{ "name": "Proxmox VE LXC Filesystem Trim", "slug": "fstrim", "categories": [ 1 ], "date_created": "2024-04-29", "type": "misc", "updateable": false, "privileged": false, "interface_port": null, "documentation": "https://github.com/community-scripts/ProxmoxVE/discussions/805", "website": null, "logo": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfhst/icons/refs/heads/main/svg/linuxcontainers.svg", "description": "This maintains SSD performance by managing unused blocks. Thin-provisioned storage systems also require management to prevent unnecessary storage use. VMs automate fstrim, while LXC containers need manual or automated fstrim processes for optimal performance.", "install_methods": [ { "type": "default", "script": "misc/fstrim.sh", "resources": { "cpu": null, "ram": null, "hdd": null, "os": null, "version": null } } ], "default_credentials": { "username": null, "password": null }, "notes": [ { "text": "Execute within the Proxmox shell", "type": "info" }, { "text": "This is designed to work with SSDs on ext4 filesystems only.", "type": "warning" } ] }