#!/bin/bash # =============== CONFIGURATION =============== # CIDR_LIST=( ) LOOP_INTERVAL=60 FW_NET_INTERFACE_CHECK_INTERVAL=60 LXC_STATUS_CHECK_INTERVAL=-1 FORCE_UPDATE_INTERVAL=1800 if [ -f "/usr/local/etc/iptag.conf" ]; then source /usr/local/etc/iptag.conf fi # =============== UTIL_FUNCTION =============== # # Convert IP to integer for comparison ip_to_int() { local ip="${1}" local a b c d IFS=. read -r a b c d <<< "${ip}" echo "$((a << 24 | b << 16 | c << 8 | d))" } # Check if IP is in CIDR ip_in_cidr() { local ip="${1}" local cidr="${2}" ip_int=$(ip_to_int "${ip}") netmask_int=$(ip_to_int "$(ipcalc -b "${cidr}" | grep Broadcast | awk '{print $2}')") masked_ip_int=$(( "${ip_int}" & "${netmask_int}" )) [[ ${ip_int} -eq ${masked_ip_int} ]] && return 0 || return 1 } # Check if IP is in any CIDRs ip_in_cidrs() { local ip="${1}" local cidrs=() mapfile -t cidrs < <(echo "${2}" | tr ' ' '\n') for cidr in "${cidrs[@]}"; do ip_in_cidr "${ip}" "${cidr}" && return 0 done return 1 } # Check if IP is valid is_valid_ipv4() { local ip=$1 local regex="^([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$" if [[ $ip =~ $regex ]]; then IFS='.' read -r -a parts <<< "$ip" for part in "${parts[@]}"; do if ! [[ $part =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || ((part < 0 || part > 255)); then return 1 fi done return 0 else return 1 fi } lxc_status_changed() { current_lxc_status=$(pct list 2>/dev/null) if [ "${last_lxc_status}" == "${current_lxc_status}" ]; then return 1 else last_lxc_status="${current_lxc_status}" return 0 fi } fw_net_interface_changed() { current_net_interface=$(ifconfig | grep "^fw") if [ "${last_net_interface}" == "${current_net_interface}" ]; then return 1 else last_net_interface="${current_net_interface}" return 0 fi } # =============== MAIN =============== # update_lxc_iptags() { vmid_list=$(pct list 2>/dev/null | grep -v VMID | awk '{print $1}') for vmid in ${vmid_list}; do last_tagged_ips=() current_valid_ips=() next_tags=() # Parse current tags mapfile -t current_tags < <(pct config "${vmid}" | grep tags | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/;/\n/g') for current_tag in "${current_tags[@]}"; do if is_valid_ipv4 "${current_tag}"; then last_tagged_ips+=("${current_tag}") continue fi next_tags+=("${current_tag}") done # Get current IPs current_ips_full=$(lxc-info -n "${vmid}" -i | awk '{print $2}') for ip in ${current_ips_full}; do if is_valid_ipv4 "${ip}" && ip_in_cidrs "${ip}" "${CIDR_LIST[*]}"; then current_valid_ips+=("${ip}") next_tags+=("${ip}") fi done # Skip if no ip change if [[ "$(echo "${last_tagged_ips[@]}" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -u)" == "$(echo "${current_valid_ips[@]}" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -u)" ]]; then echo "Skipping ${vmid} cause ip no changes" continue fi # Set tags echo "Setting ${vmid} tags from ${current_tags[*]} to ${next_tags[*]}" pct set "${vmid}" -tags "$(IFS=';'; echo "${next_tags[*]}")" done } check() { current_time=$(date +%s) time_since_last_lxc_status_check=$((current_time - last_lxc_status_check_time)) if [[ "${LXC_STATUS_CHECK_INTERVAL}" -gt 0 ]] \ && [[ "${time_since_last_lxc_status_check}" -ge "${STATUS_CHECK_INTERVAL}" ]]; then echo "Checking lxc status..." last_lxc_status_check_time=${current_time} if lxc_status_changed; then update_lxc_iptags last_update_time=${current_time} return fi fi time_since_last_fw_net_interface_check=$((current_time - last_fw_net_interface_check_time)) if [[ "${FW_NET_INTERFACE_CHECK_INTERVAL}" -gt 0 ]] \ && [[ "${time_since_last_fw_net_interface_check}" -ge "${FW_NET_INTERFACE_CHECK_INTERVAL}" ]]; then echo "Checking fw net interface..." last_fw_net_interface_check_time=${current_time} if fw_net_interface_changed; then update_lxc_iptags last_update_time=${current_time} return fi fi time_since_last_update=$((current_time - last_update_time)) if [ ${time_since_last_update} -ge ${FORCE_UPDATE_INTERVAL} ]; then echo "Force updating lxc iptags..." update_lxc_iptags last_update_time=${current_time} return fi } # main: Set the IP tags for all LXC containers main() { while true; do check sleep "${LOOP_INTERVAL}" done } main