1040 lines
30 KiB
1040 lines
30 KiB
/* jshint mocha: true */
/* eslint-env node, mocha */
* Module dependencies.
var ejs = require('..');
var fs = require('fs');
var read = fs.readFileSync;
var assert = require('assert');
var path = require('path');
var LRU = require('lru-cache');
try {
fs.mkdirSync(__dirname + '/tmp');
} catch (ex) {
if (ex.code !== 'EEXIST') {
throw ex;
// From https://gist.github.com/pguillory/729616
function hook_stdio(stream, callback) {
var old_write = stream.write;
stream.write = (function() {
return function(string, encoding, fd) {
callback(string, encoding, fd);
return function() {
stream.write = old_write;
* Load fixture `name`.
function fixture(name) {
return read('test/fixtures/' + name, 'utf8');
* User fixtures.
var users = [];
users.push({name: 'geddy'});
users.push({name: 'neil'});
users.push({name: 'alex'});
suite('ejs.compile(str, options)', function () {
test('compile to a function', function () {
var fn = ejs.compile('<p>yay</p>');
assert.equal(fn(), '<p>yay</p>');
test('empty input works', function () {
var fn = ejs.compile('');
assert.equal(fn(), '');
test('throw if there are syntax errors', function () {
try {
catch (err) {
assert.ok(err.message.indexOf('compiling ejs') > -1);
try {
ejs.compile(fixture('fail.ejs'), {filename: 'fail.ejs'});
catch (err) {
assert.ok(err.message.indexOf('fail.ejs') > -1);
throw new Error('no error reported when there should be');
test('allow customizing delimiter local var', function () {
var fn;
fn = ejs.compile('<p><?= name ?></p>', {delimiter: '?'});
assert.equal(fn({name: 'geddy'}), '<p>geddy</p>');
fn = ejs.compile('<p><:= name :></p>', {delimiter: ':'});
assert.equal(fn({name: 'geddy'}), '<p>geddy</p>');
fn = ejs.compile('<p><$= name $></p>', {delimiter: '$'});
assert.equal(fn({name: 'geddy'}), '<p>geddy</p>');
test('default to using ejs.delimiter', function () {
var fn;
ejs.delimiter = '&';
fn = ejs.compile('<p><&= name &></p>');
assert.equal(fn({name: 'geddy'}), '<p>geddy</p>');
fn = ejs.compile('<p><|= name |></p>', {delimiter: '|'});
assert.equal(fn({name: 'geddy'}), '<p>geddy</p>');
delete ejs.delimiter;
test('support custom escape function', function () {
var customEscape;
var fn;
customEscape = function customEscape(str) {
return !str ? '' : str.toUpperCase();
fn = ejs.compile('HELLO <%= name %>', {escape: customEscape});
assert.equal(fn({name: 'world'}), 'HELLO WORLD');
test('strict mode works', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render(fixture('strict.ejs'), {}, {strict: true}), 'true');
suite('client mode', function () {
test('have a working client option', function () {
var fn;
var str;
var preFn;
fn = ejs.compile('<p><%= foo %></p>', {client: true});
str = fn.toString();
if (!process.env.running_under_istanbul) {
eval('var preFn = ' + str);
assert.equal(preFn({foo: 'bar'}), '<p>bar</p>');
test('support client mode without locals', function () {
var fn;
var str;
var preFn;
fn = ejs.compile('<p><%= "foo" %></p>', {client: true});
str = fn.toString();
if (!process.env.running_under_istanbul) {
eval('var preFn = ' + str);
assert.equal(preFn(), '<p>foo</p>');
test('not include rethrow() in client mode if compileDebug is false', function () {
var fn = ejs.compile('<p><%= "foo" %></p>', {
client: true,
compileDebug: false
// There could be a `rethrow` in the function declaration
assert((fn.toString().match(/rethrow/g) || []).length <= 1);
test('support custom escape function in client mode', function () {
var customEscape;
var fn;
var str;
customEscape = function customEscape(str) {
return !str ? '' : str.toUpperCase();
fn = ejs.compile('HELLO <%= name %>', {escape: customEscape, client: true});
str = fn.toString();
if (!process.env.running_under_istanbul) {
eval('var preFn = ' + str);
assert.equal(preFn({name: 'world'}), 'HELLO WORLD'); // eslint-disable-line no-undef
test('escape filename in errors in client mode', function () {
assert.throws(function () {
var fn = ejs.compile('<% throw new Error("whoops"); %>', {client: true, filename: '<script>'});
}, /Error: <script>/);
/* Old API -- remove when this shim goes away */
suite('ejs.render(str, dataAndOpts)', function () {
test('render the template with data/opts passed together', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render('<p><?= foo ?></p>', {foo: 'yay', delimiter: '?'}),
test('disallow unsafe opts passed along in data', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render('<p><?= locals.foo ?></p>',
// localsName should not get reset because it's blacklisted
{_with: false, foo: 'yay', delimiter: '?', localsName: '_'}),
suite('ejs.render(str, data, opts)', function () {
test('render the template', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render('<p>yay</p>'), '<p>yay</p>');
test('empty input works', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render(''), '');
test('undefined renders nothing escaped', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render('<%= undefined %>'), '');
test('undefined renders nothing raw', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render('<%- undefined %>'), '');
test('null renders nothing escaped', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render('<%= null %>'), '');
test('null renders nothing raw', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render('<%- null %>'), '');
test('zero-value data item renders something escaped', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render('<%= 0 %>'), '0');
test('zero-value data object renders something raw', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render('<%- 0 %>'), '0');
test('accept locals', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render('<p><%= name %></p>', {name: 'geddy'}),
test('accept locals without using with() {}', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render('<p><%= locals.name %></p>', {name: 'geddy'},
{_with: false}),
assert.throws(function() {
ejs.render('<p><%= name %></p>', {name: 'geddy'},
{_with: false});
}, /name is not defined/);
test('accept custom name for locals', function () {
ejs.localsName = 'it';
assert.equal(ejs.render('<p><%= it.name %></p>', {name: 'geddy'},
{_with: false}),
assert.throws(function() {
ejs.render('<p><%= name %></p>', {name: 'geddy'},
{_with: false});
}, /name is not defined/);
ejs.localsName = 'locals';
test('support caching', function () {
var file = __dirname + '/tmp/render.ejs';
var options = {cache: true, filename: file};
var out = ejs.render('<p>Old</p>', {}, options);
var expected = '<p>Old</p>';
assert.equal(out, expected);
// Assert no change, still in cache
out = ejs.render('<p>New</p>', {}, options);
assert.equal(out, expected);
test('support LRU caching', function () {
var oldCache = ejs.cache;
var file = __dirname + '/tmp/render.ejs';
var options = {cache: true, filename: file};
var out;
var expected = '<p>Old</p>';
// Switch to LRU
ejs.cache = LRU();
out = ejs.render('<p>Old</p>', {}, options);
assert.equal(out, expected);
// Assert no change, still in cache
out = ejs.render('<p>New</p>', {}, options);
assert.equal(out, expected);
// Restore system cache
ejs.cache = oldCache;
test('opts.context', function () {
var ctxt = {foo: 'FOO'};
var out = ejs.render('<%= this.foo %>', {}, {context: ctxt});
assert.equal(out, ctxt.foo);
suite('ejs.renderFile(path, [data], [options], fn)', function () {
test('render a file', function(done) {
ejs.renderFile('test/fixtures/para.ejs', function(err, html) {
if (err) {
return done(err);
assert.equal(html, '<p>hey</p>\n');
test('accept locals', function(done) {
var data = {name: 'fonebone'};
var options = {delimiter: '$'};
ejs.renderFile('test/fixtures/user.ejs', data, options, function(err, html) {
if (err) {
return done(err);
assert.equal(html, '<h1>fonebone</h1>\n');
test('accept locals without using with() {}', function(done) {
var data = {name: 'fonebone'};
var options = {delimiter: '$', _with: false};
var doneCount = 0;
ejs.renderFile('test/fixtures/user-no-with.ejs', data, options, function(err, html) {
if (err) {
if (doneCount === 2) {
doneCount = 2;
return done(err);
assert.equal(html, '<h1>fonebone</h1>\n');
if (doneCount === 2) {
ejs.renderFile('test/fixtures/user.ejs', data, options, function(err) {
if (!err) {
if (doneCount === 2) {
doneCount = 2;
return done(new Error('error not thrown'));
if (doneCount === 2) {
test('not catch err thrown by callback', function(done) {
var data = {name: 'fonebone'};
var options = {delimiter: '$'};
var counter = 0;
var d = require('domain').create();
d.on('error', function (err) {
assert.equal(counter, 1);
assert.equal(err.message, 'Exception in callback');
d.run(function () {
// process.nextTick() needed to work around mochajs/mocha#513
// tl;dr: mocha doesn't support synchronous exception throwing in
// domains. Have to make it async. Ticket closed because: "domains are
// deprecated :D"
process.nextTick(function () {
ejs.renderFile('test/fixtures/user.ejs', data, options, function(err) {
if (err) {
assert.notEqual(err.message, 'Exception in callback');
return done(err);
throw new Error('Exception in callback');
test('support caching', function (done) {
var expected = '<p>Old</p>';
var file = __dirname + '/tmp/renderFile.ejs';
var options = {cache: true};
fs.writeFileSync(file, '<p>Old</p>');
ejs.renderFile(file, {}, options, function (err, out) {
if (err) {
fs.writeFileSync(file, '<p>New</p>');
assert.equal(out, expected);
ejs.renderFile(file, {}, options, function (err, out) {
if (err) {
// Assert no change, still in cache
assert.equal(out, expected);
test('opts.context', function (done) {
var ctxt = {foo: 'FOO'};
ejs.renderFile('test/fixtures/with-context.ejs', {}, {context: ctxt}, function(err, html) {
if (err) {
return done(err);
assert.equal(html, ctxt.foo + '\n');
suite('cache specific', function () {
test('`clearCache` work properly', function () {
var expected = '<p>Old</p>';
var file = __dirname + '/tmp/clearCache.ejs';
var options = {cache: true, filename: file};
var out = ejs.render('<p>Old</p>', {}, options);
assert.equal(out, expected);
expected = '<p>New</p>';
out = ejs.render('<p>New</p>', {}, options);
assert.equal(out, expected);
test('`clearCache` work properly, LRU', function () {
var expected = '<p>Old</p>';
var oldCache = ejs.cache;
var file = __dirname + '/tmp/clearCache.ejs';
var options = {cache: true, filename: file};
var out;
ejs.cache = LRU();
out = ejs.render('<p>Old</p>', {}, options);
assert.equal(out, expected);
expected = '<p>New</p>';
out = ejs.render('<p>New</p>', {}, options);
assert.equal(out, expected);
ejs.cache = oldCache;
test('LRU with cache-size 1', function () {
var oldCache = ejs.cache;
var options;
var out;
var expected;
var file;
ejs.cache = LRU(1);
file = __dirname + '/tmp/render1.ejs';
options = {cache: true, filename: file};
out = ejs.render('<p>File1</p>', {}, options);
expected = '<p>File1</p>';
assert.equal(out, expected);
// Same filename, different template, but output
// should be the same because cache
file = __dirname + '/tmp/render1.ejs';
options = {cache: true, filename: file};
out = ejs.render('<p>ChangedFile1</p>', {}, options);
expected = '<p>File1</p>';
assert.equal(out, expected);
// Different filiename -- output should be different,
// and previous cache-entry should be evicted
file = __dirname + '/tmp/render2.ejs';
options = {cache: true, filename: file};
out = ejs.render('<p>File2</p>', {}, options);
expected = '<p>File2</p>';
assert.equal(out, expected);
// Entry with first filename should now be out of cache,
// results should be different
file = __dirname + '/tmp/render1.ejs';
options = {cache: true, filename: file};
out = ejs.render('<p>ChangedFile1</p>', {}, options);
expected = '<p>ChangedFile1</p>';
assert.equal(out, expected);
ejs.cache = oldCache;
suite('<%', function () {
test('without semicolons', function () {
suite('<%=', function () {
test('should not throw an error with a // comment on the final line', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render('<%=\n// a comment\nname\n// another comment %>', {name: ' <script>'}),
test('escape &<script>', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render('<%= name %>', {name: ' <script>'}),
test('should escape \'', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render('<%= name %>', {name: 'The Jones\'s'}),
'The Jones's');
test('should escape &foo_bar;', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render('<%= name %>', {name: '&foo_bar;'}),
test('should accept custom function', function() {
var customEscape = function customEscape(str) {
return !str ? '' : str.toUpperCase();
ejs.render('<%= name %>', {name: 'The Jones\'s'}, {escape: customEscape}),
suite('<%-', function () {
test('should not throw an error with a // comment on the final line', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render('<%-\n// a comment\nname\n// another comment %>', {name: ' <script>'}),
' <script>');
test('not escape', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render('<%- name %>', {name: '<script>'}),
test('terminate gracefully if no close tag is found', function () {
try {
ejs.compile('<h1>oops</h1><%- name ->');
throw new Error('Expected parse failure');
catch (err) {
assert.ok(err.message.indexOf('Could not find matching close tag for') > -1);
suite('%>', function () {
test('produce newlines', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render(fixture('newlines.ejs'), {users: users}),
test('works with `-%>` interspersed', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render(fixture('newlines.mixed.ejs'), {users: users}),
test('consecutive tags work', function () {
suite('-%>', function () {
test('not produce newlines', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render(fixture('no.newlines.ejs'), {users: users}),
test('stack traces work', function () {
try {
catch (e) {
if (e.message.indexOf('>> 4| <%= qdata %>') > -1) {
throw e;
throw new Error('Expected ReferenceError');
test('works with unix style', function () {
var content = '<ul><% -%>\n'
+ '<% users.forEach(function(user){ -%>\n'
+ '<li><%= user.name -%></li>\n'
+ '<% }) -%>\n'
+ '</ul><% -%>\n';
var expectedResult = '<ul><li>geddy</li>\n<li>neil</li>\n<li>alex</li>\n</ul>';
var fn;
fn = ejs.compile(content);
assert.equal(fn({users: users}),
test('works with windows style', function () {
var content = '<ul><% -%>\r\n'
+ '<% users.forEach(function(user){ -%>\r\n'
+ '<li><%= user.name -%></li>\r\n'
+ '<% }) -%>\r\n'
+ '</ul><% -%>\r\n';
var expectedResult = '<ul><li>geddy</li>\r\n<li>neil</li>\r\n<li>alex</li>\r\n</ul>';
var fn;
fn = ejs.compile(content);
assert.equal(fn({users: users}),
suite('<%%', function () {
test('produce literals', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render('<%%- "foo" %>'),
'<%- "foo" %>');
test('work without an end tag', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render('<%%'), '<%');
assert.equal(ejs.render(fixture('literal.ejs'), {}, {delimiter: ' '}),
suite('%%>', function () {
test('produce literal', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render(' >', {}, {delimiter: ' '}),
' >');
suite('<%_ and _%>', function () {
test('slurps spaces and tabs', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render(fixture('space-and-tab-slurp.ejs'), {users: users}),
suite('single quotes', function () {
test('not mess up the constructed function', function () {
suite('double quotes', function () {
test('not mess up the constructed function', function () {
suite('backslashes', function () {
test('escape', function () {
suite('messed up whitespace', function () {
test('work', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render(fixture('messed.ejs'), {users: users}),
suite('exceptions', function () {
test('produce useful stack traces', function () {
try {
ejs.render(fixture('error.ejs'), {}, {filename: 'error.ejs'});
catch (err) {
assert.equal(err.path, 'error.ejs');
assert.equal(err.stack.split('\n').slice(0, 8).join('\n'), fixture('error.out'));
throw new Error('no error reported when there should be');
test('not include fancy stack info if compileDebug is false', function () {
try {
ejs.render(fixture('error.ejs'), {}, {
filename: 'error.ejs',
compileDebug: false
catch (err) {
assert.notEqual(err.stack.split('\n').slice(0, 8).join('\n'), fixture('error.out'));
throw new Error('no error reported when there should be');
var unhook = null;
test('log JS source when debug is set', function (done) {
var out = '';
var needToExit = false;
unhook = hook_stdio(process.stdout, function (str) {
out += str;
if (needToExit) {
if (out.indexOf('__output')) {
needToExit = true;
unhook = null;
return done();
ejs.render(fixture('hello-world.ejs'), {}, {debug: true});
test('escape filename in errors', function () {
assert.throws(function () {
ejs.render('<% throw new Error("whoops"); %>', {}, {filename: '<script>'});
}, /Error: <script>/);
test('filename in errors uses custom escape', function () {
assert.throws(function () {
ejs.render('<% throw new Error("whoops"); %>', {}, {
filename: '<script>',
escape: function () { return 'zooby'; }
}, /Error: zooby/);
teardown(function() {
if (!unhook) {
unhook = null;
suite('rmWhitespace', function () {
test('works', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render(fixture('rmWhitespace.ejs'), {}, {rmWhitespace: true}),
suite('include()', function () {
test('include ejs', function () {
var file = 'test/fixtures/include-simple.ejs';
assert.equal(ejs.render(fixture('include-simple.ejs'), {}, {filename: file}),
test('include ejs fails without `filename`', function () {
try {
catch (err) {
assert.ok(err.message.indexOf('requires the \'filename\' option') > -1);
throw new Error('expected inclusion error');
test('strips BOM', function () {
ejs.render('<%- include("fixtures/includes/bom.ejs") %>',
{}, {filename: path.join(__dirname, 'f.ejs')}),
'<p>This is a file with BOM.</p>\n');
test('include ejs with locals', function () {
var file = 'test/fixtures/include.ejs';
assert.equal(ejs.render(fixture('include.ejs'), {pets: users}, {filename: file, delimiter: '@'}),
test('include ejs with absolute path and locals', function () {
var file = 'test/fixtures/include-abspath.ejs';
{dir: path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures'), pets: users, path: path},
{filename: file, delimiter: '@'}),
test('include ejs with set root path', function () {
var file = 'test/fixtures/include-root.ejs';
var viewsPath = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures');
assert.equal(ejs.render(fixture('include-root.ejs'), {pets: users}, {filename: file, delimiter: '@',root:viewsPath}),
test('work when nested', function () {
var file = 'test/fixtures/menu.ejs';
assert.equal(ejs.render(fixture('menu.ejs'), {pets: users}, {filename: file}),
test('work with a variable path', function () {
var file = 'test/fixtures/menu_var.ejs';
var includePath = 'includes/menu-item';
assert.equal(ejs.render(fixture('menu.ejs'), {pets: users, varPath: includePath}, {filename: file}),
test('include arbitrary files as-is', function () {
var file = 'test/fixtures/include.css.ejs';
assert.equal(ejs.render(fixture('include.css.ejs'), {pets: users}, {filename: file}),
test('pass compileDebug to include', function () {
var file = 'test/fixtures/include.ejs';
var fn;
fn = ejs.compile(fixture('include.ejs'), {
filename: file,
delimiter: '@',
compileDebug: false
try {
// Render without a required variable reference
fn({foo: 'asdf'});
catch(e) {
assert.equal(e.message, 'pets is not defined');
throw new Error('no error reported when there should be');
test('is dynamic', function () {
fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + '/tmp/include.ejs', '<p>Old</p>');
var file = 'test/fixtures/include_cache.ejs';
var options = {filename: file};
var out = ejs.compile(fixture('include_cache.ejs'), options);
assert.equal(out(), '<p>Old</p>\n');
fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + '/tmp/include.ejs', '<p>New</p>');
assert.equal(out(), '<p>New</p>\n');
test('support caching', function () {
fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + '/tmp/include.ejs', '<p>Old</p>');
var file = 'test/fixtures/include_cache.ejs';
var options = {cache: true, filename: file};
var out = ejs.render(fixture('include_cache.ejs'), {}, options);
var expected = fixture('include_cache.html');
assert.equal(out, expected);
out = ejs.render(fixture('include_cache.ejs'), {}, options);
// No change, still in cache
assert.equal(out, expected);
fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + '/tmp/include.ejs', '<p>New</p>');
out = ejs.render(fixture('include_cache.ejs'), {}, options);
assert.equal(out, expected);
suite('preprocessor include', function () {
test('work', function () {
var file = 'test/fixtures/include_preprocessor.ejs';
assert.equal(ejs.render(fixture('include_preprocessor.ejs'), {pets: users}, {filename: file, delimiter: '@'}),
test('no false positives', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render('<% %> include foo <% %>'), ' include foo ');
test('fails without `filename`', function () {
try {
ejs.render(fixture('include_preprocessor.ejs'), {pets: users}, {delimiter: '@'});
catch (err) {
assert.ok(err.message.indexOf('requires the \'filename\' option') > -1);
throw new Error('expected inclusion error');
test('strips BOM', function () {
ejs.render('<% include fixtures/includes/bom.ejs %>',
{}, {filename: path.join(__dirname, 'f.ejs')}),
'<p>This is a file with BOM.</p>\n');
test('work when nested', function () {
var file = 'test/fixtures/menu_preprocessor.ejs';
assert.equal(ejs.render(fixture('menu_preprocessor.ejs'), {pets: users}, {filename: file}),
test('tracks dependency correctly', function () {
var file = 'test/fixtures/menu_preprocessor.ejs';
var fn = ejs.compile(fixture('menu_preprocessor.ejs'), {filename: file});
test('include arbitrary files as-is', function () {
var file = 'test/fixtures/include_preprocessor.css.ejs';
assert.equal(ejs.render(fixture('include_preprocessor.css.ejs'), {pets: users}, {filename: file}),
test('pass compileDebug to include', function () {
var file = 'test/fixtures/include_preprocessor.ejs';
var fn;
fn = ejs.compile(fixture('include_preprocessor.ejs'), {
filename: file,
delimiter: '@',
compileDebug: false
try {
// Render without a required variable reference
fn({foo: 'asdf'});
catch(e) {
assert.equal(e.message, 'pets is not defined');
throw new Error('no error reported when there should be');
test('is static', function () {
fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + '/tmp/include_preprocessor.ejs', '<p>Old</p>');
var file = 'test/fixtures/include_preprocessor_cache.ejs';
var options = {filename: file};
var out = ejs.compile(fixture('include_preprocessor_cache.ejs'), options);
assert.equal(out(), '<p>Old</p>\n');
fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + '/tmp/include_preprocessor.ejs', '<p>New</p>');
assert.equal(out(), '<p>Old</p>\n');
test('support caching', function () {
fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + '/tmp/include_preprocessor.ejs', '<p>Old</p>');
var file = 'test/fixtures/include_preprocessor_cache.ejs';
var options = {cache: true, filename: file};
var out = ejs.render(fixture('include_preprocessor_cache.ejs'), {}, options);
var expected = fixture('include_preprocessor_cache.html');
assert.equal(out, expected);
fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + '/tmp/include_preprocessor.ejs', '<p>New</p>');
out = ejs.render(fixture('include_preprocessor_cache.ejs'), {}, options);
assert.equal(out, expected);
test('whitespace slurp and rmWhitespace work', function() {
var file = 'test/fixtures/include_preprocessor_line_slurp.ejs';
var template = fixture('include_preprocessor_line_slurp.ejs');
var expected = fixture('include_preprocessor_line_slurp.html');
var options = {rmWhitespace: true, filename: file};
assert.equal(ejs.render(template, {}, options),
suite('comments', function () {
test('fully render with comments removed', function () {
suite('require', function () {
// Only works with inline/preprocessor includes
test('allow ejs templates to be required as node modules', function () {
var file = 'test/fixtures/include_preprocessor.ejs';
var template = require(__dirname + '/fixtures/menu_preprocessor.ejs');
if (!process.env.running_under_istanbul) {
assert.equal(template({filename: file, pets: users}),
suite('test fileloader', function () {
var myFileLoad = function (filePath) {
return 'myFileLoad: ' + fs.readFileSync(filePath);
test('test custom fileload', function (done) {
ejs.fileLoader = myFileLoad;
ejs.renderFile('test/fixtures/para.ejs', function(err, html) {
if (err) {
return done(err);
assert.equal(html, 'myFileLoad: <p>hey</p>\n');
suite('examples', function () {
function noop () {}
fs.readdirSync('examples').forEach(function (f) {
if (!/\.js$/.test(f)) {
suite(f, function () {
test('doesn\'t throw any errors', function () {
var stderr = hook_stdio(process.stderr, noop);
var stdout = hook_stdio(process.stdout, noop);
try {
require('../examples/' + f);
catch (ex) {
throw ex;
suite('meta information', function () {
test('has a version', function () {
assert.strictEqual(ejs.VERSION, require('../package.json').version);
test('had a name', function () {
assert.strictEqual(ejs.name, 'ejs');