2018-11-03 20:21:33 +00:00

59 lines
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// Simple strand test for Adafruit Dot Star RGB LED strip.
// This is a basic diagnostic tool, NOT a graphics demo...helps confirm
// correct wiring and tests each pixel's ability to display red, green
// and blue and to forward data down the line. By limiting the number
// and color of LEDs, it's reasonably safe to power a couple meters off
// the Arduino's 5V pin. DON'T try that with other code!
#include <Adafruit_DotStar.h>
// Because conditional #includes don't work w/Arduino sketches...
//#include <avr/power.h> // ENABLE THIS LINE FOR GEMMA OR TRINKET
#define NUMPIXELS 30 // Number of LEDs in strip
// Here's how to control the LEDs from any two pins:
#define DATAPIN 4
#define CLOCKPIN 5
Adafruit_DotStar strip = Adafruit_DotStar(
// The last parameter is optional -- this is the color data order of the
// DotStar strip, which has changed over time in different production runs.
// Your code just uses R,G,B colors, the library then reassigns as needed.
// Default is DOTSTAR_BRG, so change this if you have an earlier strip.
// Hardware SPI is a little faster, but must be wired to specific pins
// (Arduino Uno = pin 11 for data, 13 for clock, other boards are different).
//Adafruit_DotStar strip = Adafruit_DotStar(NUMPIXELS, DOTSTAR_BRG);
void setup() {
#if defined(__AVR_ATtiny85__) && (F_CPU == 16000000L)
clock_prescale_set(clock_div_1); // Enable 16 MHz on Trinket
strip.begin(); // Initialize pins for output; // Turn all LEDs off ASAP
// Runs 10 LEDs at a time along strip, cycling through red, green and blue.
// This requires about 200 mA for all the 'on' pixels + 1 mA per 'off' pixel.
int head = 0, tail = -10; // Index of first 'on' and 'off' pixels
uint32_t color = 0xFF0000; // 'On' color (starts red)
void loop() {
strip.setPixelColor(head, color); // 'On' pixel at head
strip.setPixelColor(tail, 0); // 'Off' pixel at tail; // Refresh strip
delay(20); // Pause 20 milliseconds (~50 FPS)
if(++head >= NUMPIXELS) { // Increment head index. Off end of strip?
head = 0; // Yes, reset head index to start
if((color >>= 8) == 0) // Next color (R->G->B) ... past blue now?
color = 0xFF0000; // Yes, reset to red
if(++tail >= NUMPIXELS) tail = 0; // Increment, reset tail index