2018-11-03 20:21:33 +00:00

109 lines
4.2 KiB

/* IRLib_P03_RC5.h
* Part of IRLib Library for Arduino receiving, decoding, and sending
* infrared signals. See COPYRIGHT.txt and LICENSE.txt for more information.
* The RC5 protocol was invented by Phillips but is used by wide variety of manufacturers.
* It uses a phase encoding of data bits. A space/mark pair indicates "1"
* and a mark/space indicates a "0". It begins with a single "1" bit which is not encoded
* in the data. The second highest order data bit is a toggle bit that indicates individual
* keypresses. You must toggle this bit yourself when sending data. The protocol uses 36 kHz
* modulation however 38 kHz receivers can typically receive the codes okay.
* There are three supported varieties as follows:
* RC5 13 bits, 36 kHz (default, most common variety.
* RC5-F7 14 bits, 36 kHz
* RC5-F7-57 14 bits, 57 kHz
* There's also a 19 bit variety called RC5x that is not supported here but may be a separate
* module eventually.
#define IR_SEND_PROTOCOL_03 case 03: if(khz==38)khz=36; IRsendRC5::send(data,data2,khz); break;
#define IR_DECODE_PROTOCOL_03 if(IRdecodeRC5::decode()) return true;
#define PV_IR_DECODE_PROTOCOL_03 ,public virtual IRdecodeRC5
#define PV_IR_SEND_PROTOCOL_03 ,public virtual IRsendRC5
#define PV_IR_DECODE_PROTOCOL_03 public virtual IRdecodeRC5
#define PV_IR_SEND_PROTOCOL_03 public virtual IRsendRC5
#define RC5_T1 889
class IRsendRC5: public virtual IRsendBase {
void send(uint32_t data, uint8_t nBits=13, uint8_t kHz=36) {
data = data << (32 - nBits);
mark(RC5_T1); // First start bit
//Note: Original IRremote library incorrectly assumed second bit was
//always a "1". Bit patterns from this decoder are not backward compatible
//with patterns produced by the original library. Uncomment the following two
//lines to maintain backward compatibility.
//space(RC5_T1); // Second start bit
//mark(RC5_T1); // Second start bit
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < nBits; i++) {
if (data & TOPBIT) {
space(RC5_T1); mark(RC5_T1);// 1 is space, then mark
} else {
mark(RC5_T1); space(RC5_T1);// 0 is mark, then space
data <<= 1;
space(114000-extent); // Turn off at end
/* Note this decoder is a derived class from the IRdecodeRC base class
* rather than IRdecodeBase. The base class defines the method "getRClevel"
* which is common to both RC5 and RC6 protocols. It facilitates the decoding
* of phase encoded data.
class IRdecodeRC5: public virtual IRdecodeRC {
virtual bool decode(void) {
resetDecoder();//This used to be in the receiver getResults.
if (recvGlobal.decodeLength < 13) return RAW_COUNT_ERROR;
offset = 1; // Skip gap space
data = 0;
used = 0;
// Get start bits
if (getRClevel(&used, RC5_T1) != MARK) return HEADER_MARK_ERROR(RC5_T1);
//Note: Original IRremote library incorrectly assumed second bit was always
// a "1". Bit patterns from this decoder are not backward compatible with
// patterns produced by original library. Uncomment the following two lines
// to maintain backward compatibility.
//if (getRClevel(&used, RC5_T1) != SPACE) return HEADER_SPACE_ERROR(RC5_T1);
//if (getRClevel(&used, RC5_T1) != MARK) return HEADER_MARK_ERROR(RC5_T1);
for (nBits = 0; offset < recvGlobal.decodeLength; nBits++) {
RCLevel levelA = getRClevel(&used, RC5_T1);
RCLevel levelB = getRClevel(&used, RC5_T1);
if (levelA == SPACE && levelB == MARK) {
data = (data << 1) | 1; // 1 bit
} else if (levelA == MARK && levelB == SPACE) {
data <<= 1; // zero bit
} else return DATA_MARK_ERROR(RC5_T1);
// Success
bits = nBits;
value = data;
protocolNum = RC5;
return true;
#endif //IRLIB_PROTOCOL_03_H