{"title":"Paleo","description":"Combined Paleo Feed","generator":"rss-braider","feed_url":null,"site_url":"http://pipes.silvrtree.co.uk/paleo.xml","image_url":null,"categories":null,"copyright":null,"webMaster":null,"geoRSS":false,"custom_namespaces":[],"custom_elements":[],"no_cdata_fields":[],"items":[{"title":"What Is Leaky Gut?","description":"By Jillian Babcock With various symptoms and mystery of the disease, you may have Leaky Gut Syndrome and not even know it. Leaky gut syndrome is a rapidly growing condition that millions of people are struggling with and don’t even know it. It’s possible that leaky gut could be the cause of your food allergies, […]","url":"http://ultimatepaleoguide.com/what-is-leaky-gut/","guid":"http://ultimatepaleoguide.com/?p=7320","categories":["Paleo Diet Articles"],"author":"Rachel Chiu","date":"2015-07-31T09:00:09.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Soy, Sugar’s Cohort in Causing Obesity","description":"

Since the 1930s, the US government has been heavily subsidizing corn, soy, wheat, and other so-called staple crops. Subsequently, these foods have remained artificially cheap for decades, leading to enormously increased consumption. For a new study, just published in PLOS One, scientists at UC Riverside compared the effects of diets high in soybean oil with […]


The post Soy, Sugar’s Cohort in Causing Obesity appeared first on The Paleo Diet™.

","url":"http://thepaleodiet.com/soy-sugars-cohort-in-causing-obesity/","guid":"http://thepaleodiet.com/?p=13640","categories":["Cancer","Cooking","Diabetes","Fatty Acids","Fruit","Men's Corner","Men's Health","Paleo Diet Blog Articles","Sugar","Women's Corner","Women's Health","featured","fructose","obesity","soy","soybean oil","sugar"],"author":"Christopher James Clark","date":"2015-07-31T08:01:46.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Fashion Fridays + Last Days of Nordstrom Anniversary Sale!","description":"\"FashionDid you keep up with what happened on the blog this week? Talking body image, shared a knife and kitchen gadget giveaway, gave you a cocktail recipe AND... Read More »","url":"http://paleomg.com/fashion-fridays-last-days-of-nordstrom-anniversary-sale/","guid":"http://paleomg.com/?p=12200","categories":["Fashion Fridays","Slideshow"],"author":"juli","date":"2015-07-31T04:32:52.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Weekly Meal Plan – 7/31/15","description":"

Success with weight loss, eating healthy food or just feeling better is easy when you have everything handled for you. By everything, we mean the meal plan which includes recipes, […]


The post Weekly Meal Plan – 7/31/15 appeared first on Civilized Caveman Cooking Creations.

","url":"http://civilizedcavemancooking.com/meal-plans/6/","guid":"http://civilizedcavemancooking.com/?p=15577","categories":["Meal Plans","shopping list"],"author":"George Bryant","date":"2015-07-30T23:00:29.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Paleo Chocolate Chip Cookies","description":"

These Paleo Chocolate Chip Cookies are the latest addition to my healthy cookie recipe collection. Yes, it’s true, I have a bazillion gluten-free, grain-free chocolate chip cookie recipes. There are three primary reasons for this. First, I’ve been writing grain-free recipes since my son was diagnosed with celiac disease in 2001, which, lucky for thoseRead More →


The post Paleo Chocolate Chip Cookies appeared first on Elana's Pantry.

","url":"http://elanaspantry.com/paleo-chocolate-chip-cookies/","guid":"http://elanaspantry.com/?p=196253","categories":["recipes"],"author":"Elana Amsterdam","date":"2015-07-30T22:46:01.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Cherry Tomato And Basil Quiche","description":"

This quick quiche is the perfect breakfast (or lunch, or dinner…) just for two – it’s so easy to throw...


The post Cherry Tomato And Basil Quiche appeared first on Paleo Leap | Paleo diet Recipes & Tips.

","url":"http://paleoleap.com/cherry-tomato-basil-quiche/","guid":"http://paleoleap.com/?p=20199","categories":["Paleo Egg Recipes","Paleo Recipes","budget-friendly","cooking: fast cook","cooking: fast prep","cooking: oven","diet: dairy-free","diet: no sweeteners","diet: shellfish-free","diet: vegetarian","good for leftovers"],"author":"Paleo Leaper","date":"2015-07-30T17:11:50.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Warm Roasted Sweet Potato and Kale Salad","description":"

Kale is super nutritious, but it’s not often eaten raw because it can be tough to chew. Luckily, there’s a secret you may not know, and that’s that massaging it with your fingers can make it easy to eat and digest. When tossed with crunchy sunflower seeds, chewy cranberries and warm roasted sweet potatoes, it … Continue reading


The post Warm Roasted Sweet Potato and Kale Salad appeared first on Paleo Plan.

","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/PaleoPlan/~3/h_M0Erz8YUY/","guid":"http://www.paleoplan.com/?post_type=recipe&p=144255","categories":["Paleo Salads Recipes","Paleo Side Dishes and Vegetables Recipes","dish","salads"],"author":"Karen","date":"2015-07-30T15:58:34.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Salted Raspberry Caramel Ice Cream","description":"\"SaltedMy love for sweet and salty together just recently became a true obsession. After having ice cream at Salt and Straw in Portland and liquid nitrogen ice cream at a... Read More »","url":"http://paleomg.com/salted-raspberry-caramel-ice-cream/","guid":"http://paleomg.com/?p=12194","categories":["Treats","Caramel","Coconut Milk","Frozen Raspberries","Heavy Cream","Honey","Ice Cream","Maple Sugar","Slideshow","Vanilla Extract"],"author":"juli","date":"2015-07-30T14:29:21.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"The Wheat Series Part 4: Home Invasion","description":"

Nothing is scarier than someone invading your home. You’re nearly asleep when you hear the sound of something rustling downstairs. Instantly you’re awake and your internal alarm bells go off. You grab the phone. Fortunately the police are nearby and arrive almost instantly. They’ll catch the invader. You have nothing left to fear. Or do […]


The post The Wheat Series Part 4: Home Invasion appeared first on The Paleo Diet™.

","url":"http://thepaleodiet.com/the-wheat-series-part-4-home-invasion/","guid":"http://thepaleodiet.com/?p=13636","categories":["Autoimmune Diseases","Digestion","Gluten/Grain Free","Inflammation","Men's Corner","Men's Health","Paleo Basics","Paleo Diet Blog Articles","Women's Corner","Women's Health","featured","gluten","glutenfree","inflammation","wheat"],"author":"Trevor Connor","date":"2015-07-30T08:01:23.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Fitting Paleo Food into your Mornings","description":"

If you pop out of bed bright-eyed and bushy tailed to the twittering of the early birds, count your blessings...


The post Fitting Paleo Food into your Mornings appeared first on Paleo Leap | Paleo diet Recipes & Tips.

","url":"http://paleoleap.com/fitting-paleo-food-into-your-mornings/","guid":"http://paleoleap.com/?p=20596","categories":["Learn About Paleo"],"author":"Paleo Leaper","date":"2015-07-29T16:03:19.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Sneak Peek Recipe from Juli Bauer’s Paleo Cookbook: Frozen Mango Margaritas","description":"\"SneakMARGARITAS!!! Who doesn’t love a good margarita? Oh wait, I don’t. I like my alcohol to not taste like alcohol. I recently had a pineapple habanero margarita and... Read More »","url":"http://paleomg.com/sneak-peek-recipe-from-juli-bauers-paleo-cookbook-frozen-mango-margaritas/","guid":"http://paleomg.com/?p=12177","categories":["Fruit","Treats","Agave Tequila","Frozen Margarita","Grand Marnier","Lime Juice","Mango","Margarita","Slideshow"],"author":"juli","date":"2015-07-29T13:59:55.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Foods That Help Heal Allergies","description":"By Jillian Babcock Photo credit: Stoneledge farms CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) Local Farming Week Twenty-Two CLS_6164 via photopin (license) Here’s an alarming fact: nearly 15 million people in the United States have a food allergy. Of that, 9 million are adults and 6 million are children—and that number is on the rise, according to foodallergy.org […]","url":"http://ultimatepaleoguide.com/foods-that-help-heal-allergies/","guid":"http://ultimatepaleoguide.com/?p=7311","categories":["Uncategorized"],"author":"Rachel Chiu","date":"2015-07-29T09:00:47.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Sugar and Alcohol: Your Liver Can’t Tell The Difference","description":"

Dr. David Unwin, Fellow of the Royal College of General Practitioners (FRCGP) together with fellow researchers recently completed a study showing low carb diets significantly reduce fatty liver, weight and blood sugar. Trialing a low carb approach over a year, they found rapid improvements in liver function among other positive effects. “My interest in abnormal […]


The post Sugar and Alcohol: Your Liver Can’t Tell The Difference appeared first on The Paleo Diet™.

","url":"http://thepaleodiet.com/sugar-and-alcohol-your-liver-cant-tell-the-difference/","guid":"http://thepaleodiet.com/?p=13625","categories":["Alcohol","Cancer","Cardiovascular Disease","Diabetes","Men's Corner","Men's Health","Paleo Basics","Paleo Diet Blog Articles","Sugar","Women's Corner","Women's Health","alcohol","diabetes","featured","liver disease","Paleo Diet","sugar"],"author":"GotPaleo","date":"2015-07-29T08:01:36.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Podcast Episode 12: Paleo Desserts","description":"




Podcast: Play in new window (right click to download the episode)


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Episode 12: Paleo Desserts!


Is the term “Paleo dessert” an oxymoron? Are grain-free sweets the devil? Or are they a healthy bridge that helps people transition to a whole foods lifestyle? In this episode, we’ll dive head-first into this controversial subject, and decide together whether or not we should all just stuff our faces with grain-free cake!


What We Ate:


This week, we ate a lot of fish. Anna Larsen of Siren Fish\nCompany emailed me last week to let me know that she was sending us a few\npounds of fish, and I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it.\n\"Nom


Siren Fish Company is a local\nsustainable seafood purveyor that connects the people who catch fish directly\nto customers who want to eat super-fresh seafood. Siren sources exclusively\nfrom fishermen who practice sustainable fishing in Northern California. The seafood is carefully curated, impeccably fresh, and delicious. (Psst! Use the code “nomnom” at checkout to get $10 off of any order over $50!) 


Here are some of my favorite seafood recipes:


The seafood resources mentioned include:


Main Course:


Paleofied desserts are still a source of intense debate\nin Paleo circles. On one end of the spectrum, there are Paleo eaters who firmly believe that because refined sugar is addictive, causes obesity, and is bad for\nmetabolic health, desserts are THE DEVIL. \n\"Nom


On the other end of the spectrum, there are those folks who think that as long as you make desserts out of “Paleo”\ningredients, you can keep eating sweets just like before. Where does a cake-loving, sugary drink powder sneaker like me stand on this issue? \n\"Nom


I don’t eat sweets too often anymore, but I don’t think it’s a reasonable request to abstain from sugar forever. That being said, even though Paleo desserts might be a step in the right direction, they’re not the end of the journey. If you’re eating Paleo because you’re on the path\ntowards better health, then Paleo desserts aren’t the final destination. I’m not saying that there isn’t a place for Paleo desserts, but they should be viewed as special-occasion food, and not everyday food. 




Now that we’re on the same page, I’ll share my favorite recipes, cookbooks, and treat producers. Just make sure it’s worth it, ‘kay?


A few of my favorite grain-free dessert recipes:


Some fab Paleo dessert cookbooks & Paleo cookbooks with impressive dessert sections include: 


Occasionally, I buy these fantastic grain-free treats:


Crush of the Week:


I was super excited to find fresh turmeric root in my local grocery store because even though it looks like a gigantic earthworm, it has a ton of medicinal and culinary uses. Because I’ve never cooked with the fresh stuff before, I asked folks on Instagram how to use it and got lots of great tips. (You can also learn more than you want to know about this rhizome in Diane Morgan’s award-winning cookbook, Roots: The Definitive Compendium with over 225 recipes.) Lil-O tells us why he loves Ant-Man and how he ranks in his top listing of Marvel Heroes. Lastly, the Double-O’s sing one of their favorite camp songs for us, Pop See Koo.


Question of the Week:


Jess asked this question in the blog comments: You know, I can follow a\nrecipe, but I really don’t have a clue as to what I’m doing in the kitchen. Do\nyou have advice for noobs and how to love cooking?


Listen in for my answer—it might surprise you!


That’s\nit for this week! We’ll have another episode up soon enough, but if you can’t wait, feel free to check out our first 10 episodes and access all the show notes by heading over to our podcast archive. If you have questions for future podcasts, please leave them\nin the comments below. We’re always looking for great topics!


Like what you heard? Subscribe to our podcast and leave\nus a review by clicking here! And don’t forget, you can get TWO months’ free membership and 20% off your first order at Thrive Market by clicking here. How great is that?


Looking for more recipes? Head on over to my Recipe Index! You’ll also find exclusive recipes on my iPad® app, and in my New York Times- bestselling cookbook, Nom Nom Paleo: Food for Humans (Andrews McMeel 2013).

","url":"http://nomnompaleo.com/post/125325658188","guid":"http://nomnompaleo.com/post/125325658188","categories":[],"author":null,"date":"2015-07-29T06:35:24.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"FDA Announces Heart-Stopping News about Popular Pain Pills","description":"

Heart-Stopping News Alert The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) made a whopper of an announcement recently. They are increasing the warnings on some very popular pain relieving medications, stating that drugs such as Advil, Aleve, Motrin, and Ibuprofen can trigger a heart attack or stroke within the first few weeks of taking them. The … Continue reading


The post

FDA Announces Heart-Stopping News
about Popular Pain Pills
appeared first on Paleo Plan.

","url":"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/PaleoPlan/~3/7RhllFuulEo/","guid":"http://www.paleoplan.com/?p=148567","categories":["Paleo News","Research Studies","conventional medicine","FDA","inflammation"],"author":"Kinsey Jackson","date":"2015-07-28T20:00:20.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Spiced Grilled T-Bones","description":"

The T-bone is a steak with presence. It’s big, it’s bold, and everything about it is unapologetically steak. When cartoons...


The post Spiced Grilled T-Bones appeared first on Paleo Leap | Paleo diet Recipes & Tips.

","url":"http://paleoleap.com/spiced-grilled-t-bone/","guid":"http://paleoleap.com/?p=20236","categories":["Paleo Beef and Red Meat Recipes","Paleo Recipes","cooking: fast cook","cooking: fast prep","cooking: grill","diet: dairy-free","diet: egg-free","diet: no sweeteners","diet: nut-free","diet: shellfish-free","good for leftovers"],"author":"Paleo Leaper","date":"2015-07-28T17:41:09.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]},{"title":"Giveaway of the Week: Kitchen IQ Tools & Wusthof Knives","description":"\"GiveawayYayyyyyy! It’s Tuesday, the best day of the week. You got past stupid Monday and BOOM, Tuesday is here to welcome you with yet another PaleOMG giveaway. I’ve... Read More »","url":"http://paleomg.com/giveaway-of-the-week-kitchen-iq-tools-wusthof-knives/","guid":"http://paleomg.com/?p=12157","categories":["Rants","Slideshow"],"author":"juli","date":"2015-07-28T13:00:01.000Z","enclosure":false,"custom_elements":[]}]}