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// Type definitions for SignalR 2.2.0
// Project: http://www.asp.net/signalr
// Definitions by: Boris Yankov <https://github.com/borisyankov/>, T. Michael Keesey <https://github.com/keesey/>, Giedrius Grabauskas <https://github.com/GiedriusGrabauskas>
// Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped
/// <reference path="../jquery/jquery.d.ts" />
declare namespace SignalR {
const enum ConnectionState {
Connecting = 0,
Connected = 1,
Reconnecting = 2,
Disconnected = 4
interface AvailableEvents {
onStart: string;
onStarting: string;
onReceived: string;
onError: string;
onConnectionSlow: string;
onReconnect: string;
onStateChanged: string;
onDisconnect: string;
interface Transport {
name: string;
supportsKeepAlive(): boolean;
send(connection: SignalR.Connection, data: any): void;
start(connection: SignalR.Connection, onSuccess: () => void, onFailed: (error?: ConnectionError) => void): void;
reconnect(connection: SignalR.Connection): void;
lostConnection(connection: SignalR.Connection): void;
stop(connection: SignalR.Connection): void;
abort(connection: SignalR.Connection, async: boolean): void;
interface Transports {
foreverFrame: Transport;
longPolling: Transport;
serverSentEvents: Transport;
webSockets: Transport;
namespace Hub {
interface Proxy {
state: any;
connection: Connection;
hubName: string;
init(connection: Connection, hubName: string): void;
hasSubscriptions(): boolean;
* Wires up a callback to be invoked when a invocation request is received from the server hub.
* @param eventName The name of the hub event to register the callback for.
* @param callback The callback to be invoked.
on(eventName: string, callback: (...msg: any[]) => void): Proxy;
* Removes the callback invocation request from the server hub for the given event name.
* @param eventName The name of the hub event to unregister the callback for.
* @param callback The callback to be invoked.
off(eventName: string, callback: (...msg: any[]) => void): Proxy;
* Invokes a server hub method with the given arguments.
* @param methodName The name of the server hub method.
invoke(methodName: string, ...args: any[]): JQueryPromise<any>;
interface Options {
qs?: string;
logging?: boolean;
useDefaultPath?: boolean;
interface ClientHubInvocation {
Hub: string;
Method: string;
Args: string;
State: string;
interface Connection extends SignalR.Connection {
proxies: { [hubName: string]: any };
transport: { name: string, supportsKeepAlive: () => boolean };
* Creates a new proxy object for the given hub connection that can be used to invoke
* methods on server hubs and handle client method invocation requests from the server.
* @param hubName The name of the hub on the server to create the proxy for.
createHubProxy(hubName: string): Proxy;
interface HubCreator {
* Creates a new hub connection.
* @param url [Optional] The hub route url, defaults to "/signalr".
* @param options [Optional] Settings to use when creating the hubConnection.
(url?: string, options?: Options): Connection;
interface IHub {
start(): void;
interface StateChanged {
oldState: number;
newState: number;
interface ConnectionStates {
connecting: number;
connected: number;
reconnecting: number;
disconnected: number;
interface Resources {
nojQuery: string;
noTransportOnInit: string;
errorOnNegotiate: string;
stoppedWhileLoading: string;
stoppedWhileNegotiating: string;
errorParsingNegotiateResponse: string;
errorDuringStartRequest: string;
stoppedDuringStartRequest: string;
errorParsingStartResponse: string;
invalidStartResponse: string;
protocolIncompatible: string;
sendFailed: string;
parseFailed: string;
longPollFailed: string;
eventSourceFailedToConnect: string;
eventSourceError: string;
webSocketClosed: string;
pingServerFailedInvalidResponse: string;
pingServerFailed: string;
pingServerFailedStatusCode: string;
pingServerFailedParse: string;
noConnectionTransport: string;
webSocketsInvalidState: string;
reconnectTimeout: string;
reconnectWindowTimeout: string;
interface AjaxDefaults {
processData: boolean;
timeout: number;
async: boolean;
global: boolean;
cache: boolean;
interface ConnectionOptions {
transport?: string | Array<string> | Transport;
callback?: Function;
waitForPageLoad?: boolean;
jsonp?: boolean;
pingInterval?: number;
interface SimplifyLocation {
protocol: string;
host: string;
interface ConnectionErrorContext {
readyState: number;
responseText: string;
status: number;
statusText: string;
interface ConnectionError extends Error {
context: ConnectionErrorContext;
transport?: string;
source?: string;
interface Connection {
clientProtocol: string;
ajaxDataType: string;
contentType: string;
id: string;
json: JSON;
logging: boolean;
url: string;
qs: string | Object;
state: number;
reconnectDelay: number;
transportConnectTimeout: number;
* This should be set by the server in response to the negotiate request (30s default)
disconnectTimeout: number;
* This should be set by the server in response to the negotiate request
reconnectWindow: number;
* Warn user of slow connection if we breach the X% mark of the keep alive timeout
keepAliveWarnAt: number;
* Starts the connection
start(): JQueryPromise<any>;
* Starts the connection
* @param callback A callback function to execute when the connection has started
start(callback: () => void): JQueryPromise<any>;
* Starts the connection
* @param options Options map
start(options: ConnectionOptions): JQueryPromise<any>;
* Starts the connection
* @param options Options map
* @param calback A callback function to execute when the connection has started
start(options: ConnectionOptions, callback: () => void): JQueryPromise<any>;
* Adds a callback that will be invoked before anything is sent over the connection
* @param calback A callback function to execute before the connection is fully instantiated.
starting(callback: () => void): Connection;
* Sends data over the connection
* @param options Options map
* @param calback The data to send over the connection
send(data: string): Connection;
* Adds a callback that will be invoked after anything is received over the connection
* @param calback A callback function to execute when any data is received on the connection
received(callback: (data: any) => void): Connection;
* Adds a callback that will be invoked when the connection state changes
* @param calback A callback function to execute when the connection state changes
stateChanged(callback: (change: StateChanged) => void): Connection;
* Adds a callback that will be invoked after an error occurs with the connection
* @param calback A callback function to execute when an error occurs on the connection
error(callback: (error: ConnectionError) => void): Connection;
* Adds a callback that will be invoked when the client disconnects
* @param calback A callback function to execute when the connection is broken
disconnected(callback: () => void): Connection;
* Adds a callback that will be invoked when the client detects a slow connection
* @param calback A callback function to execute when the connection is slow
connectionSlow(callback: () => void): Connection;
* Adds a callback that will be invoked when the underlying transport begins reconnecting
* @param calback A callback function to execute when the connection enters a reconnecting state
reconnecting(callback: () => void): Connection;
* Adds a callback that will be invoked when the underlying transport reconnects
* @param calback A callback function to execute when the connection is restored
reconnected(callback: () => void): Connection;
* Stops listening
* @param async Whether or not to asynchronously abort the connection
* @param notifyServer Whether we want to notify the server that we are aborting the connection
stop(async?: boolean, notifyServer?: boolean): Connection;
log(msg: string): Connection;
* Checks if url is cross domain
* @param url The base URL
* @param against An optional argument to compare the URL against, if not specified it will be set to window.location. If specified it must contain a protocol and a host property.
isCrossDomain(url: string, against?: Location | SimplifyLocation): boolean;
hub: Hub.Connection;
lastError: ConnectionError;
resources: Resources;
interface SignalR {
* Creates a new SignalR connection for the given url
* @param url The URL of the long polling endpoint
* @param queryString [Optional] Custom querystring parameters to add to the connection URL. If an object, every non-function member will be added to the querystring. If a string, it's added to the QS as specified.
* @param logging [Optional] A flag indicating whether connection logging is enabled to the browser console/log. Defaults to false.
(url: string, queryString?: string | Object, logging?: boolean): SignalR.Connection;
ajaxDefaults: SignalR.AjaxDefaults;
changeState(connection: SignalR.Connection, expectedState: number, newState: number): void;
connectionState: SignalR.ConnectionStates;
events: SignalR.AvailableEvents;
transports: SignalR.Transports;
hub: SignalR.Hub.Connection;
hubConnection: SignalR.Hub.HubCreator;
isDisconnecting(connection: SignalR.Connection): boolean;
* Reinstates the original value of $.connection and returns the signalR object for manual assignment.
noConflict(): SignalR.Connection;
* Current SignalR version.
version: string;
interface JQueryStatic {
signalR: SignalR;
connection: SignalR;
hubConnection: SignalR.Hub.HubCreator;