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synced 2025-02-14 02:59:16 +00:00
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import {ComponentTest} from '../../infrastructure/ComponentHelper';
import {Directive as DetailDir, Controller as DetailCtrl, FlightDetailParams} from './flight-detail';
import DetailMod from '../flight-detail.mod';
import {Mod as CoreMod} from '../../core/core.mod';
import {IFlightInformationModel} from '../services/flightInformationService';
import {IFlightDetail} from '../../core/service/flightService';
class FlightDetailTest extends ComponentTest {
constructor() {
super(DetailDir.$componentName, 'app/flight-detail/detail/flight-detail.tpl.html')
class TestInstance {
public test: FlightDetailTest;
public api: any;
public $httpBackend: ng.IHttpBackendService;
public $state: ng.ui.IStateService;
public $stateParams: ng.ui.IStateParamsService;
public $rootScope: ng.IRootScopeService;
constructor() {
angular.mock.inject(($httpBackend, $state, $stateParams, $rootScope, api) => {
this.$httpBackend = $httpBackend;
this.$state = $state;
this.$stateParams = $stateParams;
this.$rootScope = $rootScope;
this.api = api;
public getSelectedFlight(): IFlightDetail {
return {
Id: '1', Type: 'A', Operator: 'SK', Number: '0214', AircraftType: '333',
Registration: 'PK-GPE', Location: 'MAN', Scheduled: '09:00', Estimated:
'09:00', Actual: '09:00', Terminal: 'T1', Stand: 'A1', FlightConcat: 'SK0214'
public setupForListGet(): IFlightInformationModel {
let model: IFlightInformationModel = {
Flight: undefined,
Groups: [{ "Name": "Detail", "Display": "Details", "Icon": "ion-navicon" }],
Fields: undefined,
Editors: undefined,
IsOutsideOfWindow: false
this.$httpBackend.expectGET(`${this.api.detail}?flightId=${this.getSelectedFlight().Id}&requestId=ste1234567`).respond(201, model);
return model;
describe('Flight Details:', () => {
let instance: TestInstance;
beforeEach(() => {
new DetailMod(angular);
new CoreMod(angular);
instance = new TestInstance();
instance.test = new FlightDetailTest();
describe('Framework: ChromaDateFilter', () => {
let $filter: any;
beforeEach(() => {
angular.mock.inject((_$filter_) => {
$filter = _$filter_;
it('ChromaDateFilter: If input is empty, return empty', () => {
let result = $filter('chromaDateFilter')('', false);
it('ChromaDateFilter: If input is default DateTime, return empty', () => {
let result = $filter('chromaDateFilter')('/Date(-62135596800000)/', false);
it('ChromaDateFilter: return HH:mm if not a Date request', () => {
let result = $filter('chromaDateFilter')('/Date(1447243800000)/', false);
it('ChromaDateFilter: return [DD] HH:mm if a Date request', () => {
let result = $filter('chromaDateFilter')("/Date(1447243800000)/", true);
expect(result).toBe('[11] 12:10');
describe('Scenario: Viewing flights by window', () => {
//Given that I have selected a window
// And select a flight that I want to View
//Then I should see the flights information
//Grouped by category
it('Groups should be displayed', function () {
let model: IFlightInformationModel,
ctrl: DetailCtrl,
params: FlightDetailParams,
baseStateName: string,
expectedStateName: string;
params = <FlightDetailParams>instance.$stateParams;
params.flight = instance.getSelectedFlight();
params.requestId = 'ste1234567';
baseStateName = 'chroma.flight-detail.';
spyOn(instance.$state, "go").and.callThrough();
model = instance.setupForListGet();
ctrl = instance.test.compile<DetailCtrl>()
expectedStateName = baseStateName + model.Groups[0].Name;
it('View title updated on navigation', function () {
let model: IFlightInformationModel,
ctrl: DetailCtrl,
params: FlightDetailParams,
newGroup: string = "NewGroup123";
params = <FlightDetailParams>instance.$stateParams;
params.flight = instance.getSelectedFlight();
params.requestId = 'ste1234567';
model = instance.setupForListGet();
ctrl = instance.test.compile<DetailCtrl>()
instance.$rootScope.$emit('flightGroupChanged', { Display: newGroup })