2118 lines
51 KiB
2118 lines
51 KiB
(function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);throw new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'")}var f=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(f.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},f,f.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(require,module,exports){
* MUI CSS/JS main module
* @module main
(function(win) {
'use strict';
// return if library has been loaded already
if (win._muiLoadedJS) return;
else win._muiLoadedJS = true;
// load dependencies
var jqLite = require('src/js/lib/jqLite'),
dropdown = require('src/js/dropdown'),
overlay = require('src/js/overlay'),
ripple = require('src/js/ripple'),
select = require('src/js/select'),
tabs = require('src/js/tabs'),
textfield = require('src/js/textfield');
// expose api
win.mui = {
overlay: overlay,
tabs: tabs.api
// init libraries
jqLite.ready(function() {
* MUI config module
* @module config
/** Define module API */
module.exports = {
/** Use debug mode */
debug: true
* MUI CSS/JS animation helper module
* @module lib/animationHelpers
'use strict';
var jqLite = require('./jqLite'),
util = require('./util'),
animationEvents = 'animationstart mozAnimationStart webkitAnimationStart',
animationCallbacks = {};
* Register callbacks
* @param {String} name - The animation name
* @param {Function} callbackFn = The callback function
function onAnimationStartFn(name, callbackFn) {
// get/set callback function
var callbacks = animationCallbacks[name];
if (!callbacks) callbacks = animationCallbacks[name] = [];
// initialize listeners
if (!this.init) {
// add css classes
// add listener
jqLite.on(document, animationEvents, animationStartHandler, true);
// set flag
this.init = true;
* Animation start handler
* @param {Event} ev - The DOM event
function animationStartHandler(ev) {
var callbacks = animationCallbacks[ev.animationName] || [],
i = callbacks.length;
// exit if a callback hasn't been registered
if (!i) return;
// stop other callbacks from firing
// iterate through callbacks
while (i--) callbacks[i](ev);
* Load animation css
function loadCss() {
// define rules
var rules = [
['.mui-btn', 'mui-btn-inserted'],
['[data-mui-toggle="dropdown"]', 'mui-dropdown-inserted'],
['[data-mui-toggle="tab"]', 'mui-tab-inserted'],
['.mui-textfield > input', 'mui-textfield-inserted'],
['.mui-textfield > textarea', 'mui-textfield-inserted'],
['.mui-textfield > input:-webkit-autofill', 'mui-textfield-autofill'],
['.mui-textfield > textarea:-webkit-autofill', 'mui-textfield-autofill'],
['.mui-select > select', 'mui-select-inserted'],
['.mui-select > select ~ .mui-event-trigger', 'mui-node-inserted'],
['.mui-select > select:disabled ~ .mui-event-trigger', 'mui-node-disabled']
// build css
var css = '',
for (var i=0, m=rules.length; i < m; i++) {
rule = rules[i];
css += '@keyframes ' + rule[1];
css += '{from{transform:none;}to{transform:none;}}';
css += rule[0];
css += '{animation-duration:0.0001s;animation-name:' + rule[1] + ';}';
// add CSS to DOM
* Define module API
module.exports = {
animationEvents: animationEvents,
onAnimationStart: onAnimationStartFn
* MUI CSS/JS form helpers module
* @module lib/forms.py
'use strict';
var wrapperPadding = 15, // from CSS
inputHeight = 32, // from CSS
rowHeight = 42, // from CSS
menuPadding = 8; // from CSS
* Menu position/size/scroll helper
* @returns {Object} Object with keys 'height', 'top', 'scrollTop'
function getMenuPositionalCSSFn(wrapperEl, numRows, selectedRow) {
var viewHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
// determine 'height'
var h = numRows * rowHeight + 2 * menuPadding,
height = Math.min(h, viewHeight);
// determine 'top'
var top, initTop, minTop, maxTop;
initTop = (menuPadding + rowHeight) - (wrapperPadding + inputHeight);
initTop -= selectedRow * rowHeight;
minTop = -1 * wrapperEl.getBoundingClientRect().top;
maxTop = (viewHeight - height) + minTop;
top = Math.min(Math.max(initTop, minTop), maxTop);
// determine 'scrollTop'
var scrollTop = 0,
if (h > viewHeight) {
scrollIdeal = (menuPadding + (selectedRow + 1) * rowHeight) -
(-1 * top + wrapperPadding + inputHeight);
scrollMax = numRows * rowHeight + 2 * menuPadding - height;
scrollTop = Math.min(scrollIdeal, scrollMax);
return {
'height': height + 'px',
'top': top + 'px',
'scrollTop': scrollTop
/** Define module API */
module.exports = {
getMenuPositionalCSS: getMenuPositionalCSSFn
* MUI CSS/JS jqLite module
* @module lib/jqLite
'use strict';
* Add a class to an element.
* @param {Element} element - The DOM element.
* @param {string} cssClasses - Space separated list of class names.
function jqLiteAddClass(element, cssClasses) {
if (!cssClasses || !element.setAttribute) return;
var existingClasses = _getExistingClasses(element),
splitClasses = cssClasses.split(' '),
for (var i=0; i < splitClasses.length; i++) {
cssClass = splitClasses[i].trim();
if (existingClasses.indexOf(' ' + cssClass + ' ') === -1) {
existingClasses += cssClass + ' ';
element.setAttribute('class', existingClasses.trim());
* Get or set CSS properties.
* @param {Element} element - The DOM element.
* @param {string} [name] - The property name.
* @param {string} [value] - The property value.
function jqLiteCss(element, name, value) {
// Return full style object
if (name === undefined) {
return getComputedStyle(element);
var nameType = jqLiteType(name);
// Set multiple values
if (nameType === 'object') {
for (var key in name) element.style[_camelCase(key)] = name[key];
// Set a single value
if (nameType === 'string' && value !== undefined) {
element.style[_camelCase(name)] = value;
var styleObj = getComputedStyle(element),
isArray = (jqLiteType(name) === 'array');
// Read single value
if (!isArray) return _getCurrCssProp(element, name, styleObj);
// Read multiple values
var outObj = {},
for (var i=0; i < name.length; i++) {
key = name[i];
outObj[key] = _getCurrCssProp(element, key, styleObj);
return outObj;
* Check if element has class.
* @param {Element} element - The DOM element.
* @param {string} cls - The class name string.
function jqLiteHasClass(element, cls) {
if (!cls || !element.getAttribute) return false;
return (_getExistingClasses(element).indexOf(' ' + cls + ' ') > -1);
* Return the type of a variable.
* @param {} somevar - The JavaScript variable.
function jqLiteType(somevar) {
// handle undefined
if (somevar === undefined) return 'undefined';
// handle others (of type [object <Type>])
var typeStr = Object.prototype.toString.call(somevar);
if (typeStr.indexOf('[object ') === 0) {
return typeStr.slice(8, -1).toLowerCase();
} else {
throw new Error("MUI: Could not understand type: " + typeStr);
* Attach an event handler to a DOM element
* @param {Element} element - The DOM element.
* @param {string} events - Space separated event names.
* @param {Function} callback - The callback function.
* @param {Boolean} useCapture - Use capture flag.
function jqLiteOn(element, events, callback, useCapture) {
useCapture = (useCapture === undefined) ? false : useCapture;
var cache = element._muiEventCache = element._muiEventCache || {};
events.split(' ').map(function(event) {
// add to DOM
element.addEventListener(event, callback, useCapture);
// add to cache
cache[event] = cache[event] || [];
cache[event].push([callback, useCapture]);
* Remove an event handler from a DOM element
* @param {Element} element - The DOM element.
* @param {string} events - Space separated event names.
* @param {Function} callback - The callback function.
* @param {Boolean} useCapture - Use capture flag.
function jqLiteOff(element, events, callback, useCapture) {
useCapture = (useCapture === undefined) ? false : useCapture;
// remove from cache
var cache = element._muiEventCache = element._muiEventCache || {},
events.split(' ').map(function(event) {
argsList = cache[event] || [];
i = argsList.length;
while (i--) {
args = argsList[i];
// remove all events if callback is undefined
if (callback === undefined ||
(args[0] === callback && args[1] === useCapture)) {
// remove from cache
argsList.splice(i, 1);
// remove from DOM
element.removeEventListener(event, args[0], args[1]);
* Attach an event hander which will only execute once per element per event
* @param {Element} element - The DOM element.
* @param {string} events - Space separated event names.
* @param {Function} callback - The callback function.
* @param {Boolean} useCapture - Use capture flag.
function jqLiteOne(element, events, callback, useCapture) {
events.split(' ').map(function(event) {
jqLiteOn(element, event, function onFn(ev) {
// execute callback
if (callback) callback.apply(this, arguments);
// remove wrapper
jqLiteOff(element, event, onFn, useCapture);
}, useCapture);
* Get or set horizontal scroll position
* @param {Element} element - The DOM element
* @param {number} [value] - The scroll position
function jqLiteScrollLeft(element, value) {
var win = window;
// get
if (value === undefined) {
if (element === win) {
var docEl = document.documentElement;
return (win.pageXOffset || docEl.scrollLeft) - (docEl.clientLeft || 0);
} else {
return element.scrollLeft;
// set
if (element === win) win.scrollTo(value, jqLiteScrollTop(win));
else element.scrollLeft = value;
* Get or set vertical scroll position
* @param {Element} element - The DOM element
* @param {number} value - The scroll position
function jqLiteScrollTop(element, value) {
var win = window;
// get
if (value === undefined) {
if (element === win) {
var docEl = document.documentElement;
return (win.pageYOffset || docEl.scrollTop) - (docEl.clientTop || 0);
} else {
return element.scrollTop;
// set
if (element === win) win.scrollTo(jqLiteScrollLeft(win), value);
else element.scrollTop = value;
* Return object representing top/left offset and element height/width.
* @param {Element} element - The DOM element.
function jqLiteOffset(element) {
var win = window,
rect = element.getBoundingClientRect(),
scrollTop = jqLiteScrollTop(win),
scrollLeft = jqLiteScrollLeft(win);
return {
top: rect.top + scrollTop,
left: rect.left + scrollLeft,
height: rect.height,
width: rect.width
* Attach a callback to the DOM ready event listener
* @param {Function} fn - The callback function.
function jqLiteReady(fn) {
var done = false,
top = true,
doc = document,
win = doc.defaultView,
root = doc.documentElement,
add = doc.addEventListener ? 'addEventListener' : 'attachEvent',
rem = doc.addEventListener ? 'removeEventListener' : 'detachEvent',
pre = doc.addEventListener ? '' : 'on';
var init = function(e) {
if (e.type == 'readystatechange' && doc.readyState != 'complete') {
(e.type == 'load' ? win : doc)[rem](pre + e.type, init, false);
if (!done && (done = true)) fn.call(win, e.type || e);
var poll = function() {
try { root.doScroll('left'); } catch(e) { setTimeout(poll, 50); return; }
if (doc.readyState == 'complete') {
fn.call(win, 'lazy');
} else {
if (doc.createEventObject && root.doScroll) {
try { top = !win.frameElement; } catch(e) { }
if (top) poll();
doc[add](pre + 'DOMContentLoaded', init, false);
doc[add](pre + 'readystatechange', init, false);
win[add](pre + 'load', init, false);
* Remove classes from a DOM element
* @param {Element} element - The DOM element.
* @param {string} cssClasses - Space separated list of class names.
function jqLiteRemoveClass(element, cssClasses) {
if (!cssClasses || !element.setAttribute) return;
var existingClasses = _getExistingClasses(element),
splitClasses = cssClasses.split(' '),
for (var i=0; i < splitClasses.length; i++) {
cssClass = splitClasses[i].trim();
while (existingClasses.indexOf(' ' + cssClass + ' ') >= 0) {
existingClasses = existingClasses.replace(' ' + cssClass + ' ', ' ');
element.setAttribute('class', existingClasses.trim());
// ------------------------------
// Utilities
// ------------------------------
var SPECIAL_CHARS_REGEXP = /([\:\-\_]+(.))/g,
MOZ_HACK_REGEXP = /^moz([A-Z])/,
ESCAPE_REGEXP = /([.*+?^=!:${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g;
function _getExistingClasses(element) {
var classes = (element.getAttribute('class') || '').replace(/[\n\t]/g, '');
return ' ' + classes + ' ';
function _camelCase(name) {
return name.
replace(SPECIAL_CHARS_REGEXP, function(_, separator, letter, offset) {
return offset ? letter.toUpperCase() : letter;
replace(MOZ_HACK_REGEXP, 'Moz$1');
function _escapeRegExp(string) {
return string.replace(ESCAPE_REGEXP, "\\$1");
function _getCurrCssProp(elem, name, computed) {
var ret;
// try computed style
ret = computed.getPropertyValue(name);
// try style attribute (if element is not attached to document)
if (ret === '' && !elem.ownerDocument) ret = elem.style[_camelCase(name)];
return ret;
* Module API
module.exports = {
/** Add classes */
addClass: jqLiteAddClass,
/** Get or set CSS properties */
css: jqLiteCss,
/** Check for class */
hasClass: jqLiteHasClass,
/** Remove event handlers */
off: jqLiteOff,
/** Return offset values */
offset: jqLiteOffset,
/** Add event handlers */
on: jqLiteOn,
/** Add an execute-once event handler */
one: jqLiteOne,
/** DOM ready event handler */
ready: jqLiteReady,
/** Remove classes */
removeClass: jqLiteRemoveClass,
/** Check JavaScript variable instance type */
type: jqLiteType,
/** Get or set horizontal scroll position */
scrollLeft: jqLiteScrollLeft,
/** Get or set vertical scroll position */
scrollTop: jqLiteScrollTop
* MUI CSS/JS utilities module
* @module lib/util
'use strict';
var config = require('../config'),
jqLite = require('./jqLite'),
scrollLock = 0,
scrollLockCls = 'mui-scroll-lock',
scrollEventHandler = function(ev) {
// stop propagation on window scroll events
if (!ev.target.tagName) ev.stopImmediatePropagation();
* Logging function
function logFn() {
var win = window;
if (config.debug && typeof win.console !== "undefined") {
try {
win.console.log.apply(win.console, arguments);
} catch (a) {
var e = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
* Load CSS text in new stylesheet
* @param {string} cssText - The css text.
function loadStyleFn(cssText) {
var doc = document,
// copied from jQuery
head = doc.head ||
doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] ||
var e = doc.createElement('style');
e.type = 'text/css';
if (e.styleSheet) e.styleSheet.cssText = cssText;
else e.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(cssText));
// add to document
head.insertBefore(e, head.firstChild);
return e;
* Raise an error
* @param {string} msg - The error message.
function raiseErrorFn(msg, useConsole) {
if (useConsole) {
if (typeof console !== 'undefined') console.error('MUI Warning: ' + msg);
} else {
throw new Error('MUI: ' + msg);
* Convert Classname object, with class as key and true/false as value, to an
* class string.
* @param {Object} classes The classes
* @return {String} class string
function classNamesFn(classes) {
var cs = '';
for (var i in classes) {
cs += (classes[i]) ? i + ' ' : '';
return cs.trim();
* Check if client supports pointer events.
function supportsPointerEventsFn() {
// check cache
if (_supportsPointerEvents !== undefined) return _supportsPointerEvents;
var element = document.createElement('x');
element.style.cssText = 'pointer-events:auto';
_supportsPointerEvents = (element.style.pointerEvents === 'auto');
return _supportsPointerEvents;
* Create callback closure.
* @param {Object} instance - The object instance.
* @param {String} funcName - The name of the callback function.
function callbackFn(instance, funcName) {
return function() {instance[funcName].apply(instance, arguments);};
* Dispatch event.
* @param {Element} element - The DOM element.
* @param {String} eventType - The event type.
* @param {Boolean} bubbles=true - If true, event bubbles.
* @param {Boolean} cancelable=true = If true, event is cancelable
* @param {Object} [data] - Data to add to event object
function dispatchEventFn(element, eventType, bubbles, cancelable, data) {
var ev = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents'),
bubbles = (bubbles !== undefined) ? bubbles : true,
cancelable = (cancelable !== undefined) ? cancelable : true,
ev.initEvent(eventType, bubbles, cancelable);
// add data to event object
if (data) for (k in data) ev[k] = data[k];
// dispatch
if (element) element.dispatchEvent(ev);
return ev;
* Turn on window scroll lock.
function enableScrollLockFn() {
// increment counter
scrollLock += 1;
// add lock
if (scrollLock === 1) {
var doc = document,
win = window,
htmlEl = doc.documentElement,
bodyEl = doc.body,
scrollBarWidth = getScrollBarWidth(),
// define scroll lock class dynamically
cssProps = ['overflow:hidden'];
if (scrollBarWidth) {
// scrollbar-y
if (htmlEl.scrollHeight > htmlEl.clientHeight) {
x = parseInt(jqLite.css(bodyEl, 'padding-right')) + scrollBarWidth;
cssProps.push('padding-right:' + x + 'px');
// scrollbar-x
if (htmlEl.scrollWidth > htmlEl.clientWidth) {
x = parseInt(jqLite.css(bodyEl, 'padding-bottom')) + scrollBarWidth;
cssProps.push('padding-bottom:' + x + 'px');
// define css class dynamically
cssStr = '.' + scrollLockCls + '{';
cssStr += cssProps.join(' !important;') + ' !important;}';
scrollStyleEl = loadStyleFn(cssStr);
// cancel 'scroll' event listener callbacks
jqLite.on(win, 'scroll', scrollEventHandler, true);
// add scroll lock
scrollLockPos = {left: jqLite.scrollLeft(win), top: jqLite.scrollTop(win)};
jqLite.addClass(bodyEl, scrollLockCls);
* Turn off window scroll lock.
* @param {Boolean} resetPos - Reset scroll position to original value.
function disableScrollLockFn(resetPos) {
// ignore
if (scrollLock === 0) return;
// decrement counter
scrollLock -= 1;
// remove lock
if (scrollLock === 0) {
// remove scroll lock and delete style element
jqLite.removeClass(document.body, scrollLockCls);
// restore scroll position
if (resetPos) window.scrollTo(scrollLockPos.left, scrollLockPos.top);
// restore scroll event listeners
jqLite.off(window, 'scroll', scrollEventHandler, true);
* Return scroll bar width.
var getScrollBarWidth = function() {
// check cache
if (_scrollBarWidth !== undefined) return _scrollBarWidth;
// calculate scroll bar width
var doc = document,
bodyEl = doc.body,
el = doc.createElement('div');
el.innerHTML = '<div style="width:50px;height:50px;position:absolute;' +
'left:-50px;top:-50px;overflow:auto;"><div style="width:1px;' +
el = el.firstChild;
_scrollBarWidth = el.offsetWidth - el.clientWidth;
return _scrollBarWidth;
* requestAnimationFrame polyfilled
* @param {Function} callback - The callback function
function requestAnimationFrameFn(callback) {
var fn = window.requestAnimationFrame;
if (fn) fn(callback);
else setTimeout(callback, 0);
* Define the module API
module.exports = {
/** Create callback closures */
callback: callbackFn,
/** Classnames object to string */
classNames: classNamesFn,
/** Disable scroll lock */
disableScrollLock: disableScrollLockFn,
/** Dispatch event */
dispatchEvent: dispatchEventFn,
/** Enable scroll lock */
enableScrollLock: enableScrollLockFn,
/** Log messages to the console when debug is turned on */
log: logFn,
/** Load CSS text as new stylesheet */
loadStyle: loadStyleFn,
/** Raise MUI error */
raiseError: raiseErrorFn,
/** Request animation frame */
requestAnimationFrame: requestAnimationFrameFn,
/** Support Pointer Events check */
supportsPointerEvents: supportsPointerEventsFn
* MUI CSS/JS dropdown module
* @module dropdowns
'use strict';
var jqLite = require('./lib/jqLite'),
util = require('./lib/util'),
animationHelpers = require('./lib/animationHelpers'),
attrKey = 'data-mui-toggle',
attrSelector = '[data-mui-toggle="dropdown"]',
openClass = 'mui--is-open',
menuClass = 'mui-dropdown__menu';
* Initialize toggle element.
* @param {Element} toggleEl - The toggle element.
function initialize(toggleEl) {
// check flag
if (toggleEl._muiDropdown === true) return;
else toggleEl._muiDropdown = true;
// use type "button" to prevent form submission by default
var tagName = toggleEl.tagName;
if ((tagName === 'INPUT' || tagName === 'BUTTON')
&& !toggleEl.hasAttribute('type')) {
toggleEl.type = 'button';
// attach click handler
jqLite.on(toggleEl, 'click', clickHandler);
* Handle click events on dropdown toggle element.
* @param {Event} ev - The DOM event
function clickHandler(ev) {
// only left clicks
if (ev.button !== 0) return;
var toggleEl = this;
// exit if toggle button is disabled
if (toggleEl.getAttribute('disabled') !== null) return;
// toggle dropdown
* Toggle the dropdown.
* @param {Element} toggleEl - The dropdown toggle element.
function toggleDropdown(toggleEl) {
var wrapperEl = toggleEl.parentNode,
menuEl = toggleEl.nextElementSibling,
doc = wrapperEl.ownerDocument;
// exit if no menu element
if (!menuEl || !jqLite.hasClass(menuEl, menuClass)) {
return util.raiseError('Dropdown menu element not found');
// method to close dropdown
function closeDropdownFn() {
jqLite.removeClass(menuEl, openClass);
// remove event handlers
jqLite.off(doc, 'click', closeDropdownFn);
// method to open dropdown
function openDropdownFn() {
// position menu element below toggle button
var wrapperRect = wrapperEl.getBoundingClientRect(),
toggleRect = toggleEl.getBoundingClientRect();
var top = toggleRect.top - wrapperRect.top + toggleRect.height;
jqLite.css(menuEl, 'top', top + 'px');
// add open class to wrapper
jqLite.addClass(menuEl, openClass);
// close dropdown when user clicks outside of menu
setTimeout(function() {jqLite.on(doc, 'click', closeDropdownFn);}, 0);
// toggle dropdown
if (jqLite.hasClass(menuEl, openClass)) closeDropdownFn();
else openDropdownFn();
/** Define module API */
module.exports = {
/** Initialize module listeners */
initListeners: function() {
// markup elements available when method is called
var elList = document.querySelectorAll(attrSelector),
i = elList.length;
while (i--) {initialize(elList[i]);}
// listen for new elements
animationHelpers.onAnimationStart('mui-dropdown-inserted', function(ev) {
* MUI CSS/JS overlay module
* @module overlay
'use strict';
var util = require('./lib/util'),
jqLite = require('./lib/jqLite'),
overlayId = 'mui-overlay',
bodyClass = 'mui--overflow-hidden',
iosRegex = /(iPad|iPhone|iPod)/g,
* Turn overlay on/off.
* @param {string} action - Turn overlay "on"/"off".
* @param {object} [options]
* @config {boolean} [keyboard] - If true, close when escape key is pressed.
* @config {boolean} [static] - If false, close when backdrop is clicked.
* @config {Function} [onclose] - Callback function to execute on close
* @param {Element} [childElement] - Child element to add to overlay.
function overlayFn(action) {
var overlayEl;
if (action === 'on') {
// extract arguments
var arg, options, childElement;
// pull options and childElement from arguments
for (var i=arguments.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
arg = arguments[i];
if (jqLite.type(arg) === 'object') options = arg;
if (arg instanceof Element && arg.nodeType === 1) childElement = arg;
// option defaults
options = options || {};
if (options.keyboard === undefined) options.keyboard = true;
if (options.static === undefined) options.static = false;
// execute method
overlayEl = overlayOn(options, childElement);
} else if (action === 'off') {
overlayEl = overlayOff();
} else {
// raise error
util.raiseError("Expecting 'on' or 'off'");
return overlayEl;
* Turn on overlay.
* @param {object} options - Overlay options.
* @param {Element} childElement - The child element.
function overlayOn(options, childElement) {
var doc = document,
bodyEl = doc.body,
overlayEl = doc.getElementById(overlayId);
// cache activeElement
if (doc.activeElement) activeElement = doc.activeElement;
// add overlay
if (!overlayEl) {
// create overlayEl
overlayEl = doc.createElement('div');
overlayEl.setAttribute('id', overlayId);
overlayEl.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1');
// add child element
if (childElement) overlayEl.appendChild(childElement);
} else {
// remove existing children
while (overlayEl.firstChild) overlayEl.removeChild(overlayEl.firstChild);
// add child element
if (childElement) overlayEl.appendChild(childElement);
// iOS bugfix
if (iosRegex.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
jqLite.css(overlayEl, 'cursor', 'pointer');
// handle options
if (options.keyboard) addKeyupHandler();
else removeKeyupHandler();
if (options.static) removeClickHandler(overlayEl);
else addClickHandler(overlayEl);
// attach options
overlayEl.muiOptions = options;
// focus overlay element
return overlayEl;
* Turn off overlay.
function overlayOff() {
var overlayEl = document.getElementById(overlayId),
if (overlayEl) {
// remove children
while (overlayEl.firstChild) overlayEl.removeChild(overlayEl.firstChild);
// remove overlay element
// callback reference
callbackFn = overlayEl.muiOptions.onclose;
// remove click handler
// remove keyup handler
// return focus to activeElement
if (activeElement) activeElement.focus();
// execute callback
if (callbackFn) callbackFn();
return overlayEl;
* Add keyup handler.
function addKeyupHandler() {
jqLite.on(document, 'keyup', onKeyup);
* Remove keyup handler.
function removeKeyupHandler() {
jqLite.off(document, 'keyup', onKeyup);
* Teardown overlay when escape key is pressed.
function onKeyup(ev) {
if (ev.keyCode === 27) overlayOff();
* Add click handler.
function addClickHandler(overlayEl) {
jqLite.on(overlayEl, 'click', onClick);
* Remove click handler.
function removeClickHandler(overlayEl) {
jqLite.off(overlayEl, 'click', onClick);
* Teardown overlay when backdrop is clicked.
function onClick(ev) {
if (ev.target.id === overlayId) overlayOff();
/** Define module API */
module.exports = overlayFn;
* MUI CSS/JS ripple module
* @module ripple
'use strict';
var jqLite = require('./lib/jqLite'),
util = require('./lib/util'),
animationHelpers = require('./lib/animationHelpers'),
supportsTouch = 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement,
mouseDownEvents = (supportsTouch) ? 'touchstart' : 'mousedown',
mouseUpEvents = (supportsTouch) ? 'touchend' : 'mouseup mouseleave';
* Add ripple effects to button element.
* @param {Element} buttonEl - The button element.
function initialize(buttonEl) {
// check flag
if (buttonEl._muiRipple === true) return;
else buttonEl._muiRipple = true;
// exit if element is INPUT (doesn't support absolute positioned children)
if (buttonEl.tagName === 'INPUT') return;
// attach event handler
jqLite.on(buttonEl, mouseDownEvents, mouseDownHandler);
* MouseDown Event handler.
* @param {Event} ev - The DOM event
function mouseDownHandler(ev) {
// only left clicks
if (ev.type === 'mousedown' && ev.button !== 0) return;
var buttonEl = this,
rippleEl = buttonEl._rippleEl;
// exit if button is disabled
if (buttonEl.disabled) return;
if (!rippleEl) {
// add ripple container (to avoid https://github.com/muicss/mui/issues/169)
var el = document.createElement('span');
el.className = 'mui-btn__ripple-container';
el.innerHTML = '<span class="mui-ripple"></span>';
// cache reference to ripple element
rippleEl = buttonEl._rippleEl = el.children[0];
// add mouseup handler on first-click
jqLite.on(buttonEl, mouseUpEvents, mouseUpHandler);
// get ripple element offset values and (x, y) position of click
var offset = jqLite.offset(buttonEl),
clickEv = (ev.type === 'touchstart') ? ev.touches[0] : ev,
// calculate radius
radius = Math.sqrt(offset.height * offset.height +
offset.width * offset.width);
diameter = radius * 2 + 'px';
// set position and dimensions
jqLite.css(rippleEl, {
width: diameter,
height: diameter,
top: Math.round(clickEv.pageY - offset.top - radius) + 'px',
left: Math.round(clickEv.pageX - offset.left - radius) + 'px'
jqLite.removeClass(rippleEl, 'mui--is-animating');
jqLite.addClass(rippleEl, 'mui--is-visible');
// start animation
util.requestAnimationFrame(function() {
jqLite.addClass(rippleEl, 'mui--is-animating');
* MouseUp event handler.
* @param {Event} ev - The DOM event
function mouseUpHandler(ev) {
// get ripple element
var rippleEl = this._rippleEl;
// allow a repaint to occur before removing class so animation shows for
// tap events
util.requestAnimationFrame(function() {
jqLite.removeClass(rippleEl, 'mui--is-visible');
/** Define module API */
module.exports = {
/** Initialize module listeners */
initListeners: function() {
// markup elements available when method is called
var elList = document.getElementsByClassName('mui-btn'),
i = elList.length;
while (i--) initialize(elList[i]);
// listen for new elements
animationHelpers.onAnimationStart('mui-btn-inserted', function(ev) {
* MUI CSS/JS select module
* @module forms/select
'use strict';
var jqLite = require('./lib/jqLite'),
util = require('./lib/util'),
animationHelpers = require('./lib/animationHelpers'),
formlib = require('./lib/forms'),
wrapperClass = 'mui-select',
cssSelector = '.mui-select > select',
menuClass = 'mui-select__menu',
selectedClass = 'mui--is-selected',
disabledClass = 'mui--is-disabled',
doc = document,
win = window;
* Initialize select element.
* @param {Element} selectEl - The select element.
function initialize(selectEl) {
// check flag
if (selectEl._muiSelect === true) return;
else selectEl._muiSelect = true;
// use default behavior on touch devices
if ('ontouchstart' in doc.documentElement) return;
// NOTE: To get around cross-browser issues with <select> behavior we will
// defer focus to the parent element and handle events there
var wrapperEl = selectEl.parentNode;
// initialize variables
wrapperEl._selectEl = selectEl;
wrapperEl._menu = null;
wrapperEl._q = '';
wrapperEl._qTimeout = null;
// make wrapper tab focusable, remove tab focus from <select>
if (!selectEl.disabled) wrapperEl.tabIndex = 0;
selectEl.tabIndex = -1;
// prevent built-in menu from opening on <select>
jqLite.on(selectEl, 'mousedown', onInnerMouseDown);
// attach event listeners for custom menu
jqLite.on(wrapperEl, 'click', onWrapperClick);
jqLite.on(wrapperEl, 'blur focus', onWrapperBlurOrFocus);
jqLite.on(wrapperEl, 'keydown', onWrapperKeyDown);
jqLite.on(wrapperEl, 'keypress', onWrapperKeyPress);
// add element to detect 'disabled' change (using sister element due to
// IE/Firefox issue
var el = document.createElement('div');
el.className = 'mui-event-trigger';
// handle 'disabled' add/remove
jqLite.on(el, animationHelpers.animationEvents, function(ev) {
// no need to propagate
if (ev.animationName === 'mui-node-disabled') {
} else {
ev.target.parentNode.tabIndex = 0;
* Disable default dropdown on mousedown.
* @param {Event} ev - The DOM event
function onInnerMouseDown(ev) {
// only left clicks
if (ev.button !== 0) return;
// prevent built-in menu from opening
* Dispatch focus and blur events on inner <select> element.
* @param {Event} ev - The DOM event
function onWrapperBlurOrFocus(ev) {
util.dispatchEvent(this._selectEl, ev.type, false, false);
* Handle keydown events when wrapper is focused
function onWrapperKeyDown(ev) {
if (ev.defaultPrevented) return;
var keyCode = ev.keyCode,
menu = this._menu;
if (!menu) {
// spacebar, down, up
if (keyCode === 32 || keyCode === 38 || keyCode === 40) {
// open custom menu
} else {
// tab
if (keyCode === 9) return menu.destroy();
// escape | up | down | enter
if (keyCode === 27 || keyCode === 40 || keyCode === 38 || keyCode === 13) {
if (keyCode === 27) {
// escape
} else if (keyCode === 40) {
// up
} else if (keyCode === 38) {
// down
} else if (keyCode === 13) {
// enter
function onWrapperKeyPress(ev) {
var menu = this._menu;
// exit if default prevented or menu is closed
if (ev.defaultPrevented || !menu) return;
// handle query timer
var self = this;
this._q += ev.key;
this._qTimeout = setTimeout(function() {self._q = '';}, 300);
// select first match alphabetically
var prefixRegex = new RegExp('^' + this._q, 'i'),
itemArray = menu.itemArray,
for (pos in itemArray) {
if (prefixRegex.test(itemArray[pos].innerText)) {
* Handle click events on wrapper element.
* @param {Event} ev - The DOM event
function onWrapperClick(ev) {
// only left clicks, check default and disabled flags
if (ev.button !== 0 || this._selectEl.disabled) return;
// focus wrapper
// open menu
* Render options menu
function renderMenu(wrapperEl) {
// check instance
if (wrapperEl._menu) return;
// render custom menu
wrapperEl._menu = new Menu(wrapperEl, wrapperEl._selectEl, function() {
wrapperEl._menu = null; // de-reference instance
* Creates a new Menu
* @class
function Menu(wrapperEl, selectEl, wrapperCallbackFn) {
// add scroll lock
// instance variables
this.itemArray = [];
this.origPos = null;
this.currentPos = null;
this.selectEl = selectEl;
this.wrapperEl = wrapperEl;
this.menuEl = this._createMenuEl(wrapperEl, selectEl);
var cb = util.callback;
this.onClickCB = cb(this, 'onClick');
this.destroyCB = cb(this, 'destroy');
this.wrapperCallbackFn = wrapperCallbackFn;
// add to DOM
jqLite.scrollTop(this.menuEl, this.menuEl._scrollTop);
// attach event handlers
var destroyCB = this.destroyCB;
jqLite.on(this.menuEl, 'click', this.onClickCB);
jqLite.on(win, 'resize', destroyCB);
// attach event handler after current event loop exits
setTimeout(function() {jqLite.on(doc, 'click', destroyCB);}, 0);
* Create menu element
* @param {Element} selectEl - The select element
Menu.prototype._createMenuEl = function(wrapperEl, selectEl) {
var menuEl = doc.createElement('div'),
childEls = selectEl.children,
itemArray = this.itemArray,
itemPos = 0,
origPos = -1,
selectedPos = 0,
selectedRow = 0,
docFrag = document.createDocumentFragment(), // for speed
menuEl.className = menuClass;
for (i=0, iMax=childEls.length; i < iMax; i++) {
loopEl = childEls[i];
if (loopEl.tagName === 'OPTGROUP') {
// add row item to menu
rowEl = doc.createElement('div');
rowEl.textContent = loopEl.label;
rowEl.className = 'mui-optgroup__label';
inGroup = true;
optionEls = loopEl.children;
} else {
inGroup = false;
optionEls = [loopEl];
// loop through option elements
for (j=0, jMax=optionEls.length; j < jMax; j++) {
loopEl = optionEls[j];
// add row item to menu
rowEl = doc.createElement('div');
rowEl.textContent = loopEl.textContent;
// handle optgroup options
if (inGroup) jqLite.addClass(rowEl, 'mui-optgroup__option');
if (loopEl.disabled) {
// do not attach muiIndex to disable <option> elements to make them
// unselectable.
jqLite.addClass(rowEl, disabledClass);
} else {
rowEl._muiIndex = loopEl.index;
rowEl._muiPos = itemPos;
// handle selected options
if (loopEl.selected) {
selectedRow = menuEl.children.length;
origPos = itemPos;
selectedPos = itemPos;
// add to item array
itemPos += 1;
// add rows to menu
// save indices
this.origPos = origPos;
this.currentPos = selectedPos;
// paint selectedPos
if (itemArray.length) jqLite.addClass(itemArray[selectedPos], selectedClass);
// set position
var props = formlib.getMenuPositionalCSS(
jqLite.css(menuEl, props);
menuEl._scrollTop = props.scrollTop;
return menuEl;
* Handle click events on menu element.
* @param {Event} ev - The DOM event
Menu.prototype.onClick = function(ev) {
// don't allow events to bubble
var item = ev.target,
index = item._muiIndex;
// ignore clicks on non-items
if (index === undefined) return;
// select option
this.currentPos = item._muiPos;
// destroy menu
* Increment selected item
Menu.prototype.increment = function() {
if (this.currentPos === this.itemArray.length - 1) return;
// un-select old row
jqLite.removeClass(this.itemArray[this.currentPos], selectedClass);
// select new row
this.currentPos += 1;
jqLite.addClass(this.itemArray[this.currentPos], selectedClass);
* Decrement selected item
Menu.prototype.decrement = function() {
if (this.currentPos === 0) return;
// un-select old row
jqLite.removeClass(this.itemArray[this.currentPos], selectedClass);
// select new row
this.currentPos -= 1;
jqLite.addClass(this.itemArray[this.currentPos], selectedClass);
* Select current item
Menu.prototype.selectCurrent = function() {
if (this.currentPos !== this.origPos) {
this.selectEl.selectedIndex = this.itemArray[this.currentPos]._muiIndex;
// trigger change event
util.dispatchEvent(this.selectEl, 'change', false, false);
* Select item at position
Menu.prototype.selectPos = function(pos) {
// un-select old row
jqLite.removeClass(this.itemArray[this.currentPos], selectedClass);
// select new row
this.currentPos = pos;
jqLite.addClass(this.itemArray[pos], selectedClass);
* Destroy menu and detach event handlers
Menu.prototype.destroy = function() {
// remove scroll lock
// remove event handlers
jqLite.off(this.menuEl, 'click', this.clickCallbackFn);
jqLite.off(doc, 'click', this.destroyCB);
jqLite.off(win, 'resize', this.destroyCB);
// remove element and execute wrapper callback
var parentNode = this.menuEl.parentNode;
if (parentNode) {
/** Define module API */
module.exports = {
/** Initialize module listeners */
initListeners: function() {
// markup elements available when method is called
var elList = doc.querySelectorAll(cssSelector),
i = elList.length;
while (i--) initialize(elList[i]);
// listen for mui-node-inserted events
animationHelpers.onAnimationStart('mui-select-inserted', function(ev) {
* MUI CSS/JS tabs module
* @module tabs
'use strict';
var jqLite = require('./lib/jqLite'),
util = require('./lib/util'),
animationHelpers = require('./lib/animationHelpers'),
attrKey = 'data-mui-toggle',
attrSelector = '[' + attrKey + '="tab"]',
controlsAttrKey = 'data-mui-controls',
activeClass = 'mui--is-active',
showstartKey = 'mui.tabs.showstart',
showendKey = 'mui.tabs.showend',
hidestartKey = 'mui.tabs.hidestart',
hideendKey = 'mui.tabs.hideend';
* Initialize the toggle element
* @param {Element} toggleEl - The toggle element.
function initialize(toggleEl) {
// check flag
if (toggleEl._muiTabs === true) return;
else toggleEl._muiTabs = true;
// attach click handler
jqLite.on(toggleEl, 'click', clickHandler);
* Handle clicks on the toggle element.
* @param {Event} ev - The DOM event.
function clickHandler(ev) {
// only left clicks
if (ev.button !== 0) return;
var toggleEl = this;
// exit if toggle element is disabled
if (toggleEl.getAttribute('disabled') !== null) return;
* Activate the tab controlled by the toggle element.
* @param {Element} toggleEl - The toggle element.
function activateTab(currToggleEl) {
var currTabEl = currToggleEl.parentNode,
currPaneId = currToggleEl.getAttribute(controlsAttrKey),
currPaneEl = document.getElementById(currPaneId),
// exit if already active
if (jqLite.hasClass(currTabEl, activeClass)) return;
// raise error if pane doesn't exist
if (!currPaneEl) util.raiseError('Tab pane "' + currPaneId + '" not found');
// get previous pane
prevPaneEl = getActiveSibling(currPaneEl);
prevPaneId = prevPaneEl.id;
// get previous toggle and tab elements
cssSelector = '[' + controlsAttrKey + '="' + prevPaneId + '"]';
prevToggleEl = document.querySelectorAll(cssSelector)[0];
prevTabEl = prevToggleEl.parentNode;
// define event data
currData = {paneId: currPaneId, relatedPaneId: prevPaneId};
prevData = {paneId: prevPaneId, relatedPaneId: currPaneId};
// dispatch 'hidestart', 'showstart' events
ev1 = util.dispatchEvent(prevToggleEl, hidestartKey, true, true, prevData);
ev2 = util.dispatchEvent(currToggleEl, showstartKey, true, true, currData);
// let events bubble
setTimeout(function() {
// exit if either event was canceled
if (ev1.defaultPrevented || ev2.defaultPrevented) return;
// de-activate previous
if (prevTabEl) jqLite.removeClass(prevTabEl, activeClass);
if (prevPaneEl) jqLite.removeClass(prevPaneEl, activeClass);
// activate current
jqLite.addClass(currTabEl, activeClass);
jqLite.addClass(currPaneEl, activeClass);
// dispatch 'hideend', 'showend' events
util.dispatchEvent(prevToggleEl, hideendKey, true, false, prevData);
util.dispatchEvent(currToggleEl, showendKey, true, false, currData);
}, 0);
* Get previous active sibling.
* @param {Element} el - The anchor element.
function getActiveSibling(el) {
var elList = el.parentNode.children,
q = elList.length,
activeEl = null,
while (q-- && !activeEl) {
tmpEl = elList[q];
if (tmpEl !== el && jqLite.hasClass(tmpEl, activeClass)) activeEl = tmpEl
return activeEl;
/** Define module API */
module.exports = {
/** Initialize module listeners */
initListeners: function() {
// markup elements available when method is called
var elList = document.querySelectorAll(attrSelector),
i = elList.length;
while (i--) {initialize(elList[i]);}
animationHelpers.onAnimationStart('mui-tab-inserted', function(ev) {
/** External API */
api: {
activate: function(paneId) {
var cssSelector = '[' + controlsAttrKey + '=' + paneId + ']',
toggleEl = document.querySelectorAll(cssSelector);
if (!toggleEl.length) {
util.raiseError('Tab control for pane "' + paneId + '" not found');
* MUI CSS/JS form-control module
* @module forms/form-control
'use strict';
var jqLite = require('./lib/jqLite'),
util = require('./lib/util'),
animationHelpers = require('./lib/animationHelpers'),
cssSelector = '.mui-textfield > input, .mui-textfield > textarea',
floatingLabelClass = 'mui-textfield--float-label';
var touchedClass = 'mui--is-touched', // hasn't lost focus yet
untouchedClass = 'mui--is-untouched',
pristineClass = 'mui--is-pristine', // user hasn't interacted yet
dirtyClass = 'mui--is-dirty',
emptyClass = 'mui--is-empty', // control is empty
notEmptyClass = 'mui--is-not-empty';
* Initialize input element.
* @param {Element} inputEl - The input element.
function initialize(inputEl) {
// check flag
if (inputEl._muiTextfield === true) return;
else inputEl._muiTextfield = true;
// add initial control state classes
if (inputEl.value.length) jqLite.addClass(inputEl, notEmptyClass);
else jqLite.addClass(inputEl, emptyClass);
jqLite.addClass(inputEl, untouchedClass + ' ' + pristineClass);
// replace `untouched` with `touched` when control loses focus
jqLite.on(inputEl, 'blur', function blurHandler () {
// ignore if event is a window blur
if (document.activeElement === inputEl) return;
// replace class and remove event handler
jqLite.removeClass(inputEl, untouchedClass);
jqLite.addClass(inputEl, touchedClass);
jqLite.off(inputEl, 'blur', blurHandler);
// replace `pristine` with `dirty` when user interacts with control
jqLite.one(inputEl, 'input change', function() {
jqLite.removeClass(inputEl, pristineClass);
jqLite.addClass(inputEl, dirtyClass);
// add change handler
jqLite.on(inputEl, 'input change', inputHandler);
* Handle input events.
function inputHandler() {
var inputEl = this;
if (inputEl.value.length) {
jqLite.removeClass(inputEl, emptyClass);
jqLite.addClass(inputEl, notEmptyClass);
} else {
jqLite.removeClass(inputEl, notEmptyClass);
jqLite.addClass(inputEl, emptyClass)
* Handle autofill events.
function autofillHandler(inputEl) {
// exit if not under css/js control
if (inputEl._muiTextfield !== true) return;
// execute inputHandler
/** Define module API */
module.exports = {
/** Initialize input elements */
initialize: initialize,
/** Initialize module listeners */
initListeners: function() {
var doc = document;
// markup elements available when method is called
var elList = doc.querySelectorAll(cssSelector),
i = elList.length;
while (i--) initialize(elList[i]);
// listen for new elements
animationHelpers.onAnimationStart('mui-textfield-inserted', function(ev) {
// add transition css for floating labels
setTimeout(function() {
var css = '.mui-textfield.mui-textfield--float-label > label {' + [
].join(':all .15s ease-out;') + '}';
}, 150);
// listen for autofill events
animationHelpers.onAnimationStart('mui-textfield-autofill', function(ev) {
// pointer-events shim for floating labels
if (util.supportsPointerEvents() === false) {
jqLite.on(doc, 'click', function(ev) {
var targetEl = ev.target;
if (targetEl.tagName === 'LABEL' &&
jqLite.hasClass(targetEl.parentNode, floatingLabelClass)) {
var inputEl = targetEl.previousElementSibling;
if (inputEl) inputEl.focus();
},{"./lib/animationHelpers":3,"./lib/jqLite":5,"./lib/util":6}]},{},[1]) |