cordova-plugin-app-launcher =========================== Simple Cordova plugin to see if other apps are installed and launch them. ## 0. Index 1. [Description](#1-description) 2. [Installation](#2-installation) 3. [Usage](#3-usage) 4. [Changelog](#4-changelog) 5. [Credits](#5-credits) 6. [License](#6-license) ## 1. Description This plugin allows you to check if an app is installed that can handle a specific uri and launch an app via uri on iOS and Android. Additionally, you may open an Android app using its package id. * (iOS, Android) Check if any apps are installed that can launch via a specified uri. * (iOS, Android) Launch an app via a specified uri. * (Android) Check if an app is installed via its package id. * (Android) Check if an app is installed for an action name. * (Android) Launch an app via its package id. * (Android) Launch an app for an action name. * (Android) Launch an app with extras included. * (Android) Return results from a launched app once it is finished. ## 2. Installation ### Automatically (CLI / Plugman) ``` $ cordova plugin add ``` and then (this step will modify your project): ``` $ cordova prepare ``` 1\. Add the following xml to your `config.xml`: ```xml ``` ```xml ``` 2\. Add `www/Launcher.js` to your project and reference it in `index.html`: ```html ``` 3\. Copy the files in `src/` for iOS and/or Android into your project. iOS: Copy `Launcher.h` and `Launcher.m` to `platforms/ios//Plugins` Android: Copy `` to `platforms/android/src/com/hutchind/cordova/plugins` (you will probably need to create this path) ### PhoneGap Build (possibly outdated) Add the following xml to your `config.xml` to always use the latest version of this plugin: ```xml ``` or to use a specific version: ```xml ``` For iOS 9+, the following may need to be added so that the URLs used to launch apps can be whitelisted (in this example, customSchemeName:// and fb:// would have been the URLs registered to the apps we want to be able to launch): ```xml customSchemeName fb ``` ## 3. Usage ```javascript // Default handlers var successCallback = function(data) { alert("Success!"); // if calling canLaunch() with getAppList:true, data will contain an array named "appList" with the package names of applications that can handle the uri specified. }; var errorCallback = function(errMsg) { alert("Error! " + errMsg); } ``` Check to see if Facebook can be launched via uri (**iOS** and **Android**) ```javascript window.plugins.launcher.canLaunch({uri:'fb://'}, successCallback, errorCallback); ``` Check to see if Facebook is installed (**Android**) ```javascript window.plugins.launcher.canLaunch({packageName:'com.facebook.katana'}, successCallback, errorCallback); ``` Launch Facebook to the logged in user's profile (**iOS** and **Android**) ```javascript window.plugins.launcher.launch({uri:'fb://profile'}, successCallback, errorCallback); ``` Launch Facebook via package id (**Android**) ```javascript window.plugins.launcher.launch({packageName:'com.facebook.katana'}, successCallback, errorCallback); ``` Check to see if an app is installed that can play NASA TV (**Android**) ```javascript window.plugins.launcher.canLaunch({ uri:'', dataType:'application/x-mpegURL' }, successCallback, errorCallback); ``` Get a list of installed app packages that can play NASA TV (**Android**) ```javascript window.plugins.launcher.canLaunch({ uri:'', dataType:'application/x-mpegURL', getAppList: true }, successCallback, errorCallback); ``` Launch NASA TV video stream in MxPlayer Free (**Android**) ```javascript window.plugins.launcher.launch({ packageName:'', uri:'', dataType:'application/x-mpegURL' }, successCallback, errorCallback); ``` Launch MxPlayer Free with Extras for specific videos from the sdcard, specific titles, and starting at 3 seconds in (**Android**) ```javascript var sdcard = "file:///sdcard/"; var file1 = sdcard + "video1.mp4", file2 = sdcard + "video2.mp4"; window.plugins.launcher.launch({ packageName:'', uri:file1, dataType:'video/*' extras: [ {"name":"video_list", "value":[file1,file2], "dataType":"ParcelableArray", "paType":"Uri"}, {"name":"", "value":["Awesome Video","Sweet Title"], "dataType":"StringArray"}, {"name":"position", "value":3000, "dataType":"int"} ] }, successCallback, errorCallback); ``` Launch MxPlayer Free with Extras for a specific video with title and return results (**Android**) ```javascript var filename = "file:///sdcard/video.mp4"; window.plugins.launcher.launch({ packageName:'', uri:filename, dataType:'video/*', extras: [ {"name":"video_list", "value":[filename], "dataType":"ParcelableArray", "paType":"Uri"}, {"name":"", "value":["Whatever Title You Want"], "dataType":"StringArray"}, {"name":"return_result", "value":true, "dataType":"Boolean"} ], successCallback: function(json) { if (json.isActivityDone) { if (json.extras && json.extras.end_by) { if ( { alert("MxPlayer stopped while on video: " +; } if (json.extras.end_by == "user") { // MxPlayer stopped because the User quit alert("User watched " + json.extras.position + " of " + json.extras.duration + " before quitting."); } else { alert("MxPlayer finished playing video without user quitting."); } } else { alert("Playback finished, but we have no results from MxPlayer."); } } else { console.log("MxPlayer launched"); } }, errorCallback: function(err) { alert("There was an error launching MxPlayer.") } }); ``` Check to see if Peek Acuity can be launched via an Action Name (**Android**) AndroidManifest.xml: ```xml ``` Typescript: ```typescript let actionName = 'org.peekvision.intent.action.TEST_ACUITY'; window["plugins"].launcher.canLaunch({actionName: actionName}, data => console.log("Peek Acuity can be launched"), errMsg => console.log("Peek Acuity not installed! " + errMsg) ); ``` Launch Peek Acuity via an Action Name with Extras and return results (**Android**) ```typescript let actionName = 'org.peekvision.intent.action.TEST_ACUITY'; let extras = [ {"name":"progressionLogMarArray", "value":[1.0,0.8,0.6,0.3,0.1],"dataType":"DoubleArray"}, {"name":"instructions", "value":"none", "dataType":"String"}, {"name":"eye", "value":"left", "dataType":"String"}, {"name":"beyondOpto", "value":true, "dataType":"Boolean"}, {"name":"testDistance", "value":"4m", "dataType":"String"}, {"name":"displayResult", "value":false, "dataType":"Boolean"}, {"name":"return_result", "value":true, "dataType":"Boolean"} ]; window["plugins"].launcher.launch({actionName: actionName, extras: extras}, json => { if (json.isActivityDone) { if ( { console.log("data=" +; } if (json.extras) { if (json.extras.logMar) { console.log("logMar=" + json.extras.logMar); } if (json.extras.averageLux) { console.log("averageLux=" + json.extras.averageLux); } } else { console.log("Peek Acuity done but no results"); } } else { console.log("Peek Acuity launched"); } }, errMsg => console.log("Peek Acuity error launching: " + errMsg) ); ``` # Extras Data Types Most datatypes that can be put into an Android Bundle are able to be passed in. You must provide the datatype to convert to. Only Uri Parcelables are supported currently. ```javascript extras: [ {"name":"myByte", "value":1, "dataType":"Byte"}, {"name":"myByteArray", "value":[1,0,2,3], "dataType":"ByteArray"}, {"name":"myShort", "value":5, "dataType":"Short"}, {"name":"myShortArray", "value":[1,2,3,4], "dataType":"ShortArray"}, {"name":"myInt", "value":2000, "dataType":"Int"}, {"name":"myIntArray", "value":[12,34,56], "dataType":"IntArray"}, {"name":"myIntArrayList", "value":[123,456,789], "dataType":"IntArrayList"}, {"name":"myLong", "value":123456789101112, "dataType":"Long"}, {"name":"myLongArray", "value":[123456789101112,121110987654321], "dataType":"LongArray"}, {"name":"myFloat", "value":12.34, "dataType":"Float"}, {"name":"myFloatArray", "value":[12.34,56.78], "dataType":"FloatArray"}, {"name":"myDouble", "value":12.3456789, "dataType":"Double"}, {"name":"myDoubleArray", "value":[12.3456789, 98.7654321], "dataType":"DoubleArray"}, {"name":"myBoolean", "value":false, "dataType":"Boolean"}, {"name":"myBooleanArray", "value":[true,false,true], "dataType":"BooleanArray"}, {"name":"myString", "value":"this is a test", "dataType":"String"}, {"name":"myStringArray", "value":["this","is", "a", "test"], "dataType":"StringArray"}, {"name":"myStringArrayList", "value":["this","is","a","test"], "dataType":"StringArrayList"}, {"name":"myChar", "value":"T", "dataType":"Char"}, {"name":"myCharArray", "value":"this is a test", "dataType":"CharArray"}, {"name":"myCharSequence", "value":"this is a test", "dataType":"CharSequence"}, {"name":"myCharSequenceArray", "value":["this","is a", "test"], "dataType":"CharSequenceArray"}, {"name":"myCharSequenceArrayList", "value":["this","is a", "test"], "dataType":"CharSequenceArrayList"}, {"name":"myParcelable", "value":"http://foo", "dataType":"Parcelable", "paType":"Uri"}, {"name":"myParcelableArray", "value":["http://foo","http://bar"], "dataType":"ParcelableArray", "paType":"Uri"}, {"name":"myParcelableArrayList", "value":["http://foo","http://bar"], "dataType":"ParcelableArrayList", "paType":"Uri"}, {"name":"mySparseParcelableArray", "value":{"10":"http://foo", "-25":"http://bar"}, "dataType":"SparseParcelableArray", "paType":"Uri"}, ] ``` #### Launcher.canLaunch Success Callback No data is passed. #### Launcher.canLaunch Error Callback Passes a string containing an error message. #### Launcher.launch Success Callback Data Passes a JSON object with varying parts. Activity launched ```javascript { isLaunched: true } ``` Activity finished ```javascript { isActivityDone: true } ``` Activity launched and data returned ```javascript { isActivityDone: true, data: , extras } ``` #### Launcher.launch Error Callback Data Passes an error message as a string. ## 4. Changelog 0.4.0: Android: Added ability to launch with intent. Thanks to [@mmey3k] for the code. 0.2.0: Android: Added ability to launch activity with extras and receive data back from launched app when it is finished. 0.1.2: Added ability to check if any apps are installed that can handle a certain datatype on Android. 0.1.1: Added ability to launch a package with a data uri and datatype on Android. 0.1.0: initial version supporting Android and iOS ## 5. Credits Special thanks to [@michael1t]( for sponsoring the development of the Extras portion of this plugin. ## 6. License [The MIT License (MIT)]( Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.