1559 lines
80 KiB
1559 lines
80 KiB
(window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || []).push([[11],{
/***/ "./node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/esm/ion-datetime_3.entry.js":
!*** ./node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/esm/ion-datetime_3.entry.js ***!
/*! exports provided: ion_datetime, ion_picker, ion_picker_column */
/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "ion_datetime", function() { return Datetime; });
/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "ion_picker", function() { return Picker; });
/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "ion_picker_column", function() { return PickerColumnCmp; });
/* harmony import */ var _index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./index-92848855.js */ "./node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/esm/index-92848855.js");
/* harmony import */ var _ionic_global_23e7365a_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./ionic-global-23e7365a.js */ "./node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/esm/ionic-global-23e7365a.js");
/* harmony import */ var _helpers_5c745fbd_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./helpers-5c745fbd.js */ "./node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/esm/helpers-5c745fbd.js");
/* harmony import */ var _animation_a635a2fc_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./animation-a635a2fc.js */ "./node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/esm/animation-a635a2fc.js");
/* harmony import */ var _hardware_back_button_7b6ede21_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./hardware-back-button-7b6ede21.js */ "./node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/esm/hardware-back-button-7b6ede21.js");
/* harmony import */ var _overlays_c5d9d644_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./overlays-c5d9d644.js */ "./node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/esm/overlays-c5d9d644.js");
/* harmony import */ var _haptic_7b8ba70a_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./haptic-7b8ba70a.js */ "./node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/esm/haptic-7b8ba70a.js");
/* harmony import */ var _theme_5641d27f_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./theme-5641d27f.js */ "./node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/esm/theme-5641d27f.js");
* Gets a date value given a format
* Defaults to the current date if
* no date given
const getDateValue = (date, format) => {
const getValue = getValueFromFormat(date, format);
if (getValue !== undefined) {
return getValue;
const defaultDate = parseDate(new Date().toISOString());
return getValueFromFormat(defaultDate, format);
const renderDatetime = (template, value, locale) => {
if (value === undefined) {
return undefined;
const tokens = [];
let hasText = false;
FORMAT_KEYS.forEach((format, index) => {
if (template.indexOf(format.f) > -1) {
const token = '{' + index + '}';
const text = renderTextFormat(format.f, value[format.k], value, locale);
if (!hasText && text !== undefined && value[format.k] != null) {
hasText = true;
tokens.push(token, text || '');
template = template.replace(format.f, token);
if (!hasText) {
return undefined;
for (let i = 0; i < tokens.length; i += 2) {
template = template.replace(tokens[i], tokens[i + 1]);
return template;
const renderTextFormat = (format, value, date, locale) => {
if ((format === FORMAT_DDDD || format === FORMAT_DDD)) {
try {
value = (new Date(date.year, date.month - 1, date.day)).getDay();
if (format === FORMAT_DDDD) {
return (locale.dayNames ? locale.dayNames : DAY_NAMES)[value];
return (locale.dayShortNames ? locale.dayShortNames : DAY_SHORT_NAMES)[value];
catch (e) {
// ignore
return undefined;
if (format === FORMAT_A) {
return date !== undefined && date.hour !== undefined
? (date.hour < 12 ? 'AM' : 'PM')
: value ? value.toUpperCase() : '';
if (format === FORMAT_a) {
return date !== undefined && date.hour !== undefined
? (date.hour < 12 ? 'am' : 'pm')
: value || '';
if (value == null) {
return '';
if (format === FORMAT_YY || format === FORMAT_MM ||
format === FORMAT_DD || format === FORMAT_HH ||
format === FORMAT_mm || format === FORMAT_ss) {
return twoDigit(value);
if (format === FORMAT_YYYY) {
return fourDigit(value);
if (format === FORMAT_MMMM) {
return (locale.monthNames ? locale.monthNames : MONTH_NAMES)[value - 1];
if (format === FORMAT_MMM) {
return (locale.monthShortNames ? locale.monthShortNames : MONTH_SHORT_NAMES)[value - 1];
if (format === FORMAT_hh || format === FORMAT_h) {
if (value === 0) {
return '12';
if (value > 12) {
value -= 12;
if (format === FORMAT_hh && value < 10) {
return ('0' + value);
return value.toString();
const dateValueRange = (format, min, max) => {
const opts = [];
if (format === FORMAT_YYYY || format === FORMAT_YY) {
// year
if (max.year === undefined || min.year === undefined) {
throw new Error('min and max year is undefined');
for (let i = max.year; i >= min.year; i--) {
else if (format === FORMAT_MMMM || format === FORMAT_MMM ||
format === FORMAT_MM || format === FORMAT_M ||
format === FORMAT_hh || format === FORMAT_h) {
// month or 12-hour
for (let i = 1; i < 13; i++) {
else if (format === FORMAT_DDDD || format === FORMAT_DDD ||
format === FORMAT_DD || format === FORMAT_D) {
// day
for (let i = 1; i < 32; i++) {
else if (format === FORMAT_HH || format === FORMAT_H) {
// 24-hour
for (let i = 0; i < 24; i++) {
else if (format === FORMAT_mm || format === FORMAT_m) {
// minutes
for (let i = 0; i < 60; i++) {
else if (format === FORMAT_ss || format === FORMAT_s) {
// seconds
for (let i = 0; i < 60; i++) {
else if (format === FORMAT_A || format === FORMAT_a) {
// AM/PM
opts.push('am', 'pm');
return opts;
const dateSortValue = (year, month, day, hour = 0, minute = 0) => {
return parseInt(`1${fourDigit(year)}${twoDigit(month)}${twoDigit(day)}${twoDigit(hour)}${twoDigit(minute)}`, 10);
const dateDataSortValue = (data) => {
return dateSortValue(data.year, data.month, data.day, data.hour, data.minute);
const daysInMonth = (month, year) => {
return (month === 4 || month === 6 || month === 9 || month === 11) ? 30 : (month === 2) ? isLeapYear(year) ? 29 : 28 : 31;
const isLeapYear = (year) => {
return (year % 4 === 0 && year % 100 !== 0) || (year % 400 === 0);
const ISO_8601_REGEXP = /^(\d{4}|[+\-]\d{6})(?:-(\d{2})(?:-(\d{2}))?)?(?:T(\d{2}):(\d{2})(?::(\d{2})(?:\.(\d{3}))?)?(?:(Z)|([+\-])(\d{2})(?::(\d{2}))?)?)?$/;
const TIME_REGEXP = /^((\d{2}):(\d{2})(?::(\d{2})(?:\.(\d{3}))?)?(?:(Z)|([+\-])(\d{2})(?::(\d{2}))?)?)?$/;
const parseDate = (val) => {
// manually parse IS0 cuz Date.parse cannot be trusted
// ISO 8601 format: 1994-12-15T13:47:20Z
let parse = null;
if (val != null && val !== '') {
// try parsing for just time first, HH:MM
parse = TIME_REGEXP.exec(val);
if (parse) {
// adjust the array so it fits nicely with the datetime parse
parse.unshift(undefined, undefined);
parse[2] = parse[3] = undefined;
else {
// try parsing for full ISO datetime
parse = ISO_8601_REGEXP.exec(val);
if (parse === null) {
// wasn't able to parse the ISO datetime
return undefined;
// ensure all the parse values exist with at least 0
for (let i = 1; i < 8; i++) {
parse[i] = parse[i] !== undefined ? parseInt(parse[i], 10) : undefined;
let tzOffset = 0;
if (parse[9] && parse[10]) {
// hours
tzOffset = parseInt(parse[10], 10) * 60;
if (parse[11]) {
// minutes
tzOffset += parseInt(parse[11], 10);
if (parse[9] === '-') {
// + or -
tzOffset *= -1;
return {
year: parse[1],
month: parse[2],
day: parse[3],
hour: parse[4],
minute: parse[5],
second: parse[6],
millisecond: parse[7],
ampm: parse[4] >= 12 ? 'pm' : 'am'
* Converts a valid UTC datetime string to JS Date time object.
* By default uses the users local timezone, but an optional
* timezone can be provided.
* Note: This is not meant for time strings
* such as "01:47"
const getDateTime = (dateString = '', timeZone = '') => {
* If user passed in undefined
* or null, convert it to the
* empty string since the rest
* of this functions expects
* a string
if (dateString === undefined || dateString === null) {
dateString = '';
* Ensures that YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM,
* YYYY-DD, YYYY, etc does not get affected
* by timezones and stays on the day/month
* that the user provided
if (dateString.length === 10 ||
dateString.length === 7 ||
dateString.length === 4) {
dateString += ' ';
const date = (typeof dateString === 'string' && dateString.length > 0) ? new Date(dateString) : new Date();
const localDateTime = new Date(Date.UTC(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate(), date.getHours(), date.getMinutes(), date.getSeconds(), date.getMilliseconds()));
if (timeZone && timeZone.length > 0) {
return new Date(date.getTime() - getTimezoneOffset(localDateTime, timeZone));
return localDateTime;
const getTimezoneOffset = (localDate, timeZone) => {
const utcDateTime = new Date(localDate.toLocaleString('en-US', { timeZone: 'utc' }));
const tzDateTime = new Date(localDate.toLocaleString('en-US', { timeZone }));
return utcDateTime.getTime() - tzDateTime.getTime();
const updateDate = (existingData, newData, displayTimezone) => {
if (!newData || typeof newData === 'string') {
const dateTime = getDateTime(newData, displayTimezone);
if (!Number.isNaN(dateTime.getTime())) {
newData = dateTime.toISOString();
if (newData && newData !== '') {
if (typeof newData === 'string') {
// new date is a string, and hopefully in the ISO format
// convert it to our DatetimeData if a valid ISO
newData = parseDate(newData);
if (newData) {
// successfully parsed the ISO string to our DatetimeData
Object.assign(existingData, newData);
return true;
else if ((newData.year || newData.hour || newData.month || newData.day || newData.minute || newData.second)) {
// newData is from the datetime picker's selected values
// update the existing datetimeValue with the new values
if (newData.ampm !== undefined && newData.hour !== undefined) {
// If the date we came from exists, we need to change the meridiem value when
// going to and from 12
if (existingData.ampm !== undefined && existingData.hour !== undefined) {
// If the existing meridiem is am, we want to switch to pm if it is either
// A) coming from 0 (12 am)
// B) going to 12 (12 pm)
if (existingData.ampm === 'am' && (existingData.hour === 0 || newData.hour.value === 12)) {
newData.ampm.value = 'pm';
// If the existing meridiem is pm, we want to switch to am if it is either
// A) coming from 12 (12 pm)
// B) going to 12 (12 am)
if (existingData.ampm === 'pm' && (existingData.hour === 12 || newData.hour.value === 12)) {
newData.ampm.value = 'am';
// change the value of the hour based on whether or not it is am or pm
// if the meridiem is pm and equal to 12, it remains 12
// otherwise we add 12 to the hour value
// if the meridiem is am and equal to 12, we change it to 0
// otherwise we use its current hour value
// for example: 8 pm becomes 20, 12 am becomes 0, 4 am becomes 4
newData.hour.value = (newData.ampm.value === 'pm')
? (newData.hour.value === 12 ? 12 : newData.hour.value + 12)
: (newData.hour.value === 12 ? 0 : newData.hour.value);
// merge new values from the picker's selection
// to the existing DatetimeData values
for (const key of Object.keys(newData)) {
existingData[key] = newData[key].value;
return true;
else if (newData.ampm) {
// Even though in the picker column hour values are between 1 and 12, the hour value is actually normalized
// to [0, 23] interval. Because of this when changing between AM and PM we have to update the hour so it points
// to the correct HH hour
newData.hour = {
value: newData.hour
? newData.hour.value
: (newData.ampm.value === 'pm'
? (existingData.hour < 12 ? existingData.hour + 12 : existingData.hour)
: (existingData.hour >= 12 ? existingData.hour - 12 : existingData.hour))
existingData['hour'] = newData['hour'].value;
existingData['ampm'] = newData['ampm'].value;
return true;
// eww, invalid data
console.warn(`Error parsing date: "${newData}". Please provide a valid ISO 8601 datetime format: https://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime`);
else {
// blank data, clear everything out
for (const k in existingData) {
if (existingData.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
delete existingData[k];
return false;
const parseTemplate = (template) => {
const formats = [];
template = template.replace(/[^\w\s]/gi, ' ');
FORMAT_KEYS.forEach(format => {
if (format.f.length > 1 && template.indexOf(format.f) > -1 && template.indexOf(format.f + format.f.charAt(0)) < 0) {
template = template.replace(format.f, ' ' + format.f + ' ');
const words = template.split(' ').filter(w => w.length > 0);
words.forEach((word, i) => {
FORMAT_KEYS.forEach(format => {
if (word === format.f) {
if (word === FORMAT_A || word === FORMAT_a) {
// this format is an am/pm format, so it's an "a" or "A"
if ((formats.indexOf(FORMAT_h) < 0 && formats.indexOf(FORMAT_hh) < 0) ||
VALID_AMPM_PREFIX.indexOf(words[i - 1]) === -1) {
// template does not already have a 12-hour format
// or this am/pm format doesn't have a hour, minute, or second format immediately before it
// so do not treat this word "a" or "A" as the am/pm format
return formats;
const getValueFromFormat = (date, format) => {
if (format === FORMAT_A || format === FORMAT_a) {
return (date.hour < 12 ? 'am' : 'pm');
if (format === FORMAT_hh || format === FORMAT_h) {
return (date.hour > 12 ? date.hour - 12 : (date.hour === 0 ? 12 : date.hour));
return date[convertFormatToKey(format)];
const convertFormatToKey = (format) => {
for (const k in FORMAT_KEYS) {
if (FORMAT_KEYS[k].f === format) {
return FORMAT_KEYS[k].k;
return undefined;
const convertDataToISO = (data) => {
// https://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime
let rtn = '';
if (data.year !== undefined) {
rtn = fourDigit(data.year);
if (data.month !== undefined) {
rtn += '-' + twoDigit(data.month);
if (data.day !== undefined) {
rtn += '-' + twoDigit(data.day);
if (data.hour !== undefined) {
rtn += `T${twoDigit(data.hour)}:${twoDigit(data.minute)}:${twoDigit(data.second)}`;
if (data.millisecond > 0) {
rtn += '.' + threeDigit(data.millisecond);
if (data.tzOffset === undefined) {
rtn += 'Z';
else {
// YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:SS+/-HH:mm
rtn += (data.tzOffset > 0 ? '+' : '-') + twoDigit(Math.floor(Math.abs(data.tzOffset / 60))) + ':' + twoDigit(data.tzOffset % 60);
else if (data.hour !== undefined) {
// HH:mm
rtn = twoDigit(data.hour) + ':' + twoDigit(data.minute);
if (data.second !== undefined) {
// HH:mm:SS
rtn += ':' + twoDigit(data.second);
if (data.millisecond !== undefined) {
// HH:mm:SS.SSS
rtn += '.' + threeDigit(data.millisecond);
return rtn;
* Use to convert a string of comma separated strings or
* an array of strings, and clean up any user input
const convertToArrayOfStrings = (input, type) => {
if (input == null) {
return undefined;
if (typeof input === 'string') {
// convert the string to an array of strings
// auto remove any [] characters
input = input.replace(/\[|\]/g, '').split(',');
let values;
if (Array.isArray(input)) {
// trim up each string value
values = input.map(val => val.toString().trim());
if (values === undefined || values.length === 0) {
console.warn(`Invalid "${type}Names". Must be an array of strings, or a comma separated string.`);
return values;
* Use to convert a string of comma separated numbers or
* an array of numbers, and clean up any user input
const convertToArrayOfNumbers = (input, type) => {
if (typeof input === 'string') {
// convert the string to an array of strings
// auto remove any whitespace and [] characters
input = input.replace(/\[|\]|\s/g, '').split(',');
let values;
if (Array.isArray(input)) {
// ensure each value is an actual number in the returned array
values = input
.map((num) => parseInt(num, 10))
else {
values = [input];
if (values.length === 0) {
console.warn(`Invalid "${type}Values". Must be an array of numbers, or a comma separated string of numbers.`);
return values;
const twoDigit = (val) => {
return ('0' + (val !== undefined ? Math.abs(val) : '0')).slice(-2);
const threeDigit = (val) => {
return ('00' + (val !== undefined ? Math.abs(val) : '0')).slice(-3);
const fourDigit = (val) => {
return ('000' + (val !== undefined ? Math.abs(val) : '0')).slice(-4);
const FORMAT_YY = 'YY';
const FORMAT_MMM = 'MMM';
const FORMAT_MM = 'MM';
const FORMAT_M = 'M';
const FORMAT_DDD = 'DDD';
const FORMAT_DD = 'DD';
const FORMAT_D = 'D';
const FORMAT_HH = 'HH';
const FORMAT_H = 'H';
const FORMAT_hh = 'hh';
const FORMAT_h = 'h';
const FORMAT_mm = 'mm';
const FORMAT_m = 'm';
const FORMAT_ss = 'ss';
const FORMAT_s = 's';
const FORMAT_A = 'A';
const FORMAT_a = 'a';
const FORMAT_KEYS = [
{ f: FORMAT_YYYY, k: 'year' },
{ f: FORMAT_MMMM, k: 'month' },
{ f: FORMAT_DDDD, k: 'day' },
{ f: FORMAT_MMM, k: 'month' },
{ f: FORMAT_DDD, k: 'day' },
{ f: FORMAT_YY, k: 'year' },
{ f: FORMAT_MM, k: 'month' },
{ f: FORMAT_DD, k: 'day' },
{ f: FORMAT_HH, k: 'hour' },
{ f: FORMAT_hh, k: 'hour' },
{ f: FORMAT_mm, k: 'minute' },
{ f: FORMAT_ss, k: 'second' },
{ f: FORMAT_M, k: 'month' },
{ f: FORMAT_D, k: 'day' },
{ f: FORMAT_H, k: 'hour' },
{ f: FORMAT_h, k: 'hour' },
{ f: FORMAT_m, k: 'minute' },
{ f: FORMAT_s, k: 'second' },
{ f: FORMAT_A, k: 'ampm' },
{ f: FORMAT_a, k: 'ampm' },
const DAY_NAMES = [
const MONTH_NAMES = [
const datetimeIosCss = ":host{padding-left:var(--padding-start);padding-right:var(--padding-end);padding-top:var(--padding-top);padding-bottom:var(--padding-bottom);display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;position:relative;min-width:16px;min-height:1.2em;font-family:var(--ion-font-family, inherit);text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden;z-index:2}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){:host{padding-left:unset;padding-right:unset;-webkit-padding-start:var(--padding-start);padding-inline-start:var(--padding-start);-webkit-padding-end:var(--padding-end);padding-inline-end:var(--padding-end)}}:host(.in-item){position:static}:host(.datetime-placeholder){color:var(--placeholder-color)}:host(.datetime-disabled){opacity:0.3;pointer-events:none}:host(.datetime-readonly){pointer-events:none}button{left:0;top:0;margin-left:0;margin-right:0;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%;border:0;background:transparent;cursor:pointer;-webkit-appearance:none;-moz-appearance:none;appearance:none;outline:none}[dir=rtl] button,:host-context([dir=rtl]) button{left:unset;right:unset;right:0}button::-moz-focus-inner{border:0}.datetime-text{font-family:inherit;font-size:inherit;font-style:inherit;font-weight:inherit;letter-spacing:inherit;text-decoration:inherit;text-indent:inherit;text-overflow:inherit;text-transform:inherit;text-align:inherit;white-space:inherit;color:inherit;-ms-flex:1;flex:1;min-height:inherit;direction:ltr;overflow:inherit}[dir=rtl] .datetime-text,:host-context([dir=rtl]) .datetime-text{direction:rtl}:host{--placeholder-color:var(--ion-color-step-400, #999999);--padding-top:10px;--padding-end:10px;--padding-bottom:10px;--padding-start:20px}";
const datetimeMdCss = ":host{padding-left:var(--padding-start);padding-right:var(--padding-end);padding-top:var(--padding-top);padding-bottom:var(--padding-bottom);display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;position:relative;min-width:16px;min-height:1.2em;font-family:var(--ion-font-family, inherit);text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden;z-index:2}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){:host{padding-left:unset;padding-right:unset;-webkit-padding-start:var(--padding-start);padding-inline-start:var(--padding-start);-webkit-padding-end:var(--padding-end);padding-inline-end:var(--padding-end)}}:host(.in-item){position:static}:host(.datetime-placeholder){color:var(--placeholder-color)}:host(.datetime-disabled){opacity:0.3;pointer-events:none}:host(.datetime-readonly){pointer-events:none}button{left:0;top:0;margin-left:0;margin-right:0;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%;border:0;background:transparent;cursor:pointer;-webkit-appearance:none;-moz-appearance:none;appearance:none;outline:none}[dir=rtl] button,:host-context([dir=rtl]) button{left:unset;right:unset;right:0}button::-moz-focus-inner{border:0}.datetime-text{font-family:inherit;font-size:inherit;font-style:inherit;font-weight:inherit;letter-spacing:inherit;text-decoration:inherit;text-indent:inherit;text-overflow:inherit;text-transform:inherit;text-align:inherit;white-space:inherit;color:inherit;-ms-flex:1;flex:1;min-height:inherit;direction:ltr;overflow:inherit}[dir=rtl] .datetime-text,:host-context([dir=rtl]) .datetime-text{direction:rtl}:host{--placeholder-color:var(--ion-placeholder-color, var(--ion-color-step-400, #999999));--padding-top:10px;--padding-end:0;--padding-bottom:11px;--padding-start:16px}";
const Datetime = class {
constructor(hostRef) {
Object(_index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["r"])(this, hostRef);
this.ionCancel = Object(_index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["e"])(this, "ionCancel", 7);
this.ionChange = Object(_index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["e"])(this, "ionChange", 7);
this.ionFocus = Object(_index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["e"])(this, "ionFocus", 7);
this.ionBlur = Object(_index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["e"])(this, "ionBlur", 7);
this.ionStyle = Object(_index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["e"])(this, "ionStyle", 7);
this.inputId = `ion-dt-${datetimeIds++}`;
this.locale = {};
this.datetimeMin = {};
this.datetimeMax = {};
this.datetimeValue = {};
this.isExpanded = false;
* The name of the control, which is submitted with the form data.
this.name = this.inputId;
* If `true`, the user cannot interact with the datetime.
this.disabled = false;
* If `true`, the datetime appears normal but is not interactive.
this.readonly = false;
* The display format of the date and time as text that shows
* within the item. When the `pickerFormat` input is not used, then the
* `displayFormat` is used for both display the formatted text, and determining
* the datetime picker's columns. See the `pickerFormat` input description for
* more info. Defaults to `MMM D, YYYY`.
this.displayFormat = 'MMM D, YYYY';
* The text to display on the picker's cancel button.
this.cancelText = 'Cancel';
* The text to display on the picker's "Done" button.
this.doneText = 'Done';
this.onClick = () => {
this.onFocus = () => {
this.onBlur = () => {
disabledChanged() {
* Update the datetime value when the value changes
valueChanged() {
value: this.value
componentWillLoad() {
// first see if locale names were provided in the inputs
// then check to see if they're in the config
// if neither were provided then it will use default English names
this.locale = {
// this.locale[type] = convertToArrayOfStrings((this[type] ? this[type] : this.config.get(type), type);
monthNames: convertToArrayOfStrings(this.monthNames, 'monthNames'),
monthShortNames: convertToArrayOfStrings(this.monthShortNames, 'monthShortNames'),
dayNames: convertToArrayOfStrings(this.dayNames, 'dayNames'),
dayShortNames: convertToArrayOfStrings(this.dayShortNames, 'dayShortNames')
* Opens the datetime overlay.
async open() {
if (this.disabled || this.isExpanded) {
const pickerOptions = this.generatePickerOptions();
const picker = await _overlays_c5d9d644_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["p"].create(pickerOptions);
this.isExpanded = true;
picker.onDidDismiss().then(() => {
this.isExpanded = false;
picker.addEventListener('ionPickerColChange', async (event) => {
const data = event.detail;
const colSelectedIndex = data.selectedIndex;
const colOptions = data.options;
const changeData = {};
changeData[data.name] = {
value: colOptions[colSelectedIndex].value
if (data.name !== 'ampm' && this.datetimeValue.ampm !== undefined) {
changeData['ampm'] = {
value: this.datetimeValue.ampm
picker.columns = this.generateColumns();
await picker.present();
emitStyle() {
'interactive': true,
'datetime': true,
'has-placeholder': this.placeholder != null,
'has-value': this.hasValue(),
'interactive-disabled': this.disabled,
updateDatetimeValue(value) {
updateDate(this.datetimeValue, value, this.displayTimezone);
generatePickerOptions() {
const mode = Object(_ionic_global_23e7365a_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["b"])(this);
this.locale = {
monthNames: convertToArrayOfStrings(this.monthNames, 'monthNames'),
monthShortNames: convertToArrayOfStrings(this.monthShortNames, 'monthShortNames'),
dayNames: convertToArrayOfStrings(this.dayNames, 'dayNames'),
dayShortNames: convertToArrayOfStrings(this.dayShortNames, 'dayShortNames')
const pickerOptions = Object.assign(Object.assign({ mode }, this.pickerOptions), { columns: this.generateColumns() });
// If the user has not passed in picker buttons,
// add a cancel and ok button to the picker
const buttons = pickerOptions.buttons;
if (!buttons || buttons.length === 0) {
pickerOptions.buttons = [
text: this.cancelText,
role: 'cancel',
handler: () => {
text: this.doneText,
handler: (data) => {
* Prevent convertDataToISO from doing any
* kind of transformation based on timezone
* This cancels out any change it attempts to make
* Important: Take the timezone offset based on
* the date that is currently selected, otherwise
* there can be 1 hr difference when dealing w/ DST
const date = new Date(convertDataToISO(this.datetimeValue));
// If a custom display timezone is provided, use that tzOffset value instead
this.datetimeValue.tzOffset = (this.displayTimezone !== undefined && this.displayTimezone.length > 0)
? ((getTimezoneOffset(date, this.displayTimezone)) / 1000 / 60) * -1
: date.getTimezoneOffset() * -1;
this.value = convertDataToISO(this.datetimeValue);
return pickerOptions;
generateColumns() {
// if a picker format wasn't provided, then fallback
// to use the display format
let template = this.pickerFormat || this.displayFormat || DEFAULT_FORMAT;
if (template.length === 0) {
return [];
// make sure we've got up to date sizing information
// does not support selecting by day name
// automatically remove any day name formats
template = template.replace('DDDD', '{~}').replace('DDD', '{~}');
if (template.indexOf('D') === -1) {
// there is not a day in the template
// replace the day name with a numeric one if it exists
template = template.replace('{~}', 'D');
// make sure no day name replacer is left in the string
template = template.replace(/{~}/g, '');
// parse apart the given template into an array of "formats"
const columns = parseTemplate(template).map((format) => {
// loop through each format in the template
// create a new picker column to build up with data
const key = convertFormatToKey(format);
let values;
// check if they have exact values to use for this date part
// otherwise use the default date part values
const self = this;
values = self[key + 'Values']
? convertToArrayOfNumbers(self[key + 'Values'], key)
: dateValueRange(format, this.datetimeMin, this.datetimeMax);
const colOptions = values.map(val => {
return {
value: val,
text: renderTextFormat(format, val, undefined, this.locale),
// cool, we've loaded up the columns with options
// preselect the option for this column
const optValue = getDateValue(this.datetimeValue, format);
const selectedIndex = colOptions.findIndex(opt => opt.value === optValue);
return {
name: key,
selectedIndex: selectedIndex >= 0 ? selectedIndex : 0,
options: colOptions
// Normalize min/max
const min = this.datetimeMin;
const max = this.datetimeMax;
['month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute']
.filter(name => !columns.find(column => column.name === name))
.forEach(name => {
min[name] = 0;
max[name] = 0;
return this.validateColumns(divyColumns(columns));
validateColumns(columns) {
const today = new Date();
const minCompareVal = dateDataSortValue(this.datetimeMin);
const maxCompareVal = dateDataSortValue(this.datetimeMax);
const yearCol = columns.find(c => c.name === 'year');
let selectedYear = today.getFullYear();
if (yearCol) {
// default to the first value if the current year doesn't exist in the options
if (!yearCol.options.find(col => col.value === today.getFullYear())) {
selectedYear = yearCol.options[0].value;
const selectedIndex = yearCol.selectedIndex;
if (selectedIndex !== undefined) {
const yearOpt = yearCol.options[selectedIndex];
if (yearOpt) {
// they have a selected year value
selectedYear = yearOpt.value;
const selectedMonth = this.validateColumn(columns, 'month', 1, minCompareVal, maxCompareVal, [selectedYear, 0, 0, 0, 0], [selectedYear, 12, 31, 23, 59]);
const numDaysInMonth = daysInMonth(selectedMonth, selectedYear);
const selectedDay = this.validateColumn(columns, 'day', 2, minCompareVal, maxCompareVal, [selectedYear, selectedMonth, 0, 0, 0], [selectedYear, selectedMonth, numDaysInMonth, 23, 59]);
const selectedHour = this.validateColumn(columns, 'hour', 3, minCompareVal, maxCompareVal, [selectedYear, selectedMonth, selectedDay, 0, 0], [selectedYear, selectedMonth, selectedDay, 23, 59]);
this.validateColumn(columns, 'minute', 4, minCompareVal, maxCompareVal, [selectedYear, selectedMonth, selectedDay, selectedHour, 0], [selectedYear, selectedMonth, selectedDay, selectedHour, 59]);
return columns;
calcMinMax() {
const todaysYear = new Date().getFullYear();
if (this.yearValues !== undefined) {
const years = convertToArrayOfNumbers(this.yearValues, 'year');
if (this.min === undefined) {
this.min = Math.min(...years).toString();
if (this.max === undefined) {
this.max = Math.max(...years).toString();
else {
if (this.min === undefined) {
this.min = (todaysYear - 100).toString();
if (this.max === undefined) {
this.max = todaysYear.toString();
const min = this.datetimeMin = parseDate(this.min);
const max = this.datetimeMax = parseDate(this.max);
min.year = min.year || todaysYear;
max.year = max.year || todaysYear;
min.month = min.month || 1;
max.month = max.month || 12;
min.day = min.day || 1;
max.day = max.day || 31;
min.hour = min.hour || 0;
max.hour = max.hour === undefined ? 23 : max.hour;
min.minute = min.minute || 0;
max.minute = max.minute === undefined ? 59 : max.minute;
min.second = min.second || 0;
max.second = max.second === undefined ? 59 : max.second;
// Ensure min/max constraints
if (min.year > max.year) {
console.error('min.year > max.year');
min.year = max.year - 100;
if (min.year === max.year) {
if (min.month > max.month) {
console.error('min.month > max.month');
min.month = 1;
else if (min.month === max.month && min.day > max.day) {
console.error('min.day > max.day');
min.day = 1;
validateColumn(columns, name, index, min, max, lowerBounds, upperBounds) {
const column = columns.find(c => c.name === name);
if (!column) {
return 0;
const lb = lowerBounds.slice();
const ub = upperBounds.slice();
const options = column.options;
let indexMin = options.length - 1;
let indexMax = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
const opts = options[i];
const value = opts.value;
lb[index] = opts.value;
ub[index] = opts.value;
const disabled = opts.disabled = (value < lowerBounds[index] ||
value > upperBounds[index] ||
dateSortValue(ub[0], ub[1], ub[2], ub[3], ub[4]) < min ||
dateSortValue(lb[0], lb[1], lb[2], lb[3], lb[4]) > max);
if (!disabled) {
indexMin = Math.min(indexMin, i);
indexMax = Math.max(indexMax, i);
const selectedIndex = column.selectedIndex = Object(_helpers_5c745fbd_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["c"])(indexMin, column.selectedIndex, indexMax);
const opt = column.options[selectedIndex];
if (opt) {
return opt.value;
return 0;
get text() {
// create the text of the formatted data
const template = this.displayFormat || this.pickerFormat || DEFAULT_FORMAT;
if (this.value === undefined ||
this.value === null ||
this.value.length === 0) {
return renderDatetime(template, this.datetimeValue, this.locale);
hasValue() {
return this.text !== undefined;
setFocus() {
if (this.buttonEl) {
render() {
const { inputId, text, disabled, readonly, isExpanded, el, placeholder } = this;
const mode = Object(_ionic_global_23e7365a_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["b"])(this);
const labelId = inputId + '-lbl';
const label = Object(_helpers_5c745fbd_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["f"])(el);
const addPlaceholderClass = (text === undefined && placeholder != null) ? true : false;
// If selected text has been passed in, use that first
// otherwise use the placeholder
const datetimeText = text === undefined
? (placeholder != null ? placeholder : '')
: text;
const datetimeTextPart = text === undefined
? (placeholder != null ? 'placeholder' : undefined)
: 'text';
if (label) {
label.id = labelId;
Object(_helpers_5c745fbd_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["a"])(true, el, this.name, this.value, this.disabled);
return (Object(_index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["h"])(_index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["H"], { onClick: this.onClick, "aria-disabled": disabled ? 'true' : null, "aria-expanded": `${isExpanded}`, "aria-haspopup": "true", "aria-labelledby": labelId, class: {
[mode]: true,
'datetime-disabled': disabled,
'datetime-readonly': readonly,
'datetime-placeholder': addPlaceholderClass,
'in-item': Object(_theme_5641d27f_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["h"])('ion-item', el)
} }, Object(_index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["h"])("div", { class: "datetime-text", part: datetimeTextPart }, datetimeText), Object(_index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["h"])("button", { type: "button", onFocus: this.onFocus, onBlur: this.onBlur, disabled: this.disabled, ref: btnEl => this.buttonEl = btnEl })));
get el() { return Object(_index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["i"])(this); }
static get watchers() { return {
"disabled": ["disabledChanged"],
"value": ["valueChanged"]
}; }
const divyColumns = (columns) => {
const columnsWidth = [];
let col;
let width;
for (let i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
col = columns[i];
for (const option of col.options) {
width = option.text.length;
if (width > columnsWidth[i]) {
columnsWidth[i] = width;
if (columnsWidth.length === 2) {
width = Math.max(columnsWidth[0], columnsWidth[1]);
columns[0].align = 'right';
columns[1].align = 'left';
columns[0].optionsWidth = columns[1].optionsWidth = `${width * 17}px`;
else if (columnsWidth.length === 3) {
width = Math.max(columnsWidth[0], columnsWidth[2]);
columns[0].align = 'right';
columns[1].columnWidth = `${columnsWidth[1] * 17}px`;
columns[0].optionsWidth = columns[2].optionsWidth = `${width * 17}px`;
columns[2].align = 'left';
return columns;
let datetimeIds = 0;
Datetime.style = {
ios: datetimeIosCss,
md: datetimeMdCss
* iOS Picker Enter Animation
const iosEnterAnimation = (baseEl) => {
const baseAnimation = Object(_animation_a635a2fc_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["c"])();
const backdropAnimation = Object(_animation_a635a2fc_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["c"])();
const wrapperAnimation = Object(_animation_a635a2fc_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["c"])();
.fromTo('opacity', 0.01, 'var(--backdrop-opacity)')
'pointer-events': 'none'
.fromTo('transform', 'translateY(100%)', 'translateY(0%)');
return baseAnimation
.addAnimation([backdropAnimation, wrapperAnimation]);
* iOS Picker Leave Animation
const iosLeaveAnimation = (baseEl) => {
const baseAnimation = Object(_animation_a635a2fc_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["c"])();
const backdropAnimation = Object(_animation_a635a2fc_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["c"])();
const wrapperAnimation = Object(_animation_a635a2fc_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["c"])();
.fromTo('opacity', 'var(--backdrop-opacity)', 0.01);
.fromTo('transform', 'translateY(0%)', 'translateY(100%)');
return baseAnimation
.addAnimation([backdropAnimation, wrapperAnimation]);
const pickerIosCss = ".sc-ion-picker-ios-h{--border-radius:0;--border-style:solid;--min-width:auto;--width:100%;--max-width:500px;--min-height:auto;--max-height:auto;-moz-osx-font-smoothing:grayscale;-webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased;left:0;top:0;display:block;position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%;outline:none;font-family:var(--ion-font-family, inherit);contain:strict;-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;user-select:none;z-index:1001}[dir=rtl].sc-ion-picker-ios-h,[dir=rtl] .sc-ion-picker-ios-h{left:unset;right:unset;right:0}.overlay-hidden.sc-ion-picker-ios-h{display:none}.picker-wrapper.sc-ion-picker-ios{border-radius:var(--border-radius);left:0;right:0;bottom:0;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;margin-top:auto;margin-bottom:auto;-webkit-transform:translate3d(0, 100%, 0);transform:translate3d(0, 100%, 0);display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;position:absolute;-ms-flex-direction:column;flex-direction:column;width:var(--width);min-width:var(--min-width);max-width:var(--max-width);height:var(--height);min-height:var(--min-height);max-height:var(--max-height);border-width:var(--border-width);border-style:var(--border-style);border-color:var(--border-color);background:var(--background);contain:strict;overflow:hidden;z-index:10}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){.picker-wrapper.sc-ion-picker-ios{margin-left:unset;margin-right:unset;-webkit-margin-start:auto;margin-inline-start:auto;-webkit-margin-end:auto;margin-inline-end:auto}}.picker-toolbar.sc-ion-picker-ios{width:100%;background:transparent;contain:strict;z-index:1}.picker-button.sc-ion-picker-ios{border:0;font-family:inherit}.picker-button.sc-ion-picker-ios:active,.picker-button.sc-ion-picker-ios:focus{outline:none}.picker-columns.sc-ion-picker-ios{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;position:relative;-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center;margin-bottom:var(--ion-safe-area-bottom, 0);contain:strict;direction:ltr;overflow:hidden}.picker-above-highlight.sc-ion-picker-ios,.picker-below-highlight.sc-ion-picker-ios{display:none;pointer-events:none}.sc-ion-picker-ios-h{--background:var(--ion-background-color, #fff);--border-width:1px 0 0;--border-color:var(--ion-item-border-color, var(--ion-border-color, var(--ion-color-step-250, #c8c7cc)));--height:260px;--backdrop-opacity:var(--ion-backdrop-opacity, 0.26);color:var(--ion-item-color, var(--ion-text-color, #000))}.picker-toolbar.sc-ion-picker-ios{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;height:44px;border-bottom:0.55px solid var(--border-color)}.picker-toolbar-button.sc-ion-picker-ios{-ms-flex:1;flex:1;text-align:end}.picker-toolbar-button.sc-ion-picker-ios:last-child .picker-button.sc-ion-picker-ios{font-weight:600}.picker-toolbar-button.sc-ion-picker-ios:first-child{font-weight:normal;text-align:start}.picker-button.sc-ion-picker-ios,.picker-button.ion-activated.sc-ion-picker-ios{margin-left:0;margin-right:0;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;padding-left:1em;padding-right:1em;padding-top:0;padding-bottom:0;height:44px;background:transparent;color:var(--ion-color-primary, #3880ff);font-size:16px}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){.picker-button.sc-ion-picker-ios,.picker-button.ion-activated.sc-ion-picker-ios{padding-left:unset;padding-right:unset;-webkit-padding-start:1em;padding-inline-start:1em;-webkit-padding-end:1em;padding-inline-end:1em}}.picker-columns.sc-ion-picker-ios{height:215px;-webkit-perspective:1000px;perspective:1000px}.picker-above-highlight.sc-ion-picker-ios{left:0;top:0;-webkit-transform:translate3d(0, 0, 90px);transform:translate3d(0, 0, 90px);display:block;position:absolute;width:100%;height:81px;border-bottom:1px solid var(--border-color);background:-webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(20%, var(--background, var(--ion-background-color, #fff))), to(rgba(var(--background-rgb, var(--ion-background-color-rgb, 255, 255, 255)), 0.8)));background:linear-gradient(to bottom, var(--background, var(--ion-background-color, #fff)) 20%, rgba(var(--b
const pickerMdCss = ".sc-ion-picker-md-h{--border-radius:0;--border-style:solid;--min-width:auto;--width:100%;--max-width:500px;--min-height:auto;--max-height:auto;-moz-osx-font-smoothing:grayscale;-webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased;left:0;top:0;display:block;position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%;outline:none;font-family:var(--ion-font-family, inherit);contain:strict;-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;user-select:none;z-index:1001}[dir=rtl].sc-ion-picker-md-h,[dir=rtl] .sc-ion-picker-md-h{left:unset;right:unset;right:0}.overlay-hidden.sc-ion-picker-md-h{display:none}.picker-wrapper.sc-ion-picker-md{border-radius:var(--border-radius);left:0;right:0;bottom:0;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;margin-top:auto;margin-bottom:auto;-webkit-transform:translate3d(0, 100%, 0);transform:translate3d(0, 100%, 0);display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;position:absolute;-ms-flex-direction:column;flex-direction:column;width:var(--width);min-width:var(--min-width);max-width:var(--max-width);height:var(--height);min-height:var(--min-height);max-height:var(--max-height);border-width:var(--border-width);border-style:var(--border-style);border-color:var(--border-color);background:var(--background);contain:strict;overflow:hidden;z-index:10}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){.picker-wrapper.sc-ion-picker-md{margin-left:unset;margin-right:unset;-webkit-margin-start:auto;margin-inline-start:auto;-webkit-margin-end:auto;margin-inline-end:auto}}.picker-toolbar.sc-ion-picker-md{width:100%;background:transparent;contain:strict;z-index:1}.picker-button.sc-ion-picker-md{border:0;font-family:inherit}.picker-button.sc-ion-picker-md:active,.picker-button.sc-ion-picker-md:focus{outline:none}.picker-columns.sc-ion-picker-md{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;position:relative;-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center;margin-bottom:var(--ion-safe-area-bottom, 0);contain:strict;direction:ltr;overflow:hidden}.picker-above-highlight.sc-ion-picker-md,.picker-below-highlight.sc-ion-picker-md{display:none;pointer-events:none}.sc-ion-picker-md-h{--background:var(--ion-background-color, #fff);--border-width:0.55px 0 0;--border-color:var(--ion-item-border-color, var(--ion-border-color, var(--ion-color-step-150, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.13))));--height:260px;--backdrop-opacity:var(--ion-backdrop-opacity, 0.26);color:var(--ion-item-color, var(--ion-text-color, #000))}.picker-toolbar.sc-ion-picker-md{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-ms-flex-pack:end;justify-content:flex-end;height:44px}.picker-button.sc-ion-picker-md,.picker-button.ion-activated.sc-ion-picker-md{margin-left:0;margin-right:0;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;padding-left:1.1em;padding-right:1.1em;padding-top:0;padding-bottom:0;height:44px;background:transparent;color:var(--ion-color-primary, #3880ff);font-size:14px;font-weight:500;text-transform:uppercase;-webkit-box-shadow:none;box-shadow:none}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){.picker-button.sc-ion-picker-md,.picker-button.ion-activated.sc-ion-picker-md{padding-left:unset;padding-right:unset;-webkit-padding-start:1.1em;padding-inline-start:1.1em;-webkit-padding-end:1.1em;padding-inline-end:1.1em}}.picker-columns.sc-ion-picker-md{height:216px;-webkit-perspective:1800px;perspective:1800px}.picker-above-highlight.sc-ion-picker-md{left:0;top:0;-webkit-transform:translate3d(0, 0, 90px);transform:translate3d(0, 0, 90px);position:absolute;width:100%;height:81px;border-bottom:1px solid var(--ion-item-border-color, var(--ion-border-color, var(--ion-color-step-150, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.13))));background:-webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(20%, var(--ion-background-color, #fff)), to(rgba(var(--ion-background-color-rgb, 255, 255, 255), 0.8)));background:linear-gradient(to bottom, var(--ion-background-color, #fff) 20%, rgba(var(--ion-background-color-rgb, 255, 255, 255), 0.8) 100%);z-index:10}[dir=rtl].sc-ion-picker-md .picker-above-highlight.sc-ion-picker-md,[dir=rtl].sc-ion-picker-md-h .picker-above-h
const Picker = class {
constructor(hostRef) {
Object(_index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["r"])(this, hostRef);
this.didPresent = Object(_index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["e"])(this, "ionPickerDidPresent", 7);
this.willPresent = Object(_index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["e"])(this, "ionPickerWillPresent", 7);
this.willDismiss = Object(_index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["e"])(this, "ionPickerWillDismiss", 7);
this.didDismiss = Object(_index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["e"])(this, "ionPickerDidDismiss", 7);
this.presented = false;
* If `true`, the keyboard will be automatically dismissed when the overlay is presented.
this.keyboardClose = true;
* Array of buttons to be displayed at the top of the picker.
this.buttons = [];
* Array of columns to be displayed in the picker.
this.columns = [];
* Number of milliseconds to wait before dismissing the picker.
this.duration = 0;
* If `true`, a backdrop will be displayed behind the picker.
this.showBackdrop = true;
* If `true`, the picker will be dismissed when the backdrop is clicked.
this.backdropDismiss = true;
* If `true`, the picker will animate.
this.animated = true;
this.onBackdropTap = () => {
this.dismiss(undefined, _overlays_c5d9d644_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["B"]);
this.dispatchCancelHandler = (ev) => {
const role = ev.detail.role;
if (Object(_overlays_c5d9d644_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["i"])(role)) {
const cancelButton = this.buttons.find(b => b.role === 'cancel');
connectedCallback() {
* Present the picker overlay after it has been created.
async present() {
await Object(_overlays_c5d9d644_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["d"])(this, 'pickerEnter', iosEnterAnimation, iosEnterAnimation, undefined);
if (this.duration > 0) {
this.durationTimeout = setTimeout(() => this.dismiss(), this.duration);
* Dismiss the picker overlay after it has been presented.
* @param data Any data to emit in the dismiss events.
* @param role The role of the element that is dismissing the picker.
* This can be useful in a button handler for determining which button was
* clicked to dismiss the picker.
* Some examples include: ``"cancel"`, `"destructive"`, "selected"`, and `"backdrop"`.
dismiss(data, role) {
if (this.durationTimeout) {
return Object(_overlays_c5d9d644_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["f"])(this, data, role, 'pickerLeave', iosLeaveAnimation, iosLeaveAnimation);
* Returns a promise that resolves when the picker did dismiss.
onDidDismiss() {
return Object(_overlays_c5d9d644_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["g"])(this.el, 'ionPickerDidDismiss');
* Returns a promise that resolves when the picker will dismiss.
onWillDismiss() {
return Object(_overlays_c5d9d644_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["g"])(this.el, 'ionPickerWillDismiss');
* Get the column that matches the specified name.
* @param name The name of the column.
getColumn(name) {
return Promise.resolve(this.columns.find(column => column.name === name));
async buttonClick(button) {
const role = button.role;
if (Object(_overlays_c5d9d644_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["i"])(role)) {
return this.dismiss(undefined, role);
const shouldDismiss = await this.callButtonHandler(button);
if (shouldDismiss) {
return this.dismiss(this.getSelected(), button.role);
return Promise.resolve();
async callButtonHandler(button) {
if (button) {
// a handler has been provided, execute it
// pass the handler the values from the inputs
const rtn = await Object(_overlays_c5d9d644_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["s"])(button.handler, this.getSelected());
if (rtn === false) {
// if the return value of the handler is false then do not dismiss
return false;
return true;
getSelected() {
const selected = {};
this.columns.forEach((col, index) => {
const selectedColumn = col.selectedIndex !== undefined
? col.options[col.selectedIndex]
: undefined;
selected[col.name] = {
text: selectedColumn ? selectedColumn.text : undefined,
value: selectedColumn ? selectedColumn.value : undefined,
columnIndex: index
return selected;
render() {
const mode = Object(_ionic_global_23e7365a_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["b"])(this);
return (Object(_index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["h"])(_index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["H"], { "aria-modal": "true", tabindex: "-1", class: Object.assign({ [mode]: true,
// Used internally for styling
[`picker-${mode}`]: true }, Object(_theme_5641d27f_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["g"])(this.cssClass)), style: {
zIndex: `${20000 + this.overlayIndex}`
}, onIonBackdropTap: this.onBackdropTap, onIonPickerWillDismiss: this.dispatchCancelHandler }, Object(_index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["h"])("ion-backdrop", { visible: this.showBackdrop, tappable: this.backdropDismiss }), Object(_index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["h"])("div", { tabindex: "0" }), Object(_index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["h"])("div", { class: "picker-wrapper ion-overlay-wrapper", role: "dialog" }, Object(_index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["h"])("div", { class: "picker-toolbar" }, this.buttons.map(b => (Object(_index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["h"])("div", { class: buttonWrapperClass(b) }, Object(_index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["h"])("button", { type: "button", onClick: () => this.buttonClick(b), class: buttonClass(b) }, b.text))))), Object(_index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["h"])("div", { class: "picker-columns" }, Object(_index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["h"])("div", { class: "picker-above-highlight" }), this.presented && this.columns.map(c => Object(_index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["h"])("ion-picker-column", { col: c })), Object(_index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["h"])("div", { class: "picker-below-highlight" }))), Object(_index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["h"])("div", { tabindex: "0" })));
get el() { return Object(_index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["i"])(this); }
const buttonWrapperClass = (button) => {
return {
[`picker-toolbar-${button.role}`]: button.role !== undefined,
'picker-toolbar-button': true
const buttonClass = (button) => {
return Object.assign({ 'picker-button': true, 'ion-activatable': true }, Object(_theme_5641d27f_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["g"])(button.cssClass));
Picker.style = {
ios: pickerIosCss,
md: pickerMdCss
const pickerColumnIosCss = ".picker-col{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;position:relative;-ms-flex:1;flex:1;-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center;height:100%;-webkit-box-sizing:content-box;box-sizing:content-box;contain:content}.picker-opts{position:relative;-ms-flex:1;flex:1;max-width:100%}.picker-opt{left:0;top:0;display:block;position:absolute;width:100%;border:0;text-align:center;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap;contain:strict;overflow:hidden;will-change:transform}[dir=rtl] .picker-opt,:host-context([dir=rtl]) .picker-opt{left:unset;right:unset;right:0}.picker-opt.picker-opt-disabled{pointer-events:none}.picker-opt-disabled{opacity:0}.picker-opts-left{-ms-flex-pack:start;justify-content:flex-start}.picker-opts-right{-ms-flex-pack:end;justify-content:flex-end}.picker-opt:active,.picker-opt:focus{outline:none}.picker-prefix{position:relative;-ms-flex:1;flex:1;text-align:end;white-space:nowrap}.picker-suffix{position:relative;-ms-flex:1;flex:1;text-align:start;white-space:nowrap}.picker-col{padding-left:4px;padding-right:4px;padding-top:0;padding-bottom:0;-webkit-transform-style:preserve-3d;transform-style:preserve-3d}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){.picker-col{padding-left:unset;padding-right:unset;-webkit-padding-start:4px;padding-inline-start:4px;-webkit-padding-end:4px;padding-inline-end:4px}}.picker-prefix,.picker-suffix,.picker-opts{top:77px;-webkit-transform-style:preserve-3d;transform-style:preserve-3d;color:inherit;font-size:20px;line-height:42px;pointer-events:none}.picker-opt{padding-left:0;padding-right:0;padding-top:0;padding-bottom:0;margin-left:0;margin-right:0;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;-webkit-transform-origin:center center;transform-origin:center center;height:46px;-webkit-transform-style:preserve-3d;transform-style:preserve-3d;-webkit-transition-timing-function:ease-out;transition-timing-function:ease-out;background:transparent;color:inherit;font-size:20px;line-height:42px;-webkit-backface-visibility:hidden;backface-visibility:hidden;pointer-events:auto}[dir=rtl] .picker-opt,:host-context([dir=rtl]) .picker-opt{-webkit-transform-origin:calc(100% - center) center;transform-origin:calc(100% - center) center}";
const pickerColumnMdCss = ".picker-col{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;position:relative;-ms-flex:1;flex:1;-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center;height:100%;-webkit-box-sizing:content-box;box-sizing:content-box;contain:content}.picker-opts{position:relative;-ms-flex:1;flex:1;max-width:100%}.picker-opt{left:0;top:0;display:block;position:absolute;width:100%;border:0;text-align:center;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap;contain:strict;overflow:hidden;will-change:transform}[dir=rtl] .picker-opt,:host-context([dir=rtl]) .picker-opt{left:unset;right:unset;right:0}.picker-opt.picker-opt-disabled{pointer-events:none}.picker-opt-disabled{opacity:0}.picker-opts-left{-ms-flex-pack:start;justify-content:flex-start}.picker-opts-right{-ms-flex-pack:end;justify-content:flex-end}.picker-opt:active,.picker-opt:focus{outline:none}.picker-prefix{position:relative;-ms-flex:1;flex:1;text-align:end;white-space:nowrap}.picker-suffix{position:relative;-ms-flex:1;flex:1;text-align:start;white-space:nowrap}.picker-col{padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;padding-top:0;padding-bottom:0;-webkit-transform-style:preserve-3d;transform-style:preserve-3d}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){.picker-col{padding-left:unset;padding-right:unset;-webkit-padding-start:8px;padding-inline-start:8px;-webkit-padding-end:8px;padding-inline-end:8px}}.picker-prefix,.picker-suffix,.picker-opts{top:77px;-webkit-transform-style:preserve-3d;transform-style:preserve-3d;color:inherit;font-size:22px;line-height:42px;pointer-events:none}.picker-opt{margin-left:0;margin-right:0;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;padding-left:0;padding-right:0;padding-top:0;padding-bottom:0;height:43px;-webkit-transition-timing-function:ease-out;transition-timing-function:ease-out;background:transparent;color:inherit;font-size:22px;line-height:42px;-webkit-backface-visibility:hidden;backface-visibility:hidden;pointer-events:auto}.picker-prefix,.picker-suffix,.picker-opt.picker-opt-selected{color:var(--ion-color-primary, #3880ff)}";
const PickerColumnCmp = class {
constructor(hostRef) {
Object(_index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["r"])(this, hostRef);
this.ionPickerColChange = Object(_index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["e"])(this, "ionPickerColChange", 7);
this.optHeight = 0;
this.rotateFactor = 0;
this.scaleFactor = 1;
this.velocity = 0;
this.y = 0;
this.noAnimate = true;
colChanged() {
async connectedCallback() {
let pickerRotateFactor = 0;
let pickerScaleFactor = 0.81;
const mode = Object(_ionic_global_23e7365a_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["b"])(this);
if (mode === 'ios') {
pickerRotateFactor = -0.46;
pickerScaleFactor = 1;
this.rotateFactor = pickerRotateFactor;
this.scaleFactor = pickerScaleFactor;
this.gesture = (await Promise.resolve(/*! import() */).then(__webpack_require__.bind(null, /*! ./index-eea61379.js */ "./node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/esm/index-eea61379.js"))).createGesture({
el: this.el,
gestureName: 'picker-swipe',
gesturePriority: 100,
threshold: 0,
passive: false,
onStart: ev => this.onStart(ev),
onMove: ev => this.onMove(ev),
onEnd: ev => this.onEnd(ev),
this.tmrId = setTimeout(() => {
this.noAnimate = false;
}, 250);
componentDidLoad() {
const colEl = this.optsEl;
if (colEl) {
// We perfom a DOM read over a rendered item, this needs to happen after the first render
this.optHeight = (colEl.firstElementChild ? colEl.firstElementChild.clientHeight : 0);
disconnectedCallback() {
if (this.gesture) {
this.gesture = undefined;
emitColChange() {
setSelected(selectedIndex, duration) {
// if there is a selected index, then figure out it's y position
// if there isn't a selected index, then just use the top y position
const y = (selectedIndex > -1) ? -(selectedIndex * this.optHeight) : 0;
this.velocity = 0;
// set what y position we're at
this.update(y, duration, true);
update(y, duration, saveY) {
if (!this.optsEl) {
// ensure we've got a good round number :)
let translateY = 0;
let translateZ = 0;
const { col, rotateFactor } = this;
const selectedIndex = col.selectedIndex = this.indexForY(-y);
const durationStr = (duration === 0) ? '' : duration + 'ms';
const scaleStr = `scale(${this.scaleFactor})`;
const children = this.optsEl.children;
for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
const button = children[i];
const opt = col.options[i];
const optOffset = (i * this.optHeight) + y;
let transform = '';
if (rotateFactor !== 0) {
const rotateX = optOffset * rotateFactor;
if (Math.abs(rotateX) <= 90) {
translateY = 0;
translateZ = 90;
transform = `rotateX(${rotateX}deg) `;
else {
translateY = -9999;
else {
translateZ = 0;
translateY = optOffset;
const selected = selectedIndex === i;
transform += `translate3d(0px,${translateY}px,${translateZ}px) `;
if (this.scaleFactor !== 1 && !selected) {
transform += scaleStr;
// Update transition duration
if (this.noAnimate) {
opt.duration = 0;
button.style.transitionDuration = '';
else if (duration !== opt.duration) {
opt.duration = duration;
button.style.transitionDuration = durationStr;
// Update transform
if (transform !== opt.transform) {
opt.transform = transform;
button.style.transform = transform;
// Update selected item
if (selected !== opt.selected) {
opt.selected = selected;
if (selected) {
else {
this.col.prevSelected = selectedIndex;
if (saveY) {
this.y = y;
if (this.lastIndex !== selectedIndex) {
// have not set a last index yet
this.lastIndex = selectedIndex;
decelerate() {
if (this.velocity !== 0) {
// still decelerating
// do not let it go slower than a velocity of 1
this.velocity = (this.velocity > 0)
? Math.max(this.velocity, 1)
: Math.min(this.velocity, -1);
let y = this.y + this.velocity;
if (y > this.minY) {
// whoops, it's trying to scroll up farther than the options we have!
y = this.minY;
this.velocity = 0;
else if (y < this.maxY) {
// gahh, it's trying to scroll down farther than we can!
y = this.maxY;
this.velocity = 0;
this.update(y, 0, true);
const notLockedIn = (Math.round(y) % this.optHeight !== 0) || (Math.abs(this.velocity) > 1);
if (notLockedIn) {
// isn't locked in yet, keep decelerating until it is
this.rafId = requestAnimationFrame(() => this.decelerate());
else {
this.velocity = 0;
else if (this.y % this.optHeight !== 0) {
// needs to still get locked into a position so options line up
const currentPos = Math.abs(this.y % this.optHeight);
// create a velocity in the direction it needs to scroll
this.velocity = (currentPos > (this.optHeight / 2) ? 1 : -1);
indexForY(y) {
return Math.min(Math.max(Math.abs(Math.round(y / this.optHeight)), 0), this.col.options.length - 1);
// TODO should this check disabled?
onStart(detail) {
// We have to prevent default in order to block scrolling under the picker
// but we DO NOT have to stop propagation, since we still want
// some "click" events to capture
if (detail.event.cancelable) {
// reset everything
const options = this.col.options;
let minY = (options.length - 1);
let maxY = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
if (!options[i].disabled) {
minY = Math.min(minY, i);
maxY = Math.max(maxY, i);
this.minY = -(minY * this.optHeight);
this.maxY = -(maxY * this.optHeight);
onMove(detail) {
if (detail.event.cancelable) {
// update the scroll position relative to pointer start position
let y = this.y + detail.deltaY;
if (y > this.minY) {
// scrolling up higher than scroll area
y = Math.pow(y, 0.8);
this.bounceFrom = y;
else if (y < this.maxY) {
// scrolling down below scroll area
y += Math.pow(this.maxY - y, 0.9);
this.bounceFrom = y;
else {
this.bounceFrom = 0;
this.update(y, 0, false);
onEnd(detail) {
if (this.bounceFrom > 0) {
// bounce back up
this.update(this.minY, 100, true);
else if (this.bounceFrom < 0) {
// bounce back down
this.update(this.maxY, 100, true);
this.velocity = Object(_helpers_5c745fbd_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["c"])(-MAX_PICKER_SPEED, detail.velocityY * 23, MAX_PICKER_SPEED);
if (this.velocity === 0 && detail.deltaY === 0) {
const opt = detail.event.target.closest('.picker-opt');
if (opt && opt.hasAttribute('opt-index')) {
this.setSelected(parseInt(opt.getAttribute('opt-index'), 10), TRANSITION_DURATION);
else {
this.y += detail.deltaY;
if (Math.abs(detail.velocityY) < 0.05) {
const isScrollingUp = detail.deltaY > 0;
const optHeightFraction = (Math.abs(this.y) % this.optHeight) / this.optHeight;
if (isScrollingUp && optHeightFraction > 0.5) {
this.velocity = Math.abs(this.velocity) * -1;
else if (!isScrollingUp && optHeightFraction <= 0.5) {
this.velocity = Math.abs(this.velocity);
refresh(forceRefresh) {
let min = this.col.options.length - 1;
let max = 0;
const options = this.col.options;
for (let i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
if (!options[i].disabled) {
min = Math.min(min, i);
max = Math.max(max, i);
* Only update selected value if column has a
* velocity of 0. If it does not, then the
* column is animating might land on
* a value different than the value at
* selectedIndex
if (this.velocity !== 0) {
const selectedIndex = Object(_helpers_5c745fbd_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["c"])(min, this.col.selectedIndex || 0, max);
if (this.col.prevSelected !== selectedIndex || forceRefresh) {
const y = (selectedIndex * this.optHeight) * -1;
this.velocity = 0;
this.update(y, TRANSITION_DURATION, true);
render() {
const col = this.col;
const Button = 'button';
const mode = Object(_ionic_global_23e7365a_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["b"])(this);
return (Object(_index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["h"])(_index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["H"], { class: {
[mode]: true,
'picker-col': true,
'picker-opts-left': this.col.align === 'left',
'picker-opts-right': this.col.align === 'right'
}, style: {
'max-width': this.col.columnWidth
} }, col.prefix && (Object(_index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["h"])("div", { class: "picker-prefix", style: { width: col.prefixWidth } }, col.prefix)), Object(_index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["h"])("div", { class: "picker-opts", style: { maxWidth: col.optionsWidth }, ref: el => this.optsEl = el }, col.options.map((o, index) => Object(_index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["h"])(Button, { type: "button", class: { 'picker-opt': true, 'picker-opt-disabled': !!o.disabled }, "opt-index": index }, o.text))), col.suffix && (Object(_index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["h"])("div", { class: "picker-suffix", style: { width: col.suffixWidth } }, col.suffix))));
get el() { return Object(_index_92848855_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["i"])(this); }
static get watchers() { return {
"col": ["colChanged"]
}; }
const PICKER_OPT_SELECTED = 'picker-opt-selected';
const MAX_PICKER_SPEED = 90;
PickerColumnCmp.style = {
ios: pickerColumnIosCss,
md: pickerColumnMdCss
/***/ })
//# sourceMappingURL=11-es2015.js.map