
1067 lines
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2020-12-18 09:30:04 +00:00
(function () {
(window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || []).push([["polyfills-dom"], {
!*** ./node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/esm/polyfills/dom.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
function node_modulesIonicCoreDistEsmPolyfillsDomJs(module, exports) {
(function () {
Copyright (c) 2016 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at
The complete set of authors may be found at
The complete set of contributors may be found at
Code distributed by Google as part of the polymer project is also
subject to an additional IP rights grant found at
'use strict';
var aa = new Set("annotation-xml color-profile font-face font-face-src font-face-uri font-face-format font-face-name missing-glyph".split(" "));
function g(a) {
var b = aa.has(a);
a = /^[a-z][.0-9_a-z]*-[\-.0-9_a-z]*$/.test(a);
return !b && a;
function l(a) {
var b = a.isConnected;
if (void 0 !== b) return b;
for (; a && !(a.__CE_isImportDocument || a instanceof Document);) {
a = a.parentNode || (window.ShadowRoot && a instanceof ShadowRoot ? : void 0);
return !(!a || !(a.__CE_isImportDocument || a instanceof Document));
function n(a, b) {
for (; b && b !== a && !b.nextSibling;) {
b = b.parentNode;
return b && b !== a ? b.nextSibling : null;
function p(a, b, d) {
d = void 0 === d ? new Set() : d;
for (var c = a; c;) {
if (c.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
var e = c;
var f = e.localName;
if ("link" === f && "import" === e.getAttribute("rel")) {
c = e["import"];
if (c instanceof Node && !d.has(c)) for (d.add(c), c = c.firstChild; c; c = c.nextSibling) {
p(c, b, d);
c = n(a, e);
} else if ("template" === f) {
c = n(a, e);
if (e = e.__CE_shadowRoot) for (e = e.firstChild; e; e = e.nextSibling) {
p(e, b, d);
c = c.firstChild ? c.firstChild : n(a, c);
function r(a, b, d) {
a[b] = d;
function u() {
this.a = new Map();
this.g = new Map();
this.c = [];
this.f = [];
this.b = !1;
function ba(a, b, d) {
a.a.set(b, d);
a.g.set(d.constructorFunction, d);
function ca(a, b) {
a.b = !0;
function da(a, b) {
a.b = !0;
function v(a, b) {
a.b && p(b, function (b) {
return w(a, b);
function w(a, b) {
if (a.b && !b.__CE_patched) {
b.__CE_patched = !0;
for (var d = 0; d < a.c.length; d++) {
for (d = 0; d < a.f.length; d++) {
function x(a, b) {
var d = [];
p(b, function (b) {
return d.push(b);
for (b = 0; b < d.length; b++) {
var c = d[b];
1 === c.__CE_state ? a.connectedCallback(c) : y(a, c);
function z(a, b) {
var d = [];
p(b, function (b) {
return d.push(b);
for (b = 0; b < d.length; b++) {
var c = d[b];
1 === c.__CE_state && a.disconnectedCallback(c);
function A(a, b, d) {
d = void 0 === d ? {} : d;
var c = d.u || new Set(),
e = d.i || function (b) {
return y(a, b);
f = [];
p(b, function (b) {
if ("link" === b.localName && "import" === b.getAttribute("rel")) {
var d = b["import"];
d instanceof Node && (d.__CE_isImportDocument = !0, d.__CE_hasRegistry = !0);
d && "complete" === d.readyState ? d.__CE_documentLoadHandled = !0 : b.addEventListener("load", function () {
var d = b["import"];
if (!d.__CE_documentLoadHandled) {
d.__CE_documentLoadHandled = !0;
var f = new Set(c);
A(a, d, {
u: f,
i: e
} else f.push(b);
}, c);
if (a.b) for (b = 0; b < f.length; b++) {
w(a, f[b]);
for (b = 0; b < f.length; b++) {
function y(a, b) {
if (void 0 === b.__CE_state) {
var d = b.ownerDocument;
if (d.defaultView || d.__CE_isImportDocument && d.__CE_hasRegistry) if (d = a.a.get(b.localName)) {
var c = d.constructorFunction;
try {
try {
if (new c() !== b) throw Error("The custom element constructor did not produce the element being upgraded.");
} finally {
} catch (t) {
throw b.__CE_state = 2, t;
b.__CE_state = 1;
b.__CE_definition = d;
if (d.attributeChangedCallback) for (d = d.observedAttributes, c = 0; c < d.length; c++) {
var e = d[c],
f = b.getAttribute(e);
null !== f && a.attributeChangedCallback(b, e, null, f, null);
l(b) && a.connectedCallback(b);
u.prototype.connectedCallback = function (a) {
var b = a.__CE_definition;
b.connectedCallback &&;
u.prototype.disconnectedCallback = function (a) {
var b = a.__CE_definition;
b.disconnectedCallback &&;
u.prototype.attributeChangedCallback = function (a, b, d, c, e) {
var f = a.__CE_definition;
f.attributeChangedCallback && -1 < f.observedAttributes.indexOf(b) &&, b, d, c, e);
function B(a) {
var b = document;
this.c = a;
this.a = b;
this.b = void 0;
A(this.c, this.a);
"loading" === this.a.readyState && (this.b = new MutationObserver(this.f.bind(this)), this.b.observe(this.a, {
childList: !0,
subtree: !0
function C(a) {
a.b && a.b.disconnect();
B.prototype.f = function (a) {
var b = this.a.readyState;
"interactive" !== b && "complete" !== b || C(this);
for (b = 0; b < a.length; b++) {
for (var d = a[b].addedNodes, c = 0; c < d.length; c++) {
A(this.c, d[c]);
function ea() {
var a = this;
this.b = this.a = void 0;
this.c = new Promise(function (b) {
a.b = b;
a.a && b(a.a);
function D(a) {
if (a.a) throw Error("Already resolved.");
a.a = void 0;
a.b && a.b(void 0);
function E(a) {
this.c = !1;
this.a = a;
this.j = new Map();
this.f = function (b) {
return b();
this.b = !1;
this.g = [];
this.o = new B(a);
E.prototype.l = function (a, b) {
var d = this;
if (!(b instanceof Function)) throw new TypeError("Custom element constructors must be functions.");
if (!g(a)) throw new SyntaxError("The element name '" + a + "' is not valid.");
if (this.a.a.get(a)) throw Error("A custom element with name '" + a + "' has already been defined.");
if (this.c) throw Error("A custom element is already being defined.");
this.c = !0;
try {
var c = function c(b) {
var a = e[b];
if (void 0 !== a && !(a instanceof Function)) throw Error("The '" + b + "' callback must be a function.");
return a;
e = b.prototype;
if (!(e instanceof Object)) throw new TypeError("The custom element constructor's prototype is not an object.");
var f = c("connectedCallback");
var t = c("disconnectedCallback");
var k = c("adoptedCallback");
var h = c("attributeChangedCallback");
var m = b.observedAttributes || [];
} catch (q) {
} finally {
this.c = !1;
b = {
localName: a,
constructorFunction: b,
connectedCallback: f,
disconnectedCallback: t,
adoptedCallback: k,
attributeChangedCallback: h,
observedAttributes: m,
constructionStack: []
ba(this.a, a, b);
this.b || (this.b = !0, this.f(function () {
return fa(d);
E.prototype.i = function (a) {
A(this.a, a);
function fa(a) {
if (!1 !== a.b) {
a.b = !1;
for (var b = a.g, d = [], c = new Map(), e = 0; e < b.length; e++) {
c.set(b[e].localName, []);
A(a.a, document, {
i: function i(b) {
if (void 0 === b.__CE_state) {
var e = b.localName,
f = c.get(e);
f ? f.push(b) : a.a.a.get(e) && d.push(b);
for (e = 0; e < d.length; e++) {
y(a.a, d[e]);
for (; 0 < b.length;) {
var f = b.shift();
e = f.localName;
f = c.get(f.localName);
for (var t = 0; t < f.length; t++) {
y(a.a, f[t]);
(e = a.j.get(e)) && D(e);
E.prototype.get = function (a) {
if (a = this.a.a.get(a)) return a.constructorFunction;
E.prototype.m = function (a) {
if (!g(a)) return Promise.reject(new SyntaxError("'" + a + "' is not a valid custom element name."));
var b = this.j.get(a);
if (b) return b.c;
b = new ea();
this.j.set(a, b);
this.a.a.get(a) && !this.g.some(function (b) {
return b.localName === a;
}) && D(b);
return b.c;
E.prototype.s = function (a) {
var b = this.f;
this.f = function (d) {
return a(function () {
return b(d);
window.CustomElementRegistry = E;
E.prototype.define = E.prototype.l;
E.prototype.upgrade = E.prototype.i;
E.prototype.get = E.prototype.get;
E.prototype.whenDefined = E.prototype.m;
E.prototype.polyfillWrapFlushCallback = E.prototype.s;
var F = window.Document.prototype.createElement,
G = window.Document.prototype.createElementNS,
ha = window.Document.prototype.importNode,
ia = window.Document.prototype.prepend,
ja = window.Document.prototype.append,
ka = window.DocumentFragment.prototype.prepend,
la = window.DocumentFragment.prototype.append,
H = window.Node.prototype.cloneNode,
I = window.Node.prototype.appendChild,
J = window.Node.prototype.insertBefore,
K = window.Node.prototype.removeChild,
L = window.Node.prototype.replaceChild,
M = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window.Node.prototype, "textContent"),
N = window.Element.prototype.attachShadow,
O = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window.Element.prototype, "innerHTML"),
P = window.Element.prototype.getAttribute,
Q = window.Element.prototype.setAttribute,
R = window.Element.prototype.removeAttribute,
S = window.Element.prototype.getAttributeNS,
T = window.Element.prototype.setAttributeNS,
U = window.Element.prototype.removeAttributeNS,
ma = window.Element.prototype.insertAdjacentElement,
na = window.Element.prototype.insertAdjacentHTML,
oa = window.Element.prototype.prepend,
pa = window.Element.prototype.append,
V = window.Element.prototype.before,
qa = window.Element.prototype.after,
ra = window.Element.prototype.replaceWith,
sa = window.Element.prototype.remove,
ta = window.HTMLElement,
W = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window.HTMLElement.prototype, "innerHTML"),
ua = window.HTMLElement.prototype.insertAdjacentElement,
va = window.HTMLElement.prototype.insertAdjacentHTML;
var wa = new function () {}();
function xa() {
var a = X;
window.HTMLElement = function () {
function b() {
var b = this.constructor,
c = a.g.get(b);
if (!c) throw Error("The custom element being constructed was not registered with `customElements`.");
var e = c.constructionStack;
if (0 === e.length) return e =, c.localName), Object.setPrototypeOf(e, b.prototype), e.__CE_state = 1, e.__CE_definition = c, w(a, e), e;
c = e.length - 1;
var f = e[c];
if (f === wa) throw Error("The HTMLElement constructor was either called reentrantly for this constructor or called multiple times.");
e[c] = wa;
Object.setPrototypeOf(f, b.prototype);
w(a, f);
return f;
b.prototype = ta.prototype;
Object.defineProperty(b.prototype, "constructor", {
writable: !0,
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !1,
value: b
return b;
function Y(a, b, d) {
function c(b) {
return function (d) {
for (var e = [], c = 0; c < arguments.length; ++c) {
e[c] = arguments[c];
c = [];
for (var f = [], m = 0; m < e.length; m++) {
var q = e[m];
q instanceof Element && l(q) && f.push(q);
if (q instanceof DocumentFragment) for (q = q.firstChild; q; q = q.nextSibling) {
} else c.push(q);
b.apply(this, e);
for (e = 0; e < f.length; e++) {
z(a, f[e]);
if (l(this)) for (e = 0; e < c.length; e++) {
f = c[e], f instanceof Element && x(a, f);
void 0 !== d.h && (b.prepend = c(d.h));
void 0 !== d.append && (b.append = c(d.append));
function ya() {
var a = X;
r(Document.prototype, "createElement", function (b) {
if (this.__CE_hasRegistry) {
var d = a.a.get(b);
if (d) return new d.constructorFunction();
b =, b);
w(a, b);
return b;
r(Document.prototype, "importNode", function (b, d) {
b =, b, !!d);
this.__CE_hasRegistry ? A(a, b) : v(a, b);
return b;
r(Document.prototype, "createElementNS", function (b, d) {
if (this.__CE_hasRegistry && (null === b || "" === b)) {
var c = a.a.get(d);
if (c) return new c.constructorFunction();
b =, b, d);
w(a, b);
return b;
Y(a, Document.prototype, {
h: ia,
append: ja
function za() {
function a(a, c) {
Object.defineProperty(a, "textContent", {
enumerable: c.enumerable,
configurable: !0,
get: c.get,
set: function set(a) {
if (this.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE), a);else {
var d = void 0;
if (this.firstChild) {
var e = this.childNodes,
k = e.length;
if (0 < k && l(this)) {
d = Array(k);
for (var h = 0; h < k; h++) {
d[h] = e[h];
}, a);
if (d) for (a = 0; a < d.length; a++) {
z(b, d[a]);
var b = X;
r(Node.prototype, "insertBefore", function (a, c) {
if (a instanceof DocumentFragment) {
var e = Array.prototype.slice.apply(a.childNodes);
a =, a, c);
if (l(this)) for (c = 0; c < e.length; c++) {
x(b, e[c]);
return a;
e = l(a);
c =, a, c);
e && z(b, a);
l(this) && x(b, a);
return c;
r(Node.prototype, "appendChild", function (a) {
if (a instanceof DocumentFragment) {
var c = Array.prototype.slice.apply(a.childNodes);
a =, a);
if (l(this)) for (var e = 0; e < c.length; e++) {
x(b, c[e]);
return a;
c = l(a);
e =, a);
c && z(b, a);
l(this) && x(b, a);
return e;
r(Node.prototype, "cloneNode", function (a) {
a =, !!a);
this.ownerDocument.__CE_hasRegistry ? A(b, a) : v(b, a);
return a;
r(Node.prototype, "removeChild", function (a) {
var c = l(a),
e =, a);
c && z(b, a);
return e;
r(Node.prototype, "replaceChild", function (a, c) {
if (a instanceof DocumentFragment) {
var e = Array.prototype.slice.apply(a.childNodes);
a =, a, c);
if (l(this)) for (z(b, c), c = 0; c < e.length; c++) {
x(b, e[c]);
return a;
e = l(a);
var f =, a, c),
d = l(this);
d && z(b, c);
e && z(b, a);
d && x(b, a);
return f;
M && M.get ? a(Node.prototype, M) : ca(b, function (b) {
a(b, {
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0,
get: function get() {
for (var a = [], b = 0; b < this.childNodes.length; b++) {
var f = this.childNodes[b];
f.nodeType !== Node.COMMENT_NODE && a.push(f.textContent);
return a.join("");
set: function set(a) {
for (; this.firstChild;) {, this.firstChild);
null != a && "" !== a &&, document.createTextNode(a));
function Aa(a) {
function b(b) {
return function (e) {
for (var c = [], d = 0; d < arguments.length; ++d) {
c[d] = arguments[d];
d = [];
for (var k = [], h = 0; h < c.length; h++) {
var m = c[h];
m instanceof Element && l(m) && k.push(m);
if (m instanceof DocumentFragment) for (m = m.firstChild; m; m = m.nextSibling) {
} else d.push(m);
b.apply(this, c);
for (c = 0; c < k.length; c++) {
z(a, k[c]);
if (l(this)) for (c = 0; c < d.length; c++) {
k = d[c], k instanceof Element && x(a, k);
var d = Element.prototype;
void 0 !== V && (d.before = b(V));
void 0 !== V && (d.after = b(qa));
void 0 !== ra && r(d, "replaceWith", function (b) {
for (var e = [], c = 0; c < arguments.length; ++c) {
e[c] = arguments[c];
c = [];
for (var d = [], k = 0; k < e.length; k++) {
var h = e[k];
h instanceof Element && l(h) && d.push(h);
if (h instanceof DocumentFragment) for (h = h.firstChild; h; h = h.nextSibling) {
} else c.push(h);
k = l(this);
ra.apply(this, e);
for (e = 0; e < d.length; e++) {
z(a, d[e]);
if (k) for (z(a, this), e = 0; e < c.length; e++) {
d = c[e], d instanceof Element && x(a, d);
void 0 !== sa && r(d, "remove", function () {
var b = l(this);;
b && z(a, this);
function Ba() {
function a(a, b) {
Object.defineProperty(a, "innerHTML", {
enumerable: b.enumerable,
configurable: !0,
get: b.get,
set: function set(a) {
var e = this,
d = void 0;
l(this) && (d = [], p(this, function (a) {
a !== e && d.push(a);
}));, a);
if (d) for (var f = 0; f < d.length; f++) {
var t = d[f];
1 === t.__CE_state && c.disconnectedCallback(t);
this.ownerDocument.__CE_hasRegistry ? A(c, this) : v(c, this);
return a;
function b(a, b) {
r(a, "insertAdjacentElement", function (a, e) {
var d = l(e);
a =, a, e);
d && z(c, e);
l(a) && x(c, e);
return a;
function d(a, b) {
function e(a, b) {
for (var e = []; a !== b; a = a.nextSibling) {
for (b = 0; b < e.length; b++) {
A(c, e[b]);
r(a, "insertAdjacentHTML", function (a, c) {
a = a.toLowerCase();
if ("beforebegin" === a) {
var d = this.previousSibling;, a, c);
e(d || this.parentNode.firstChild, this);
} else if ("afterbegin" === a) d = this.firstChild,, a, c), e(this.firstChild, d);else if ("beforeend" === a) d = this.lastChild,, a, c), e(d || this.firstChild, null);else if ("afterend" === a) d = this.nextSibling,, a, c), e(this.nextSibling, d);else throw new SyntaxError("The value provided (" + String(a) + ") is not one of 'beforebegin', 'afterbegin', 'beforeend', or 'afterend'.");
var c = X;
N && r(Element.prototype, "attachShadow", function (a) {
a =, a);
var b = c;
if (b.b && !a.__CE_patched) {
a.__CE_patched = !0;
for (var e = 0; e < b.c.length; e++) {
return this.__CE_shadowRoot = a;
O && O.get ? a(Element.prototype, O) : W && W.get ? a(HTMLElement.prototype, W) : da(c, function (b) {
a(b, {
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0,
get: function get() {
return, !0).innerHTML;
set: function set(a) {
var b = "template" === this.localName,
c = b ? this.content : this,
e =, this.namespaceURI, this.localName);
for (e.innerHTML = a; 0 < c.childNodes.length;) {, c.childNodes[0]);
for (a = b ? e.content : e; 0 < a.childNodes.length;) {, a.childNodes[0]);
r(Element.prototype, "setAttribute", function (a, b) {
if (1 !== this.__CE_state) return, a, b);
var e =, a);, a, b);
b =, a);
c.attributeChangedCallback(this, a, e, b, null);
r(Element.prototype, "setAttributeNS", function (a, b, d) {
if (1 !== this.__CE_state) return, a, b, d);
var e =, a, b);, a, b, d);
d =, a, b);
c.attributeChangedCallback(this, b, e, d, a);
r(Element.prototype, "removeAttribute", function (a) {
if (1 !== this.__CE_state) return, a);
var b =, a);, a);
null !== b && c.attributeChangedCallback(this, a, b, null, null);
r(Element.prototype, "removeAttributeNS", function (a, b) {
if (1 !== this.__CE_state) return, a, b);
var d =, a, b);, a, b);
var e =, a, b);
d !== e && c.attributeChangedCallback(this, b, d, e, a);
ua ? b(HTMLElement.prototype, ua) : ma ? b(Element.prototype, ma) : console.warn("Custom Elements: `Element#insertAdjacentElement` was not patched.");
va ? d(HTMLElement.prototype, va) : na ? d(Element.prototype, na) : console.warn("Custom Elements: `Element#insertAdjacentHTML` was not patched.");
Y(c, Element.prototype, {
h: oa,
append: pa
var Z = window.customElements;
if (!Z || Z.forcePolyfill || "function" != typeof Z.define || "function" != typeof Z.get) {
var X = new u();
Y(X, DocumentFragment.prototype, {
h: ka,
append: la
document.__CE_hasRegistry = !0;
var customElements = new E(X);
Object.defineProperty(window, "customElements", {
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !0,
value: customElements
}).call(self); // Polyfill document.baseURI
"string" !== typeof document.baseURI && Object.defineProperty(Document.prototype, "baseURI", {
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0,
get: function get() {
var a = document.querySelector("base");
return a && a.href ? a.href : document.URL;
}); // Polyfill CustomEvent
"function" !== typeof window.CustomEvent && (window.CustomEvent = function (c, a) {
a = a || {
bubbles: !1,
cancelable: !1,
detail: void 0
var b = document.createEvent("CustomEvent");
b.initCustomEvent(c, a.bubbles, a.cancelable, a.detail);
return b;
}, window.CustomEvent.prototype = window.Event.prototype); // Event.composedPath
(function (b, c, d) {
b.composedPath || (b.composedPath = function () {
if (this.path) return this.path;
var a =;
for (this.path = []; null !== a.parentNode;) {
this.path.push(a), a = a.parentNode;
this.path.push(c, d);
return this.path;
})(Event.prototype, document, window);
Element.closest and Element.matches
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
(function (a) {
"function" !== typeof a.matches && (a.matches = a.msMatchesSelector || a.mozMatchesSelector || a.webkitMatchesSelector || function (a) {
a = (this.document || this.ownerDocument).querySelectorAll(a);
for (var b = 0; a[b] && a[b] !== this;) {
return !!a[b];
"function" !== typeof a.closest && (a.closest = function (a) {
for (var b = this; b && 1 === b.nodeType;) {
if (b.matches(a)) return b;
b = b.parentNode;
return null;
(function (c) {
function d(a) {
a = b(a);
return a && 11 === a.nodeType ? d( : a;
function b(a) {
return a && a.parentNode ? b(a.parentNode) : a;
"function" !== typeof c.getRootNode && (c.getRootNode = function (a) {
return a && a.composed ? d(this) : b(this);
(function (a) {
"isConnected" in a || Object.defineProperty(a, "isConnected", {
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !0,
get: function get() {
var a = this.getRootNode({
composed: !0
return a && 9 === a.nodeType;
(function (b) {
b.forEach(function (a) {
a.hasOwnProperty("remove") || Object.defineProperty(a, "remove", {
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !0,
writable: !0,
value: function value() {
null !== this.parentNode && this.parentNode.removeChild(this);
})([Element.prototype, CharacterData.prototype, DocumentType.prototype]);
!function (e) {
'classList' in e || Object.defineProperty(e, "classList", {
get: function get() {
var e = this,
t = (e.getAttribute("class") || "").replace(/^\s+|\s$/g, "").split(/\s+/g);
function n() {
t.length > 0 ? e.setAttribute("class", t.join(" ")) : e.removeAttribute("class");
return "" === t[0] && t.splice(0, 1), t.toggle = function (e, i) {
void 0 !== i ? i ? t.add(e) : t.remove(e) : -1 !== t.indexOf(e) ? t.splice(t.indexOf(e), 1) : t.push(e), n();
}, t.add = function () {
for (var e = [], i = 0, s = e.length; i < s; i++) {
-1 === t.indexOf(e[i]) && t.push(e[i]);
}, t.remove = function () {
for (var e = [], i = 0, s = e.length; i < s; i++) {
-1 !== t.indexOf(e[i]) && t.splice(t.indexOf(e[i]), 1);
}, t.item = function (e) {
return t[e];
}, t.contains = function (e) {
return -1 !== t.indexOf(e);
}, t.replace = function (e, i) {
-1 !== t.indexOf(e) && t.splice(t.indexOf(e), 1, i), n();
}, t.value = e.getAttribute("class") || "", t;
(function (b) {
try {
} catch (e) {
var c = b.add,
d = b.remove;
b.add = function () {
for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {, arguments[a]);
b.remove = function () {
for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {, arguments[a]);