2018-11-03 20:21:33 +00:00

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// Adafruit Circuit Playground Fidget Spinner Tachometer
// This sketch uses the light sensor built in to Circuit Playground
// to detect the speed (in revolutions per second) of a fidget spinner.
// Load the sketch on a Circuit Playground (either classic or express)
// and notice the first three NeoPixels will turn on bright white.
// Hold a spinning fidget spinner very close to (but not touching) the
// light sensor (look for the eye graphic on the board, it's right
// below the three lit NeoPixels) and look at the serial monitor
// to see it print out the speed of the spinner. This works best
// holding the spinner perpendicular to the sensor, like:
// ||
// || <- Spinner
// ||
// ________ <- Circuit Playground
// Author: Tony DiCola
// License: MIT License (
#include <Adafruit_CircuitPlayground.h>
// Configuration values. You don't have to change these but they're
// interesting to adjust the logic. If your spinner has more or less
// than three arms be sure to change the SPINNER_ARMS value below:
#define SPINNER_ARMS 3 // Number of arms on the fidget spinner.
// This is used to calculate the true
// revolutions per second of the spinner
// as one full revolution of the spinner
// will actually see this number of cycles
// pass by the light sensor. Set this to
// the value 1 to ignore this calculation
// and just see the raw cycles / second.
#define SAMPLE_DEPTH 512 // How many samples to take when measuring
// the spinner speed. The larger this value
// the more memory that will be consumed but
// the slower a spinner speed that can be
// detected (larger sample depths mean longer
// period waves can be detected). You're
// limited by the amount of memory on the
// board for this value. On a classic
// Circuit Playground with 2kb of memory
// you can only go up to about 512 or so (each
// sample is 2 bytes, so 1kb of space total).
// On an express board you can go much higher,
// like up to 10240 for 20kb of sample data.
#define SAMPLE_PERIOD_US 1500 // Amount of time in microseconds to delay
// between each light sensor sample. This is
// a balance between how fast and slow of
// a spinner reading that can be measured.
// The higher this value the slower a spinner
// you can measure, but at the tradeoff of
// not accurately measuring fast spinners.
// Low values (even 0) mean very fast speeds
// can be detected but slow speeds (below 10hz)
// are harder to detect. You can increase the
// sample depth to help improve the range
// of detection speeds, but there's a limit
// based on the memory available.
#define THRESHOLD 400 // How big the amplitude of a cyclic
// signal has to be before the measurement
// logic kicks in. This is a value from
// 0 to 1023 and might need to be adjusted
// up or down if the detection is too
// sensitive or not sensitive enough.
// Raising this value will make the detection
// less sensitive and require a very large
// difference in amplitude (i.e. a very close
// or highly reflective spinner), and lowering
// the value will make the detection more
// sensitive and potentially pick up random
// noise from light in the room.
#define MEASURE_PERIOD_MS 1000 // Number of milliseconds to wait
// between measurements. Default is
// one second (1000 milliseconds).
void setup() {
// Initialize serial monitor at 115200 baud.
// Initialize CircuitPlayground library and turn on the first 3 pixels (near the light sensor)
// to pure white at maximum brightness.
CircuitPlayground.begin(255); // 255 means set pixel colors to max brightness.
CircuitPlayground.setPixelColor(0, 255, 255, 255); // Set pixel 0, 1, 2 to white.
CircuitPlayground.setPixelColor(1, 255, 255, 255);
CircuitPlayground.setPixelColor(2, 255, 255, 255);
void loop() {
// Pause between measurements.
// Collect samples from the light sensor as quickly as possible.
// Keep track of the amount of time (in microseconds) between samples
// so the sampling frequency can later be determined.
uint16_t samples[SAMPLE_DEPTH] = {0};
uint32_t start = micros();
for (int i=0; i<SAMPLE_DEPTH; ++i) {
samples[i] = CircuitPlayground.lightSensor();
uint32_t elapsed_uS = micros() - start;
float elapsed = elapsed_uS / 1000000.0; // Elapsed time in seconds.
// Find the min and max values in the collected samples.
uint16_t minval = samples[0];
uint16_t maxval = samples[0];
for (int i=1; i<SAMPLE_DEPTH; ++i) {
minval = min(minval, samples[i]);
maxval = max(maxval, samples[i]);
// Check the amplitude of the signal (difference between min and max)
// is greater than the threshold to continue detecting speed.
uint16_t amplitude = maxval - minval;
if (amplitude < THRESHOLD) {
// Didn't make it past the threshold so start over with another measurement attempt.
// Compute midpoint of the signal (halfway between min and max values).
uint16_t midpoint = minval + (amplitude/2);
// Count how many midpoint crossings were found in the signal.
// These are instances where two readings either straddle or land on
// the midpoint. The midpoint crossings will happen twice for every
// complete sine wave cycle (once going up and again coming down).
int crossings = 0;
for (int i=1; i<SAMPLE_DEPTH; ++i) {
uint16_t p0 = samples[i-1];
uint16_t p1 = samples[i];
if ((p1 == midpoint) ||
((p0 < midpoint) && (p1 > midpoint)) ||
((p0 > midpoint) && (p1 < midpoint))) {
crossings += 1;
// Compute signal frequency, RPM, and period.
// The period is the amount of time it takes for a complete
// sine wave cycle to occur. You can calculate this by dividing the
// amount of time that elapsed during the measurement period by the
// number of midpoint crossings cut in half (because each complete
// sine wave cycle will have 2 midpoint crossings). However since
// fidget spinners have multiple arms you also divide by the number
// of arms to normalize the period into a value that represents the
// time taken for a complete revolution of the entire spinner, not
// just the time between one arm and the next.
float period = elapsed / (crossings / SPINNER_ARMS / 2.0);
// Once the period is calculated it can be converted into a frequency
// value (i.e revolutions per second, how many times the spinner spins
// around per second) and more common RPM value (revolutions per minute,
// just multiply frequency by 60 since there are 60 seconds in a minute).
float frequency = 1.0 / period;
float rpm = frequency * 60.0;
// Print out the measured values!
Serial.print("Frequency: ");
Serial.print(frequency, 3);
Serial.print(" (hz)\t\tRPM: ");
Serial.print(rpm, 3);
Serial.print("\t\tPeriod: ");
Serial.print(period, 3);
Serial.println(" (seconds)");