153 lines
5.5 KiB
153 lines
5.5 KiB
(function () {
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }
function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }
(window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || []).push([[13], {
!*** ./node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/esm/ion-img.entry.js ***!
/*! exports provided: ion_img */
function node_modulesIonicCoreDistEsmIonImgEntryJs(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
/* harmony export (binding) */
__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "ion_img", function () {
return Img;
/* harmony import */
var _index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(
/*! ./index-92848855.js */
/* harmony import */
var _ionic_global_23e7365a_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(
/*! ./ionic-global-23e7365a.js */
var imgCss = ":host{display:block;-o-object-fit:contain;object-fit:contain}img{display:block;width:100%;height:100%;-o-object-fit:inherit;object-fit:inherit;-o-object-position:inherit;object-position:inherit}";
var Img = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
function Img(hostRef) {
var _this = this;
_classCallCheck(this, Img);
Object(_index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["r"])(this, hostRef);
this.ionImgWillLoad = Object(_index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["e"])(this, "ionImgWillLoad", 7);
this.ionImgDidLoad = Object(_index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["e"])(this, "ionImgDidLoad", 7);
this.ionError = Object(_index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["e"])(this, "ionError", 7);
this.onLoad = function () {
this.onError = function () {
_createClass(Img, [{
key: "srcChanged",
value: function srcChanged() {
}, {
key: "componentDidLoad",
value: function componentDidLoad() {
}, {
key: "addIO",
value: function addIO() {
var _this2 = this;
if (this.src === undefined) {
if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && 'IntersectionObserver' in window && 'IntersectionObserverEntry' in window && 'isIntersecting' in window.IntersectionObserverEntry.prototype) {
this.io = new IntersectionObserver(function (data) {
// because there will only ever be one instance
// of the element we are observing
// we can just use data[0]
if (data[0].isIntersecting) {
} else {
// fall back to setTimeout for Safari and IE
setTimeout(function () {
return _this2.load();
}, 200);
}, {
key: "load",
value: function load() {
this.loadError = this.onError;
this.loadSrc = this.src;
}, {
key: "removeIO",
value: function removeIO() {
if (this.io) {
this.io = undefined;
}, {
key: "render",
value: function render() {
return Object(_index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["h"])(_index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["H"], {
"class": Object(_ionic_global_23e7365a_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["b"])(this)
}, Object(_index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["h"])("img", {
decoding: "async",
src: this.loadSrc,
alt: this.alt,
onLoad: this.onLoad,
onError: this.loadError,
part: "image"
}, {
key: "el",
get: function get() {
return Object(_index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["i"])(this);
}], [{
key: "watchers",
get: function get() {
return {
"src": ["srcChanged"]
return Img;
Img.style = imgCss;
//# sourceMappingURL=13-es5.js.map