#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright (c) 2021-2025 tteck # Author: tteck (tteckster) # License: MIT | https://github.com/community-scripts/ProxmoxVE/raw/main/LICENSE # Source: https://home.tdarr.io/ source /dev/stdin <<< "$FUNCTIONS_FILE_PATH" color verb_ip6 catch_errors setting_up_container network_check update_os msg_info "Installing Dependencies" $STD apt-get install -y curl $STD apt-get install -y sudo $STD apt-get install -y mc $STD apt-get install -y handbrake-cli msg_ok "Installed Dependencies" msg_info "Setting Up Hardware Acceleration" $STD apt-get -y install {va-driver-all,ocl-icd-libopencl1,intel-opencl-icd,vainfo,intel-gpu-tools} if [[ "$CTTYPE" == "0" ]]; then chgrp video /dev/dri chmod 755 /dev/dri chmod 660 /dev/dri/* $STD adduser $(id -u -n) video $STD adduser $(id -u -n) render fi msg_ok "Set Up Hardware Acceleration" msg_info "Installing Tdarr" mkdir -p /opt/tdarr cd /opt/tdarr RELEASE=$(curl -s https://f000.backblazeb2.com/file/tdarrs/versions.json | grep -oP '(?<="Tdarr_Updater": ")[^"]+' | grep linux_x64 | head -n 1) wget -q $RELEASE $STD unzip Tdarr_Updater.zip rm -rf Tdarr_Updater.zip chmod +x Tdarr_Updater ./Tdarr_Updater &>/dev/null if [[ "$CTTYPE" == "0" ]]; then sed -i -e 's/^sgx:x:104:$/render:x:104:root/' -e 's/^render:x:106:root$/sgx:x:106:/' /etc/group else sed -i -e 's/^sgx:x:104:$/render:x:104:/' -e 's/^render:x:106:$/sgx:x:106:/' /etc/group fi msg_ok "Installed Tdarr" msg_info "Creating Service" service_path="/etc/systemd/system/tdarr-server.service" echo "[Unit] Description=Tdarr Server Daemon After=network.target # Enable if using ZFS, edit and enable if other FS mounting is required to access directory #Requires=zfs-mount.service [Service] User=root Group=root Type=simple WorkingDirectory=/opt/tdarr/Tdarr_Server ExecStartPre=/opt/tdarr/Tdarr_Updater ExecStart=/opt/tdarr/Tdarr_Server/Tdarr_Server TimeoutStopSec=20 KillMode=process Restart=on-failure [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target" >$service_path service_path="/etc/systemd/system/tdarr-node.service" echo "[Unit] Description=Tdarr Node Daemon After=network.target Requires=tdarr-server.service [Service] User=root Group=root Type=simple WorkingDirectory=/opt/tdarr/Tdarr_Node ExecStart=/opt/tdarr/Tdarr_Node/Tdarr_Node TimeoutStopSec=20 KillMode=process Restart=on-failure [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target" >$service_path systemctl enable --now -q tdarr-server.service systemctl enable --now -q tdarr-node.service msg_ok "Created Service" motd_ssh customize msg_info "Cleaning up" rm -rf Tdarr_Updater.zip $STD apt-get -y autoremove $STD apt-get -y autoclean msg_ok "Cleaned"