function getTimeAndDate() { //Define today's date in meetingInfo format // Get the timestamp in the UTC timezone var now = new Date(); var utc_timestamp = Date.UTC(now.getUTCFullYear(), now.getUTCMonth(), now.getUTCDate(), now.getUTCHours(), now.getUTCMinutes(), now.getUTCSeconds(), now.getUTCMilliseconds()); //Define today's date in string format [year month date] //convert year to string var year = now.getUTCFullYear(); var yearStr = year.toString(); //convert month to string var month = now.getUTCMonth(); if (month < 9) { month += 1; monthStr = ["0" + month.toString()]; } else { month += 1; monthStr = month.toString(); }; //convert date to string var date = now.getUTCDate(); if (date < 10) { dateStr = ["0" + date.toString()]; } else { dateStr = date.toString(); }; //Get UTC hours, minutes var hours = now.getUTCHours() + 1; if (hours == 0) { var hoursStr = ["00"]; } else if (hours < 10){ var hoursStr = ["0" + hours.toString()] } else { var hoursStr = hours.toString(); } var mins = now.getUTCMinutes(); if (mins == 0) { var minsStr = ["00"]; } else if (mins < 10){ var minsStr = ["0" + mins.toString()] } else { var minsStr = mins.toString(); } //dateToday, timeNow var dateToday = [yearStr + monthStr + dateStr]; var timeNow = [hoursStr + minsStr]; = dateToday; this.time = timeNow; }; module.exports.getTimeAndDate = getTimeAndDate; //public function /* var timeNow = new getTimeAndDate(); console.log(timeNow.time); console.log(; */