// Pass through itunes content... // // <itunes:summary> // Let KQED Arts help you find the best things to see, do, and explore in San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose, and the surrounding areas. // </itunes:summary> // <itunes:author>KQED Arts</itunes:author> // <itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit> // <itunes:image href="http://ww2.kqed.org/arts/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/powerpress/TDL-Logo-1400x1400.jpeg"/> // <itunes:owner> // <itunes:name>KQED Arts</itunes:name> // <itunes:email>ondemand@kqed.org</itunes:email> // </itunes:owner> // <managingEditor>ondemand@kqed.org (KQED Arts)</managingEditor> // <itunes:subtitle>KQED Public Media for Northern CA</itunes:subtitle> module.exports = function (item, itemOptions, source) { var pass_through_arr = ['itunes:summary', 'itunes:author', 'itunes:explicit', ]; pass_through_arr.forEach(function(element){ if (item[element] && item[element]['#']) { var custom_element = {}; custom_element[element] = item[element]['#']; itemOptions.custom_elements.push(custom_element); } }); // audio enclosures if (item.enclosures && Array.isArray(item.enclosures)){ item.enclosures.forEach(function(enclosure){ if (enclosure.type === 'audio/mpeg') { var element = { enclosure :{ _attr : { url : enclosure.url, length : enclosure.length || enclosure.size || 0, type : enclosure.type || mime.lookup(enclosure.url) } } }; itemOptions.custom_elements.push(element); } }); } return itemOptions; };