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# Ionic Web View for Cordova
A Web View plugin for Cordova, focused on providing the highest performance experience for Ionic apps (but can be used with any Cordova app).
This plugin uses WKWebView on iOS and the latest evergreen webview on Android. Additionally, this plugin makes it easy to use HTML5 style routing that web developers expect for building single-page apps.
Note: This repo and its documentation are for `cordova-plugin-ionic-webview` @ `4.x`, which uses the new features that may not work with all apps. See [Requirements](#plugin-requirements) and [Migrating to 4.x](#migrating-to-4x).
2.x documentation can be found [here](https://github.com/ionic-team/cordova-plugin-ionic-webview/blob/2.x/README.md).
:book: **Documentation**: [https://beta.ionicframework.com/docs/building/webview][ionic-webview-docs]
:mega: **Support/Questions?** Please see our [Support Page][ionic-support] for general support questions. The issues on GitHub should be reserved for bug reports and feature requests.
:sparkling_heart: **Want to contribute?** Please see [CONTRIBUTING.md](https://github.com/ionic-team/cordova-plugin-ionic-webview/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md).
## Configuration
This plugin has several configuration options that can be set in `config.xml`.
### Android and iOS Preferences
Preferences available for both iOS and Android
#### Hostname
Default value is `localhost`.
Example `ionic://app` on iOS, `http://app` on Android.
If you change it, you'll need to add a new `allow-navigation` entry in the `config.xml` for the configured url (i.e `` if `Hostname` is set to `app`).
This is only needed for the Android url when using `http://`, `https://` or a custom scheme. All `ionic://` urls are whitelisted by the plugin.
### Android Preferences
Preferences only available Android platform
#### Scheme
Default value is `http`
Configures the Scheme the app uses to load the content.
#### ResolveServiceWorkerRequests
Default value is `false`
Enable to resolve requests made by Service Workers through the local server.
#### MixedContentMode
Configures the WebView's behavior when an origin attempts to load a resource from a different origin.
Default value is `0` (`MIXED_CONTENT_ALWAYS_ALLOW`), which allows loading resources from other origins.
Other possible values are `1` (`MIXED_CONTENT_NEVER_ALLOW`) and `2` (`MIXED_CONTENT_COMPATIBILITY_MODE`)
[Android documentation](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/webkit/WebSettings.html#setMixedContentMode(int))
### iOS Preferences
Preferences only available for iOS platform
#### iosScheme
Default value is `ionic`
Configures the Scheme the app uses to load the content.
Values like `http`, `https` or `file` are not valid and will use default value instead.
If you change it, you'll need to add a new `allow-navigation` entry in the `config.xml` for the configured scheme (i.e `` if `iosScheme` is set to `httpsionic`).
#### WKSuspendInBackground
Default value is `true` (suspend).
Set to false to stop WKWebView suspending in background too eagerly.
#### KeyboardAppearanceDark
Whether to use a dark styled keyboard on iOS
#### ScrollEnabled
Ionic apps work better if the WKWebView is not scrollable, so the scroll is disabled by default, but can be enabled with this preference. This only affects the main ScrollView of the WKWebView, so only affects the body, not other scrollable components.
## Plugin Requirements
* **Cordova CLI**: 7.1.0+
* **iOS**: iOS 11+ and `cordova-ios` 4+
* **Android**: Android 4.4+ and `cordova-android` 6.4+
## Migrating to 4.x
1. Remove and re-add the Web View plugin:
cordova plugin rm cordova-plugin-ionic-webview
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-ionic-webview@latest
1. Apps are now served from HTTP on Android by default.
* The default origin for requests from the Android WebView is `http://localhost`. If `Hostname` and `Scheme` preferences are set, then origin will be `schemeValue://HostnameValue`.
1. Apps are now served from `ionic://` scheme on iOS by default.
* The default origin for requests from the iOS WebView is `ionic://localhost`. If `Hostname` and `iosScheme` preferences are set, then origin will be `iosSchemeValue://HostnameValue`.
1. The WebView is not able to display images, videos or other files from file or content protocols or if it doesn't have protocol at all. For those cases use `window.Ionic.WebView.convertFileSrc()` to get the proper url.
1. Replace any usages of `window.Ionic.normalizeURL()` with `window.Ionic.WebView.convertFileSrc()`.
* For Ionic Angular projects, there is an [Ionic Native wrapper](https://beta.ionicframework.com/docs/native/ionic-webview):
npm install @ionic-native/ionic-webview@beta
[ionic-homepage]: https://ionicframework.com
[ionic-docs]: https://ionicframework.com/docs
[ionic-webview-docs]: https://beta.ionicframework.com/docs/building/webview
[ionic-support]: https://ionicframework.com/support