{ "name": "Trilium", "slug": "trilium", "categories": [ 12 ], "date_created": "2024-05-02", "type": "ct", "updateable": true, "privileged": false, "interface_port": 8080, "documentation": null, "website": "https://github.com/TriliumNext/Notes", "logo": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfhst/icons/refs/heads/main/svg/triliumnext.svg", "description": "Trilium is an open-source note-taking and personal knowledge management application. It allows users to organize and manage their notes, ideas, and information in a single place, using a hierarchical tree-like structure. Trilium offers a range of features, including rich text formatting, links, images, and attachments, making it easy to create and structure notes. The software is designed to be flexible and customizable, with a range of customization options and plugins available, including themes, export options, and more. Trilium is a self-hosted solution, and can be run on a local machine or a cloud-based server, providing users with full control over their notes and information.", "install_methods": [ { "type": "default", "script": "ct/trilium.sh", "resources": { "cpu": 1, "ram": 512, "hdd": 2, "os": "debian", "version": "12" } } ], "default_credentials": { "username": null, "password": null }, "notes": [] }