    "name": "Proxmox VE LXC IP-Tag",
    "slug": "add-lxc-iptag",
    "categories": [
    "date_created": "2024-12-16",
    "type": "misc",
    "updateable": false,
    "privileged": false,
    "interface_port": null,
    "documentation": null,
    "website": null,
    "logo": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/home-assistant/brands/master/core_integrations/proxmoxve/icon.png",
    "description": "This script automatically adds IP address as tags to LXC containers using a Systemd service. The service also updates the tags if a LXC IP address is changed.",
    "install_methods": [
            "type": "default",
            "script": "misc/add-lxc-iptag.sh",
            "resources": {
                "cpu": null,
                "ram": null,
                "hdd": null,
                "os": null,
                "version": null
    "default_credentials": {
        "username": null,
        "password": null
    "notes": [
            "text": "Execute within the Proxmox shell",
            "type": "info"
            "text": "Configuration: `nano /opt/lxc-iptag/iptag.conf`. iptag.service must be restarted after change.",
            "type": "info"
            "text": "The Proxmox Node must contain ipcalc and net-tools. `apt-get install -y ipcalc net-tools`",
            "type": "warning"