Remove Uppercasing

This commit is contained in:
Michel Roegl-Brunner 2024-12-19 11:46:11 +01:00
parent 0209a1f055
commit 5edb732cb7

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ variables() {
NSAPP=$(echo ${APP,,} | tr -d ' ') # This function sets the NSAPP variable by converting the value of the APP variable to lowercase and removing any spaces.
var_install="${NSAPP}-install" # sets the var_install variable by appending "-install" to the value of NSAPP.
INTEGER='^[0-9]+([.][0-9]+)?$' # it defines the INTEGER regular expression pattern.
PVEHOST_NAME=$(hostname | tr a-z A-Z) # gets the Proxmox Hostname and sets it to Uppercase
PVEHOST_NAME=$(hostname) # gets the Proxmox Hostname and sets it to Uppercase
# This function sets various color variables using ANSI escape codes for formatting text in the terminal.