{"title":"Technology","description":"Combined Tech Feed","generator":"rss-braider","feed_url":null,"site_url":"http://pipes.silvrtree.co.uk/tech.xml","image_url":null,"categories":null,"copyright":null,"webMaster":null,"geoRSS":false,"custom_namespaces":[],"custom_elements":[],"no_cdata_fields":[],"items":[{"title":"Tap your way to fame and fortune in Beat Bop, coming soon to Android","description":"

To be released by Fliptus Pty Ltd, Beat Bop is a tapping game where players are using their frantic tapping to crate music for fans. Players assume the same Le of a struggling guitar player, with aspirations of stardom. As players progress their character, they'll be recruiting band-mates to play with, and invest in merchandise that can be sold when not playing the game.


Beat Bop is also set to include random tasks, that players can choose to try and win an \"extra boost\" (according to the presser), or will result in an accident that can cause a setback. Even the sound and tempo of the songs will dynamically respond to the performance of the player. Faster tapping, for example, will respond in amping up the music, while recruiting the aforementioned band mates will influence the style, based on what instruments they play.



Beat Bop Features:


- Start with nothing. Recruit band members and load them up with new clothes and gear

- Dynamic and original soundtrack that matches the way you tap and the band members you play with

- Easy to play - simply tap to jam with your band and rake in money

- Sell merchandise in the background to get rich even while you're idle

- Polished, vibrant and light-hearted graphics

- Original soundtrack provided by Piotr Nowotnik


Beat Bop is set go have a soft release in Australia and New Zealand on August 20th, and going global at a later date. The game is slated to be free with \"opt-in ads\". You can check out the game in action ahead of time with the trailer below.


","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/PlanetAndroidCom/~3/c5UF73zCvIU/9643-tap-your-way-to-fame-and-fortune-in-beat-bop-coming-soon","guid":"http://www.droidgamers.com/index.php/game-news/android-game-news/9643-tap-your-way-to-fame-and-fortune-in-beat-bop-coming-soon","categories":[],"author":"Ed Burnette","date":"2015-08-14T21:50:59.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Dead Union is a new mobile FPS strategy game currently in a closed beta testing phase","description":"

A new FPS-strategy hybrid game will be arriving for mobile devices soon. Currently in the beta testing phase of development, Dead Union is a blend of FPS gameplay with base building strategy mechanics, and zombies of course. However this game may not be exactly what you are thinking it is.


Essentially players will be building up their base with different defenses and other handy structures and items to help you survive. You will also have the ability to control zombies as your main type of military unit. This means you will be deploying different types of zombies to attack your opponent. Of course they will be able to do the same. When you are confronted with incoming zombies, you'll switch to a first-person perspective and handle them with your current weapon of choice.



Dead Union has a few different types of game modes available. While there is a single-player mode you can play through, following the storyline within the game, there also happens to be multiplayer PvP as well as X-Mode. The PvP mode is pretty self-explanatory. X-Mode is basically a survival game mode where you will be trying to survive as long as you can against waves of zombies.


There are a few details we do not know just yet, with controller support being the main one. However, judging from how the onscreen controls are set up, anyone with a Shield tablet and Shield controller should be able to easily button map this game. The same goes for anyone using an app to button map controllers with their non-Shield device. Right now there is no specific release date announced, only that it is coming soon. As for price, it looks like Dead Union will be available for free with optional IAPs. More screenshots available below.


Official Website: Dead Union


","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/PlanetAndroidCom/~3/HKHtTfvOMCw/9641-dead-union-is-a-new-mobile-fps-strategy-game-currently-in-a-closed-beta-testing-phase","guid":"http://www.droidgamers.com/index.php/game-news/android-game-news/9641-dead-union-is-a-new-mobile-fps-strategy-game-currently-in-a-closed-beta-testing-phase","categories":[],"author":"Ed Burnette","date":"2015-08-14T21:39:41.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"AMD's R9 Fury X is a beast, but 4K gaming is still a waste","description":"\n\nSince the rise of 3D graphics cards, the inexorable trend in PC gaming has been around getting bigger, better and faster. That led to a culture of PC gamers obsessing over frame rates and doing whatever it took to push their hardware as much as pos...","url":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/14/amd-r9-fury-x-irl/%3Futm_medium%3Dfeed%26utm_source%3DFeed_Classic%26utm_campaign%3DEngadget%26ncid%3Drss_semi","guid":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/14/amd-r9-fury-x-irl/","categories":[],"author":"Devindra Hardawar","date":"2015-08-14T19:00:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"[The Android Police Podcast] Episode 173: Xooming Through Honeycomb","description":"


Welcome back to another week of the Android Police Podcast. To catch us live on Hangouts On Air every Thursday at 5:30PM PST (subject to change as per the calendar widget below), just head over to androidpolice.com/podcast. For the unedited video show, click here. As always, we'll take your questions at 530-HELLO-AP and also at our email address: podcast at androidpolice dot com.

On this week's episode: On this week's show, we go back to Honeycomb, taking a look at Google's odd tablet-focused operating system that introduced us to the Holo design language.

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[The Android Police Podcast] Episode 173: Xooming Through Honeycomb was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

\r\n \r\n
\"\"/","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/AndroidPolice/~3/XQHx-HxzDZY/story01.htm","guid":"http://www.androidpolice.com/?p=331549","categories":["honeycomb","android podcast","android police podcast","episode 173","video","galaxy s6 edge","android 3.1","Podcast","android 3.0","android 3.2","note 5","News"],"author":"David Ruddock","date":"2015-08-14T18:53:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Android Central's back to school guide","description":"


It's time to go back to school, and we'll make sure you're well-equipped.


For many students, it's time to hit the books again. Whether you're loading up for your first day at high school, finding your stride in college, or you're making the long haul in university graduate programs, we've got the best tech for back to school season right here.

","url":"http://www.androidcentral.com/android-centrals-back-school-guide","guid":"48417 at http://www.androidcentral.com","categories":[],"author":"Simon Sage","date":"2015-08-14T18:43:45.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Google Fi Outage? Tell Us Your Experience","description":"
\"FiA few of us here at the XDA offices recently switched from Straight Talk to Google Fi. Aside from the well-packaged welcome kit, with case, external battery, and headphones, we’ve
","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/PlanetAndroidCom/~3/oZBdRkBnNdw/","guid":"http://www.xda-developers.com/?p=122715","categories":["ANDROID","Discuss"],"author":"Mario Tomás Serrafero","date":"2015-08-14T18:43:19.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"iHome HomeKit and iSP5 Smartplug ready to make your home “smarter”","description":"The name 'iHome' has probably made you think of Apple but there's an Android compatible device known as the ‘iSP5 Smartplug’. iHome has finally introduced the iHome HomeKit that conveniently … Continue reading","url":"http://androidcommunity.com/ihome-homekit-and-isp5-smartplug-ready-to-make-your-home-smarter-20150814/","guid":"http://androidcommunity.com/?p=239452","categories":["Archive","Android","iHome","smart home"],"author":"R Padla","date":"2015-08-14T18:40:40.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Apple Watch gets more band options for larger wrists","description":"\n\nIf you've been eying the Apple Watch, but needed a larger band to wear it comfortably, you're in luck. Cupertino added new accessories today to accommodate with a new L/XL Sports Band and Link Bracelet Kit that adds an extra 40mm to the 42mm metal...","url":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/14/apple-watch-xl-band-link-kit/%3Futm_medium%3Dfeed%26utm_source%3DFeed_Classic%26utm_campaign%3DEngadget%26ncid%3Drss_semi","guid":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/14/apple-watch-xl-band-link-kit/","categories":[],"author":"Billy Steele","date":"2015-08-14T18:29:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"The Note 5 Marks the Decline of a Power User Flagship Line","description":"
\"notefeatureimage\"DISCLAIMER: This is an editorial based on early impressions. I will update my thoughts once I get a hands-on look next week. It is not just the S-pen, or the
","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/PlanetAndroidCom/~3/-hjFP7t5VDk/","guid":"http://www.xda-developers.com/?p=122704","categories":["ANDROID","Featured","OPINION","XDA FEATURE","editorial","note 5"],"author":"Mario Tomás Serrafero","date":"2015-08-14T18:26:42.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Sony Adds The First 64-Bit Devices To Its Open Device Project","description":"


Sony is ahead of most other OEMs when it comes to its support of open source. It contributes significantly to AOSP and even releases binaries for many of its devices so developers can build AOSP ROMs for them. Today, Sony is announcing support for the first three 64-bit devices in the Open Device project.

The new devices are the Xperia Z3+,  Xperia Z4 Tablet, and Xperia Z4 Tablet WiFi. Technically, we're talking about a phone and two versions of the same tablet, but it's nice they're supporting the mobile data version specifically.

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Sony Adds The First 64-Bit Devices To Its Open Device Project was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

\r\n \r\n
\"\"/","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/AndroidPolice/~3/QoseNVNPAkQ/story01.htm","guid":"http://www.androidpolice.com/?p=331542","categories":["Sony","AOSP","open source","xperia z3","xperia z4 tablet","Xperia Z4 Tablet","sony","developers","News"],"author":"Ryan Whitwam","date":"2015-08-14T18:17:59.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"RHA turns it up to 20 with the T20 in-ear headphone","description":"Reid Heath Acoustics (RHA) is a an audio company with a problem. They can’t seem to let a new earphone be their signature product for more than a few months before they come up with one that tops that. Don’t these guys ever rest? Apparently not, because their excellent T10 earphone released less than a […]","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheGadgeteer/~3/7E7ZUKCVWaQ/","guid":"http://the-gadgeteer.com/?p=183616","categories":["Audio, Video, TV Gear","News","Earphones"],"author":"Bill Henderson","date":"2015-08-14T18:10:51.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Samsung SM-G9198 flip phone officially announced in China, packing Snapdragon 808","description":"Last month TEENA, essentially the Chinese version of the FCC, revealed information on a new Samsung flip phone that was powered by Android and offered fairly high-end specs. Now it’s official.","url":"http://www.androidauthority.com/samsung-sm-g9198-flip-634219/","guid":"http://www.androidauthority.com/?p=634219","categories":["News","Samsung","Samsung SM-G9198"],"author":"Andrew Grush","date":"2015-08-14T18:10:40.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Top 10 things to know about the OnePlus 2","description":"

","url":"http://www.androidcentral.com/top-10-things-know-about-oneplus-2","guid":"48480 at http://www.androidcentral.com","categories":[],"author":"Russell Holly","date":"2015-08-14T18:02:43.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Nipper charges your smartphone with just two AA batteries","description":"Powerbanks and battery extenders have been lifesavers so many times when our smartphones threaten to run out of juice (and the fear of that happening is already a “disease” as … Continue reading","url":"http://androidcommunity.com/nipper-charges-your-smartphone-with-just-two-aa-batteries-20150814/","guid":"http://androidcommunity.com/?p=239289","categories":["Archive","accessories","Android","charger","crowdfunded project"],"author":"Ida Torres","date":"2015-08-14T18:00:25.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"How to change your default save locations on Windows 10","description":"
Windows 10 allows you to select a different hard drive to store your documents, pictures, videos and music by default.

read more

","url":"http://winsupersite.com/windows-10/how-change-your-default-save-locations-windows-10","guid":"58351 at http://winsupersite.com","categories":["default save locations","documents","files","Music","pictures","save","videos","Windows 10"],"author":null,"date":"2015-08-14T18:00:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Researchers find popular car immobilizer can easily be hacked","description":"\n\nImmobilizers are supposed to kill a vehicle's engine to prevent it from being stolen. However, a trio of researchers recently released a study that reveals the Megamos immobilizer system used by more than two dozen car manufacturers -- including Vo...","url":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/14/car-immobilizer-easily-hacked/%3Futm_medium%3Dfeed%26utm_source%3DFeed_Classic%26utm_campaign%3DEngadget%26ncid%3Drss_semi","guid":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/14/car-immobilizer-easily-hacked/","categories":[],"author":"Andrew Tarantola","date":"2015-08-14T17:44:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Hugely successful YouTube star and best-selling novelist John Green says he feels like 'a fraud'","description":"


There's this thing that really smart people do to themselves, where they convince themselves that they're not as good as their peers and that their success really comes down to luck and faking it.

This feeling is called Imposter's Syndrome. It's particularly rampant in the geek/hacker world, where intelligence of all kind is revered, genius coding is idolized, and famous genius coders have reputations for being insult-spewing dudes who don't suffer fools kindly (think: young Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg in the movie \"The Social Network\", or Linus Torvalds' famous rants).

Many tech professionals are working themselves into the ground, feeling that in order to keep up the facade of being smart and skilled, they need to worker longer and harder.

So, here's an interesting insight: Even some of the most successful people suffer from Impostor's Syndrome. Since we first reported on the rampage of Imposter Syndrome in the tech industry, we've noticed more brave souls going public about their own battle.

On Thursday during a Reddit AMA, another brave soul confessed: author and YouTube star John Green.

Green is the author of best-selling novels \"Looking for Alaska,\" \"Paper Towns\" and \"The Fault in Our Stars.\" (\"The Fault\" was beautifully written and filled with memorable lines like this one: \"'As he read, I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.\")

G\"hankreen is also known for his mega popular vlogbrothers YouTube channel with his brother Hank, and his educational video channels Crash Course,and Mental Floss. All told, the Greens have a following of 10 million people across all their channels.

This guy has Imposter's Syndrome? Yup. 

When a recent grad student asked him if he ever had writer's block and worried that he'd never write again, Green replied:

I mean I haven't published a novel for three and a half years, so....yeah.

I feel this way all the time. People often use the phrase \"literally the worst\" colloquially, but I have on countless occasions felt that I am literally the worst writer on Earth, and that I am a complete fraud. I feel like a fraud all the time, and I still don't feel like I know how to write a novel, and at this point I doubt I ever will.

The only way through it for me is to take pleasure in the process of writing, or to find value in it. Even when I suck. Even when there's no way anything I'm writing will ever see the light of day. The act of trying to write for an audience must feel valuable in and of itself, or else I am doomed.

As another Imposter's Syndrome sufferer once advised: The trick to making these terrifying feelings of insecurity go away, even temporarily, is to talk about it and discover you are not alone.

Which means if we're all really \"faking\" our way to success, maybe even greatness, how fake can we really be?

SEE ALSO: 15 things you didn't know about billionaire Microsoft founder and philanthropist Bill Gates

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NOW WATCH: People doing backflips on a two-inch wide strap is a real sport called slacklining

\r\n \r\n
\"\"/","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/typepad/alleyinsider/silicon_alley_insider/~3/C_G35lBGd04/youtubes-john-green-has-imposters-syndrome-2015-8","guid":"http://www.businessinsider.com/youtubes-john-green-has-imposters-syndrome-2015-8","categories":[],"author":"Julie Bort","date":"2015-08-14T17:41:58.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Prana: an LED exhibit that breathes with you","description":"\n\n\n\n\nAs you step into the shimmering globe of 13,000 LEDs, a sensor detects your presence. It reacts to the rise and fall of your lungs and illuminates the sphere of suspended lights called PRANA. The signal from the chip works its way to a computer...","url":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/14/led-exhibit-breathes-with-you/%3Futm_medium%3Dfeed%26utm_source%3DFeed_Classic%26utm_campaign%3DEngadget%26ncid%3Drss_semi","guid":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/14/led-exhibit-breathes-with-you/","categories":[],"author":"Mona Lalwani","date":"2015-08-14T17:30:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"The SuperSite Windows 10 How To Collection: Customize your experience","description":"
Part of the pleasure of updating an operating system is the ability to make it look, feel and act exactly as you want it to. Here are all of our how-tos outlining the ways you can make Windows 10 more fully yours.

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","url":"http://winsupersite.com/windows-10/supersite-windows-10-how-collection-customize-your-experience","guid":"58291 at http://winsupersite.com","categories":["Cortana","Mail App","Microsoft Edge","Windows 10"],"author":null,"date":"2015-08-14T17:21:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Blackview packaging turns into a Google Cardboard VR viewer","description":"We haven't heard of the Blackview brand before but the Alife P1 Pro definitely got our attention because of its very unique packaging. Why, the cardboard box that houses the … Continue reading","url":"http://androidcommunity.com/blackview-packaging-turns-into-a-google-cardboard-vr-viewer-20150814/","guid":"http://androidcommunity.com/?p=239107","categories":["Archive","Android","App","Google","Google Cardboard","virtual reality","VR"],"author":"R Padla","date":"2015-08-14T17:20:27.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Our Galaxy Note 5 forums are open!","description":"


The Galaxy Note 5 clearly was the big winner from Thursday's Samsung Unpacked event — if you don't live in Europe, anyway — and that means the discussions are really starting to heat up in our Note 5 forums.

","url":"http://www.androidcentral.com/our-galaxy-note-5-forums-are-open","guid":"48487 at http://www.androidcentral.com","categories":[],"author":"Phil Nickinson","date":"2015-08-14T17:11:06.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Police believe alleged gang leader posted a chilling Facebook update after beginning bloody standoff","description":"


An alleged Bloods gang leader suspected of engaging in a bloody standoff on Friday in New York City appears to have posted an ominous update on his Facebook page as the confrontation began. 

A law enforcement source told Business Insider the New York City Police Department believes this Facebook page belongs to Garland Tyree, who has been identified as the suspect.

According to The New York Times, the standoff began at about 6 a.m. on Friday. At 6:19 a.m., a chilling note was posted on the Facebook page.

\"Today I die,\" the note said.

On Friday afternoon, an NYPD spokesperson told Business Insider the standoff suspect was \"dead.\"

According to the local Staten Island Advance newspaper, sources have described Tyree \"as the leader of the Bloods on the East Coast.\"

Police have said he barricaded himself in his home and set it on fire when marshals attempted to arrest him on a probation violation warrant Friday morning. The Advance also reported Tyree has a lengthy criminal record and allegedly shot a firefighter who responded to the blaze in his home. 

The Facebook page police believe belonged to the suspect is listed as belonging to a man named \"Garland Tyree.\" It features multiple photos of a man in what appears to be a prison uniform. Photos on the page show the man wearing the red colors associated with the Bloods and some feature red bandana imagery that is one of the gang's main symbols.

One of these pictures is a birthday invite for Tyree that describes him as \"a real G,\" which is slang for gang member. Another picture on the page shows piles of money. Other photos posted on the Facebook show news articles about gang crimes on Staten Island and one shows a draft of a novel raging about \"a rat.\"

View some photos from the Facebook page below.




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NOW WATCH: This is the 'Fallout 4' video fans have been waiting months to see

\r\n \r\n
\"\"/","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/typepad/alleyinsider/silicon_alley_insider/~3/k8wMAGl922U/bloods-standoff-chilling-facebook-post-2015-8","guid":"http://www.businessinsider.com/bloods-standoff-chilling-facebook-post-2015-8","categories":[],"author":"Hunter Walker","date":"2015-08-14T17:08:34.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"The White House just released President Obama's vacation playlists on Spotify","description":"


On Thursday, the White House announced President Obama's summer reading lists.

On Friday, the White House has followed up by releasing President Obama's two \"summer vacation\" playlists on Spotify (sorry, Apple Music).

The president's \"Day\" playlist has 20 high-energy tracks from artists like Coldplay, Brandi Carlisle, and Florence + the Machine.

The more laid-back \"Night\" playlist includes songs from The Lumineers, Al Green, and Van Morrison.

The playlists, uploaded on the official White House Spotify account, even have their own Twitter hashtag: #POTUSPlaylist.

“President Obama hand-picked his favorite songs for a summer playlist,” according to the White House's Spotify account. 

Obama announced the playlists himself on Twitter:

Due to popular request, here are my vacation playlists: http://t.co/uer5sIl4Vk http://t.co/zHEekHvQBr What's your favorite summer song?

— President Obama (@POTUS) August 14, 2015

You can check out both playlists below.



SEE ALSO: The story of Tidal: How a European startup no one ever heard of got bought by Jay Z and became one of the best-known music companies in the world

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NOW WATCH: We unearthed Donald Trump's Vine account from 2013 and it's incredible

\r\n \r\n
\"\"/","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/typepad/alleyinsider/silicon_alley_insider/~3/xLpSXTWrzzY/obama-spotify-playlist-2015-8","guid":"http://www.businessinsider.com/obama-spotify-playlist-2015-8","categories":[],"author":"Maya Kosoff","date":"2015-08-14T17:03:28.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"You can now restore deleted iCloud files, contacts and calendars","description":"\n\nIf you've ever accidently deleted a file in a cloud service (or worse had someone delete a shared file) you know that any restore feature is a god send. Apple recently launched its own file restore feature for iCloud.com users that resurrects files...","url":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/14/icloud-restore/%3Futm_medium%3Dfeed%26utm_source%3DFeed_Classic%26utm_campaign%3DEngadget%26ncid%3Drss_semi","guid":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/14/icloud-restore/","categories":[],"author":"Roberto Baldwin","date":"2015-08-14T17:01:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Membership-based delivery services are beginning to disrupt the $600 billion-a-year grocery industry","description":"


The cost and complexity of delivering groceries is what ultimately led to the downfall of Webvan and other startups that have tried to disrupt the $600 billion-a-year grocery industry. 

But a new wave of promising delivery startups are relying on a tried-and-true model to disrupt groceries: membership.

Membership grocery services help secure consumers as repeat customers and allow companies to lower individual shipping fees on every order. Shipping fees are typically a big barrier to grocery delivery because orders must be delivered fast to guarantee freshness.

The grocery delivery model is attractive because it guarantees that customers are getting fresh food straight from their local supermarket, without having to waste time in the store. The typical American family of four visits the grocery store twice a week, according to the USDA.

In a new report from BI Intelligence, we define what an e-commerce membership program is and how retailers are taking the Costco model and updating it for online grocery shopping. We also assess the advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce membership programs for the retailer, as well as what consumers might look for in these programs and what incentives are needed to get people to sign up.

Access the Full Report By Signing Up For A Risk-Free Trial Membership Today >>

Here is a small sample of the e-commerce membership programs that we examine in the report: 

In full, the report:

To access the full report from BI Intelligence, sign up for a 14-day trial here. Members also gain access to new in-depth reports and hundreds of charts on the digital industry.


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NOW WATCH: This is what happens to your brain and body when you check your phone before bed

\r\n \r\n
\"\"/","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/typepad/alleyinsider/silicon_alley_insider/~3/oHp9EF41_dQ/e-commerce-disrupting-grocery-industry-2015-4","guid":"http://www.businessinsider.com/e-commerce-disrupting-grocery-industry-2015-4","categories":[],"author":"Cooper Smith","date":"2015-08-14T17:00:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"These are the 19 most game-changing weapons of the 21st century","description":"


The imperatives of the military have always been one of the main drivers of technological development.

ARPANET, one of the internet's most important precursors, was a Pentagon project while most of the technology in an iPhone originated with the US Department of Defense.

Just as smart gadgets have invaded our homes and revolutionized our lives over the last 15 years, next-level weaponry has transformed the military.

Today, militaries and irregular forces around the world are still pushing technological boundaries. 

Everything from concealed roadside bombs — cheap, primitive, and deadly  — to multibillion-dollar aerial lasers have transformed conventional methods of combat and altered the world's technological and political landscape.

Here are 19 of the most important weapons of the last 15 years.

Massive Ordnance Penetrator bombs


America's largest conventional bomb is precision-guided, weighs 30,000 pounds, and can blast through underground bunkers.

Boeing's Massive Ordnance Penetrator (MOP) bomb is designed to pierce 60 feet of reinforced concrete and then detonate 200 feet underground. 

After the MOP's first successful test in 2007, the US Air Force ordered an arsenal of these mega-bombs, which are now considered a \"plan B\" for striking at Iran's hardened nuclear facilities should the need ever arise.

The Chinese anti-satellite program


In January of 2007, China initiated a worrying new era in warfare. Using a C-19 ballistic missile, the People's Liberation Army destroyed an out-of-commission weather satellite flying over 500 miles above the surface of Earth.

In a single widely condemned move, China had militarized outer space. The long-term consequences are startling: If satellites are considered legitimate military targets, attacks could create debris fields that would knock out entire orbits or create chain reactions that might destroy vital communications and global-positioning satellites. Similarly, countries could deploy weapons to outer space capable of destroying terrestrial targets once the global taboo against space warfare disappears.

If that alarming worst-case scenario ever comes to pass, future generations could identify the successful 2007 test as the moment that space became a military frontier. The test also displayed China's eagerness to develop weapons that its rivals would probably never use — showing how a state can use asymmetrical means to close the gap with it more powerful opponents.

The X-47B


The Navy's X-47B is a strike-fighter-sized unmanned aircraft with the potential to completely change aerial warfare.

Northrop Grumman's drone is capable of aerial refueling, 360-degree rolls, and offensive weapon deployment. It's carried out the first autonomous aerial refueling in aviation history, and has also taken off and landed from an aircraft carrier.

It cruises at half the speed of sound, and has a wingspan of 62 feet — as well as a range of at least 2,400 miles, which is more than twice that of the Reaper drone.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

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\"\"/","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/typepad/alleyinsider/silicon_alley_insider/~3/3qFjMR0YyQM/21st-century-game-changing-weapons-2015-5","guid":"http://www.businessinsider.com/21st-century-game-changing-weapons-2015-5","categories":["MOP"],"author":"Armin Rosen, Jeremy Bender and Amanda Macias","date":"2015-08-14T16:45:01.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"High performance SHIELD games get SHIELD Android TV compatibility","description":"Don’t you just hate it when NVIDIA plainly tells you that your device is not good enough for a specific game? And no, we don’t mean that in a relational/metaphysical … Continue reading","url":"http://androidcommunity.com/high-performance-shield-games-get-shield-android-tv-compatibility-20150814/","guid":"http://androidcommunity.com/?p=239366","categories":["Archive","Android","Android TV","App","games","Gaming","nvidia","NVIDIA SHIELD"],"author":"John Hoff","date":"2015-08-14T16:40:14.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Samsung Galaxy Note 5: what it packs and what it lacks","description":"In this post we will focus on the things that make the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 special, as well as the lacking elements that could have made it an outstanding phone.","url":"http://www.androidauthority.com/samsung-galaxy-note-5-good-bad-missing-634068/","guid":"http://www.androidauthority.com/?p=634068","categories":["Features","Opinions","Samsung","Samsung Galaxy Note 5"],"author":"Edgar Cervantes","date":"2015-08-14T16:33:43.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Comcast is about to launch a major video platform called Watchable to rival Facebook and Google","description":"


Comcast is preparing to launch a major new video platform with content from big-name partners in the coming weeks, Business Insider has learned.

The platform is currently called \"Watchable,\" but there's a small chance that could change before launch.

The Information's Amir Efrati previously reported that Comcast was thinking of launching a digital video service, but here are more of the details.

Comcast is partnering with major digital publishers like Comcast-backed Vox and Buzzfeed, lifestyle, and comedy sites like AwesomenessTV, Refinery29, and The Onion, news sites like Mic and Vice, as well as legacy brands like NBC Sports to come up with a widespread digital-video platform that will rival YouTube and Facebook's online video efforts.

It will also rival the rumored video platform Verizon is preparing to unveil.

The full list of partnering media companies is still being determined, sources say, but participants are committing to Comcast for up to a few years. As part of the partnership, the publishers have agreed to upload all unlicensed, original video content to Watchable for users to stream on demand. The content from the publishers will be bundled and curated for Comcast's millions of Xfinity X1 box owners, and eventually Watchable will also be available on iOS and Android devices. 

Comcast already has a smart-TV solution called Xfinity. The X1 set-top boxes allow users to stream unlimited amounts of movies and shows on demand from their televisions or mobile devices. 

Over the next few years, sources say, Comcast plans to switch out all of its subscribers' boxes for X1 boxes, which could extend a platform like Watchable from just a few million households today to tens of millions of Comcast subscriber homes by 2017.

\"ComcastComcast is hoping to establish itself as the digital-video advertising leader, sources familiar with Watchable say.

\"Comcast is currently the largest seller of video ads in the United States,\" one says. \"As platforms shift to digital, Comcast doesn't want to lose market share, but they're losing it to YouTube and Facebook.\"

Publishers get exposure; Comcast saves licensing fees

Publishers seem interested in Comcast's platform for two reasons.

  1. It's a new marketing opportunity, allowing online-only brands to get in front of TV watchers.
  2. It's a potential big new revenue stream.

Watchable could help digital publishers make a critical leap from being online-only brands to household names among traditional television viewers. If digital-media companies can successfully cross that chasm, their brands will become much more valuable, and they'll be able to attract the massive advertising dollars cable networks have long enjoyed. 

\"Everybody is looking to see how digital companies are going to be able to produce video content that can move the needle in a meaningful way,\" one publisher told Business Insider.

If Watchable takes off, it could also become a significantly cheaper content model for Comcast as well. Currently, Comcast has to dole out cash on a per-subscriber basis to networks like ESPN and CNN. But Comcast won't pay any licensing revenue to Watchable partners, only advertising revenue. 

Deals are nonexclusive, so publishers will still be able to post content natively to Facebook.

Comcast Watchable is just the latest solution to emerge in the ongoing video-platform wars. In the end there could be one big winner, or multiple. One source likened the current video environment to driving through a tunnel and being unsure what you're going to find on the other side.

\"I think on any of these [Comcast or Facebook] platforms there will be a hybrid of traditional TV content and then the digital players. It will be really interesting to see how things shake out over the next 18 months.\"

Comcast declined to comment for this story.

SEE ALSO: Snapchat, Twitter, and Facebook are at war over the future of news — and one of them tried to buy a media company

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NOW WATCH: We Tried The Streaming Service That The Networks Are Trying To Shut Down — It's Amazing

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\"\"/","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/typepad/alleyinsider/silicon_alley_insider/~3/LGUekH-ufxw/comcast-to-launch-digital-video-platform-watchable-2015-8","guid":"http://www.businessinsider.com/comcast-to-launch-digital-video-platform-watchable-2015-8","categories":[],"author":"Alyson Shontell","date":"2015-08-14T16:27:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Samsung shows off a 2.5-inch hard drive with 16TB of storage","description":"\n\nHard drives are as ubiquitous as the desktops or they're made for. But as technology evolves, manufacturers continue to make these faster and smaller than ever before. Case in point: Samsung, which has developed the world largest hard drive, packin...","url":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/14/samsung-worlds-largest-hard-drive/%3Futm_medium%3Dfeed%26utm_source%3DFeed_Classic%26utm_campaign%3DEngadget%26ncid%3Drss_semi","guid":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/14/samsung-worlds-largest-hard-drive/","categories":[],"author":"Edgar Alvarez","date":"2015-08-14T16:27:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Sony Updates 'Live On YouTube' Xperia-Exclusive Live Broadcasting App With Pause, Mute, Tags, And More","description":"


Sony's awkwardly named \"Live on YouTube\" app has one purpose, to let you broadcast your video live to YouTube. The latest update adds a few features that make life easier for users. For starters, you can now pause as you're recording. Alternatively, if you're fine with people seeing what's going on but don't want them to hear everything, you can now mute the stream as well.

\"LOYT1\" \"LOYT3\"

Pictures courtesy of XperiaBlog

Version 1.00.54 doesn't just deal with presentation.

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Sony Updates 'Live On YouTube' Xperia-Exclusive Live Broadcasting App With Pause, Mute, Tags, And More was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

\r\n \r\n
\"\"/","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/AndroidPolice/~3/S_l0DGnU9Fk/story01.htm","guid":"http://www.androidpolice.com/?p=331536","categories":["Applications","video","youtube","sony","xperia","live streaming","News"],"author":"Bertel King, Jr.","date":"2015-08-14T16:12:35.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Become a hero and conquer the world in Vikings: War of Clans","description":"If you’re familiar with the historical Vikings (or even just watch the TV series on History Channel), then you’d basically know what to expect when a video game is named … Continue reading","url":"http://androidcommunity.com/become-a-hero-and-conquer-the-world-in-vikings-war-of-clans-20150814/","guid":"http://androidcommunity.com/?p=238773","categories":["Archive","Android","App","games","Gaming"],"author":"Ida Torres","date":"2015-08-14T16:00:35.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"The Samsung Galaxy Note 5 and Galaxy S6 Edge+ may come in 128GB variant (Update: Nope)","description":"According to Samsung's official website, the Galaxy Note 5 and S6 Edge+ are both listed with 128GB variants, even though Samsung only announced the devices would come in 32 and 64GB options.","url":"http://www.androidauthority.com/samsung-galaxy-note-5-s6-edge-128gb-633983/","guid":"http://www.androidauthority.com/?p=633983","categories":["News","Samsung","Samsung Galaxy Note 5","Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge","Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus"],"author":"Jimmy Westenberg","date":"2015-08-14T16:00:06.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"The best voice recorder","description":"\n\nThis post was done in partnership with The Wirecutter, a list of the best technology to buy. Read the full article here.\n\nAfter 36 hours of research, testing eight different devices in a number of real-world settings and then playing the audio we c...","url":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/14/the-best-voice-recorder/%3Futm_medium%3Dfeed%26utm_source%3DFeed_Classic%26utm_campaign%3DEngadget%26ncid%3Drss_semi","guid":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/14/the-best-voice-recorder/","categories":[],"author":"The Wirecutter","date":"2015-08-14T16:00:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"DirecTV has been ordered to stop trashing cable TV in its ads — but even the ad regulator admits the Rob Lowe spots 'are very funny' (DTV, CMCSA)","description":"

The US ad regulator has told digital TV provider DirecTV to stop trashing cable in its ads.

Actor Rob Lowe and a number of his alter-egos have appeared in a series of humorous ads over the past few months, claiming DirecTV is superior to cable in terms of service wait times, signal reliability, picture and sound quality, and that it has better sports programming.

Back in April, Comcast complained about the ads to the National Advertising Division, a regulatory unit that investigates controversial ads. The NAD recommended the spots be discontinued because DirecTV did not submit substantiation for its \"superior\" claims in the investigation, and that disclosures in the ads themselves about the company's customer-satisfaction ranking, sports-programming charges, and picture quality were \"inadequate.\"

At the time, DirecTV said it was planning to replace the ads anyway with spots showing Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition cover model Hannah Davis and a singing, talking horse.

Nevertheless, a five-member panel of the National Advertising Review Board (NARB) — the appellate unit of the US advertising industry's self-regulatory system — reviewed the NAD's decision. The verdict was published on Friday.

The panel noted that the Rob Lowe commercials \"are very funny,\" but added that \"depending on the context, even humorous advertisements can convey messages that require substantiation by the advertiser.\"

In summary, the NARB decided:

The panel agreed with the NAD that the ad conveyed a message that DirecTV is \"superior to cable.\"

The panel agreed with the NAD that DirecTV's claim about \"up to 1080\" should be modified to include a disclosure that this is limited only to programming where the resolution is available

The panel did not agree with the NAD's findings that DirecTV's \"Scrawny Arms Rob Lowe\" commercial reasonably implied all sports programming was available in the service's $19.99/month introductory bundle. The NARB recommended DirecTV make a clearer disclosure.

The panel agreed DirecTV had appropriate substantiation for its \"#1 in customer satisfaction over all cable TV providers claim\" but recommended it more prominently disclose the source of the information.

DirecTV did not agree with all aspects of the decision, but said in a statement: \"DirecTV is a strong believer in the self-regulatory process and will take the NARB’s recommendations into consideration when making these claims in the future.\"

However, DirecTV added that it \"continues to believe that consumers do not perceive comparative superiority claims in the Rob Lowe advertisements. Whether from news accounts or social media, it is clear that consumers appreciate and understand the central role that humor and exaggeration play in the Rob Lowe advertisements.\"

SEE ALSO: There is a 'disturbing' issue plaguing the advertising industry — yet the major ad agencies deny there's a problem

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NOW WATCH: How to speak without bias, according to the 'Bias-Free Language Guide'

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\"\"/","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/typepad/alleyinsider/silicon_alley_insider/~3/PFVGcBGvlMw/us-ad-regulator-tells-directv-to-stop-ordering-consumers-to-get-rid-of-cable-2015-8","guid":"http://www.businessinsider.com/us-ad-regulator-tells-directv-to-stop-ordering-consumers-to-get-rid-of-cable-2015-8","categories":["NARB"],"author":"Lara O'Reilly","date":"2015-08-14T15:53:28.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"New Android M teaser video asks “What’s M gonna be?”","description":"What will Android M’s final name be? While we are still at the guessing stage, a new teaser video from Google employees Nat and Lo indicates that we are getting closer to finding out.","url":"http://www.androidauthority.com/google-android-m-teaser-634186/","guid":"http://www.androidauthority.com/?p=634186","categories":["News","Android M"],"author":"Andrew Grush","date":"2015-08-14T15:49:32.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"The first things to do when you get your Moto G 2015","description":"


The first things to do when you get your Moto G 2015


For more than a few of us, the Moto G 2015 will be our first Android smartphone. It might even be the first smartphone experience for some of us. That's cool, and welcome to the fold.


A first experience with an Android phone isn't likely to be confusing, but there are a few tricks to make the initial experience a little smoother.


If you're an old pro, you still might know someone who could use a few tips. Treat them right, and tell them to come visit us!

","url":"http://www.androidcentral.com/first-things-do-when-you-get-your-moto-g-2015","guid":"48422 at http://www.androidcentral.com","categories":[],"author":"Jerry Hildenbrand","date":"2015-08-14T15:48:19.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have already become instant Vine celebrities on the campaign trail","description":"

This election season looks like it may bring the American people what they're clamoring for most — a new Vine star.

So far both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have made their way to the 6-second video platform after some internet-savvy folks created entertaining clips out of footage from Snapchat videos and public appearances.

This Vine of Trump (uploaded by CNN!) is seeing a ton of traction this week with over 2 million loops. 

Gawker reports on the context: “Jeb Bush or Hillary, or one of these politicians, all controlled by lobbyists and special interests — and donors, people like me from previous months — total control. Bing bing, bong bong bong, bing bing. You know what that is, right?”

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton has become her own meme.

From Motherboard: 

In one of the many half-hearted political attempts to engage with ~millennials~,Hillary Clinton shared a Snapchat back in July where she held the phone way too close to her face to let her audience know she was “just chillin’...in Cedar Rapids.”

Someone was able to snag that video and upload it to Vine, allowing others the opportunity to use it (or rip its audio) in countless ways.

Uploaded on July 18, the above Vine has over 17 million loops. Now other Vines are popping up everywhere, Motherboard reports, like this one, which mashes Blink182's song, \"I Miss You,\" with the Cedar Rapids Vine. 

\"Where are you?\" Blink182 sings.

\"I'm just chillin, in Cedar Rapids!\" Clinton replies.

Then there are these kids, who didn't use any editing effects for their video. They just really like saying \"Chillary Clinton.\"

As it is with the race to the oval office, it is too early to tell which presidential hopeful will end up being the next big Vine celebrity. We'll keep you posted.

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NOW WATCH: Meet 'The Fat Jewish,' Instagram's cult phenomenon with 5.5 million followers

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\"\"/","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/typepad/alleyinsider/silicon_alley_insider/~3/hkGHcEWDLPg/vines-of-hillary-clinton-and-donald-trump-2015-8","guid":"http://www.techinsider.io/vines-of-hillary-clinton-and-donald-trump-2015-8","categories":[],"author":"Caroline Moss","date":"2015-08-14T15:46:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"HP will have the most diverse tech boards in the US, say activists (HP)","description":"


Hewlett-Packard is preparing to diverge into two companies this November, but it can also claim a new achievement for diversity in the national tech workspace.

HP now has the \"most diverse\" boards in the US, according to the nonprofit Rainbow PUSH.

The HP boards, announced earlier this week, will feature a blend of original members and new hires. Four women and two people of color will be placed on each board, reported Forbes.

Rainbow PUSH is an organization focused on social change and has been urging technology companies across the country to hire underrepresented minorities.

The nonprofit has especially ramped up its efforts in the past year, meeting with tech behemoths across the country, including Apple and Google, to discuss their diversity numbers. A survey conducted by the group last fall found only three blacks and one Hispanic among the 189 board members from 20 technology companies examined.

There were also \"153 men and just 36 women. Eleven (over half) have all-white Boards,\" Reverend Jesse Jackson, who is spearheading Rainbow PUSH, said in a press release. He later added, \"Certainly there is a long way to go.\"

Last March, the nonprofit met with HP at its shareholder meeting to talk about its numbers.

\"We challenged them — and the tech industry — to confront the virtual exclusion of women and people of color in the tech industry,\" Rev. Jackson said. \"HP committed to make demonstrable strides in expanding diversity and inclusion.\"

At HP Enterprise, Leslie A. Brun from Sarr Group, and Pamela Carter, former president Cummins Distribution, are both people of color who will be joining. The board has 13 members in total, according to an HP press release. Heading the team will be Pat Russo, who became a part of the HP board in 2011.

The board at HP Inc. will include Stacy Brown-Philpot, chief operating officer at TaskRabbit, and Stacey Mobley, former senior vice president at DuPont. Twelve people will help oversee HP Inc., which focuses on the printer and PC businesses.

HP CEO Meg Whitman will sit on both boards and serve as chairwoman for HP Inc.

“The post-separation Boards for both Hewlett Packard Enterprise and HP Inc. comprise leaders with some of the most diverse backgrounds and professional experiences I’ve seen in my career,” Whitman said in HP's press release.

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NOW WATCH: Sony has been working on this PlayStation game for 8 years — and the trailer is absolutely beautiful

\r\n \r\n
\"\"/","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/typepad/alleyinsider/silicon_alley_insider/~3/L2y9yJ9zmrw/hp-will-have-the-most-diverse-tech-boards-in-the-us-2015-8","guid":"http://www.businessinsider.com/hp-will-have-the-most-diverse-tech-boards-in-the-us-2015-8","categories":[],"author":"Lyanne Alfaro","date":"2015-08-14T15:45:26.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"New in our buyer's guide: the Chromebook Flip and some gaming gear","description":"\n\nYes, we know: A bunch of phones just came out. Don't worry, we'll be reviewing those shortly. In the meantime, we have a handful of items we'd like to induct into our buyer's guide. Included among them: not one, but two laptops, including the impre...","url":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/14/engadget-buyers-guide-chromebook-flip/%3Futm_medium%3Dfeed%26utm_source%3DFeed_Classic%26utm_campaign%3DEngadget%26ncid%3Drss_semi","guid":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/14/engadget-buyers-guide-chromebook-flip/","categories":[],"author":"Dana Wollman","date":"2015-08-14T15:42:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"How to customize AutoPlay defaults on Windows 10","description":"
Modify the default actions when you insert a removable drive or memory card on Windows 10.

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","url":"http://winsupersite.com/windows-10/how-customize-autoplay-defaults-windows-10","guid":"58341 at http://winsupersite.com","categories":["auto play","AutoPlay","how to","How-To","Windows 10"],"author":null,"date":"2015-08-14T15:40:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Deal: MiiShower Bluetooth speaker only $24.99!","description":"How many Bluetooth speakers can you take into the shower? Yeah... not many. This is why we are so excited about today's AA Deals Store offer on the MiiShower Bluetooth speaker!","url":"http://www.androidauthority.com/deal-miishower-bluetooth-speaker-634060/","guid":"http://www.androidauthority.com/?p=634060","categories":["Deals","AA Deals Store","Bluetooth speaker","Bluetooth Speakers","MiiShower","Speakers"],"author":"AA Deals","date":"2015-08-14T15:38:48.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"LG’s new G Pad 2 8.0 has a full-sized USB port in-tow","description":"LG's new mid-range offering (currently only available in South Korea) comes with a fascinating port addition, as well as a new stylus and Microsoft Office.","url":"http://www.androidauthority.com/lg-g-pad-2-8-0-with-full-sized-usb-634161/","guid":"http://www.androidauthority.com/?p=634161","categories":["News","LG","LG G Pad 2 8.0","LG G Pad 8.0"],"author":"Matthew Benson","date":"2015-08-14T15:36:06.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"What happens when a superstar disrupts one of the top 'League of Legends' teams","description":"

“League of Millions” documents the worldwide cultural phenomenon around the video game \"League of Legends.\" For many weeks we have followed a top pro team, Team Liquid, in their quest for the 2015 Championship.

In Part 1 and Part 2 of the series, we meet the five elite players on Team Liquid. We witness their intense 15-hour days, along with the fans and fame that are part of the pro gamer's life.

In this final installment, we see if Team Liquid can come together and secure their place in the North American finals to be held at Madison Square Garden.

Director and Producer: Sam Rega

Editor: Josh Wolff

Production and Research: David Fang and Lauren Browning

Executive Producer: Diane Galligan

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\"\"/","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/typepad/alleyinsider/silicon_alley_insider/~3/PiAccGG0g5I/league-of-millions-piglet-team-liquid-league-of-legends-2015-8","guid":"http://www.techinsider.io/league-of-millions-piglet-team-liquid-league-of-legends-2015-8","categories":[],"author":"Sam Rega","date":"2015-08-14T15:35:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"LG G Pad II 8.0 Makes Its Debut On Korean Website, Complete With Stylus And Full-Sized USB Port","description":"

\"tablet\"Remember the LG G Pad, the company's return to the tablet market from 2013? It was an impressive effort, a high-end, mid-sized tablet (which eventually got a Google Play Edition brother) that was unfortunately followed up by a collection of low-end G Pads designed to try and take a bit out of Samsung's cheap Galaxy Tab market share. It looks like LG is ready to try again, at least according to this page on the company's Korean website.

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LG G Pad II 8.0 Makes Its Debut On Korean Website, Complete With Stylus And Full-Sized USB Port was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

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\"\"/","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/AndroidPolice/~3/DGSbTZStyxE/story01.htm","guid":"http://www.androidpolice.com/?p=331533","categories":["lg g pad","LG","stylus","usb port","g pad 2","News","Korea","korean"],"author":"Michael Crider","date":"2015-08-14T15:35:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Contactless payments now accepted on London's cross-Thames cable car","description":"\n\nSince contactless payments were first accepted on London buses a few years ago, it's become increasingly easy to get around the capital without cash or a loaded Oyster card. Whether you're equipped with a contactless card, Apple Pay or another mobi...","url":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/14/emirates-air-line-contactless/%3Futm_medium%3Dfeed%26utm_source%3DFeed_Classic%26utm_campaign%3DEngadget%26ncid%3Drss_semi","guid":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/14/emirates-air-line-contactless/","categories":[],"author":"Jamie Rigg","date":"2015-08-14T15:27:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Here's why the new 'Star Wars' movie might stink","description":"

It's been a long time since a movie has generated as much fervent anticipation as \"Star Wars: The Force Awakens.\" Due in theaters this Christmas, the movie is expected by some to gross more than $2 billion at the worldwide box office.

Expectations are incredibly high for the JJ Abrams-directed sci-fi epic, but there's no guarantee that \"The Force Awakens\" will please everybody. 

Produced by Graham Flanagan. Camera by Corey Protin.

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\"\"/","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/typepad/alleyinsider/silicon_alley_insider/~3/PnysOrezzOQ/star-wars-the-force-awakens-hype-jj-abrams-2015-8","guid":"http://www.businessinsider.com/star-wars-the-force-awakens-hype-jj-abrams-2015-8","categories":[],"author":"Graham Flanagan","date":"2015-08-14T15:26:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"‘1849: Gold Edition’ brings you to the old California Gold Rush era","description":"Ever wondered what really happened during the Gold Rush Era? There are numerous books and materials on the subject but it's really different when you actually get to experience living … Continue reading","url":"http://androidcommunity.com/1849-gold-edition-brings-you-to-the-old-california-gold-rush-era-20150814/","guid":"http://androidcommunity.com/?p=238937","categories":["Archive","Android","App","games","Gaming","simulation"],"author":"R Padla","date":"2015-08-14T15:20:37.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"This MIT grad student discovered a way to create sound from soundless video","description":"


Our recently published list of groundbreaking scientists highlighted the smartest and most innovative modern scientists and researchers in the field.

Among them is Abe Davis, an MIT graduate student who has worked with researchers from MIT, Microsoft, and Adobe to publish their findings on \"the visual microphone\" – an algorithm that can almost literally create sound from soundless objects.

In a TED talk this spring, Davis broke down the research using videos and graphics to a stunned audience. Here's what he explained:

If we watch video of a wrist with a pulse or a video of a breathing baby, for instance, the naked eye can't easily discern movement. But Davis' team created software that finds this subtle motion in video and amplifies it, making it visible. 


So they went further and asked the question: Could this software be used to recreate sound from motion? If all sound creates vibrations in objects, and they captured those vibrations through video, would they be able to discern original sound?


Davis explains one the the team's first experiments in which they played the tune \"Mary Had a Little Lamb\" from a speaker placed near a potted plant. The plant's leaves vibrated as seen in a slowed down video of thousands of frames per second. He calls this motion \"perceptually invisible\" to human beings.


Crazily enough, Davis and his team were able to create an algorithm that recovers the \"sound\" (aka the vibrations of the leaves) and plays it back. 


Perhaps one of his most practical demonstrations is a silent video of headphones playing music that are resting on a laptop. The sound recovered through the algorithm accurately read and discovered by music-finding app Shazam.


While Davis also presents more examples from varied experiments where they tampered with light, noise volume, and camera quality, the crux of his team's research and findings is this: By using the team's specialized algorithm, we can use cameras of varied quality to recover sounds from soundless video. 


By using video of the vibrations of objects, he's uncovered a new way to interact with still objects. After recording just five seconds of video (with movement due to a person's fist hitting the wood), Davis is able to create a simulation of how the object would respond to new forces by clicking and dragging with his mouse. 


So while the public sees simulation like this often in video games and 3D models, these findings tell us that we can also do this by using simple video techniques to capture real world objects. Davis says these experiments unearth incredible potential for changing the way we see the world.

Davis is also the creator of Caperture for iOS. It allows users to capture, view, and send objects in 3D. 


NOW READ: 50 groundbreaking scientists who are changing the way we see the world

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NOW WATCH: What Adderall is actually doing to your body

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\"\"/","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/typepad/alleyinsider/silicon_alley_insider/~3/e06IiwDFV-0/abe-davis-and-the-visual-microphone-2015-7","guid":"http://www.businessinsider.com/abe-davis-and-the-visual-microphone-2015-7","categories":[],"author":"Tanza Loudenback","date":"2015-08-14T15:13:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Mini review video: our verdict of the Moto G in under a minute","description":"\n\n\n\nThe Moto G gets a little better every year. Now in its third generation, Motorola's mid-range handset is still our favorite affordable smartphone, with the most recent version notching a score of 87 out of 100 in our review (that's up from 86 las...","url":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/14/moto-g-mini-review-video/%3Futm_medium%3Dfeed%26utm_source%3DFeed_Classic%26utm_campaign%3DEngadget%26ncid%3Drss_semi","guid":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/14/moto-g-mini-review-video/","categories":[],"author":"Dana Wollman","date":"2015-08-14T15:10:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Google ramps up the Android M mystery hype","description":"

We may soon find out what the M in Android M stands for, as a new video which showcases all of the previous releases, and then teases about the new one has surfaced. Each year, there are tons and tons of guesses about what Google decided to call the upcoming Android release, and this year is no different.

","url":"http://www.androidcentral.com/we-may-soon-find-out-what-android-m-stands","guid":"48484 at http://www.androidcentral.com","categories":[],"author":"Jared DiPane","date":"2015-08-14T15:09:02.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Motorola Uploads 1st Gen Moto G 3G Android 5.1.1 Open Source Kernel Files","description":"

\"MotoG-Thumb\"The first Android 5.1-based kernel Motorola released was for the LTE version of the 1st generation Moto G. This week it has released the source files for the less speedy 3G-only model, codenamed Falcon.


Developers, you know what to do. The zip comes in at 132 MB. You can download it from GitHub at the source link below. After that, feel free to make all the recovieres, ROMs, and other things we Android nerds get excited about.

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Motorola Uploads 1st Gen Moto G 3G Android 5.1.1 Open Source Kernel Files was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

\r\n \r\n
\"\"/","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/AndroidPolice/~3/UOyq-hNe3oE/story01.htm","guid":"http://www.androidpolice.com/?p=331516","categories":["github","Motorola","Moto G","open source kernel files","Development","kernel files","News"],"author":"Bertel King, Jr.","date":"2015-08-14T15:03:15.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"We’re giving away 50 OnePlus 2 invites","description":"Interested in the OnePlus 2 but having trouble getting an invite? AA will be handing out invites to 50 lucky winners who enter this giveaway!","url":"http://www.androidauthority.com/oneplus-2-invites-giveaway-634169/","guid":"http://www.androidauthority.com/?p=634169","categories":["Giveaways","OnePlus","OnePlus 2"],"author":"Andrew Grush","date":"2015-08-14T15:01:25.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"This app lets you text without Wi-Fi or a data plan anywhere in the world — even on a plane","description":"

\"FireChatForget exorbitant roaming charges, overpriced international data packages, or spotty internet coverage.

FireChat is the perfect travel app, allowing users to send and receive text messages entirely without data or internet thanks to something called mesh networking.

Basically, mesh networking allows you to communicate wirelessly by bouncing your message from one phone equipped with FireChat (within 210 feet of you) to another via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth antennas.

If there aren't any connections nearby, messages are stored until they can be sent. And don't worry: Messages will be encrypted, so only the intended recipient will be able to read them. The message then keeps bouncing from phone to phone until it reaches said recipient — and to cross oceans, for example, it'll hop from phone to phone until it reaches one with internet, then making its way to its final destination like any other message.

Sure, this can take a few minutes — 10 to 20 across a dense metro area, according to Skift — but you'll be able to send texts from abroad without incurring roaming charges or even from remote or blackout areas that have little to no coverage, including planes and subways.

Of course, this means that the more people download the app the better: According to Skift, only about 5 million mobile users worldwide have downloaded the app, but the app's creators estimate that as long as 5% of a city's population has it, messages can be delivered in around 10 minutes.


Originally designed for people to get in touch with each other at crowded events, FireChat became hugely popular in Iraq last year after the country faced restrictions on internet use, and it was an integral part of the 2014 Hong Kong protests and 2015 Ecuadorian protests.

While you may continue to use Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp when connected to the internet, what makes FireChat so great is that it doesn't rely on any carrier and will work anywhere.

Available on: Android and iOS.
Cost: Free

SEE ALSO: This is the one app you should use to make phone calls when you're traveling abroad

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NOW WATCH: The 10 best cities in the world, according to travelers

\r\n \r\n
\"\"/","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/typepad/alleyinsider/silicon_alley_insider/~3/R1Vt8hsGT74/firechat-app-lets-you-text-without-wifi-or-data-2015-8","guid":"http://www.businessinsider.com/firechat-app-lets-you-text-without-wifi-or-data-2015-8","categories":[],"author":"Sophie-Claire Hoeller","date":"2015-08-14T14:52:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"US court rejects Samsung's appeal against Apple over patent fight","description":"\n\nSamsung's latest attempt to appeal Apple's 2012 patent infringement victory has fallen flat. A U.S Federal Court of Appeals rejected the Korean electronics giant's bid for reconsideration yesterday, reports the San Jose Mercury News. The original 2...","url":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/14/samsung-apple-appeal/%3Futm_medium%3Dfeed%26utm_source%3DFeed_Classic%26utm_campaign%3DEngadget%26ncid%3Drss_semi","guid":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/14/samsung-apple-appeal/","categories":[],"author":"Devindra Hardawar","date":"2015-08-14T14:50:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Samsung showed off its new smartwatch in a bizarre space-age photoshoot — check out the pictures","description":"


Samsung is officially launching its new smartwatch, the Galaxy Gear S2, in September. But this hasn't stopped it taking the chance to show it off early. 

The South Korean electronics manufacturer teased the new device at its Galaxy Note 5 launch event on Thursday, and followed it up with a space-age photoshoot showing off the unreleased smartwatch alongside its other gadgets.

We first saw the photos over on the Verge.

Here's the Gear S2, alongside one of Samsung's new smartphones.


Samsung launched two new smartphones at the event on Thursday — the Galaxy Note 5, a phablet device, and the Galaxy S6 Edge+, a larger version of its Samsung Galaxy S6.


The new S6 Edge+ has a 5.7-inch screen, and is a millimeter thinner than its smaller cousin.


See the rest of the story at Business Insider

NOW WATCH: How to clear out a ton of space on your iPhone superfast

\r\n \r\n
\"\"/","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/typepad/alleyinsider/silicon_alley_insider/~3/SFV_wosz7xs/samsung-teases-gear-s2-smartwatch-futuristic-photoshoot-2015-8","guid":"http://www.businessinsider.com/samsung-teases-gear-s2-smartwatch-futuristic-photoshoot-2015-8","categories":[],"author":"Rob Price","date":"2015-08-14T14:41:29.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"NASA asking people to design smartwatch app for astronauts","description":"With renewed interest in space activities due to the drive-by near Pluto and all sorts of meteor showers, moon-related activities, and all, NASA is looking once again to involve the … Continue reading","url":"http://androidcommunity.com/nasa-asking-people-to-design-smartwatch-app-for-astronauts-20150814/","guid":"http://androidcommunity.com/?p=239271","categories":["Archive","Android","App","NASA","smartwatch"],"author":"Ida Torres","date":"2015-08-14T14:40:19.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"AT&T Restructures Data Plans To Squeeze A Little More Money Out Of Some Subscribers, Lowers Pricing For Large Data Buckets","description":"


AT&T, a company with a reputation for evil such that placing their logo inside a Death Star has always seemed genuinely appropriate, has announced some changes to pricing on their mobile data plans today. While some of those changes are genuinely good if you're a subscriber with a large data bucket or have some pretty particular usage habits, many new customers can expect to pay $5-10 more a month under the new structure, which AT&T of course claims is a totally innocuous attempt to \"simplify\" things for customers.

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AT&T Restructures Data Plans To Squeeze A Little More Money Out Of Some Subscribers, Lowers Pricing For Large Data Buckets was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

\r\n \r\n
\"\"/","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/AndroidPolice/~3/Oir0J7wVlL0/story01.htm","guid":"http://www.androidpolice.com/?p=331510","categories":["at&t mobile share","data buckets","mobile share","data cap","News","carrier","AT&T","data plan","mobile data"],"author":"David Ruddock","date":"2015-08-14T14:33:06.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"The realities of a $50 smartphone","description":"\n\nAs mobile networks kill off phone subsidies, users might now begin to appreciate just how much their new smartphone really costs. It's an even bigger problem in the developing world, where relatively few have the cash to buy even a mid-range phone...","url":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/14/the-realities-of-a-50-smartphone/%3Futm_medium%3Dfeed%26utm_source%3DFeed_Classic%26utm_campaign%3DEngadget%26ncid%3Drss_semi","guid":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/14/the-realities-of-a-50-smartphone/","categories":[],"author":"Daniel Cooper","date":"2015-08-14T14:30:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"HTC One M8 receives Stagefright patch from Sprint","description":"


Sprint is now pushing out an update for the HTC One M8, which contains a patch for the Stagefright exploit. Several Samsung phones on Sprint have already received the update, and it is great to see updates being pushed from other manufacturers as well. The update bumps the phone up to software version 4.25.651.18.


If you have not already received the update notification, you can manually check for the update by heading into your phones Settings then checking for the update. Receiving the update on another device? Be sure to let us know in the comments below!


Source: Sprint

","url":"http://www.androidcentral.com/htc-one-m8-receives-stagefright-patch-sprint","guid":"48483 at http://www.androidcentral.com","categories":[],"author":"Jared DiPane","date":"2015-08-14T14:19:53.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"News Corp CEO just slammed Google for greed, censorship, corruption, and piracy (GOOG, GOOGL)","description":"

\"RobertIn a speech at the Lowy Institute Media awards in Sydney, News Corp CEO Robert Thomson blasted Google for greed, censorship, corruption, and piracy, mUmBRELLA reports.

Thomson accused “distributionists” like Google and Facebook of setting up a broken system.

“None of them actually create content, and they certainly have little intention of paying for it,” he said. “But they do redistribute the content created by others – they would argue that such redistribution is a natural extension of their role as social networks. I would argue that much of the redistribution is an unnatural act.”

Thomson believes these companies are helping themselves to the content that others create, “co-opting and corralling audiences and consciously devaluing brands.” He contended that the words “Intellectual Property” don’t appear in Google’s alphabet, a reference to Google’s new operating structure of the same name.

He went on to riff more on Alphabet: “A is for Avarice, B is for Bowdlerize, through to K for Kleptocracy, P for Piracy and Z for Zealotry.”

Thomson cautioned that without a fair payment model in place, “well-resourced reporting will be ever more challenged.”

He also threw a barb at LinkedIn, calling it a “pretender” that is chock full of spam.

Business Insider has reached out to Google for comment and will update this post when we hear back.

You can read Thomson's full speech here.

SEE ALSO: Waze cofounder tells us how his company's $1 billion sale to Google really went down

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NOW WATCH: Here are all of Google's awesome science projects — that we know about

\r\n \r\n
\"\"/","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/typepad/alleyinsider/silicon_alley_insider/~3/lg1e-vsj4Gc/news-corp-ceo-slams-google-for-greed-censorship-corruption-and-piracy-2015-8","guid":"http://www.businessinsider.com/news-corp-ceo-slams-google-for-greed-censorship-corruption-and-piracy-2015-8","categories":[],"author":"Nathan McAlone","date":"2015-08-14T14:13:08.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Here's your first look at the sequel to the hottest Android phone","description":"

The OnePlus One was one of the most talked about smartphones of 2014 and the small Chinese company is back in 2015 with their newly released OnePlus 2. The smartphone is only available to order by invite only, but we have a first look at the new Android device.

Produced by Darren Weaver

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\r\n \r\n
\"\"/","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/typepad/alleyinsider/silicon_alley_insider/~3/SdHKlY1hayE/unboxing-oneplus-2-android-smartphone-2015-8","guid":"http://www.businessinsider.com/unboxing-oneplus-2-android-smartphone-2015-8","categories":[],"author":"Darren Weaver","date":"2015-08-14T14:11:36.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Younger version of Jupiter provides clues to planet formation","description":"\n\nIt's likely not the first time you'll hear scientists compare an exoplanet to Jupiter. According to a team of astronomers, though, this one called the 51 Eridani b isn't only similar in size -- it's "very much what models suggest Jupiter was like i...","url":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/14/young-jupiter-exoplanet/%3Futm_medium%3Dfeed%26utm_source%3DFeed_Classic%26utm_campaign%3DEngadget%26ncid%3Drss_semi","guid":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/14/young-jupiter-exoplanet/","categories":[],"author":"Mariella Moon","date":"2015-08-14T14:10:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Google is reportedly making a new version of its best Android phone — here's what it looks like (GOOG, GOOGL)","description":"

Google is said to be working on two new smartphones to be released this year — a giant phone that's essentially going to be a new version of the Nexus 6, and a smaller flagship that will likely be an updated Nexus 5. Now, a new leak has given us a clear look at what that updated Nexus 5 might look like.

Steve Hemmerstoffer, who runs the Twitter account OnLeaks and the tech news blog Nowhereelse.fr, has shared a set of renderings that reportedly show the new Nexus 5 with tech site uSwitch. The renderings are said to be based on schematics that have been sent to accessory makers to ensure that their cases fit the phone when it launches. 

Here's a look at the back of the phone. The circle underneath the camera is said to be the fingerprint sensor. 


It looks like the camera slightly protrudes out from the back of the phone too.


Here's the front of the phone. It seems as if the new Nexus 5 will have a design that's similar to that of the Nexus 5 that launched in 2013. 


While the images aren't an definitive look at Google's new Nexus phone, it at least gives us an idea of what we might be able to expect. The new phone is said to be produced by LG, lining up with rumors we've heard in the past, and it'll reportedly have a 5.2-inch screen. 

Although Hemmerstoffer has a pretty solid track record when it comes to leaking unreleased products, it's important to keep in mind that these images haven't been confirmed by LG or Google. Even if they are legitimate, there's a chance things could change by the time Google actually announces its new phone.

The Nexus 5 was regarded as being Google's best Nexus phone yet when it launched two years ago. It was a big step up from the popular Nexus 4 — it had a slimmer design, a larger screen that was sharper than that of the Nexus 4, and it supported LTE. Now it sounds like Google is working on an updated version of that to appeal to those who may find the Nexus 6 too big. 

The company usually releases its new version of Android and new Nexus devices in October, so there's a chance we'll hear about it then. 

Google denied to comment on the leak. 

SEE ALSO: How Samsung's new Galaxy phones compare to the iPhone and their biggest Android rivals

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NOW WATCH: 2 texting tricks you didn't know you could do on your iPhone

\r\n \r\n
\"\"/","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/typepad/alleyinsider/silicon_alley_insider/~3/RIW1bdds-W0/google-nexus-5-specs-photos-release-2015-8","guid":"http://www.businessinsider.com/google-nexus-5-specs-photos-release-2015-8","categories":[],"author":"Lisa Eadicicco","date":"2015-08-14T14:07:38.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Enter to win the Double Nexus Giveaway II [DEALS]","description":"You could win an Android device prize package valued at $978 when you enter The Double Nexus Giveaway II, presented by Android Community Deals. If you missed out on our … Continue reading","url":"http://androidcommunity.com/enter-to-win-the-double-nexus-giveaway-ii-deals-20150814/","guid":"http://androidcommunity.com/?p=239421","categories":["Archive","Deals","Android","Deal","deals","Nexus 6","Nexus 9","smartphone","Tablet"],"author":"Juan Carlos Torres","date":"2015-08-14T14:00:57.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Oco security camera review","description":"As I’m sure I’ve stated before, I’m a pretty huge fan of the Internet of Things and smart home technology; however, my number one priority in life is keeping my family safe. Fortunately for me, I get to combine these two things by using home security cameras. I currently own two Foscam’s, but they aren’t […]","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheGadgeteer/~3/0uWkmOyQB3Y/","guid":"http://the-gadgeteer.com/?p=181816","categories":["Home, Kitchen","Reviews","security camera"],"author":"Dennis Moore","date":"2015-08-14T14:00:22.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Project Ara's Puerto Rico pilot market launch has been scrapped [Update]","description":"


Update: PCWorld reports that, according to a Google spokesperson, the Project Ara sales pilot project for Puerto Rico is no longer going to happen. The spokesperson offered no other details.


Original story: Project Ara, which is Google's effort to create a smartphone using quickly changed modular parts, is looking like it has hit a snag. The project's official Twitter feed has posted a series of messages indicating a delay in the launch of its sales pilot project in Puerto Rico, which was supposed to happen by the end of 2015.

","url":"http://www.androidcentral.com/project-aras-modular-smartphone-may-be-delaying-its-puerto-rico-launch","guid":"48482 at http://www.androidcentral.com","categories":[],"author":"John Callaham","date":"2015-08-14T13:55:34.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Fitbit adds Cortana support, Xbox One app coming this year","description":"\n\nFitbit's updated its Windows app for Windows 10. The app features all-new Live Tiles, pushes notifications to the Action Center, and supports Cortana voice commands. Saying things like "Fitbit, I ate chicken for dinner" or "Fitbit, I went for a thr...","url":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/14/fitbit-windows-10-app-xbox-one-support/%3Futm_medium%3Dfeed%26utm_source%3DFeed_Classic%26utm_campaign%3DEngadget%26ncid%3Drss_semi","guid":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/14/fitbit-windows-10-app-xbox-one-support/","categories":[],"author":"Aaron Souppouris","date":"2015-08-14T13:50:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"13 top executives who make a $1 salary or less","description":"

\"LarryWhile many executives are criticized for their excessive pay, some CEOs have been able to skirt around the issue by choosing to forgo a lofty salary and opting instead for a paycheck of $1 a year, or less.

Of course, this isn't to say these executives are living off the dollar menu.

The CEOs on this list are still worth millions, if not billions, but while some merely pay lip service to the $1 salary club by taking home hefty compensation in the form of company stock awards and bonuses, others forgo adding to their wealth in this way entirely.

\"I've made enough money,\" said Mark Zuckerberg during a Q&A on Facebook in June. \"At this point, I'm just focused on making sure I do the most possible good with what I have.\" Zuckerberg chooses to take home a $1 salary and declines stock awards and bonuses.

Here are some CEOs and other executives that belong to the $1 (or less) salary club:

SEE ALSO: 17 billionaires who were once dirt poor

Larry Page and Sergey Brin


According to Google's annual filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Brin and Page, the company's cofounders asked that their base salaries each be reduced to $1 per year in 2004.

Since then, Google's compensation committee has offered them market-competitive salaries annually, which they continue to decline.

While they also forgo cash bonuses based on their individual and company performance and do not hold any stock options, Google stock units, or other contingent stock rights, Page is currently worth an estimated $34.9 billion and Brin is worth an estimated $34.3 billion.

Jack Dorsey


In a filing with the SEC in June, it was revealed that Twitter's interim CEO receives no compensation for his role. This is of little financial consequence to Dorsey, whose current estimated net worth comes in around $2.3 billion.

\"At your request, you have agreed to forego any compensation for your role as Interim Chief Executive Officer until the Compensation Committee agree upon a compensation package for you at the same time that it conducts its annual assessment and setting of executive compensation later in the year. Until a compensation package is finalized, you will be entitled to no cash or equity compensation for your services as Interim Chief Executive Officer,\" the document reads.

Larry Ellison


As in previous years, Oracle reported to the SEC that Ellison, now executive chairman and CTO, took home a salary of $1 in 2014.

Meanwhile, new co-CEOs Safra Catz and Mark Hurd, who took over in September, 2014, each took home a $950,000 salary last year in addition to other compensation.

So how does Ellison continue to add to his estimated $49.2 billion net worth? Compensation Ellison received last year included $65 million in stock option awards, $740,000 in non-equity compensation, and $1.5 million for other compensation, most of which went towards security-related costs for Ellison's home.


See the rest of the story at Business Insider

NOW WATCH: This drummer created a whole song using only the sound of coins

\r\n \r\n
\"\"/","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/typepad/alleyinsider/silicon_alley_insider/~3/L8xWjoki3r0/ceos-who-take-1-dollar-salary-or-less-2015-8","guid":"http://www.businessinsider.com/ceos-who-take-1-dollar-salary-or-less-2015-8","categories":["SEC"],"author":"Rachel Gillett","date":"2015-08-14T13:48:18.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Plus Codes Are An Easier And More Accurate Way Of Locating People And Businesses In Places With No Specific Street Address","description":"


Growing up in Lebanon, I got used to giving and receiving directions to my home as, \"take the second right turn after the chicken restaurant, continue straight past the two gas stations, it's the first building on the left after the falafel stand, with a flower shop below it and facing a pharmacy.\" I even remember how long I had to stay on hold on the phone with some government dude just to get the ZIP code for my area.

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Plus Codes Are An Easier And More Accurate Way Of Locating People And Businesses In Places With No Specific Street Address was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

\r\n \r\n
\"\"/","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/AndroidPolice/~3/ntbwHtcgb_c/story01.htm","guid":"http://www.androidpolice.com/?p=331479","categories":["no street address","open location codes","Google","News","share location without street address","google maps","plus codes","location"],"author":"Rita El Khoury","date":"2015-08-14T13:45:36.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Cybersecurity expert: Here's how the GOP could 'have a field day' with Hillary Clinton's email scandal","description":"


The FBI is now in possession of the private email server Hillary Clinton used for work-related correspondences while she served as secretary of state during the first term of the Obama administration.

And what they find could give Clinton's political rivals the ammunition they need to forcefully attack her presidential campaign.

\"If investigators find that her server was ever compromised, the GOP is going to have a field day,\" cybersecurity expert Alex McGeorge, a senior security researcher at Immunity Inc., told Business Insider.

Though Clinton's use of a private email address was not illegal and was permitted by State Department rules, the federal government has standards for how servers are built, how they are secured, and how their data is stored.

If Clinton failed to take one or all of the required steps to secure her private server — and if it is confirmed that classified information made its way into an insecure inbox — proving that this sensitive intelligence might be in the hands of foreign adversaries would be the GOP's \"fastest path to victory\" in the 2016 presidential election, McGeorge said.

Furthermore, demonstrating that the \"clintonemail.com\" server was hackable would be relatively easy, he said.

\"Subpoena the exact configuration of the Clinton email server, and create a duplicate system as best as you are able,\" McGeorge said. \"Put a legitimate bug bounty on it for real money (over $100k), to the first person who's able to get emails off of it. This gives the GOP proof that the system was hackable as configured.\"

'Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information'

Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner in the 2016 election, has repeatedly said as recently as late July that she was \"confident\" she did not send or receive classified information by email.

But Charles McCullough, the inspector general for the US intelligence community, recently said the server potentially included hundreds of classified emails, some of which include information derived from US intelligence agencies.

And this week, McCullough told Congress that he discovered two emails that were classified as \"Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information,\" which is one of the government's highest levels of classification. Those two emails were drawn out of a batch of 40 emails randomly selected from about 30,000 \"work-related\" emails Clinton turned over to the State Department.

The Associated Press reports that the two emails \"include a discussion of a news article detailing a US drone operation and a separate conversation that could point back to highly classified material in an improper manner or merely reflect information collected independently.\"

What's still unclear is how much classified information was consciously shared in the tens of thousands of emails — or what particular safeguards were taken to protect it.

\"If Clinton knowingly used her private server to handle classified information, she could have a problem,\" Time senior correspondent Massimo Calabresi said recently. \"But if she didn’t know the material was classified when she sent or received it, she's safe.\"


'Hillary Clinton's big problem now is legal'

\"Hillary Clinton's big problem now is legal,\" Charles Lipson, a professor of international politics at the University of Chicago, argued in RealClearPolitics. \"And it could well be insurmountable politically.\"

Lipson, the director of the Program on International Politics, Economics and Security at the University of Chicago, then listed several \"legal questions with huge political ramifications.\"

\"Did the Clinton server meet the federal government's standards for how servers are built, how they are secured, and how data is retained? Was all sensitive material encrypted or did it circulate without those protections?\" he wrote.

\"Did anybody hack into the server? Did Secretary Clinton, who says she erased all 'personal' emails from the server, actually erase some government documents? If so, was that inadvertent or a possible cover-up? Who handled IT security for this server? Could he read the materials if he wished?\"

Clinton's unusual email system was originally set up by a staffer during Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign, replacing a server used by her husband, former President Bill Clinton.

The new server was run by Bryan Pagliano, who had worked as the IT director on Hillary Clinton's campaign before joining the State Department in May 2009. In 2013 — the same year she left the State Department — Clinton hired the Denver-based company Platte River to oversee the system.

It's possible that Clinton's private server was more secure than the private email accounts of the nation's other top officials, \"purely because it's a smaller target,\" cybersecurity expert Joe Loomis, the founder and CEO of CyberSponse, told Business Insider.

\"Only she and a few other people are using it,\" he said.


'A serious management mistake'

\"Even if Secretary Clinton or her aides didn't run afoul of any criminal provisions, the fact that classified information was identified within the emails is exactly why use of private emails ... is not supposed to be allowed,\" Bradley Moss, a Washington attorney who specializes in national-security matters, told McClatchy recently.

\"Both she and her team made a serious management mistake that no one should ever repeat.\"

And Clinton's choice to eschew the State Department's email system looks particularly egregious, given her standing within the department.

If she felt the State Department's server wasn't secure enough, she \"would have been in a good position to demand change,\" said McGeorge, the senior security researcher at Immunity Inc. \"But if it was a problem, and you decided to use your own server, then what did you do for your department?\"


And then there are the deleted emails.

Last October, the House of Representatives committee dedicated to investigating the 2012 terrorist attack on the US diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, asked Clinton for any emails she had relating to the attack.

Clinton obliged a separate request from the State Department, handing over roughly 55,000 pages of emails — about 60,000 emails in total. She deleted about 30,000 others that were \"personal\" in nature.

The fact that the State Department has no record of Clinton's email exchanges now that she has wiped her server clean also means Clinton may have skirted the rules governing federal-records management, which require that anything relating to agency activity be captured on the department's server.

Interestingly, McGeorge said, \"the FBI can now only investigate anything Clinton didn't take the time to erase\" because she used the \"clintonemail.com\" address.

SEE ALSO: We know what those 2 top-secret Clinton emails were about

Join the conversation about this story »

NOW WATCH: More trouble for Subway's Jared Fogle...

\r\n \r\n
\"\"/","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/typepad/alleyinsider/silicon_alley_insider/~3/ByuuEruc1Cw/hillary-clinton-email-scandal-and-gop-2015-8","guid":"http://www.businessinsider.com/hillary-clinton-email-scandal-and-gop-2015-8","categories":[],"author":"Natasha Bertrand and Michael B Kelley","date":"2015-08-14T13:44:13.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"The Galaxy Note 5 in Europe, and why we can't have nice things","description":"

Samsung's decision to deny European buyers its best smartphone is weird and unnecessary.


As tick follows tock, each year Samsung has followed up its Galaxy S handset with a new Galaxy Note. It was one of the more reliable, almost inevitable events of the tech calendar. Every 12 months the Note family has introduced a new member at the IFA trade show in Berlin, Germany. And each time it's been the gold standard for what's possible in a big-screened, high-end Android handset.


Note owners are fiercely loyal. It's been said among fans of the series that the only thing that can replace a Note is another Note.


Except not anymore. This year, Europe isn't getting a new Galaxy Note — at least not anytime soon. Americans can buy it, as can Asian consumers. But live in Europe? For the moment, you're SOL. There'll be no Galaxy Note 5 for European buyers in 2015 — instead we'll get the Galaxy S6 edge+.

","url":"http://www.androidcentral.com/galaxy-note-5-europe-and-why-we-cant-have-nice-things","guid":"48478 at http://www.androidcentral.com","categories":[],"author":"Alex Dobie","date":"2015-08-14T13:41:48.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"OnePlus rolls out OxygenOS 1.0.2 update to address 'Stagefright' vulnerability","description":"


OxygenOS version 1.0.2 has just been released to the public. OnePlus has provided the means to flash the update, which is set to address the \"Stagefright\" vulnerability that could lead to your phone becoming compromised.

","url":"http://www.androidcentral.com/oneplus-rolls-out-oxygenos-102-update-address-stagefright-vulnerability","guid":"48481 at http://www.androidcentral.com","categories":[],"author":"Rich Edmonds","date":"2015-08-14T13:35:03.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"How an accidental Siri butt dial saved the life of an 18 year old","description":"

\"iPhoneSiri may have some issues when it comes to understanding what you’re saying, but when your life is on the line, it turns out she can be pretty handy. At least that seems to be the takeaway from a recent heroic effort by Siri that probably saved the life of a 18-year-old man in Mufreesboro, Tennessee, WZTV Fox 17 reports.

The man was working under his truck when it fell on him, trapping him underneath.

He called for help, but was alone, and no one could hear him. That’s when Siri helped out.

The man heard Siri talking in his pocket and was able to “push up on his hip” and call 911. Vanderbilt University Medical Center's trauma team and paramedics did take over after that, but we know who the real hero is here: Siri. Perhaps we should add “life-saving” to our list of cool things you didn’t know Siri could do.

Of course, it's worth pointing out that maybe Siri just likes calling 911. If you tell Siri to \"charge my phone 100%,\" it automatically dials emergency services

SEE ALSO: If you ask Siri to charge your phone, she’ll call the police

Join the conversation about this story »

NOW WATCH: 11 things you can ask Siri to get the most bizarre and hilarious answers

\r\n \r\n
\"\"/","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/typepad/alleyinsider/silicon_alley_insider/~3/6cGVBSBumw0/accidental-siri-butt-dial-saves-life-of-an-18-year-old-trapped-under-truck-2015-8","guid":"http://www.businessinsider.com/accidental-siri-butt-dial-saves-life-of-an-18-year-old-trapped-under-truck-2015-8","categories":[],"author":"Nathan McAlone","date":"2015-08-14T13:32:18.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Google can spot friends nearby and tell if you're glad to see them","description":"\n\nAre you happy that Google's new Play Services software for Android developers is out? If not, one of the new features may tell you to turn that frown upside down. Google's latest APIs for Android apps include "Mobile Vision" face detection and "Nea...","url":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/14/google-play-services-sdk/%3Futm_medium%3Dfeed%26utm_source%3DFeed_Classic%26utm_campaign%3DEngadget%26ncid%3Drss_semi","guid":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/14/google-play-services-sdk/","categories":[],"author":"Steve Dent","date":"2015-08-14T13:28:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"SoundCloud now supports casting","description":"The SoundCloud Android app has been updated with new support for Google's wireless casting technology.","url":"http://www.androidauthority.com/soundcloud-now-supports-casting-634154/","guid":"http://www.androidauthority.com/?p=634154","categories":["Apps","News","Chromecast","Google Cast","Music Apps"],"author":"Rob Triggs","date":"2015-08-14T13:21:48.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Sony Xperia Z5 Plus rendered image sighted","description":"Taking a break from the Samsung hype today, here are some information about the upcoming Sony Xperia Z5+. As you all know, the Japanese company is expected to reveal the … Continue reading","url":"http://androidcommunity.com/sony-xperia-z5-plus-rendered-image-sighted-20150814/","guid":"http://androidcommunity.com/?p=239443","categories":["Archive","Android","smartphone","sony","Sony Xperia"],"author":"R Padla","date":"2015-08-14T13:20:14.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Google Play Services v7.8 Completes Rollout, Adds New Mobile Vision API With Face Detection And Barcode Reader, Improves Cloud Messaging With Priority And Localization","description":"


It has been almost a month since Google Play services 7.8 began rolling out to users, and as of yesterday, it is in wide release to everybody. A previous blog post by Google discussed the big new feature for developers would be the Nearby Messages API, but it turns out there are a couple of other additions worth checking out. In a new post on the Android Developers blog, Google announced a new Mobile Vision API with the ability to detect the presence, orientation, and some details of faces when they are in frame on an active camera.

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Google Play Services v7.8 Completes Rollout, Adds New Mobile Vision API With Face Detection And Barcode Reader, Improves Cloud Messaging With Priority And Localization was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

\r\n \r\n
\"\"/","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/AndroidPolice/~3/gYOVtm0ICLY/story01.htm","guid":"http://www.androidpolice.com/?p=331428","categories":["localization","face api","Android OS","barcode api","face","video","api","cloud messaging","Videos","gms","google cloud messaging","Google","nearby","google play services","Development","Nearby API","development","Face Tracking","play services","barcode","developers","News"],"author":"Cody Toombs","date":"2015-08-14T13:15:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Windows 10 PSA: You have 30 Days to Roll Back","description":"
\"Good day, Windows customer. Your mission, should you decide to accept it is to test Windows 10. As always, should you or any of your shadow users be caught or killed, Microsoft will disavow any knowledge of your actions. Your previous OS will self-destruct in 30 days. Good luck.\"

read more

","url":"http://winsupersite.com/windows-10/windows-10-psa-you-have-30-days-roll-back","guid":"58331 at http://winsupersite.com","categories":["Windows 10"],"author":null,"date":"2015-08-14T13:12:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"The Windows Supersite Stardock Start10 Giveaway","description":"
We have five free registration codes for Stardock's Start10 a Start Menu replacement for Windows 10. Want a chance to win one of them?

read more

","url":"http://winsupersite.com/windows-10/stardock-start10-giveaway","guid":"58321 at http://winsupersite.com","categories":["Stardock","start menu","Start10","Windows 10","Windows 7","Windows 8","Windows 8.1"],"author":null,"date":"2015-08-14T13:10:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Over-the-air charging of devices is the wave of the future","description":"Wireless charging is a popular feature on many of the mobile devices available today, but the future may be over-the-air charging. Companies like Energous are working on such technology now. They have developed a product called the WattUp wire-free charging system which involves using a transmitter and receiver. A WattUp transmitter, or Power Router, sends […]","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheGadgeteer/~3/ALCkgnAPFDs/","guid":"http://the-gadgeteer.com/?p=183554","categories":["Cables, Batteries and Chargers","News","Wireless","charging"],"author":"Kathleen Chapman","date":"2015-08-14T13:00:08.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"ICYMI: Far away haptic hello, birthing robot mom and more","description":"\n\nToday on In Case You Missed It: The Haptoclone allows users to touch and interact with distant objects, in a way you have to see to understand. But basically, long-distance makeouts over Skype are coming. Cambridge University researchers designed a...","url":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/14/icymi-far-away-haptic-hello-birthing-robot-mom-and-more/%3Futm_medium%3Dfeed%26utm_source%3DFeed_Classic%26utm_campaign%3DEngadget%26ncid%3Drss_semi","guid":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/14/icymi-far-away-haptic-hello-birthing-robot-mom-and-more/","categories":[],"author":"Kerry Davis","date":"2015-08-14T13:00:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"AT&T revamps Mobile Share Value plans, offering more data for your buck","description":"


AT&T has announced a number of changes to the US carrier's Mobile Share Value plans. The aim is to simplify available tiers, offering more data for your buck. As usual with the majority of said offerings, the more you pay up each month, the greater the benefit is with AT&T's revamped bundles.

","url":"http://www.androidcentral.com/att-revamps-mobile-share-value-plans-offering-more-data-your-buck","guid":"48479 at http://www.androidcentral.com","categories":[],"author":"Rich Edmonds","date":"2015-08-14T12:55:36.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Android Studio v1.4 Preview 1 Enters Canary Channel With Brand New Theme Editor, Vector Asset Wizard, Performance Monitors, And More","description":"


With the official stable release of Android Studio v1.3 a couple of weeks ago, it's time to begin testing the next string of new features. The first preview release of version 1.4 is now in the Canary channel, and it's sporting some big new features. The Android Tools team has been working on the new theme editor first demonstrated in the I/O session titled What's New in Android Development Tools.

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Android Studio v1.4 Preview 1 Enters Canary Channel With Brand New Theme Editor, Vector Asset Wizard, Performance Monitors, And More was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

\r\n \r\n
\"\"/","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/AndroidPolice/~3/EoYGPgoNLj4/story01.htm","guid":"http://www.androidpolice.com/?p=331476","categories":["vector","data binding","video","Videos","styles","theme","theme editor","Android Studio","svg","Development","development","performance monitor","vector drawables","developers","News"],"author":"Cody Toombs","date":"2015-08-14T12:45:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"OnePlus 2 bares its guts in iFixit teardown","description":"If you haven’t seen the new OnePlus 2 for all it really is – meaning, seeing everything, including the internals – then you shouldn’t miss out on iFixit’s teardown of … Continue reading","url":"http://androidcommunity.com/oneplus-2-bares-its-guts-in-ifixit-teardown-20150814/","guid":"http://androidcommunity.com/?p=239357","categories":["Archive","Android","iFixIt","OnePlus","OnePlus 2","smartphone","teardown"],"author":"John Hoff","date":"2015-08-14T12:40:27.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Apple hired more women, but still has a huge gender gap","description":"\n\nApple's largely white guy workforce isn't going to change overnight, but the company made strides this year, according to its latest diversity report. After promising changes in June, Tim Cook said "we're working hard to expand our recruiting effor...","url":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/14/apple-reduces-diversity-gap/%3Futm_medium%3Dfeed%26utm_source%3DFeed_Classic%26utm_campaign%3DEngadget%26ncid%3Drss_semi","guid":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/14/apple-reduces-diversity-gap/","categories":[],"author":"Steve Dent","date":"2015-08-14T12:30:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"The LG Nexus will probably look something like this","description":"A render of the upcoming LG Nexus smartphone gives us our first glimpse at what the handset should look like.","url":"http://www.androidauthority.com/lg-nexus-renders-634134/","guid":"http://www.androidauthority.com/?p=634134","categories":["News","LG","LG Nexus","Nexus","Rumors"],"author":"Rob Triggs","date":"2015-08-14T12:04:48.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Julie’s gadget diary – Should Apple be worried that Samsung Pay will win the mobile payment wars?","description":"Yesterday’s Samsung Unpacked event left me feeling disappointed about their new hardware announcements. However, their Samsung Pay announcement caught my attention. If you aren’t familiar with Samsung Pay, it’s Samsung’s mobile payment application. Like Apple Pay, Google Wallet, Android Pay (not available yet) and CurrentC (also not available yet), it’s a way to use your phone to pay […]","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheGadgeteer/~3/Kb1IMFI4swM/","guid":"http://the-gadgeteer.com/?p=183558","categories":["Android related","Articles","iPhone, iPad, iPod","gadget diary"],"author":"Julie Strietelmeier","date":"2015-08-14T12:00:33.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"HGST And Mellanox Show Off SAN Fabric Backed By Phase Change Memory","description":"


It seems that NAND flash memory just isn't fast enough to show off the full performance of the latest datacenter networking equipment from Mellanox. They teamed up with HGST at Flash Memory Summit to demonstrate a Storage Area Network (SAN) setup that used Phase Change Memory to attain speeds that are well out of reach of any flash-based storage system.


Last year at FMS, HGST showed a PCIe card with 2GB of Micron's Phase Change Memory (PCM). That drive used a custom protocol to achieve lower latency than possible with NVMe: it could complete a 512-byte read in about 1-1.5µs, and delivered about 3M IOPS for queued reads. HGST hasn't said how the PCM device in this year's demo differs, if at all. Instead, they're exploring what kind of performance is possible when accessing the storage remotely. Their demo has latency of less than 2µs for 512-byte reads and throughput of 3.5GB/s using Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) over Mellanox InfiniBand equipment. By comparison, NAND flash reads take tens of microseconds without counting any protocol overhead.




This presentation from February 2014 provides a great summary of where HGST is going with this work. It's been hard to tell which non-volatile memory technology is going to replace NAND flash. Just a few weeks ago Intel and Micron announced their 3D XPoint memory, immediately taking the place as one of the most viable alternatives to NAND flash without even officially saying what kind of memory cell it uses. Rather than place a bet on which new memory technology would pan out, HGST is trying to ensure that they're ready to exploit the winner's advantages over NAND flash.


None of the major contenders are suitable for directly replacing DRAM, either due to to limited endurance (even if it is much higher than flash), poor write performance, or vastly insufficient capacity. At the same time, ST-MRAM, CBRAM, PCM, and others are all much faster than NAND flash and none of the current interfaces other than a DRAM interface can keep pace. HGST chose to develop a custom protocol over standard PCIe as more practical than trying to make a PCM SSD that works as a DIMM connected to existing memory controllers.


Last year's demo showed that they were ready to deliver better-than-flash performance as soon as the new memory technology becomes economical. This year's demo shows that they can retain most of that performance while putting their custom technology behind an industry-standard RDMA interface to create an immediately deployable solution, and in principle it can all work just as well for 3D XPoint memory as for Phase Change Memory.



","url":"http://www.anandtech.com/show/9529/hgst-and-mellanox-show-off-san-fabric-backed-by-phase-change-memory","guid":"tag:www.anandtech.com,9529:news","categories":["Storage"],"author":"Billy Tallis","date":"2015-08-14T12:00:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Google Play Services intros new Face Detection API","description":"In line with the new update to Google Play Services coming out, we take a look at a new API that app developers can play around with when planning out … Continue reading","url":"http://androidcommunity.com/google-play-services-intros-new-face-detection-api-20150814/","guid":"http://androidcommunity.com/?p=239343","categories":["Archive","Android","api","App","face recognition","Google","Google Play Services"],"author":"John Hoff","date":"2015-08-14T12:00:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"AT&T tweaks mobile data plans to match T-Mobile","description":"\n\nWith T-Mobile now behind it as the nation's third largest carrier, AT&T has updated its wireless data plans (below) to give you a bit more data for a bit less money. Unsurprisingly, the benefits get juicier if you spend more -- there's 5GB more...","url":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/14/atandt-updated-mobile-data-plans/%3Futm_medium%3Dfeed%26utm_source%3DFeed_Classic%26utm_campaign%3DEngadget%26ncid%3Drss_semi","guid":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/14/atandt-updated-mobile-data-plans/","categories":[],"author":"Steve Dent","date":"2015-08-14T12:00:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Want the Galaxy Note 5 in Europe? Sign this petition!","description":"Samsung says it won't be offering the Galaxy Note 5 in Europe this year and some people aren't happy. If you want t change their mind, sign this petition!","url":"http://www.androidauthority.com/want-the-galaxy-note-5-in-europe-sign-this-petition-634125/","guid":"http://www.androidauthority.com/?p=634125","categories":["News","Europe","Galaxy Note 5","Samsung","Samsung Galaxy Note 5","Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus","UK"],"author":"Nirave Gondhia","date":"2015-08-14T11:48:31.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"[Definitely, Maybe] WhatsApp's Google Drive Backup Should Be Back Now And Working For (Almost) Everyone","description":"


The saga of WhatsApp's Google Drive backup option is only rivaled by the app's epic voice calls invite feature that we all had to endure for months. It's there, then not there, then it's back, only to disappear again, then wait it's hiding and only shows when it's time for a backup... but Rita, it's not working for me, and now it's gone for everyone, oh-oh look I got it with root and a few commands, and now it's on for everyone finally. We swear.

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[Definitely, Maybe] WhatsApp's Google Drive Backup Should Be Back Now And Working For (Almost) Everyone was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

\r\n \r\n
\"\"/","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/AndroidPolice/~3/Ft9Pv8tE1IY/story01.htm","guid":"http://www.androidpolice.com/?p=331485","categories":["WhatsApp Google Drive backup","Applications","gdrive","backup","whatsapp","google drive","News"],"author":"Rita El Khoury","date":"2015-08-14T11:39:21.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Skype for Business apps now on preview for Android devices","description":"Gone are the days when all the people you need to meet with for work are actually located at your office (unless you work in a very traditional one). More … Continue reading","url":"http://androidcommunity.com/skype-for-business-apps-now-on-preview-for-android-devices-20150814/","guid":"http://androidcommunity.com/?p=239253","categories":["Archive","Android","App","Microsoft","Preview","skype","Update"],"author":"Ida Torres","date":"2015-08-14T11:30:56.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Where next for UK government as a platform and GDS?","description":"Amid all the debate about the direction of digital government, it's important to take a critical look at the GDS plan for government as a platform","url":"http://www.computerweekly.com/opinion/Where-next-for-UK-government-as-a-platform","guid":"http://www.computerweekly.com/opinion/Where-next-for-UK-government-as-a-platform","categories":[],"author":"ComputerWeekly.com","date":"2015-08-14T11:22:43.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Is the future of business predictive?","description":"Michael Feindt, CERN scientist and founder of a predictive analytics software house, sees a future of more automated business decision-making","url":"http://www.computerweekly.com/feature/Is-the-future-of-business-predictive","guid":"http://www.computerweekly.com/feature/Is-the-future-of-business-predictive","categories":[],"author":"ComputerWeekly.com","date":"2015-08-14T11:14:58.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"We Should All Be Thankful for Samsung’s Weirdo Phone","description":"

It's still OK to think different, no matter how much pressure there is to be the same.


The post We Should All Be Thankful for Samsung’s Weirdo Phone appeared first on WIRED.

","url":"http://www.wired.com/2015/08/samsung-s6-edge-plus/","guid":"http://www.wired.com/?p=1835563","categories":["Gadget Lab","Gear","galaxy","Galaxy S6 Edge","Samsung","samsung galaxy","Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+","smartphones"],"author":"Brian Barrett","date":"2015-08-14T11:00:52.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"24 Hours of Le Mans in Two Minutes of Epic Stop-Motion","description":"

Camden Thrasher took over 1,000 photos for an incredible video of this year's 24 Hours of Le Mans.


The post 24 Hours of Le Mans in Two Minutes of Epic Stop-Motion appeared first on WIRED.

","url":"http://www.wired.com/2015/08/camden-thrasher-24-hrs-of-le-mans/","guid":"http://www.wired.com/?p=1835205","categories":["Autopia","Gear","Photo","Auto Racing","photoshop","time-lapse","Video"],"author":"Taylor Glascock","date":"2015-08-14T11:00:35.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Audi’s Plan to Make an Electric SUV With a 300-Mile* Range","description":"

Audi wants to build an all-electric SUV that will go 300 miles on a charge, and it's partnering with Samsung and LG to get it done.


The post Audi’s Plan to Make an Electric SUV With a 300-Mile* Range appeared first on WIRED.

","url":"http://www.wired.com/2015/08/audis-plan-make-electric-suv-300-mile-range/","guid":"http://www.wired.com/?p=1835572","categories":["Autopia","Gear","Audi","Electric Vehicles"],"author":"Alex Davies","date":"2015-08-14T11:00:30.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Samsung Unpacked event videos made public, ready to tease the Android market","description":"Today is a special day, at least, for most of Samsung fans. Actually, it's already the day after D-Day when the new Note 5 and Galaxy S6 edge+ were announced. … Continue reading","url":"http://androidcommunity.com/samsung-unpacked-event-videos-made-public-ready-to-tease-the-android-market-20150814/","guid":"http://androidcommunity.com/?p=239397","categories":["Archive","Android","phablet","Samsung","Samsung Galaxy Note 5","Samsung Galaxy S6 edge+","smartphone"],"author":"R Padla","date":"2015-08-14T11:00:26.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"EC awards €8m to consortium to develop cloud-enabled 5G network","description":"Consortium led by incumbent Greek telco OTE awarded €8m of funding to support RAN virtualisation and mobile edge cloud computing for 5G networks","url":"http://www.computerweekly.com/news/4500251720/EC-awards-8m-to-consortium-to-develop-cloud-enabled-5G-network","guid":"http://www.computerweekly.com/news/4500251720/EC-awards-8m-to-consortium-to-develop-cloud-enabled-5G-network","categories":[],"author":"ComputerWeekly.com","date":"2015-08-14T11:00:09.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Tesla’s Making It Suck Less to Drive an EV in New York","description":"

The startup is installing its charging system in two dozen garages in Manhattan.


The post Tesla’s Making It Suck Less to Drive an EV in New York appeared first on WIRED.

","url":"http://www.wired.com/2015/08/teslas-making-suck-less-drive-ev-new-york/","guid":"http://www.wired.com/?p=1835538","categories":["Autopia","Gear","Electric Vehicles","Tesla Motors"],"author":"Jordan Golson","date":"2015-08-14T11:00:09.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Reddit rolls over to please Russia's authorities","description":"\n\nRemember the tale of how Reddit managed to get itself banned in Russia because of a thread that promoted the growing of psychedelic mushrooms? A few days later and the site has returned, mostly because it rolled over and locally blocked the offendi...","url":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/14/reddit-deletes-drug-subreddit-please-russian-authorities/%3Futm_medium%3Dfeed%26utm_source%3DFeed_Classic%26utm_campaign%3DEngadget%26ncid%3Drss_semi","guid":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/14/reddit-deletes-drug-subreddit-please-russian-authorities/","categories":[],"author":"Daniel Cooper","date":"2015-08-14T10:52:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Samsung brings wireless charging tech to Galaxy S6 edge+, Note 5","description":"Much has been said about the new Galaxy Note 5 and Galaxy S6 edge+ and we’re expecting to read a lot of reviews once the pair is released. And as … Continue reading","url":"http://androidcommunity.com/samsung-brings-wireless-charging-tech-to-galaxy-s6-edge-note-5-20150814/","guid":"http://androidcommunity.com/?p=239396","categories":["Archive","Android","Samsung","Samsung Galaxy Note 5","Samsung Galaxy S6 edge+","smartphone","wireless charging"],"author":"R Padla","date":"2015-08-14T10:30:44.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Samsung Galaxy Note 4 vs. Galaxy Note 5: Will you upgrade?","description":"There’s no escaping Samsung news today as they made the splash and finally released to the public the much-hyped and much-leaked Samsung Galaxy Note 5. The Korean gadget giant is … Continue reading","url":"http://androidcommunity.com/samsung-galaxy-note-4-vs-galaxy-note-5-will-you-upgrade-20150814/","guid":"http://androidcommunity.com/?p=239320","categories":["Archive","Android","phablet","Samsung","Samsung Galaxy Note 4","Samsung Galaxy Note 5","smartphone"],"author":"John Hoff","date":"2015-08-14T10:00:22.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Smart dog collar tracks your pooch's diet and location","description":"\n\nThere are a lot of devices out there that you can use to keep track of your pets, but the Buddy collar is akin to several types rolled into one. The LED collar makes sure Fido's visible in the dark, but it's also a temperature sensor, an activity t...","url":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/14/buddy-smart-dog-collar/%3Futm_medium%3Dfeed%26utm_source%3DFeed_Classic%26utm_campaign%3DEngadget%26ncid%3Drss_semi","guid":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/14/buddy-smart-dog-collar/","categories":[],"author":"Mariella Moon","date":"2015-08-14T09:58:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Google gets more time to respond to European anti-competitive charges","description":"The EC has granted Google a second extension of the deadline to respond to anti-competitive charges","url":"http://www.computerweekly.com/news/4500251716/Google-gets-more-time-to-respond-to-European-anti-competitive-charges","guid":"http://www.computerweekly.com/news/4500251716/Google-gets-more-time-to-respond-to-European-anti-competitive-charges","categories":[],"author":"ComputerWeekly.com","date":"2015-08-14T09:45:49.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Home Office puts out feelers for new Emergency Services Network deal","description":"Home Office issues a prior information notice that suggests it is planning to bring a revised version of Lot 4 of the Emergency Services Network procurement back to life","url":"http://www.computerweekly.com/news/4500251683/Home-Office-puts-out-feelers-for-new-Emergency-Services-Network-deal","guid":"http://www.computerweekly.com/news/4500251683/Home-Office-puts-out-feelers-for-new-Emergency-Services-Network-deal","categories":[],"author":"ComputerWeekly.com","date":"2015-08-14T09:45:46.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"GDS saves the government £1.7bn through digital and technology transformation","description":"The government has made £18.6bn year-on-year savings, with £1.7bn coming from GDS-led efficiency and reform","url":"http://www.computerweekly.com/news/4500251688/GDS-saves-the-government-17bn-through-digital-and-technology-transformation","guid":"http://www.computerweekly.com/news/4500251688/GDS-saves-the-government-17bn-through-digital-and-technology-transformation","categories":[],"author":"ComputerWeekly.com","date":"2015-08-14T09:40:02.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Samsung unveils a slew of stylish and functional Galaxy Note 5 accessories","description":"Always expect Samsung to plan a major event when it's announcing new flagship products. Aside from wowing the mobile crowd with their sleek form and premium specs, Samsung managed to showcase … Continue reading","url":"http://androidcommunity.com/samsung-unveils-a-slew-of-stylish-and-functional-galaxy-note-5-accessories-20150814/","guid":"http://androidcommunity.com/?p=239352","categories":["Archive","Android","galaxy note","phablet","Samsung","Samsung Galaxy Note 5","smartphone"],"author":"R Padla","date":"2015-08-14T09:30:49.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"8 Apps for Making Legit Music on Your Phone","description":"

Use your phone for more than just listening to tunes. With the right tools, you can be an artist too.


The post 8 Apps for Making Legit Music on Your Phone appeared first on WIRED.

","url":"http://www.wired.com/2015/08/best-music-apps/","guid":"http://www.wired.com/?p=1805261","categories":["Gear","Magazine","Apps","magazine-23.08","Music"],"author":"Michael Calore","date":"2015-08-14T09:15:14.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Samsung Galaxy Note 5 not coming to Europe, a 128GB variant out","description":"Well, we have a little more insight into Samsung’s Galaxy Note 5 launch as more details spill out. The dust hasn’t even begun to settle, but what do have here? … Continue reading","url":"http://androidcommunity.com/samsung-galaxy-note-5-not-coming-to-europe-a-128gb-variant-out-20150814/","guid":"http://androidcommunity.com/?p=239339","categories":["Archive","Android","europe","european markets","phablet","Samsung","Samsung Galaxy Note 5","Samsung Galaxy S6 edge+"],"author":"John Hoff","date":"2015-08-14T09:00:43.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"'Mommy robot' can build and test its own babies","description":"\n\nA University of Cambridge team of researchers has created a "mother robot" capable of giving birth to -- or more correctly, building its own -- baby cube-bots. The team conducted five rounds of experiments, wherein it assembled 10 pint-sized machin...","url":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/14/university-of-cambride-mother-robot/%3Futm_medium%3Dfeed%26utm_source%3DFeed_Classic%26utm_campaign%3DEngadget%26ncid%3Drss_semi","guid":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/14/university-of-cambride-mother-robot/","categories":[],"author":"Mariella Moon","date":"2015-08-14T08:31:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"T-Mobile adds Galaxy Note 5, S6 edge+ to Un-carrier JUMP! On Demand deals","description":"The latest pair of premium phablets from Samsung are finally out. Samsung didn't announce the prices during launch but we know they will be available starting August 21. We've got … Continue reading","url":"http://androidcommunity.com/t-mobile-adds-galaxy-note-5-s6-edge-to-un-carrier-jump-on-demand-deals-20150814/","guid":"http://androidcommunity.com/?p=239333","categories":["Archive","Android","Samsung","Samsung Galaxy Note 5","Samsung Galaxy S6 edge+","T-Mobile"],"author":"R Padla","date":"2015-08-14T08:30:17.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"OnePlus 2 teardown reveals easy-to-replace modular components","description":"\n\nWe previewed the OnePlus 2 for you in the past, but if you'd rather see some internal component porn, iFixit has got your back. iFixit has taken the device apart like it did the first OnePlus phone (and many, many other gadgets before it) to examin...","url":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/14/oneplus-2-ifixit-teardown/%3Futm_medium%3Dfeed%26utm_source%3DFeed_Classic%26utm_campaign%3DEngadget%26ncid%3Drss_semi","guid":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/14/oneplus-2-ifixit-teardown/","categories":[],"author":"Mariella Moon","date":"2015-08-14T07:12:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Evernote's cleaner, faster web interface starts rolling out","description":"\n\nEvernote's been beta testing a redesigned web interface since last October. But, after nearly a year of experimenting with the fresh look, the company is finally ready to make it available to all its users starting this week. The main purpose of th...","url":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/14/evernotes-cleaner-faster-web-interface-starts-rolling-out/%3Futm_medium%3Dfeed%26utm_source%3DFeed_Classic%26utm_campaign%3DEngadget%26ncid%3Drss_semi","guid":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/14/evernotes-cleaner-faster-web-interface-starts-rolling-out/","categories":[],"author":"Edgar Alvarez","date":"2015-08-14T05:56:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Samsung Pay with Magnetic Secure Transmission launches in the US next month","description":"Samsung Wallet already ceased operations last June 30 and will soon be replaced by  Samsung Pay this September in the United States. A trial service began in South Korea last … Continue reading","url":"http://androidcommunity.com/samsung-pay-with-magnetic-secure-transmission-launches-in-the-us-next-month-20150814/","guid":"http://androidcommunity.com/?p=239316","categories":["Archive","Android","mobile payment","Samsung","Samsung Pay","smartphone"],"author":"R Padla","date":"2015-08-14T05:00:47.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"CW500 Security Club: Ashish Surti, information security director at Clutch Group","description":"Mobile threats are the fastest growing form of cyber-attack, but user awareness is still poor","url":"http://www.computerweekly.com/video/CW500-Security-Club-Ashish-Surti-information-security-director-at-Clutch-Group","guid":"http://www.computerweekly.com/video/CW500-Security-Club-Ashish-Surti-information-security-director-at-Clutch-Group","categories":[],"author":"ComputerWeekly.com","date":"2015-08-14T04:00:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"CW500 Security Club: Sarb Sembhi, Director at STORM Guidance","description":"Mobility is the number one priority for IT leaders in the UK this year, but the number of IT chiefs focusing on mobile security is a lot lower","url":"http://www.computerweekly.com/video/CW500-Security-Club-Sarb-Sembhi-Director-at-STORM-Guidance","guid":"http://www.computerweekly.com/video/CW500-Security-Club-Sarb-Sembhi-Director-at-STORM-Guidance","categories":[],"author":"ComputerWeekly.com","date":"2015-08-14T04:00:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Fox Sports is streaming a Bundesliga soccer game on YouTube","description":"\n\nThe Bundesliga, Germany's top-tier football league, is coming to YouTube. After recently securing US broadcast rights for this competition, Fox Sports has now announced it will stream a live match via Google's video service on August 14th. As the n...","url":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/13/fox-sports-bundesliga-livestream-youtube/%3Futm_medium%3Dfeed%26utm_source%3DFeed_Classic%26utm_campaign%3DEngadget%26ncid%3Drss_semi","guid":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/13/fox-sports-bundesliga-livestream-youtube/","categories":[],"author":"Edgar Alvarez","date":"2015-08-14T03:56:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"YouTube Live Broadcast announced, ready to beat Periscope and Meerkat","description":"Google has just introduced YouTube Live Broadcast. It's a new special feature on the recently announced Galaxy S6 edge+ and Galaxy Note 5 from Samsung. So it's another live streaming … Continue reading","url":"http://androidcommunity.com/youtube-live-broadcast-announced-ready-to-beat-periscope-and-meerkat-20150813/","guid":"http://androidcommunity.com/?p=239308","categories":["Archive","Android","Google","live streaming","Samsung Galaxy Note 5","Samsung Galaxy S6 edge+","Youtube"],"author":"R Padla","date":"2015-08-14T03:37:30.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Google skirted drone test rules by using a deal with NASA","description":"\n\nGetting an FAA exemption to operate commercial drones in American airspace is almost more trouble than it's worth, what with the litany of requirements and restrictions. That's why Google, according to a Guardian report, has been sidestepping those...","url":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/13/google-skirted-drone-test-rules-by-using-a-deal-with-nasa/%3Futm_medium%3Dfeed%26utm_source%3DFeed_Classic%26utm_campaign%3DEngadget%26ncid%3Drss_semi","guid":"http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/13/google-skirted-drone-test-rules-by-using-a-deal-with-nasa/","categories":[],"author":"Andrew Tarantola","date":"2015-08-14T02:56:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Motorola Will Take Over Lenovo's Slumping Smartphone Division In Spite Of Motorola's 31% Sales Drop","description":"


Nestled in Lenovo's latest earnings report were disappointing figures for both their own brand of smartphones and Motorola, which was acquired late last year. The Chinese company's response is to do some fairly large-scale restructuring, handing over basically all aspects of Lenovo smartphones to Motorola with the possible exception of marketing. Motorola will continue to develop, make, and market their own line that most Westerners are familiar with.

In light of the earnings figures, it might be surprising that Motorola is the part of the larger company that is rewarded with more responsibility.

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Motorola Will Take Over Lenovo's Slumping Smartphone Division In Spite Of Motorola's 31% Sales Drop was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

\r\n \r\n
\"\"/","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/AndroidPolice/~3/-pZn83yNx6U/story01.htm","guid":"http://www.androidpolice.com/?p=331409","categories":["Motorola","earnings reports","Lenovo","motorola acquisition","business","lenovo","News"],"author":"Jacob Long","date":"2015-08-14T02:24:50.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"NVIDIA Releases 355.60 Drivers; GameWorks VR Now In Beta","description":"


As the week starts to wind down NVIDIA is back with another driver release, 335.60.


This latest release is notable for a few different reasons. Officially NVIDIA is releasing this as their preferred Game Ready driver for the Ashes of the Singularity tech demo, which is due later this month. Ashes is a large-scale RTS being developed by Oxide Games and Stardock, the former of which is likely better known for their Star Swarm tech demo. Built on the same Nitrous engine, Ashes will be the first DirectX 12 enabled consumer software to be released, though in very early form as a tech demo ahead of its 2016 launch.




Meanwhile this driver is also the first release from NVIDIA’s R355 branch. At this point we don’t know a great deal about this new driver branch – NVIDIA’s release notes are thin on both new features and bug fixes – though I suspect this is one of those cases where we’ll find out more later.


That said, the one major addition we do know about for this driver is that it enables support for NVIDIA’s GameWorks VR technology in a consumer driver. Along with this driver release GameWorks VR is being promoted from alpha to beta status, and with the release of a new beta SDK is being opened up to more developers and wider testing. NVIDIA has been heavily investing in VR, seeing it as a potential new market to not only further grow sales, but as a market that will require more powerful and expensive GPUs than standard consumer system builds.


As usual, you can grab the drivers for all current desktop and mobile NVIDIA GPUs over at NVIDIA’s driver download page.


","url":"http://www.anandtech.com/show/9528/nvidia-releases-35560-drivers-gameworks-vr-now-in-beta","guid":"tag:www.anandtech.com,9528:news","categories":["GPUs"],"author":"Ryan Smith","date":"2015-08-14T01:00:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"HP Isn't Done With Android Just Yet - 'HP 10 G2' Tablet Certified By The FCC And The Bluetooth SIG","description":"

\"hp5\"So far HP's Android tablets have been somewhat unremarkable, with the arguable exception of the Pro Slate series. Despite a lukewarm response from consumers and retailers, it looks like the company is ready to release at least one more model. A new tablet called the HP 10 G2 has been hanging out with both the FCC and the Bluetooth Special Interest Group, and spotted by Liliputing. Based on the \"10 G2\" name and photos, it looks like a relatively low-cost follow-up to the original HP 10.

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HP Isn't Done With Android Just Yet - 'HP 10 G2' Tablet Certified By The FCC And The Bluetooth SIG was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

\r\n \r\n
\"\"/","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/AndroidPolice/~3/Rysijq9O4tw/story01.htm","guid":"http://www.androidpolice.com/?p=331389","categories":["hp 10 g2","Leaks","tablet","leak","bluetooth sig","hp","HP","certification","fcc"],"author":"Michael Crider","date":"2015-08-13T22:33:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Visually Impressive Shooter 'Warhammer 40,000: Freeblade' Coming This Fall To Android","description":"


Fans of Warhammer 40,000 have put up with a lot over the years. The IP has been the basis for a great many mobile games, only some of which have been good. The newly announced Warhammer 40,000: Freeblade looks like it has some potential, just judging from the flashy gameplay trailer. Many questions remain unanswered, though.

In this game, you'll take control of an Imperial Knight—basically a giant mech with lots of guns and stabbing weapons.

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Visually Impressive Shooter 'Warhammer 40,000: Freeblade' Coming This Fall To Android was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

\r\n \r\n
\"\"/","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/AndroidPolice/~3/D0QFaFZdpqs/story01.htm","guid":"http://www.androidpolice.com/?p=331365","categories":["warhammer","video","Videos","warhammer 40K","Games","News"],"author":"Ryan Whitwam","date":"2015-08-13T22:12:54.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile, And US Cellular Announce Plans For The Galaxy S6 Edge+ And Galaxy Note 5, Best Buy Offers $200 Trade-In","description":"

\"gsthumb\"If you've been watching today's coverage of the Galaxy Note 5 and Galaxy S6 Edge+ with bated breath, you won't have to wait too long to pick one up from an American carrier. All five major US networks have confirmed that they'll be carrying Samsung's new flagships, with varying degrees of availability and pre-order status. The official release date from Samsung is August 21st, and AT&T is already selling phones.

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AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile, And US Cellular Announce Plans For The Galaxy S6 Edge+ And Galaxy Note 5, Best Buy Offers $200 Trade-In was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

\r\n \r\n
\"\"/","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/AndroidPolice/~3/j1THNVESdAI/story01.htm","guid":"http://www.androidpolice.com/?p=331361","categories":["Galaxy Note 5","Samsung","Sprint","Verizon Wireless","galaxy s6 edge","Galaxy S6 Edge+","News","verizon wireless","T-Mobile","US Cellular"],"author":"Michael Crider","date":"2015-08-13T21:29:52.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Robinhood Free Stock Market Trading App Comes To Android","description":"


Using the stock market isn't free. Well, obviously. You're buying and selling stocks, after all. But on top of that, brokerage firms tend to charge fees to manage financial transactions. The Robinhood app lets you get around that fee, and now it has made its way over from iOS to Android.

Robinhood lets you access market data and quotes in real-time. You can buy and sell stocks without the app charging you for each transaction, though SEC and FINRA regulatory fees may apply.

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Robinhood Free Stock Market Trading App Comes To Android was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

\r\n \r\n
\"\"/","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/AndroidPolice/~3/ZTesF__X9WU/story01.htm","guid":"http://www.androidpolice.com/?p=331344","categories":["stock market","google play","play store","Applications","new app","video","finances","Videos","app","robinhood","News"],"author":"Bertel King, Jr.","date":"2015-08-13T21:03:59.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Meet MIT’s Beer Delivery Bots","description":"

Finally, robots are useful.


The post Meet MIT’s Beer Delivery Bots appeared first on WIRED.

","url":"http://www.wired.com/2015/08/meet-mits-beer-delivery-bots/","guid":"http://www.wired.com/?p=1835509","categories":["Gadget Lab","Gear","beer","MIT","MIT engineers","robots"],"author":"Gordon Gottsegen","date":"2015-08-13T20:32:25.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Samsung's Insane Keyboard Cover Is Real, Will Be Available For The Note 5 And S6 Edge+","description":"


Samsung has had a lot of strange ideas in the past, but you can afford to experiment when you're raking in cash as the top Android OEM. The newly announced keyboard cover for the Note 5 and S6 Edge+ is especially weird, though. It's a case with a snap-on physical keyboard that interacts with the screen. It's also indisputably ugly.

The rear section of the keyboard cover looks like any other cover, but there are two notches where the front keyboard section attaches when you need it.

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Samsung's Insane Keyboard Cover Is Real, Will Be Available For The Note 5 And S6 Edge+ was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

\r\n \r\n
\"\"/","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/AndroidPolice/~3/-iDWBs1s27s/story01.htm","guid":"http://www.androidpolice.com/?p=331332","categories":["accessories","Galaxy Note 5","Samsung","Accessories","Galaxy S6","Galaxy S6 Edge+","keyboard cover","News","Galaxy S6 Edge","keyboards"],"author":"Ryan Whitwam","date":"2015-08-13T19:50:42.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"[North American Giveaway] Win One Of Three NVIDIA SHIELD Android TV Bundles","description":"


Today a number of great games have all become available for NVIDIA SHIELD all around the same time. To make sure that you have something to play these titles on, we're giving away three bundles of hardware. Sure, you could already play most of these games on your phone or tablet, but wouldn't you rather fire them up on and NVIDIA SHIELD console? In that past, we've called it the best Android TV device on the market.

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[North American Giveaway] Win One Of Three NVIDIA SHIELD Android TV Bundles was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

\r\n \r\n
\"\"/","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/AndroidPolice/~3/e0wz_pg1POM/story01.htm","guid":"http://www.androidpolice.com/?p=331006","categories":["shield","NVIDIA","nvidia shield","SHIELD","Contests / Giveaways","giveaway","News","Games","nvidia"],"author":"Bertel King, Jr.","date":"2015-08-13T19:41:06.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"34 Best Android Wear Apps And Watch Faces From 6/16/15—8/13/15","description":"

\"wear\"There's a distinct lack of new Android Wear devices on the market right now, but perhaps you can tide yourself over with some new apps and watch faces for your faithful wrist companion. We've got a ton of new stuff as always, but even more watch faces thanks to Google's recent push with various brands and designers. Strap on your watch and get ready.

Please wait for this page to load in full in order to see the widgets, which include ratings and pricing info.
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34 Best Android Wear Apps And Watch Faces From 6/16/15—8/13/15 was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

\r\n \r\n
\"\"/","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/AndroidPolice/~3/WGSZR8ui8qI/story01.htm","guid":"http://www.androidpolice.com/?p=330998","categories":["Roundups","Applications","video","android wear","roundups","Android Wear","Videos","smart watches","News","apps"],"author":"Ryan Whitwam","date":"2015-08-13T19:25:51.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Samsung Galaxy Note 5 And S6 Edge+ Now Available From AT&T For $740 And $815—Get $300 In Bill Credit Under Certain Conditions","description":"


Here's something you already knew about the Galaxy Note 5 and S6 Edge+ before today's announcement—both devices are expensive. Samsung charged a ton for its massive phones before, and nothing about introducing more premium materials into this year's iterations says cheap. So you're looking at parting with uncomfortably close to a grand by the time taxes are factored into the equation.

AT&T, for example, wants around $740 for the Galaxy Note 5 and $815 for the S6 Edge+.

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Samsung Galaxy Note 5 And S6 Edge+ Now Available From AT&T For $740 And $815—Get $300 In Bill Credit Under Certain Conditions was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

\r\n \r\n
\"\"/","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/AndroidPolice/~3/FqtJgjDORvU/story01.htm","guid":"http://www.androidpolice.com/?p=331316","categories":["Galaxy Note 5","promotion","video","bill credit","Videos","Galaxy S6 Edge+","News","Galaxy S6 Edge Plus","AT&T"],"author":"Bertel King, Jr.","date":"2015-08-13T19:10:57.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"[Update: Nexus 9 LTE] OTA Updates Incoming For Nexus Devices To Fix Vulnerability In Stagefright","description":"


Last week, Google released factory images for every actively-supported Nexus except the Nexus 7 2013 LTE and Nexus Player. These images were for a new build, LMY48I, intended to patch the recently outed vulnerability that was found in Stagefright.

Today, it appears the OTAs are beginning to hit the masses, but be warned, all these do is patch Stagefright. They contain no other fixes of any kind, so if there's some problem with your device you're hoping to have solved with this update, it's not going to happen.

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[Update: Nexus 9 LTE] OTA Updates Incoming For Nexus Devices To Fix Vulnerability In Stagefright was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

\r\n \r\n
\"\"/","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/AndroidPolice/~3/qr3tX6Ts9hQ/story01.htm","guid":"http://www.androidpolice.com/?p=330698&uniqid=55ccec19179ad","categories":["lvy48e","stagefright","update","Android 5.1.1","lyz28j","News","lmy48i","OTAs"],"author":"Shawn De Cesari","date":"2015-08-13T19:08:57.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Emirates Offers the World’s Longest Commercial Flight: 17.5 Hours","description":"

The rapidly growing Middle Eastern airline is launching new service to Central America, grabbing the longest flight by a few miles.


The post Emirates Offers the World’s Longest Commercial Flight: 17.5 Hours appeared first on WIRED.

","url":"http://www.wired.com/2015/08/emirates-worlds-longest-flight/","guid":"http://www.wired.com/?p=1835506","categories":["Autopia","Gear","Airlines","Aviation"],"author":"Jordan Golson","date":"2015-08-13T18:13:31.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Dell’s New Chromebook Might Be The Best One Yet","description":"

They say it's for work, but it'll do well for anyone.


The post Dell’s New Chromebook Might Be The Best One Yet appeared first on WIRED.

","url":"http://www.wired.com/2015/08/dell-chromebook-13-work/","guid":"http://www.wired.com/?p=1835521","categories":["Gadget Lab","Gear","gallery"],"author":"David Pierce","date":"2015-08-13T18:01:58.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"The SuperSite Windows 10 How To Collection: All about Microsoft Edge","description":"
With new Web browsers comes new ways of making them work for you. We've collected all our Microsoft Edge how-tos in one place. You'll have your browser working just like you want it to in no time.

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","url":"http://winsupersite.com/windows-10/supersite-windows-10-how-collection-all-about-microsoft-edge","guid":"58281 at http://winsupersite.com","categories":["Cortana","Mail App","Microsoft Edge","Windows 10"],"author":null,"date":"2015-08-13T17:10:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Government warned to be cautious over raising salary thresholds for migrant workers","description":"The organisations asked by government to review plans to raise the salary migrants must earn before getting a visa has recommended a cautious approach","url":"http://www.computerweekly.com/news/4500251665/Government-warned-to-be-cautious-over-raising-salary-thresholds-for-migrant-workers","guid":"http://www.computerweekly.com/news/4500251665/Government-warned-to-be-cautious-over-raising-salary-thresholds-for-migrant-workers","categories":[],"author":"ComputerWeekly.com","date":"2015-08-13T16:30:50.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Samsung Breaks Out a Keyboard Case for its New Phones","description":"

Bring on the button mashing.


The post Samsung Breaks Out a Keyboard Case for its New Phones appeared first on WIRED.

","url":"http://www.wired.com/2015/08/samsung-breaks-new-keyboard-case-new-phones/","guid":"http://www.wired.com/?p=1835419","categories":["Gadget Lab","Gear","phone cases","phones","Samsung","Samsung Galaxy Note 5","Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+"],"author":"Tim Moynihan","date":"2015-08-13T16:29:14.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"CIO interview: David Bulman, interim CIO, Wellcome Trust","description":"The medical research charity is reviewing its IT plans ahead of recruiting a permanent CIO","url":"http://www.computerweekly.com/news/4500251288/CIO-interview-David-Bulman-interim-CIO-Wellcome-Trust","guid":"http://www.computerweekly.com/news/4500251288/CIO-interview-David-Bulman-interim-CIO-Wellcome-Trust","categories":[],"author":"ComputerWeekly.com","date":"2015-08-13T16:15:27.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Samsung Has Two Big New Phones, and Even Bigger Ideas","description":"

The Galaxy Note 5 and Galaxy S6 Edge+ each have a single feature Samsung hopes will set them apart.


The post Samsung Has Two Big New Phones, and Even Bigger Ideas appeared first on WIRED.

","url":"http://www.wired.com/2015/08/samsung-galaxy-note-5-s6-edge-plus/","guid":"http://www.wired.com/?p=1835031","categories":["Gadget Lab","Gear","android","Edge","note","Samsung","smartphone"],"author":"David Pierce","date":"2015-08-13T15:00:56.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Business not keeping up with rapid changes in cyber attacks, says Proofpoint","description":"Most striking development in the first half of 2015 was a big shift from URL-based cyber attacks to attacks that rely on malicious document attachments","url":"http://www.computerweekly.com/news/4500251669/Business-not-keeping-up-with-rapid-changes-in-cyber-attacks-says-Proofpoint","guid":"http://www.computerweekly.com/news/4500251669/Business-not-keeping-up-with-rapid-changes-in-cyber-attacks-says-Proofpoint","categories":[],"author":"ComputerWeekly.com","date":"2015-08-13T15:00:44.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Hands On With the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 and Samsung Galaxy S6 edge+","description":"

Today, Samsung is announcing the next generation of their Galaxy-brand phablets, the Galaxy Note 5 and the Galaxy S6 edge+. Samsung’s phablets have been one of their greatest smartphone success stories, finding traction in a market when many thought there wouldn’t be a place for such a large phone. And while you will never see some competitors directly admit to it, products like the Note series have legitimized the phablet form factor and required that the competition catch up as well, making the phablet form factor as much of a home court for Samsung as there can be.


Starting with the 2014 models, Samsung introduced two different phablets, the Note 4 and the simply titled Note Edge. This year Samsung is retaining the dual phablet approach, however in the case of the Edge product Samsung has shifted gears on what they want to do. For 2015 Samsung seems to be going after a new audience in the form of the Galaxy S6 edge+, which is a more distinct derivative of the Note 5 platform with some greater feature changes than just a curved screen. To understand what I mean, read on for the full article.

","url":"http://www.anandtech.com/show/9502/hands-on-with-the-galaxy-note-5-and-galaxy-s6-edge-plus","guid":"tag:www.anandtech.com,9502:news","categories":["Smartphones"],"author":"Joshua Ho","date":"2015-08-13T15:00:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Windows 10 Spotlight Makes Its Debut for Windows Home","description":"
Announced at Build 2015, the Windows Spotlight feature has now shown up for Windows 10 Home edition users.

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","url":"http://winsupersite.com/windows-10/windows-10-spotlight-makes-its-debut-windows-home","guid":"58271 at http://winsupersite.com","categories":["Windows 10"],"author":null,"date":"2015-08-13T14:51:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"iClever Bluetooth Stereo Headset (IC-BTH01) review","description":"I’m on the hunt for a comfortable, good sounding Bluetooth headset with long battery life that will allow me to enjoy music while also letting me answer incoming calls. You wouldn’t think it would be too difficult to find a headset that ticks all those boxes, but it always seems like there’s one feature that doesn’t […]","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheGadgeteer/~3/etWRfKD7oy4/","guid":"http://the-gadgeteer.com?p=182885&preview_id=182885","categories":["Audio, Video, TV Gear","Bluetooth Gear","Reviews","bluetooth headset"],"author":"Julie Strietelmeier","date":"2015-08-13T14:00:21.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Windows 10 is Turning Me Back into a Windows 7 User","description":"
Windows 10 is a mixture of Windows 7 and Windows 8, but its weighted toward the Windows 7 user.

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","url":"http://winsupersite.com/windows-10/windows-10-turning-me-back-windows-7-user","guid":"58261 at http://winsupersite.com","categories":["Windows 10"],"author":null,"date":"2015-08-13T13:54:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Gloucester City Homes embarks on VDI-led tech transformation with Exponential-e","description":"Social housing firm taps into Exponential-e's Ethernet capabilities to make it easier for its staff to work flexibly","url":"http://www.computerweekly.com/news/4500251636/Gloucester-City-Homes-embarks-on-VDI-led-tech-transformation-with-Exponential-e","guid":"http://www.computerweekly.com/news/4500251636/Gloucester-City-Homes-embarks-on-VDI-led-tech-transformation-with-Exponential-e","categories":[],"author":"ComputerWeekly.com","date":"2015-08-13T13:45:54.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Interview: Government digital chief Mike Bracken – why I quit","description":"Mike Bracken, the outgoing director of the Government Digital Service, talks exclusively to Computer Weekly about his departure from Whitehall","url":"http://www.computerweekly.com/news/4500251662/Interview-Government-digital-chief-Mike-Bracken-why-I-quit","guid":"http://www.computerweekly.com/news/4500251662/Interview-Government-digital-chief-Mike-Bracken-why-I-quit","categories":[],"author":"ComputerWeekly.com","date":"2015-08-13T13:20:18.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Sigma rear brake light – light and bright","description":"A simple solution to a complex problem, the Sigma rear brake light allows motor vehicle drivers to know when you’re braking on your bicycle. Small at 3 x 3 cms/1.18 in and light (weight wise @ 7 grams/ 0.25 oz   ), easy to install (you just need a 2.5mm hex key)  and simple in […]","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheGadgeteer/~3/cFH1QtlO8rY/","guid":"http://the-gadgeteer.com/?p=183537","categories":["Health, Fitness, Sports","News","Outdoor Gear"],"author":"Ian Lim","date":"2015-08-13T13:00:57.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Ofcom launches mobile network coverage checker","description":"Ofcom gives smartphone users the ability to check their operator’s mobile phone coverage at postcode level using an online tool","url":"http://www.computerweekly.com/news/4500251631/Ofcom-launches-mobile-network-coverage-checker","guid":"http://www.computerweekly.com/news/4500251631/Ofcom-launches-mobile-network-coverage-checker","categories":[],"author":"ComputerWeekly.com","date":"2015-08-13T12:45:57.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Samsung SSD Update: 48-layer 256Gbit TLC 3D NAND & Three New TLC SSDs Announced","description":"


When Samsung took the stage at the 2015 Flash Memory Summit, they admittedly didn't deliver any bombshell announcements on the scale of the Intel/Micron 3D XPoint surprise, but they still had a lot to talk about.


We knew that Samsung's third generation of V-NAND/3D NAND was on the way with mass production scheduled for the second half of this year. Samsung has now disclosed that mass production is starting this month, and that it's a 48-layer design with a 256Gb TLC being the first die announced. Samsung's current second-generation 3D NAND is a 32-layer design available as 128Gb TLC or 128Gb MLC.


With mass production imminent, Samsung has ensured that neither SK Hynix nor the Toshiba/SanDisk joint venture will be able to leapfrog them with their respective 48-layer 3D NAND designs, both scheduled for mass production starting in 2016.


Samsung says the new 256Gb TLC will have about 30% lower power consumption than an equivalent capacity of their current 128Gb TLC, and a switch to a dual-plane organization ensures that one 256Gb die will perform at least as well as a pair of the current 128Gb dies. Density is improved by about 40% while production costs only increased slightly, so price per GB will be going down. At FMS, Samsung is pushing the idea that their 3D NAND TLC is ready to replace MLC for most uses, and they're optimistic about scaling up their 3D NAND layer count past 100.

New Samsung 48-Layer TLC SSDs
Form FactorNVMe over M.2 22110 and 2.5"2.5" SAS 12Gb/sNVMe PCIe HHHL card
Capacities480GB, 960GB, 1.92TB (2.5" only)480GB, 960GB, 1.92TB, 3.84TB3.2TB, 6.4TB
Sequential Read?1,100 MB/s5,500 MB/s
Sequential Write?1,000 MB/s1,800 MB/s
4kB Random Read IOPS?160k1,000k
4kB Random Write IOPS?18k120k
Endurance Rating??5 DWPD (6.4 TB model)

Samsung also shared information about three upcoming drives, all using TLC though not necessarily the new 48-layer parts. The PM1633 Enterprise SAS drive was previewed at CES in January and is intended for read-heavy workloads. A follow-on PM1633a model was mentioned to use the new 48-layer TLC to reach 15.36TB capacity, but we don't have any other information about that update. The PM953 is a enterprise NVMe drive in M.2 or 2.5" form factors, and is the counterpart to the MLC-based SM951. Of particular interest, the M.2 version is using the M.2 22110 form factor (22mm x 110mm, the maximum length for M.2), with Samsung using the extra space to implement power loss protection.


Meanwhile the PM1725 is a fast multi-TB PCIe expansion card that Samsung intends to use to challenge the assumptions about what uses TLC is suited for. Relatively speaking it appears to be intended for workloads that aren't very write-heavy, but it still manages 120k IOPS for writes. That just looks small compared to 1M IOPS for reads and a sequential read speed of 5.5GB/s.


All three drives are intended for OEMs, but the PM953 will probably find its way into the retail channel just like the SM951.


Finally, along with Samsung's new 3D NAND appearing in the afformentioned new drives, it will also be appearing in at least one of their existing drives. The 850 EVO, Samsung's current consumer TLC drive, will apparently be getting an update to use the new 48-layer TLC, though it's not clear if this will be new capacities and/or a wholesale NAND update.


","url":"http://www.anandtech.com/show/9524/samsung-ssd-update-48layer-tlc-3d-nand-three-new-tlcbased-ssds","guid":"tag:www.anandtech.com,9524:news","categories":["SSDs"],"author":"Billy Tallis","date":"2015-08-13T12:30:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Plantronics headphones, Incase backpack, BBQ Dragon and more – Review updates","description":"What happens after we review a product? Do we shove it in a drawer never to be used again? Do we continue using it long after we’ve posted our review? Our regular review updates will answer those questions. Check out this week’s updates after the jump. Plantronics BackBeat FIT headphones review by Raul Sanchez Incase […]","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheGadgeteer/~3/gFGlofWFrQo/","guid":"http://the-gadgeteer.com/?p=183517","categories":["Reviews","review updates"],"author":"Julie Strietelmeier","date":"2015-08-13T12:00:38.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Troubled HTC to restructure as smartphone shipments plummet","description":"Taiwanese company announces major business restructure targeting connected lifestyle and wearable products following disappointing results","url":"http://www.computerweekly.com/news/4500251638/Troubled-HTC-to-restructure-as-smartphone-shipments-plummet","guid":"http://www.computerweekly.com/news/4500251638/Troubled-HTC-to-restructure-as-smartphone-shipments-plummet","categories":[],"author":"ComputerWeekly.com","date":"2015-08-13T11:43:09.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Sharp increase in students taking computing A-level","description":"The number of A-level computing students rose 29.1% in 2015, as students pick up their exam results today","url":"http://www.computerweekly.com/news/4500251632/Sharp-increase-in-students-taking-computing-A-level","guid":"http://www.computerweekly.com/news/4500251632/Sharp-increase-in-students-taking-computing-A-level","categories":[],"author":"ComputerWeekly.com","date":"2015-08-13T11:11:39.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Driving digital productivity in the UK","description":"There is a need for British businesses to improve their adoption of digital technologies","url":"http://www.computerweekly.com/opinion/Driving-digital-productivity-in-the-UK","guid":"http://www.computerweekly.com/opinion/Driving-digital-productivity-in-the-UK","categories":[],"author":"Narry Singh","date":"2015-08-13T11:10:57.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"TFL still wasting millions on telecoms despite IIPAG criticism","description":"One year on and Transport for London is still pouring millions into dispersed telecoms systems, according to the Independent Investment Programme Advisory Group","url":"http://www.computerweekly.com/news/4500251595/TFL-still-wasting-millions-on-telecoms-despite-IIPAG-criticism","guid":"http://www.computerweekly.com/news/4500251595/TFL-still-wasting-millions-on-telecoms-despite-IIPAG-criticism","categories":[],"author":"ComputerWeekly.com","date":"2015-08-13T10:30:52.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Demand for all-flash storage to accelerate in Australia and New Zealand","description":"Demand for all-flash storage will increase in ANZ, as a result of lower prices and greater capacities.","url":"http://www.computerweekly.com/feature/Demand-for-all-flash-storage-to-accelerate-in-ANZ","guid":"http://www.computerweekly.com/feature/Demand-for-all-flash-storage-to-accelerate-in-ANZ","categories":[],"author":"Alex Cruickshank","date":"2015-08-13T09:59:20.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Rapid7 seeks greater security collaboration with technology firms","description":"Rapid7 is working to promote better relations between the security community and the rapidly increasing number of de facto technology companies","url":"http://www.computerweekly.com/news/4500251626/Rapid7-seeks-greater-security-collaboration-with-technology-firms","guid":"http://www.computerweekly.com/news/4500251626/Rapid7-seeks-greater-security-collaboration-with-technology-firms","categories":[],"author":"ComputerWeekly.com","date":"2015-08-13T09:33:44.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Short Takes Daily: What went on in the world of Microsoft on Wednesday, August 12, 2015","description":"
\n\n \n \n \n Lisa Schmeiser\n \n
Today in the news: We have a hands-on look at Stardock, we calm someone's panic over Windows 10 ushering in the end times, and we look at what's new in Windows 10 Mobile Build 10512.

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","url":"http://winsupersite.com/windows/short-takes-daily-what-went-world-microsoft-wednesday-august-12-2015","guid":"58251 at http://winsupersite.com","categories":["Windows"],"author":null,"date":"2015-08-12T21:39:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Polar Opposites","description":"

Compression and Encryption have much more in common than you could have guessed.

Continue reading on Medium »

","url":"https://medium.com/google-developers/polar-opposites-50bccd39e09?source=rss----2e5ce7f173a5---4","guid":"https://medium.com/p/50bccd39e09","categories":[],"author":"Colt McAnlis","date":"2015-08-12T20:03:09.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Windows 10 Mobile Build 10512 hits Insider Fast Ring for testing","description":"
Testing can now continue on Windows 10 Mobile as Microsoft releases its first new build in over a month to Insiders who are members of the testing Fast Ring.

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","url":"http://winsupersite.com/windows-10/windows-10-mobile-build-10512-hits-insider-fast-ring-testing","guid":"58241 at http://winsupersite.com","categories":["Mobile","Windows 10","Windows 10 Mobile","Windows Insider","Windows Insiders","Windows Phone"],"author":null,"date":"2015-08-12T18:41:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Take a tour of the Start10 menu from Stardock","description":"
Stardock Software has released a follow on to their popular Start8 software that allowed users to customize and configure a Windows 7 style Start Menu on Windows 8. Start10 allows users to do the same thing on the recently released Windows 10.

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","url":"http://winsupersite.com/windows-10/start10-windows-10-start-menu-replacement-stardock","guid":"58191 at http://winsupersite.com","categories":["Stardock","Stardock Software","start menu","Start10","Windows 10"],"author":null,"date":"2015-08-12T18:00:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"New partner add-ins revealed in Outlook.com's expanded roll-out","description":"
Microsoft is picking up the pace for the roll out of the updated Outlook.com by allowing in a larger group of users as they also expand with new partner add-ins for Outlook.

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","url":"http://winsupersite.com/outlookcom/roll-out-new-outlookcom-expands-and-new-partner-add-ins-revealed","guid":"58221 at http://winsupersite.com","categories":["add-ins","Outlook","Outlook.com","partner add-ins","Office"],"author":null,"date":"2015-08-12T17:29:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Q: Is Windows 10 really the end for normal computer users?","description":"
\n\n \n \n \n Fred Langa\n \n
On Wednesdays, we'll be featuring an abridged Q&A from Fred Langa's LANGALIST, a feature available exclusively to paid subscribers of the Windows Secrets newsletter. Today's Q&A: Why would anyone possibly WANT to use Windows 10?

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","url":"http://winsupersite.com/windows-10/q-windows-10-really-end-normal-computer-users","guid":"58231 at http://winsupersite.com","categories":["Microsoft","Virtual machines","Windows 10","Windows Update"],"author":null,"date":"2015-08-12T16:13:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Microsoft releases a Remote Desktop Preview app for Mac","description":"
Microsoft is inviting Mac users to participate in a new preview program for their beta remote desktop client for Mac.

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","url":"http://winsupersite.com/apple/microsoft-releases-remote-desktop-preview-app-mac","guid":"58211 at http://winsupersite.com","categories":["app","Apple","beta","Mac","Preview","remote desktop"],"author":null,"date":"2015-08-12T13:54:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Qualcomm Details the Adreno 530 GPU and ISP inside the Snapdragon 820","description":"


Snapdragon 820 is still a mystery as far as official information from Qualcomm goes. However, today Qualcomm has given a bit of insight into their upcoming SoC. While there's still no information about the CPU portion featuring Qualcomm's custom 64-bit cores known as 'Kryo', there are some details about the Adreno 510 and 530 GPUs, as well as Qualcomm's Spectra image signal processor.




Because Adreno 530 is their new flagship GPU, Qualcomm's press release focuses more on the 530 than the 510. The performance figures released by Qualcomm describe Adreno 530 as being 40% faster than Adreno 430 on average, while also consuming 40% less power. This result is described as an average of "the top graphics benchmarks", and while it's still generally a good idea to take vendor provided numbers with a grain of salt, if the power and performance gains over Adreno 430 are anywhere in the ballpark of Qualcomm's 40% figure then Adreno 530 should end up being quite impressive.




On the API side, Adreno 500 series GPUs will support OpenGL ES 3.1 + AEP (Android Extension Pack), Renderscript, Vulkan, and OpenCL 2.0. With OpenCL 2.0 comes support for Shared Virtual Memory (SVP), which allows an OpenCL host program and a device's kernel to share a virtual address space so access to data structures like lists and trees can be easily shared between the host and GPU. Adreno 530 has varying improvements to GPGPU performance when compared to Adreno 430, but Qualcomm's slides show video processing as demonstrating the greatest improvement with a 2.5x increase in compute performance. This is also the area where efficiency gains for generational improvements typically happen, so we expect fixed-function codec support although this information is not yet provided.


As for the ISP, it's still the case that mobile image signal processors are black boxes. Qualcomm is stating that their Spectra ISP in Snapdragon 820 will be able to support 3 simultaneous cameras at up to 25MP and at 30fps with no shutter lag. The Spectra ISP will also use MIPI's higher bandwidth C-PHY serial interface, which supports the enhanced camera support. As well as this, new developer and user-facing features include support and APIs for depth maps and using dual cameras to perform refocusing or other visual effects - because Qualcomm is just the SoC manufacturer, it is up to the smartphone OEMs to implement dual-camera/depth-maps as a feature as well.


According to Qualcomm, Snapdragon 820 will start showing up in devices during the first half of 2016. Hopefully between now and then there's more information from Qualcomm about the other aspects of their new SoC, including their Kryo custom CPU core. In Q1 we will be at Mobile World Congress, so we may see more information at that time.


Source: Qualcomm, slides via Slashgear


","url":"http://www.anandtech.com/show/9522/qualcomm-adreno-530-510-snapdragon-820","guid":"tag:www.anandtech.com,9522:news","categories":["Smartphones"],"author":"Brandon Chester","date":"2015-08-12T13:35:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Windows Update Delivery Optimization Defaults by Edition","description":"
Windows Update Delivery Optimization in Windows 10 is turned on by default, but there are differences between editions.

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","url":"http://winsupersite.com/windows-10/windows-update-delivery-optimization-defaults-edition","guid":"58201 at http://winsupersite.com","categories":["Windows 10"],"author":null,"date":"2015-08-12T13:26:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Sumo Sultan big bean bag chair review","description":"You may be wondering what a bean bag chair has to do with gadgets, but if you look back on the years, we’ve reviewed a few here. The first thing I think of when I think of a bean bag chair is something that belongs in a game room, is small, and has lots of […]","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheGadgeteer/~3/NfHCYM0SrEM/","guid":"http://the-gadgeteer.com/?p=182922","categories":["Home, Kitchen","Reviews","Furniture"],"author":"Ryan Chapman","date":"2015-08-12T13:00:54.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Toshiba Brings Through-Silicon Vias to NAND Flash","description":"


At Flash Memory Summit this week, Toshiba is showing off a NAND flash device packaged using through-silicon vias rather than traditional wire-bonded connections.


The NAND flash currently on the market is typically produced in the form of a die with a capacity like 128Gb (16GB). The popular SSD form factors don't have enough surface area to fit dozens of those chips, and SSD controllers don't have the pin count to connect to that many independently, so several chips are stacked in a single postage-stamp sized package. The traditional way of connecting the individual dies in a stack is to use the same technique as for a single-die package: bonding a thin gold wire between the edge of the die and the package substrate or external pins. The downsides are that it requires a lot of wires and the edges of the dies in the stack need to be exposed somehow, either by staggering them or by putting a spacer between each layer.




An alternative packaging method is to design the dies to participate in the stacking, by including electrical conductors that penetrate the entire thickness of the silicon die so that they can make contact with the dies above and below it in the stack, essentially tunneling right through each die. These through-silicon vias (TSVs) can then form a shared bus to carry signals from any of the dies in the stack out to the last die, which is the only one with the external connections.




Chip stacking using TSVs requires the dies to be aligned and stacked without spacers, which makes the whole stack a bit more compact. Since TSVs can be placed anywhere on the chip rather than just at the edge, it's easy to implement a wide data bus and communication within the stack can be very fast or low-power due to the short distances involved. These advantages have been very attractive for packaging DRAM, most notably in the form of the HBM stacks used by AMD's R9 Fury and R9 Nano video cards.


Toshiba's demonstration is a 16-high stack of 128Gb dies in a BGA-152 package measuring 14mm by 18mm and 1.9mm thick, and an 8-high stack that's 1.35mm thick. Those numbers are all typical even for wire-bonded stacks. The speed (1Gb/s) and operating voltages (1.2V for I/O and 1.8V core) are what we would expect from a next-generation NAND interface, but the claimed 50% power reduction is a very nice improvement for a change that leaves the flash memory cells themselves unmodified.


Toshiba hasn't said whether the dies being stacked are their current 15nm planar NAND or their forthcoming 3D NAND, nor have they said when modules using TSVs will be hitting the market. The most compelling applications would be to use TSVs to stack flash atop a controller chip in an eMMC product or atop an SoC, but the power savings would be appreciated almost everywhere. If the use of TSVs allows economically stacking more than 16 dies, it could enable a dramatic increase in the density of SSDs.


","url":"http://www.anandtech.com/show/9520/toshiba-brings-throughsilicon-vias-to-nand-flash","guid":"tag:www.anandtech.com,9520:news","categories":["SSDs"],"author":"Billy Tallis","date":"2015-08-12T12:01:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"A 10,000 mAh portable battery that utilizes Qualcomm Quick Charge 2.0","description":"I love the Qualcomm Quick Charge 2.0 technology on my Nexus 6 phone. It significantly decreases the amount of time I spend charging my phone which is something that I have grown accustomed to. I recently purchased the Aukey CC-T1 2-Port 30W USB Car Charger with Quick Charge 2.0 to be able to use this fast […]","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheGadgeteer/~3/-rmk4zorj2o/","guid":"http://the-gadgeteer.com/?p=183449","categories":["Cables, Batteries and Chargers","News","Backup Battery"],"author":"Kathleen Chapman","date":"2015-08-12T12:00:46.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Advatronix Nimbus 400 File Server Review","description":"

Small businesses and power users often need the flexibility offered by a file server when compared to a dedicated NAS. This is where storage servers based on Microsoft's Windows Server offerings and systems based on various Linux and BSD distributions come into play. These servers can be bought as an appliance or assembled in a do-it-yourself (DIY) fashion. Today, we will be looking at a system based on the former approach - the Advatronix Nimbus 400.

","url":"http://www.anandtech.com/show/9519/advatronix-nimbus-400-file-server-review","guid":"tag:www.anandtech.com,9519:news","categories":["NAS"],"author":"Ganesh T S","date":"2015-08-12T12:00:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Build-A-Rig Round 1: The Winners","description":"


As our final update to what has been a very successful first round for our Build-A-Rig project, last week we held the drawing to determine the winners. Each of our winners is taking home a $1500 gaming system, designed by Zotac and Corsair respectively. So without further ado:




Congratulations to our two winners, and the first winners for the Build-A-Rig project. And be sure to check back later this month when we kick off Build-A-Rig round 2, where we will be putting together and giving away a pair of small form factor systems.


","url":"http://www.anandtech.com/show/9521/buildarig-round-1-the-winners","guid":"tag:www.anandtech.com,9521:news","categories":["Build-A-Rig"],"author":"Ryan Smith","date":"2015-08-12T12:00:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Julie’s gadget diary – Why I am thinking about switching back to the iPhone","description":"It’s been almost three years since I put my iPhone 4s in a drawer and switched over to an Android device as my full-time smartphone. Since I made that switch, I’ve used a Samsung Galaxy SIII, a Samsung Galaxy Note 2 and my current phone, an LG G3. I’ve also used Android tablets like the Nexus […]","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheGadgeteer/~3/6KJUyo_7f_g/","guid":"http://the-gadgeteer.com/?p=183429","categories":["Articles","gadget diary"],"author":"Julie Strietelmeier","date":"2015-08-11T22:14:25.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Short Takes Daily: What went on in the world of Microsoft on Tuesday, August 11, 2015","description":"
\n\n \n \n \n Lisa Schmeiser\n \n
Today in the news: Mozilla finally makes nice with Microsoft and releases a Windows 10-friendly version of Firefox; we've got a raft of how-tos; Microsoft rolls out context-sensing APIs for app developers; we've got a preview of Skype for Business apps for iOS and Android.

read more

","url":"http://winsupersite.com/windows/short-takes-daily-what-went-world-microsoft-tuesday-august-11-2015","guid":"58181 at http://winsupersite.com","categories":["Windows"],"author":null,"date":"2015-08-11T21:39:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"SanDisk Announces Second Generation CloudSpeed Ultra SATA Enterprise SSD","description":"


At Flash Memory Summit today SanDisk announced the second generation of their CloudSpeed Ultra enterprise drive. This is the sibling to the gen. 2 CloudSpeed Eco that was announced in June.


As with the Eco gen. 2, the Ultra gen. 2 transitions from 19nm to 15nm MLC and brings a reduced endurance rating but increased performance. The Ultra model continues to be geared for mixed read/write workloads while the Eco is for more read-intensive uses.

SanDisk Enterprise SATA SSDs
DriveUltra gen. 2Eco gen. 2Ultra gen. 1
Capacities400GB, 800GB, 1600GB480GB, 960GB, 1920GB100GB, 200GB, 400GB, 800GB
NANDSanDisk 15nm MLCSanDisk 15nm MLCSanDisk 19nm MLC
Sequential Read530 MB/s530 MB/s450 MB/s
Sequential Write460 MB/s460 MB/s400 MB/s
4kB Random Read IOPS76k76k75k
4kB Random Write IOPS32k14k30k
Endurance Rating1.8 DWPD0.6 DWPD3 DWPD

SanDisk is already supplying the CloudSpeed Ultra gen. 2 to several major customers for large-scale deployments and it will be more broadly available later in 2015, where it will be competing against drives like Samsung's SM863 and Intel's DC S3610. Pricing will be under $1/GB, but we don't know by how much. It probably won't be undercut by Intel's DC S3610, but to be competitive it will need to be down near Samsung's $0.66/GB for the SM863.


","url":"http://www.anandtech.com/show/9517/sandisk-announces-second-generation-cloudspeed-ultra-sata-enterprise-ssd","guid":"tag:www.anandtech.com,9517:news","categories":["SSDs"],"author":"Billy Tallis","date":"2015-08-11T21:00:00.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]}]}