var argscheck = require('cordova/argscheck'), utils = require('cordova/utils'), exec = require('cordova/exec'), channel = require('cordova/channel'); var Keyboard = function () {}; Keyboard.fireOnShow = function (height) { Keyboard.isVisible = true; cordova.fireWindowEvent('keyboardDidShow', { 'keyboardHeight': height }); // To support the keyboardAttach directive listening events // inside Ionic's main bundle cordova.fireWindowEvent('native.keyboardshow', { 'keyboardHeight': height }); }; Keyboard.fireOnHide = function () { Keyboard.isVisible = false; cordova.fireWindowEvent('keyboardDidHide'); // To support the keyboardAttach directive listening events // inside Ionic's main bundle cordova.fireWindowEvent('native.keyboardhide'); }; Keyboard.fireOnHiding = function () { cordova.fireWindowEvent('keyboardWillHide'); }; Keyboard.fireOnShowing = function (height) { cordova.fireWindowEvent('keyboardWillShow', { 'keyboardHeight': height }); }; Keyboard.hideFormAccessoryBar = Keyboard.hideKeyboardAccessoryBar = function (hide) { console.warn("Keyboard.hideKeyboardAccessoryBar() not supported in Android"); }; Keyboard.hide = function () { exec(null, null, "CDVIonicKeyboard", "hide", []); }; = function () { exec(null, null, "CDVIonicKeyboard", "show", []); }; Keyboard.disableScroll = function (disable) { console.warn("Keyboard.disableScroll() not supported in Android"); }; Keyboard.setResizeMode = function (mode) { console.warn("Keyboard.setResizeMode() not supported in Android"); } Keyboard.setKeyboardStyle = function(style) { console.warn("Keyboard.setKeyboardStyle() not supported in Android"); }; channel.onCordovaReady.subscribe(function () { exec(success, null, 'CDVIonicKeyboard', 'init', []); function success(msg) { var action = msg.charAt(0); if (action === 'S') { var keyboardHeight = parseInt(msg.substr(1)); Keyboard.fireOnShowing(keyboardHeight); Keyboard.fireOnShow(keyboardHeight); } else if (action === 'H') { Keyboard.fireOnHiding(); Keyboard.fireOnHide(); } } }); Keyboard.isVisible = false; module.exports = Keyboard;