101 lines
3.0 KiB
101 lines
3.0 KiB
// This demo is based on the vumeter demo in the Adafruit Circuit Playground library.
#include <math.h>
#include "Demo.h"
#define SAMPLE_WINDOW 10 // Sample window for average level
#define PEAK_HANG 24 // Time of pause before peak dot falls
#define PEAK_FALL 4 // Rate of falling peak dot
#define INPUT_FLOOR 56 // Lower range of mic sensitivity in dB SPL
#define INPUT_CEILING 110 // Upper range of mic sensitivity in db SPL
static byte peak = 16; // Peak level of column; used for falling dots
static unsigned int sample;
static byte dotCount = 0; //Frame counter for peak dot
static byte dotHangCount = 0; //Frame counter for holding peak dot
static float mapf(float x, float in_min, float in_max, float out_min, float out_max);
static void drawLine(uint8_t from, uint8_t to, uint32_t c);
class VUMeterDemo: public Demo {
VUMeterDemo() { currentCeiling = 0; }
~VUMeterDemo() {}
virtual void loop() {
int numPixels = CircuitPlayground.strip.numPixels();
float peakToPeak = 0; // peak-to-peak level
unsigned int c, y;
//get peak sound pressure level over the sample window
peakToPeak = CircuitPlayground.mic.soundPressureLevel(SAMPLE_WINDOW);
//limit to the floor value
peakToPeak = max(INPUT_FLOOR, peakToPeak);
// Serial.println(peakToPeak);
//Fill the strip with rainbow gradient
for (int i=0;i<=numPixels-1;i++){
CircuitPlayground.strip.setPixelColor(i, CircuitPlayground.colorWheel(map(i,0,numPixels-1,30,150)));
c = mapf(peakToPeak, INPUT_FLOOR, INPUT_CEILING, numPixels, 0);
// Turn off pixels that are below volume threshold.
if(c < peak) {
peak = c; // Keep dot on top
dotHangCount = 0; // make the dot hang before falling
if (c <= numPixels) { // Fill partial column with off pixels
drawLine(numPixels, numPixels-c, CircuitPlayground.strip.Color(0, 0, 0));
// Set the peak dot to match the rainbow gradient
y = numPixels - peak;
// Frame based peak dot animation
if(dotHangCount > PEAK_HANG) { //Peak pause length
if(++dotCount >= PEAK_FALL) { //Fall rate
dotCount = 0;
else {
virtual void modePress() {
int currentCeiling;
static float mapf(float x, float in_min, float in_max, float out_min, float out_max)
return (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min;
//Used to draw a line between two points of a given color
static void drawLine(uint8_t from, uint8_t to, uint32_t c) {
uint8_t fromTemp;
if (from > to) {
fromTemp = from;
from = to;
to = fromTemp;
for(int i=from; i<=to; i++){
CircuitPlayground.strip.setPixelColor(i, c);