)) {
return utils.createError(112, 'Device barred by Comcarde.');
return null;
* This function needs to be called with all server requests. It checks the user is currently logged in
* and if they are, it returns their client and device details. It requires two parameters:
* @type {function} validateCurrentSession
* @param {!string} DeviceToken - The token assigned to the device at registration.
* @param {!string} SessionToken - The token returned at login. Note that this is valid for ~5 minutes only.
* Calling this function extends the SessionToken's life.
* @param {!function} next - Not optional and should contain the code to be subsequently executed.
exports.validateCurrentSession = function(DeviceToken, SessionToken, next) {
* Valid input. Check to see if the database is online.
* Cyclomatic complexity is known to be high for this function.
//jshint -W074
mainDB.findOneObject(mainDB.collectionDevice, {DeviceToken: DeviceToken}, undefined, false, function(err, existingDevice) {
if (err) {
next(utils.createError(104, 'Database offline.'), null, null);
* No information returned from database.
if (existingDevice === null) {
next(utils.createError(103, 'Cannot find device token.'), null, null);
* Device found. Now check the token.
if (SessionToken !== existingDevice.SessionToken) {
// Session token invalid.
next(utils.createError(107, 'Invalid session token.'), null, null);
* Check the session token expiry.
var timestamp = new Date();
var expiry = existingDevice.SessionTokenExpiry;
if (timestamp >= expiry) {
// Session token invalid.
next(utils.createError(108, 'Session token expired.'), null, null);
* Check device status.
var currentDeviceStatus = exports.checkDeviceStatus(existingDevice.DeviceStatus);
if (currentDeviceStatus) {
next(currentDeviceStatus, null, null);
* Through device checks. Pull the client.
mainDB.findOneObject(mainDB.collectionClient, {ClientID: existingDevice.ClientID}, undefined, false,
function(err, existingClient) {
* Check for an error.
if (err) {
// Database is not working.
next(utils.createError(105, 'Database offline.'), null, null);
* If null then there is no Client account.
if (existingClient === null) {
// Callback.
next(utils.createError(106, 'Cannot find account.'), null, null);
* Check client status.
var currentClientStatus = exports.checkClientStatus(existingClient.ClientStatus);
if (currentClientStatus) {
next(currentClientStatus, null, null);
* Great. All active. Extend token validity.
var newExpiry = new Date(timestamp);
newExpiry.setMinutes(newExpiry.getMinutes() + utils.sessionTimeout);
mainDB.updateObject(mainDB.collectionDevice, {DeviceToken: DeviceToken}, {
$set: {
LastUpdate: timestamp,
SessionTokenExpiry: newExpiry
{upsert: false}, false, function(err) {
if (err) {
next(utils.createError(119, 'Database offline.'), null, null);
* Success!
next(null, existingDevice, existingClient);
//jshint +W074
* This function needs to be called with all server requests. It checks the user is currently logged in, esures the hmac is OK,
* and if so, it returns their client and device details. It requires multiple parameters:
* @type {function} validSession
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information. This function will respond directly on error.
* @param {!string} DeviceToken - The token assigned to the device at registration.
* @param {!string} SessionToken - The token returned at login. Note that this is valid for ~5 minutes only.
* Calling this function extends the SessionToken's life.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} hmacData - HMAC information from incoming packet.
* @param {!function} next - Not optional and should contain the code to be subsequently executed.
exports.validSession = function(res, DeviceToken, SessionToken, functionInfo, hmacData, next) {
* First check the session.
exports.validateCurrentSession(DeviceToken, SessionToken, function(err, existingDevice, existingClient) {
if (err) {
code: ('' + err.code),
info: err.message
('AF [SessionToken ' + SessionToken + ' (DeviceToken ' + DeviceToken + ')]'),
(functionInfo.remote + ' (' + functionInfo.port + ')'));
* Call back passing the error.
next(err, null, null);
* Update the hmacData to store the ClientName from the existingClient as that
* is required for the HMAC generation and validation
hmacData.ClientName = existingClient.ClientName;
* Check the HMAC is fine.
exports.checkHMAC(existingDevice, hmacData,, function(err) {
if (err) {
code: ('' + err.code),
info: err.message
(existingDevice.ClientID + ' (' + existingDevice.DeviceNumber + ')'),
(functionInfo.remote + ' (' + functionInfo.port + ')'));
* Call back passing the error.
next(err, null, null);
* All valid. Proceed.
next(null, existingDevice, existingClient);
* Checks the PIN received from the device. This function will return an error object as the
* first parameter if something went wrong.
* @type {function} checkDevicePIN
* @param {!string} deviceAuthorisation - SHA256 of PIN as received from device.
* @param {!object} existingDevice - Existing object in database.
* @param {!object} timestamp - Reference time when clock was pulled.
* @param {!function} next - Function to call when verification complete.
exports.checkDevicePIN = function(deviceAuthorisation, existingDevice, timestamp, next) {
* Check for a locked device.
if (existingDevice.LoginAttempts >= utils.PINLockout) {
next(utils.createError(399, 'Device locked. Please use PIN Reset.'));
* Split up the existing PIN and update if necessary.
var receivedDeviceAuth;
var databaseDeviceAuth;
var authArray = existingDevice.DeviceAuthorisation.split('::');
function(callback) {
* Find the salt or create a new one if one doesn't exist.
if (authArray[0] === '2') {
* PIN encrypted using PBKDF2.
crypto.pbkdf2(deviceAuthorisation, existingDevice.DeviceSalt,
config.encryptPBKDF2Rounds, config.encryptPBKDF2Bytes, config.encryptPBKDF2Protocol,
function(err, newHash) {
if (err) {
} else {
* Update the database.
receivedDeviceAuth = newHash.toString('hex');
databaseDeviceAuth = authArray[1];
} else {
* Problem with the encryption string.
callback('Unknown encryption type.');
* Final clause which is executed after everything else or when an error is detected.
function(err) {
if (err) {
next(utils.createError(400, ('Error when checking PIN: ' + err)));
* Check that the PIN matches.
if (receivedDeviceAuth !== databaseDeviceAuth) {
* Wrong PIN. Increase the fail count.
mainDB.updateObject(mainDB.collectionDevice, {DeviceToken: existingDevice.DeviceToken}, {
$set: {LastUpdate: timestamp},
$inc: {LoginAttempts: 1}
{upsert: false}, false, function(err) {
if (err) {
next(utils.createError(401, 'Database offline.'));
* Check for maximum number of retries; if so, lock the account.
if (existingDevice.LoginAttempts === (utils.PINLockout - 1)) {
* Send warning e-mail.
const suspendUrl = formattingUtils.formatPortalUrl('personal/devices');
var htmlEmail = templates.render('device-locked', {
DeviceNumber: existingDevice.DeviceNumber,
suspendDeviceUrl: suspendUrl
mailer.sendEmailByID(null, existingDevice.ClientID, 'Bridge Device Locked', htmlEmail, 'auth.checkDevicePIN',
function(err) {
if (err) {
next(utils.createError(402, 'Unable to send e-mail.'));
* Tell the user that the device has been locked.
next(utils.createError(403, 'Wrong PIN. ' + utils.PINLockout +
' failed attempts have locked this device.'));
* Wrong PIN - more attempts left.
next(utils.createError(404, 'Wrong PIN.'));
* PIN matched successfully.
mainDB.updateObject(mainDB.collectionDevice, {DeviceToken: existingDevice.DeviceToken}, {
$set: {
LastUpdate: timestamp,
LoginAttempts: 0
{upsert: false}, false, function(err) {
if (err) {
next(utils.createError(405, 'Database offline.'));
* Success!
* Checks the client password. This function will return an error object as the first parameter if something went wrong.
* @type {function} checkClientPassword
* @param {!string} password - SHA256 of password as received from device.
* @param {!object} existingClient - Existing object in database.
* @param {!object} timestamp - Reference time when clock was pulled.
* @param {!function} next - Function to call when verification complete.
exports.checkClientPassword = function(password, existingClient, timestamp, next) {
* Check for a locked account.
if (existingClient.LoginAttempts >= utils.passwordLockout) {
next(utils.createError(406, 'Attempted login to locked account. Please contact Comcarde.'));
* Split up the existing password and update if necessary.
var receivedPassword;
var databasePassword;
var passArray = existingClient.Password.split('::');
function(callback) {
* Find the salt or create a new one if one doesn't exist.
if (passArray[0] === '2') {
* Password encrypted using PBKDF2.
crypto.pbkdf2(password, existingClient.ClientSalt,
config.encryptPBKDF2Rounds, config.encryptPBKDF2Bytes, config.encryptPBKDF2Protocol,
function(err, newHash) {
if (err) {
} else {
* Update the database.
receivedPassword = newHash.toString('hex');
databasePassword = passArray[1];
} else {
* Problem with the encryption string.
callback('Unknown encryption type.');
* Final clause which is executed after everything else or when an error is detected.
function(err) {
if (err) {
next(utils.createError(407, ('Error when checking password: ' + err)));
* Check that the password matches.
if (receivedPassword !== databasePassword) {
* Wrong password. Increase the fail count.
mainDB.updateObject(mainDB.collectionClient, {ClientID: existingClient.ClientID}, {
$set: {LastUpdate: timestamp},
$inc: {LoginAttempts: 1}
{upsert: false}, false, function(err) {
if (err) {
next(utils.createError(408, 'Database offline.'));
* Check for maximum number of retries; if so, lock the account.
if (existingClient.LoginAttempts === (utils.passwordLockout - 1)) {
* Send warning e-mail.
var htmlEmail = templates.render('account-locked', {
ClientName: existingClient.ClientName
mailer.sendEmail(null, existingClient.ClientName, 'Bridge Account Locked',
htmlEmail, 'auth.checkClientPassword',
function(err) {
if (err) {
next(utils.createError(409, 'Unable to send e-mail.'));
* Tell the user that the client account has been locked.
next(utils.createError(410, 'Wrong password. ' + utils.passwordLockout +
' failed attempts have locked the client account.'));
* Wrong password - more attempts left.
next(utils.createError(411, 'Wrong password.'));
* Password matched successfully. Reset login attempts.
mainDB.updateObject(mainDB.collectionClient, {ClientID: existingClient.ClientID}, {
$set: {
LastUpdate: timestamp,
LoginAttempts: 0
{upsert: false}, false, function(err) {
if (err) {
next(utils.createError(412, 'Database offline.'));
* Success!
* Creates a new salt and encrypts the password hash using PBKDF2.
* This function will return an error object as the first parameter if something went wrong.
* @type {function} encryptPBKDF2
* @param {!string} input - SHA256 of input to be encrypted using PBKDF2.
* @param {!function} next - Function to call when verification complete.
* @param {!object} next.err - Error object. null on success.
* @param {!string} next.newSalt - Random salt for encoding.
* @param {!string} next.newHash - Hashed input using new salt.
exports.encryptPBKDF2 = function(input, next) {
* Create a new salt.
crypto.randomBytes(config.encryptPBKDF2Bytes, function(err, salt) {
if (err) {
next(err, null, null);
* Success. Encrypt the password.
var newSalt = salt.toString('hex');
crypto.pbkdf2(input, newSalt, config.encryptPBKDF2Rounds, config.encryptPBKDF2Bytes, config.encryptPBKDF2Protocol,
function(err, hash) {
if (err) {
next(err, null, null);
* All done. Convert the hash and call back with the new values.
var newHash = hash.toString('hex');
next(null, newSalt, newHash);
* Reponds with an HTML page.
* @type {function} respond
* @param {!object} res - response object. End will be called by this function.
* @param {!int} responseCode - HTML response code.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {!string} code - The code associated with the response, e.g. '235', '10014'.
* @param {!string} fileName - Name of the Pug file that is the HTML source: e.g. 'templates/39_expired_token.pug'.
* @param {!object} data - Parameters used to render the HTML file.
* @param {!string} logType - The log entry type to be recorded - e.g. 'INFO', 'WARNING' etc.
* Omit if no system log entry is needed such as in 'Database offline'.
* @param {!string} infoString - If logType above is present, infoString is will be used as the information to be logged.
* @param {!string} altUser - If logType above is present, altUser can be used to log different user name. If not, 'UU' wil be used.
exports.respondHTML = function(res, responseCode, functionInfo, code, fileName, data, logType, infoString, altUser) {
* Respond to the request.
var toReturn = templates.render(fileName, data);
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'});
* Log what has happened if required.
var logUser = '';
if (altUser) {
logUser = altUser;
} else {
logUser = 'UU';
if (logType) {
(functionInfo.remote + ' (' + functionInfo.port + ')'));
* Add HTML page generation details regardless.
('Generated file returned [' + fileName + '].'),,
(functionInfo.remote + ' (' + functionInfo.port + ')'));
* Uses a passed HMAC key to generate the data packet.
* @type {function} respond
* @param {!object} res - response object. End will be called by this function.
* @param {!int} responseCode - HTML response code.
* @param {!object} existingDevice - Existing object in database. If set to null the function works as a normal res.status() call.
* @param {!object} hmacData - hmac information {!address, !method, !body, !ClientName, ?timestamp, ?hmac}
* This function can be used to respond to non hmac calls by adding null in here.
* Typically set existingDevice and hmacData to null together.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {!object} data - Body of the packet as a JSON object. Note that 'info' and 'code' must be present.
* @param {!string} logType - The log entry type to be recorded - e.g. 'INFO', 'WARNING' etc.
* Omit if no system log entry is needed such as in 'Database offline'.
* @param {!string} altString - If logType above is present, altString can be used to log different data than the user receives.
* @param {!string} altUser - If logType above is present, altUser can be used to log different user name. If not, 'UU' wil be used.
* This parameter is ignored if hmacData and existingDevice are present.
* Cyclomatic complexity error disabled as it seems unnecessary.
// jshint -W074
exports.respond = function(res, responseCode, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, data, logType, altString, altUser) {
* Ensure that the function is getting the correct data to process.
* Checking disabled for speed outwith the development environment.
if (config.isDevEnv) {
if (typeof data !== 'object') {
throw new Error('auth.respond received bad data from ' + + ': data is not an object.');
if (!('code' in data)) {
throw new Error('auth.respond received bad data from ' + + ': data is missing code field.');
if (!('info' in data)) {
throw new Error('auth.respond received bad data from ' + + ': data is missing info field.');
if (typeof data.code !== 'string') {
throw new Error('auth.respond received bad data from ' + + ': data.code is not a string.');
if (typeof !== 'string') {
throw new Error('auth.respond received bad data from ' + + ': is not a string.');
* Set up variables for an HMAC based return.
var key = '';
var DeviceUuid = '';
if (existingDevice) {
if ( === 'RotateHMAC.process') {
key = existingDevice.PendingHMAC;
DeviceUuid = existingDevice.DeviceUuid;
} else {
key = existingDevice.CurrentHMAC;
* If no key is available then there is no HMAC. We do not need to sign.
if ((hmacData === null) || (key === '')) {
* Respond to the request.
* Log what has happened if required.
if (logType) {
var logString = '';
var logUser = '';
if (altString) {
logString = altString;
} else {
logString =;
if (altUser) {
logUser = altUser;
} else {
logUser = 'UU';
(functionInfo.remote + ' (' + functionInfo.port + ')'));
* Session token exception for Login1 due to the signing token not yet being saved.
var sessionToken = '';
if ( === 'Login1.process') {
sessionToken = data.SessionToken;
} else {
sessionToken = existingDevice.SessionToken;
* Process the data and create the hmac.
var timestamp = moment().utc().format('YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSS') + 'Z';
var text = JSON.stringify(data);
var fullText = hmacData.address + hmacData.method + timestamp + hmacData.ClientName + sessionToken + DeviceUuid + text;
var newkey = new Buffer(key, 'hex'); // Re-encode the key for use with the hmac.
var hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha256', newkey); // Create the HMAC object.
hmac.setEncoding('hex'); // Set encoding.
* Note that the callback is attached as listener to stream's finish event.
hmac.end(fullText, function() {
* Read the HMAC and respond.
var hash =;
res.writeHead(responseCode, {
'bridge-hmac': hash,
'bridge-timestamp': timestamp,
'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8' // Return that this is JSON
* Log what has happened if required.
if (logType) {
var logString = '';
if (altString) {
logString = altString;
} else {
logString =;
(existingDevice.ClientID + ' (' + existingDevice.DeviceNumber + ')'),
(functionInfo.remote + ' (' + functionInfo.port + ')'));
// jshint +W074
* Checks an incoming HMAC.
* @type {function} checkHMAC
* @param {!object} existingDevice - Existing object in database.
* @param {!object} hmacData - hmac information {!address, !method, !body, !ClientName, ?timestamp, ?hmac}
* @param {!string} functionName - The function that called the validation process: e.g. 'PayCodeRequest.process'.
* @param {!function} next - Function that should be called once processing is complete.
* Cyclomatic complexity error disabled as it seems unnecessary.
// jshint -W074
exports.checkHMAC = function(existingDevice, hmacData, functionName, next) {
* Check for HMAC problems first.
if (existingDevice.HMACAttempts >= config.maxHMACAttempts) {
next(utils.createError(458, 'HMAC error: too many failed HMAC attempts.'));
* Only Login1 and RotateHMAC are valid calls if there is a PendingHMAC.
if (existingDevice.PendingHMAC !== '') {
if ((functionName !== 'RotateHMAC.process') && (functionName !== 'Login1.process')) {
next(utils.createError(459, 'HMAC error: HMAC must be rotated using RotateHMAC.'));
var key = '';
var DeviceUuid = '';
if (functionName === 'RotateHMAC.process') {
key = existingDevice.PendingHMAC;
DeviceUuid = existingDevice.DeviceUuid;
} else {
key = existingDevice.CurrentHMAC;
* If the HMAC key is blank then no HMAC has been issued - re-register the device.
* Note there is one exception and that is on Login1 where there is a PendingHMAC.
if (key === '') {
if ((functionName === 'Login1.process') && (existingDevice.PendingHMAC !== '')) {
} else {
next(utils.createError(462, 'HMAC error: No valid HMAC key - please re-register the device.'));
* Look for timestamp errors.
var output = '';
if (!('timestamp' in hmacData)) {
next(utils.createError(446, 'HMAC error: \"bridge-timestamp\" not present.'));
} else {
output = valid.validateFieldTimeStamp(hmacData.timestamp);
if (output) {
next(utils.createError(449, output));
* Check for desync.
var upperTimestamp = new Date();
upperTimestamp.setSeconds(upperTimestamp.getSeconds() + config.HMACDesyncThreshold);
if (hmacData.timestamp > upperTimestamp) {
next(utils.createError(451, 'HMAC error: timestamp is in the future.'));
var lowerTimestamp = new Date();
lowerTimestamp.setSeconds(lowerTimestamp.getSeconds() - config.HMACDesyncThreshold);
if (lowerTimestamp > hmacData.timestamp) {
next(utils.createError(452, 'HMAC error: timestamp has expired.'));
* Look for hmac errors.
if (!('hmac' in hmacData)) {
next(utils.createError(447, 'HMAC error: \"bridge-hmac\" not present.'));
} else {
output = valid.validateFieldHMAC(hmacData.hmac);
if (output) {
next(utils.createError(450, output));
* Assemble the HMAC.
var fullText = hmacData.address + hmacData.method + hmacData.timestamp + hmacData.ClientName + DeviceUuid + hmacData.body;
var newkey = new Buffer(key, 'hex'); // Re-encode the key for use with the hmac.
var hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha256', newkey); // Create the HMAC object.
hmac.setEncoding('hex'); // Set encoding.
* Note that the callback is attached as listener to stream's finish event.
hmac.end(fullText, function() {
* Read the HMAC and respond.
var hash =;
if (hash !== hmacData.hmac) {
* HMAC error. Tick up HMAC attempts or bar the device if there have been too many problems.
var timestamp = new Date();
var toUpdate = {
$set: {LastUpdate: timestamp},
$inc: {HMACAttempts: 1}
if (existingDevice.HMACAttempts >= (config.maxHMACAttempts - 1)) {
toUpdate.$bit = {DeviceStatus: {or: utils.DeviceBarredMask}};
* Write this information to the correct device.
mainDB.updateObject(mainDB.collectionDevice, {DeviceToken: existingDevice.DeviceToken}, toUpdate,
{upsert: false}, false, function(err) {
if (err) {
next(utils.createError(460, ('HMAC error: database offline.')));
* Inform the device of the error.
if (existingDevice.HMACAttempts >= (config.maxHMACAttempts - 1)) {
next(utils.createError(461, ('HMAC error: security check failed and device barred.')));
} else {
next(utils.createError(448, ('HMAC error: security check failed.')));
} else {
// jshint +W074

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@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
/* eslint-disable no-process-env */
/* eslint-disable no-process-exit */
/* eslint-disable no-console */
* @fileOverview Node.js Bridge Server Config for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2014-2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
/* eslint-disable no-process-env, no-process-exit, no-console */
* Includes needed for this module.
const crypto = require('crypto');
const path = require('path');
const exitCodes = require('../exitcodes.js');
const packageJson = require('../package.json');
* Version information.
exports.EULAVersion = '1.0';
exports.CCServerReleaseType = 'Beta'; // Options include Alpha, Beta etc.
exports.useHTTPS = true;
* Ensure NODE_ENV is either 'development' or 'production'.
exports.isDevEnv = (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development');
exports.isProdEnv = (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production');
if (!exports.isDevEnv && !exports.isProdEnv) {
console.log('NODE_ENV environment variable missing or invalid: must be either \'development\' or \'production\'.');
* Ensure the acquisition server is either 'test' or 'live'.
exports.isTestEnv = (process.env.acquirer === 'test');
exports.isLiveEnv = (process.env.acquirer === 'live');
if (!exports.isTestEnv && !exports.isLiveEnv) {
console.log('Acquisition server environment variable missing or invalid: must be either \'test\' or \'live\'.');
* Checks that the appropriate environment variable is present and sets the variable if so.
* Error constants. These need to be in config as other code depends on the environment variables being loaded first.
* @param {!string} keyName - The key to check for.
* @param {!string} destName - The key to be written in exports.
* @param {varies} [defaultValue] - Default value if one is not provided in the environment
exports.readENVVariable = function(keyName, destName, defaultValue) {
let value = null;
if (process.env.hasOwnProperty(keyName)) {
value = process.env[keyName];
} else if (defaultValue === undefined) {
console.log('Missing environment variable: ' + keyName + '\nPlease set the variables to launch the server.');
} else {
value = defaultValue;
* Set the system variable if it has not been set. Do not overwrite.
if (!(destName in exports)) {
exports[destName] = value;
* Read in all the environment variables.
* First key is the environment varable, the second variable is the export name.
exports.readENVVariable('AESKey', 'AESKey'); // e.g. kJq5fW4m/lLG6oLTcM+fPFmlHL9FU9=N
exports.readENVVariable('ServerCommit', 'ServerCommit'); // e.g. 7d33f90
exports.readENVVariable('PortalCommit', 'PortalCommit'); // e.g. 7d33f90
exports.readENVVariable('uuid', 'CCUUID'); // e.g. 2478b89c-c165-445b-9ff6-eb0beec60d12
exports.readENVVariable('HOSTNAME', 'CCServerName'); // e.g. Virtual machine name or ID
exports.readENVVariable('sgroup_name', 'CCServerGroup'); // e.g. Name of the group deployment.
exports.readENVVariable('loadbalancer_vip', 'CCServerIP'); // e.g.
exports.readENVVariable('webAddress', 'CCWebsiteAddress'); // e.g.
exports.readENVVariable('forceHTTPS', 'forceHTTPS'); // e.g. 'true' or 'false'
if (exports.forceHTTPS === 'false') {
exports.useHTTPS = false;
* API Service
exports.readENVVariable('serverHttpPort', 'serverHttpPort', 80);
* Encryption keys.
exports.hashedAESKey = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(exports.AESKey).digest('hex'); // Hashed version of the above key.
exports.pinCryptoVersion = '2';
exports.passwordCryptoVersion = '2';
exports.encryptPBKDF2Rounds = 10000;
exports.encryptPBKDF2Bytes = 32;
exports.encryptPBKDF2Protocol = 'sha256';
exports.HMACBytes = 32;
exports.HMACDesyncThreshold = 120; // Seconds.
exports.maxHMACAttempts = 3;
* Payments Setup.
* The verification provider can either be Worldpay or Credorax.
* Optionally, a card can be added with zero checking if 'None' is used.
* To shut down verification completely please use a blank string ''.
exports.verificationProvider = 'Worldpay';
exports.demoCardPAN = '4917610000000000003';
* Credorax setup.
exports.readENVVariable('credoraxKey', 'comcardeCipherKey');
exports.readENVVariable('credoraxMerchantID', 'comcardeMerchantID');
if (exports.isTestEnv) {
exports.credoraxPrimaryGateway = ''; // Normal gateway.
exports.credoraxSecondaryGateway = ''; // Failover gateway.
} else {
exports.credoraxPrimaryGateway = ''; // Normal gateway.
exports.credoraxSecondaryGateway = ''; // Failover gateway.
exports.credoraxCurrentGateway = exports.credoraxPrimaryGateway;
exports.credoraxChangeoverThreshold = 3; // Number of failed transactions before switchover.
exports.credoraxChangeRate = 1; // Number of failed comms reduced every 15 minutes.
exports.credoraxPrimaryGatewayFailure = 'https://' + exports.CCWebsiteAddress +
': The primary Credorax gateway has failed. Secondary is now active.';
* Worldpay setup.
exports.readENVVariable('worldpayMerchantID', 'worldpayMerchantID');
exports.readENVVariable('worldpayServiceKey', 'worldpayServiceKey');
exports.readENVVariable('worldpayClientKey', 'worldpayClientKey');
exports.worldpayPrimaryGateway = ''; // Normal and test gateways are the same.
exports.worldpayNotificationThreshold = 3; // Number of failed transactions before notification.
exports.worldpayChangeRate = 1; // Number of failed comms reduced every 15 minutes.
exports.worldpayPrimaryGatewayFailure = 'https://' + exports.CCWebsiteAddress + ': The primary Worldpay gateway has failed.';
* Database configuration.
exports.readENVVariable('mongoUser', 'mongoUser');
exports.readENVVariable('mongoPassword', 'mongoPassword');
exports.readENVVariable('mongoDBAddress', 'mongoDBAddress');
exports.readENVVariable('mongoUseSSL', 'mongoUseSSL', 'true'); // Env vars are always strings.
exports.mongoUseSSL = (exports.mongoUseSSL !== 'false'); // Coerce to a bool as env is all strings.
if (exports.mongoUseSSL) {
exports.readENVVariable('mongoCACertBase64', 'mongoCACertBase64');
exports.mongoCA = [Buffer.from(exports.mongoCACertBase64, 'base64')];
exports.externaldbAddress = 'mongodb://' + exports.mongoUser + ':' + exports.mongoPassword +
exports.mongoDBAddress + '/MDB?connectTimeoutMS=5000&authMechanism=SCRAM-SHA-1&authSource=MDB';
if (exports.mongoUseSSL) {
exports.externaldbAddress += '&ssl=true';
exports.internaldbAddress = exports.externaldbAddress; // Currently one and the same as there is no internal route.
exports.databaseUpdate = false; // Automatically updates the database to the latest version.
exports.databaseUpdateWrite = true; // Normally true. When false, updates are not actually written ot the database. For testing.
exports.databaseIntegrityCheck = true; // Integrity checking is an option only if databaseUpdate is enabled.
exports.databaseArchiveTransactions = true; // Moves incomplete transactions to the TransactionArchive.
exports.databaseArchiveAccounts = true; // Removes deleted accounts that never made any transactions.
* Selfie location.
exports.defaultSelfie = 'defaultSelfie';
exports.defaultCompanyLogo0 = 'defaultCompanyLogo0';
exports.defaultSelfieData = '';
exports.defaultCompanyLogo0Data = '';
* File system configuration.
exports.temporaryDirectory = path.normalize(global.rootPath + 'temp/'); // Default swap directory.
* LexisNexis Tracesmart IDU-AML values
* @see
exports.readENVVariable('tracesmartIduAmlUrl', 'tracesmartIduAmlUrl');
exports.readENVVariable('tracesmartIduAmlUsername', 'tracesmartIduAmlUsername');
exports.readENVVariable('tracesmartIduAmlPassword', 'tracesmartIduAmlPassword');
* Ideal Postcodes API
* @see
exports.readENVVariable('idealPostcodesKey', 'idealPostcodesKey');
* General Defines.
exports.maxAddresses = 25;
exports.maxRegTokenAttempts = 3;
exports.maxItems = 100;
exports.maxInvoiceNumberAttempts = 3;
exports.callTimeout = 30000; // Number of miliseconds that a server will hold a port open for before it is shut down.
* Web Console host
* - Used for links in registration emails etc.
exports.readENVVariable('cookieSecret', 'cookieSecret');
exports.webconsole = {
host: exports.CCWebsiteAddress,
path: '/portal/',
cookieSecret: exports.cookieSecret
* Rate Limits for express-rate-limit.
* Note that the identifier for the "same" client depends on the type of call.
* It defaults to IP, but some of the APIs can be more specific based on session
* tokens or device ids.
* @see {@link}
exports.rateLimits = {
/* APIs */
api: {
windowMs: 15 * 60 * 1000, // 15 min window
max: 900, // Allow 900 requests per 15 min (~10 / second avg)
delayAfter: 0, // Never delay responses, only succeed or fail
delayMs: 0 // Never delay responses, only succeed or fail
/* Portal static files. */
portalStatic: {
windowMs: 15 * 60 * 1000, // 15 min window
max: 900, // Allow 900 requests per 15 minute, then fail (429)
delayAfter: 25, // Slow down after the first 25
delayMs: 10 // Delay by (10ms * (requests-delayAfter)) per request
/* Anything else - 404 page, selfies and other such things that haven't been removed */
fallback: {
windowMs: 1 * 60 * 60 * 1000, // 1 hour window
max: 100, // Allow 100 requests per hour, then fail (429)
delayAfter: 1, // Slow down after the first request
delayMs: 10 // Delay by 10ms * (requests-delayAfter) per request
* Secret for creation and validation of JSON Web Tokens for the integrations API
* @see
exports.readENVVariable('integrationsTokenSecret', 'integrationsTokenSecret');
* The commit hash that the server was built from.
exports.readENVVariable('commitHash', 'commitHash');
exports.CCServerVersion = packageJson.version + '-' + exports.commitHash;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js Credorax Acquiring Code
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Integrates with Credorax and interprets any results received.
var config = require(global.configFile);
var querystring = require('querystring');
var crypto = require('crypto');
var request = require('request');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var sms = require(global.pathPrefix + 'sms.js');
* Control defines.
exports.useMCC6012 = 0; // Add [jx] fields. Support seems patchy.
exports.useAVS = 0; // Add [c4-c10] fields. Support seems patchy.
exports.credoraxPostData = 1; // Shows the info sent to Credorax.
exports.primaryFailedComms = 0; // Ticks up every time communications fail with Credorax's primary server.
exports.credoraxSMSAlertSent = 0; // Designed to prevent multiple SMS calls.
exports.credoraxTimeout = 25000; // Apps use 30 seconds as we need a little time to respond to them.
* List of Appendix D errors so the system interprets a meaningful result.
exports.processingResponseReason = [
{'00': 'Approved or completed successfully'},
{'01': 'Refer to card issuer'},
{'02': 'Refer to card issuer special condition'},
{'03': 'Invalid merchant'},
{'04': 'Pick up card'},
{'05': 'Do not Honour'},
{'06': 'Invalid Transaction for Terminal'},
{'07': 'Pick up card special condition'},
{'08': 'Time-Out'},
{'09': 'No Original'},
{'10': 'Approved for partial amount'},
{'11': 'Partial Approval'},
{'12': 'Invalid transaction card / issuer / acquirer'},
{'13': 'Invalid amount'},
{'14': 'Invalid card number'},
{'17': 'Invalid Capture date (terminal business date)'},
{'19': 'System Error; Re-enter transaction'},
{'20': 'No From Account'},
{'21': 'No To Account'},
{'22': 'No Checking Account'},
{'23': 'No Saving Account'},
{'24': 'No Credit Account'},
{'30': 'Format error'},
{'34': 'Implausible card data'},
{'39': 'Transaction Not Allowed'},
{'41': 'Lost Card, Pickup'},
{'42': 'Special Pickup'},
{'43': 'Hot Card, Pickup (if possible)'},
{'44': 'Pickup Card'},
{'51': 'Not sufficient funds'},
{'52': 'No checking Account'},
{'53': 'No savings account'},
{'54': 'Expired card'},
{'55': 'Pin incorrect'},
{'57': 'Transaction not allowed for cardholder'},
{'58': 'Transaction not allowed for merchant'},
{'59': 'Suspected Fraud'},
{'61': 'Exceeds withdrawal amount limit'},
{'62': 'Restricted card'},
{'63': 'MAC Key Error'},
{'65': 'Activity count limit exceeded'},
{'66': 'Exceeds Acquirer Limit'},
{'67': 'Retain Card; no reason specified'},
{'68': 'Response received too late.'},
{'75': 'Pin tries exceeded'},
{'76': 'Invalid Account'},
{'77': 'Issuer Does Not Participate In The Service'},
{'78': 'Function Not Available'},
{'79': 'Key Validation Error'},
{'80': 'Approval for Purchase Amount Only'},
{'81': 'Unable to Verify PIN'},
{'82': 'Time out at issuer system'},
{'83': 'Not declined (Valid for all zero amount transactions)'},
{'84': 'Invalid Life Cycle of transaction'},
{'85': 'Not declined'},
{'86': 'Cannot verify pin'},
{'87': 'Purchase amount only, no cashback allowed'},
{'88': 'MAC sync Error'},
{'89': 'Security Violation'},
{'91': 'Issuer not available'},
{'92': 'Unable to route at acquirer Module'},
{'93': 'Transaction cannot be completed'},
{'94': 'Duplicate transaction'},
{'95': 'Contact Acquirer'},
{'96': 'System malfunction'},
{'97': 'No Funds Transfer'},
{'98': 'Duplicate Reversal'},
{'99': 'Duplicate Transaction'},
{'N3': 'Cash Service Not Available'},
{'N4': 'Cash Back Request Exceeds Issuer Limit'},
{'N7': '(Visa) decline; CVV2 failure.'},
{'R0': 'Stop Payment Order'},
{'R1': 'Revocation of Authorisation Order'},
{'R3': 'Revocation of all Authorisations Order'}
* Credorax main API function call.
* @type {function} CredoraxFunction
* @param {!object} credorax - JSON stucture with filled in data that represents the call.
* @param {!object} M - Merchant ID.
* @param {!object} cipherKey - Key issued to acquiring merchant.
* @param {!function} callback - Call back that returns the result.
exports.CredoraxFunction = function(credorax, M, cipherKey, callback) {
* Local variables.
var cryptoString = M;
* Parse all keys.
Object.keys(credorax).forEach(function(key) { cryptoString += credorax[key]; });
* Create hash.
cryptoString += cipherKey;
var hash = crypto.createHash('MD5').update(cryptoString).digest('hex');
* Create query string.
var postData = querystring.stringify({'K': hash, 'M': M});
postData += '&' + querystring.stringify(credorax);
postData = postData.replace('*', '%2A'); // stringify contains an error that does not process the asterisk correctly.
* Show the data to be posted. Never post this information on the live server.
if (exports.credoraxPostData && config.isDevEnv) {
('[OUT] parameters: ' + JSON.stringify(postData)),
* Process the data by submitting it to Credorax.
if (postData.length > 0) {
* Set the headers
var headers = {
'User-Agent': 'Super Agent/0.0.1',
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8',
'Content-Length': postData.length
* Configure the request
var options = {
url: config.credoraxCurrentGateway,
method: 'POST',
headers: headers,
form: postData,
timeout: exports.credoraxTimeout
* Start the request.
request(options, function(error, response, body) {
if (!error && response.statusCode === 200) {
* A response was received. This does not mean the operation was successful.
var credoraxResult = querystring.parse(body);
return callback(null, credoraxResult);
} else if (!error && response.statusCode !== 200) {
* HTTP error.
return callback('Error: HTTP Code: ' + response.statusCode);
} else {
* Return a request error.
return callback('Error: ' + error);
} else {
* No data to post.
return callback('No data to process.');
* Credorax z6 code interpretation.
* @type {function} interpretZ6
* @param {!string} z6 - Error code.
* @return {!string} Interpreted error code or 'Unknown error code' if it is not found.
exports.interpretZ6 = function(z6) {
var reason = 'Unknown error code';
if (exports.processingResponseReason.hasOwnProperty(z6)) {
reason = exports.processingResponseReason[z6];
return reason;
* This function deals with Credorax communication failures and gateway switchover if necessary.
* @type {function} commsFailure
* @param {!string} source - The function where the error was called from e.g. 'AddCard.process'.
exports.commsFailure = function(source) {
* General error - usually indicates Credorax is down.
* First check the current gateway and switch if necessary.
if (config.credoraxCurrentGateway === config.credoraxPrimaryGateway) {
* Still on primary gateway.
if (exports.primaryFailedComms >= (config.credoraxChangeoverThreshold - 1)) {
* Too many failures. Switching to secondary gateway.
config.credoraxCurrentGateway = config.credoraxSecondaryGateway;
'Credorax primary gateway down. Moving to secondary gateway.',
* Inform admins.
if (exports.credoraxSMSAlertSent === 0) {
* Block multiple SMS messages and send a single one to the admin(s).
* Note that SMS is blocked before we know it has been sent; the callback structure means that this could
* be initialised hundreds of times on a loaded system before the first one returned.
exports.credoraxSMSAlertSent = 1;
sms.sendSMS(null, (sms.adminMobile + ',' + sms.backupMobile),
config.credoraxPrimaryGatewayFailure, function(err, smsBalance) {
if (err) {
'Unable to send SMS.',
* Success.
('Credorax primary gateway failure. SMS sent to admins (SMS balance now ' + smsBalance + ').'),
} else {
exports.primaryFailedComms += 1;

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@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
/* eslint-disable no-var, no-unused-vars, vars-on-top */
/* eslint-disable spaced-comment, global-require, lines-around-comment, comma-spacing */
/* eslint-disable no-use-before-define, no-useless-escape, brace-style, padded-blocks */
/* eslint-disable prefer-arrow-callback, promise/always-return, unicorn/catch-error-name */
// Comcarde Node.js JSON Handler
// Provides -Bridge- pay functionality.
// Copyright 2014-2015 Comcarde
// Written by Keith Symington
// Includes
var moment = require('moment');
var querystring = require('querystring');
var crypto = require('crypto');
var mongodb = require('mongodb');
var path = require('path');
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var utils = require(global.pathPrefix + 'utils.js');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var sms = require(global.pathPrefix + 'sms.js');
var mailer = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mailer.js');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var credorax = require(global.pathPrefix + 'credorax.js');
var config = require(global.configFile);
var SendReport = require(global.pathPrefix + 'hJSON/SendReport');
var validator = require(global.pathPrefix + '../schemas/validator');
// Local variables.
exports.JSONServed = 0;
exports.showPackets = true; // Use to show the incoming packet detail. This is a debug mode.
exports.REST = 1;
exports.form = 2;
* List of commands that are supported by this function. Commands added to
* this list MUST:
* 1. Have a matching handler in 'ComServe/hJSON/<name>.js''
* 2. Have a matching schema for the body in 'schemas/<name>.json'
* 3. Have the approprite errorcode added to the list
* WARNING: due to the change in direction, ALL commands are now unsupported!
* They have been moved to `UNSUPPORTED_COMMANDS` for easy reverting if needed.
* Login and Authorisation Commands
AcceptEULA: {validationErrorCode: 292},
Authorise2FARequest: {validationErrorCode: 455},
Get2FARequest: {validationErrorCode: 453},
KeepAlive: {validationErrorCode: 123},
LogOut1: {validationErrorCode: 123},
Login1: {validationErrorCode: 149},
PINReset: {validationErrorCode: 128},
RotateHMAC: {validationErrorCode: 444},
ElevateSession: {validationErrorCode: 558},
* Account Commands
AddAddress: {validationErrorCode: 378},
AddCard: {validationErrorCode: 122},
ChangePIN: {validationErrorCode: 415},
ChangePassword: {validationErrorCode: 418},
DeleteAccount: {validationErrorCode: 151},
DeleteAddress: {validationErrorCode: 384},
GetTransactionDetail: {validationErrorCode: 190},
GetTransactionHistory: {validationErrorCode: 186},
ListAccounts: {validationErrorCode: 519},
ListDeletedAccounts: {
validationErrorCode: 519,
commandHandler: 'ListAccounts'
ListAddresses: {validationErrorCode: 376},
SetAccountAddress: {validationErrorCode: 391},
SetDefaultAccount: {validationErrorCode: 300},
* Image Commands
AddImage: {validationErrorCode: 217},
GetImage: {validationErrorCode: 220},
IconCache: {validationErrorCode: -1}, // Has no body, so can't fail validation
ImageCache: {validationErrorCode: 520},
ReportImage: {validationErrorCode: 223},
* Invoice Commands
ConfirmInvoice: {validationErrorCode: 493},
GetInvoice: {validationErrorCode: 513},
ListInvoices: {validationErrorCode: 511},
RejectInvoice: {validationErrorCode: 516},
* Merchant Commands
ListItems: {validationErrorCode: 471},
* Message Commands
DeleteMessage: {validationErrorCode: 485},
GetMessage: {validationErrorCode: 479},
ListMessages: {validationErrorCode: 477},
MarkMessage: {validationErrorCode: 482},
* Payment Commands
CancelPaymentRequest: {validationErrorCode: 161},
ConfirmTransaction: {validationErrorCode: 181},
GetTransactionUpdate: {validationErrorCode: 170},
PayCodeRequest: {validationErrorCode: 150},
RedeemPayCode: {validationErrorCode: 174},
RefundTransaction: {validationErrorCode: 227},
* Registration Commands
AddDevice: {validationErrorCode: 330},
DeleteDevice: {validationErrorCode: 363},
GetClientDetails: {validationErrorCode: 424},
ListDevices: {validationErrorCode: 361},
Register1: {validationErrorCode: 2},
Register2: {validationErrorCode: 124},
Register3: {validationErrorCode: 125},
Register4: {validationErrorCode: 126},
Register6: {validationErrorCode: 140},
Register7: {
validationErrorCode: 141,
paramsValidator: 'Register7.params'
Register8: {validationErrorCode: 142},
ResumeDevice: {validationErrorCode: 432},
SetClientDetails: {validationErrorCode: 422},
SetDeviceName: {validationErrorCode: 438},
SuspendDevice: {validationErrorCode: 427},
* Utils functions
PostCodeLookup: {validationErrorCode: 530}
* Define where the schemas should be loaded from
const SCHEMA_DIR = path.join(global.pathPrefix, '..', 'schemas');
* Define where the command handlers should be loaded from
const COMMAND_HANDLER_DIR = path.join(global.pathPrefix, 'hJSON');
* Stores the command handlers that are loaded based on the SUPPORTED_COMMANDS
var commandHandlers = {};
* Loads the command handlers base on the list of supported commands
function loadCommandHandlers() {
* Pull in all the command handlers
var commands = Object.keys(SUPPORTED_COMMANDS);
var paramsSchemas = ['defaultCommandOnly.params']; // Default unless otherwise specified
for (var i = 0; i < commands.length; ++i) {
* Default command name is the same as the key
var command = commands[i];
var commandHandler = command;
* Some commands need a custom command handler name.
* e.g. `ListDeletedAccounts` uses `ListAccounts`
var commandInfo = SUPPORTED_COMMANDS[command];
if (commandInfo && commandInfo.commandHandler) {
commandHandler = commandInfo.commandHandler;
* `require` the command handler
commandHandlers[command] = require(
path.join(COMMAND_HANDLER_DIR, commandHandler)
* Some commands have custom parameters validators. If so, add them
* to the additional schemas list.
if (commandInfo && commandInfo.paramsValidator) {
* Initialise the validator with the same list of supported commands
var schemas = commands.concat(paramsSchemas);
validator.initialise(schemas, config.isDevEnv, SCHEMA_DIR);
* Call loadCommandHandlers immediately to register all the handlers we have
// Reads the JSON data out of the packet.
// req and res are the request and response packets.
// remoteAddress: is the source address of the incoming link.
// protocolPort is 'HTTPS:443' for example. This is a text string only that is put to the logs.
exports.handleJSONRequest = function(req, res, remoteAddress, protocolPort, parameters, type) {
// Local objects.
var serverData = '';
var receivedObject = {};
// Reset number of JSON requests served.
// Receipt of 'data' function.
var dataReceived = function(chunk) {
// Check that the maximum packet size is not above the current limit.
if (serverData.length > utils.maxPacketSize) {
// Too much data. Shut down receive methods.
req.removeListener('data', dataReceived);
req.removeListener('end', requestEnd);
// Return an error code.
res.writeHead(413, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'});
'{\"code\":\"280\",' +
'\"info\":\"Packet too large.\"}');
'Packet too large.',
(remoteAddress + ' (' + protocolPort + ')'));
} else { // Overflow limit not reached. Add the data.
serverData += chunk;
// 'End' of data stream.
//jshint -W074
var requestEnd = function() {
// Protect against unhandled exceptions.
try {
// Try to parse the data to see if it is JSON.
try {
// Parse the data received. Some commands are pure rest so skip null data.
if (serverData !== '') {
if (type === exports.REST) {
receivedObject = JSON.parse(serverData);
} else if (type === exports.form) {
receivedObject = querystring.parse(serverData);
catch (err) {
// Unable to process querystring or body JSON.
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'});
if (type === exports.REST) {
'{\"code\":\"324\",' +
'\"info\":\"Invalid JSON in packet.\"}');
('Invalid JSON in packet. ' + + ' (' + err.message + ') Message not logged for security reasons.'),
(remoteAddress + ' (' + protocolPort + ')'));
} else if (type === exports.form) {
'{\"code\":\"325\",' +
'\"info\":\"Invalid querystring.\"}');
('Invalid querystring. ' + + ' (' + err.message + ') Message not logged for security reasons.'),
(remoteAddress + ' (' + protocolPort + ')'));
// Return after error.
// Detailed logging of input/output for debug purposes. Never show in the live environment.
if (exports.showPackets && config.isDevEnv) {
if (type === exports.REST) {
('[IN] parameters: ' + JSON.stringify(parameters) + ' [REST IN] parsed data: ' +
(remoteAddress + ' (' + protocolPort + ')'));
} else if (type === exports.form) {
('[IN] parameters: ' + JSON.stringify(parameters) + ' [FORM IN] parsed data: ' +
(remoteAddress + ' (' + protocolPort + ')'));
* Create hmac object.
var hmacData = {};
hmacData.address = 'https://' + + req.url;
hmacData.method = req.method;
hmacData.body = serverData;
if ('bridge-timestamp' in req.headers) {
hmacData.timestamp = req.headers['bridge-timestamp'];
if ('bridge-hmac' in req.headers) {
hmacData.hmac = req.headers['bridge-hmac'];
* Check for unknown packets. Note there are a couple of exceptions where commands
* can be generated by non-apps.
if (!(('user-agent' in req.headers) && ((req.headers['user-agent'].substr(0,6)) === 'Bridge'))) {
if ((parameters.Command !== 'Register7') &&
(parameters.Command !== 'SendReport')) {
code: '464',
info: 'Forbidden.'
'Request forbidden: user-agent is not Bridge.',
(remoteAddress + ' (' + protocolPort + ')'));
* Build function info.
var functionInfo = {}; = parameters.Command + '.process';
functionInfo.remote = remoteAddress;
functionInfo.port = protocolPort;
* Check if this is a command that is handled from the dynamically
* loaded and validated commands.
if (commandHandlers.hasOwnProperty(parameters.Command)) {
* It is a dynamically created function so handle it here
doCommand(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData);
} else {
* All of the hard-coded JSON commands are examined here. The most common should be put at the top.
* Once all commands have been converted over to using JSON Schema validation we can
* remove this case.
switch (parameters.Command) {
case 'SendReport':
SendReport.process(res, functionInfo, parameters);
// Error condition - unknown commands.
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'});
'{\"code\":\"0\",' +
'\"info\":\"Unknown Command.\"}');
('Unknown \"Command:\" in url (' + parameters.Command + ')'),
(remoteAddress + ' (' + protocolPort + ')'));
catch (err) {
// Processing error. Now actual error returned in message
var responseObj = {
code: '4',
info: 'Unhandled Exception - ' + err.message
('Unhandled Exception - ' + + ' (' + err.message + ')'),
(remoteAddress + ' (' + protocolPort + ')'));
// Bind events to functions.
req.on('data', dataReceived); // Data indicates that information is still arriving.
req.on('end', requestEnd); // End indicates that everything has been read.
* Runs the command specified by `parameters.Command`.
* It first validates the body using JSON Schema, then calls the command handler
* @param {!Object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!Object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?Object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?Object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
* @param {!Object} hmacData - hmac information {!address, !method, !body, ?timestamp, ?hmac}
function doCommand(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
var commandName = parameters.Command;
var commandInfo = SUPPORTED_COMMANDS[commandName];
var paramsSchema = commandInfo.paramsValidator || 'defaultCommandOnly.params';
var bodyValidatorP = validator.validate(commandName, receivedObject);
var paramsValidatorP = validator.validate(paramsSchema, parameters);
Promise.all([bodyValidatorP, paramsValidatorP])
.then(function onValidationSucceeded() {
* Validated, so run the command
try {
} catch (err) {
/* Processing error. Return it to the caller */
var responseObj = {
code: '4',
info: 'Unhandled exception - ' + err.message
null, // Don't know what device was used
null, // Don't pass in HMAC data as we don't have a device.
.catch(function onValidationFailed(err) {
var hasErrorDetail = Array.isArray(err.errors) && err.errors.length > 0;
* Failed validation, so return an error
var responseObj = {
code: commandInfo.validationErrorCode ?
commandInfo.validationErrorCode.toString() :
info: 'Invalid body in request'
/* Add a little more detail if we have it */
if (hasErrorDetail) { =
'Invalid body' +
/* If we are in dev, also return the detailed error info from the validator */
if (config.isDevEnv && hasErrorDetail) { += ': ' + err.errors[0].message;
responseObj.devOnlyErrorDetail = err;
null, // Don't know what device was used
null, // Don't pass in HMAC data as we don't have a device.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js AcceptEULA Handler for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Confirms that the user has accepted the EULA. JSON version.
* @see {@link}
* Includes
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var utils = require(global.pathPrefix + 'utils.js');
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var config = require(global.configFile);
* Web Server elements. Processes an HTTP request, be it JSON or HTTP.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
* @param {?object} hmacData - HMAC information from incoming packet.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
* Validate the session. This function responds directly if there is a problem.
auth.validSession(res, receivedObject.DeviceToken, receivedObject.SessionToken, functionInfo, hmacData,
function(err, existingDevice, existingClient) {
if (err) {
* New version accepted.
var newLastUpdate = new Date();
mainDB.updateObject(mainDB.collectionClient, {ClientID: existingClient.ClientID}, {
$set: {
EULAVersionAccepted: config.EULAVersion,
LastUpdate: newLastUpdate
$inc: {LastVersion: 1}
{upsert: false}, false, function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '290',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Updated.
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '10044',
info: 'EULA acceptance confirmed.'
('V' + config.EULAVersion + ' EULA acceptance confirmed.'));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js Add Address Handler for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Adds an address which will be associated with the current client.
* @see {@link}
* Includes
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var config = require(global.configFile);
var utils = require(global.pathPrefix + 'utils.js');
* Web Server elements. Processes an HTTP request, be it JSON or HTTP.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
* @param {?object} hmacData - HMAC information from incoming packet.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
* Validate the session. This function responds directly if there is a problem.
auth.validSession(res, receivedObject.DeviceToken, receivedObject.SessionToken, functionInfo, hmacData,
function(err, existingDevice, existingClient) {
if (err) {
* Search for the requested addresses.
* Cyclomatic complexity warning disabled.
//jshint -W074
mainDB.collectionAddresses.find({ClientID: existingClient.ClientID},
_id: 1,
AddressDescription: 1
).toArray(function(err, addresses) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '379',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Check for maximum number of entries. GTE used to trap problem cases or changes
* in config.maxAddresses.
if (addresses.length >= config.maxAddresses) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '380',
info: 'Maximum number of addresses reached.'
* Check that the description does not already exist.
var counter;
for (counter = 0; counter < addresses.length; counter++) {
if (addresses[counter].AddressDescription === receivedObject.AddressDescription) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '381',
info: 'AddressDescription already exists.'
* Create and populate the new address.
var timestamp = new Date();
var newAddress = mainDB.blankAddress();
newAddress.ClientID = existingClient.ClientID;
newAddress.AddressDescription = receivedObject.AddressDescription;
if (receivedObject.BuildingNameFlat) {
newAddress.BuildingNameFlat = receivedObject.BuildingNameFlat;
newAddress.Address1 = receivedObject.Address1;
if (receivedObject.Address2) {
newAddress.Address2 = receivedObject.Address2;
newAddress.Town = receivedObject.Town;
if (receivedObject.County) {
newAddress.County = receivedObject.County;
newAddress.PostCode = receivedObject.PostCode;
newAddress.Country = receivedObject.Country;
if (receivedObject.PhoneNumber) {
newAddress.PhoneNumber = receivedObject.PhoneNumber;
newAddress.DateAdded = timestamp;
newAddress.LastUpdate = timestamp;
* Add the object to the addresses database.
mainDB.addObject(mainDB.collectionAddresses, newAddress, undefined, false, function(err, objectAdded) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '382',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Address successfully added.
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '10053',
info: 'Address added.',
AddressID: objectAdded[0]._id
* Check KYC flag and update if necessary.
* note that this is a valid bitwise comparison and manipulation.
//jshint -W016
if (!(existingClient.ClientStatus & utils.ClientAddressMask)) {
var newClientStatus = existingClient.ClientStatus | utils.ClientAddressMask;
//jshint +W016
mainDB.updateObject(mainDB.collectionClient, {ClientID: existingDevice.ClientID},
$set: {
ClientStatus: newClientStatus,
LastUpdate: timestamp
$inc: {LastVersion: 1}
{upsert: false}, false, function(err) {
if (err) {
'Could not set address mask flag set (KYC2) as database was offline.',
(existingDevice.ClientID + ' (' + existingDevice.DeviceNumber + ')'),
(functionInfo.remote + ' (' + functionInfo.port + ')'));
* System note that the KYC flag has been set.
'Client address mask flag set (KYC2).',
(existingDevice.ClientID + ' (' + existingDevice.DeviceNumber + ')'),
(functionInfo.remote + ' (' + functionInfo.port + ')'));
//jshint +W074

View File

@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js AddCard handling code for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Adds a card to the account table associated to the supplied user.
* @see {@link}
'use strict';
* Includes needed for this module.
const _ = require('lodash');
var moment = require('moment');
var mongodb = require('mongodb');
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var utils = require(global.pathPrefix + 'utils.js');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var config = require(global.configFile);
var worldpay = require(global.pathPrefix + 'worldpay.js');
var sms = require(global.pathPrefix + 'sms.js');
var anon = require(global.pathPrefix + '../utils/anon.js');
const acquirers = require(global.pathPrefix + '../utils/acquirers/acquirer.js');
* Web Server elements. Processes an HTTP request, be it JSON or HTTP.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
* @param {?object} hmacData - HMAC information from incoming packet.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
* Validate the session. This function responds directly if there is a problem.
auth.validSession(res, receivedObject.DeviceToken, receivedObject.SessionToken, functionInfo, hmacData,
function(err, existingDevice, existingClient) {
if (err) {
* Ensure that the client details are set.
if (!(utils.bitsAllSet(existingClient.ClientStatus, utils.ClientDetailsMask))) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '521',
info: 'No client details set.'
* Retrieve the address from the database.
_id: mongodb.ObjectID(receivedObject.BillingAddress),
ClientID: existingClient.ClientID
function(err, existingAddress) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '522',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Check if any addresses match the search query.
if (!existingAddress) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '523',
info: 'Invalid billing address.'
* Create a new Account and fill in as a card.
var newCard = mainDB.blankAccount();
newCard.ClientID = existingClient.ClientID;
newCard.ClientAccountName = receivedObject.ClientAccountName;
newCard.UserImage = receivedObject.UserImage;
newCard.NameOnAccount = receivedObject.NameOnAccount;
* Encrypt and store the card details.
var temp;
* CardPAN
temp = utils.encryptDataV3(receivedObject.CardPAN, receivedObject.ClientKey, existingClient._id.toString());
if (typeof temp !== 'string') {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '524',
info: 'Error when encrypting CardPAN.'
('Encryption V3 error: CardPAN, Code: ' + temp.code.toString() + ' (' + temp.message + ').'));
newCard.CardPAN = anon.anonymiseCardPAN(receivedObject.CardPAN);
newCard.CardPANEncrypted = temp;
* CardExpiry
temp = utils.encryptDataV3(receivedObject.CardExpiry, receivedObject.ClientKey, existingClient._id.toString());
if (typeof temp !== 'string') {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '524',
info: 'Error when encrypting CardExpiry.'
('Encryption V3 error: CardExpiry, Code: ' + temp.code.toString() + ' (' + temp.message + ').'));
newCard.CardExpiryEncrypted = temp;
* CardValidFrom
if (receivedObject.CardValidFrom) {
temp = utils.encryptDataV3(receivedObject.CardValidFrom, receivedObject.ClientKey, existingClient._id.toString());
if (typeof temp !== 'string') {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '524',
info: 'Error when encrypting CardValidFrom.'
('Encryption V3 error: CardValidFrom, Code: ' + temp.code.toString() + ' (' + temp.message + ').'));
newCard.CardValidFromEncrypted = temp;
* IssueNumber
if (receivedObject.IssueNumber) {
temp = utils.encryptDataV3(receivedObject.IssueNumber, receivedObject.ClientKey, existingClient._id.toString());
if (typeof temp !== 'string') {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '524',
info: 'Error when encrypting IssueNumber.'
('Encryption V3 error: IssueNumber, Code: ' + temp.code.toString() + ' (' + temp.message + ').'));
newCard.IssueNumberEncrypted = temp;
newCard.AccountType = 'Credit/Debit Payment Card';
newCard.VendorAccountName = 'Credit/Debit Card';
newCard.BillingAddress = receivedObject.BillingAddress;
var cardDetails = utils.identifyCard(receivedObject.CardPAN);
newCard.VendorID = cardDetails.type;
newCard.IconLocation = cardDetails.icon;
newCard.ReceivingAccount = 0;
newCard.PaymentsAccount = 1;
newCard.BalanceAvailable = 0;
newCard.Balance = null;
newCard.LastUpdate = new Date();
* Tokenise the card to check it is valid. The default method can be set in config.
* If the default method is 'None' then the details will simply be stored; the assumption is that no checking need
* be done at this stage.
* Entry of a demo card will show the verification provider as 'Demo'.
var provider = config.verificationProvider;
if (receivedObject.CardPAN === config.demoCardPAN) {
provider = 'Demo';
newCard.AcquirerName = provider;
* Use Worldpay to tokenise the card.
if (provider === 'Worldpay') {
* Build the card details for the acquirer to tokenise
* This is just an extract from the receivedObject
const tokeniseDetails = _.pick(
* make the request to tokenise
).then((cardDetails) => {
* Update the account object with the new details
const updatedCard = _.assign(
* Add the card to the Account collection.
mainDB.addObject(mainDB.collectionAccount, updatedCard, undefined, false, function(err, objectAdded) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '529',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Respond to client.
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '10012',
info: 'Card added (tokenised with Worldpay).',
AccountID: objectAdded[0]._id
('New card account ID ' + objectAdded[0]._id + ' added (Worldpay ID: ' + ').'));
}).catch((err) => {
* Report an appropriate error to the acquirer not tokenising properly
if ( === acquirers.ERRORS.ACQUIRER_DOWN) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '527',
info: 'Cannot connect to verifying bank (Worldpay); card addition failed.'
} else if ( === acquirers.ERRORS.TOKEN_ENCRYPTION_FAILED) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '524',
info: 'Error when encrypting Token.'
('Encryption V3 error when encrypting token. ' +;
} else {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '528',
info: 'Card tokenisation failed.'
('Cannot tokenise card. ' + + ':' + err.message));
* Do not tokenise the card - simply store the details.
* This can either be where the
else if ((provider === 'None') || (provider === 'Demo')) {
* Data is simply stored; either a demo card or verification disabled.
if (provider === 'Demo') {
newCard.ClientAccountName += ' (Demo)';
* Add the card to the Account collection.
mainDB.addObject(mainDB.collectionAccount, newCard, undefined, false, function(err, objectAdded) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '526',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Respond to client.
var variedInfo = '';
if (provider === 'Demo') {
variedInfo = '(demo account)';
} else {
variedInfo = '(not tokenised)';
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '10012',
info: 'Card added ' + variedInfo + '.',
AccountID: objectAdded[0]._id
('New card account ID ' + objectAdded[0]._id + ' added ' + variedInfo + '.'));
* Default case - system disabled.
else {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '525',
info: 'Card addition disabled.'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js AddImage Handler for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Adds an image to the image database.
* @see {@link}
// Legacy code line length disable.
// jscs:disable maximumLineLength
//jshint -W101
* Includes
var moment = require('moment');
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var utils = require(global.pathPrefix + 'utils.js');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var mailer = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mailer.js');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var credorax = require(global.pathPrefix + 'credorax.js');
var mongodb = require('mongodb');
var gm = require('gm');
var fs = require('fs');
var config = require(global.configFile);
* Web Server elements. Processes an HTTP request, be it JSON or HTTP.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
* @param {?object} hmacData - HMAC information from incoming packet.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
* Validate the session. This function responds directly if there is a problem.
auth.validSession(res, receivedObject.DeviceToken, receivedObject.SessionToken, functionInfo, hmacData,
function(err, existingDevice, existingClient) {
if (err) {
* Create a buffer and write the image to a temporary disk file.
var buf = new Buffer(receivedObject.ImageFile, 'base64');
var tempFileName = moment().format('YYYYMMDDTHHmmssSSS') + utils.randomCode(utils.fullAlphaNumeric, 14);
fs.writeFile((config.temporaryDirectory + tempFileName), buf, function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '284',
info: 'Internal server error.'
('File creation error: ' + err.message));
* Check this is a valid image file.
gm((config.temporaryDirectory + tempFileName)).format(function(err, fileFormat) {
if ((err) || ((fileFormat !== 'PNG') && (fileFormat !== 'JPEG')) ||
((fileFormat === 'PNG') && (receivedObject.FileType !== 'PNG')) ||
((fileFormat === 'JPEG') && (receivedObject.FileType !== 'JPG'))) {
* Add more detail.
var furtherInfo = '';
if (err) {
furtherInfo = err;
} else if ((fileFormat !== 'PNG') && (fileFormat !== 'JPEG')) {
furtherInfo = 'Not a PNG or JPEG file';
} else {
furtherInfo = 'File format is not that specified in FileType';
* Let the user know the image file is invalid.
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '285',
info: 'Invalid image file.'
('Invalid image file (' + furtherInfo + ').'));
* Check that the file size is reasonable.
gm((config.temporaryDirectory + tempFileName)).size(function(err, fileSize) {
if ((err) || (fileSize.width > utils.ImageWidthMax) ||
(fileSize.height > utils.ImageHeightMax) ||
(fileSize.width !== fileSize.height)) {
* Add more detail.
var furtherInfo = '';
if (err) {
furtherInfo = err;
} else if (fileSize.width !== fileSize.height) {
furtherInfo = 'The image is not square';
} else if (fileSize.width > utils.ImageWidthMax) {
furtherInfo = 'File is over ' + utils.ImageWidthMax + ' pixels wide';
} else {
furtherInfo = 'File is over ' + utils.ImageHeightMax + ' pixels high';
* Let the user know the image file is invalid.
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '286',
info: 'Image dimensions invalid.'
('Image dimensions invalid (' + furtherInfo + ').'));
* Image is valid. Push image to Bluemix.
config.bluemixContainer.createObject(tempFileName, receivedObject.ImageFile)
.then(function() {
* Create new database entry.
var timestamp = new Date();
var newImage = {};
newImage.ClientID = existingClient.ClientID;
newImage.ImageFile = tempFileName;
newImage.ImageType = receivedObject.ImageType;
newImage.FileType = receivedObject.FileType;
newImage.ImageReported = 0;
newImage.LastUpdate = timestamp;
* Write the image and get the object ID back.
mainDB.addObject(mainDB.collectionImages, newImage, undefined, false, function(err, imageAdded) {
if (err) { // Unable to store info.
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '218',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Image successfully added. Update the client record.
var ImageID = mongodb.ObjectID(imageAdded[0]._id).toString();
var Selfie = existingClient.Selfie;
if (receivedObject.ImageType === 'Selfie') {
Selfie = ImageID;
var CompanyLogo = existingClient.Merchant[0].CompanyLogo;
if (receivedObject.ImageType === 'CompanyLogo0') {
CompanyLogo = ImageID;
var newLastVersion = existingClient.LastVersion + 1;
* Update the client record.
{ClientID: existingClient.ClientID}, {
$set: {
Selfie: Selfie,
'Merchant.0.CompanyLogo': CompanyLogo,
LastUpdate: timestamp,
LastVersion: newLastVersion
{upsert: false}, false, function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '219',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Delete the temporary file.
fs.unlink((config.temporaryDirectory + tempFileName), function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '287',
info: 'Internal server error.'
('File deletion error: ' + err.message));
* Return code to user.
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '10031',
info: 'Image added.',
ImageRef: ImageID
('New ' + receivedObject.FileType + ' image added (' + fileSize.width +
'x' + fileSize.height + ', ID ' + ImageID + ', S3 ' + tempFileName + ').'));
* Launch async cleanup task to remove old image if it was never used.
* This can be slow so is launched independently of image addition.
var searchFor = '';
if (receivedObject.ImageType === 'Selfie') {
searchFor = existingClient.Selfie;
} else {
searchFor = existingClient.Merchant[0].CompanyLogo;
* Protect the default images.
if ((searchFor === config.defaultSelfie) || (searchFor === config.defaultCompanyLogo0)) {
'Default image detected (not deleted).',
mainDB.findOneObject(mainDB.collectionTransactionHistory, {OtherImage: searchFor},
function(err, oldTransaction) {
if (!err) {
* Database module writes its own errors.
if (oldTransaction) {
('Old ' + receivedObject.FileType + ' image in use (ID ' + searchFor +
'). Not deleted.'),
* Image not used in a transaction.
* Pull the database reference.
mainDB.findOneObject(mainDB.collectionImages, {_id: mongodb.ObjectID(searchFor)},
function(err, oldImage) {
if (!err) {
// Database module writes its own errors.
if (!oldImage) {
('Cannot find Image in database (ID ' + searchFor + ').'),
* Image is present. Remove from IBM OS.
.then(function() {
* Remove the Images database entry.
mainDB.removeObject(mainDB.collectionImages, {_id: mongodb.ObjectID(searchFor)}, undefined, false, function(err) {
if (!err) {
('Unused ' + receivedObject.FileType + ' deleted from IBM OS (ID ' + searchFor +
', OS ' + oldImage.ImageFile + ').'),
.catch(function(err) {
(receivedObject.FileType + ' image not deleted from IBM OS (ID ' + searchFor + ', OS ' +
oldImage.ImageFile + '). ' + err.message),
.catch(function(err) {
* Error putting the file on S3.
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '463',
info: 'Could not store image.'
('Error uploading image to Bluemix Object Storage (' + err.message + ').'));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js handler to authorise an outstanding 2FA request for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Richard Taylor
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Authorises the identified 2FA request from a web console login request
* @see {@link}
* Includes
var Q = require('q');
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var utils = require(global.pathPrefix + 'utils.js');
* This authorises an outstanding 2-factor authentication request arising from
* an attempt to log into the web console. The RequestID for this request
* comes from a previous request to Get2FARequest.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
* @param {?object} hmacData - HMAC information from incoming packet.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
* Validate the session. This function responds directly if there is a problem.
auth.validSession(res, receivedObject.DeviceToken, receivedObject.SessionToken, functionInfo, hmacData,
function(err, existingDevice, existingClient) {
if (err) {
* Authorise the identified request, if it can be found.
* Build the query. The limits are:
* - TargetAccount must match the id of the current client
* - RequestID must match the RequestID
* - Request must not be expired
* - Request must not be already authorised (i.e. no authorised date)
var timestamp = new Date();
var query = {
TargetAccount: existingClient.ClientID,
RequestID: receivedObject.RequestID,
RequestExpiry: {$gt: timestamp},
AuthorisedDate: {$type: 10} // Must exist and be exactly `null` (BSON Type 10)
* Define the update
var newExpiry = new Date(timestamp);
timestamp.getSeconds() + utils.twoFactorRequestExpiry
var update = {
$set: {
AuthorisedDate: timestamp,
AuthorisingDeviceID: existingDevice.DeviceUuid,
RequestExpiry: newExpiry,
LastUpdate: timestamp
* Build the options.
var options = {
upsert: false,
multi: false,
comment: 'authorise2FARequest' // For profiler logs use
* Request the object
).then(function(result) {
* Successful query (though it may not have found anything to update)
if (result.result.n === 1) {
* A document was updated, so this is total success
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '10067',
info: 'Authorisation successful.'
('Authorise2FARequest successful: ' + receivedObject.RequestID));
} else {
* The request ran, but didn't find any documents
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '457',
info: 'Invalid or expired request ID.'
('Invalid or expired request ID: ' + receivedObject.RequestID));
}).catch(function() {
* Query failed, most likely from the database
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '456',
info: 'Database offline.'
}); // End auth.validSession callback

View File

@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js CancelPaymentRequest Handler for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Cancels a payment request, sets TransactionStatus appropriately.
* @see {@link}
* Includes
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var utils = require(global.pathPrefix + 'utils.js');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var mongodb = require('mongodb');
* Web Server elements. Processes an HTTP request, be it JSON or HTTP.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
* @param {?object} hmacData - HMAC information from incoming packet.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
* Validate the session. This function responds directly if there is a problem.
auth.validSession(res, receivedObject.DeviceToken, receivedObject.SessionToken, functionInfo, hmacData,
function(err, existingDevice) {
if (err) {
* Either the payer or payee can cancel the transaction.
//jshint -W074
mainDB.findOneObject(mainDB.collectionTransaction, {_id: mongodb.ObjectID(receivedObject.TransactionID)},
function(err, existingTransaction) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '162',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Check to see if the transaction exists.
if (existingTransaction === null) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '163',
info: 'Cannot find transaction.'
* Ensure that it's either the customer or merchant requesting cancellation.
* If this is true it indicated a session timeout.
if (!(((receivedObject.DeviceToken === existingTransaction.CustomerDeviceToken) &&
(receivedObject.SessionToken === existingTransaction.CustomerSessionToken)) ||
((receivedObject.DeviceToken === existingTransaction.MerchantDeviceToken) &&
(receivedObject.SessionToken === existingTransaction.MerchantSessionToken)))) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '164',
info: 'Session timed out.'
* User is allowed to cancel the transaction. Default is to update the transaction.
var updateTransaction = false;
var newTransactionStatus;
var newStatusInfo;
switch (existingTransaction.TransactionStatus) {
case 0:
* Just issued.
newTransactionStatus = 10;
newStatusInfo = 'Paycode cancelled before use by customer.';
updateTransaction = true;
case 1:
* Code claimed.
newTransactionStatus = 11;
if (receivedObject.DeviceToken === existingTransaction.CustomerDeviceToken) {
newStatusInfo = 'Payment process cancelled by customer.';
} else {
newStatusInfo = 'Payment process cancelled by merchant.';
updateTransaction = true;
case 2:
* Payment underway.
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '165',
info: 'Transfer underway.'
case 3:
* Payment complete.
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '166',
info: 'Payment complete.'
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '167',
info: 'Payment already cancelled.'
* Update the transaction if needed.
if (updateTransaction) {
var newLastUpdate = new Date();
var newLastVersion = existingTransaction.LastVersion + 1;
{_id: mongodb.ObjectID(receivedObject.TransactionID)}, {
$set: {
TransactionStatus: newTransactionStatus,
StatusInfo: newStatusInfo,
LastUpdate: newLastUpdate,
LastVersion: newLastVersion
{upsert: false}, false, function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '168',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Delete PayCode so it cannot be matched again.
{_id: existingTransaction.PayCodeID}, undefined, false, function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '169',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Payment successfully cancelled.
let cancelledBy = '';
if (receivedObject.DeviceToken === existingTransaction.CustomerDeviceToken) {
cancelledBy = 'payer.';
} else {
cancelledBy = 'payee.';
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '10018',
info: ('Transaction cancelled by ' + cancelledBy)
('PayCode ' + existingTransaction.PayCode + ' cancelled by ' + cancelledBy));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js ChangePIN Handler for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Gets a list of all devices associated with a particular client.
* @see {@link}
* Includes
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var config = require(global.configFile);
* Web Server elements. Processes an HTTP request, be it JSON or HTTP.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
* @param {?object} hmacData - HMAC information from incoming packet.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
* Validate the session. This function responds directly if there is a problem.
auth.validSession(res, receivedObject.DeviceToken, receivedObject.SessionToken, functionInfo, hmacData,
function(err, existingDevice) {
if (err) {
* Check the current PIN.
var timestamp = new Date();
auth.checkDevicePIN(receivedObject.DeviceAuthorisation, existingDevice, timestamp, function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: err.code.toString(),
info: err.message
* Encrypt and store the new PIN. Create a new salt as well.
auth.encryptPBKDF2(receivedObject.NewAuthorisation, function(err, newSalt, newHash) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '416',
info: ('Error encrypting new PIN: ' + err)
* Success. Update the database with the new PIN.
var newDeviceAuthorisation = config.pinCryptoVersion + '::' + newHash;
mainDB.updateObject(mainDB.collectionDevice, {DeviceToken: existingDevice.DeviceToken},
$set: {
DeviceSalt: newSalt,
DeviceAuthorisation: newDeviceAuthorisation,
LastUpdate: timestamp
$inc: {LastVersion: 1}
{upsert: false}, false, function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '417',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Success!
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '10057',
info: 'PIN changed.'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js ChangePassword Handler for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Allows the user to change their password if they know the old one.
* @see {@link}
* Includes
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var mailer = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mailer.js');
var config = require(global.configFile);
var templates = require(global.pathPrefix + '../utils/templates.js');
* Web Server elements. Processes an HTTP request, be it JSON or HTTP.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
* @param {?object} hmacData - HMAC information from incoming packet.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
* Validate the session. This function responds directly if there is a problem.
auth.validSession(res, receivedObject.DeviceToken, receivedObject.SessionToken, functionInfo, hmacData,
function(err, existingDevice, existingClient) {
if (err) {
* Check the current Password.
var timestamp = new Date();
auth.checkClientPassword(receivedObject.Password, existingClient, timestamp, function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: err.code.toString(),
info: err.message
* Encrypt and store the new Password. Create a new salt as well.
auth.encryptPBKDF2(receivedObject.NewPassword, function(err, newSalt, newHash) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '419',
info: ('Error encrypting new Password: ' + err)
* Tell the user that a new device is being added - send an e-mail.
var htmlEmail = templates.render('password-changed', {
DeviceNumber: existingDevice.DeviceNumber
mailer.sendEmail(null, existingClient.ClientName, 'Bridge Password Changed',
htmlEmail, 'ChangePassword.process', function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '421',
info: 'Unable to send e-mail.'
* Success. Update the database with the new Password.
var newPassword = config.passwordCryptoVersion + '::' + newHash;
mainDB.updateObject(mainDB.collectionClient, {ClientID: existingClient.ClientID},
$set: {
ClientSalt: newSalt,
Password: newPassword,
LastUpdate: timestamp
$inc: {LastVersion: 1}
{upsert: false}, false, function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '420',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Success!
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '10058',
info: 'Password changed.'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js Confirm Invoice Handler for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Richard Taylor
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Confirms the transaction for the customer.
* @see {@link}
'use strict';
* Includes.
const debug = require('debug')('app:ConfirmInvoice');
const auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
const utils = require(global.pathPrefix + 'utils.js');
const impl = require(global.pathPrefix + '../impl/confirm_transaction.js');
const acqErrors = require(global.pathPrefix + '../utils/acquirers/acquirer_errors.js');
const responsesUtils = require(global.pathPrefix + '../utils/responses.js');
* The customer confirms the invoice, and pays it using their selected account.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
* @param {?object} hmacData - HMAC information from incoming packet.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
* Validate the session. This function responds directly if there is a problem.
auth.validSession(res, receivedObject.DeviceToken, receivedObject.SessionToken, functionInfo, hmacData,
function(err, existingDevice, existingClient) {
if (err) {
* Collect the data we need
const data = {
TransactionID: receivedObject.InvoiceID,
TipAmount: 0,
ClientKey: receivedObject.ClientKey,
initialStatus: utils.TransactionStatus.PENDING_INVOICE,
ipAddress: functionInfo.remote,
Latitude: receivedObject.Latitude,
Longitude: receivedObject.Longitude,
AccountID: receivedObject.AccountID
* Call the base implementation
impl.confirmTransaction(existingClient, existingDevice, data).then(() => {
code: '10074',
info: 'Invoice confirmed.',
TransactionID: receivedObject.InvoiceID
'Invoice ID <' + receivedObject.InvoiceID + '> confirmed by acquirer.'
}).catch((error) => {
debug('Error:', error);
// Define the responses
const responses = [
// Errors when reading from the database
200, 510, 'Database Offline', true
// Errors from the main implementation
200, 496, 'Invalid InvoiceID'
200, 551, 'Merchant information not found'
200, 552, 'User details not set'
200, 553, 'Merchant details not set'
200, 554, 'Additional user information required'
200, 555, 'Additional merchant information required'
200, 310, ('Total above current limit of ' + utils.transactionMaxText)
200, 311, ('Total below current limit of ' + utils.transactionMinText)
200, 510, 'Database offline'
200, 506, 'Database offline'
200, 507, 'Database offline'
200, 508, 'Database offline'
200, 509, 'Database offline'
200, 497, 'Invalid Merchant AccountID'
200, 494, 'Invalid Customer AccountID'
200, 498, 'Not a receiving account'
200, 495, 'Not a payments account'
// Errors from the acquirer
200, 532, 'Merchant acquirer unknown',
200, 536, 'Invalid payment type',
200, 533, 'Cannot connect to acquirer',
200, 534, 'Invalid Merchant account details.',
200, 535, 'Receiving account information unreadable',
200, 536, 'Payment account information unreadable',
200, 537, 'Error processing payment',
200, 538, 'Error processing payment',
200, 540, 'Invalid payment details',
200, 541, 'Merchant account unauthorized with acquirer',
200, 542, 'Merchant account disabled with acquirer',
200, 543, 'Error processing payment',
200, 544, 'Card has expired',
200, 545, 'Unspecified error',
const responseHandler = new responsesUtils.ErrorResponses(responses);
res, error, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, 'INFO'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js ConfirmTransaction Handler for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Confirms the transaction for the customer.
* @see {@link}
'use strict';
// Legacy code line length disable.
// jscs:disable maximumLineLength
//jshint -W101
* Includes.
const log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
const auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
const utils = require(global.pathPrefix + 'utils.js');
const impl = require(global.pathPrefix + '../impl/confirm_transaction.js');
const acqErrors = require(global.pathPrefix + '../utils/acquirers/acquirer_errors.js');
const responsesUtils = require(global.pathPrefix + '../utils/responses.js');
* Web Server elements. Processes an HTTP request, be it JSON or HTTP.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
* @param {?object} hmacData - HMAC information from incoming packet.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
* Validate the session. This function responds directly if there is a problem.
auth.validSession(res, receivedObject.DeviceToken, receivedObject.SessionToken, functionInfo, hmacData,
function(err, existingDevice, existingClient) {
if (err) {
const data = {
TransactionID: receivedObject.TransactionID,
TipAmount: receivedObject.TipAmount,
ClientKey: receivedObject.ClientKey,
initialStatus: utils.TransactionStatus.CLAIMED,
ipAddress: functionInfo.remote
* Call the base implementation
impl.confirmTransaction(existingClient, existingDevice, data).then(() => {
code: '10023',
info: 'Transaction confirmed by acquirer.'
'Transaction ID <' + receivedObject.TransactionID + '> confirmed by acquirer.'
}).catch((error) => {
// Define the responses
const responses = [
// Errors when reading from the database
200, 182, 'Database Offline', true
// Errors from the main implementation
200, 183, 'Invalid TransactionID'
200, 546, 'Merchant information not found'
200, 547, 'User details not set'
200, 548, 'Merchant\'s user details not set'
200, 549, 'Additional user information required'
200, 550, 'Additional user information for merchant required'
200, 310, ('Total above current limit of ' + utils.transactionMaxText)
200, 311, ('Total below current limit of ' + utils.transactionMinText)
200, 185, 'Database offline'
200, 185, 'Database offline'
200, 188, 'Database offline'
200, 239, 'Database offline'
200, 240, 'Database offline'
200, 209, 'Database offline'
200, 208, 'Database offline'
200, 211, 'Invalid merchant AccountID'
200, 210, 'Invalid customer AccountID'
// Errors from the acquirer
200, 532, 'Merchant acquirer unknown',
200, 539, 'Invalid payment type',
200, 533, 'Cannot connect to acquirer',
200, 534, 'Invalid merchant details',
200, 535, 'Receiving account information unreadable',
200, 536, 'Payment account information unreadable',
200, 537, 'Error processing payment',
200, 538, 'Error processing payment',
200, 540, 'Invalid payment type for merchant acquirer',
200, 541, 'Merchant account unauthorized with acquirer',
200, 542, 'Merchant account disabled with acquirer',
200, 543, 'Error processing payment',
200, 544, 'Card Expired',
200, 545, 'Error processing payment',
const responseHandler = new responsesUtils.ErrorResponses(responses);
res, error, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, 'INFO'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js DeleteAccount Handler for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2017 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Deletes the account ID sent through.
* @see {@link}
* Includes
const auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
const acquirerUtils = require(global.pathPrefix + '../utils/acquirers/acquirer.js');
const responsesUtils = require(global.pathPrefix + '../utils/responses.js');
const deleteAccountImpl = require(global.pathPrefix + '../impl/delete_account.js');
* Web Server elements. Processes an HTTP request, be it JSON or HTTP.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - Detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}.
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
* @param {?object} hmacData - HMAC information from incoming packet.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
* Validate the session. This function responds directly if there is a problem.
auth.validSession(res, receivedObject.DeviceToken, receivedObject.SessionToken, functionInfo, hmacData,
function(err, existingDevice, existingClient) {
if (err) {
// Call the implementation and return the properly formatted
return deleteAccountImpl.deleteAccount(existingClient.ClientID, receivedObject.AccountID)
.then(() => {
* Success!
return auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo,
code: '10016',
info: 'Account successfully deleted.'
('Account deleted (ID ' + receivedObject.AccountID + ').')
.catch((error) => {
const responses = [
200, 30108, 'Account can\'t be deleted while related active invoices exist', true
// AccountID is not valid (or doesn't belong to *me*)
200, 153, 'No account match.', true
// AccountID is not valid (or doesn't belong to *me*)
200, 153, 'No account match.', true
200, 243, 'Account locked.', true
200, 241, 'Invalid VendorID or AcquirerName.', true
200, 244, 'Cannot connect to acquiring bank', true
200, 152, 'Database offline.'
const responseHandler = new responsesUtils.ErrorResponses(responses);
return responseHandler.respondAuth(
res, error, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, 'INFO'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js Delete Address Handler for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Deletes an address which is associated with the current client.
* This call will fail if the address is used with any accounts.
* @see {@link}
* Includes
var mongodb = require('mongodb');
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var utils = require(global.pathPrefix + 'utils.js');
* Web Server elements. Processes an HTTP request, be it JSON or HTTP.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
* @param {?object} hmacData - HMAC information from incoming packet.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
* Validate the session. This function responds directly if there is a problem.
auth.validSession(res, receivedObject.DeviceToken, receivedObject.SessionToken, functionInfo, hmacData,
function(err, existingDevice, existingClient) {
if (err) {
* Check to see if this address is in use.
ClientID: existingClient.ClientID,
BillingAddress: receivedObject.AddressID,
AccountStatus: {$bitsAllClear: utils.AccountDeleted}
_id: 1,
ClientID: 1
).toArray(function(err, accounts) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '385',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Check if any addresses match the search query.
if (accounts.length > 0) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '386',
info: 'Address still in use.'
('Address still in use in ' + accounts.length + ' account(s).'));
* Get the full address detail to back up.
_id: mongodb.ObjectID(receivedObject.AddressID),
ClientID: existingClient.ClientID
function(err, existingAddress) {
* Check for errors.
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '387',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Check if any addresses match the search query.
if (!existingAddress) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '388',
info: 'Cannot find address to delete.'
* Clean up address.
existingAddress.AddressID = existingAddress._id.toString();
delete existingAddress._id;
existingAddress.LastUpdate = new Date();
existingAddress.LastVersion += 1;
* Store to AddressArchive database.
mainDB.addObject(mainDB.collectionAddressArchive, existingAddress, undefined, false, function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '389',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Delete from Address database.
mainDB.removeObject(mainDB.collectionAddresses, {_id: mongodb.ObjectID(receivedObject.AddressID)},
undefined, false, function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '390',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Address successfully deleted.
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '10054',
info: 'Address deleted.'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js Delete Device Handler for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Deletes a particular device if it belongs to the current client.
* @see {@link}
* Includes
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var utils = require(global.pathPrefix + 'utils.js');
var mongodb = require('mongodb');
* Web Server elements. Processes an HTTP request, be it JSON or HTTP.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
* @param {?object} hmacData - HMAC information from incoming packet.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
* Local variables
var timestamp = new Date();
* Validate the session. This function responds directly if there is a problem.
auth.validSession(res, receivedObject.DeviceToken, receivedObject.SessionToken, functionInfo, hmacData,
function(err, existingDevice, existingClient) {
if (err) {
* Check that the user has permission to delete the device.
auth.checkClientPassword(receivedObject.Password, existingClient, timestamp, function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: err.code.toString(),
info: err.message
* Find the device.
_id: mongodb.ObjectId(receivedObject.DeviceIndex),
ClientID: existingClient.ClientID
function(err, device) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '369',
info: 'Database offline.'
* No hits from database.
if (!device) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '370',
info: 'Invalid device or device does not belong to client.'
* Check that the selected device has not been locked by Comcarde.
if (utils.bitsAllSet(device.DeviceStatus, utils.DeviceBarredMask)) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '371',
info: 'The device has been put on hold by Comcarde.'
* Cannot delete the device that is being used.
if (device.DeviceNumber === existingDevice.DeviceNumber) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '374',
info: 'Cannot delete the device currently in use.'
* Store the old object _id as DeviceIndex
device.DeviceIndex = device._id.toString();
delete device._id;
device.DeviceAuthorisation = '';
device.DeviceSalt = '';
device.CurrentHMAC = '';
device.PendingHMAC = '';
device.LastUpdate = timestamp;
* Write the object to the Archive.
mainDB.addObject(mainDB.collectionDeviceArchive, device, undefined, false, function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '372',
info: 'Database offline.'
* The device can be safely deleted.
{_id: mongodb.ObjectId(receivedObject.DeviceIndex)}, undefined, false, function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '373',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Success.
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '10051',
info: 'Device deleted.'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js Delete Message Handler for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Deletes a particular message if it belongs to the current client.
* @see {@link}
* Includes
var _ = require('lodash');
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var utils = require(global.pathPrefix + 'utils.js');
var mongodb = require('mongodb');
* Deletes a Message by moving it to the MessageArchive collection
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
* @param {?object} hmacData - HMAC information from incoming packet.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
* Validate the session. This function responds directly if there is a problem.
auth.validSession(res, receivedObject.DeviceToken, receivedObject.SessionToken, functionInfo, hmacData,
function(err, existingDevice, existingClient) {
if (err) {
* Find the message, confirming it belongs to this client
var findQuery = {
_id: mongodb.ObjectId(receivedObject.MessageID),
ClientID: existingClient.ClientID
function(err, message) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '486',
info: 'Database offline.'
* No hits from database.
if (!message) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '489',
info: 'Invalid message or message does not belong to client.'
* Clone the message for copying to the archive.
* Also copy _id to MessageID, remove _id, and updated the
* LastUpdate time.
var messageClone = _.clone(message);
messageClone.MessageID = message._id.toHexString();
delete messageClone._id;
messageClone.LastUpdate = new Date();
* Write the object to the Archive.
function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '487',
info: 'Database offline.'
* The message can be safely deleted.
function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '488',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Success.
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo,
code: '10073',
info: 'Message deleted.'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
* @fileOverview Elevate a session with the email and password.
* Requires that you are already logged in on a device.
* @see {@link}
* Includes
const _ = require('lodash');
const Q = require('q');
const authP = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth-promises.js');
const utils = require(global.pathPrefix + 'utils.js');
* Check the email and password is correct. It also requires that you are logged
* in normally, so we also verify that the given details match those for the
* normal device login.
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
* @param {?object} hmacData - HMAC information from incoming packet.
exports.process = async function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
let authDetails = null;
try {
* Check the device session is valid
authDetails = await authP.validSession(
).then((result) => {
return {
existingDevice: result[0],
existingClient: result[1]
}).catch(() => Q.reject()); // Error has been handled in auth.ValidSession
* Check the email address sent to us is the same one as the one signed in to the device
if (authDetails.existingClient.ClientName !== receivedObject.ClientName) {
throw utils.createError(559, 'Invalid ClientName.', 'ElevateSesession');
* Check the password is correct for the current user
const timestamp = new Date();
await authP.checkClientPassword(
* All good so return success
code: '10079',
info: 'Session Elevated.'
'ElevateSession successful'
} catch (error) {
* If we have an error then return.
* NOTE: we won't have an error if it was validSession() that failed as
* it handles responding internally.
if (error) {
_.get(authDetails, 'existingDevice', null),
code: String(_.get(error, 'code', -1)),
info: _.get(error, 'message', 'Unknown error')
'ElevateSession failed'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js Get outstanding 2-factor requests handler for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Richard Taylor
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Gets the client's outstanding 2 factor requests for access to the web console
* @see {@link}
* Includes
var Q = require('q');
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var utils = require(global.pathPrefix + 'utils.js');
* Gets any outstanding 2-factor requests that are created when a client tries
* to log in to the web console. These should be responded to by the apps with
* a call to Authorise2FARequest.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
* @param {?object} hmacData - HMAC information from incoming packet.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
* Validate the session. This function responds directly if there is a problem.
auth.validSession(res, receivedObject.DeviceToken, receivedObject.SessionToken, functionInfo, hmacData,
function(err, existingDevice, existingClient) {
if (err) {
* Request the latest outstanding 2FA request from the table
* Build the query. The limits are:
* - TargetAccount must match the id of the current client
* - Request must not be expired
* - Request must not be already authorised (i.e. no authorised date)
var timestamp = new Date();
var query = {
TargetAccount: existingClient.ClientID,
RequestExpiry: {$gt: timestamp},
AuthorisedDate: {$type: 10} // Must exist and be exactly `null` (BSON Type 10)
* Define the projection
var projection = {
_id: 0,
RequestID: 1,
RequestDate: 1,
RequestExpiry: 1,
RequesterDisplayName: 1,
RequesterClientID: 1
* Build the options. Importantly, this includes a sort by RequestDate
* so that we always get the request that was made most recently (as
* there could be multiple requests that are still active).
var options = {
fields: projection,
sort: {RequestDate: -1},
comment: 'get2FARequest' // For profiler logs use
* Request the object
).then(function(result) {
* Successful query (though it may not have found anything)
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '10066',
info: 'Request returned.',
Request: result // Will be null if no requests outstanding
('Get2FARequest successful - ' + (result ? 'request pending' : 'no requests')));
}).catch(function() {
* Query failed, most likely from the database
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '454',
info: 'Database offline.'
}); // End auth.validSession callback

View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js Get Client Details Handler for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Gets the client's personal details from the client record.
* @see {@link}
* Includes
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var utils = require(global.pathPrefix + 'utils.js');
* Web Server elements. Processes an HTTP request, be it JSON or HTTP.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
* @param {?object} hmacData - HMAC information from incoming packet.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
* Validate the session. This function responds directly if there is a problem.
auth.validSession(res, receivedObject.DeviceToken, receivedObject.SessionToken, functionInfo, hmacData,
function(err, existingDevice, existingClient) {
if (err) {
* Ensure that the client details are set.
if (!(utils.bitsAllSet(existingClient.ClientStatus, utils.ClientDetailsMask))) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '425',
info: 'No details set.'
* Success!
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '10060',
info: 'Client details retrieved.',
Title: existingClient.KYC[0].Title,
FirstName: existingClient.KYC[0].FirstName,
LastName: existingClient.KYC[0].LastName,
MiddleNames: existingClient.KYC[0].MiddleNames,
ResidentialAddressID: existingClient.KYC[0].ResidentialAddressID || '',
Gender: existingClient.KYC[0].Gender || ''

View File

@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js GetImage Handler for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Retrieves an image from the image database.
* @see {@link}
* Includes
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var utils = require(global.pathPrefix + 'utils.js');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var config = require(global.configFile);
var mongodb = require('mongodb');
* Web Server elements. Processes an HTTP request, be it JSON or HTTP.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
* @param {?object} hmacData - HMAC information from incoming packet.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
* Validate the session. This function responds directly if there is a problem.
auth.validSession(res, receivedObject.DeviceToken, receivedObject.SessionToken, functionInfo, hmacData,
function(err, existingDevice) {
if (err) {
* Check for default selfie.
if (receivedObject.ImageRef === config.defaultSelfie) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '10032',
info: 'Image found.',
FileType: 'PNG',
ImageFile: config.defaultSelfieData,
ImageReported: 0
('Default image sent (defaultSelfie).'));
* Check for default Company Logo.
if (receivedObject.ImageRef === config.defaultCompanyLogo0) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '10032',
info: 'Image found.',
FileType: 'PNG',
ImageFile: config.defaultCompanyLogo0Data,
ImageReported: 0
('Default image sent (defaultCompanyLogo0).'));
* The image needs to be retrieved form the object store. First, get the details from MongoDB.
{_id: mongodb.ObjectID(receivedObject.ImageRef)}, undefined, false, function(err, existingImage) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '221',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Check to see if the image exists.
if (!existingImage) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '222',
info: 'Invalid ImageRef.'
'Client requested an invalid ImageRef.');
* Check to see if it has been reported.
var newImageReported = 0;
if (existingImage.ImageReported !== 0) {
newImageReported = 1;
* Set up Bluemix transaction.
.then(function(object) {
.then(function(content) {
* All good. Return it to the user.
var fileString = content.toString();
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '10032',
info: 'Image found.',
FileType: existingImage.FileType,
ImageFile: fileString,
ImageReported: newImageReported
('Image sent (ID ' + receivedObject.ImageRef + ', IBM OS ' + existingImage.ImageFile + ', IR' +
existingImage.ImageReported + ').'));
.catch(function(err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '289',
info: 'Cannot access image.'
('Cannot get image from IBM OS (' + err.message + ').'));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
* @fileOverview Returns full details for the selected invoice
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Richard Taylor
* @see #bridge_server-core
* @see {@link}
* Includes
var _ = require('lodash');
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var apiHelpers = require(global.pathPrefix + '../utils/api_helpers.js');
var mongodb = require('mongodb');
* Return the full details for the selected invoice. This only returns invoices
* where the client is the *customer*.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in invoice body.
* @param {?object} hmacData - HMAC information from incoming packet.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
* Validate the session. This function responds directly if there is a problem.
auth.validSession(res, receivedObject.DeviceToken, receivedObject.SessionToken, functionInfo, hmacData,
function(err, existingDevice, existingClient) {
if (err) {
* Request the invoice from the database
* Build the query. The limits are:
* - ClientID of the invoice must match the current client
* - _id must match the given InvoiceID
var query = {
_id: mongodb.ObjectID(receivedObject.InvoiceID),
CustomerClientID: existingClient.ClientID
* Define the projection
var projection = {
_id: 1,
MerchantDisplayName: 1,
MerchantSubDisplayName: 1,
MerchantImage: 1,
TransactionStatus: 1,
MerchantInvoice: 1,
MerchantComment: 1,
MerchantVATNo: 1,
CustomerComment: 1,
RequestAmount: 1,
DueDate: 1,
LastUpdate: 1,
MerchantInvoiceNumber: 1
var options = {
fields: projection,
comment: 'GetInvoice' // For profiler logs use
* Find the invoice
false, // Don't suppress errors
function(err, existingInvoice) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '514',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Check for no invoices.
if (!existingInvoice) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '515',
info: 'Invalid InvoiceID.'
* Add the creation date and rename the fields
existingInvoice.CreationDate = existingInvoice._id.getTimestamp();
var renames = {
_id: 'InvoiceID',
MerchantDisplayName: 'OtherDisplayName',
MerchantSubDisplayName: 'OtherSubDisplayName',
MerchantImage: 'OtherImage'
apiHelpers.renameFields(existingInvoice, renames);
// Copy just the InvoiceNumber up to the top level
if (!_.isUndefined(existingInvoice.MerchantInvoiceNumber)) {
existingInvoice.MerchantInvoiceNumber =
// Set a value for any missing dates
if (_.isUndefined(existingInvoice.DueDate)) {
existingInvoice.DueDate = '1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z';
functionInfo, {
code: '10076',
info: 'Invoice returned.',
InvoiceDetail: existingInvoice
'Invoice detail returned (InvoiceID ' + receivedObject.InvoiceID + ').'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
// Comcarde GetMessage Handler.
// Command = GetMessage
// Gets more information on a particular message associated with Client.
// Checked 25/5/2015 KJS
// Includes
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var mongodb = require('mongodb');
* Web Server elements. Processes an HTTP request, be it JSON or HTTP.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
* @param {?object} hmacData - HMAC information from incoming packet.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
* Validate the session. This function responds directly if there is a problem.
auth.validSession(res, receivedObject.DeviceToken, receivedObject.SessionToken, functionInfo, hmacData,
function(err, existingDevice, existingClient) {
if (err) {
* Request the messages from the database
* Build the query. The limits are:
* - ClientID of the message must match the current client
* - _id must match the given MessageID
* - TimeFilter must be before <now>
* - Type must match the request type, if any
var query = {
_id: mongodb.ObjectID(receivedObject.MessageID),
ClientID: existingClient.ClientID,
TimeFilter: {$lte: new Date()}
* Define the projection
var projection = {
_id: 1,
Type: 1,
Read: 1,
Reference: 1,
Info: 1,
InfoObject: 1,
LastUpdate: 1
var options = {
fields: projection,
comment: 'GetMessage' // For profiler logs use
* Find the message
function(err, existingMessage) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '480',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Check for no messages.
if (!existingMessage) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '481',
info: 'Invalid MessageID.'
* Move _id to MessageID, add the creation date
existingMessage.MessageID = existingMessage._id;
existingMessage.CreationDate = existingMessage._id.getTimestamp();
delete existingMessage._id;
functionInfo, {
code: '10071',
info: 'Message returned.',
Message: existingMessage
'Message detail returned (MessageID ' + receivedObject.MessageID + ').'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
// Comcarde GetTransactionDetail Handler.
// Command = GetTransactionDetail
// Gets more information on a particular transaction associated with Client.
// Checked 25/5/2015 KJS
// Includes
var _ = require('lodash');
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var mongodb = require('mongodb');
* Web Server elements. Processes an HTTP request, be it JSON or HTTP.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
* @param {?object} hmacData - HMAC information from incoming packet.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
* Validate the session. This function responds directly if there is a problem.
auth.validSession(res, receivedObject.DeviceToken, receivedObject.SessionToken, functionInfo, hmacData,
function(err, existingDevice, existingClient) {
if (err) {
* If there is no timestamp object, create one.
{_id: mongodb.ObjectID(receivedObject.TransactionID)}, undefined, false, function(err, existingTransaction) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '191',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Check for no transactions.
if (!existingTransaction) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '192',
info: 'Invalid TransactionID.'
* Customer.
var toReturn = {};
if (existingTransaction.CustomerClientID === existingClient.ClientID) {
toReturn.OtherDisplayName = existingTransaction.MerchantDisplayName;
toReturn.OtherSubDisplayName = existingTransaction.MerchantSubDisplayName;
toReturn.OtherImage = existingTransaction.MerchantImage;
toReturn.TransactionStatus = existingTransaction.TransactionStatus;
toReturn.StatusInfo = existingTransaction.StatusInfo;
toReturn.MerchantInvoice = existingTransaction.MerchantInvoice;
toReturn.MerchantComment = existingTransaction.MerchantComment;
toReturn.MerchantVATNo = existingTransaction.MerchantVATNo;
toReturn.RequestAmount = existingTransaction.RequestAmount;
toReturn.TipAmount = existingTransaction.TipAmount;
toReturn.TotalAmount = existingTransaction.TotalAmount;
toReturn.MyLocation = existingTransaction.CustomerLocation;
toReturn.SaleTime = existingTransaction.SaleTime;
// Copy just the InvoiceNumber up to the top level
if (!_.isUndefined(existingTransaction.MerchantInvoiceNumber)) {
toReturn.MerchantInvoiceNumber =
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '10026',
info: 'Detail returned.',
TransactionDetail: toReturn
('Transaction detail returned (TransactionID ' + mongodb.ObjectID(existingTransaction._id).toString() + ').'));
* Merchant.
if (existingTransaction.MerchantClientID === existingClient.ClientID) {
toReturn.OtherDisplayName = existingTransaction.CustomerDisplayName;
toReturn.OtherSubDisplayName = existingTransaction.CustomerSubDisplayName;
toReturn.OtherImage = existingTransaction.CustomerImage;
toReturn.TransactionStatus = existingTransaction.TransactionStatus;
toReturn.StatusInfo = existingTransaction.StatusInfo;
toReturn.MerchantInvoice = existingTransaction.MerchantInvoice;
toReturn.MerchantComment = existingTransaction.MerchantComment;
toReturn.MerchantVATNo = existingTransaction.MerchantVATNo;
toReturn.RequestAmount = existingTransaction.RequestAmount;
toReturn.TipAmount = existingTransaction.TipAmount;
toReturn.TotalAmount = existingTransaction.TotalAmount;
toReturn.MyLocation = existingTransaction.MerchantLocation;
toReturn.SaleTime = existingTransaction.SaleTime;
// Copy just the InvoiceNumber up to the top level
if (!_.isUndefined(existingTransaction.MerchantInvoiceNumber)) {
toReturn.MerchantInvoiceNumber =
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '10026',
info: 'Detail returned.',
TransactionDetail: toReturn
('Transaction detail returned (TransactionID ' + mongodb.ObjectID(existingTransaction._id).toString() + ').'));
* Didn't find the client name.
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '193',
info: 'Invalid ClientID.'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js GetTransactionHistory Handler for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Gets a high level list of all the transactions associated with a Client.
* @see {@link}
* Includes
var _ = require('lodash');
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
* Web Server elements. Processes an HTTP request, be it JSON or HTTP.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
* @param {?object} hmacData - HMAC information from incoming packet.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
* Validate the session. This function responds directly if there is a problem.
auth.validSession(res, receivedObject.DeviceToken, receivedObject.SessionToken, functionInfo, hmacData,
function(err, existingDevice, existingClient) {
if (err) {
* If there is no timestamp object, create one.
var timestamp;
if (receivedObject.Timestamp) {
timestamp = new Date(receivedObject.Timestamp);
} else {
timestamp = new Date();
* Create the account filter if needed.
var accountFilter = '';
if (receivedObject.AccountID) {
accountFilter = receivedObject.AccountID;
} else {
accountFilter = '';
* Search for the requested items.
ClientID: existingClient.ClientID,
AccountID: {$regex: accountFilter},
SaleTime: {$lt: timestamp}
_id: 0,
TransactionID: 1,
TransactionType: 1,
AccountID: 1,
OtherDisplayName: 1,
OtherSubDisplayName: 1,
OtherImage: 1,
MyLocation: 1,
TotalAmount: 1,
SaleTime: 1,
MerchantInvoiceNumber: 1
).skip(receivedObject.Skip).limit(receivedObject.Number).sort({'SaleTime': -1}).toArray(function(err, items) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '187',
info: 'Database offline.'
// Copy just the InvoiceNumber up to the top level
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; ++i) {
if (!_.isUndefined(items[i].MerchantInvoiceNumber)) {
items[i].MerchantInvoiceNumber =
* Success!
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '10025',
info: 'History returned.',
count: items.length,
TransactionHistory: items
('Transaction history requested from ' + (receivedObject.Skip + 1) + ' to ' +
(receivedObject.Skip + receivedObject.Number) + ' (' + items.length + ' items found).'));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js GetTransactionUpdate Handler for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Allows a user to check a transaction to see what's happening.
* @see {@link}
* Includes
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var impl = require(global.pathPrefix + '../impl/get_transaction_update.js');
* Web Server elements. Processes an HTTP request, be it JSON or HTTP.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
* @param {?object} hmacData - HMAC information from incoming packet.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
* Validate the session. This function responds directly if there is a problem.
auth.validSession(res, receivedObject.DeviceToken, receivedObject.SessionToken, functionInfo, hmacData,
function(err, existingDevice) {
if (err) {
impl.getTransactionUpdate(receivedObject, function(err, result) {
// The error or result will be the correct body to send back
// to the caller
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, err);
} else {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, result);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js IconCache Handler for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Returns current icon versions.
* @see {@link}
* Includes
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var cardIconCache = [
{ImageName: 'AMEX.png', VersionNo: '1'},
{ImageName: 'bridge-card.png', VersionNo: '2'},
{ImageName: 'BRIDGE_MERCHANT.png', VersionNo: '1'},
{ImageName: 'CARTEBLEUE.png', VersionNo: '1'},
{ImageName: 'credorax-account.png', VersionNo: '3'},
{ImageName: 'Dankort.png', VersionNo: '1'},
{ImageName: 'DINERS.png', VersionNo: '1'},
{ImageName: 'Diners-Generic.png', VersionNo: '1'},
{ImageName: 'Discover-card.png', VersionNo: '2'},
{ImageName: 'Electron.png', VersionNo: '1'},
{ImageName: 'Generic-card.png', VersionNo: '1'},
{ImageName: 'JCB.png', VersionNo: '1'},
{ImageName: 'LloydsTSB.png', VersionNo: '2'},
{ImageName: 'MAESTRO.png', VersionNo: '2'},
{ImageName: 'MASTERCARD_CORPORATE_CREDIT.png', VersionNo: '1'},
{ImageName: 'MASTERCARD_CORPORATE_DEBIT.png', VersionNo: '1'},
{ImageName: 'MASTERCARD_CREDIT.png', VersionNo: '1'},
{ImageName: 'MASTERCARD_DEBIT.png', VersionNo: '1'},
{ImageName: 'MIR.png', VersionNo: '1'},
{ImageName: 'RBS.png', VersionNo: '2'},
{ImageName: 'VISA_CORPORATE_CREDIT.png', VersionNo: '1'},
{ImageName: 'VISA_CORPORATE_DEBIT.png', VersionNo: '1'},
{ImageName: 'VISA_CREDIT.png', VersionNo: '1'},
{ImageName: 'VISA_DEBIT.png', VersionNo: '1'},
{ImageName: 'worldpay-account.png', VersionNo: '2'}
* Web Server elements. Processes an HTTP request, be it JSON or HTTP.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '10017',
info: 'IconCache check successful.',
cache: cardIconCache
'Icon cache sent.');

View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js Image Cache Handler for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Retrieves an image from the image database.
* @see {@link}
* Includes
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var config = require(global.configFile);
* Web Server elements. Processes an HTTP request, be it JSON or HTTP.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
* @param {?object} hmacData - HMAC information from incoming packet.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
* Validate the session. This function responds directly if there is a problem.
auth.validSession(res, receivedObject.DeviceToken, receivedObject.SessionToken, functionInfo, hmacData,
function(err, existingDevice, existingClient) {
if (err) {
* Build the image cache.
var imageCache = [];
ImageType: 'defaultSelfie',
ImageRef: config.defaultSelfie
ImageType: 'Selfie',
ImageRef: existingClient.Selfie
* Add Merchant logos if applicable.
if (existingClient.Merchant[0].MerchantStatus === 1) {
ImageType: 'defaultCompanyLogo0',
ImageRef: config.defaultCompanyLogo0
ImageType: 'CompanyLogo0',
ImageRef: existingClient.Merchant[0].CompanyLogo
* Return current images from the cache.
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '10033',
info: 'ImageCache check successful.',
Images: imageCache
'Image cache sent.');

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js KeepAlive Handler for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Simple refresh of the session token.
* @see {@link}
* Includes
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
* Web Server elements. Processes an HTTP request, be it JSON or HTTP.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
* @param {?object} hmacData - HMAC information from incoming packet.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
* Validate the session. This function responds directly if there is a problem.
auth.validSession(res, receivedObject.DeviceToken, receivedObject.SessionToken, functionInfo, hmacData,
function(err, existingDevice) {
if (err) {
* Indicate that the KeepAlive was successful.
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '10028',
info: 'Keep alive successful.'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js List Accounts Handler for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Returns a list of accounts for the referenced user.
* @see {@link}
'use strict';
* Includes
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var utils = require(global.pathPrefix + 'utils.js');
var config = require(global.configFile);
var anon = require(global.pathPrefix + '../utils/anon.js');
* Web Server elements. Processes an HTTP request, be it JSON or HTTP.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
* @param {?object} hmacData - HMAC information from incoming packet.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
* Validate the session. This function responds directly if there is a problem.
auth.validSession(res, receivedObject.DeviceToken, receivedObject.SessionToken, functionInfo, hmacData,
function(err, existingDevice, existingClient) {
if (err) {
* Check the EULA version.
if (existingClient.EULAVersionAccepted !== config.EULAVersion) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '293',
info: 'EULA must be accepted before continuing.'
* Session login successful. Get an account list from the database (includes all data,
* except accounts that were create from the API)
* Cyclomatic complexity warning due to legacy code.
//jshint -W074, -W071
const query = {
ClientID: existingClient.ClientID,
AccountStatus: {
$bitsAllClear: utils.AccountApiCreated
mainDB.collectionAccount.find(query).toArray(function(err, items) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '121',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Client has no accounts in the system.
if (items === null) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '122',
info: 'No Items.'
'No accounts.');
* Filter the account information.
var counter = 0;
var newArray = [];
var newAccount = {};
var issues = [];
* Deal with listing of deleted accounts only.
var listDeleted = 0;
if (parameters.Command === 'ListDeletedAccounts') {
listDeleted = utils.AccountDeleted;
* Go through each item and return a subset of information.
while (counter < items.length) {
* Check for Merchant status: only merchants can see receiving accounts.
* Don't show if it is deleted (unless we are asked to show deleted only).
* The disable for JS Hint is because there is a bitwise comparison.
//jshint -W016
if (((existingClient.Merchant[0].MerchantStatus === 1) ||
(items[counter].AccountType !== 'Credit/Debit Receiving Account')) &&
((items[counter].AccountStatus & utils.AccountDeleted) === listDeleted)) {
//jshint +W016
* Select card information.
newAccount = {};
newAccount.AccountID = items[counter]._id;
newAccount.AccountType = items[counter].AccountType;
newAccount.ClientAccountName = items[counter].ClientAccountName;
newAccount.BillingAddress = items[counter].BillingAddress;
newAccount.VendorID = items[counter].VendorID;
newAccount.VendorAccountName = items[counter].VendorAccountName;
newAccount.NameOnAccount = items[counter].NameOnAccount;
newAccount.ReceivingAccount = items[counter].ReceivingAccount;
newAccount.PaymentsAccount = items[counter].PaymentsAccount;
newAccount.BalanceAvailable = items[counter].BalanceAvailable;
if (newAccount.BalanceAvailable) {
newAccount.Balance = items[counter].Balance;
newAccount.IconLocation = items[counter].IconLocation;
newAccount.Integrity = items[counter].Integrity;
* Watch out for merchant images should the person have previously been a Merchant.
if (existingClient.Merchant[0].MerchantStatus === 0) {
if ((items[counter].UserImage === 'defaultCompanyLogo0') ||
(items[counter].UserImage === 'CompanyLogo0')) {
newAccount.UserImage = 'defaultSelfie';
} else {
newAccount.UserImage = items[counter].UserImage;
} else {
newAccount.UserImage = items[counter].UserImage;
* Pull and verify information and account access.
* Note that only the *Encrypted fields (e.g. CardPANEncrypted) store the actual details.
* No sensitive information is ever stored as plain text.
issues = [];
if (newAccount.AccountType === 'Credit/Debit Payment Card') {
* Check the card details using the keys.
var CardPANEncryptedResult = null;
var CardValidFromEncryptedResult = null;
var CardExpiryEncryptedResult = null;
var IssueNumberEncryptedResult = null;
* Check the card details first.
* Note that detailed error reporting is coming back but it is ignored for the moment.
* Please check the logs for this information.
if (items[counter].CardPANEncrypted !== '') {
CardPANEncryptedResult = utils.checkAccountInformation(
if (CardPANEncryptedResult) {
if (items[counter].CardValidFromEncrypted !== '') {
CardValidFromEncryptedResult = utils.checkAccountInformation(
if (CardValidFromEncryptedResult) {
if (items[counter].CardExpiryEncrypted !== '') {
CardExpiryEncryptedResult = utils.checkAccountInformation(
if (CardExpiryEncryptedResult) {
// Nesting too deep; functionality here for now for readability.
//jshint -W073
if (CardExpiryEncryptedResult.code === 5) {
} else {
//jshint +W073
if (items[counter].IssueNumberEncrypted !== '') {
IssueNumberEncryptedResult = utils.checkAccountInformation(
if (IssueNumberEncryptedResult) {
* Add the anonymised data.
newAccount.CardPAN = items[counter].CardPAN;
} else if (newAccount.AccountType === 'Bank Account') {
newAccount.AccountNumber = items[counter].AccountNumber;
newAccount.SortCode = items[counter].SortCode;
} else if (newAccount.AccountType === 'Credit/Debit Receiving Account') {
var AcquirerMerchantIDEncryptedResult = null;
if (items[counter].AcquirerMerchantID !== '') {
AcquirerMerchantIDEncryptedResult = utils.decryptDataV1(items[counter].AcquirerMerchantID);
if (typeof AcquirerMerchantIDEncryptedResult === 'string') {
newAccount.AcquirerMerchantID = AcquirerMerchantIDEncryptedResult;
} else {
* Add the responses.
if (issues.length !== 0) {
if (newAccount.Integrity !== null) {
newAccount.Integrity = newAccount.Integrity.concat(issues);
} else {
newAccount.Integrity = issues;
* Push onto new array subset.
* Always increment the counter.
* Return the account information.
var defaultAccount = existingDevice.DefaultAccount;
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '10013',
info: 'Accounts list sent.',
DefaultAccount: defaultAccount,
AccountList: newArray
//jshint +W074, +W071

View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js List Addresses Handler for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Gets a list of all addresses associated with a particular client.
* @see {@link}
* Includes
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var config = require(global.configFile);
var anon = require(global.pathPrefix + '../utils/anon.js');
* Web Server elements. Processes an HTTP request, be it JSON or HTTP.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
* @param {?object} hmacData - HMAC information from incoming packet.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
* Validate the session. This function responds directly if there is a problem.
auth.validSession(res, receivedObject.DeviceToken, receivedObject.SessionToken, functionInfo, hmacData,
function(err, existingDevice, existingClient) {
if (err) {
* Search for the requested addresses.
ClientID: existingClient.ClientID
_id: 1,
AddressDescription: 1,
BuildingNameFlat: 1,
Address1: 1,
Address2: 1,
Town: 1,
County: 1,
PostCode: 1,
Country: 1,
PhoneNumber: 1,
ResidentTo: 1,
ResidentFrom: 1
).toArray(function(err, addresses) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '377',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Clean up device number detail.
var counter;
for (counter = 0; counter < addresses.length; counter++) {
addresses[counter].AddressID = addresses[counter]._id.toString();
delete addresses[counter]._id;
* Success!
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '10052',
info: 'Address list returned.',
AddressCount: addresses.length,
MaxAddresses: config.maxAddresses,
Addresses: addresses
('Address list requested: ' + addresses.length + ' found (Max. ' + config.maxAddresses + ').'));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js List Devices Handler for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Gets a list of all devices associated with a particular client.
* @see {@link}
* Includes
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var anon = require(global.pathPrefix + '../utils/anon.js');
* Web Server elements. Processes an HTTP request, be it JSON or HTTP.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
* @param {?object} hmacData - HMAC information from incoming packet.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
* Validate the session. This function responds directly if there is a problem.
auth.validSession(res, receivedObject.DeviceToken, receivedObject.SessionToken, functionInfo, hmacData,
function(err, existingDevice, existingClient) {
if (err) {
* Search for the requested items.
ClientID: existingClient.ClientID
_id: 1,
DeviceName: 1,
DeviceNumber: 1,
DeviceStatus: 1,
DeviceHardware: 1,
DeviceSoftware: 1,
LastLoginLocation: 1,
LastLoginIP: 1,
LastLogin: 1,
LastUpdate: 1
).toArray(function(err, items) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '362',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Clean up device number detail.
var counter = 0;
while (counter < items.length) {
items[counter].DeviceIndex = items[counter]._id;
delete items[counter]._id;
* Success!
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '10050',
info: 'Device list returned.',
DeviceCount: items.length,
MaxDevices: existingClient.MaxDevices,
Devices: items
('Device list requested: ' + items.length + ' device(s) found (Max. ' + existingClient.MaxDevices + ').'));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
* @fileOverview List the invoices that are outstanding for the logged in user to pay
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Richard Taylor
* @see #bridge_server-core
* @see {@link}
* Includes
var _ = require('lodash');
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var utils = require(global.pathPrefix + 'utils.js');
var apiHelpers = require(global.pathPrefix + '../utils/api_helpers.js');
* List all invoices for the current client. This is oly the invoices that the
* client is the *customer* for. Invoices where the client is the *merchant*
* can be accessd through the console.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
* @param {?object} hmacData - HMAC information from incoming packet.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
* Validate the session. This function responds directly if there is a problem.
auth.validSession(res, receivedObject.DeviceToken, receivedObject.SessionToken, functionInfo, hmacData,
function(err, existingDevice, existingClient) {
if (err) {
* Request the list of invoices from the database
* Build the query. The limits are:
* - ClientID of the invoice must match the current client
* - Must have an invoice number
var query = {
CustomerClientID: existingClient.ClientID,
MerchantInvoiceNumber: {
$exists: true
* If we've been given a last modified date, then we want only invoices
* modified since then.
if (receivedObject.ModifiedSince) {
query.LastUpdate = {
$gte: new Date(receivedObject.ModifiedSince)
* Define the projection
var projection = {
_id: 1,
TransactionStatus: 1,
MerchantDisplayName: 1,
MerchantSubDisplayName: 1,
MerchantImage: 1,
RequestAmount: 1,
DueDate: 1,
LastUpdate: 1,
MerchantInvoiceNumber: 1
* Define the Skip and Number or defaults
var skip = receivedObject.Skip || 0;
var number = receivedObject.number || 30;
* Get all available invoices as an array.
* Note that we don't pass a callback to toArray() so it instead
* returns a promise that we handle with the standard then/catch
.sort({LastUpdate: -1})
.then(function(invoices) {
* Successful query (though it may not have found anything)
* Need to iterate through the results, getting the
* CreationDate from the _id, and doing all the renames.
const renames = {
_id: 'InvoiceID',
MerchantDisplayName: 'OtherDisplayName',
MerchantSubDisplayName: 'OtherSubDisplayName',
MerchantImage: 'OtherImage'
_.each(invoices, function(invoice) {
invoice.CreationDate = invoice._id.getTimestamp();
apiHelpers.renameFields(invoice, renames);
// Copy just the InvoiceNumber up to the top level
if (!_.isUndefined(invoice.MerchantInvoiceNumber)) {
invoice.MerchantInvoiceNumber =
// Fix any missing DueDates
if (_.isUndefined(invoice.DueDate)) {
invoice.DueDate = '1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z';
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo,
code: '10075',
info: 'Invoices list sent.',
count: invoices.length,
InvoiceList: invoices
'ListInvoices successful.'
}).catch(function() {
* Query failed, most likely from the database
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '512',
info: 'Database offline.'
}); // End auth.validSession callback

View File

@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
* @fileOverview List a merchant's pre-configured items for use in the POS
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Richard Taylor
* @see #bridge_server-core
* @see {@link}
* Includes
var _ = require('lodash');
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var utils = require(global.pathPrefix + 'utils.js');
* List all items for the current client. This will only be successful if the
* client is an active merchant. If not they will receive an error message.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
* @param {?object} hmacData - HMAC information from incoming packet.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
* Validate the session. This function responds directly if there is a problem.
auth.validSession(res, receivedObject.DeviceToken, receivedObject.SessionToken, functionInfo, hmacData,
function(err, existingDevice, existingClient) {
if (err) {
* Check the user is an active merchant
if (
!_.isArray(existingClient.Merchant) ||
!existingClient.Merchant.length > 0 ||
existingClient.Merchant[0].MerchantStatus !== utils.MerchantStatusActive
) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '470',
info: 'Not a merchant'
* Request the list of items from the database
* Build the query. The limits are:
* - ClientID of the item must match the current client
* - ItemStatus must be active unless we have a ModifiedSince date
var query = {
ClientID: existingClient.ClientID
* If we've been given a last modified date, then we want only items
* modified since then, and we want to include all items (including
* deleted) so that an app can work out the changes.
* If we don't, we only want the Active items as it is just a
* basic list of items requested.
if (receivedObject.ModifiedSince) {
query.LastUpdate = {
$gte: new Date(receivedObject.ModifiedSince)
} else {
query.ItemStatus = utils.ItemStatusActive;
* Define the projection
var projection = {
_id: 1,
BridgeID: 1,
ItemStatus: 1,
ItemCode: 1,
Description: 1,
Tags: 1,
VATCode: 1,
VATRate: 1,
NetAmount: 1,
GrossAmount: 1,
ImageID: 1,
LoyaltyPoints: 1,
LastUpdate: 1
* Get all available items as an array.
* Note that we don't pass a callback to toArray() so it instead
* returns a promise that we handle with the standard then/catch
.then(function(items) {
* Successful query (though it may not have found anything)
* Need to iterate through the results, moving _id to ItemID
* before we return them
_.each(items, function(item) {
item.ItemID = item._id;
delete item._id;
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo,
code: '10069',
info: 'Items list sent.',
ItemList: items
'ListItems successful'
}).catch(function() {
* Query failed, most likely from the database
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '469',
info: 'Database offline.'
}); // End auth.validSession callback

View File

@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
* @fileOverview List messages for this client
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Richard Taylor
* @see #bridge_server-core
* @see {@link}
* Includes
var _ = require('lodash');
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var utils = require(global.pathPrefix + 'utils.js');
* List all messages for the current client, or just those of the Type passed in.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
* @param {?object} hmacData - HMAC information from incoming packet.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
* Validate the session. This function responds directly if there is a problem.
auth.validSession(res, receivedObject.DeviceToken, receivedObject.SessionToken, functionInfo, hmacData,
function(err, existingDevice, existingClient) {
if (err) {
* Request the list of messages from the database
* Build the query. The limits are:
* - ClientID of the message must match the current client
* - TimeFilter must be before <now>
* - Type must match the request type, if any
var query = {
ClientID: existingClient.ClientID,
TimeFilter: {$lte: new Date()}
* If we've been given a Type, filter by that type
* If we don't, we only want the Active messages as it is just a
* basic list of messages requested.
if (receivedObject.Type) {
query.Type = receivedObject.Type;
* Define the projection
var projection = {
_id: 1,
Type: 1,
Read: 1,
Info: 1
* Check the Skip and Number items
var skip = receivedObject.Skip || 0;
var limit = receivedObject.Number || 0;
* Get all available messages as an array.
* Note that we don't pass a callback to toArray() so it instead
* returns a promise that we handle with the standard then/catch
.then(function(messages) {
* Successful query (though it may not have found anything)
* Need to iterate through the results, moving _id to MessageID
* and adding a timestamp before we return them
_.each(messages, function(message) {
message.MessageID = message._id;
message.CreationDate = message._id.getTimestamp();
delete message._id;
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo,
code: '10070',
info: 'Messages list sent.',
count: messages.length,
MessageList: messages
'ListMessages successful'
}).catch(function() {
* Query failed, most likely from the database
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '478',
info: 'Database offline.'
}); // End auth.validSession callback

View File

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js Log Out Handler for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Removes the session token and requires a login before proceeding.
* @see {@link}
* Includes
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var mongodb = require('mongodb');
* Web Server elements. Processes an HTTP request, be it JSON or HTTP.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
* @param {?object} hmacData - HMAC information from incoming packet.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
* Validate the session. This function responds directly if there is a problem.
auth.validSession(res, receivedObject.DeviceToken, receivedObject.SessionToken, functionInfo, hmacData,
function(err, existingDevice, existingClient) {
if (err) {
* Reset the session token.
var timestamp = new Date();
var logoutData = {};
logoutData.ClientID = existingDevice.ClientID;
logoutData.DeviceToken = existingDevice.DeviceToken;
logoutData.SessionToken = existingDevice.SessionToken;
logoutData.SourceIP = functionInfo.remote;
logoutData.OperationType = 'LogOut';
logoutData.DateTime = timestamp;
mainDB.updateObject(mainDB.collectionDevice, {_id: mongodb.ObjectID(existingDevice._id)}, {
$set: {
SessionToken: '',
SessionTokenExpiry: timestamp
{upsert: false}, false, function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '214',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Store logout data.
mainDB.addObject(mainDB.collectionBridgeLogin, logoutData, undefined, false, function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '225',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Return successful logout to the user.
var userName = existingClient.DisplayName;
if (userName === '') {
userName = '[New User]';
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '10030',
info: 'LogOut1 successful.'
(userName + ' logged out.'));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js Add Login Handler for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Log in to the system and issues a session token.
* @see {@link}
* Includes
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var utils = require(global.pathPrefix + 'utils.js');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var mailer = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mailer.js');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var config = require(global.configFile);
var crypto = require('crypto');
var async = require('async');
* Web Server elements. Processes an HTTP request, be it JSON or HTTP.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
* @param {!object} hmacData - hmac information {!address, !method, !body, ?timestamp, ?hmac}
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
* Valid login request.
* Check API version.
if (receivedObject.APIVersion.split('.')[0] !== config.CCServerVersion.split('.')[0]) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '47',
info: 'A major revision change has occurred. The App must be updated.'
'Obsolete App version.',
('AI [' + receivedObject.ClientName + ']'));
* Find the device and check the token.
mainDB.findOneObject(mainDB.collectionDevice, {DeviceToken: receivedObject.DeviceToken}, undefined, false,
function(err, existingDevice) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '41',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Check that the device was found.
if (existingDevice === null) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '42',
info: 'Invalid device token.'
'Mobile device cannot be matched to token.',
('AF [' + receivedObject.ClientName + ' (DeviceToken ' + receivedObject.DeviceToken + ')]'));
* Check device status.
var currentDeviceStatus = auth.checkDeviceStatus(existingDevice.DeviceStatus);
if (currentDeviceStatus) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: currentDeviceStatus.code.toString(),
info: currentDeviceStatus.message
('AI [' + receivedObject.ClientName + ' (' + existingDevice.DeviceNumber + ')]'));
* Check the passcode - 5 digit pin minimum.
var timestamp = new Date();
auth.checkDevicePIN(receivedObject.DeviceAuthorisation, existingDevice, timestamp, function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: err.code.toString(),
info: err.message
(existingDevice.ClientID + ' (' + existingDevice.DeviceNumber + ')'));
// Next pull the owning client based on the ID stored with the device.
mainDB.findOneObject(mainDB.collectionClient, {ClientID: existingDevice.ClientID}, undefined, false,
function(err, existingClient) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '45',
info: 'Database offline.'
* User name not found.
if (existingClient === null) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '47',
info: 'Invalid client e-mail.'
(existingDevice.ClientID + ' (' + existingDevice.DeviceNumber + ')'));
// Check the email we were passed matches that of the owning client
if (receivedObject.ClientName !== existingClient.ClientName) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '46',
info: 'E-mail mismatch.'
('E-mail mismatch in received data (' + receivedObject.ClientName + ').'),
(existingDevice.ClientID + ' (' + existingDevice.DeviceNumber + ')'));
* Check client status.
var currentClientStatus = auth.checkClientStatus(existingClient.ClientStatus);
if (currentClientStatus) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: currentClientStatus.code.toString(),
info: currentClientStatus.message
(existingDevice.ClientID + ' (' + existingDevice.DeviceNumber + ')'));
* Check the HMAC.
* We have to add the ClientName into HMAC data before checking
hmacData.ClientName = existingClient.ClientName;
auth.checkHMAC(existingDevice, hmacData, 'Login1.process', function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: err.code.toString(),
info: err.message
(existingDevice.ClientID + ' (' + existingDevice.DeviceNumber + ')'));
* Store the last login location if available.
var newLastLoginLocation = null;
if ((receivedObject.Longitude !== null) && (receivedObject.Latitude !== null)) {
newLastLoginLocation = {
type: 'Point',
coordinates: [receivedObject.Longitude, receivedObject.Latitude]
* Activate the session token and store a successful login.
var newExpiry = new Date(timestamp);
newExpiry.setMinutes(newExpiry.getMinutes() + utils.sessionTimeout);
var newDeviceHardware = receivedObject.DeviceHardware;
var newDeviceSoftware = receivedObject.DeviceSoftware;
var sessionToken = utils.randomCode(utils.fullAlphaNumeric, utils.tokenLength);
mainDB.updateObject(mainDB.collectionDevice, {DeviceToken: receivedObject.DeviceToken}, {
$set: {
DeviceHardware: newDeviceHardware,
DeviceSoftware: newDeviceSoftware,
LastUpdate: timestamp,
SessionToken: sessionToken,
SessionTokenExpiry: newExpiry,
LastLoginLocation: newLastLoginLocation,
LastLoginIP: functionInfo.remote,
LastLogin: timestamp,
LoginAttempts: 0
{upsert: false}, false, function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '49',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Store the login time and location.
var loginData = {};
loginData.ClientID = existingClient.ClientID;
loginData.DeviceToken = existingDevice.DeviceToken;
loginData.SessionToken = sessionToken;
loginData.SourceLocation = newLastLoginLocation;
loginData.SourceIP = functionInfo.remote;
loginData.OperationType = 'Login';
loginData.ServerVersion = config.CCServerVersion;
loginData.APIVersion = receivedObject.APIVersion;
loginData.DeviceHardware = receivedObject.DeviceHardware;
loginData.DeviceSoftware = receivedObject.DeviceSoftware;
loginData.DateTime = timestamp;
* Store login data.
mainDB.addObject(mainDB.collectionBridgeLogin, loginData, undefined, false, function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '194',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Status bits.
var AcceptEULA = 0;
if (config.EULAVersion !== existingClient.EULAVersionAccepted) {
AcceptEULA = 1;
var clientDetailsSet = 0;
if (utils.bitsAllSet(existingClient.ClientStatus, utils.ClientDetailsMask)) {
clientDetailsSet = 1;
* Assemble strings and objects for response.
var userName = existingClient.DisplayName;
if (userName === '') {
userName = '[New User]';
var toSend = {
SessionToken: sessionToken,
DeviceName: existingDevice.DeviceName,
timeout: utils.sessionTimeout,
PayCodeTimeout: utils.payCodeTimeout,
CallTimeout: config.callTimeout,
MerchantStatus: existingClient.Merchant[0].MerchantStatus,
PollingInterval: utils.pollingInterval,
AcceptEULA: AcceptEULA,
ServerVersion: config.CCServerVersion,
PaymentMin: utils.paymentMin,
PaymentMax: utils.paymentMax,
TipMin: utils.tipMin,
TipMax: utils.tipMax,
TransactionMin: utils.transactionMin,
ClientDetailsSet: clientDetailsSet,
DesyncThreshold: config.HMACDesyncThreshold,
FeatureFlags: existingClient.FeatureFlags
if (existingDevice.PendingHMAC !== '') {
toSend.PendingHMAC = existingDevice.PendingHMAC;
* Update the Client on first login.
if (existingClient.FirstLogin === 1) {
mainDB.updateObject(mainDB.collectionClient, {'ClientName': existingClient.ClientName}, {
$set: {
LastUpdate: timestamp,
FirstLogin: 0
$inc: {LastVersion: 1}
{upsert: false}, false, function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '102',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Login success (first login).
toSend.code = '10010'; = 'Login1 first login successful.';
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo,
(userName + ' first log in.'));
* Login success (not first login).
toSend.code = '10027'; = 'Login1 successful.';
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo,
(userName + ' logged in.'));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
* @fileOverview Allows a message to be marked as read, unread, etc.
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Richard Taylor
* @see #bridge_server-core
* @see {@link}
* Includes
var Q = require('q');
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var utils = require(global.pathPrefix + 'utils.js');
var mongodb = require('mongodb');
* This allows a message to be marked as read, unread, etc.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
* @param {?object} hmacData - HMAC information from incoming packet.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
* Validate the session. This function responds directly if there is a problem.
auth.validSession(res, receivedObject.DeviceToken, receivedObject.SessionToken, functionInfo, hmacData,
function(err, existingDevice, existingClient) {
if (err) {
* Mark the message as the requested type
* Build the query. The limits are:
* - ClientID must be me
* - MessageID must match the _id of the message
* - TimeFilter must be before <now>
var query = {
ClientID: existingClient.ClientID,
_id: mongodb.ObjectID(receivedObject.MessageID),
TimeFilter: {$lte: new Date()}
* Define the update
var update = {
$currentDate: {
LastUpdate: true
if (receivedObject.Mark === 'Read') {
// Mark as read by setting the read date
update.$currentDate.Read = true;
} else if (receivedObject.Mark === 'Unread') {
// Mark as unread by clearing the read date
update.$set = {
Read: null
* Build the options.
var options = {
upsert: false,
multi: false,
comment: 'MarkMessage' // For profiler logs use
* Request the object
).then(function(result) {
* Successful query (though it may not have found anything to update)
if (result.result.n === 1) {
* A document was updated, so this is total success
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '10072',
info: 'MarkMessage successful'
('MarkMessage successful: ' + receivedObject.MessageID));
} else {
* The request ran, but didn't find any documents
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '484',
info: 'Invalid MessageID.'
('Invalid message ID: ' + receivedObject.MessageID));
}).catch(function() {
* Query failed, most likely from the database
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '483',
info: 'Database offline.'
}); // End auth.validSession callback

View File

@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js PIN Reset Handler for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Resets the device PIN. JSON version.
* @see {@link}
* Includes
var templates = require(global.pathPrefix + '../utils/templates.js');
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var utils = require(global.pathPrefix + 'utils.js');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var mailer = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mailer.js');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var config = require(global.configFile);
var crypto = require('crypto');
* Web Server elements. Processes an HTTP request, be it JSON or HTTP.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject) {
* Valid PIN reset request. Find the e-mail address.
mainDB.findOneObject(mainDB.collectionClient, {ClientName: receivedObject.ClientName}, undefined, false, function(err, existingClient) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '129',
info: 'Database offline.'
* User name not found if null.
if (!existingClient) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '130',
info: 'E-mail mismatch.'
'E-mail not found in database.',
('RI [' + receivedObject.ClientName + ' (' + receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ')]'));
* Check client status.
var currentClientStatus = auth.checkClientStatus(existingClient.ClientStatus);
if (currentClientStatus) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: currentClientStatus.code.toString(),
info: currentClientStatus.message
'WARNING', null,
('RI [' + receivedObject.ClientName + ' (' + receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ')]'));
* Check the password.
var timestamp = new Date();
auth.checkClientPassword(receivedObject.Password, existingClient, timestamp, function(err) {
* Check if there was an error processing the password.
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: err.code.toString(),
info: err.message
'WARNING', null,
('RI [' + receivedObject.ClientName + ' (' + receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ')]'));
* Valid reset request. Find the device again and verify the token.
mainDB.findOneObject(mainDB.collectionDevice, {DeviceNumber: receivedObject.DeviceNumber}, undefined, false,
function(err, existingDevice) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '133',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Device not found.
if (!existingDevice) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '134',
info: 'Device number not found.'
'WARNING', null,
('RI [' + receivedObject.ClientName + ' (' + receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ')]'));
* Check device ID matches.
if (receivedObject.DeviceUuid !== existingDevice.DeviceUuid) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '135',
info: 'Invalid device ID.'
'WARNING', null,
('RI [' + receivedObject.ClientName + ' (' + receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ')]'));
* Check device is associated with e-mail.
if (existingDevice.ClientID !== existingClient.ClientID) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '136',
info: 'ClientName mismatch.'
'Device does not belong to Client.',
('RI [' + receivedObject.ClientName + ' (' + receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ')]'));
* Check device status.
var currentDeviceStatus = auth.checkDeviceStatus(existingDevice.DeviceStatus);
if (currentDeviceStatus) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: currentDeviceStatus.code.toString(),
info: currentDeviceStatus.message
'WARNING', null,
('RI [' + receivedObject.ClientName + ' (' + receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ')]'));
* All checks complete. Reset the PIN.
var timestamp = new Date();
auth.encryptPBKDF2(receivedObject.DeviceAuthorisation, function(err, newSalt, newHash) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '137',
info: 'Encryption error.'
'WARNING', null,
('RI [' + receivedObject.ClientName + ' (' + receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ')]'));
* Update the database.
var newDeviceAuthorisation = config.pinCryptoVersion + '::' + newHash;
mainDB.updateObject(mainDB.collectionDevice, {DeviceNumber: receivedObject.DeviceNumber}, {
$set: {
DeviceSalt: newSalt,
DeviceAuthorisation: newDeviceAuthorisation,
LoginAttempts: 0,
LastUpdate: timestamp
$inc: {LastVersion: 1}
{upsert: false}, false, function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '138',
info: 'Database offline.'
* PIN updated. Confirm by e-mail.
var geolocation = '';
var geoTag = 'Lat/Long';
if ((receivedObject.Latitude === null) ||
(receivedObject.Longitude === null)) {
geoTag = 'No GPS information available.';
} else {
geolocation = '' + receivedObject.Latitude +
',' + receivedObject.Longitude;
var htmlEmail = templates.render('pin-reset', {
LatLong: geolocation,
GeoTag: geoTag,
DeviceNumber: receivedObject.DeviceNumber
mailer.sendEmail(null, receivedObject.ClientName, 'Bridge PIN Reset', htmlEmail, 'PINReset.process',
function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '139',
info: 'Unable to send e-mail.'
'ERROR', null,
('RI [' + receivedObject.ClientName + ' (' + receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ')]'));
* PIN Reset successful.
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '10014',
info: 'PIN reset successful.'
('PIN reset successful at Lat/Long [' + receivedObject.Latitude + ',' +
receivedObject.Longitude + '].'),
('RI [' + receivedObject.ClientName + ' (' + receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ')]'));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js PayCode Request Handler for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2015 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Gets a limited time PayCode that can be given to the merchant.
* @see {@link}
* Includes.
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var utils = require(global.pathPrefix + 'utils.js');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var mongodb = require('mongodb');
var async = require('async');
var config = require(global.configFile);
* Web Server elements. Processes an HTTP request, be it JSON or HTTP.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
* @param {?object} hmacData - HMAC information from incoming packet.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
* Validate the session. This function responds directly if there is a problem.
auth.validSession(res, receivedObject.DeviceToken, receivedObject.SessionToken, functionInfo, hmacData,
function(err, existingDevice, existingClient) {
if (err) {
* Check that display names are valid. Otherwise, do not allow the Client to continue.
if (utils.MinDisplayNameLength > existingClient.DisplayName.length) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '472',
info: 'DisplayName is invalid. Please fill out customer details.'
if ((utils.MinDisplayNameLength > existingClient.Merchant[0].CompanyAlias.length) &&
(existingClient.Merchant[0].MerchantStatus === utils.MerchantStatusActive)) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '473',
info: 'CompanyAlias is invalid. Please fill out Merchant details.'
* Set up paycode to write.
var newPayCode = {};
newPayCode.DeviceToken = existingDevice.DeviceToken;
newPayCode.SessionToken = receivedObject.SessionToken;
var timestamp = null;
var payCodeLength = 5;
var counter = 5;
var notWritten = true;
var payCodeObject = null;
* Keep trying to issue a PayCode.
* Keep doing this.
function(callback) {
counter = counter - 1;
newPayCode.PayCode = utils.payCodeGeneration(utils.paycodeString, payCodeLength, 'Bridge');
timestamp = new Date();
newPayCode.Creation = new Date(timestamp);
newPayCode.Expiry = new Date(timestamp);
newPayCode.Expiry.setMinutes(newPayCode.Expiry.getMinutes() + utils.payCodeTimeout);
newPayCode.TransactionID = null;
mainDB.addObject(mainDB.collectionPayCode, newPayCode, undefined, true, function(err, payCodeAdded) {
* If the payCodeAdded is returned then the PayCode is unique and has been added to the DB.
if (payCodeAdded) {
notWritten = false;
payCodeObject = payCodeAdded[0];
* Until this.
function() {
* Attempt to write 5 paycodes of the same length.
if (counter < 1) {
counter = 5;
payCodeLength = payCodeLength + 1;
* Paycode has gotten too long. Return an error.
if (payCodeLength > 12) {
return false;
} else {
return notWritten;
* Then do this!
function(err) {
* 5 seconds have passed.
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '157',
info: 'Cannot issue a PayCode.'
* Check that a unique paycode has been issued.
if (payCodeLength > 12) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '158',
info: 'Cannot generate a unique PayCode.'
* Create the new transaction.
var newTrans = mainDB.blankTransaction();
newTrans.PayCode = payCodeObject.PayCode;
newTrans.PayCodeID = payCodeObject._id;
newTrans.PayCodeExpiry = payCodeObject.Expiry;
newTrans.CustomerDeviceToken = receivedObject.DeviceToken;
newTrans.CustomerSessionToken = receivedObject.SessionToken;
newTrans.CustomerAccountID = receivedObject.AccountID;
newTrans.CustomerClientID = existingClient.ClientID;
* Get the account information and fill in transaction.
* Need to ignore jshint warnings here:
* 1. Cyclomatic complexity too high - W074. Legacy code.
//jshint -W074
mainDB.findOneObject(mainDB.collectionAccount, {_id: mongodb.ObjectID(receivedObject.AccountID)}, undefined, false,
function(err, existingCustomerAccount) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '229',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Check that we got an account back.
if (!existingCustomerAccount) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '274',
info: 'Invalid customer AccountID.'
//jshint -W016
* Check that this is not a deleted account. Uses bitwise comparison.
* Need to ignore jshint warnings here:
* 1. Unexpected bitwise comparison. This is deliberately a bitwise comparison.
if (existingCustomerAccount.AccountStatus & utils.AccountDeleted) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '273',
info: 'Deleted customer AccountID.'
* Check that this is not an API generated account (as they
* don't have the encrypted info we need to process a transaction)
* Uses bitwise comparison.
* Need to ignore jshint warnings here:
* 1. Unexpected bitwise comparison. This is deliberately a bitwise comparison.
if (existingCustomerAccount.AccountStatus & utils.AccountApiCreated) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '557',
info: 'Unsupported account type.'
//jshint +W016
* Operational account. Check that there is a valid billing address.
if (existingCustomerAccount.BillingAddress === '') {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '490',
info: 'No valid billing address.'
* Ensure it's a payments account.
if (existingCustomerAccount.PaymentsAccount !== 1) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '295',
info: 'Not a payments account.'
* Fill in account details.
switch (existingCustomerAccount.UserImage) {
case 'Selfie':
newTrans.CustomerDisplayName = existingClient.DisplayName;
newTrans.CustomerImage = existingClient.Selfie;
case 'defaultSelfie':
newTrans.CustomerDisplayName = existingClient.DisplayName;
newTrans.CustomerImage = config.defaultSelfie;
case 'CompanyLogo0':
newTrans.CustomerDisplayName = existingClient.Merchant[0].CompanyAlias;
newTrans.CustomerSubDisplayName = existingClient.Merchant[0].CompanySubName;
newTrans.CustomerImage = existingClient.Merchant[0].CompanyLogo;
if (existingClient.Merchant[0].VATNo) {
newTrans.CustomerVATNo = existingClient.Merchant[0].VATNo;
case 'defaultCompanyLogo0':
newTrans.CustomerDisplayName = existingClient.Merchant[0].CompanyAlias;
newTrans.CustomerSubDisplayName = existingClient.Merchant[0].CompanySubName;
newTrans.CustomerImage = config.defaultCompanyLogo0;
if (existingClient.Merchant[0].VATNo) {
newTrans.CustomerVATNo = existingClient.Merchant[0].VATNo;
* Error condition.
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '230',
info: 'Invalid image details.'
('The UserImage is invalid for AccountID ' + receivedObject.AccountID));
newTrans.StatusInfo = 'Paycode issued. Waiting for merchant...';
if ((receivedObject.Longitude !== null) && (receivedObject.Latitude !== null)) {
newTrans.CustomerLocation = {
type: 'Point',
coordinates: [receivedObject.Longitude, receivedObject.Latitude]
newTrans.LastUpdate = new Date();
* Write the transaction and get the object ID back.
mainDB.addObject(mainDB.collectionTransaction, newTrans, undefined, false, function(err, transactionAdded) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '159',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Transactions successfully added. Update the PayCode.
var transaction = mongodb.ObjectID(transactionAdded[0]._id).toString();
{_id: mongodb.ObjectID(payCodeObject._id)},
$set: {
TransactionID: transaction
{upsert: false}, false, function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '160',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Return code to user
var timeNow = new Date();
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '10015',
info: 'Paycode issued.',
paycode: newPayCode.PayCode,
creation: newPayCode.Creation,
now: timeNow,
expiry: newPayCode.Expiry,
transactionID: transactionAdded[0]._id
('New PayCode ' + newPayCode.PayCode + ' issued.'));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
* @fileOverview List the addresses that match the given postcode
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Richard Taylor
* @see #bridge_server-core
* @see {@link}
'use strict';
* Includes
var _ = require('lodash');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var postcodeUtils = require(global.pathPrefix + '../utils/postcodes.js');
var utils = require(global.pathPrefix + 'utils.js');
var apiHelpers = require(global.pathPrefix + '../utils/api_helpers.js');
* List addresses for the current postcode.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
* @param {?object} hmacData - HMAC information from incoming packet.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
* Validate the session. This function responds directly if there is a problem.
auth.validSession(res, receivedObject.DeviceToken, receivedObject.SessionToken, functionInfo, hmacData,
function(err, existingDevice, existingClient) {
if (err) {
const lookupP = postcodeUtils.postcodeLookup(receivedObject.PostCode);
lookupP.then((addresses) => {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo,
code: '10078',
info: 'Address list returned.',
AddressCount: addresses.length,
Addresses: addresses
'PostCodeLookup successful.'
}).catch((error) => {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '531',
info: 'Unable to lookup addresses.'
}); // End auth.validSession callback

View File

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js Redeem PayCode Handler for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Allows a merchant to add their details to a transaction.
* @see {@link}
'use strict';
* Includes
const authP = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth-promises.js');
const impl = require(global.pathPrefix + '../impl/redeem_paycode.js');
const Q = require('q');
* Web Server elements. Processes an HTTP request, be it JSON or HTTP.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
* @param {?object} hmacData - HMAC information from incoming packet.
exports.process = async function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
let authDetails = null;
try {
* Validate the session. This function responds directly if there is a problem.
authDetails = await authP.validSession(
).then((result) => {
return {
existingDevice: result[0],
existingClient: result[1]
}).catch(() => Q.reject()); // Error has been handled in auth.ValidSession
const response = await impl.redeemPaycodeP(
authP.respond(res, 200, authDetails.existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo,
('PayCode ' + receivedObject.PayCode + ' redeemed for TransactionID ' +
response.TransactionID + '.'));
} catch (error) {
if (error) {
// Check if any of these errors need to be logged
let logType = null;
const warnings = [
if (warnings.indexOf(error.code) !== -1) {
logType = 'WARNING';
authP.respond(res, 200, authDetails.existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo,
code: error.code,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js Refund Handler for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Refunds the transaction to the customer. This function should only be used if the full transaction is
* being refunded in one go. There is (will) be a separate transaction for partial refunds.
* @see {@link}
* Includes
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var utils = require(global.pathPrefix + 'utils.js');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var worldpay = require(global.pathPrefix + 'worldpay.js');
var mongodb = require('mongodb');
var async = require('async');
var _ = require('lodash');
* Web Server elements. Processes an HTTP request, be it JSON or HTTP.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
* @param {?object} hmacData - HMAC information from incoming packet.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
* Validate the session. This function responds directly if there is a problem.
auth.validSession(res, receivedObject.DeviceToken, receivedObject.SessionToken, functionInfo, hmacData,
function(err, existingDevice, existingClient) {
if (err) {
* There are local variables here that must be available throughout the function.
var newinfo = '';
var locals = {};
* Call all database updates in series.
function(callback) {
* Find the transaction to refund.
{_id: mongodb.ObjectID(receivedObject.TransactionID)}, undefined, false, function(err, existingTransaction) {
if (err) {
data: {code: '228', info: 'Database offline.'}
* No transaction in the database.
if (!existingTransaction) {
data: {code: '237', info: 'Invalid TransactionID.'},
logType: 'WARNING'
* Only transactions with a status of 3 can be fully refunded.
* Partial refunds may work on other transactions.
if (existingTransaction.TransactionStatus !== 3) {
if (existingTransaction.TransactionStatus === 4) {
data: {code: '235', info: 'Already refunded.'},
logType: 'WARNING',
altString: 'Transaction already fully refunded.'
} else {
data: {code: '236', info: 'Cannot be refunded.'},
logType: 'WARNING',
altString: 'Cannot be refunded (partial refund may still work).'
* Ensure this is the merchant.
if (existingTransaction.MerchantClientID !== existingClient.ClientID) {
data: {code: '238', info: 'Invalid ClientName.'},
logType: 'WARNING',
altString: 'Transaction can only be refunded by the merchant.'
* Store the transaction data.
locals.existingTransaction = existingTransaction;
function(callback) {
* Update the transaction.
locals.succeeded = false;
if (locals.existingTransaction.AcquirerName === 'Demo') {
* Refund the Demo transaction.
locals.succeeded = true;
locals.newLastUpdate = new Date();
locals.newStatusInfo = 'Refunded. Authorisation code ' + utils.timeBasedRandomCode() + '.';
locals.newTransactionStatus = utils.TransactionStatus.REFUNDED;
locals.newAmountRefunded = locals.existingTransaction.TotalAmount;
} else if (locals.existingTransaction.AcquirerName === 'Worldpay') {
* This is a Worldpay transaction refund.
locals.worldpayServiceKey = utils.decryptDataV1(locals.existingTransaction.AcquirerCipher);
if (typeof locals.worldpayServiceKey === 'object') {
data: {code: '561', info: 'Error decrypting Worldpay service key.'},
logType: 'WARNING',
altString: 'Transaction ' + locals.existingTransaction._id.toString() + ': ' + locals.worldpayServiceKey
* Call the refund function.
'orders/' + locals.existingTransaction.SaleReference + '/refund',
null, // No additional headers.
function(err, response) {
if (err) {
console.log('ERR:' + JSON.stringify(err));
if (response) {
console.log('RESPONSE: ' + response);
if (err) {
data: {code: '260', info: err.message}
locals.succeeded = true;
locals.newLastUpdate = new Date();
locals.newStatusInfo = 'Refunded. Worldpay.';
locals.newTransactionStatus = utils.TransactionStatus.REFUNDED;
locals.newAmountRefunded = locals.existingTransaction.TotalAmount;
* Success.
} else {
* Invalid acquiring bank.
newinfo = 'Invalid acquiring bank (' + locals.existingTransaction.AcquirerName + ').';
data: {code: '242', info: 'Invalid acquirer.'},
logType: 'ERROR',
altString: newinfo
function(callback) {
* Update the transaction.
_id: mongodb.ObjectID(receivedObject.TransactionID),
MerchantClientID: existingClient.ClientID,
TransactionStatus: utils.TransactionStatus.COMPLETE
}, {
$set: {
AmountRefunded: locals.newAmountRefunded,
StatusInfo: locals.newStatusInfo,
TransactionStatus: locals.newTransactionStatus,
LastUpdate: locals.newLastUpdate
$inc: {
LastVersion: 1
}, {
upsert: false
}, function(err) {
if (err) {
data: {code: '260', info: 'Database offline.'}
* Check to see if the payment was a success.
if (!locals.succeeded) {
newinfo = 'Refund failed to ' + locals.existingTransaction.CustomerClientID + '.';
data: {code: '261', info: 'Refund failed.'},
logType: 'WARNING',
altString: newinfo
* Success. Call back accordingly.
function(callback) {
* Set up new history items to reverse the transaction.
locals.newCustomerHist = mainDB.blankTransactionHistory();
locals.newCustomerHist.TransactionID = receivedObject.TransactionID;
locals.newCustomerHist.TransactionType = 3;
locals.newCustomerHist.AccountID = locals.existingTransaction.CustomerAccountID;
locals.newCustomerHist.ClientID = locals.existingTransaction.CustomerClientID;
locals.newCustomerHist.OtherDisplayName = locals.existingTransaction.MerchantDisplayName;
locals.newCustomerHist.OtherSubDisplayName = locals.existingTransaction.MerchantSubDisplayName;
locals.newCustomerHist.OtherImage = locals.existingTransaction.MerchantImage;
locals.newCustomerHist.TotalAmount = locals.existingTransaction.TotalAmount;
locals.newCustomerHist.SaleTime = locals.newLastUpdate;
locals.newCustomerHist.LastUpdate = locals.newLastUpdate;
if (!_.isUndefined(locals.existingTransaction.MerchantInvoiceNumber)) {
locals.newCustomerHist.MerchantInvoiceNumber = locals.existingTransaction.MerchantInvoiceNumber;
locals.newMerchantHist = mainDB.blankTransactionHistory();
locals.newMerchantHist.TransactionID = receivedObject.TransactionID;
locals.newMerchantHist.TransactionType = 2;
locals.newMerchantHist.AccountID = locals.existingTransaction.MerchantAccountID;
locals.newMerchantHist.ClientID = locals.existingTransaction.MerchantClientID;
locals.newMerchantHist.OtherDisplayName = locals.existingTransaction.CustomerDisplayName;
locals.newMerchantHist.OtherSubDisplayName = locals.existingTransaction.CustomerSubDisplayName;
locals.newMerchantHist.OtherImage = locals.existingTransaction.CustomerImage;
if ((receivedObject.Longitude !== null) && (receivedObject.Latitude !== null)) {
locals.newMerchantHist.MyLocation = {
type: 'Point',
coordinates: [receivedObject.Longitude, receivedObject.Latitude]
locals.newMerchantHist.TotalAmount = locals.existingTransaction.TotalAmount;
locals.newMerchantHist.SaleTime = locals.newLastUpdate;
locals.newMerchantHist.LastUpdate = locals.newCustomerHist.LastUpdate;
if (!_.isUndefined(locals.existingTransaction.MerchantInvoiceNumber)) {
locals.newMerchantHist.MerchantInvoiceNumber = locals.existingTransaction.MerchantInvoiceNumber;
function(callback) {
* Call in the customer account details.
{_id: mongodb.ObjectID(locals.existingTransaction.CustomerAccountID)}, undefined, false,
function(err, existingCustomerAccount) {
if (err) {
data: {code: '263', info: 'Database offline.'}
* Check that we got an account back. Note that deleted is irrelevant here as we can
* refund into a deleted account.
if (!existingCustomerAccount) {
newinfo = 'Refund succeeded but cannot find customer account for ' +
locals.existingTransaction.CustomerClientID + '.';
data: {code: '264', info: 'Refund successful. No customer account.'},
logType: 'WARNING',
altString: newinfo
* Store the transaction data.
locals.existingCustomerAccount = existingCustomerAccount;
function(callback) {
* Process the transaction - call the merchant account details in.
{_id: mongodb.ObjectID(locals.existingTransaction.MerchantAccountID)}, undefined, false,
function(err, existingMerchantAccount) {
if (err) {
data: {code: '263', info: 'Database offline.'}
* Check that we got an account back. Note that deleted is irrelevant here as we
* can refund from a deleted account.
if (!existingMerchantAccount) {
newinfo = 'Refund succeeded but cannot find merchant account for ' +
locals.existingTransaction.MerchantClientID + '.';
data: {code: '265', info: 'Refund successful. No merchant account.'},
logType: 'WARNING',
altString: newinfo
* Store the transaction data.
locals.existingMerchantAccount = existingMerchantAccount;
function(callback) {
* Update the customer account if appropriate.
if (locals.existingCustomerAccount.BalanceAvailable !== 0) {
locals.newBalance = locals.existingCustomerAccount.Balance + locals.existingTransaction.TotalAmount;
locals.newTransactionTotal = locals.existingCustomerAccount.TransactionTotal +
locals.newTotalDeposits = locals.existingCustomerAccount.TotalDeposits + locals.existingTransaction.TotalAmount;
{_id: mongodb.ObjectID(locals.existingTransaction.CustomerAccountID)}, {
$set: {
TransactionTotal: locals.newTransactionTotal,
TotalDeposits: locals.newTotalDeposits,
Balance: locals.newBalance,
LastUpdate: locals.newLastUpdate
$inc: {
LastVersion: 1
{upsert: false}, false, function(err) {
if (err) {
data: utils.createError('266', 'Database offline')
} else {
} else {
function(callback) {
* Update the merchant account.
if (locals.existingMerchantAccount.BalanceAvailable !== 0) {
locals.newBalance = locals.existingMerchantAccount.Balance - locals.existingTransaction.TotalAmount;
locals.newTransactionTotal = locals.existingMerchantAccount.TransactionTotal +
locals.newTotalWithdrawals = locals.existingMerchantAccount.TotalWithdrawals +
{_id: mongodb.ObjectID(locals.existingTransaction.MerchantAccountID)}, {
$set: {
TransactionTotal: locals.newTransactionTotal,
TotalWithdrawals: locals.newTotalWithdrawals,
Balance: locals.newBalance,
LastUpdate: locals.newLastUpdate
$inc: {
LastVersion: 1
{upsert: false}, false, function(err) {
if (err) {
data: utils.createError('267', 'Database offline')
} else {
} else {
function(callback) {
* Add the customer transaction history.
mainDB.addObject(mainDB.collectionTransactionHistory, locals.newCustomerHist, undefined, false, function(err) {
if (err) {
data: utils.createError('268', 'Database offline')
} else {
function(callback) {
* Add the merchant transaction history.
mainDB.addObject(mainDB.collectionTransactionHistory, locals.newMerchantHist, undefined, false, function(err) {
if (err) {
data: utils.createError('269', 'Database offline')
} else {
* Callback for information. Note that err can contain 3 elements: data (JSON to return), logType, and altString.
function(err) {
if (err) {
if (err.hasOwnProperty('logType')) {
//jshint -W117
if (err.hasOwnProperty('altString')) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo,, err.logType, err.altString);
} else {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo,, err.logType);
//jshint +W117
} else {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo,;
* Complete success.
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '10035',
info: 'Refund confirmed.'
('Refund confirmed by acquirer to ' + locals.existingTransaction.CustomerClientID + '.'));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js Register 1 Handler for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
* First registration command. Creates Client and Device database entries. JSON version.
* @see {@link}
* Includes
var templates = require(global.pathPrefix + '../utils/templates.js');
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var utils = require(global.pathPrefix + 'utils.js');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var sms = require(global.pathPrefix + 'sms.js');
var mailer = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mailer.js');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var config = require(global.configFile);
* Web Server elements. Processes an HTTP request, be it JSON or HTTP.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject) {
* Local variables.
var timestamp = new Date();
* Valid registration request.
'Registration request received.',
('RI [' + receivedObject.ClientName + ' (' + receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ')]'),
(functionInfo.remote + ' (' + functionInfo.port + ')'));
* Next verify that the e-mail address has not been used before.
mainDB.findOneObject(mainDB.collectionClient, {ClientName: receivedObject.ClientName}, undefined, false, function(err, existingClient) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '3',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Client info retrieved if present. Check for the device.
{DeviceNumber: receivedObject.DeviceNumber}, undefined, false, function(err, existingDevice) {
* Check for errors.
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '7',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Check that nothing exists in the database.
if (existingDevice || existingClient) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '318',
info: 'Email or mobile number already in use. Please log in to recover.'
'Email or mobile number already in use.',
('RI [' + receivedObject.ClientName + ' (' + receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ')]'));
* This is a completely new signup. Create client data structure.
var newClient = mainDB.blankClient();
newClient.ClientName = receivedObject.ClientName;
newClient.DisplayName = '';
newClient.EMailValidationToken = utils.randomCode(utils.fullAlphaNumeric, utils.tokenLength);
newClient.EMailValidationTokenExpiry = new Date(timestamp);
newClient.EMailValidationTokenExpiry.setDate(newClient.EMailValidationTokenExpiry.getDate() + 7); // Add a week.
newClient.OperatorName = receivedObject.OperatorName;
newClient.KYC[0].ContactEmail = newClient.ClientName;
newClient.PasswordManagement[0].PasswordExpiry = new Date(timestamp);
newClient.PasswordManagement[0].PasswordExpiry.getDate() + 365); // Add a year.
newClient.PasswordManagement[0].PasswordLastReset = new Date(timestamp);
newClient.ClientPreferences[0].DefaultAccount = receivedObject.Method;
newClient.LastUpdate = new Date(timestamp);
* Hash the password.
auth.encryptPBKDF2(receivedObject.Password, function(err, newSalt, newHash) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '413',
info: 'Encryption error.'
'WARNING', null,
('RI [' + receivedObject.ClientName + ' (' + receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ')]'));
* Store the new salt and hash.
newClient.Password = '2::' + newHash;
newClient.ClientSalt = newSalt;
* Add the new client object.
mainDB.addObject(mainDB.collectionClient, newClient, undefined, false, function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '6',
info: 'Database offline.'
* E -mail successfully added - send the registration e-mail.
mailer.sendWelcomeEmail(newClient, receivedObject.Mode, 'Register1.process',
function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '5',
info: 'Unable to send e-mail.'
'ERROR', null,
('RI [' + receivedObject.ClientName + ' (' + receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ')]'));
* E -mail sent. Now set up the new device.
var newDevice = mainDB.blankDevice();
if (receivedObject.DeviceHardware !== '') { // Add device hardware if sent.
newDevice.DeviceName = 'My ' + receivedObject.DeviceHardware;
newDevice.DeviceUuid = receivedObject.DeviceUuid;
newDevice.DeviceHardware = receivedObject.DeviceHardware;
newDevice.DeviceSoftware = receivedObject.DeviceSoftware;
newDevice.DeviceNumber = receivedObject.DeviceNumber;
newDevice.ClientID = newClient.ClientID;
newDevice.RegistrationToken = utils.randomCode(utils.numeric, utils.SMStokenLength);
newDevice.RegistrationTokenExpiry = new Date(timestamp);
newDevice.RegistrationTokenExpiry.setHours(newDevice.RegistrationTokenExpiry.getHours() +
newDevice.SignupIP = functionInfo.remote;
newDevice.LastUpdate = new Date(timestamp);
newDevice.LastVersion = 1;
// Generate a unique device token and check it doesn't exist.
newDevice.DeviceToken = utils.randomCode(utils.fullAlphaNumeric, utils.tokenLength);
{DeviceToken: newDevice.DeviceToken}, undefined, false, function(err, tokenCheck) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '19',
info: 'Database offline.'
* The device token is not unique; log this and cancel registration.
if (tokenCheck !== null) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '20',
info: 'System error - token duplication.'
'ERROR', null,
('RI [' + receivedObject.ClientName + ' (' + receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ')]'));
* All good. Add the device to the database.
mainDB.addObject(mainDB.collectionDevice, newDevice, undefined, false, function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '8',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Send the registration SMS if not in test mode.
sms.sendSMS(receivedObject.Mode, newDevice.DeviceNumber,
('Your Bridge verification code is ' + newDevice.RegistrationToken),
function(err, smsBalance) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '9',
info: 'SMS send failure.'
'WARNING', null,
('RI [' + receivedObject.ClientName + ' (' +
receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ')]'));
* Success.
if (receivedObject.Mode === 'Test') {
* Test mode.
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '10011',
info: 'Register1 test successful.',
DeviceToken: newDevice.DeviceToken,
EULAVersion: config.EULAVersion
'Register 1 test successful (SMS not sent).',
('RI [' + receivedObject.ClientName + ' (' +
receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ')]'));
} else {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '10000',
info: 'Register1 successful.',
DeviceToken: newDevice.DeviceToken,
EULAVersion: config.EULAVersion
('Registration SMS sent (SMS balance now ' + smsBalance + ').'),
('RI [' + receivedObject.ClientName + ' (' +
receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ')]'));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js Register2 Handler for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Verifies the mobile device by checking SMS code. JSON version.
* @see {@link}
* Includes
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var utils = require(global.pathPrefix + 'utils.js');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var config = require(global.configFile);
* Web Server elements. Processes an HTTP request, be it JSON or HTTP.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject) {
* Valid registration request. Find the device again and verify the token.
mainDB.findOneObject(mainDB.collectionDevice, {DeviceNumber: receivedObject.DeviceNumber},
undefined, false, function(err, existingDevice) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '12',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Check to see if the device was found.
if (!existingDevice) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '13',
info: 'Invalid device.'
'Device cannot be found in database.',
('RI [' + receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ' (DeviceToken ' + receivedObject.DeviceToken + ')]'));
* Register2 only works on unauthorised devices with no flags set.
* Expected use of bitwise.
//jshint -W016
if ((existingDevice.DeviceStatus !== 0x0) &&
((existingDevice.DeviceStatus & utils.DeviceFullyRegistered) !== utils.DeviceRegister3Mask)) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '17',
info: 'This is not a new device.'
'Device is already authorised.',
('RI [' + receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ' (DeviceToken ' + receivedObject.DeviceToken + ')]'));
//jshint +W016
* Now check the device token is valid.
if (receivedObject.DeviceToken !== existingDevice.DeviceToken) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '14',
info: 'Invalid device token.'
'WARNING', null,
('RI [' + receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ' (DeviceToken ' + receivedObject.DeviceToken + ')]'));
* Now check the number of attempts that have been made on the token.
if (existingDevice.RegistrationTokenAttempts >= config.maxRegTokenAttempts) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '466',
info: 'Too many registration token attempts - delete the device and start again.'
'WARNING', 'Too many registration token attempts.',
('RI [' + receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ' (DeviceToken ' + receivedObject.DeviceToken + ')]'));
* Check the registration token expiry.
var timestamp = new Date();
var expiry = existingDevice.RegistrationTokenExpiry;
if (timestamp > expiry) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '15',
info: 'Expired registration token.'
'WARNING', null,
('RI [' + receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ' (DeviceToken ' + receivedObject.DeviceToken + ')]'));
* Ensure that the code is valid. If not, increment the failed attempts.
if (receivedObject.RegistrationToken !== existingDevice.RegistrationToken) {
mainDB.updateObject(mainDB.collectionDevice, {DeviceNumber: existingDevice.DeviceNumber}, {
$set: {LastUpdate: timestamp},
$inc: {
LastVersion: 1,
RegistrationTokenAttempts: 1
{upsert: false}, false, function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '467',
info: 'Database offline.'
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '16',
info: 'Invalid registration token.'
'WARNING', null,
('RI [' + receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ' (DeviceToken ' + receivedObject.DeviceToken + ')]'));
* Update object and rewrite.
* Write to database. Valid bitwise operation.
//jshint -W016
var newDeviceStatus = existingDevice.DeviceStatus | utils.DeviceRegister2Mask;
//jshint +W106
mainDB.updateObject(mainDB.collectionDevice, {DeviceNumber: existingDevice.DeviceNumber}, {
$set: {
LastUpdate: timestamp,
DeviceStatus: newDeviceStatus,
RegistrationToken: '',
RegistrationTokenExpiry: '',
RegistrationTokenAttempts: 0
$inc: {LastVersion: 1}
{upsert: false}, false, function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '18',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Successful new registration if equal to zero.
if (existingDevice.DeviceStatus === 0x0) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '10001',
info: 'Register2 successful.'
'INFO', 'Mobile successfully verified.',
('RI [' + receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ' (DeviceToken ' + receivedObject.DeviceToken + ')]'));
// Successful re-registration.
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '10043',
info: 'Register2 re-registration successful.'
'INFO', 'Mobile successfully re-verified.',
('RI [' + receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ' (DeviceToken ' + receivedObject.DeviceToken + ')]'));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js Register 4 Handler for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Resends the SMS message to an existing phone. JSON version.
* @see {@link}
* Includes
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var utils = require(global.pathPrefix + 'utils.js');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var sms = require(global.pathPrefix + 'sms.js');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
* Web Server elements. Processes an HTTP request, be it JSON or HTTP.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject) {
// Resend the SMS message.
* Valid registration request. Find the device to resend the token.
mainDB.findOneObject(mainDB.collectionDevice, {DeviceToken: receivedObject.DeviceToken}, undefined, false,
function(err, existingDevice) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '26',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Ensure there is a device.
if (!existingDevice) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '27',
info: 'Invalid device token.'
'Mobile device cannot be matched to token.',
('RI [' + receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ' (DeviceToken ' + receivedObject.DeviceToken + ')]'));
* This function only works on unverified devices.
//jshint -W016
if ((existingDevice.DeviceStatus !== 0x0) &&
((existingDevice.DeviceStatus & utils.DeviceFullyRegistered) !== utils.DeviceRegister3Mask)) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '28',
info: 'Device already verified.'
'WARNING', null,
('RI [' + receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ' (DeviceToken ' + receivedObject.DeviceToken + ')]'));
//jshint +W016
* Match the phone number.
if (receivedObject.DeviceNumber !== existingDevice.DeviceNumber) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '29',
info: 'DeviceNumber mismatched.'
'Phone number does not match token.',
('RI [' + receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ' (DeviceToken ' + receivedObject.DeviceToken + ')]'));
* Match the unique device ID.
if (receivedObject.DeviceUuid !== existingDevice.DeviceUuid) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '30',
info: 'DeviceUuid mismatched.'
'Unique device ID does not match token.',
('RI [' + receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ' (DeviceToken ' + receivedObject.DeviceToken + ')]'));
* Check the registration token expiry.
var timestamp = new Date();
var expiry = existingDevice.RegistrationTokenExpiry;
if (timestamp > expiry) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '31',
info: 'Invalid registration token.'
'Registration token is invalid.',
('RI [' + receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ' (DeviceToken ' + receivedObject.DeviceToken + ')]'));
* Timestamp has at least not expired. Check that the new timestamp is at least 20 seconds.
* older than the last update.
var twentySeconds = existingDevice.LastUpdate;
twentySeconds.setSeconds(twentySeconds.getSeconds() + 20);
if (twentySeconds > timestamp) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '33',
info: 'SMS 20 second timeout.'
'Please wait 20 seconds before requesting another SMS.',
('RI [' + receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ' (DeviceToken ' + receivedObject.DeviceToken + ')]'));
* A reasonable amount of time has been left between clicks. Re-send the registration SMS.
sms.sendSMS(null, existingDevice.DeviceNumber, ('Your Bridge verification code is ' + existingDevice.RegistrationToken),
function(err, smsBalance) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '34',
info: 'SMS send failure.'
('Cannot send SMS. ' + err),
('RI [' + receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ' (DeviceToken ' + receivedObject.DeviceToken + ')]'));
* Success.
var newExpiry = new Date(timestamp);
newExpiry.setHours(newExpiry.getHours() + utils.smsTokenDuration);
var newVersion = existingDevice.LastVersion + 1;
mainDB.updateObject(mainDB.collectionDevice, {DeviceToken: receivedObject.DeviceToken}, {
$set: {
LastUpdate: timestamp,
RegistrationTokenExpiry: newExpiry,
LastVersion: newVersion
{upsert: false}, false, function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '32',
info: 'Database offline.'
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '10003',
info: 'Register4 successful.'
('Registration SMS re-sent. (SMS balance now ' + smsBalance + ').'),
('RI [' + receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ' (DeviceToken ' + receivedObject.DeviceToken + ')]'));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js Register 6 Handler for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Resend verification e-mail. JSON version.
* @see {@link}
* Includes
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var utils = require(global.pathPrefix + 'utils.js');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var mailer = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mailer.js');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
* Web Server elements. Processes an HTTP request, be it JSON or HTTP.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject) {
* Resend verification e-mail. JSON version.
* Valid registration request. Find the account to resend the token.
mainDB.findOneObject(mainDB.collectionClient, {ClientName: receivedObject.ClientName}, undefined, false, function(err, existingClient) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '85',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Check that the client exists.
if (!existingClient) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '86',
info: 'Invalid e-mail address.'
'Cannot find this e-mail address in the database.',
('RI [' + receivedObject.ClientName + ' (' + receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ')]'));
* This function only works if the client has never logged in. Check the flag.
* Valid bitwise comparison.
//jshint -W016
if (existingClient.ClientStatus & utils.ClientEmailVerifiedMask) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '87',
info: 'Account already verified.'
'Account already verified (DeviceStatus bit 0x1 set).',
('RI [' + receivedObject.ClientName + ' (' + receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ')]'));
//jshint +W016
* Get the DeviceUuid.
mainDB.findOneObject(mainDB.collectionDevice, {DeviceNumber: receivedObject.DeviceNumber}, undefined, false,
function(err, existingDevice) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '88',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Ensure that the device was found.
if (!existingDevice) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '203',
info: 'Mobile phone number not available.'
'Device does not exist.',
('RI [' + receivedObject.ClientName + ' (' + receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ')]'));
* Ensure DeviceUuid is correct.
if (receivedObject.DeviceUuid !== existingDevice.DeviceUuid) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '204',
info: 'Invalid DeviceUuid.'
'WARNING', null,
('RI [' + receivedObject.ClientName + ' (' + receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ')]'));
* Check the registration token expiry.
var timestamp = new Date();
var expiry = existingClient.EMailValidationTokenExpiry;
if (timestamp > expiry) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '89',
info: 'Invalid registration token.'
'WARNING', null,
('RI [' + receivedObject.ClientName + ' (' + receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ')]'));
* Timestamp has at least not expired. Check that the new timestamp is at least 20
* seconds older than the last update.
var twentySeconds = existingClient.LastUpdate;
twentySeconds.setSeconds(twentySeconds.getSeconds() + 20);
if (twentySeconds > timestamp) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '90',
info: 'E-mail 20 second timeout.'
'Wait 20 seconds before requesting another e-mail.',
('RI [' + receivedObject.ClientName + ' (' + receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ')]'));
* Update database.
var newExpiry = new Date(timestamp);
newExpiry.setDate(newExpiry.getDate() + 7); // Add a week.
var newVersion = existingClient.LastVersion + 1;
mainDB.updateObject(mainDB.collectionClient, {ClientName: receivedObject.ClientName}, {
$set: {
LastUpdate: timestamp,
EMailValidationTokenExpiry: newExpiry,
LastVersion: newVersion
{upsert: false}, false, function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '92',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Resend the welcome / address confirmation e-mail.
mailer.sendWelcomeEmail(existingClient, '', 'Register6.process', function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '91',
info: 'E-mail send failure.'
'Unable to send e-mail.',
('RI [' + receivedObject.ClientName + ' (' + receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ')]'));
* Success!
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '10009',
info: 'Register6 successful.'
'Registration e-mail re-sent.',
('RI [' + receivedObject.ClientName + ' (' + receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ')]'));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js Register 7 Handler for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Deletes an account. Add the "Mode"="ForceDelete" parameter to force deletion. HTML version.
* @see {@link}
* Includes
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var config = require(global.configFile);
* Web Server elements. Processes an HTTP request, be it JSON or HTTP.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters) {
* Valid delete request. Find the e-mail address first.
mainDB.findOneObject(mainDB.collectionClient, {ClientName: parameters.ClientName}, undefined, false, function(err, existingClient) {
if (err) {
auth.respondHTML(res, 200, functionInfo, '53', 'templates/undef_database_offline.pug', {
pretty: true,
title: 'Comcarde Bridge',
errornumber: '53',
ipInfo: functionInfo.remote
* Check that the client exists.
if (!existingClient) {
auth.respondHTML(res, 200, functionInfo, '54', 'templates/54_email_not_found.pug', {
pretty: true,
title: 'Comcarde Bridge',
errornumber: '54',
ClientName: parameters.ClientName,
ipInfo: functionInfo.remote
'E-mail does not exist.',
('RI [' + parameters.ClientName + ' (' + parameters.DeviceNumber + ')]'));
* Client does exist - pull the device.
mainDB.findOneObject(mainDB.collectionDevice, {DeviceNumber: parameters.DeviceNumber}, undefined, false,
function(err, existingDevice) {
if (err) {
auth.respondHTML(res, 200, functionInfo, '55', 'templates/undef_database_offline.pug', {
pretty: true,
title: 'Comcarde Bridge',
errornumber: '55',
ipInfo: functionInfo.remote
* Check we got a device match.
if (!existingDevice) {
auth.respondHTML(res, 200, functionInfo, '56', 'templates/56_mobile_number_not_found.pug', {
pretty: true,
title: 'Comcarde Bridge',
errornumber: '56',
DeviceNumber: parameters.DeviceNumber,
ipInfo: functionInfo.remote
'Device does not exist.',
('RI [' + parameters.ClientName + ' (' + parameters.DeviceNumber + ')]'));
* OK, both exist. Run checks to ensure it can be deleted.
if (existingClient.ClientID !== existingDevice.ClientID) {
auth.respondHTML(res, 200, functionInfo, '57', 'templates/57_association_error.pug', {
pretty: true,
title: 'Comcarde Bridge',
errornumber: '57',
ClientName: parameters.ClientName,
DeviceNumber: parameters.DeviceNumber,
ipInfo: functionInfo.remote
'Device is not registered to this e-mail address.',
('RI [' + parameters.ClientName + ' (' + parameters.DeviceNumber + ')]'));
* Check registration status. If FirstLogin !== 1, disallow the deletion.
if (existingClient.FirstLogin !== 1) {
* There is one exception - if this is the Dev server and ForceDelete is sent.
if ((('Mode' in parameters) && (parameters.Mode === 'ForceDelete')) && config.isDevEnv) {
* Deletion will be forced as this is the Dev server.
'Forced deletion initialised (Mode = ForceDelete).',
('RI [' + parameters.ClientName + ' (' + parameters.DeviceNumber + ')]'),
(functionInfo.remote + ' (' + functionInfo.port + ')'));
} else {
auth.respondHTML(res, 200, functionInfo, '58', 'templates/58_fully_registered.pug', {
pretty: true,
title: 'Comcarde Bridge',
errornumber: '58',
ipInfo: functionInfo.remote
'This is a fully registered account.',
('RI [' + parameters.ClientName + ' (' + parameters.DeviceNumber + ')]'));
* Clean up the existing client before archiving it
* - Move _id to OldClientID: Note the clash with the
* client identifier ClientID which must be retained.
* - Remove the existing Password and ClientSalt.
* - Update the LastUpdate time.
var clientId = existingClient._id;
existingClient.OldClientID = clientId.toString();
delete existingClient._id;
existingClient.Password = '';
existingClient.ClientSalt = '';
existingClient.LastUpdate = new Date();
* Back up Client to the Archive.
mainDB.addObject(mainDB.collectionClientArchive, existingClient, undefined, false, function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respondHTML(res, 200, functionInfo, '146', 'templates/undef_database_offline.pug', {
pretty: true,
title: 'Comcarde Bridge',
errornumber: '146',
ipInfo: functionInfo.remote
* Now remove the Client.
mainDB.removeObject(mainDB.collectionClient, {_id: clientId}, undefined, false, function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respondHTML(res, 200, functionInfo, '59', 'templates/undef_database_offline.pug', {
pretty: true,
title: 'Comcarde Bridge',
errornumber: '59',
ipInfo: functionInfo.remote
* Report that the Client is out of database.
'Client has been successfully removed.',
('RI [' + parameters.ClientName + ' (' + parameters.DeviceNumber + ')]'),
(functionInfo.remote + ' (' + functionInfo.port + ')'));
* Back up existing Device.
var deviceId = existingDevice._id;
existingDevice.DeviceIndex = existingDevice._id.toString();
delete existingDevice._id;
existingDevice.DeviceAuthorisation = '';
existingDevice.DeviceSalt = '';
existingDevice.PendingHMAC = '';
existingDevice.CurrentHMAC = '';
existingDevice.LastUpdate = new Date();
* Back up existing Device.
mainDB.addObject(mainDB.collectionDeviceArchive, existingDevice, undefined, false, function(err) {
// Check for errors.
if (err) {
auth.respondHTML(res, 200, functionInfo, '145', 'templates/undef_database_offline.pug', {
pretty: true,
title: 'Comcarde Bridge',
errornumber: '145',
ipInfo: functionInfo.remote
* Device added to archive. Delete from active devices.
mainDB.removeObject(mainDB.collectionDevice, {_id: deviceId}, undefined, false, function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respondHTML(res, 200, functionInfo, '60', 'templates/undef_database_offline.pug', {
pretty: true,
title: 'Comcarde Bridge',
errornumber: '60',
ipInfo: functionInfo.remote
* Device removed from database.
auth.respondHTML(res, 200, functionInfo, '10005', 'templates/10005_reg_deleted.pug', {
pretty: true,
title: 'Comcarde Bridge',
ClientName: parameters.ClientName,
DeviceNumber: parameters.DeviceNumber,
ipInfo: functionInfo.remote
'Device has been successfully removed.',
('RI [' + parameters.ClientName + ' (' + parameters.DeviceNumber + ')]'));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js Register 8 Handler for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Deletes an account. Add the "Mode"="ForceDelete" parameter to force deletion. JSON version.
* @see {@link}
* Includes
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var config = require(global.configFile);
* Web Server elements. Processes an HTTP request, be it JSON or HTTP.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject) {
* Valid registration request. Find the e-mail address first.
mainDB.findOneObject(mainDB.collectionClient, {ClientName: receivedObject.ClientName}, undefined, false,
function(err, existingClient) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '61',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Valid delete request. Find the e-mail address first.
if (!existingClient) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '62',
info: 'E-mail address does not exist.'
'WARNING', null,
('RI [' + receivedObject.ClientName + ' (' + receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ')]'));
* OK, so the client does exist. Check for the device.
mainDB.findOneObject(mainDB.collectionDevice, {DeviceNumber: receivedObject.DeviceNumber}, undefined, false,
function(err, existingDevice) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '63',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Find the device second.
if (!existingDevice) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '64',
info: 'Mobile phone number not in use.'
'Device does not exist.',
('RI [' + receivedObject.ClientName + ' (' + receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ')]'));
* OK, both exist. Run checks to ensure they can be deleted.
* Firstly, check that they are not wrongly linked.
if (existingClient.ClientID !== existingDevice.ClientID) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '65',
info: 'Device not registered to this e-mail address.'
'WARNING', null,
('RI [' + receivedObject.ClientName + ' (' + receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ')]'));
* Check registration status. If FirstLogin !== 1, disallow the deletion.
if (existingClient.FirstLogin !== 1) {
* There is one exception - if this is the Dev server and ForceDelete is sent.
if ((('Mode' in receivedObject) && (receivedObject.Mode === 'ForceDelete')) && config.isDevEnv) {
* Deletion will be forced as this is the Dev server.
'Forced deletion initialised (Mode = ForceDelete).',
('RI [' + receivedObject.ClientName + ' (' + receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ')]'),
(functionInfo.remote + ' (' + functionInfo.port + ')'));
} else {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '66',
info: 'Account fully registered.'
'This is a fully registered account.',
('RI [' + receivedObject.ClientName + ' (' + receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ')]'));
* Clean up the existing client before archiving it
* - Move _id to ClientID
* - Remove the existing Password and ClientSalt.
* - Update the LastUpdate time
var clientId = existingClient._id;
existingClient.OldClientID = clientId.toString();
delete existingClient._id;
existingClient.Password = '';
existingClient.ClientSalt = '';
existingClient.LastUpdate = new Date();
* Back up Client Archive.
mainDB.addObject(mainDB.collectionClientArchive, existingClient, undefined, false, function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '147',
info: 'Database offline.'
* The account can be safely deleted.
mainDB.removeObject(mainDB.collectionClient, {_id: clientId}, undefined, false, function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '67',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Client is out of database.
'Client has been successfully removed.',
('RI [' + receivedObject.ClientName + ' (' + receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ')]'),
(functionInfo.remote + ' (' + functionInfo.port + ')'));
* Back up existing Device.
var deviceId = existingDevice._id;
existingDevice.DeviceIndex = existingDevice._id.toString();
delete existingDevice._id;
existingDevice.DeviceAuthorisation = '';
existingDevice.DeviceSalt = '';
existingDevice.PendingHMAC = '';
existingDevice.CurrentHMAC = '';
existingDevice.LastUpdate = new Date();
* Archive it.
mainDB.addObject(mainDB.collectionDeviceArchive, existingDevice, undefined, false, function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '148',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Remove device.
mainDB.removeObject(mainDB.collectionDevice, {_id: deviceId}, undefined, false, function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '68',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Device is out of database
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '10006',
info: 'Client and Device removed.'
'Device has been successfully removed.',
('RI [' + receivedObject.ClientName + ' (' + receivedObject.DeviceNumber + ')]'));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
* @fileOverview Rejects an invoice (with optional comment)
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Richard Taylor
* @see #bridge_server-core
* @see {@link}
* Includes
var mongodb = require('mongodb');
var templates = require(global.pathPrefix + '../utils/templates.js');
var Q = require('q');
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var utils = require(global.pathPrefix + 'utils.js');
var mailer = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mailer.js');
var formattingUtils = require(global.pathPrefix + '../utils/formatting.js');
* Rejects an invoice that the client doesn't believe is correct. An optional
* comment can be provided.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in invoice body.
* @param {?object} hmacData - HMAC information from incoming packet.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
* Validate the session. This function responds directly if there is a problem.
auth.validSession(res, receivedObject.DeviceToken, receivedObject.SessionToken, functionInfo, hmacData,
function(err, existingDevice, existingClient) {
if (err) {
* Build the query for the invoice we are rejecting. The limits are:
* - ClientID of the invoice must match the current client
* - _id must match the given InvoiceID
* - Invoice must be in Pending state
var query = {
_id: mongodb.ObjectID(receivedObject.InvoiceID),
CustomerClientID: existingClient.ClientID,
TransactionStatus: utils.TransactionStatus.PENDING_INVOICE
* Define the projection
var projection = {
_id: 1,
/* Values required for formatting the notification email */
MerchantClientID: 1,
CustomerDisplayName: 1,
MerchantInvoiceNumber: 1,
CustomerComment: 1
var options = {
projection: projection,
upsert: false,
returnOriginal: false, // Return the updated document
comment: 'RejectInvoice' // For profiler logs use
* Update values
var update = {
$set: {
TransactionStatus: utils.TransactionStatus.REJECTED_INVOICE
$inc: {
LastVersion: 1
$currentDate: {
LastUpdate: true
if (receivedObject.Comment) {
update.$set.CustomerComment = receivedObject.Comment;
} else {
update.$set.CustomerComment = '';
* Find the invoice
function(err, response) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '517',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Couldn't find anything to update
if (!response.value) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '518',
info: 'Invalid InvoiceID or not in Pending status.'
* Notify the merchant that the customer has queried the invoice.
* This doesn't affect the success of querying the invoice.
* Report the success of querying the invoice
functionInfo, {
code: '10077',
info: 'Invoice rejected.'
'Invoice rejected (InvoiceID ' + receivedObject.InvoiceID + ').'
* Notifies the merchant that an existing invoice has been queried by the customer.
* @param {string} merchantID - the merchant's ID (to find their email address)
* @param {object} invoice - the invoice (for adding info to the email)
* @returns {Promise} - a promise for the result of notifying the customer
function notifyRejectedInvoice(merchantID, invoice) {
var reviewUrl = formattingUtils.formatPortalUrl(
'business/invoices/' + invoice._id.toString() + '/update'
* Render the html for the email
var htmlEmail = templates.render('invoice-queried', {
customer: invoice.CustomerDisplayName,
number: invoice.MerchantInvoiceNumber.InvoiceNumber,
comment: invoice.CustomerComment,
reviewUrl: reviewUrl
return Q.nfcall(
'', // Mode ('Test' to just log, anything else to send)
merchantID, // Destination
'Queried Invoice', // Subject

View File

@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js Report Image Handler for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Marks an image as offensive in the database.
* @see {@link}
* Includes
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var utils = require(global.pathPrefix + 'utils.js');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var config = require(global.configFile);
var mongodb = require('mongodb');
* Web Server elements. Processes an HTTP request, be it JSON or HTTP.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
* @param {?object} hmacData - HMAC information from incoming packet.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
* Validate the session. This function responds directly if there is a problem.
auth.validSession(res, receivedObject.DeviceToken, receivedObject.SessionToken, functionInfo, hmacData,
function(err, existingDevice, existingClient) {
if (err) {
* Check whether client is allowed to report images.
//jshint -W016
if (existingClient.ClientStatus & utils.ClientCantReport) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '224',
info: 'Reporting disabled.'
'Client not allowed to flag images.');
//jshint +W016
* Check this is not one of the Client's own images.
if ((receivedObject.ImageRef === config.defaultSelfie) ||
(receivedObject.ImageRef === config.defaultCompanyLogo0) ||
(receivedObject.ImageRef === existingClient.Selfie) ||
(receivedObject.ImageRef === existingClient.Merchant[0].CompanyLogo)) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '326',
info: 'Client cannot report default or their own images.'
* Find the image file to return.
{_id: mongodb.ObjectID(receivedObject.ImageRef)},
function(err, existingImage) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '327',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Check to see if the image exists.
if (!existingImage) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '328',
info: 'Invalid ImageRef.'
'Client reported an invalid ImageRef.');
* Image exists. Report again requires a counter increment.
var newLastUpdate = new Date();
var newImageReported = existingImage.ImageReported;
if (newImageReported < 9999) {
newImageReported = newImageReported + 1;
* Update the database.
mainDB.updateObject(mainDB.collectionImages, {_id: mongodb.ObjectID(receivedObject.ImageRef)}, {
$set: {
ImageReported: newImageReported,
LastUpdate: newLastUpdate
{upsert: false}, false, function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '288',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Tell the user that the image has been marked as reported.
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '10034',
info: 'Image reported.'
('Image reported (ID ' + receivedObject.ImageRef + ').'));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js Resume Device Handler for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Resumes a particular device if it belongs to the current client.
* @see {@link}
* Includes
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var utils = require(global.pathPrefix + 'utils.js');
var mongodb = require('mongodb');
* Web Server elements. Processes an HTTP request, be it JSON or HTTP.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
* @param {?object} hmacData - HMAC information from incoming packet.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
* Local variables
var timestamp = new Date();
* Validate the session. This function responds directly if there is a problem.
auth.validSession(res, receivedObject.DeviceToken, receivedObject.SessionToken, functionInfo, hmacData,
function(err, existingDevice, existingClient) {
if (err) {
* Check the current password.
auth.checkClientPassword(receivedObject.Password, existingClient, timestamp, function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: err.code.toString(),
info: err.message
* Find the device.
_id: mongodb.ObjectId(receivedObject.DeviceIndex),
ClientID: existingClient.ClientID
function(err, device) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '433',
info: 'Database offline.'
* No hits from database.
if (device === null) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '434',
info: 'Invalid device or device does not belong to client.'
* Device has not been suspended.
* Valid bitwise operation.
//jshint -W016
if (!(device.DeviceStatus & utils.DeviceSuspendedMask)) {
//jshint +W016
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '435',
info: 'Device has not been suspended.'
* The device can be resumed.
* Correct use of bitwise manipulation.
//jshint -W016
mainDB.updateObject(mainDB.collectionDevice, {_id: mongodb.ObjectId(receivedObject.DeviceIndex)}, {
$bit: {
DeviceStatus: {and: ~utils.DeviceSuspendedMask}
$set: {
LastUpdate: timestamp
$inc: {LastVersion: 1}
{upsert: false}, false, function(err) {
//jshint +W016
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '436',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Success.
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '10063',
info: 'Device Resumed.'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js RotateHMAC Handler for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Confirms the new HMAC has been received, accepted and stored by the device. JSON version.
* @see {@link}
* Includes
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var utils = require(global.pathPrefix + 'utils.js');
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
* Web Server elements. Processes an HTTP request, be it JSON or HTTP.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
* @param {?object} hmacData - HMAC information from incoming packet.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
* Validate the session. This function responds directly if there is a problem.
auth.validSession(res, receivedObject.DeviceToken, receivedObject.SessionToken, functionInfo, hmacData,
function(err, existingDevice, existingClient) {
if (err) {
* If there is no pending HMAC, do nothing.
if (existingDevice.PendingHMAC === '') {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '442',
info: 'No pending HMAC.'
* Check the call is signed with the Pending HMAC.
auth.checkHMAC(existingDevice, hmacData, 'RotateHMAC.process', function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: err.code.toString(),
info: err.message
* Rotate the HMAC. Clear HMAC attempts as a bad HMAC may have corrupted the CurrentHMAC.
var timestamp = new Date();
mainDB.updateObject(mainDB.collectionDevice, {DeviceToken: existingDevice.DeviceToken},
$set: {
PendingHMAC: '',
CurrentHMAC: existingDevice.PendingHMAC,
HMACAttempts: 0,
LastUpdate: timestamp
{upsert: false}, false, function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '443',
info: 'Database offline.'
* HMAC successfully updated.
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '10065',
info: 'HMAC rotation successful.'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js Send Report Handler for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Returns a list of transactions on an account for the referenced user.
* @see {@link}
* Includes
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var utils = require(global.pathPrefix + 'utils.js');
var moment = require('moment');
var config = require(global.configFile);
* Module variables.
var bankFees = 29; // RBS charges 29p.
var incomingIP = '';
* Web Server elements. Processes an HTTP request, be it JSON or HTTP.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters) {
* Operations are only allowed in certain situations or from certain locations.
if ((functionInfo.remote !== incomingIP) || (!config.isDevEnv)) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '317',
info: 'Invalid IP or not Dev server.'
* Find the relevant transactions.
* Note that the cyclomatic complexity is known to be high.
//jshint -W074
MerchantClientID: parameters.MerchantClientID,
SaleTime: {'$gte': new Date(parameters.DateGTE), '$lt': new Date(parameters.DateLT)}
_id: 1,
CustomerDisplayName: 1,
SaleTime: 1,
RequestAmount: 1,
TipAmount: 1,
SaleReference: 1,
SaleAuthCode: 1,
TransactionStatus: 1
).sort({SaleTime: -1}).toArray(function(err, items) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, null, null, functionInfo, {
code: '316',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Respond with a list of items.
if (items) {
* Filter the account information.
var total = 0;
var tipTotal = 0;
var counter = 0;
var timestamp = new Date();
var csvFile = 'BRIDGE activity report for ' + parameters.MerchantClientName + utils.CarriageReturn;
csvFile += 'Generated:' + timestamp + utils.CarriageReturn;
csvFile += 'Period: GTE ' + parameters.DateGTE + ', LT ' + parameters.DateLT +
utils.CarriageReturn + utils.CarriageReturn;
csvFile += 'Date\t\tTime\t\tCustomer\t\tAmount\tTip\tSale Reference\tAuth\tTransactionID' + utils.CarriageReturn;
* Go through each item and return a subset of information.
while (counter < items.length) {
* Select card information.
if ((items[counter].TransactionStatus === 3) || (items[counter].TransactionStatus === 4)) {
csvFile += moment(items[counter].SaleTime).format('DD-MM-YYYY') + '\t';
csvFile += moment(items[counter].SaleTime).format('HH:mm:ss') + '\t';
csvFile += items[counter].CustomerDisplayName + '\t\t';
if (items[counter].TransactionStatus === 3) {
csvFile += (items[counter].RequestAmount / 100).toFixed(2) + '\t';
} else {
csvFile += (items[counter].RequestAmount / 100).toFixed(2) + 'R\t';
if (items[counter].TransactionStatus === 3) {
csvFile += (items[counter].TipAmount / 100).toFixed(2) + '\t';
} else {
csvFile += (items[counter].TipAmount / 100).toFixed(2) + 'R\t';
csvFile += items[counter].SaleReference + '\t';
csvFile += items[counter].SaleAuthCode + '\t';
csvFile += items[counter]._id + utils.CarriageReturn;
if (items[counter].TransactionStatus === 3) {
total += items[counter].RequestAmount;
tipTotal += items[counter].TipAmount;
counter++; // Always increment the counter.
csvFile += utils.CarriageReturn + '-----------------------' + utils.CarriageReturn + 'Total Amount:\t' +
(total / 100).toFixed(2) + utils.CarriageReturn;
csvFile += 'Total Tip:\t' + (tipTotal / 100).toFixed(2) + utils.CarriageReturn;
csvFile += 'Bank Fees:\t' + (bankFees / 100).toFixed(2) + utils.CarriageReturn;
csvFile += '-----------------------' + utils.CarriageReturn + 'Total (GBP):\t' +
((total + tipTotal + bankFees) / 100).toFixed(2) + utils.CarriageReturn + '-----------------------';
* Send the information.
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
'Report sent.',
(functionInfo.remote + ' (' + functionInfo.port + ')'));
//jshint +W074

View File

@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js Set Account Address Handler for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Allows the user to change the address associated with an account.
* @see {@link}
* Includes
var mongodb = require('mongodb');
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var utils = require(global.pathPrefix + 'utils.js');
* Web Server elements. Processes an HTTP request, be it JSON or HTTP.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
* @param {?object} hmacData - HMAC information from incoming packet.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
* Validate the session. This function responds directly if there is a problem.
auth.validSession(res, receivedObject.DeviceToken, receivedObject.SessionToken, functionInfo, hmacData,
function(err, existingDevice, existingClient) {
if (err) {
* Find the address.
_id: mongodb.ObjectID(receivedObject.AddressID),
ClientID: existingClient.ClientID
_id: 1
function(err, existingAddress) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '392',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Ensure that an address was found.
if (!existingAddress) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '393',
info: 'Cannot find address.'
* Find the account.
_id: mongodb.ObjectID(receivedObject.AccountID),
ClientID: existingClient.ClientID
_id: 1,
AccountStatus: 1,
BillingAddress: 1
function(err, existingAccount) {
* Check for errors.
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '394',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Ensure that an account was found.
if (!existingAccount) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '395',
info: 'Cannot find account.'
* Check for deleted accounts.
//jshint -W016
if (existingAccount.AccountStatus & utils.AccountDeleted) {
//jshint +W016
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '396',
info: 'Cannot change a deleted account.'
* Different response if there is no change.
if (existingAccount.BillingAddress === receivedObject.AddressID) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '10056',
info: 'BillingAddress already set to this AddressID.'
* Update the account with the new Address.
var timestamp = new Date();
_id: mongodb.ObjectID(receivedObject.AccountID),
ClientID: existingClient.ClientID
$set: {
BillingAddress: receivedObject.AddressID,
LastUpdate: timestamp
$inc: {LastVersion: 1}
{upsert: false}, false, function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '397',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Account address successfully set.
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '10055',
info: 'Account address set.'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js Set Client Details Handler for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Sets the client's KYC details in the Client record.
* @see {@link}
'use strict';
* Includes
var httpStatus = require('http-status-codes');
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var utils = require(global.pathPrefix + 'utils.js');
var references = require(global.pathPrefix + '../utils/references.js');
var responsesUtils = require(global.pathPrefix + '../utils/responses.js');
var diligence = require(global.pathPrefix + '../utils/diligence/diligence.js');
var clientUtils = require(global.pathPrefix + '../utils/client/client.js');
* Web Server elements. Processes an HTTP request, be it JSON or HTTP.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
* @param {?object} hmacData - HMAC information from incoming packet.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
* Validate the session. This function responds directly if there is a problem.
auth.validSession(res, receivedObject.DeviceToken, receivedObject.SessionToken, functionInfo, hmacData,
function(err, existingDevice, existingClient) {
if (err) {
// Get the current user's email from the session
var setP = clientUtils.setKyc(existingClient, receivedObject);
setP.then((result) => {
// We may have warnings to respond with
const responses = [
httpStatus.OK, 10059, 'Client details set.'
httpStatus.OK, 10079, 'Additional information required.'
httpStatus.OK, 10080, 'Additional internal checks required.'
const responseHandler = new responsesUtils.ErrorResponses(responses);
res, result, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, 'INFO'
}).catch((error) => {
const responses = [
httpStatus.OK, 423, 'Database Offline', true
httpStatus.OK, 532, 'Invalid Address', true
httpStatus.OK, 533, 'Unable to verify id', true
httpStatus.OK, 426, 'Date of birth mismatch'
httpStatus.OK, 534, 'Client not found during update'
httpStatus.OK, 535, 'Invalid paramters'
const responseHandler = new responsesUtils.ErrorResponses(responses);
res, error, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, 'INFO'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js Set Default Account Handler for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Sets the default account for the user.
* @see {@link}
* Includes
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var utils = require(global.pathPrefix + 'utils.js');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var mongodb = require('mongodb');
* Web Server elements. Processes an HTTP request, be it JSON or HTTP.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
* @param {?object} hmacData - HMAC information from incoming packet.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
* Local variables
var timestamp = new Date();
* Validate the session. This function responds directly if there is a problem.
auth.validSession(res, receivedObject.DeviceToken, receivedObject.SessionToken, functionInfo, hmacData,
function(err, existingDevice, existingClient) {
if (err) {
* Check to see if this is a clear default account.
if (receivedObject.AccountID === '') {
mainDB.updateObject(mainDB.collectionDevice, {DeviceToken: receivedObject.DeviceToken}, {
$set: {
DefaultAccount: '',
LastUpdate: timestamp
$inc: {LastVersion: 1}
{upsert: false}, false, function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '314',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Success! There are different return codes for set or clear.
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '10046',
info: 'Default account cleared.'
* Set request. Get the account from the database.
_id: mongodb.ObjectID(receivedObject.AccountID),
ClientID: existingClient.ClientID
function(err, existingAccount) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '301',
info: 'Database offline.'
* No hits from database.
if (existingAccount === null) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '302',
info: 'No account match.'
'Invalid AccountID or Account does not belong to client.');
* Check to ensure that the account has not already been deleted.
* Valid bitwise comparison.
//jshint -W016
if (existingAccount.AccountStatus & utils.AccountDeleted) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '304',
info: 'Account has been deleted.'
if (existingAccount.AccountStatus & utils.AccountApiCreated) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '556',
info: 'Unsupported account type.'
//jshint +W016
* Update the default account.
mainDB.updateObject(mainDB.collectionDevice, {DeviceToken: receivedObject.DeviceToken}, {
$set: {
DefaultAccount: receivedObject.AccountID,
LastUpdate: timestamp
$inc: {LastVersion: 1}
{upsert: false}, false, function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '305',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Success!
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '10045',
info: 'Account successfully set as default.'
('AccountID ' + receivedObject.AccountID + ' set as default.'));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js Set Device Name Handler for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Sets the name of a particular device if it belongs to the current client.
* @see {@link}
* Includes
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var utils = require(global.pathPrefix + 'utils.js');
var mongodb = require('mongodb');
* Web Server elements. Processes an HTTP request, be it JSON or HTTP.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
* @param {?object} hmacData - HMAC information from incoming packet.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
* Local variables
var timestamp = new Date();
* Validate the session. This function responds directly if there is a problem.
auth.validSession(res, receivedObject.DeviceToken, receivedObject.SessionToken, functionInfo, hmacData,
function(err, existingDevice, existingClient) {
if (err) {
* Update the device.
_id: mongodb.ObjectId(receivedObject.DeviceIndex),
ClientID: existingClient.ClientID
$set: {
DeviceName: receivedObject.DeviceName,
LastUpdate: timestamp
$inc: {LastVersion: 1}
{upsert: false}, false, function(err, result) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '439',
info: 'Database offline.'
* No hits from database if 0 or less.
if (result.result.n <= 0) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '440',
info: 'Invalid device or device does not belong to client.'
* Success.
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '10064',
info: 'Device name set.'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js Suspend Device Handler for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Suspends a particular device if it belongs to the current client.
* @see {@link}
* Includes
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var auth = require(global.pathPrefix + 'auth.js');
var utils = require(global.pathPrefix + 'utils.js');
var mongodb = require('mongodb');
* Web Server elements. Processes an HTTP request, be it JSON or HTTP.
* For a full description of functionality, please see the link in fileOverview.
* @type {function} process
* @param {!object} res - Response object for returning information.
* @param {!object} functionInfo - detail on the calling function {!name, !remote, !port}
* @param {?object} parameters - Input parameters posted on link.
* @param {?object} receivedObject - Input parameters in message body.
* @param {?object} hmacData - HMAC information from incoming packet.
exports.process = function(res, functionInfo, parameters, receivedObject, hmacData) {
* Local variables
var timestamp = new Date();
* Validate the session. This function responds directly if there is a problem.
auth.validSession(res, receivedObject.DeviceToken, receivedObject.SessionToken, functionInfo, hmacData,
function(err, existingDevice, existingClient) {
if (err) {
* Find the device.
_id: mongodb.ObjectId(receivedObject.DeviceIndex),
ClientID: existingClient.ClientID
function(err, device) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '428',
info: 'Database offline.'
* No hits from database.
if (device === null) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '429',
info: 'Invalid device or device does not belong to client.'
* Cannot suspend the device that is being used.
if (device.DeviceNumber === existingDevice.DeviceNumber) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '430',
info: 'Cannot suspend the device currently in use.'
* Device will not be suspended as it is already suspended.
* Valid bitwise operation.
//jshint -W016
if (device.DeviceStatus & utils.DeviceSuspendedMask) {
//jshint +W016
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '437',
info: 'Device has already been suspended.'
* The device can be suspended.
mainDB.updateObject(mainDB.collectionDevice, {_id: mongodb.ObjectId(receivedObject.DeviceIndex)}, {
$bit: {
DeviceStatus: {or: utils.DeviceSuspendedMask}
$set: {
LastUpdate: timestamp
$inc: {LastVersion: 1}
{upsert: false}, false, function(err) {
if (err) {
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '431',
info: 'Database offline.'
* Success.
auth.respond(res, 200, existingDevice, hmacData, functionInfo, {
code: '10062',
info: 'Device suspended.'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
* Unit testing file for ElevateSession command
'use strict';
/* eslint max-nested-callbacks: ["error", 5] */
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const testGlobals = require('../../../tools/test/testGlobals.js');
const chai = require('chai');
const sinon = require('sinon');
const sinonChai = require('sinon-chai');
const chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');
const rewire = require('rewire');
* Use `rewire` instead of require so that we can access private functions for test
const elevateSession = rewire('../ElevateSession.js');
const authStub = elevateSession.__get__('authP');
const expect = chai.expect;
* Define a sample Client and Device object to return
const DEVICE_TOKEN = 'abc123';
const SESSION_TOKEN = 'def456';
const CLIENT_EMAIL = '';
const PASSWORD = '5e884898da28047151d0e56f8dc6292773603d0d6aabbdd62a11ef721d1542d8'; // "password"
const FAKE_CLIENT = {
const FAKE_DEVICE = {};
* Values for testing failures
const NOT_DEVICE_TOKEN = 'ghi789';
const NOT_SESSION_TOKEN = 'jkl012';
const NOT_CLIENT_EMAIL = '';
const NOT_PASSWORD = '05f721989a4f70756a3b8387767affd11c776a0c863f1a22410855e606753321'; // "notpassword"
* Define some fake parameters
const fakeFunctionInfo = {};
const fakeParameters = {};
const fakeHmacData = [];
const res = sinon.spy();
describe('ElevateSession', () => {
describe('with valid parameters', () => {
let callP;
* Before each test, set up the tests stubs to return the controlled data,
* then call the function we are testing.
beforeEach(() => {
sinon.stub(authStub, 'validSession').resolves([FAKE_DEVICE, FAKE_CLIENT]);
sinon.stub(authStub, 'checkClientPassword').resolves('');
sinon.stub(authStub, 'respond').returns();
const testData = {
DeviceToken: DEVICE_TOKEN,
SessionToken: SESSION_TOKEN,
Password: PASSWORD
callP = elevateSession.process(res, fakeFunctionInfo, fakeParameters, testData, fakeHmacData);
* After each tests, reset the stubs.
afterEach(() => {
it('runs', () => {
return expect(callP);
it('validates the session', () => {
return callP.then(() =>
it('checks the client password', () => {
return callP.then(() =>
it('responds', () => {
return callP.then(() =>
code: '10079',
info: 'Session Elevated.'
describe('without valid session', () => {
let callP;
* Before each test, set up the tests stubs to return the controlled data,
* then call the function we are testing.
beforeEach(() => {
sinon.stub(authStub, 'validSession').rejects();
sinon.stub(authStub, 'checkClientPassword').resolves('');
sinon.stub(authStub, 'respond').returns();
const testData = {
Password: PASSWORD
callP = elevateSession.process(res, fakeFunctionInfo, fakeParameters, testData, fakeHmacData);
* After each tests, reset the stubs.
afterEach(() => {
it('runs', () => {
return expect(callP);
it('validates the session', () => {
return callP.then(() =>
it('fails before checking password', () => {
return callP.then(() =>
it('does NOT respond (validSession deals with the response)', () => {
return callP.then(() =>
describe('with wrong email address', () => {
let callP;
* Before each test, set up the tests stubs to return the controlled data,
* then call the function we are testing.
beforeEach(() => {
sinon.stub(authStub, 'validSession').resolves([FAKE_DEVICE, FAKE_CLIENT]);
sinon.stub(authStub, 'checkClientPassword').resolves('');
sinon.stub(authStub, 'respond').returns();
const testData = {
DeviceToken: DEVICE_TOKEN,
SessionToken: SESSION_TOKEN,
Password: PASSWORD
callP = elevateSession.process(res, fakeFunctionInfo, fakeParameters, testData, fakeHmacData);
* After each tests, reset the stubs.
afterEach(() => {
it('runs', () => {
return expect(callP);
it('validates the session', () => {
return callP.then(() =>
it('fails before checking password', () => {
return callP.then(() =>
it('responds with correct error', () => {
return callP.then(() =>
code: '559',
info: 'Invalid ClientName.'
describe('with wrong email password', () => {
let callP;
* Before each test, set up the tests stubs to return the controlled data,
* then call the function we are testing.
beforeEach(() => {
sinon.stub(authStub, 'validSession').resolves([FAKE_DEVICE, FAKE_CLIENT]);
sinon.stub(authStub, 'checkClientPassword').rejects({
code: 123,
message: 'One of many password errors'
sinon.stub(authStub, 'respond').returns();
const testData = {
DeviceToken: DEVICE_TOKEN,
SessionToken: SESSION_TOKEN,
callP = elevateSession.process(res, fakeFunctionInfo, fakeParameters, testData, fakeHmacData);
* After each tests, reset the stubs.
afterEach(() => {
it('runs', () => {
return expect(callP);
it('validates the session', () => {
return callP.then(() =>
it('checks the client password', () => {
return callP.then(() =>
it('responds with correct error', () => {
return callP.then(() =>
code: '123',
info: 'One of many password errors'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
* Unit testing file for RedeemPaycode command
'use strict';
/* eslint max-nested-callbacks: ["error", 5] */
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const testGlobals = require('../../../tools/test/testGlobals.js');
const chai = require('chai');
const sinon = require('sinon');
const sinonChai = require('sinon-chai');
const chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');
const rewire = require('rewire');
* Use `rewire` instead of require so that we can access private functions for test
const redeemPaycodeClass = rewire('../RedeemPayCode.js');
const authStub = redeemPaycodeClass.__get__('authP');
const implStub = redeemPaycodeClass.__get__('impl');
const expect = chai.expect;
* Define a sample Client and Device object to return
const DEVICE_TOKEN = 'abc123';
const SESSION_TOKEN = 'def456';
const CLIENT_EMAIL = '';
const ACCOUNTID = '58e3a700f50f21000166b890';
const PAYCODE = 'KCT9A';
const MERCHANTCOMMENT = 'You were served today by Stuey.';
const REQUESTAMOUNT = 399;
const REQUESTTIP = 1;
const LATITUDE = 0.0;
const LONGITUDE = 0.0;
const FAKE_CLIENT = {
const FAKE_DEVICE = {};
const SuccessReturn = {
code: '10020',
info: 'PayCode redeemed.',
TransactionID: '23N2O5D9'
const FailureReturn = {
code: '474',
info: 'DisplayName is invalid. Please fill out customer details.'
* Define some fake parameters
const fakeFunctionInfo = {};
const fakeParameters = {};
const fakeHmacData = [];
const res = sinon.spy();
describe('RedeemPaycode', () => {
describe('with valid parameters', () => {
let callP;
* Before each test, set up the tests stubs to return the controlled data,
* then call the function we are testing.
beforeEach(() => {
sinon.stub(authStub, 'validSession').resolves([FAKE_DEVICE, FAKE_CLIENT]);
sinon.stub(implStub, 'redeemPaycodeP').resolves(SuccessReturn);
sinon.stub(authStub, 'respond').returns();
const testData = {
DeviceToken: DEVICE_TOKEN,
SessionToken: SESSION_TOKEN,
Latitude: LATITUDE,
Longitude: LONGITUDE
callP = redeemPaycodeClass.process(res, fakeFunctionInfo, fakeParameters, testData, fakeHmacData);
* After each tests, reset the stubs.
afterEach(() => {
it('runs', () => {
return expect(callP);
it('validates the session', () => {
return callP.then(expect(authStub.validSession).to.have.been
it('responds', () => {
return callP.then(() =>
code: '10020',
info: 'PayCode redeemed.'
describe('reponds with WARNING', () => {
let callP;
* Before each test, set up the tests stubs to return the controlled data,
* then call the function we are testing.
beforeEach(() => {
sinon.stub(authStub, 'validSession').resolves([FAKE_DEVICE, FAKE_CLIENT]);
sinon.stub(implStub, 'redeemPaycodeP').rejects(FailureReturn);
sinon.stub(authStub, 'respond').returns();
const testData = {
DeviceToken: DEVICE_TOKEN,
SessionToken: SESSION_TOKEN,
Latitude: LATITUDE,
Longitude: LONGITUDE
callP = redeemPaycodeClass.process(res, fakeFunctionInfo, fakeParameters, testData, fakeHmacData);
* After each tests, reset the stubs.
afterEach(() => {
it('runs', () => {
return expect(callP);
it('responds', () => {
return callP.then(() =>
code: '474',
info: 'DisplayName is invalid. Please fill out customer details.'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js Console Logging Functionality for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2015 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Includes
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var utils = require(global.pathPrefix + 'utils.js');
var config = require(global.configFile);
* Object variables
exports.verbose = 1; // Used to start/stop console logging. Set to 0 on release versions.
* Writes info plus time stamp to both console and database. and log file.
* Entry type defines the message type: e.g. Info, Warning, Error, WWW etc.
* @see {@link}
exports.system = function(entryClass, entryInfo, entryFunction, entryCode, entryUser, entrySource) {
* @type {function} system
* @param {!string} entryClass - The type of event - e.g. INFO, ERROR, WARNING.
* @param {!string} entryInfo - A free text string giving more information on whatever happened.
* @param {!string} entryFunction - The function or module that generated the entry.
* @param {?string} entryCode - An error code if appropriate (blank otherwise).
* @param {?string} entryUser - The originating person ' (0771823450)'.
* @param {!string} entrySource - The source that caused the event e.g. ' (HTTPS:443)'.
* Create the log data structure.
var logData = {};
logData.DateTime = new Date();
logData.ServerID = config.CCServerName + ' (VIP ' + config.CCServerIP + ')'; // Note the Virtual IP can be used by more than one box.
logData.Class = entryClass;
logData.Function = entryFunction;
logData.Code = entryCode;
logData.Info = entryInfo;
logData.User = entryUser;
logData.Source = entrySource;
* If the system is in verbose mode, output to the console.
if (exports.verbose) {
var consoleOutput = '[' + logData.DateTime.toISOString() + ' ' + logData.ServerID + '] ';
consoleOutput += logData.Class + ' (' + logData.Function;
if (entryCode !== '') {
consoleOutput += (', ' + entryCode);
consoleOutput += ') from ' + logData.User + ' at ' + logData.Source + ': ' + logData.Info;
* Add the object to the system log.
if (mainDB.dbOnline) {
mainDB.addObject(mainDB.collectionSystemLog, logData, undefined, false, null);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
* @file This file wraps the functions in mailer.js with promises for simpler
* use in promises and async/await
const Q = require('q');
const mailer = require('./mailer.js');
module.exports = {
sendEmail: (...args) => Q.nfapply(mailer.sendEmail, args),
sendEmailByID: (...args) => Q.nfapply(mailer.sendEmailByID, args),
sendWelcomeEmail: (...args) => Q.nfapply(mailer.sendWelcomeEmail, args),
sendEmailChangedEmails: (...args) => Q.nfapply(mailer.sendEmailChangedEmails, args),
sendEmailRevertedEmails: (...args) => Q.nfapply(mailer.sendEmailRevertedEmails, args)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
// Comcarde Node.js Mailer Functionality
// Provides -Bridge- pay functionality.
// Copyright 2014 Comcarde
// Written by Keith Symington
// Includes
var nodemailer = require('nodemailer');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var Q = require('q');
var templates = require(global.pathPrefix + '../utils/templates.js');
var formattingUtils = require(global.pathPrefix + '../utils/formatting.js');
var references = require(global.pathPrefix + '../utils/references.js');
var debug = require('debug')('utils:mailer');
* Set up the exports
module.exports = {
sendEmail: sendEmail,
sendEmailByID: sendEmailByID,
sendWelcomeEmail: sendWelcomeEmail,
sendEmailChangedEmails: sendEmailChangedEmails,
sendEmailRevertedEmails: sendEmailRevertedEmails
* Define the email transport options
const TRANSPORTER = nodemailer.createTransport({
service: 'Gmail',
auth: {
user: '',
pass: 'xnasacgwvfvskvlj'
* Generic function to send emails
* @param {String} mode - 'Test' to not send
* @param {String} destination - email address to send to
* @param {String} subject - email subject
* @param {String} htmlBody - email body in prepared HTML
* @param {String} caller - name of the caller for logging purposes
* @param {function} [next] - callback for success (if needed)
function sendEmail(mode, destination, subject, htmlBody, caller, next) {
// Create the log data structure.
var mailOptions = {
from: '', // sender address
to: destination, // list of receivers
subject: subject, // Subject line
html: htmlBody // html body
if (mode !== 'Test') {
// Sent the e-mail using the transporter.
TRANSPORTER.sendMail(mailOptions, function(err, info) {
if (err) {
('Unable to send e-mail. ' + err),
if (next) {
} else {
('E-mail sent to ' + destination + ' (' + info.response + ').'),
if (next) {
} else {
// Simply call back in test mode.
('E-mail test to ' + destination + ' (e-mail not sent).'),
if (next) {
* Generic function to send emails to a client identified by an ID.
* This will lookup the client's email address from the database and then pass
* it on to the basic function for completion.
* @param {String} mode - 'Test' to not send
* @param {String} clientID - ID of the client to send email to
* @param {String} subject - email subject
* @param {String} htmlBody - email body in prepared HTML
* @param {String} caller - name of the caller for logging purposes
* @param {function} [next] - callback for success (if needed)
function sendEmailByID(mode, clientID, subject, htmlBody, caller, next) {
.then(function(email) {
sendEmail(mode, email, subject, htmlBody, caller, next);
.catch(function(err) {
('Unable to find client to send e-mail to. ' + err),
if (next) {
* Sends the welcome email to the client.
* @param {Client} newClient - The newly added client
* @param {String} mode - 'test' to not actually send the email
* @param {String} caller - The name of the caller for logging purposed
* @param {Function} next - Callback function for callers who don't want promises
* @returns {Promise} - A promise for the result of sending the email
function sendWelcomeEmail(newClient, mode, caller, next) {
// Get the email parameters
var token = newClient.EMailValidationToken;
var email = newClient.ClientName;
var query = {
code: token,
email: email
var confirmUrl = formattingUtils.formatPortalUrl('confirmemail-link', query);
var denyEmailUrl = formattingUtils.formatPortalUrl('denyemail-link', query);
debug('- send welcome email to: [%s], token [%s] ', email, token);
// Render the email
var htmlEmail = templates.render(
emailValidationCode: token,
confirmEmailUrl: confirmUrl,
denyEmailUrl: denyEmailUrl
var subject = 'Welcome to Bridge';
// Pass it to the mailer to send (wrapped in a Q.nfcall to turn it into
// a promise).
// When the promise completes, call any callback defined
return Q.nfcall(sendEmail, mode, email, subject, htmlEmail, caller)
.then(function() {
// Success has no return values
if (next) {
.catch(function(err) {
if (next) {
return Q.reject(err); // Pass on the error
* Sends the emails related to an email change.
* This sends an email to the old address so they can revert if neccessary,
* and an address to the new address to confirm the email
* @param {String} oldEmail - the old email address being changed away from
* @param {String} newEmail - the new email address being changed to
* @param {Object} revertToken - The token to use to revert the email change
* @param {String} revertToken.token - the token
* @param {Object} confirmToken - The token to use to confirm the new email address
* @param {String} confirmToken.token - the token
* @param {String} mode - 'test' to not actually send the email
* @param {String} caller - The name of the caller for logging purposed
* @param {Function} next - Callback function for callers who don't want promises
* @returns {Promise} - A promise for the result of sending the email
function sendEmailChangedEmails(oldEmail, newEmail, revertToken, confirmToken, mode, caller, next) {
// Build the urls.
var revertQuery = {
code: revertToken.token,
email: oldEmail
var confirmQuery = {
code: confirmToken.token,
email: newEmail
var baseRevertUrl = formattingUtils.formatPortalUrl('revert-changed-email-link');
var revertUrl = formattingUtils.formatPortalUrl('revert-changed-email-link', revertQuery);
var confirmChangeUrl = formattingUtils.formatPortalUrl('confirmemail-link', confirmQuery);
debug('- send email changed emails to: [%s] -> [%s] ', oldEmail, newEmail);
// Render the emails
var revertEmailBody = templates.render(
oldEmail: oldEmail,
newEmail: newEmail,
revertEmailChangeUrl: revertUrl,
revertEmailChangeBaseUrl: baseRevertUrl,
revertValidationCode: revertQuery.code
var revertEmailSubject = 'Important: Email changed on Bridge Account';
var confirmEmailBody = templates.render(
confirmChangedEmailUrl: confirmChangeUrl,
emailValidationCode: confirmQuery.code
var confirmEmailSubject = 'Please confirm your email address';
// Pass it to the mailer to send (wrapped in a Q.nfcall to turn it into
// a promise).
// When the promise completes, call any callback defined
var sendRevertEmail = Q.nfcall(
var sendConfirmEmail = Q.nfcall(
return Q.all([sendRevertEmail, sendConfirmEmail])
.then(function() {
// Success has no return values
if (next) {
.catch(function(err) {
if (next) {
return Q.reject(err); // Pass on the error
* Sends the emails related to an email change.
* This sends an email to the old address so they can revert if neccessary,
* and an address to the new address to confirm the email
* @param {String} revertToEmail - the old email address being reverted back to
* @param {String} revertFromEmail - the new email address being reverted from
* @param {String} mode - 'test' to not actually send the email
* @param {String} caller - The name of the caller for logging purposed
* @param {Function} next - Callback function for callers who don't want promises
* @returns {Promise} - A promise for the result of sending the email
function sendEmailRevertedEmails(revertToEmail, revertFromEmail, mode, caller, next) {
debug('- send email reverted emails to: [%s] -> [%s] ', revertToEmail, revertFromEmail);
// Render the emails
var revertToEmailBody = templates.render('email-reverted-to', {});
var revertToEmailSubject = 'Email change reverted on Bridge Account';
var revertFromEmailBody = templates.render('email-reverted-from', {});
var revertFromEmailSubject = 'Email change reverted on Bridge Account';
// Pass it to the mailer to send (wrapped in a Q.nfcall to turn it into
// a promise).
// When the promise completes, call any callback defined
var sendRevertToEmail = Q.nfcall(
var sendRevertFromEmail = Q.nfcall(
return Q.all([sendRevertToEmail, sendRevertFromEmail])
.then(function() {
// Success has no return values
if (next) {
.catch(function(err) {
if (next) {
return Q.reject(err); // Pass on the error

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
* @file This file wraps the functions in mainDB.js with promises for simpler
* use in promises and async/await
const Q = require('q');
const httpStatus = require('http-status-codes');
// We MUST require maindDB with the exact same path as where it is initialised or we
// end up with a different instance of it where the collections have not been initialised.
const mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
const utils = require(global.pathPrefix + 'utils.js');
module.exports = {
findOneObject: (...args) => Q.nfapply(mainDB.findOneObject, args),
addObject: (...args) => Q.nfapply(mainDB.addObject, args),
addMany: (...args) => Q.nfapply(mainDB.addMany, args),
updateObject: (...args) => Q.nfapply(mainDB.updateObject, args),
removeObject: (...args) => Q.nfapply(mainDB.removeObject, args),
addObjectPWithCode: (...args) => withCode(module.exports.addObject, args),
findOneObjectPWithCode: (...args) => withCode(module.exports.findOneObject, args),
updateObjectPWithCode: (...args) => withCode(module.exports.updateObject, args),
removeObjectPWithCode: (...args) => withCode(module.exports.removeObject, args),
updateObjectPCheckObjectUpdated: (...args) => checkObjectUpdated(mainDB.updateObject, args),
* Share the mainDB file for easy access to the collections
* Wrapper functions that allows for specific error handling or promise functions
* @type {Function} withCode
* @param {!Function} action - function that this function has wrapped around
* @param {!Array} args - Options for the insert command. Use 'undefined' if there are none.
function withCode(action, args) {
const code = args[args.length - 1];
const params = args.slice(0, args.length - 1);
return action(...params).catch(() =>
Q.reject(utils.createError(code, 'Database offline.', httpStatus.BAD_GATEWAY)));
* Specific Wrapper for mongoDB update
* Handles general mongoDB errors and if the update fails to update any objects.
* @type {Function} checkObjectUpdated
* @param {!Function} action - function that this function has wrapped around
* @param {!Array} args - Options for the insert command. Use 'undefined' if there are none.
function checkObjectUpdated(action, args) {
const code = args[args.length - 1];
const params = args.slice(0, args.length - 1);
return Q.nfcall(action, ...params)
.then((result) => {
if (result.result.nModified === 1) {
return Q.resolve(result);
} else {
return Q.reject(utils.createError(code, 'Failed to update object', httpStatus.CONFLICT));
.catch((error) => {
if (error.code && error.httpCode && error.message) {
return Q.reject(error);
} else {
return Q.reject(utils.createError(code, 'Database offline.', httpStatus.BAD_GATEWAY));

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js Bridge Server data migrations functions
'use strict';
var Q = require('q');
var _ = require('lodash');
var mongodb = require('mongodb');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var mainDB = require(global.pathPrefix + 'mainDB.js');
var utils = require(global.pathPrefix + 'utils.js');
module.exports = {
migrateClientNameToID: migrateClientNameToID
* This function migrates the data such that the ClientName (i.e. email address)
* is no longer the foreign key in the related tables. This is changed to use
* the ClientID instead.
function migrateClientNameToID() {
* Find all the Clients without a ClientID, and give them one
var query = {
ClientID: {$exists: false}
var projection = {
_id: 1
var deferAddComplete = Q.defer();
var addClientIdPromises = [];
addIdToClient.bind(null, addClientIdPromises),
onAddIdDone.bind(null, deferAddComplete)
* Wait for the iteration to complete,
* then wait for the updates to all complete,
* then start doing updates for all clients
deferAddComplete.promise.then(function() {
Q.all(addClientIdPromises).then(function() {
* Called for all clients that don't have an id.
* Used to add a unique id, then add all the other fields
* @param {Promise[]} promisesArray - array of promises to add our update to
* @param {Object} client - the value from the database
function addIdToClient(promisesArray, client) {
var query = {
_id: client._id
var randomId = utils.timeBasedRandomCode();
var update = {
$set: {
ClientID: randomId
* Called when the foreach iterator has gone through every client that needs
* an ID added
* @param {Defer} defer - a deffered promise for the completion of the foreach
* @param {any} err - any errors while doing the foreach
function onAddIdDone(defer, err) {
if (err) {
'failed to iterate all clients needing ids',
} else {
// All passed
function doMigration() {
'Starting migration for ClientID',
* Find all the Clients and update all the related tables
var query = {
ClientID: {$exists: true}
var projection = {
ClientName: 1,
ClientID: 1
var deferUpdateComplete = Q.defer();
var updatePromises = [];
* List of collections to change. Format is either:
* {String} - Name of the collection, with default ClientName -> ClientID conversion
* {String[]} - Name of collection, Name of existing Email field, Name of new ID field
const collectionsToChange = [
['Transaction', 'CustomerClientName', 'CustomerClientID'],
['Transaction', 'MerchantClientName', 'MerchantClientID'],
['TransactionArchive', 'CustomerClientName', 'CustomerClientID'],
['TransactionArchive', 'MerchantClientName', 'MerchantClientID'],
* Create bulk operations for all collections
var ops = createBulkOps(collectionsToChange);
'Created [' + Object.keys(ops).length + '] bulk operations',
createClientOps.bind(null, collectionsToChange, ops),
* Create the bulk operations that we will update with all the changes we need
* to do.
* @param {(String|String[])[]} collectionsToChange - the list of collections to chnage
* @returns {Object} - object with key = collection name, value = UnorderedBulkOperation
function createBulkOps(collectionsToChange) {
'Initializing [' + collectionsToChange.length + '] bulk operations',
var ops = {};
for (var i = 0; i < collectionsToChange.length; ++i) {
var collName = collectionsToChange[i];
if (_.isArray(collName)) {
collName = collName[0];
var collection = mainDB['collection' + collName];
var bulkOp = collection.initializeUnorderedBulkOp();
ops[collName] = bulkOp;
' - initialized bulk op for [' + collName + ']',
return ops;
* Creates all the bulk operations
* @param {(String|String[])[]} collectionsToChange - the list of collections to change
* @param {UnorderedBulkOperation[]} ops - the list of operations to add to
* @param {Object} client - the client to create ops for
function createClientOps(collectionsToChange, ops, client) {
'Creating update ops for [' + client.ClientName + '] -> [' + client.ClientID + ']',
for (var i = 0; i < collectionsToChange.length; ++i) {
var collName = collectionsToChange[i];
var srcName = 'ClientName';
var destName = 'ClientID';
if (_.isArray(collName)) {
collName = collectionsToChange[i][0];
srcName = collectionsToChange[i][1];
destName = collectionsToChange[i][2];
// Find all records that have the specified ClientName
var query = {};
query[srcName] = client.ClientName;
// Update with the relevant ClientID, and remove the ClientName
var update = {
$set: {},
$unset: {}
update.$unset[srcName] = '';
update.$set[destName] = client.ClientID;
* Run the update operations
* @param {UnorderedBulkOperation[]} ops - the list of operations to add to
* @param {varies} err - any errors
function runOps(ops, err) {
if (err) {
'failed to create all bulk operations',
var opsPromises = [];
'Executing [' + Object.keys(ops).length + '] bulk operation',
* Execute all the operations
_.forEach(ops, function(val, key) {
' - executing bulk operation for: ' + key,
fsync: true
.then(function() {
'Migration to ClientID complete successfully!',
.catch(function(err) {
'failed to run all update operations',
return Q.reject(err);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
* @fileOverview Rate limit functions for the app API
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Richard Taylor
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Defines rate limits for the app API, and a default rate limit for any other
* requests.
var _ = require('lodash');
var RateLimit = require('express-rate-limit');
var config = require(global.configFile);
* Mobiles are frequently behind NAT, so we combine IP address + port number
* to give a good approximation of who a remote connection is related to.
* Note that the firewalls all seem to populate different information, the remotePort
* being the most difficult to verify. Therefore the rate limiter will only work correctly
* if the connection is deemed secure.
* @param {object} req - The request object
* @returns {string} - The key to use to identify this client
function rateLimitByIpAndPort(req) {
if ( {
* If the request is coming from a secure source, we can trust the headers.
* Azure and Bluemix are special cases as the info is put elsewhere.
switch (global.CURRENT_DEPLOYMENT_ENV) {
case 'Azure':
if (req.headers.hasOwnProperty('x-forwarded-for')) {
return (req.headers['x-forwarded-for'].split(':')[0] + '-' + req.headers['x-forwarded-for'].split(':')[1]);
case 'Bluemix':
if (req.headers.hasOwnProperty('$wsra')) {
return (req.headers.$wsra + '-' + req.connection.remotePort);
* The request is not secure or no headers are present. The default action should be used.
* This may result in limiting problems in new environments if the configuration requires
* a special case as shown above.
return (req.ip + '-' + req.connection.remotePort);
* Rate limiting for the app API
* Warning: we must clone the value from config so that when we change the
* keyGenerator etc. it doesn't affect other places using the same
* config.
var rateLimitConfig = _.clone(config.rateLimits.api);
rateLimitConfig.keyGenerator = rateLimitByIpAndPort;
rateLimitConfig.handler = jsonResponse;
var limiterApi = new RateLimit(rateLimitConfig);
* Sends a JSON response if the limit is reached
* @param {Object} req - The request object
* @param {Object} res - The response object
function jsonResponse(req, res) {
code: 465,
info: 'Rate limit reached. Please wait and try again.'
* Rate limiting for everything else
* Warning: we must clone the value from config so that when we change the
* keyGenerator etc. it doesn't affect other places using the same
* config.
var rateLimitConfigDefault = _.clone(config.rateLimits.fallback);
rateLimitConfigDefault.keyGenerator = rateLimitByIpAndPort;
var limiterDefault = new RateLimit(rateLimitConfigDefault);
* Function to insert the rate limiting middleware into the chain for the
* appropriate paths
* @param {object} server - The https server to connect the middleware to
exports.enableLimits = function(server) {
server.use(/\/server_post/i, limiterApi);
server.use(/\/(?!server_post).*/i, limiterDefault); // Everything except /server_post

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
* @file This file wraps the functions in mailer.js with promises for simpler
* use in promises and async/await
const Q = require('q');
const sms = require('./sms.js');
module.exports = {
sendSMS: (...args) => Q.nfapply(sms.sendSMS, args)

node_server/ComServe/sms.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
// Comcarde Node.js SMS Compatibility with Textlocal.
// Provides -Bridge- pay functionality.
// Copyright 2014 Comcarde
// Written by Keith Symington
// Includes
var https = require('https');
var querystring = require('querystring');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var adminNotifier = require(global.pathPrefix + '../utils/adminNotifier.js');
// SMS setup code.
exports.smsPart1 = '/send/?';
exports.smsPart2 = '&message=';
exports.smsPart3 = '&sender=Bridge';
exports.smsTest = '&test=true';
exports.smsTestMode = false;
exports.smsCredits = -1;
exports.adminMobile = '07713904702'; // Keith Symington
exports.backupMobile = '07789191413'; // Tom Mathews
// Sends an SMS message to defined number using a TextLocal account.
// Uses SSL. The function needs to be passed a callback. The callback
// will be given two arguments: the first is an error, the second
// is the number of texts remaining in the balance.
// This function is silent and does not log to console.
// The system should automatically add escape characters (%20) -
// if this fails the error 'No sender name was specified' will be returned via callback.
exports.sendSMS = function(mode, number, message, next) {
// Local variables.
var fullQuery = '';
var returnedData = '';
// Check for test mode.
if (mode !== 'Test') {
// Check for available credits.
if (exports.smsCredits === 0) {
next('No SMS credits with Txtlocal.', 0);
} else {
// When in test mode, add the test identifier.
if (exports.smsTestMode) {
fullQuery = exports.smsPart1 + number + exports.smsPart2 + querystring.escape(message) + exports.smsPart3 + exports.smsTest;
} else {
fullQuery = exports.smsPart1 + number + exports.smsPart2 + querystring.escape(message) + exports.smsPart3;
// Set up query.
var smsOptions = {
host: '',
port: 443,
path: fullQuery
// Initiate the get request.
https.get(smsOptions, function(result) {
if (result.statusCode !== 200) {
next('HTTPS error when trying to reach Textlocal servers.', null);
} else {
// Data indicates that information is still arriving.
result.on('data', function(chunk) {
returnedData += chunk;
// End indicates that everything has been read.
result.on('end', function() { // Try to parse the data to see if it is JSON.
var returnedJSON = JSON.parse(returnedData);
// Check the status of the SMS send.
if (returnedJSON.status !== 'success') {
// SMS send failed.
next(returnedJSON.status, returnedJSON.balance);
} else {
// SMS send successful.
exports.smsCredits = returnedJSON.balance;
// Warning text for low credit. Throw away callback.
if (exports.smsCredits === 10) {
exports.sendSMS(null, (exports.adminMobile + ',' + exports.backupMobile),
'System Warning: Txtlocal SMS credits nearly exhausted.', function(err, smsBalance) {
// Check for errors.
if (err) {
('Cannot send SMS. ' + err),
} else {
('Txtlocal SMS credits now exhausted (' + smsBalance + ').'),
// Also notify via adminNotifier
adminNotifier.notifyCredits('txtlocal', returnedJSON.balance);
// Success!!!! Send callback.
next(null, returnedJSON.balance);
}).on('error', function(err) {
next(err, null);
} else {
// Simply call back in test mode.
next(null, null);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
* Unit testing file for mainDB
'use strict';
/* eslint max-nested-callbacks: ["error", 5] */
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const testGlobals = require('../../tools/test/testGlobals.js');
const chai = require('chai');
const sinon = require('sinon');
const sinonChai = require('sinon-chai');
const chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');
const rewire = require('rewire');
const httpStatus = require('http-status-codes');
* Use `rewire` instead of require so that we can access private functions for test
const mainDBPromisesClass = rewire('../mainDB-promises.js');
const maindDBStub = mainDBPromisesClass.__get__('mainDB');
const sandbox = sinon.createSandbox();
const expect = chai.expect;
describe('mainDB', () => {
* After each tests, reset the stubs.
afterEach(() => {
describe('calls "checkObjectUpdated"', () => {
describe('which succeeds', () => {
let returnValue;
* Before each test, set up the tests stubs to return the controlled data,
* then call the function we are testing.
beforeEach(async () => {
sandbox.stub(maindDBStub, 'updateObject').callsArgWith(4, null, {result: {nModified: 1}});
returnValue = await mainDBPromisesClass.updateObjectPCheckObjectUpdated(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
it('called with correct params', () => {
return expect(maindDBStub.updateObject)
1, 2, 3, 4
it('it returns with the return value', () => {
return expect(returnValue).eql(
result: {
nModified: 1
describe('which fails', () => {
describe('general monoDB error', () => {
let errorValue;
beforeEach(async () => {
sandbox.stub(maindDBStub, 'updateObject').callsArgWith(4, 'mongo error');
try {
await mainDBPromisesClass.updateObjectPCheckObjectUpdated(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
} catch (error) {
errorValue = error;
it('called with correct params', () => {
return expect(maindDBStub.updateObject)
1, 2, 3, 4
it('it returns with correct error code', () => {
return expect(errorValue).to.eql({
code: 5,
message: 'Database offline.',
httpCode: httpStatus.BAD_GATEWAY
describe('failed to update any objects', () => {
let errorValue;
beforeEach(async () => {
sandbox.stub(maindDBStub, 'updateObject').callsArgWith(4, null, {result: {nModified: 0}});
try {
await mainDBPromisesClass.updateObjectPCheckObjectUpdated(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
} catch (error) {
errorValue = error;
it('called with correct params', () => {
return expect(maindDBStub.updateObject)
1, 2, 3, 4
it('it returns with correct error code', () => {
return expect(errorValue).to.eql({
code: 5,
message: 'Failed to update object',
httpCode: httpStatus.CONFLICT
describe('calls "withCode"', () => {
describe('which succeeds', () => {
let returnValue;
* Before each test, set up the tests stubs to return the controlled data,
* then call the function we are testing.
beforeEach(async () => {
sandbox.stub(mainDBPromisesClass, 'addObject').resolves({aValue: 5});
returnValue = await mainDBPromisesClass.addObjectPWithCode(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
it('called with correct params', () => {
return expect(mainDBPromisesClass.addObject)
1, 2, 3, 4
it('it returns with the return value', () => {
return expect(returnValue).to.eql(
{aValue: 5}
describe('which fails', () => {
let errorValue;
* Before each test, set up the tests stubs to return the controlled data,
* then call the function we are testing.
beforeEach(async () => {
sandbox.stub(mainDBPromisesClass, 'addObject').rejects();
try {
await mainDBPromisesClass.addObjectPWithCode(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
} catch (error) {
errorValue = error;
it('called with correct params', () => {
return expect(mainDBPromisesClass.addObject)
1, 2, 3, 4
it('it returns with correct error code', () => {
return expect(errorValue).to.eql({
code: 5,
message: 'Database offline.',
httpCode: httpStatus.BAD_GATEWAY

View File

@ -0,0 +1,685 @@
/* eslint-disable max-nested-callbacks */
/* eslint-disable mocha/no-hooks-for-single-case */
/* eslint-disable max-len*/
'use strict';
const chai = require('chai');
const sinonChai = require('sinon-chai');
const chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');
const rewire = require('rewire');
// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-unassigned-import
const utils = rewire('../utils');
const expect = chai.expect;
const DATA_STRING = 'someData';
const KEY = '1';
const CLIENT_ID = '123456789012345678901234';
const INVALID_CLIENT_ID = '1234567890123456789012345';
const DIFFERENT_CLIENT_ID = '123456789012345678900000';
const ENCRYPTED_DATA = '3::9b357eaf82b6e86f8bfc8761a6fd2e3f6787b4e96f7e228388fb70a8e1d5b6f9a0f7ea03f3e9f19684a6c2cd97ebeba85d45c77c05c2f3b9adba878f84b86a95';
const ENCRYPTED_DATA_BAD_FORMAT = '3117354dce8e95918cc6cd5ad7932d258b2dd9558e0a613a2825fe54d36528d22c58c9a75c4d62c8adabc73a345f31c899a9cf9b12ee66489cd9b71f29b1fa2cf81';
const ENCRYPTED_DATA_WRONG_VERSION = '1::7354dce8e95918cc6cd5ad7932d258b2dd9558e0a613a2825fe54d36528d22c58c9a75c4d62c8adabc73a345f31c899a9cf9b12ee66489cd9b71f29b1fa2cf81';
describe('ComServe.utils', () => {
describe('calls encryptDataV3', () => {
it('returns a different value when encrypting identical data', () => {
const firstValue = utils.encryptDataV3(DATA_STRING, KEY, CLIENT_ID);
const secondValue = utils.encryptDataV3(DATA_STRING, KEY, CLIENT_ID);
return expect(firstValue).to.not.equal(secondValue);
describe('returns with an error', () => {
it('Nothing to encrypt.', () => {
const returnValue = utils.encryptDataV3(null, KEY, CLIENT_ID);
return expect(returnValue).to.deep.equal(utils.createError(1, 'Nothing to encrypt.'));
it('No client key.', () => {
const returnValue = utils.encryptDataV3(DATA_STRING, null, CLIENT_ID);
return expect(returnValue).to.deep.equal(utils.createError(2, 'No client key.'));
it('No client ID.', () => {
const returnValue = utils.encryptDataV3(DATA_STRING, KEY, null);
return expect(returnValue).to.deep.equal(utils.createError(3, 'No client ID.'));
it('Invalid client ID.', () => {
const returnValue = utils.encryptDataV3(DATA_STRING, KEY, INVALID_CLIENT_ID);
return expect(returnValue).to.deep.equal(utils.createError(3, 'Client Id length must be 24'));
it('Data to encrypt must be a string.', () => {
const returnValue = utils.encryptDataV3({}, KEY, CLIENT_ID);
return expect(returnValue).to.deep.equal(utils.createError(4, 'Data to encrypt must be a string.'));
it('Client key must be a string.', () => {
const returnValue = utils.encryptDataV3(DATA_STRING, {}, CLIENT_ID);
return expect(returnValue).to.deep.equal(utils.createError(5, 'Client key must be a string.'));
it('Client Key must be in Hex', () => {
const returnValue = utils.encryptDataV3(DATA_STRING, 'z', CLIENT_ID);
return expect(returnValue).to.deep.equal(utils.createError(5, 'Client Key must be in Hex'));
it('Client ID must be a string.', () => {
const returnValue = utils.encryptDataV3(DATA_STRING, KEY, {});
return expect(returnValue).to.deep.equal(utils.createError(6, 'Client ID must be a string.'));
describe('calls decryptDataV3', () => {
it('returns the correct decrypted data after encrypting the data', () => {
const decryptedData = utils.decryptDataV3(ENCRYPTED_DATA, KEY, CLIENT_ID);
return expect(decryptedData).to.equal(DATA_STRING);
describe('returns with an error', () => {
it('Nothing to decrypt.', () => {
const returnValue = utils.decryptDataV3(null, KEY, CLIENT_ID);
return expect(returnValue).to.deep.equal(utils.createError(1, 'Nothing to decrypt.'));
it('No client key.', () => {
const returnValue = utils.decryptDataV3(ENCRYPTED_DATA, null, CLIENT_ID);
return expect(returnValue).to.deep.equal(utils.createError(2, 'No client key.'));
it('No client ID.', () => {
const returnValue = utils.decryptDataV3(ENCRYPTED_DATA, KEY, null);
return expect(returnValue).to.deep.equal(utils.createError(3, 'No client ID.'));
it('Data to encrypt must be a string.', () => {
const returnValue = utils.decryptDataV3({}, KEY, CLIENT_ID);
return expect(returnValue).to.deep.equal(utils.createError(4, 'Data to be decrypted must be a string.'));
it('Client key must be a string.', () => {
const returnValue = utils.decryptDataV3(ENCRYPTED_DATA, {}, CLIENT_ID);
return expect(returnValue).to.deep.equal(utils.createError(5, 'Client key must be a string.'));
it('Client ID must be a string.', () => {
const returnValue = utils.decryptDataV3(ENCRYPTED_DATA, KEY, {});
return expect(returnValue).to.deep.equal(utils.createError(6, 'Client ID must be a string.'));
it('Encrypted data did not contain the 2 expected elements.', () => {
const returnValue = utils.decryptDataV3(ENCRYPTED_DATA_BAD_FORMAT, KEY, CLIENT_ID);
return expect(returnValue).to.deep.equal(utils.createError(7, 'Encrypted data did not contain the 2 expected elements.'));
it('Unexpected encryption version.', () => {
const returnValue = utils.decryptDataV3(ENCRYPTED_DATA_WRONG_VERSION, KEY, CLIENT_ID);
return expect(returnValue).to.deep.equal(utils.createError(8, 'Unexpected encryption version.'));
it('Information does not belong to client.', () => {
const returnValue = utils.decryptDataV3(ENCRYPTED_DATA, KEY, DIFFERENT_CLIENT_ID);
return expect(returnValue).to.deep.equal(utils.createError(12, 'Information does not belong to client.'));
describe('calls identifyCard', () => {
it('returns ISO / TC68 Card', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('0000000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '0*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'ISO / TC68 Card',
icon: 'Generic-card.png'
it('returns Airline/UATP', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('1000000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '1*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Airline/UATP',
icon: 'Generic-card.png'
it('returns Diners Club enRoute, try 1', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('2014000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '2*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Diners Club enRoute',
icon: 'Diners-Generic.png'
it('returns Diners Club enRoute, try 2', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('2149000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '2*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Diners Club enRoute',
icon: 'Diners-Generic.png'
it('returns MIR, try 1', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('2204000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '2*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'MIR',
icon: 'MIR.png'
it('returns MIR, try 2', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('2200000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '2*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'MIR',
icon: 'MIR.png'
it('returns Mastercard, try 1', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('2720000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '2*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Mastercard',
it('returns Mastercard, try 2', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('2221000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '2*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Mastercard',
it('returns Airline/UATP/Other Card', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('2000000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '2*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Airline/UATP/Other Card',
icon: 'Generic-card.png'
it('returns American Express, try 1', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('3400000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '3*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'American Express',
icon: 'AMEX.png'
it('returns American Express, try 2', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('3700000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '3*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'American Express',
icon: 'AMEX.png'
it('returns Diners Club International, try 1', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('3600000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '3*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Diners Club International',
icon: 'DINERS.png'
it('returns Diners Club International, try 2', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('3800000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '3*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Diners Club International',
icon: 'DINERS.png'
it('returns Diners Club International, try 3', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('3900000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '3*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Diners Club International',
icon: 'DINERS.png'
it('returns Diners Club International, try 4', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('3090000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '3*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Diners Club International',
icon: 'DINERS.png'
it('returns Diners Club, try 1', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('3000000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '3*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Diners Club',
icon: 'DINERS.png'
it('returns Diners Club, try 2', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('3050000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '3*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Diners Club',
icon: 'DINERS.png'
it('returns JCB. try 1', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('3589000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '3*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'JCB',
icon: 'JCB.png'
it('returns JCB. try 2', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('3528000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '3*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'JCB',
icon: 'JCB.png'
it('returns Other Card, try 1', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('3590000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '3*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Other Card',
icon: 'Generic-card.png'
it('returns Dankort, try 1', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('4175000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '4*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Dankort',
icon: 'Dankort.png'
it('returns Dankort, try 2', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('4571000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '4*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Dankort',
icon: 'Dankort.png'
it('returns Maestro , try 1', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('4903000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '4*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Maestro',
icon: 'MAESTRO.png'
it('returns Maestro , try 2', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('4905000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '4*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Maestro',
icon: 'MAESTRO.png'
it('returns Maestro , try 3', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('4911000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '4*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Maestro',
icon: 'MAESTRO.png'
it('returns Maestro , try 4', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('4936000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '4*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Maestro',
icon: 'MAESTRO.png'
it('returns Visa', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('4000000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '4*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Visa',
icon: 'VISA_CREDIT.png'
it('returns MasterCard, try 1', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('5100000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '5*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'MasterCard',
it('returns MasterCard, try 2', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('5200000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '5*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'MasterCard',
it('returns MasterCard, try 3', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('5300000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '5*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'MasterCard',
it('returns MasterCard, try 4', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('5400000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '5*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'MasterCard',
it('returns MasterCard, try 5', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('5500000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '5*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'MasterCard',
it('returns Maestro, try 1', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('5000000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '5*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Maestro',
icon: 'MAESTRO.png'
it('returns Maestro, try 2', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('5600000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '5*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Maestro',
icon: 'MAESTRO.png'
it('returns Maestro, try 3', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('5700000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '5*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Maestro',
icon: 'MAESTRO.png'
it('returns Maestro, try 4', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('5800000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '5*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Maestro',
icon: 'MAESTRO.png'
it('returns Dankort', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('5019000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '5*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Dankort',
icon: 'Dankort.png'
it('returns Bankcard, try 1', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('5610000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '5*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Bankcard',
icon: 'Generic-card.png'
it('returns CardGuard', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('5392000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '5*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'CardGuard',
icon: 'Generic-card.png'
it('returns Maestro, try 5', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('5641820000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '5*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Maestro',
icon: 'MAESTRO.png'
it('returns Bankcard, try 2', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('5602210000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '5*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Bankcard',
icon: 'Generic-card.png'
it('returns Bankcard, try 3', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('5602250000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '5*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Bankcard',
icon: 'Generic-card.png'
it('returns Verve, try 1', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('5060990000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '5*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Verve',
icon: 'Generic-card.png'
it('returns Verve, try 2', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('5061980000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '5*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Verve',
icon: 'Generic-card.png'
it('returns Other Card, try 2', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('5900000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '5*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Other Card',
icon: 'Generic-card.png'
it('returns China UnionPay', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('6200000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '6*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'China UnionPay',
icon: 'Generic-card.png'
it('returns Discover Card, try 1', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('6500000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '6*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Discover Card',
icon: 'Discover-card.png'
it('returns InstaPayment, try 1', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('6370000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '6*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'InstaPayment',
icon: 'Generic-card.png'
it('returns InstaPayment, try 2', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('6380000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '6*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'InstaPayment',
icon: 'Generic-card.png'
it('returns InstaPayment, try 3', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('6390000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '6*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'InstaPayment',
icon: 'Generic-card.png'
it('returns Discover Card. try 2', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('6440000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '6*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Discover Card',
icon: 'Discover-card.png'
it('returns Discover Card. try 3', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('6490000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '6*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Discover Card',
icon: 'Discover-card.png'
it('returns InterPayment Card', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('6360000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '6*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'InterPayment Card',
icon: 'Generic-card.png'
it('returns Discover Card. try 4', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('6011000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '6*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Discover Card',
icon: 'Discover-card.png'
it('returns Laser, try 1', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('6304000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '6*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Laser',
icon: 'Generic-card.png'
it('returns Laser, try 2', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('6706000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '6*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Laser',
icon: 'Generic-card.png'
it('returns Laser, try 3', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('6771000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '6*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Laser',
icon: 'Generic-card.png'
it('returns Laser, try 4', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('6709000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '6*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Laser',
icon: 'Generic-card.png'
it('returns Solo, try 1', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('6334000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '6*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Solo',
icon: 'Generic-card.png'
it('returns Solo, try 2', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('6767000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '6*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Solo',
icon: 'Generic-card.png'
it('returns Maestro, try 6', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('6333000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '6*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Maestro',
icon: 'MAESTRO.png'
it('returns Maestro, try 7', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('6759000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '6*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Maestro',
icon: 'MAESTRO.png'
it('returns Verve, try 3', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('6500020000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '6*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Verve',
icon: 'Generic-card.png'
it('returns Verve, try 4', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('6500270000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '6*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Verve',
icon: 'Generic-card.png'
it('returns Discover Card. try 5', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('6221260000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '6*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Discover Card',
icon: 'Discover-card.png'
it('returns Discover Card. try 6', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('6229250000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '6*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Discover Card',
icon: 'Discover-card.png'
it('returns Maestro, try 8', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('6666660000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '6*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Maestro',
icon: 'MAESTRO.png'
it('returns Petroleum / Other Card', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('7000000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '7*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Petroleum / Other Card',
icon: 'Generic-card.png'
it('returns Health / Telco / Other Card', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('8000000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '8*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Health / Telco / Other Card',
icon: 'Generic-card.png'
it('returns National / Other Card', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('9000000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: '9*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'National / Other Card',
icon: 'Generic-card.png'
it('returns error invalid card', () => {
const cardDetails = utils.identifyCard('a000000000000000');
return expect(cardDetails).to.deep.equal({
hiddenString: 'a*** **** **** 0000',
type: 'Invalid Card',
icon: 'Generic-card.png'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,577 @@
/* globals describe, beforeEach, afterEach, it */
* Unit testing file for the validation code
'use strict';
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const testGlobals = require('../../tools/test/testGlobals.js');
const chai = require('chai');
const valid = require('../valid.js');
const expect = chai.expect;
// Array of test cases for testing MerchantInvoice validation
// Note that all we need is the RequestAmount and the MerchantInvoice itself as
// this is NOT validating the whole RedeemPaycode (or other function) details.
// See for the rules
const merchantInvoiceBasic = [
name: 'no merchant invoice',
valid: true,
data: {
RequestAmount: 123
// Tests where Items used for MerchantInvoice are on a NET + VAT basis
const merchantInvoiceNet = [
name: 'rounding down line',
valid: true,
data: {
RequestAmount: 2,
MerchantInvoice: [
Item_VATRate: 2000, // 20%
Item_NetAmount: 2, // 2p
Item_GrossAmount: null, // using Net
Item_Quantity: 1,
Line_VATAmount: 0, // 2p * 20% = 0.4p = round down to 0
Line_TotalAmount: 2 // Net + VAT
name: 'rounding up line',
valid: true,
data: {
RequestAmount: 4,
MerchantInvoice: [
Item_VATRate: 2000, // 20%
Item_NetAmount: 3, // 3p
Item_GrossAmount: null, // using Net
Item_Quantity: 1,
Line_VATAmount: 1, // 3p * 20% = 0.6p = round up to 1
Line_TotalAmount: 4 // Net + VAT
name: '2 items that would individually round down, but round up in total',
valid: true,
data: {
RequestAmount: 5,
MerchantInvoice: [
Item_VATRate: 2000, // 20%
Item_NetAmount: 2, // 2p
Item_GrossAmount: null, // using Net
Item_Quantity: 2,
Line_VATAmount: 1, // 2p * 2 * 20% = 0.8p = round up to 1
Line_TotalAmount: 5 // Net * 2 + VAT
name: '2 items that would individually round up, but round down in total',
valid: true,
data: {
RequestAmount: 7,
MerchantInvoice: [
Item_VATRate: 2000, // 20%
Item_NetAmount: 3, // 3p
Item_GrossAmount: null, // using Net
Item_Quantity: 2,
Line_VATAmount: 1, // 3p * 2 * 20% = 1.2p = round down to 1
Line_TotalAmount: 7 // Net * 2 + VAT
// Cases that should fail
name: 'line INCORRECTLY rounded up',
valid: false,
data: {
RequestAmount: 3,
MerchantInvoice: [
Item_VATRate: 2000, // 20%
Item_NetAmount: 2, // 2p
Item_GrossAmount: null, // using Net
Item_Quantity: 1,
Line_VATAmount: 1, // should be 2p * 20% = 0.4p = round down to 0
Line_TotalAmount: 3 // Net + VAT
name: 'line INCORRECTLY rounded down',
valid: false,
data: {
RequestAmount: 3,
MerchantInvoice: [
Item_VATRate: 2000, // 20%
Item_NetAmount: 3, // 3p
Item_GrossAmount: null, // using Net
Item_Quantity: 1,
Line_VATAmount: 0, // Should be 3p * 20% = 0.6p = round up to 1
Line_TotalAmount: 3 // Net + VAT
name: '2 items that would individually round down but round up in total, being INCORRECTLY rounded down',
valid: false,
data: {
RequestAmount: 4,
MerchantInvoice: [
Item_VATRate: 2000, // 20%
Item_NetAmount: 2, // 2p
Item_GrossAmount: null, // using Net
Item_Quantity: 2,
Line_VATAmount: 0, // should be 2p * 2 * 20% = 0.8p = round up to 1
Line_TotalAmount: 4 // Net * 2 + VAT
name: '2 items that would individually round up but round down in total, being INCORRECTLY rounded up',
valid: false,
data: {
RequestAmount: 6,
MerchantInvoice: [
Item_VATRate: 2000, // 20%
Item_NetAmount: 3, // 3p
Item_GrossAmount: null, // using Net
Item_Quantity: 2,
Line_VATAmount: 0, // should be 3p * 2 * 20% = 1.2p = round down to 1
Line_TotalAmount: 6 // Net * 2 + VAT
// Tests where Items used for MerchantInvoice are on a GROSS basis
const merchantInvoiceGross = [
name: 'rounding down line',
valid: true,
data: {
RequestAmount: 2,
MerchantInvoice: [
Item_VATRate: 2000, // 20%
Item_NetAmount: null, // using gross
Item_GrossAmount: 2, // 2p
Item_Quantity: 1,
Line_VATAmount: 0, // 2p - (2p / 120%) = (2p - 1.666...) = 0.22... = round down to 0
Line_TotalAmount: 2 // Gross * count
name: 'rounding up line',
valid: true,
data: {
RequestAmount: 3,
MerchantInvoice: [
Item_VATRate: 2000, // 20%
Item_NetAmount: null, // using gross
Item_GrossAmount: 3, // 3p
Item_Quantity: 1,
Line_VATAmount: 1, // 3p - (3p/120%) = (3p - 2.5p) = 0.5p = round up to 1
Line_TotalAmount: 3 // Gross * count
name: '2 items that would individually round down, but round up in total',
valid: true,
data: {
RequestAmount: 4,
MerchantInvoice: [
Item_VATRate: 2000, // 20%
Item_NetAmount: null, // using gross
Item_GrossAmount: 2, // 2p
Item_Quantity: 2,
Line_VATAmount: 1, // 4p - (4p/120%) = (4p - 3.33) = 0.66..p = round up to 1
Line_TotalAmount: 4 // Gross * 2
name: '2 items that would individually round up, but are exact pennies in total',
valid: true,
data: {
RequestAmount: 6,
MerchantInvoice: [
Item_VATRate: 2000, // 20%
Item_NetAmount: null, // using gross
Item_GrossAmount: 3, // 3p
Item_Quantity: 2,
Line_VATAmount: 1, // 6p - (6p/120%) = (6 - 5) = 1p exactly
Line_TotalAmount: 6 // Gross * 2
name: '2 items that would individually round up, but round down in total',
valid: true,
data: {
RequestAmount: 8,
MerchantInvoice: [
Item_VATRate: 2000, // 20%
Item_NetAmount: null, // using gross
Item_GrossAmount: 4, // 4p
Item_Quantity: 2,
Line_VATAmount: 1, // 8p - (8p/120%) = (8 - 6.66) = 1.333 = round down
Line_TotalAmount: 8 // Gross * 2
// Cases that should fail
name: 'INCORRECTLY rounding up line',
valid: false,
data: {
RequestAmount: 3,
MerchantInvoice: [
Item_VATRate: 2000, // 20%
Item_NetAmount: null, // using gross
Item_GrossAmount: 2, // 2p
Item_Quantity: 1,
Line_VATAmount: 1, // should be 2p - (2p / 120%) = (2p - 1.666...) = 0.22... = round down to 0
Line_TotalAmount: 2 // Gross * count
name: 'INCORRECTLY rounding down line',
valid: false,
data: {
RequestAmount: 3,
MerchantInvoice: [
Item_VATRate: 2000, // 20%
Item_NetAmount: null, // using gross
Item_GrossAmount: 3, // 3p
Item_Quantity: 1,
Line_VATAmount: 0, // should be 3p - (3p/120%) = (3p - 2.5p) = 0.5p = round up to 1
Line_TotalAmount: 3 // Gross * count
name: '2 items that would individually round down but round up in total, being INCORRECTLY rounded down',
valid: false,
data: {
RequestAmount: 4,
MerchantInvoice: [
Item_VATRate: 2000, // 20%
Item_NetAmount: null, // using gross
Item_GrossAmount: 2, // 2p
Item_Quantity: 2,
Line_VATAmount: 0, // should be 4p - (4p/120%) = (4p - 3.33) = 0.66..p = round up to 1
Line_TotalAmount: 4 // Gross * 2
name: '2 items that would individually round up but are exact pennies in total, being INCORRECTLY rounded up',
valid: false,
data: {
RequestAmount: 6,
MerchantInvoice: [
Item_VATRate: 2000, // 20%
Item_NetAmount: null, // using gross
Item_GrossAmount: 3, // 3p
Item_Quantity: 2,
Line_VATAmount: 2, // should be 6p - (6p/120%) = (6 - 5) = 1p exactly
Line_TotalAmount: 6 // Gross * 2
name: '2 items that would individually round up but round down in total, being INCORRECTLY rounded up',
valid: false,
data: {
RequestAmount: 8,
MerchantInvoice: [
Item_VATRate: 2000, // 20%
Item_NetAmount: null, // using gross
Item_GrossAmount: 4, // 4p
Item_Quantity: 2,
Line_VATAmount: 2, // should be 8p - (8p/120%) = (8 - 6.66) = 1.333 = round down
Line_TotalAmount: 8 // Gross * 2
* Tests of mixed types of line items in a single transaction
const merchantInvoiceMixed = [
name: 'one round up, one down, for each of NET and GROSS + one 0% vat',
valid: true,
data: {
RequestAmount: 21,
MerchantInvoice: [
Item_VATRate: 2000, // 20%
Item_NetAmount: null, // using gross
Item_GrossAmount: 2, // 2p
Item_Quantity: 1,
Line_VATAmount: 0, // 2p - (2p / 120%) = (2p - 1.666...) = 0.22... = round down to 0
Line_TotalAmount: 2 // Gross * count
Item_VATRate: 2000, // 20%
Item_NetAmount: null, // using gross
Item_GrossAmount: 3, // 3p
Item_Quantity: 1,
Line_VATAmount: 1, // 3p - (3p/120%) = (3p - 2.5p) = 0.5p = round up to 1
Line_TotalAmount: 3 // Gross * count
Item_VATRate: 2000, // 20%
Item_NetAmount: 2, // 2p
Item_GrossAmount: null, // using Net
Item_Quantity: 1,
Line_VATAmount: 0, // 2p * 20% = 0.4p = round down to 0
Line_TotalAmount: 2 // Net + VAT
Item_VATRate: 2000, // 20%
Item_NetAmount: 3, // 3p
Item_GrossAmount: null, // using Net
Item_Quantity: 1,
Line_VATAmount: 1, // 3p * 20% = 0.6p = round up to 1
Line_TotalAmount: 4 // Net + VAT
Item_VATRate: 0, // 0%
Item_NetAmount: null, // using Gross
Item_GrossAmount: 10, // 10p
Item_Quantity: 1,
Line_VATAmount: 0, //
Line_TotalAmount: 10 // Gross * count
* Tests of mixed types of line items in a single transaction
const merchantInvoiceFracQuantity = [
name: 'Line_TotalAmount rounded to nearest (gross)',
valid: true,
data: {
RequestAmount: 1,
MerchantInvoice: [
Item_VATRate: 0, // 0%
Item_NetAmount: null, // using gross
Item_GrossAmount: 1, // 1p
Item_Quantity: 0.5,
Line_VATAmount: 0, // 0
Line_TotalAmount: 1 // Gross * count = 0.5 = round up to 1p
Item_VATRate: 0, // 0%
Item_NetAmount: null, // using gross
Item_GrossAmount: 1, // 1p
Item_Quantity: 0.49,
Line_VATAmount: 0, // 0
Line_TotalAmount: 0 // Gross * count = 0.49 = round down to 0p
name: 'Line_TotalAmount rounded to nearest (net)',
valid: true,
data: {
RequestAmount: 1,
MerchantInvoice: [
Item_VATRate: 0, // 0%
Item_NetAmount: 1, // 1p
Item_GrossAmount: null, // using net
Item_Quantity: 0.5,
Line_VATAmount: 0, // 0
Line_TotalAmount: 1 // Gross * count = 0.5 = round up to 1p
Item_VATRate: 0, // 0%
Item_NetAmount: 1, // 1p
Item_GrossAmount: null, // using net
Item_Quantity: 0.49,
Line_VATAmount: 0, // 0
Line_TotalAmount: 0 // Gross * count = 0.49 = round down to 0p
name: 'Line_VATAmount based on post-rounded numbers, not pre-rounded (net)',
valid: true,
data: {
RequestAmount: 3,
MerchantInvoice: [
Item_VATRate: 3000, // 30%
Item_NetAmount: 3, // 3p
Item_GrossAmount: null, // using net
Item_Quantity: 0.5,
Line_VATAmount: 1, // 2p * 0.3 = 0.6 => 1p rounded up. Not 0p if 1.5p used
Line_TotalAmount: 3 // Net * count = 1.5 = round up to 2p. Plus VAT above.
name: 'Line_VATAmount based on post-rounded numbers, not pre-rounded (gross)',
valid: true,
data: {
RequestAmount: 2,
MerchantInvoice: [
Item_VATRate: 4000, // 40%
Item_NetAmount: null, // using gross
Item_GrossAmount: 3, // 3p
Item_Quantity: 0.5,
Line_VATAmount: 1, // 2p - (2p / 1.4) = 2-1.43 = 0.57 => 0p rounded down. Not 1p if 1.5p used
Line_TotalAmount: 2 // Gross * count = 1.5 = round up to 2p.
* Categories of test cases
const groups = [
description: 'general transactions',
cases: merchantInvoiceBasic
description: 'transaction with merchant invoice with NET item(s)',
cases: merchantInvoiceNet
description: 'transaction with merchant invoice with GROSS item(s)',
cases: merchantInvoiceGross
description: 'transaction with merchant invoice with MIXED item(s)',
cases: merchantInvoiceMixed
description: 'transaction with fractional quantity of items',
cases: merchantInvoiceFracQuantity
* Applies the test cases array, creating a test case for each one.
* @param {Object[]} cases - array of test cases
function applyTestCases(cases) {
const validate = valid.validateRedeemPayCode;
for (let i = 0; i < cases.length; ++i) {
* Get the testcase, then the test data in the correct format.
const tc = cases[i];
* Build a meaningful name for the test.
let name = tc.valid ? 'should accept ' : 'should NOT accept ';
name +=;
* Run a test for this case.
it(name, () => {
const expected = expect(validate(;
if (tc.valid) {
} else {
return{code: 174});
* Unit test definitions
describe('validation', () => {
describe('validateRedeemPaycode', () => {
// Loop through all the groups of tests cases, adding a describe for each one
for (let i = 0; i < groups.length; ++i) {
describe(groups[i].description, () => {

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Comcarde Node.js General Functionality
// Provides -Bridge- pay functionality.
// Copyright 2015 Comcarde
// Written by Keith Symington and Richard Vanneck
// Refactored 17-9-2015 by KJS
// Largely replaced by JSON Schema validators Oct 2016 by RJT
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Includes
const _ = require('lodash');
const utils = require(global.pathPrefix + 'utils.js');
const config = require(global.configFile);
const debug = require('debug')('validation:invoices');
* Declare the exports at the top so we know what functions are used externally
module.exports = {
* Checks over a string for a whitelisted set of characters.
* @type {Function} checkWhitelist
* @param {!string} inputString - The string to be checked for valid characters.
* @param {!string} whitelist - The list of valid charactes as a string 'abcde...'. Also accepts RegEx 'a-z'.
* @param {!int} offset - Added to the index error position: for reporting only. The default should be 0.
* @returns {null | string} Returns either null for success or an error string if there was a problem.
function checkWhitelist(inputString, whitelist, offset) {
const regexString = '[^' + whitelist + ']'; // Wrap the whitelist with not operator, and repeat 0-many times.
const regex = new RegExp(regexString); // No need for global - first invalid char is fine.
const index = regex.exec(inputString);
if (index) {
return ('Error at index [' + (index.index + offset) + '], [' + index[0] + '].');
} else {
return null;
* Checks whether a variable is a safe integer or not.
* Used externally by utils.js to check the config values loaded from the data.
* @param {any} input - the item to be tested
* @returns {string | null} - 'null' to confirm it is an Integer or a string if it is not.
function checkInt(input) {
if (_.isSafeInteger(input)) {
return null;
} else {
return 'Not a number.';
* Checks whether a variable is in ISO date format (zulu).
* input must be length checked before passing at 24 chars.
* Note that this function seems to be excessive versus a RegEx but we have had problems
* with the results so it was taken back to basics so that the code is reliable if ported.
* @param {string} input - the string to test
* @returns {string | null} - Returns 'null' to confirm it is valid or a string if it is not.
/* eslint-disable complexity */
function checkDateTime(input) {
// Legacy code so cyclomatic comlexity is high.
// Local variables.
let output;
// Check items.
output = checkWhitelist(input.substr(0, 4), utils.numeric, 0);
if (output) {
return ('Invalid year. ' + output);
if (input.charAt(4) !== '-') {
return ('Invalid separator. Error at index [4].');
output = checkWhitelist(input.substr(5, 2), utils.numeric, 5);
if (output) {
return ('Invalid month. ' + output);
if (input.charAt(7) !== '-') {
return ('Invalid separator. Error at index [7].');
output = checkWhitelist(input.substr(8, 2), utils.numeric, 8);
if (output) {
return ('Invalid day. ' + output);
if (input.charAt(10) !== 'T') {
return ('Invalid time indicator. Error at index [10].');
output = checkWhitelist(input.substr(11, 2), utils.numeric, 11);
if (output) {
return ('Invalid hours. ' + output);
if (input.charAt(13) !== ':') {
return ('Invalid separator. Error at index [13].');
output = checkWhitelist(input.substr(14, 2), utils.numeric, 14);
if (output) {
return ('Invalid minutes. ' + output);
if (input.charAt(16) !== ':') {
return ('Invalid separator. Error at index [16].');
output = checkWhitelist(input.substr(17, 2), utils.numeric, 17);
if (output) {
return ('Invalid seconds. ' + output);
if (input.charAt(19) !== '.') {
return ('Invalid separator. Error at index [19].');
output = checkWhitelist(input.substr(20, 3), utils.numeric, 20);
if (output) {
return ('Invalid milliseconds. ' + output);
if (input.charAt(23) !== 'Z') {
return ('Invalid time zone. Error at index [23].');
// Success!
return null;
/* eslint-enable complexity */
* Checks the number of dp after the decimal point and returns this number.
* Used by mainDB.js to validate the number of decimal places in coordinates
* @type {Function} checkDP
* @param {!number} numberToCheck - The number to process.
* @returns {number} The number of decimal places
function checkDP(numberToCheck) {
const tempString = String(numberToCheck);
if (0 > tempString.indexOf('.')) {
return 0;
const pieces = tempString.split('.');
return pieces[1].length;
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Common field validations.
// All return null for success or a string otherwise.
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Validates that the provided HMAC is in the correct format.
* Used externally by auth.js to validate bridge-hmac
* @param {string} input - the string to test
* @returns {string | null} - error string on error, or null on success
function validateFieldHMAC(input) {
if (!_.isString(input)) {
return 'Identifier not a string.';
if (input.length !== (config.HMACBytes * 2)) {
return ('Identifier length not ' + (config.HMACBytes * 2) + '.');
const output = checkWhitelist(input, utils.lowerCaseHex, 0);
if (output) {
return ('Invalid characters in HMAC. ' + output);
return null;
* Validates that timestamps are correct.
* Used externally by auth.js to validate bridge-timestamp
* @param {any} input - the item to validate
* @returns {string | null} A string detailing any error, or null if no errors found.
function validateFieldTimeStamp(input) {
if (!_.isString(input)) {
return 'TimeStamp not a string.';
if (input.length !== 24) {
return 'TimeStamp should be 24 characters long.';
const output = checkDateTime(input);
if (output) {
return ('TimeStamp not in ISO date format. ' + output);
return null;
* Validates the functional correctness of a MerchantInvoice:
* - No rows with the same Item_ID
* - Check that the Net, VAT, Quantity, and Total match up in a row
* - Check that the rows total the requested overall TotalAmount
* @param {Object[]} input - array of merchantInvoice line items
* @param {number} expectedTotal - the overall total the line items should match
* @param {boolean} allowRepeatItems - true to allow the same Item_ID to appear multiple times
* @returns {string | null} - an error string if any errors are found, or null if no errors
function validateFieldMerchantInvoice(input, expectedTotal, allowRepeatItems) {
const items = {};
let cumulativeTotal = 0;
// Iterate all line items.
for (let counter = 0; counter < input.length; counter++) {
const line = input[counter];
if (line.Item_ID && !allowRepeatItems) {
* Check for duplicate Item_IDs.
if (items.hasOwnProperty(line.Item_ID)) {
return 'Invalid body.MerchantInvoice[' + counter + ']: ' +
'Duplicate Item_ID in MerchantInvoice.';
} else {
items[line.Item_ID] = true;
* Check the calculated per-line vat and total amounts are correct,
* depending on whether the base price is on a Net or Gross basis.
let expectedLineTotal = -1;
let expectedVatTotal = -1;
if (_.isInteger(line.Item_NetAmount) && _.isNull(line.Item_GrossAmount)) {
* This is a NET line item
const netTotal = _.round(line.Item_NetAmount * line.Item_Quantity);
const vatMultiplier = line.Item_VATRate / (100 * 100);
expectedVatTotal = _.round(netTotal * vatMultiplier);
expectedLineTotal = netTotal + expectedVatTotal;
line.Item_NetAmount, line.Item_Quantity, line.Item_VATRate
netTotal, vatMultiplier
} else if (_.isNull(line.Item_NetAmount) && _.isInteger(line.Item_GrossAmount)) {
* This is a GROSS line item
expectedLineTotal = _.round(line.Item_GrossAmount * line.Item_Quantity);
const vatMultiplier = line.Item_VATRate / (100 * 100);
expectedVatTotal = _.round(expectedLineTotal - (expectedLineTotal / (1 + vatMultiplier)));
line.Item_GrossAmount, line.Item_Quantity, line.Item_VATRate
} else {
* Both are set (or both null) which is wrong
return 'Invalid body.MerchantInvoice[' + counter + ']: ' +
'Only 1 of NetAmount and GrossAmount should be set (with the other null)';
'-- Actual: ',
line.Line_VATAmount, line.Line_TotalAmount
'-- Expect: ',
expectedVatTotal, expectedLineTotal
if (expectedVatTotal !== line.Line_VATAmount) {
return 'Invalid body.MerchantInvoice[' + counter + ']: ' +
'Line_VATAmount incorrect.';
if (expectedLineTotal !== line.Line_TotalAmount) {
return 'Invalid body.MerchantInvoice[' + counter + ']: ' +
'Line_TotalAmount incorrect.';
// Record total.
cumulativeTotal += line.Line_TotalAmount;
// Check total.
if (expectedTotal !== cumulativeTotal) {
return 'Invalid body.MerchantInvoice: Cumulative total does not match RequestAmount.';
// Success.
return null;
* Provides additional function validation of the RedeemPaycode command. In
* particular, it validates that the MerchantInvoice values are consistent,
* both per-row and compared to the overall total.
* @param {Object} inputInfo - the input to be functionally validated
* @returns {Object|null} - An object to return to the user on error, or null if no errors found
function validateRedeemPayCode(inputInfo) {
// Key and token check.
const errorcode = 174;
let output;
if ('MerchantInvoice' in inputInfo) {
output = validateFieldMerchantInvoice(
if (output) {
debug('--- Error:', output);
return utils.createError(errorcode, output);
// All valid.
return null;

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@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
* @fileOverview Node.js Worldpay Acquiring Code for Bridge Pay
* @preserve Copyright 2016 Comcarde Ltd.
* @author Keith Symington
* @see #bridge_server-core
* Includes needed for this module.
var request = require('request');
var log = require(global.pathPrefix + 'log.js');
var _ = require('lodash');
var config = require(global.configFile);
var sms = require(global.pathPrefix + 'sms.js');
exports.useMCC6012 = 0; // Add MCC information where appropriate.
exports.useAVS = 1; // Use AVS on tokenisation.
exports.worldpayPostData = 1; // Shows the info sent to Worldpay.
exports.primaryFailedComms = 0; // Ticks up every time communications fail with Worldpay's primary server.
exports.worldpaySMSAlertSent = 0; // Designed to prevent multiple SMS calls.
exports.worldpayTimeout = 25000; // Apps use 30 seconds as we need a little time to respond to them.
* Worldpay API function call.
* @type {function} worldpayFunction
* @param {String} method - http method: 'GET', 'POST', etc.
* @param {?string} urlPath - Additional path information - e.g. tokens, order etc. Alternatively use null.
* @param {?string} authKey - Add the key string here if a key needs to be used. Alternatively use null.
* @param {?object} additionalHeaders - JSON object with any additional headers. null if none needed.
* @param {!object} postBody - JSON body for the request data in the main packet. null if none needed.
* @param {!function} callback - Function to call when processing complete..
exports.worldpayFunction = function(method, urlPath, authKey, additionalHeaders, postBody, callback) {
* Set the default headers.
var postHeaders = {};
_.merge(postHeaders, {'User-Agent': 'Super Agent/0.0.1', 'Content-type': 'application/json'});
* Add the auth key if it exists.
if (authKey !== null) {
postHeaders.Authorization = authKey;
* Add any additional headers.
if (additionalHeaders !== null) {
_.merge(postHeaders, additionalHeaders);
// Show the data to be posted. Never post this information on the live server.
if (exports.worldpayPostData && config.isDevEnv) {
('[OUT] headers: ' + JSON.stringify(postHeaders) + ' body: ' + JSON.stringify(postBody)),
* Process the data by submitting it to Worldpay.
* The assumption is that there must be data in the body to proceed.
if (postBody) {
* Configure the request.
var location = config.worldpayPrimaryGateway;
if (urlPath !== null) {
location += urlPath;
var options = {
url: location,
method: method,
headers: postHeaders,
json: true,
strictSSL: true,
body: postBody,
timeout: exports.worldpayTimeout
* Start the request.
request(options, function(error, response, body) {
* Handle the response appropriately.
var worldpayResult = '';
if (!error && (response.statusCode === 200)) {
* A response was received. 200 means the result was successful.
worldpayResult = body;
return callback(null, worldpayResult);
} else if (!error && (response.statusCode !== 200)) {
* A response was received. It's not 200 so it's an error.
* The important values are:
worldpayResult = body;
return callback(worldpayResult);
} else {
* Return a request error.
return callback('Error: ' + error);
} else {
return callback('No data to process.');
* This function deals with Worldpay communication failures. Currently there is no switchover gateway.
* @type {function} commsFailure
* @param {!string} source - The function where the error was called from e.g. 'AddCard.process'.
exports.commsFailure = function(source) {
* General error - usually indicates Worldpay is down.
if (exports.primaryFailedComms >= (config.worldpayNotificationThreshold - 1)) {
* Inform admins as it is over the threshold.
if (exports.worldpaySMSAlertSent === 0) {
* Block multiple SMS messages and send a single one to the admin(s).
* Note that SMS is blocked before we know it has been sent; the callback structure means that this could
* be initialised hundreds of times on a loaded system before the first one returned.
exports.worldpaySMSAlertSent = 1;
sms.sendSMS(null, (sms.adminMobile + ',' + sms.backupMobile),
config.worldpayPrimaryGatewayFailure, function(err, smsBalance) {
if (err) {
'Unable to send SMS.',
* Success.
('Worldpay primary gateway failure. SMS sent to admins (SMS balance now ' + smsBalance + ').'),
} else {
exports.primaryFailedComms += 1;

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