'use strict'; var calendar = require('./calendarInterface'); var mqttClient = require('../mqtt/mqttClient'); var cron = require('node-cron'); var log4js = require('log4js'); var logger = log4js.getLogger(); var events = require('events'); var eventBus ; var util = require('util'); var apn = require('apn'); var apnService = new apn.connection({ key: 'conf/key.pem', cert: 'conf/cert.pem', production: false }); apnService.on('connected', function() { logger.debug('APN Connected'); }); apnService.on('transmitted', function(notification, device) { logger.debug('APN Notification transmitted to:' + device.token.toString('hex')); }); apnService.on('transmissionError', function(errCode, notification, device) { logger.error('APNNotification caused error: ' + errCode + ' for device ', device, notification); if (errCode === 8) { logger.error('A error code of 8 indicates that the device token is invalid. This could be for a number of reasons - are you using the correct environment? i.e. Production vs. Sandbox'); } }); apnService.on('timeout', function() { logger.debug('Connection Timeout'); }); apnService.on('disconnected', function() { logger.debug('Disconnected from APNS'); }); apnService.on('socketError', logger.error); var officeController = function(neweventbus) { this.iosTokens = []; logger.debug((typeof neweventbus)); if ((typeof neweventbus !== 'undefined') && (neweventbus !== null)) { logger.warn('Using passed eventBus'); eventBus = neweventbus; } else { logger.warn('Using internal eventBus'); eventBus = new events(); } console.log('~~~ officeController'); this.cloneObject = function(from, to) { if (Object.keys(from).length !== 0) { for (var key in from) { if (from.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (key !== 'cronJOBS') { to[key] = from[key]; } } } } }; var self = this; this.schedule = {}; this.todaysList = {}; this.calendarControl = new calendar.calendarInterface(); this.calendarControl.getRoomStatusV2((todaysList) => { this.todaysList = todaysList; /*This.todaysList = {}; this.cloneObject(todaysList, this.todaysList); logger.debug(this.todaysList);*/ this.setupNextMeeting(todaysList); }); this.mqtt = new mqttClient.mqttClient(); //This.timer; // this.meetings = {cronjobs:{start:null.stop:null}}; this.task = cron.schedule('* * * * *', function() { var n = new Date(); logger.debug('tick: ' + n); logger.info('looped Schedule count: ' + Object.keys(this.schedule).length); var curMeeting = {}; this.cloneObject(this.todaysList.current, curMeeting); curMeeting.cronJobs = {}; eventBus.emit('sendSocket', {id: 'calendar',current: curMeeting}); }.bind(this)); this.task = cron.schedule('*/5 * * * *', function() { this.calendarControl.getRoomStatusV2((todaysList) => { this.todaysList = todaysList; this.setupNextMeeting(todaysList); var data = todaysList; data.id = 'calendarData'; eventBus.emit('sendSocket', data); }); }.bind(this)); eventBus.on('setupNextMeeting', this.setupNextMeeting.bind(this, this.todaysList)); logger.debug('Todayslist', this.todaysList); eventBus.on('cleanUp', (id) => { logger.debug('+ => cleanUp'); this.cleanUpMeeting(id); }); eventBus.on('announce', (meeting) => { logger.debug('+ => announce'); this.announceMeetingEnd(meeting); }); var timmy = setTimeout(function() { var now = new Date(); this.announceMeetingEnd({uid: 'bob', summary: 'Test message - ' + now.toISOString()}); }.bind(this),60000); }; officeController.prototype.sendiOSAPN = function(packet) { logger.info('Sending the same notification each of the devices with one call to pushNotification.'); var note = new apn.notification(); var now = new Date(); note.setAlertText(packet.msg); note.setAlertTitle('Smart Office'); note.setBadge(1); note.setSound('dong.aiff'); note.badge = 1; apnService.pushNotification(note, this.iosTokens); }; officeController.prototype.announceMeetingEnd = function(meeting) { logger.debug('announceMeetingEnd',meeting); var msg = ['The meeting "', meeting.summary, '" is due to end in five minutes. Would you like to extend it by another five minutes?'].join(''); var packet = {id: 'announce', msg: msg, uid: meeting.uid}; eventBus.emit('sendSocket', packet); var message = new gcm.Message({ collapse_key: 'test', data: { key1: 'value1' }, delay_while_idle: true, time_to_live: 34, dry_run: false }); this.sendiOSAPN(packet); sender.sendMessage(message.toJSON(), '', true, function(err, data) { if (!err) { logger.info('Message sent'); logger.debug(data); // Do something } else { logger.error('Message failed'); logger.error(err); // Handle error } }); }; officeController.prototype.cleanUpMeeting = function(id) { logger.debug('deleting scheduled item: ' + id); logger.info('Pre delete Schedule count: ' + Object.keys(this.schedule).length); delete this.schedule[id]; logger.info('post delete Schedule count: ' + Object.keys(this.schedule).length); }; officeController.prototype.createMeeting = function(obj,delayStart) { // Logger.debug(util.inspect(this)); var newMeeting = obj, _delayStart = delayStart || false, cronStartStr; logger.debug('obj', obj); logger.debug('Delay start?', delayStart); var now = new Date.create(); var self = this; // Logger.debug(newMeeting); newMeeting.cronJOBS = {start: null, stop: null}; if (_delayStart) { cronStartStr = now.addSeconds(5).format('{s} {m} {H} * * *'); } else { cronStartStr = newMeeting.cronStart; } newMeeting.cronJOBS.start = cron.schedule(cronStartStr, function() { var n = new Date(); logger.debug('MEETING STARTED!!!!' , n); var key = Object.keys(self.schedule)[0]; var curMeeting = {}; self.cloneObject(self.schedule[key], curMeeting); curMeeting.cronJOBS = null; // We want to kick of the pre -end timer here. // Lets turn on some lights! eventBus.emit('lightingOn','o'); eventBus.emit('lightingOn','n'); eventBus.emit('sendSocket', {id: 'calendar',current: curMeeting}); }, true); newMeeting.cronJOBS.alert = cron.schedule(newMeeting.cronAlert, function() { var n = new Date(); logger.error('MEETING ends in 5 minutes'); logger.debug(this); // Announce there are five minutes remaining.. eventBus.emit('announce', newMeeting); }.bind(this), true); newMeeting.cronJOBS.stop = cron.schedule(newMeeting.cronStop, function() { var n = new Date(); logger.debug('MEETING ENDED' + n); newMeeting.cronJOBS.start = null; newMeeting.cronJOBS.stop = null; eventBus.emit('lightingOn','f'); eventBus.emit('lightingOn','g'); logger.debug(newMeeting.cronJOBS); eventBus.emit('cleanUp',newMeeting.uid); }.bind(this), true); this.schedule[newMeeting.uid] = newMeeting; }; officeController.prototype.setupNextMeeting = function(calData) { logger.debug('Setup next meeting...'); var self = this; var now = new Date.create(); if (Object.keys(calData.current).length > 0) { if (this.schedule.hasOwnProperty(calData.current.uid)) { logger.debug('Current Meeting exists in schedule'); } else { logger.debug('Current Meeting does NOT exist in schedule'); this.createMeeting(calData.current, true); } } if (calData.upcoming.length > 0) { for (var uCount = 0; uCount < calData.upcoming.length; uCount++) { var uEntry = calData.upcoming[uCount]; if (this.schedule.hasOwnProperty(uEntry.uid)) { logger.debug('Upcoming Meeting exists in schedule'); // Lets check to see if it's changed in anyway.. var origEntry, origStart, origEnd, newStart, newEnd; origEntry = this.schedule[uEntry.uid]; origStart = Date.create(origEntry.dtstart); origEnd = Date.create(origEntry.dtend); newStart = Date.create(uEntry.dtstart); newEnd = Date.create(uEntry.dtend); if ((origStart.getTime() != newStart.getTime()) || (origEnd.getTime() != newEnd.getTime())) { logger.error('WE HAVE A CHANGED ENTRY!!'); origEntry.cronJOBS.start.destroy(); origEntry.cronJOBS.stop.destroy(); origEntry = uEntry; this.createMeeting(origEntry); } } else { logger.debug('Upcoming meeting does NOT exist in schedule'); var newMeeting = uEntry; this.createMeeting(newMeeting); } } } // Logger.info(this.schedule); }; officeController.prototype.startController = function(eventBus) { console.log('Starting.'); getRoomStatus(); this.timer = setInterval(function() { getRoomStatus() }, 300000); }; officeController.prototype.stopController = function() { console.log('Stopping.'); clearInterval(this.timer); }; officeController.prototype.returnCalendar = function() { var exportList; exportList = this.calendarControl.getCachedStatus(); logger.debug(exportList); return exportList; }; officeController.prototype.registeriOSToken = function(id) { if (this.iosTokens.indexOf(id) === -1) { this.iosTokens.push(id); logger.info('C - IOS Device registered.'); } }; //OfficeController.prototype.getRoomStatus = function () { // this.calendarControl.getRoomStatus(); // console.log('Checking Calendar.'); //}; var meetingStates = { STARTING: 0, INPROGRESS: 1, NONE: 2, FINISHED: 3 }; function getRoomStatus() { return; // Var calendarControl = new calendar.calendarInterface(); // var status = calendarControl.getRoomStatusV2(); var status = officeController.calendarControl.getRoomStatusV2(); if (status == meetingStates.STARTING) { console.log('Meeting about to start - turning on.'); this.mqtt.projectorOn(); this.mqtt.lightsOn(); } if (status == meetingStates.INPROGRESS) { console.log('Meeting in progress - do nothing.'); } if (status == meetingStates.NONE) { console.log('No meeting - do nothing.'); } if (status == meetingStates.FINISHED) { console.log('No meeting - do nothing.'); this.mqtt.projectorOff(); this.mqtt.lightsOff(); } } module.exports.officeController = officeController;