#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright (c) 2021-2024 # Author: YOU # License: MIT # https://github.com/community-scripts/ProxmoxVE/raw/main/LICENSE source /dev/stdin <<< "$FUNCTIONS_FILE_PATH" color verb_ip6 catch_errors setting_up_container network_check update_os msg_info "Installing Dependencies" $STD apt-get install -y imagemagick xvfb libxcomposite1 msg_ok "Installed Dependencies" msg_info "Installing Calibre (latest)" # If your container runs as root, you generally do not need to prefix with `sudo`. # The official Calibre instructions: wget -nv -O- https://download.calibre-ebook.com/linux-installer.sh | sh /dev/stdin msg_ok "Installed Calibre" msg_info "Creating calibre system user & directories" useradd -c "Calibre Server" -d /opt/calibre -s /bin/bash -m calibre mkdir -p /opt/calibre/calibre-library chown -R calibre:calibre /opt/calibre msg_ok "Created calibre user & directories" msg_info "Creating systemd service" cat </etc/systemd/system/calibre-server.service [Unit] Description=Calibre Content Server After=network.target [Service] Type=simple User=calibre Group=calibre ExecStart=/opt/calibre/calibre-server --port=8180 --enable-local-write /opt/calibre/calibre-library Restart=always [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF systemctl enable -q --now calibre-server.service msg_ok "Created Service" motd_ssh customize msg_info "Cleaning up" $STD apt-get -y autoremove $STD apt-get -y autoclean msg_ok "Cleaned"