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Proxmox VE 7 Post Install

Proxmox Server Solutions

Proxmox VE 7 Post Install

This script will Disable the Enterprise Repo, Add & Enable the No-Subscription Repo, Add & Disable Test Repo (repo's can be enabled/disabled via the UI in Repositories) and attempt the *No-Nag* fix. Run the following in the Proxmox Web Shell. ⚠️ **PVE7 ONLY** ``` bash -c "$(wget -qLO -" ``` It's recommended to update Proxmox after running this script, before adding any VM/CT. ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Home Assistant OS VM


Proxmox Home Assistant OS VM

To create a new Proxmox VM with the latest version of Home Assistant OS, run the following from Proxmox web shell ``` bash -c "$(wget -qLO -" ```

⚡ Default Settings: 4GB RAM - 32GB Storage - 2vCPU ⚡

After the script completes, If you're dissatisfied with the default settings, click on the VM, then on the **_Hardware_** tab and change the **_Memory_** and **_Processors_** settings to what you desire. Once all changes have been made, **_Start_** the VM. **Home Assistant Interface - IP:8123** ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Home Assistant Container LXC (Podman)


Proxmox Podman Home Assistant Container LXC

To create a new Proxmox Podman Home Assistant Container, run the following from Proxmox web shell. ([What is Podman?]( ``` bash -c "$(wget -qLO -" ```

⚡ Default Settings: 2GB RAM - 8GB Storage - 2vCPU ⚡

After the script completes, If you're dissatisfied with the default settings, click on the LXC, then on the **_Resources_** tab and change the **_Memory_** and **_Cores_** settings to what you desire. Changes are immediate. **Home Assistant Interface - IP:8123** ⚙️ **Path to HA /config** ``` /var/lib/containers/storage/volumes/hass_config/_data ``` ⚙️ **To edit the HA configuration.yaml** Run from the LXC console ``` nano /var/lib/containers/storage/volumes/hass_config/_data/configuration.yaml ``` Save and exit the editor with “Ctrl+O”, “Enter” and “Ctrl+X” ⚙️ **To autostart Home Assistant at every boot:** Run from the LXC console ``` podman generate systemd \ --new --name homeassistant \ > /etc/systemd/system/homeassistant.service systemctl enable homeassistant ``` ⚙️ **Check the status of homeassistant service:** Run from the LXC console ``` systemctl status homeassistant ``` ⚙️ **To install HACS:** Run the from the LXC console ``` bash -c "$(wget -qLO -" ``` After install, reboot Home Assistant and **clear browser cache** then Add HACS integration. ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Home Assistant Container LXC

Docker Logos | Docker @home-assistantGitHub - portainer/portainer-docs: Portainer documentation

Proxmox Home Assistant Container LXC

To create a new Proxmox Home Assistant Container, run the following from Proxmox web shell. ``` bash -c "$(wget -qLO -" ```

⚡ Default Settings: 4GB RAM - 16GB Storage - 2vCPU ⚡

After the script completes, If you're dissatisfied with the default settings, click on the LXC, then on the **_Resources_** tab and change the **_Memory_** and **_Cores_** settings to what you desire. Changes are immediate. **Home Assistant Interface - IP:8123** **Portainer Interface - IP:9000** ⚙️ **Path to HA /config** ``` /var/lib/docker/volumes/hass_config/_data ``` ⚙️ **To edit the HA configuration.yaml** Run from the LXC console ``` nano /var/lib/docker/volumes/hass_config/_data/configuration.yaml ``` Save and exit the editor with “Ctrl+O”, “Enter” and “Ctrl+X” ⚙️ **To allow device passthrough:** In the Proxmox web shell run (**replace `106` with your LXC ID**) ``` bash -c "$(wget -qLO -" -s 106 ``` Reboot the LXC to apply the changes ⚙️ **To install HACS:** Run the from the LXC console ``` bash -c "$(wget -qLO -" ``` After install, reboot Home Assistant and **clear browser cache** then Add HACS integration. ____________________________________________________________________________________________


Proxmox ESPHome LXC Container

To create a new Proxmox ESPHome LXC Container, run the following from Proxmox web shell. ``` bash -c "$(wget -qLO -" ```

⚡ Default Settings: 1GB RAM - 4GB Storage - 2vCPU ⚡

**ESPHome Interface - IP:6052** ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Nginx Proxy Manager LXC


Proxmox Nginx Proxy Manager LXC Container

To create a new Proxmox Nginx Proxy Manager LXC Container, run the following from Proxmox web shell. ``` curl -sL | bash -s ```

⚡ Alpine Default Settings: 512MiB RAM - 2GB Storage - 1vCPU ⚡

____________________________________________________________________________________ Forward port `80` and `443` from your router to your Nginx Proxy Manager LXC IP. Add the following to your `configuration.yaml` in Home Assistant. ``` http: use_x_forwarded_for: true trusted_proxies: - ###(Nginx Proxy Manager LXC IP)### ``` **Nginx Proxy Manager Interface - IP:81** **Initial Login** **username** ``` ``` **password** ``` changeme ``` Thanks to [ej52]( for his hard work. ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Proxmox MQTT LXC Container

To create a new Proxmox MQTT LXC Container, run the following in the Proxmox web shell. ``` bash -c "$(wget -qLO -" ```

⚡ Default Settings: 512MiB RAM - 2GB Storage - 1vCPU ⚡

Mosquitto comes with a password file generating utility called mosquitto_passwd. ``` sudo mosquitto_passwd -c /etc/mosquitto/passwd ``` Password: < password > Create a configuration file for Mosquitto pointing to the password file we have just created. ``` sudo nano /etc/mosquitto/conf.d/default.conf ``` This will open an empty file. Paste the following into it. ``` allow_anonymous false persistence true password_file /etc/mosquitto/passwd listener 1883 ``` Save and exit the text editor with "Ctrl+O", "Enter" and "Ctrl+X". Now restart Mosquitto server. ``` sudo systemctl restart mosquitto ``` ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Node-Red LXC


Proxmox Node-Red LXC Container

To create a new Proxmox Node-RED LXC Container, run the following in the Proxmox web shell. ``` bash -c "$(wget -qLO -" ```

⚡ Default Settings: 1GB RAM - 4GB Storage - 1vCPU ⚡

From your nodered LXC console, the following commands can be run `node-red-start` to start Node-Red `sudo systemctl enable nodered.service` to autostart Node-RED at every boot `node-red-restart` to restart Node-Red `sudo systemctl disable nodered.service` to disable autostart on boot `sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm node-red` to update Node-Red (`node-red-restart` after update) **Node-Red Interface - IP:1880** ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Mariadb 10.5 LXC


Proxmox Mariadb 10.5 LXC Container

To create a new Proxmox Mariadb LXC Container, run the following in the Proxmox web shell. ``` bash -c "$(wget -qLO -" ```

⚡ Default Settings: 1GB RAM - 4GB Storage - 1vCPU ⚡

To enable MariaDB to listen to remote connections, you need to edit your defaults file. To do this, open the console in your MariaDB lxc: ``` nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf ``` Un-comment `port =3306` Save and exit the editor with "Ctrl+O", "Enter" and "Ctrl+X". ``` nano /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf ``` Comment `bind-address =` Save and exit the editor with "Ctrl+O", "Enter" and "Ctrl+X". For new MariaDB installations, the next step is to run the included security script. This script changes some of the less secure default options. We will use it to block remote root logins and to remove unused database users. Run the security script: ``` sudo mysql_secure_installation ``` Enter current password for root (enter for none): `enter` Switch to unix_socket authentication [Y/n] `y` Change the root password? [Y/n] `n` Remove anonymous users? [Y/n] `y` Disallow root login remotely? [Y/n] `y` Remove test database and access to it? [Y/n] `y` Reload privilege tables now? [Y/n] `y` We will create a new account called admin with the same capabilities as the root account, but configured for password authentication. ``` sudo mysql ``` Prompt will change to ```MariaDB [(none)]>``` Create a new local admin (Change the username and password to match your preferences) ``` CREATE USER 'admin'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; ``` Give local admin root privileges (Change the username and password to match above) ``` GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'admin'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password' WITH GRANT OPTION; ``` Now, we'll give the user admin root privileges and password-based access that can connect from anywhere on your local area network (LAN), which has addresses in the subnet This is an improvement because opening a MariaDB server up to the Internet and granting access to all hosts is bad practice.. Change the **_username_**, **_password_** and **_subnet_** to match your preferences: ``` GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'admin'@'192.168.100.%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password' WITH GRANT OPTION; ``` Flush the privileges to ensure that they are saved and available in the current session: ``` FLUSH PRIVILEGES; ``` Following this, exit the MariaDB shell: ``` exit ``` Log in as the new database user you just created: ``` mysql -u admin -p ``` Create a new database: ``` CREATE DATABASE homeassistant; ``` Following this, exit the MariaDB shell: ``` exit ``` ⚠️ Reboot the lxc Checking status. ``` sudo systemctl status mariadb ``` Change the recorder: `db_url:` in your HA configuration.yaml Example: `mysql://admin:password@` ____________________________________________________________________________________________


Proxmox Zigbee2MQTT LXC Container

To create a new Proxmox [Zigbee2MQTT]( LXC Container, run the following from Proxmox web shell. ``` bash -c "$(wget -qLO -" ```

⚡ Default Settings: 1GB RAM - 4GB Storage - 2vCPU ⚡

⚙️ **To allow device passthrough:** In the Proxmox web shell run (**replace `106` with your LXC ID**) ``` bash -c "$(wget -qLO -" -s 106 ``` Reboot the LXC to apply the changes ⚙️ **Determine the location of your adapter** Run in the zigbee2mqtt console ``` ls -l /dev/serial/by-id ``` Example Output: ```lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Jun 19 17:30 usb-1a86_USB_Serial-if00-port0 -> ../../ttyUSB0``` ⚠️ **Before you can start Zigbee2MQTT you need to edit the [configuration.yaml](** ``` nano /opt/zigbee2mqtt/data/configuration.yaml ``` Example: ``` frontend: port: 9442 homeassistant: true permit_join: false mqtt: base_topic: zigbee2mqtt server: 'mqtt://' user: usr password: pwd keepalive: 60 reject_unauthorized: true version: 4 serial: port: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-1a86_USB_Serial-if00-port0 advanced: pan_id: GENERATE network_key: GENERATE channel: 20 ``` ⚙️ **Zigbee2mqtt can be started after completing the configuration** ``` sudo systemctl start zigbee2mqtt ``` ⚙️ **To start Zigbee2MQTT automatically on boot** ``` sudo systemctl enable zigbee2mqtt.service ``` ⚙️ **To update Zigbee2Mqtt** ``` cd /opt/zigbee2mqtt bash ``` ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Zwavejs2MQTT LXC

Proxmox Zwavejs2MQTT LXC Container

To create a new Proxmox Zwavejs2MQTT LXC Container, run the following from Proxmox web shell. ``` bash -c "$(wget -qLO -" ```

⚡ Default Settings: 1GB RAM - 4GB Storage - 2vCPU ⚡

⚙️ **To start Zwavejs2Mqtt** Run from the LXC console ``` cd zwavejs2mqtt ./zwavejs2mqtt ``` **Zwavejs2MQTT Interface - IP:8091** ⚙️ **To allow device passthrough:** In the Proxmox web shell run (**replace `106` with your LXC ID)** ``` bash -c "$(wget -qLO -" -s 106 ``` Reboot the LXC to apply the changes ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Debian 10+ LXC


Proxmox Debian 10 LXC Container

To create a new Proxmox Debian 10 (curl. sudo, auto login) LXC Container, run the following in the Proxmox web shell. ``` bash -c "$(wget -qLO -" ```

⚡ Default Settings: 512MiB RAM - 2GB Storage - 1vCPU ⚡

After the script completes, If you're dissatisfied with the default settings, click on the LXC, then on the **_Resources_** tab and change the **_Memory_** and **_Cores_** settings to what you desire. Changes are immediate. ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Debian 11+ LXC


Proxmox Debian 11 LXC Container

To create a new Proxmox Debian 11 (curl. sudo, auto login) LXC Container, run the following in the Proxmox web shell. ``` bash -c "$(wget -qLO -" ```

⚡ Default Settings: 512MiB RAM - 2GB Storage - 1vCPU ⚡

After the script completes, If you're dissatisfied with the default settings, click on the LXC, then on the **_Resources_** tab and change the **_Memory_** and **_Cores_** settings to what you desire. Changes are immediate. ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Pi-hole LXC


Pi-hole LXC

To create a new Proxmox Pi-hole LXC, run the following in the Proxmox web shell. ``` bash -c "$(wget -qLO -" ```

⚡ Default Settings: 512MiB RAM - 2GB Storage - 1vCPU ⚡

⚙️ **To set your password:** Run in the LXC console ``` pihole -a -p ``` ____________________________________________________________________________________________
AdGuard Home LXC

AdGuard Home LXC

To create a new Proxmox AdGuard Home LXC, run the following in the Proxmox web shell. ``` bash -c "$(wget -qLO -" ```

⚡ Default Settings: 512MiB RAM - 2GB Storage - 1vCPU ⚡

**AdGuard Home Interface - IP:3000** ____________________________________________________________________________________________